2020-09-15 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: My father President Idi Amin (tallest gentleman) and my late
mother First Lady Kay Amin (standing next to him) during a visit to the
famous Taj Mahal in India.

Besides demonizing any leader who refused to bow to Western colonialism,
Indian racism, economic exploitation & foreign domination, why would todays
world not know that President Idi Amin was actually an African hero,
leading the struggle for African liberation, fighting Apartheid racism in
South Africa, and discrimination against Africans and black people abroad,
supporting the American black civil rights movement, gaining independence
for upto six different African countries when he was chairman of the
continents Organization of African Unity (1975-1976), and to this day he is
known by Ugandans as the most patriotic leader they ever had because of all
the development he achieved for his country in just 8 years, providing free
quality education and healthcare to all children, "liberating women from
the kitchen" and having them working in gainful employment in all positions
of government. That is how Ugandans saw the country's first ever female jet
fighter pilots, first female cabinet Minister, first ever female
entrepreneurs, first ever female Ugandan ambassadors abroad, Uganda's first
ever female engineers, Uganda's first ever female doctors, judges and
managing directors in both government enterprises and the private sector,
the country's first female property owners, first ever female business
owners, and many other firsts in modern day Africa. For that he invested in
developing all industries, including the transport and telecommunications
sector across the country. Ugandans were the second in Africa to watch
colour television, the first in Africa to have digital satellite
broadcasts, and the first African country to have fibre optics cables
already by 1974 under President Idi Amin. He put Uganda on the map in
international sports by fully supporting all sports activities as part of a
national health policy starting from children in primary schools to
national competitions upto international professionals, thereby making
history by earning Uganda's first ever Olympic gold medal (and official
world record) in 1972 in the 400 meters hurdles won by Ugandan legend John
Akii-bua during the Munich Olympics in Germany. The Amin government also
sent tens of thousands of Ugandans abroad for training and higher education
in specialized skills for all technical and administrative fields so as for
all citizens of Uganda to completely take over from the colonial economy.
He simultaneously expanded the banking sector to all corners of the
country, and ensured that he put the economic destiny of his country
squarely in the hands of all its citizens regardless of gender, faith or
ethnic background. The leading Ugandan entrepreneurs today and their
descendants all got their big miraculous break in business thanks to Idi
Amin. That's why even today you can still find ordinary Ugandans saying
"Amin opened our eyes to business". And that's why he is considered by the
people of Uganda as "The Father Of The Ugandan Economy".
Now why do you think you haven't read ANY of this in either the
international media or in any grim book purporting to talk about who Idi
Amin really was and what he really stood for in Africa?

Signed: Mr. Hussein Lumumba Amin
Tuesday, September 15th, 2020
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2020-04-24 Thread Hussein Amin
- State House Uganda.
- DG Internal Security Organization.

Subject: Can The Family Of Idi Amin Dada Volunteer With the National
Corvid-19 Task Force Against The Corona Virus Pandemic?

On behalf of the Amin family, we would like to help in the nations fight
against the Corvid-19 pandemic. I am an experienced humanitarian
professional having served as a volunteer in UN & African Union
humanitarian work in Darfur.
At this difficult time when the country requires national unity, I feel
that I should put this important expertise to serve the country by joining
in solidarity with the national effort and the frontline workers in trying
to contain the corona virus pandemic from ravageing the population plus
destroying the peoples livelihoods and the country's economy.
I therefore would like to request if volunteers are welcome to help
Uganda's National Corvid-19 Task Force accomplish its important mandate in
service to the people of Uganda.

For God and my Country.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Date: 25th/04/2020
Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: +256 75012
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2020-03-03 Thread Hussein Amin
"On behalf of the family of His Excellency the late Field Marshal President
Idi Amin Dada, and in the spirit of peaceful national co-existence of all
faiths and people's in ordinary Ugandan society, I would like to extend our
congratulations to His Eminence Stephen Kazimba Mugalu on being appointed
as the 9th Archbishop of the Church of Uganda.
Being a person whose mother was a member of the Anglican Church, and her
father (my grandfather) an Archdeacon of the Church of Uganda who raised me
during holidays, I know that the role that the Church plays in rural
communities and Ugandan society as a whole, is very important to many
across the country: Uplifting the people from poverty, guiding them towards
spiritual and economic development, plus bringing society together in hope,
joy and inspiration, are some of the works of the leadership role of the
Church, especially in countless upcountry villages." - Mr. Hussein Lumumba

Full statement here:

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[WestNileNet] "I'M NOT A SELL OUT"

2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Now that the Superbowl international news frenzy is over, Blacks, Whites,
Latino's, Asians, Arabs, anyone anywhere facing or dispensing racial abuse,
police brutality or discrimination simply because of skin color, ethnicity,
religion or political belief, lets all start the discussion right where it
stopped before the game. (See attachment)

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
4th Feb, 2020.
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
The pangolin is an endangered species found mostly in Africa. Therefore is
it only me, or are we all feeling the same disturbing discomfort that this
new pangolin twist in the international media is essentially someone trying
to also tag the Corona virus (and every other viral outbreak ever created)
on Africans & our motherland?

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
Tuesday 11th Feb, 2020
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Untold truth of the day...before it becomes a footnote in history. (See
photo attached)
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Dear African leaders,
You can all stop now. Our fellow brotherly country (picture attached)
already won this championship back in the 1960's.
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: President Idi Amin alongside Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta, his Vice
President the late Daniel Arap Moï, (and Hon. Paul Etiang who was a
minister in the Amin government at the time, and later NRM Minister of
information in the late 1990's).

