[Wesnoth-dev] UMC namespaces

2008-02-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Benoit Timbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> There is two kind of possible collision between two UMC addons :
> - Macros :
>   If two addons use the same macros with a different definition they can
> collide (except if #undef is used wisely) so one of the two addons will be
> broken
> - WML data :
>   If two addons define units with the same ids, races with the same ids,
> movement types with the same id,... Then one of the two addons will use the
> definitions from the other addon, which might be wrong.

OK, I think I understand.

This kind of issue is why wmlscope has an idea of namespaces built into it.

You may recall that soon after I first wrote wmlscope I reorganized
the Wesnoth data tree so essentially all the core content lives under
data/core and each campaign lives under a single identifiable directory
beneath data/campaigns (which is why I invented _main.cfg).  Here is
why I did that...

When you invoke wmlscope, what you are supposed to hand it (after the
control options) is a series of directory arguments.  Each directory is
treated *as the root of a namespace*.  Multiple definitions of the
same macro or resource name within a single namespace (a single named
file tree) trigger a warning message from wmlscope, But the same
macro or resource may be defined in *different* namespaces without
causing an error message.  Except...

The first directory argument is special.  It is assumed to be the
"core" namespace.  It exports definitions rather than just importing
them.  Redefinitions of a core macro or resource in any other
namespace are treated as errors.

And now you know why I had to reorganize the data tree.  It was so I
could write this:

wmlscope  data/core  data/multiplayer  data/themes  data/campaigns/*

and have it be shell-expanded into the right list of namespace roots, without
either (a) having to specify the list of campaibns, or (b) include markup
specifying namespace scopes in the WML.

I think what you are telling me is that addons all need to be treated like the
core namespace -- that is, they export definitions rather than just importing
them, and any clash with another exported definition is an error.

Matters are slightly complicated by the fact that wmlscope doues not 
presently check for {unit,race,movetype} ID collisions; wmllint does some 
of that, but not enough for what you want.  That's a detail that can be
fixed with an hour or two of Python programming.

In principle, what we could do is run a slighly enhanced wmllint every time
an add-on is submitted to the campaign server and reject the add-on with
an explanatory message if it detects a potential collision.
http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond

Wesnoth-dev mailing list

[Wesnoth-dev] GSOC page

2008-02-27 Thread jeremy rosen
Hey all

I have started filling the skeleton page for GSoC


please try to develop the missing ideas and fill in the question we have to
answer as aproject.

and we still need a mentor.
Wesnoth-dev mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-dev] Summary of FOSDEM 2008

2008-02-27 Thread Mark de Wever
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 06:41:30PM +0100, Nils Kneuper wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everybody!
> Last weekend we had a small Wesconf at FOSDEM 2008 in Brussels.

And some more points:

What should we do with the old buildin MP server, it's disabled in the
display now. Do we want to fix it or remove it. I vote for the latter
but it would be good to really remove the code instead of letting it
bitrot away.

We also expect the first (few) 1.5.x releases to be quite shaky since we
want to do quite some intrusive changes early in 1.5.

Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

Wesnoth-dev mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-dev] Participating in GSoC

2008-02-27 Thread Nils Kneuper
Hash: SHA1

I just had a look at those documents. Thanks For posting these, some more
comments below the specific sections

Christopher Sean Morrison schrieb:
| On that note, there are some quick introductory materials that we put
| together that I thought might be of interest.  One is a brief 6-page
| presentation that provides a brief high-level overview for folks that
| don't know what the program is about:
| http://my.bzflag.org/gsoc/GSoC2007_Overview.pdf
| (warning: 5MB PDF)

This document is really nice since it does also give some nice overview of the
general procedure. Really nice to see how it does work. But how is the number of
slots assigned? Do we have to say a number of max-slots that we can host, or how
does this happen?

| The second is a much more detailed 10-page article that talks about how
| we (BZFlag) got involved, how we ran our program, the results of our
| student projects, and some lessons learned:
| http://my.bzflag.org/gsoc/bzflag_gsoc2007_post_mortem.pdf
| (warning: 15MB PDF)

Yes, this is *very* helpful, indeed. Shows some things that we really should
take care about, especially in respect of the various personalities and that
some need more "monitoring" and encouraging than others. One question in this

How have you manage to select the people? That is, have they submitted some
code, too, or was it just some plain CV including their interests and stuff?

| If you do apply, some tips:
|  -- it takes a *lot* of time and will likely derail your release
| schedule if you're giving the students the attention they deserve/require.

Okay, we will try to take care of. This is why I personally don't think that we
can manage more than two or three students.

|  -- one of the main intentions of the program is to attract new
| developers to your project, not just get some project or task done.

