2014-12-10 Thread Hussein Amin
Is this where Major Kakooza Mutale learnt the lessons he would later
utilize in the Kalangala Action Plan?

In 1980, Roland Kakooza Mutale would bear witness to horrific events
in Makindye.
There was the beating to death of one Dr. Kununka, who was lashed and
thrown into a water tank. Another man, brought to Makindye in May
1980, bled to death in front of the two. They were asked to bury him
and in the process a commander thirsty for the blood of the two ex-
journalists asked to shoot them
himself. They escaped apparently
because this man asked for a
silenced pistol, which did not
come in time. However one Magala, was shot dead to Kakooza’s right in
a line-up. Seven others died that day and Kakooza, struck with an iron
bar survived in a comatose state. As the dead were loaded onto a
Landrover, they were
stabbed to ensure they were
indeed deceased.  Mrs. Kakooza
later went to find the remains and
check if her husband was amongst
them. He wasn’t.
Many horrible things happened according to the two. Kakooza said a
man’s pelvis was set on fire with paraffin. He died in agony.

Roland Kakooza Mutale. Witness

“Throughout my period in
Makindye they used to bring in
people and kill them at night.
When you leave the quarter-guard
you go towards the sick bay, just
beside there was a grave. If you try
to dig there is a mass grave. I saw
this, I participated in burying in
darkness. There was also an
underground cell, which was dark.
Everyday you would hear wails and
crying, a man crying for some time
then the crying would cease, then
you would see bodies removed
from the place. Certain moments
intensified the killings. The eve of Obote’s coming back spelt death
because people were arrested and brought as anti-UPC or anti-Obote and
they were killed.
At that time, an Acholi soldier took his bayonet and I was sitting
down then, he tried to pierce this
bayonet into my heart. Now in
response I put up my hand. So if I
took off my shirt here; there is a
big scar where the bayonet
stopped. I put up my hand to save
my heart when the man cut. And
the man licked the bayonet. He
just licked it imagine. These were the kind of people keeping us”

Kakooza next turned to the notorious bus (cream in color with a red
band) which plied the suburbs of Kampala and rounded up people, many
of them to be killed in the murder centres.
The bus was known by Luganda
names of “Mpaawo atalikaaba”
meaning “ None will escape
weeping”, “Nsanga Bisibe”,- “ I find
packages (tied up)”- and “Sekiriba
kya ttaka”- “Skin of soil’, meaning
soil surrounds a body in it, that all
shall wear this last skin. The names of this bus’ drivers were
Sambuna, Bukenya and Nkambwe
(who called himself Sina Makosa).
Kalooza said that one of the bus’ most notorious trips was when people
were killed in Natete at the police station in May 1980.
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[WestNileNet] CORRUPT TO THE CORE: Wolf Insists On Looking After Your Sheep.

2014-12-10 Thread Hussein Amin
Remember the OPM scandal? Yes the Prime Ministers office where
billlions of funds simply vanished from state coffers to find their
way into mysterious bank accounts.

Since then what has happened?

1 - Geodfrey Kazinda, the accountant, is in jail.
2 - The Permanent Secretary (incidentally called Pius) has been transferred.
3 - The former Prime Minister is out and about on holiday.
4 - And the President (who protected Pius) is still the same.

Note that those in the highest positions and who definitely are liable
for administrative oversight and political responsibility, are walking
scot-free. With at least two of them still having their hands in the
money jar.

Now one of them, Pius, is attempting to whitewash himself with a book
that mudslings his junior Godfrey, the accountant.
Thereby conveniently obscuring the fact that he was responsible for
approving his juniors acts.

Basically the wolf is clinging on to looking after your sheep.


Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2014-12-10 Thread Hussein Amin
There are moments when those
who sign-off the deaths of others
in the name of the state are
Such was the testimony of Francis
It was a death-bed testimony. The
witness, apprehended on the
suspicion he was a rebel, died
soon after his evidence was
recorded. He told of his time at
Nile Mansions, now Serena Hotel
and sighting of the then de-facto
head of state affairs, Paulo

Witness: Francis M.

“They came to my room..I was not
allowed to dress up. Instead my
pants were removed and I
remained naked. I was then
badly tortured including being
burnt with cigarettes. When we
were still at the scene of my arrest,
I heard my arresters arguing in
Swahili and in English the Vice
President Muwanga had directed
that I be taken to Kampala. I was
naked up to Makindye. I was still
At Nile Mansions and in between
consciousness and
unconsciousness I found a young
brown man dressed in a doctor’s
gown. He had a stethoscope in his
pockets. His hands were tied and
he was leaning on the wall.
The soldiers were telling the
doctor that he should admit he
was a gureilla- the doctor refused.
They brought a stool. The doctor
was forced to put his chin on the
stool and they brought pliers to
press his lower jaw. His jaw was
broken but he still denied that he
was a guerilla.
When he said no, a hammer was
brought and his head was knocked
and he died instantly. The body
was removed.
The place of the murder was next
to Vice President Muwanga’s
room. I knew it because I was next
taken there. But before a small
brown woman was brought and
she was tortured instead of me.
This was a relief to me. She was in
a petticoat and pants, but no bra.
She was brought into the room.
Her name was Rose. They asked
her whether she was a guerilla, she
denied. Then a pair of scissors
was brought and her breast cut.
But she still refused to admit.
Then a metal chair was brought
then a charcoal stove was put
underneath. It was being fanned
electronically. She still refused.
Then a bed was brought and she
was laid on it. Then an iron bar
was brought and pushed into her
private parts. She was quiet
throughout these tortures. She
died and the body was put away,
and they turned to me.
At the time when the tortures were
going on Muwanga opened the
door and peeped into the
room when the girl was being
tortured. I had known Muwanga
well. He is one of my relatives, we
are from the same clan of Nyonyi
I was taken back to Makindye
and put in a group known as
guerillas. We were eleven. Our
group was B.2- that was the
number four room. There were
dead bodies, and those dying. We
found 10 bodies in the room. The
live ones were living like
skeletons. It is a frightening place.
Faeces were on the floor. The toilet
filled up, we had no water. So
newcomers provided their urine
for us to drink.
On 28 September, 1982, Sunday
at 2 pm I was released from
Makindye and taken to Luzira. 36
of us were put in a bus to go to
Luzira. 24 died on the way. I acquired a pair of trousers from one dead person."

"Liberated" Uganda - testimonies.

More soon.
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