As East Africa mourns Mzee Daniel Arap Moï, I write this not only as an
attempt to publish the hidden history behind my late father's untold
legacy, but mostly to bring an important detail for the sake of Uganda's
journey towards the elusive first ever peaceful transfer of power.
That is why I would like to recall events in Kenya on August 1978 when
President Jomo Kenyatta passed away, and Vice President Daniel Arap Moï
became the new Kenyan president.
My father President Idi Amin flew to Nairobi for the state funeral. Two
very odd things happened at the time which I will never forget. The first
one was just anecdotal. As we watched the event live on television from
back at State House Entebbe, Ugandans could see on their screens Idi Amin
joining all the leaders and foreign dignitaries as they walked behind the
late Kenyatta's funeral cortege on the main avenue in Nairobi. The Kenyan
public stood all alongside the road, and upon noticing Idi Amin, they
temporarily forgot about the funeral, and started waving and jubilating
instead. That was how popular Amin was even in Kenya.
The second development during this time was far more serious, and is an
important lesson/knowledge that we as a country, especially the leaders of
today and tomorrow, should always have in mind for the sake of national
Though Daniel Arap Moi was Vice President at the time, it appears there was
a group of the late Jomo Kenyatta's closest friends and confidants who had
already made other succession arrangements together with the late Kenyatta
before his death.
Now while those tribalist succession plans had been known publicly and had
even failed to be formalized in the Kenyan Parliament previously, the
people of Kenya do not know how close they came to a political crisis as
those same tribalist succession plans were stealthily revived at the death
of Jomo Kenyatta.
After Kenyatta's funeral, President Idi Amin had been taken to State House
Nairobi where he was having a briefing with Vice President Moï before
heading to the airport and back to Kampala.
When the Ugandan leader casually asked about Daniel Arap Moï 's
inauguration ceremony to the position of president, the Vice President told
him that things were complicated and that he wasn't even sure about his
future in Kenya. Amin insisted on knowing what was going on, and after many
attempts Mzee Moï reluctantly told Amin about "the alternative succession
plan" that was secretely under way by Jomo Kenyatta's closest political
My father used to tell us these stories every evening after supper, though
unfortunately I cannot remember the names of the three individuals who were
said to be plotting to take the top positions in Kenya.
However older Kenyans probably know the people that I'm talking about, and
who had been preparing their own succession plan all along.
What then happened is that the Ugandan leader quickly understood that there
was a dangerous power struggle building, and it was outside the proper
state succession provisions.
Amin then asked Daniel Arap Moï to at least call these individuals to State
House for a quick meeting, and simultaneously postponed his return to
Kampala indefinitely.
Everyone being at the funeral in Naïrobi meant that it was only a short
while before all those concerned arrived at State House.
After the greetings, President Idi Amin bluntly told them about the rumours
he had heard in regards to the plot for an illegal succession, and warned
them about it's dangers to the country's stability if anyone went on with
those plans. He told them that the proper procedure was for the Vice
President to become the president, and anything else would be seen as
either an unjustifiable coup and/or some illegal undertaking against the
people of Kenya. This, Amin said, had the potential of completely
destabilizing the country and even Uganda which economically depends on
Kenya for it's imports and exports since Uganda is a landlocked country.
By the end of the meeting, thanks to the respect they all had for Amin as a
strong, popular African leader, the charismatic Ugandan president had
quickly got all the assurances that the normal process would now take
place, and Vice president Daniel Arap Moï would be quickly inaugurated as
President of Kenya.
All this was not in the public domain. Kenyans actually believe the
succession happened so smoothly. Not knowing how bad things were poised to
become had my father not intervened at that material time.
For the record, I would like todays Ugandan leaders to take note of this
requirement for the Vice president to be "quickly inaugurated" in such
circumstances. Uganda has not yet had that peaceful transition/succession
experience, and God knows how this knowledge might one 


2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
My most recent analysis published in the Daily Monitor newspaper regarding
the unsustainable national debt burden, the chaotic government
accountability & the rhetorical debt management policy behind the economy.
Have a read:

(Or get the complete, unedited version on my social media page here:
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Kanda Bongo Woman (in picture) enjoying impunity in broad daylight after
personally ordering the brutal murder of Ronald Sebulime (RIP) in March
last year. Remember the father of three who was heading to see his
daughters at the school visitation day one Sunday afternoon, and ended up
being shot dead at point blank range while already apprehended (in
handcuffs) and in police custody on trumped up charges of trying to
assassinate Kanda Bongo Woman on the highway as they both stopped for
groceries on the roadside. This was followed by the late Sebulime being
pursued at breakneck speed by Kanda Bongo Woman who confessed to
frantically ordering her police guard "Tugume" to shoot the young man on
his motorbike, and still insisting on him being killed even after he was
finally apprehended by police? Not a single person has been held
responsible for the gruesome killing. Just like in the murder of Yassin
Kawuma in Arua town on August 13th 2018, or the young Edwin Kusaasira shot
dead with a bullet to the head by agents of the state the year before in
Rukungiri town for no apparent reason except calling for the Constitution
not to be amended for personal interests.
In Sebulime's murder, Ugandans might recall how Kanda Bongo Woman refused
to cooperate with normal police investigations into the killing. And here
she is seated happily, "emulating Janan Luwum", and enjoying the fruits of
corruption in silence behind the brutal dictator.
All charges against Sebulime's murderers and their mastermind were
mysteriously dropped, also in broad daylight, by the Directorate of Public
Prosecution. A justice system that has therefore failed the ordinary
Ugandan while protecting killers. And the so-called Human rights activists
and civil society continuing their daily routine of enjoying chips, chicken
and tomato sauce and discussing "the dark days of Idi Amin" while all these
killings and injustices are happening today in their midst but they
actually do not care for the lives lost, the untold suffering of innocent
civilians, and all the innocent blood that is being shed as we speak. The
latest statistic indicate 28 murders every single day.
Today Kanda Bongo Woman surfaces hiding behind the one person in a white
hat who has all the security reports about the terrible incident, and he
therefore knows that justice should be served to the poor relatives of the
victim. But he seems to be not only undermining institutions of the state
from carrying out their mandated duties for the people of Uganda by quietly
inviting killers to State House, he also therefore seems to be the
guarantor of the impunity reigning in the country today while claiming in
his national New Year's message to be fighting the very criminality that is
seated smiling right behind him and the international Congolese musician in
a black hat.
Clearly this lady should be in jail pending criminal prosecution for
instigating the murder of Ronald Sebulime. Not hiding at the presidential
lodge. She should actually have been kicked out of there immediately.
Furthermore, at that very moment when this picture was taken, other
henchmen had been sent to deport a world reknown anti-apartheid activist
and singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka. Yet when their boss stands in public with
his white hat, he tells Ugandans and the diplomatic community that he is a
freedom fighter, liberating Uganda from injustice, extra-judicial killings,
impunity and dictatorship.
This is the same person who also rigs all the elections that he organizes,
changes the Constitution to cling to power, tortures his political
opponents in unknown dungeons called safe houses, and even concocts victory
for himself in secret tally centers, am I right?

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.