Yes, getting someone new to work on the project would with us would be really
helpful, especially since our main ideas are in areas where we can really need
some extra support.

|  -- don't ask for or expect too many students as a first-year
| participant; we had four slots and a 3:1 mentor-to-student ratio and it
| still took almost all of our resources.

cf. above. Personally I'd say two slots would be perfect, maybe three would be
possible, more definitively not.

|  -- you have to demonstrate a capacity to show *impact*; how many people
| and how will people be affected by Wesnoth participating; why should
| google (or anyone else) care.

Okay, will try to point out why they should explicitly chose Wesnoth.

|  -- last year, Google received about 500 organization applications and
| could only accept about 130; you have to put in production-quality
| effort to stand out.

I think regarding production quality and efford we are already one of the
exceptional projects out there, we will just have to show this, too.

|  -- it takes a *lot* of time ... (did I mention that?) but it's worth it.

I hope that we will not underestimate the work associated to it.

| In any regard, hope to see you guys apply and get accepted.  We sort of
| opened the door for games last year as BZFlag was the first game to get
| accepted and we run a pretty successful program last year (Google had
| previously not allowed games).  The ScummVM and Thousand Parsec gaming
| frameworks also ran a successful program, so on the whole, things are
| looking good for gaming.  If you have any questions, feel free to hit me
| up via e-mail (I'm not subscribed to this list) or via IRC (brlcad on
| Freenode).

I hope we will get accepted. We are currently already work on setting up a list
of possible ideas. What is your experience regarding what has to be listed from
a project for ideas, is the amount of information sufficient (for the first two
ideas it should be rather complete already):

It is for sure good to have some feedback from successful participants in GSoC
so that we are able to get an idea of what we are up to...

Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Wesnoth-dev mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-dev] GSOC page

2008-02-27 Thread Nils Kneuper
Hash: SHA1

jeremy rosen schrieb:
| and we still need a mentor.

We do need more than one developer to act as mentor. Here is the list of people
I currently do see as possible mentors and why I do see them as mentors:

* Dave
To take care about someone wanting to work on the formula ai and as our first
class c++ expert.

* Mordante
Many of the possible projects do at least partly go into the area of code where
he knows most of. Plus many of the possible projects currently listed on the
ideas page (http://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas) do require GUI parts
to work, too. So if Mordante wants to tackle a rewrite of large parts of this,
he will be our expert there as well as he already is our expert for the terrain
engine (cf. editor / scenario editor works).

* elias
He has written the original version of campgen and as such will know a lot about
what is needed to to make such an editor work correctly. The work on a scenario
editor might be based upon campgen and as such make his knowledge really 

* grzywacz
Last year he was participating at GSoC as a student, so he knows at least this
side of the medal. Beside this he is our top expert regarding embedded devices

* boucman
As our "patch monkey" he has valuable knowledge in comments and critics for
patches of every kind. Beside this he knows many areas of the game due to
working on applying patches.

* Soliton
He does know our mp server setup best. Beside this he already has done a lot of
work on the mp server himself, too. So he probably has most knowledge about it
and due to being one of our mp-devlopers might provide important help from the
perspective of mp-community and what is needed there.

* zookeeper or Mythological or Rhuaven
As our leading WML expert it would be good to have him in the list when it comes
to WML specific problems. That is for work on the scenario editor he probably
knows best what should be implemented in it and what is a usable way for things.

* YogiHH or cycholka
Since they are the two developers who know most about building under Windows,
they will probably be really helpful. Either if the student comes from the
Windows side, or to help test resulting work to make sure that it does work on
Windows and, for the case that it does not, to show them where problems are.

Keep in mind that all 'or' are logical or, so it could as well be all of those,
any help is appreciated...
Who else should I list? Does anyone of those definitely not want to become a
mentor for GSoC? Are there other volunteers? I think better to have as many as
possible, then not having enough. Beside this I think everyone active in
#wesnoth-dev will try to act as some kind of help when the students do need it.

It looks like I might become general admin for the Wesnoth project for GSoC if
Wesnoth gets accepted (as proposed by Dave in IRC yesterday). But I would like
to at least have one backup admin for the case that I am on holidays, end with
no time at all for some days (sometimes university wants to eat time...) or for
the case that I am simply ill for some days.

Yesterday grzywacz posted two links from google regarding GSoC.
1) General FAQ regarding mentoring organisations
2) Criteria for being selected

That should be all for the moment.
Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Wesnoth-dev mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-dev] GSOC page

2008-02-27 Thread jeremy rosen
I have copy /pasted the section about contributors to the wiki, so people
can know who to ask when becomming SoC students, please everybody go
add/edit his entry.