News article on the murder of Ronald Sebulime last year:
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Let us agree that what the Minister said was a Master stroke (See photo
attached). Especially for those of us who have failed to properly analyze
and fully appreciate the national economic development ideology behind the
Miss Matako sex tourism infrastructure policy toilet paper.
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
This is a high end private school in Nakuru, Kenya. How are children going
back to school in your area?
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
With the entire country continually alarmed at the growing debt levels, we
are yet to see the implementation of a policy that balances the budget
deficit and reduces the national debt.
Meanwhile, recent media reports indicate that Uganda is again to borrow
Shs2.4 trillion to fund the national budget for this ongoing financial year

Half of this money is reportedly to be obtained from Stanbic Bank Uganda,
while the other half is to be obtained from the Trade Development Bank.
The Finance Ministry cited "a projected revenue shortfall of Shs1.87
trillion in this year's national budget", plus an additional expenditure
requirement worth Shs1.43 trillion "for classified expenditure".

Basically the entire budget shortfall amounts to Shs 3.3 trillion.

Given the known collection capacity of Uganda Revenue Authority, this
basically means that someone drafted a national budget 2019/2020 that
knowingly exceeded the projected revenue.

What about starting with financial discipline and living within ones means?

Because what some of us are seeing is that the national budget has turned
into a fictional document. The briefcase presented to the media for
photographs might just be containing someone's lunch and home-made juice.

Meanwhile Ugandan taxpayers and their children and grandchildren will be
left to repay this new loan as well.
For the record, the two Banks are charging Ugandans Shs79.9 billion as
"Arrangement fees", with Stanbic Bank and Trade Development Bank charging
1.75 per cent and 1.5 per cent of their respective total loan sums.

One might ask what the hell is "Arrangement fee"... if not an opportunity
to fleece more money from the taxpayer for no reason after already charging

In the framework paper for financial year 2020/2021, the Finance Ministry
also sets a new tax revenue target of Shs21.54 trillion up from Shs20.4
trillion in the current financial year to enable financing of the 2020/2021

Now if we already failed to reach the previous target, what are we doing
putting an even higher target?

And while as a country we are wallowing in national debt upto our necks,
another Shs6.93 trillion in new loans is projected for the next financial
year already. While approximately Shs7billion has been earmarked in the
budget for repaying old loans.

One doesn't have to be a genius to noticed the similarity between the
amount of new loans for next year and the amount budgeted for repaying old
loans. It is the infamous debt trap. The vicious cycle where we are now
basically taking new loans to repay the old ones.

It sounds like running a pyramid scheme.

Clearly this cannot be a healthy habit to live by, be it an individual,
home economics, an enterprise, or a nation. It actually sounds like
corruption being ahead of the game.

But as if that was not enough, we are simultaneously engaging in massive
unbudgeted activity that is draining the same national budget every
financial year. This combo symbolizes either poor financial planning, or
plutonium-grade politically-related corruption in broad daylight, or both.

In the 2019/2020 financial year alone, Parliament reportedly approved loans
to a tune of Shs6.15 trillion, and according to the daily Monitor
newspaper, "more loan requests are still under scrutiny by the National
Economy Committee of Parliament.

Meanwhile, where in the national budget is the implentation of a debt
management/debt reduction plan?

The local media also says: "Although Uganda's debt to GDP ratio of 41
percent is still below the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recommended
threshold of 50 percent, there is a danger when the national debt is
compared to state revenue. This particular ratio stands at 54 percent."

Finally someone is starting to look in the right direction in regards to
what is any country's true debt management capacity and not the quack
debt-to-GDP ratio.
I have always said we should be looking at a countries debt versus it's
Gross national Income, and it's reserves.

With the Central Bank currently seeking recapitalization as if it is a
commercial bank, this is the clearest indication that the country's state
finances and fnancial sector are in the red. It is also proof that we have
an irrational debt management policy and zero reserves, therefore we should
definitely be reducing, not increasing the public debt in order to
safeguard economic growth for the short term, mid term and long term.

What further compounds this situation, the finance ministry recently
revealed that accounting officers in the various ministries, government
departments and districts are breaching their own guidelines on loan
application by applying for multiple loans from various banks and other
money lenders in the name of government. Sometimes to cater for their daily
expenditure and other demands.

While there is purportedly a government regulation that established a 50%
maximum threshold for loans in relation to respective departmental budgets,
this limit has repo


2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: Queen Elizabeth arriving for the Sandrigham summit yesterday "to
deal with this Meghan Markle Shnegan nyarkle".

The British aristocracy, the British establishment and the British media
have all ganged up like an enraged racist mob to publicly crucify, harass,
malign, insult, defame, persecute, and discriminate against a mixed race
lady for no apparent reason whatsoever. What about everyone simply minding
their own business?
A marriage is the holiest and most sacred of human relations. There is no
bigger evil than trying to split a marriage. Especially with the trauma
that this brings to children.
Experience shows that when outsiders start claiming that a woman is
controlling her man, it means that the couples marriage is working. But we
seem to be seeing a hitherto hidden unwritten code of bigotry coming to
light. One that believes that the black lady has no freedoms, nor
individual liberties, and cannot live according to the common aspirations
that she shares together with her husband.
For the record, what crime exactly has she or her husband committed?
Let's try to find out what she has done wrong under modern British law, or
the Magna Carta 1215, or the Bill of Rights 1628, or the rights of man and
of the citizen 1789, or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10th
December 1948.
Listening to the overwhelming trend in the cacophony of hate, one might
think these laws and principles apply based on skin color, or that the lady
and her beloved husband are not mature individuals above 18 years of age.
Lastly, it is quite preposterous, possibly even demented, for a grandmother
to summon a family meeting, and call it mbu "The Sandrigham Summit."
Unless it is the kind of political rhetoric used by the 93 year old to lay
the financial burden of all her families activities on the British taxpayer
by cunningly making the family meeting sound like a matter of the state.
Clearly therefore an utter abuse of an unsolicited and unelected position
atop the British people, complete with a public press release by grandma at
the end. Lol

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
14th Jan 2020
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Exactly 59 years ago today, African independence hero Patrice Lumumba was
brutally murdered by America & Belgium officers (Picture attached). I was
given my name after the African martyr. The order for his death came
directly from the White House, President Dwight Eisenhower, who demanded
that the popular African leader be killed, and his body disolved in acid,
never to be seen again by his family, simply because the PanAfricanist
leader stood his ground to end the exploitation of his countries rich
resources, and for total freedom of his people from the shackles of
continued colonialist parasitism by Belgium and its allies.
It was partly because of this despicable act that Field Marshal Idi Amin,
in a high-powered missive during the 1975 UN General Assembly before all of
the worlds leaders, referred to the CIA as "a murder squad" sent to kill
African patriots who fought for their countries and their peoples.
As both culprit nation's apologize for their heinous acts against the
people of Africa, may the soul of the continents independence hero rest in
eternal peace!

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Friday 17th January 2020
Kampala, Uganda.

Find untold details about the sad death of Patrice Lumumba in this research
article that I published in 2018:
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2020-02-13 Thread Hussein Amin
Photo: UN forces launching an attack against ADF terrorist camps in a
previous operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

A few quick questions on the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), the Ugandan
terrorist group operating from Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo:

1 - What exactly is the ADF's political agenda?
2 - What exactly has been their military strategy to achieve that
particular political goal?
3 - And what exact military operations have they ever done that actually
brought them closer to that political goal?

I hope any coherent answers can be relayed to the people of Uganda.

Thank You.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
Saturday 18th January 2019.

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[WestNileNet] So Sad!

2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
After helping the National Resistance Movement come to power, they turned
around and this is what they are doing to Dr. Kizza Besigye today. So sad!

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Monday November 4th 2019
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Fellow Ugandans,

Allow me to express my heartfelt congratulations to the nations largest
opposition political party Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) upon their
15th anniversary celebrations last Monday at Namboole stadium. Following a
period of political confusion after being abandoned by some of its key
members who formed their own new Alliance for National Transformation
party, FDC now seems to have re-grouped its core cadreship again. All ready
for the known political difficulties ahead. Again congratulations for
making it this far after 15 years of political struggling.
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
The announcement of the death of the ISIS terrorist leader following a US
Special Forces operation is of course a breath of fresh air to all those
who have suffered the ills of terrorism. Those ills have primarily included
the killing and injuring of countless innocent people by radical
terrorists, and secondly the indiscriminate bombing and mass murder of
innocent people by international coalitions fighting terrorism. Thirdly,
the consequences of terrorism have also included radicalization of some
sections of Western society who have engaged in wholesale accusations of
murder against all the believers of a particular religion, and thus
resulted in random acts of terror and vicious hate crimes against innocent
worshippers like was the case in ChristChurch, New Zealand. There is
therefore now a real chance that a dark chapter that is affecting many
people differently, can turn with the winds of hope, and the world is now a
safer place for all.
The problem about the war on terror is that the end-game was never really
clear. One would have expected that it was simply about re-establishing
stable, international law-abiding governments for the troubled/rogue
countries, and this would result in safety for people around the world as
well. However there are other foreign geo-political interests that have
come into play since 2001, and these have entangled themselves in local
conflicts with no end in sight. Meanwhile these contradicting influences
and interferences have proved to have a largely destabilizing effect on
political, social and economic life for peoples in the countries from which
terrorism is seen as originating from. Today more than any other time in
the last decade, there is hope that socio-political and economic normalcy
can be re-established in some Middle Eastern countries which have actually
been the biggest victims of terrorism themselves, with deadly car bombs and
endless other heinous attacks happening somewhere in the region almost on a
daily basis. There is hope that this might create a new momentum towards
peace in the remaining troubled countries. Clearly peace is what everyone
wants to see in those countries. Some of them now have a better chance to
focus on development, good governance, nation re-building and multi-lateral
international economic ties. This they should do for their peoples rather
than beating the tired, now empty-sounding, and almost non-existent war
drums of the infamous war on terror which has taken millions of innocent
lives, created excuses for state-orchestrated repression of minorities &
political opponents, and has to-date cost tens of trillions of dollars of
global resources squandered in this man-made political endeavour in the
last 20 years, all-nations combined. I expect that a direct focus can be
made on terrorist leaders in Africa, particularly in North Africa and the
Sahel where they are similarly dealt with, or at least swiftly brought to
justice in front of the world.
I would like to conclude on the principle of international justice. Why
isn't a leading global terrorist and mass murderer like Abubaker AlBaghdadi
(or even Osama bin Laden previously) not wanted nor even indicted by the
International Criminal Court just like Joseph Kony, yet a president like
Uhuru Kenyatta and others have been dragged before The Hague?
Or is it that international terrorists are only triable at Guantanamo Bay?
The international community, especially the appropriate UN departments,
must be relentless in advocating that international justice works as the
appropriate platform even against global terrorism, and that the same
international justice serves all victims of war crimes, genocide and crimes
against humanity from anywhere and at all times. Failure to do so increases
the likelihood of transgressions and abuse of international law by
otherwise respectable governments as has been the case at the height of the
war on terror. This is well documented by reputable journalists like John
Pilger (and of course the leaked information on platforms like WikiLeaks).
Promoting a broader international justice perspective that includes
terrorism puts the matter squarely away from it's underground/covert aura,
and brings countries even closer together on a transparent and respectable
common pedestal where justice is served to the victims and their relatives
who can also have their say in court in front of the world. This could help
demystify terrorism, show to the world it's true despicable face, and how
bankrupt it's ideology truly is. That has not really been the case so far
on a global scale. For example, I would have really liked to see a
prosecutor or the victims of 9/11 themselves face Osama bin Laden in court,
and live on global television. Wouldn't that have helped tremendously in
the battle for hearts and minds, or possibly even turned other active
terrorists around?
Where have the victims of terrorism ever met the perpetrators and what
would they want to tell the terrorists regar


2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Right at the end of the year I come across this Charlie Chaplin movie
(photo attached) calling himself Prof. Bosco. Struggling with a magic trick
at a circus using his hats and his piglets...😂
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Someone please tell these two South Sudanese protagonists pictured here
that peace is more important than the number of states.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019.
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[WestNileNet] Photo: "Kasukaali keko!"

2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin

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[WestNileNet] ONCE YOU HELP NRM...