I think our MP dev should add a section about themselves, many projects
require a good comprehension of MP gameplay, so their support will be needed

we are really short in time, so everybody please fill in...


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Nils Kneuper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hash: SHA1
> jeremy rosen schrieb:
> | and we still need a mentor.
> We do need more than one developer to act as mentor. Here is the list of
> people
> I currently do see as possible mentors and why I do see them as mentors:
> * Dave
> To take care about someone wanting to work on the formula ai and as our
> first
> class c++ expert.
> * Mordante
> Many of the possible projects do at least partly go into the area of code
> where
> he knows most of. Plus many of the possible projects currently listed on
> the
> ideas page (http://www.wesnoth.org/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas) do require GUI
> parts
> to work, too. So if Mordante wants to tackle a rewrite of large parts of
> this,
> he will be our expert there as well as he already is our expert for the
> terrain
> engine (cf. editor / scenario editor works).
> * elias
> He has written the original version of campgen and as such will know a lot
> about
> what is needed to to make such an editor work correctly. The work on a
> scenario
> editor might be based upon campgen and as such make his knowledge really
> helpful.
> * grzywacz
> Last year he was participating at GSoC as a student, so he knows at least
> this
> side of the medal. Beside this he is our top expert regarding embedded
> devices
> support.
> * boucman
> As our "patch monkey" he has valuable knowledge in comments and critics
> for
> patches of every kind. Beside this he knows many areas of the game due to
> working on applying patches.
> * Soliton
> He does know our mp server setup best. Beside this he already has done a
> lot of
> work on the mp server himself, too. So he probably has most knowledge
> about it
> and due to being one of our mp-devlopers might provide important help from
> the
> perspective of mp-community and what is needed there.
> * zookeeper or Mythological or Rhuaven
> As our leading WML expert it would be good to have him in the list when it
> comes
> to WML specific problems. That is for work on the scenario editor he
> probably
> knows best what should be implemented in it and what is a usable way for
> things.
> * YogiHH or cycholka
> Since they are the two developers who know most about building under
> Windows,
> they will probably be really helpful. Either if the student comes from the
> Windows side, or to help test resulting work to make sure that it does
> work on
> Windows and, for the case that it does not, to show them where problems
> are.
> Keep in mind that all 'or' are logical or, so it could as well be all of
> those,
> any help is appreciated...
> Who else should I list? Does anyone of those definitely not want to become
> a
> mentor for GSoC? Are there other volunteers? I think better to have as
> many as
> possible, then not having enough. Beside this I think everyone active in
> #wesnoth-dev will try to act as some kind of help when the students do
> need it.
> It looks like I might become general admin for the Wesnoth project for
> GSoC if
> Wesnoth gets accepted (as proposed by Dave in IRC yesterday). But I would
> like
> to at least have one backup admin for the case that I am on holidays, end
> with
> no time at all for some days (sometimes university wants to eat time...)
> or for
> the case that I am simply ill for some days.
> Yesterday grzywacz posted two links from google regarding GSoC.
> 1) General FAQ regarding mentoring organisations
> http://code.google.com/soc/2008/faqs.html#0.1_mentoring_orgs
> 2) Criteria for being selected
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-announce/web/notes-on-organization-selection-criteria
> That should be all for the moment.
> Cheers,
> Nils Kneuper aka Ivanovic
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQFHxZ6ifFda9thizwURAkBtAKCiWTwepmoMW2HgjXK2nbtBNuAquACeMZXW
> mXEDdHh6u+juetAfWzPtJ5E=
> =HfnF
> ___
> Wesnoth-dev mailing list
> Wesnoth-dev@gna.org
> https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/wesnoth-dev
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[Wesnoth-dev] Campaign server redesign note

2008-02-27 Thread Bruno Wolff III
Currently we maintain a separate service for getting campaigns via http.
When doing the redesign someone should look at whether or not we want to
continue providing this service. If we do continue it, it would be better to
have it more integrated with the campaign server. Currently it is pretty
much a hack and things could work smoother if it were on the same box
(or at least same local network) as the server that held the data.

Wesnoth-dev mailing list

Re: [Wesnoth-dev] Campaign server redesign note

2008-02-27 Thread Joseph Simmons
Since that service is used fairly often (for example, my school's
firewall blocks the port the in-game campaign server uses so I have to
use it), I think it would be worth it to maintain it if it's
technically feasible.

Joseph Simmons

Túrin Turambar, master of doom, by doom mastered

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