2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture (attached): The people of Uganda want to help NRM but they know the
party's behaviour once it has received help.
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Fellow citizens,

As we all know, the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) political party is
angry against the leaders of Uganda's Democratic Party (DP) for refusing to
handover to them the supposedly rotating leadership of IPOD (the
Inter-Party Organization for Dialogue) as was previously arranged.
This country's experience with multiparty democracy is turning out to be a
farce that is plagued with infighting, simple greeds and huge ego's.
Previously, the country has for example heard news reports of political
schemes to have opposition political parties "disappeared by 2020". One
would have imagined that the state would be keen to preserve multipartyism
as an ideology, a national value and a national political infrastructure
key to the growth of democracy and freedoms in this country.
What we are instead seeing is the collapse of this fragile, cosmetic
political dispensation and the total dwindling of the honourable political
culture that promotes principles like dignity, compassion, equality and
moral uprightness in society.
I have previously stated that Uganda's multi-party democracy can only
flourish as designed under a ceremonial presidency as was originally the
case at independence. Especially given our society's dangerous
understanding of what power means, and what it is for. While political
power is supposed to be exercised for the people, the press is awash with
examples of inflated ego's across society and at all levels of
responsibility including from the last IPOD leaders family photo in March
2019, to low-level public servants, shop attendants and even at bank
tellers where instead of focusing on being more productive at their work
serving their clients (the people) and playing by the established rules,
some individuals are enjoying the little power of the small positions they
occupy by deliberately ignore and even oppress those who are waiting in
line for their services, yet in most cases these individuals are actually
paid a salary to do their job under clear, limited terms and conditions.
While the general culture thinks of power as simly being the boss sitting
there doing nothing except ordering people around and enjoying free perks,
professionalism says that even the boss has a job/tasks to do. And the
higher the position, the greater the responsibility.
The recent refusal by the DP leadership to handover IPOD is like someone
failing a simple leadership test. An indication that DP (the country's
Democratic Party) could instead be DP, the 'Dictatorship Party in waiting'.
It's democracy sheep skin is getting off prematurely.
The Inter-Party Organization for Dialogue is funded by Netherlands,
therefore it's leaders are not really answerable to the people of Uganda
despite the perceived good intentions the organization claims it has
towards good governance in this country. IPOD has turned into a cash cow,
or an ATM machine where some "free donor funds" are available to the
political parties that have a seat in parliament. What that money actually
does for the people of Uganda, for the political parties involved, or where
the funds end up, is anyone's guess.
I therefore request the Netherlands to avail Ugandans with the
accountability of their political donations and it's true impact on
governance in this country.
Currently it can be noted that political stagnation, political regression
and political repression all combine to be the order of the day. The
Constitution has been changed several times in the last 15 years to
entrench the regime of the day (a behaviour that started in Uganda in 2005
and has now spread to many countries across the continent). We have also
seen actions like a political party being sold to a new secretary general.
Clearly there is  free IPOD money that people could simply be aiming for
with such unethical transactions and/or registration of new political
parties which in reality do not add any value to Uganda or to democracy.
So what is the true impact of IPOD in Uganda's politics?
Listening to one of the FDC leaders speaking last week, it seems that IPOD
was initially created as a platform to discuss political transition.
However today IPOD now seems to be DP's training ground for learning how to
cling to power.
And despite all the beautiful rhetoric about democratic values, if the DP's
leadership is already finding excuses for not handing over IPOD peacefully
to a fellow political party as agreed, imagine what this same DP leadership
would do to the coffers of the state and to the people of Uganda if they
ever accessed the far more lucrative and far more powerful Presidency of
the Republic!?!
In regards to the highest office of the land, allow me to repeat to the
people of Uganda, to all our political leaders regardless of political
affiliation, and to civil society organizations involved in the political
discourse of this country, that as a nation aspiring to establish
governance by the true will of the people, a nation seeking long term
political freedoms, long ter


2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Join me to pray for former Kenyan leader His Excellency Daniel Arap Moï who
is in critical condition since last Thursday. Doctors at Nairobi Hospital
intensive care unit are said to be fighting to save his life. 95 year old
Mzee Moï has been in and out of hospital recently, though never as
seriously ill as this time. May God heal him and comfort his family, and
the people of Kenya in this difficult and uncertain time.

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Tuesday October 29th 2019
Kampala, Uganda.
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Regarding the ongoing violencwcat Uganda's prestigious Makerere University,
it is on public record that University staff have been going on strike
almost every year for the last few decades demanding more money (which in
turn results in higher tuition fees) and it has always been through
discussions that both sides have always peacefully resolved their
differences. So why is it that the students go with cardboards on a
peaceful strike just once, simply asking for reduction of fees, a pertinent
and legitimate concern under this economy, and the response they reportedly
get is summary arrests, torture, rape, terror, vandalism and overwhelming
brutality by security services? Plus if the student leaders have already
been tortured and thrown in the dark dungeons of the state, then who is the
university management having discussions with today on the issues raised
and to calm the situation?
Plus if the strike started off as peaceful, constitutional and without any
crime whatsoever, then why this barbaric response? Is unfettered violence
and state excesses the only debate that the university management thinks
appropriate on these students? We cannot be on the fourth day of a
heavy-handed military-style operation against kids who are simply wanting
to be able to complete their education without dropping out due to
excessive fees, and yet heartless ageing educated adults who once studied
there for free under previous governments and today earn disproportionately
fat salaries, posh 4 wheel drive vehicles and countless other government
funded perks at the taxpayers expense while the rest of the country wallows
in poverty, are seemingly counting exclusively on brute force to quash the
students legitimate concern just because these are not their own children.
Tomorrow how does one start again referring to these young boys and girls
as his/her bazzukulu (grandchildren)?
I hereby kindly request specifically the First Lady who is also the public
servant responsible for the Ministry of Education, to act like the caring
mother and grandmother that she appears to be in public, and in line with
her ministerial responsibility, to come out and resolve this crisis in a
civilized and compassionate manner, instead of keeping quiet up to now.
Clearly something inherently wrong is happening under her dock as we speak.
Competence in this time of crisis means stopping the militarized crushing
of these young innocent citizens of this country, and finding a way to
bring normalcy back to Makerere University as quickly as possible, plus
personally seeing to it that all the students are released from jail,
receive any medical attention they require, have immediate access to their
parents, guardians and/or next of kin, and then resume their education
right where it had stopped a few days ago before all this anger, anarchy
and vindictiveness was senselessly unleashed on them using the state,
resulting in so much suffering endured by the students.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.
25th October 2019.
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture (attached): Screenshot from video of Commonwealth Parliamentarians
dancing til dawn during the recently concluded Commonwealth
Parliamentarians Conference in Kampala, Uganda.

As delegates flew in to Uganda for the much publicized week-long summit
from 22nd to 29th September, what unfolded was like watching some adult
education students from around the world enjoying a fully paid holiday in
Uganda at their taxpayers expense.
But what was their actual work here? Nobody seems to know and the
organizers struggled to tell us what it was all about.
One would have expected that the invited members would engage in public
policy concerns and productive legislative matters which would positively
impact the lives of the Commonwealth peoples around the world, some of whom
are the poorest on the planet, and who pay these parliamentarians to at
least network on policy legislation and economic development matters on
their behalf.
This seems to have been a missed multi-million dollar opportunity to do
something worthwhile for their respective populations. There was not even
any robust policy statement at the conclusion of the conference.
One wonders where everyone's grey matter had gone?
Even our usual sharp talking political pundits in the media became happy
cheer leaders of the snobbish fiesta and forgot to question what the
political product of the event was, and what was the actual benefit of the
summit to all the people of the Commonwealth.
To this day nobody, including the ordinary Ugandan, knows what the summit
had come to address.
But it seems our intellectual and political class are not concerned about
Clearly we are dealing with a Commonwealth institution whose priorities are
elsewhere, an oeganization that doesn't answer to anyone, not even the
Commonwealth people's.
All we heard from the organizers was talk about the commercial benefits to
the local economy from organizing the summit. Local businessmen were urged
to "tap into the opportunities presented by hosting the summit". It
therefore directly benefitted only the handful of service providers who
could get a contract from the organizing committee.
As for the rest of the population, the biggest benefit that they are told
is the injection of the delegates pocket money "into the local economy".
But what about the entire Commonwealth people's whose delegates were here
to work for them? What value was this summit to them, and what are they
getting politically and economically even if they are not hosts of the
prestigious event?
The 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference was an event hosting
people's representatives whose pockets contained their taxpayers money
(travel allowances) to spend. Was that it?
Empty. Devoid of any substantive political, economic, or social agenda.
Neither did it produce any substantive, concerted, legislative policy
roadmap whether on gender equality, education, infrastructure, economic
integration, technological innovation, industrialization, peace & security,
justice, child mortality, artificial intelligence policy considerations,
democracy or even the looming negative environmental impact of climate
change in Commonwealth countries.
If anything, the recent prorogation of the British Parliament was a timely
concern for this specific conference. An issue they could not have ignored
since it directly involved a Commonwealth member parliament being shut down
illegally amidst political upheavals and public protests by the British
people in the country that heads the Commonwealth itself. Breaking news
yesterday announced a second prorogation attempt by the British Prime
minister for political reasons. What does the Commonwealth Parliamentary
fraternity have to say now?
They seemingly all just dance themselves lame without even one simple
protest statement on this extremely pertinent issue. Everyone was behaving
as if enjoyment, drinking, touring and eating to their fill was more
important work.
A clear reflexion of the outright idelogical bankruptcy of the Commonwealth
system and I political class. Not even one of them stood up in support of
their recently prorogated British comrades. Or more importantly, in defence
of parliamentary democracy, at least for their Commonwealth brothers and
sisters, the British people.
For this level of expensive, unproductive, elitism to take place is a total
disgrace to the core values behind the respected dedication to serve the
Especially at a time when the people have a myriad of problems that need to
be addressed by their leaders.
Therefore wasn't the conference an insult to those wallowing in biting
poverty and waiting for their elected representatives to return with urgent
concerted solutions to their pressing problems?
The Ascot goat race would have had better political productivity than this
Clearly this kind of colonial opulence must not be allowed to continue in
this 21st century of good governance, pro-people policies, and accountable



2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Thanks to *Daily** Monitor* for publishing my opinion. If you didn't read
the original un-edited Independence Day message, find here the shortened

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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
What would happen if an African opposition leader stood up in the middle of
a meeting, started shouting back and pointing their finger at their
president as seen here in the Trump White House recently (See picture
attached). Surely it would be shocking in Uganda. If truth be told, many
locals would see it as a sign of their opposition leader being "very
powerful". For others, paranoïa would start settling in, and they would
start advising the president's political opponent lady to flee the country
for her own safety. Meanwhile it is actually the US president himself who
released this picture of the lady shouting at him. To them, this picture is
an indictment of the opposition leader. They are also calling it "her
meltdown at the White House". Here in Africa, we would call it "Power", and
crowds would start jubilating in her name all over the streets, (and
possibly all over social media). That is fact about the difference in
political maturity levels between two different societies. Obviously
countries need such resolute opposition leaders, and democracy needs
President's who see this simply as part of the natural political discourse
and move on to the other more pressing important national issues (albeit
after hitting back a little bit with a few words).
No matter how bad I say Trump is, with some of us finding reason to call
him a buffoon, clearly the US political culture itself is far ahead of what
is in our own countries and our own "visionary leaders".
This brings me to the Ugandan issue of another current confrontation:
Museveni's "Bobi ban".
The ban or prevention by the state of any citizen from engageing in any
lawful activities is criminal in itself.
Extrajudicial persecution of political opponents is when the state starts
taking action against it's citizens based on purported crimes that do not
even exist in the laws of this country. We should be asking if the young
legislator has committed an offence and/or broken any law, why then isn't
the matter before court?
He is being accused and punished for being "An enemy of progress". Where is
that crime in the law?
The law determines all the punishable crimes in Uganda, and it is the law
that also determines the punishment. And only a court can rule if their is
any crime in the first place.
What this kind of Musevenism behaviour leads to, is even more lawlessness
by individuals serving in the organs of the state who would now follow in
his footsteps and start taking extrajudicial action based on his assumed
whims. In this case the police and security agencies who are now inclined
to enforce bogus decisions and/or unlawful orders simply because their boss
is angry against his/her political opponent on what might seem as patriotic
grounds but is simply possible political persecution.
Now if this is what is already happening today, I hate to imagine what
awaits the young legislator and Museveni's other political opponents during
the upcoming 2021 general elections.
It's likely to be bloody, and as usual, many young people are going to
loose their lives without even being remembered by anyone at the end of the
Meanwhile, this Bobi ban seems to have other causes behind it. Including US
Sanctions against some Museveni officials for their human rights abused.
This includes visa restrictions where they cannot travel to the United
States. Following Museveni's recent missing of the annual UN General
Assembly in New York, there are concerned legal experts saying that he
could himself be on the US sanctions list, but American law allows the
White House the privilege to be quiet about certain sanctioned individuals
in certain cases where it is in their national interest to do so. Remember
that last year a US federal court also found a Chinese/Hong Kong
businessman guilty of corruption after he gave Museveni a $1 million bribe
in exchange for oil contracts. The corruption transaction was proved beyond
any doubt, the telling email exchanges were presented as hard evidence, and
therefore Mr. Yoweri Museveni is also legally a fugitive of the US
Department of Justice as we speak.
All this might have contributed to Mr. Museveni's rage and personal anger
towards Honourable Bobi Wine who has been persistently lobbying against
Museveni in the United States, including having meetings with Members of
Congress and the House of Representatives.
But getting back to the issue of political persecution, all actions of any
government must be grounded strictly within the law. Not out of one
person's hatred, vindictiveness and/or temper tantrums. And God knows that
rightful leadership in a mature democracy has no room for such dangerous
childishness against political opponents or against people like myself who
pragmatically speak out about it in the public domain.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Friday October 18th, 2019.
Kampala, Uganda.
WestNileNet mailing list



2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Biblical scale disasters loom. Attempts to stop #ClimateChange are too late
already. Our current remedy (Co2 reduction) is slow, tedious & largely
insufficient. Yet for only $100 mn USD, clever geo-engineering could cool
the entire planet immediately.
What is the world waiting for?

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Monday, Sept 30th 2019
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Africans should start going with this chart to all UN summits and all
climate change conference's. It should always be seen by those who are
polluting us. They are East Asia, Europe and North America. Whenever they
start talking to us about climate change, we just show them this global
polluters map.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Saturday, 12th Oct 2019
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Aren't there some opportunist Ugandan politicians who can be seen
foolhardily praising and simultaneously mourning for colonialism to return
back on their own people and in their own country's economy for their own
ulterior interests, while the people of Uganda, plus the true
panafricanists, and the true Ugandan patriots firmly assert that "Amin is
the father of Uganda's economy"?

(Photo attachment)
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
This was STV current affairs talk show "In The Box" earlier this evening in
Kampala where I was invited to comprehensively discuss for one whole hour
the Uganda-Rwanda peace pact signed recently in Angola, UTL mafia politics,
the disturbing rise in politically motivated criminality, corruption, and
murders in Uganda today, the future of the East African Community, the
political prospects for Uganda, and of course we ended with a discussion
about the immense economic legacy of my father former President Idi Amin
and the key role he played in ensuring development and economic
emancipation of the people of Uganda so that they can take the economic
destiny of their country into their own hands.

Hussein Lumumba Amin
26th August 2019
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin

(Also a national celebration by the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea)


(PS: I pray that this isn't the 2012 that was depicted in the Hollywood
movie "2012"...!?!

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
12th September 2019
Kampala, Uganda.
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: As the British Parliament was formally suspended yesterday evening
for political reasons, Her Majesty sent in someone named Black Rod. The
person responsible for controlling access to the British Parliament. Black
Rod showed up in the House of Commons, had an actual black rod (as shown
here), declared the Parliament suspended, and saw that Members of
Parliament left the premises.

Uganda is hosting the Commonwealth Parliaments Conference this month from
22nd to 29th September 2019. The organizers are all over the local media
mostly talking periferal issues like the prestige of hosting the conference
and possible benefits to the local economy (increased honourable customers
for local hotels, restaurants, tour buses, general publicity for the
country as a tourism destination...etc). While these are definitely
critical economic growth activities in a poor economy that is currently
wallowing at around 70% youth unemployment rates, growing inequality,
growing insecurity, disturbing impunity, slithering corruption across the
board and soaring senseless killings including abductions, disappearances,
serial murders of religious clerics, foreign investors, women and local
businessmen, mysterious state torture houses that just yesterday saw
parliamentary democracy denied entry to, and disturbing political
assassinations that have shocked the eggs of the nation in recent dark
years, the organizers are not discussing any substantive political or
economic agenda that will be debated in the summit, and neither are they
saying what concrete policy products the people of the Commonwealth stand
to gain from the conference itself.
Following the interviews and related articles that I have seen and read in
the local media, the organizers are increasingly sounding like holding a
conference that is ideologically and substantively empty. Neither have I
heard any plans to raise timely important political concerns like the
defense of parliamentary democracy as the Queen of England sends in Black
Rod to suspend the UK Parliament in Westminster amidst public protests
around Britain and in the House of Commons. Remember that the Commonwealth
is an international (colonial) congregation whose countries are for example
amongst the most affected in the world by issues like climate change and
global warming. Where is that legislative debate in the agenda? What about
inter-commonwealth legislation and agreements on trade, development or
tarrifs for example? And what can we expect on all such timely matters in
the final declaration at the end of the summit?
The theme of the Kampala conference is supposed to be the evolution of
parliamentary democracy. We therefore are in the best forum to discuss what
is happening against the British Parliament, and we are therefore also in
the best position to offer a statement of concern and condemnation on this
disturbing matter that touches at the heart of the very purpose of this
conference. The evolution of parliamentary democracy. An area where Uganda
has seen it's own black rods enter Parliament last year and brutally arrest
members on the floor of the August House just as debate on the questionable
lifting of presidential age limits from the Constitution for selfish
reasons was at its peak.
To their credit, a few days ago on 2nd and 3rd September, the 50th
Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference Africa region was held in Zanzibar
where despite enjoying the beautiful African touristic scenery and plush
amenities, they at least discussed the role of information technology in
fostering democracy and developing local evonomies. They pointed out
computer illiteracy and the lack of internet connectivity in many area's
across Africa as a serious hurdle to overcome and discussed possibilities
to address the problem.
In order to avoid the upcoming Kampala Commonwealth parliaments conference
becoming a politically void event, it might be necessary for all citizens
of the Commonwealth and the media to not only follow the substance of it's
debates, but also voice their concerns. However, to the best of my
knowledge, just like during colonialism, there is no known platform for
direct feedback and suggestions from Commonwealth people's to the
Commonwealth leadership.
It is time the ordinary Commonwealth citizen checks if the Commonwealth,
which clearly doesn't answer to the people, is increasingly not just a
pompous paper tiger institution that mostly serves the prestige of its
undemocratic and unelected head. There should be public oversight and a
dedicated professional peoples feedback department that helps the people
question the institution and it's activities, plus determine if such a
conference is not just for Commonwealth delegates to enjoy themselves and
tour the world. Because the Comminwealth peoples expect that the leaders
are working productively on pertinent political, social and economic
legislative issues affecting all the peoples of the Commonwealth today and
in the future, plus defending 


2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Congratulations to the people of Uganda upon re-launching Uganda Airlines
commercial flights today. This is clearly a great vindication of the vision
and foresight of the company's founder Al-Hajji Field Marshal President Idi
Amin who went through great efforts to create this corporation from scratch
for the people of Uganda. We the Amin family encourage all Ugandans to
travel on this legacy airline as much as possible and invite others around
the world to do the same as well. Obviously today there is stiff
competition in the region and the air transport industry is an even tougher
market today than back in 1977 when Amin founded Uganda Airlines. So
preventable errors have to avoided (including the English on the boarding
pass has to read passenger not "passanger"). But today's first commercial
flight is primarily a great economic ideological victory against those who
once claimed that Uganda government shouldn't be involved in business or
creating state corporations, and they thereby went on to mismanage, loot
and then sell whatever remained of Uganda Airlines and other state
enterprises to themselves on the cheap.
Now what is this flying again?

God Bless Uganda!

By Lumumba Hussein Amin
Son of His Excellency Former President Al-Hajji Idi Amin Dada
Kampala, Uganda.
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
As Uganda remembers the late Ben Kiwanuka (RIP) and his sad disappearance
on 22nd September 1972, British journalist David Martin and exiled former
president Milton Obote would never have expected that one day the full
story would be told publicly to the people of Uganda, and their "Fake news"
version of history would be totally debunked.

Read the untold story by Mr. Hussein Lumumba Amin. Son of the late Al-Hajji
Field Marshal President Idi Amin Dada & late First Lady Kay Amin who was
also brutally murdered by the same serial killers:
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
If leaders have no clue about the world's ecosystem and how we all get the
oxygen that we all breath here on Earth, then they cannot be concerned by
the huge fires currently engulfing the entire Amazon jungle in Brazil.

Hussein Lumumba Amin
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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
The UK just suspended it's Parliament for five weeks in order to force a
no-deal Brexit. It is worth noting that had this suspension been done in an
African country, all European countries and the US, the countries that have
usurped for themselves the title of "international community", would have
immediately issued letters of stern condemnation starting with Britain
itself as was the case when Uganda suspended Parliament in 1971. Why are
all these so-called "democracy-loving countries" silent when it's Britain
doing the same?
As the Queen of England in connivance with UK's newly imposed Prime
Minister Boris Johnson (he wasn't elected by the people) decided to suspend
the British Parliament, the sophisticated English term that they are using
in trying to make this dictatorial political move palatable to the people,
is the word "Prorogation".
The Cambridge dictionary defines prorogation as "To stop the activities of
a Parliament without dissolving it."
The dictionary quickly adds that "Prorogations should not be called for
political purposes." Like trying to ensure a no-deal Brexit for example,
The only thing that holds Britain from being an absolute Monarchy is it's
Meanwhile, I cannot help but recall how Britain delibwrately demonized Idi
Amin for "prorogating" the Ugandan Parliament in 1971, even when the
Parliament that the African leader suspended clearly deserved the
suspension. For the record, that Ugandan Parliament had been the
rubber-stamp of little-known dictator Milton Obote for five brutal years.
Filled with his political sycophants and cronies, dictator Obote had used
the Ugandan legislature to approve his overthrow of the legitimate
President of independence president Sir Edward Muteesa in 1966. Obote had
also used the same Parliament to change the Constitution to suit his
political ambitions and quash political decent. He used the Parliament to
declare himself president, grant himself all executive/dictatorial powers,
abolish traditional leaders, suspend the judiciary, suspend all political
parties except his own, (thereby ensuring that only his political cronies
run the entire Parliament), he had also used the Parliament to jail and
torture all his political opponents, and had also used it to declare
martial law across the country where all political activities were banned.
That is the Parliament that Idi Amin immediately suspended in 1971 when he
took over militarily from dictator Milton Obote.
Clearly Amin had all the legitimate political reasons to do so.
Today, following the Prorogation that is unfolding in the colonial masters
kitchen in the UK, one would have expected the Commonwealth (the
organization that unites all former British colonies) to stand up and hold
an extraordinary meeting to condemn this disturbing, unbecoming,
undemocratic political development happening in London, the heart of the
Commonwealth organization of all places.
Somehow Britain can protest "in the strongest terms possible"when a former
colony suspends it's Parliament, but everyone is quiet when Britain does
the same. Where is the fraternity and reciprocity in support of our beloved
comrades in the British Parliament.
There must be some selfish ideological deficiencies in the leadership and
parliaments of the former colonies.
Actually the Parliament of Uganda is scheduled to hold the 64th
Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) from 22nd to 29th September
2019 in Uganda. Right at the time the British Parliament will still be
suspended. Obviously this is the most appropriate forum and timely
opportunity to raise concerns about the Queens unsolicited dictatorship
against a Commonwealth Parliament.
The least that I expect the Commonwealth parliamentarians to do is rise
together in support of parliamentary democracy, confront the political coup
taking place in London, and basically defend one of their own comrade
parliaments from monarchial carnage.
However it turns out that the unelected Queen of England is also the
self-proclaimed unelected head of the Commonwealth itself, and for life.
Thereby making this seemingly prestigious organization actually turn out to
be everything Banana republic in structure, head and reporting line.
Clearly there is nothing democratic in it's leadership selection process.
Her only legitimacy is the persisting ideological legacy of global empire,
a form of colonial white supremacism and it's disturbing brutal history
against indeginous people's around the world.
Furthermore, the Ugandan Constitution of 1995 (as amended) is clear that
the East African nation must not be part of any undemocratic institution.
For example the Commonwealth. So why even hold it's summit on Ugandan soil?
It's unconstitutional to do so here.
Makes one wonder how all our chest-thumping self-proclaimed
constitutionalists in this country are hiding their tiny heads in the sand
when the so-called "sacred Constitution" is being blatantly violated.
Oh I forgot! Their quack beliefs are just 


2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: Scenes of street violence in South Africa

Why exactly are some South African idiots murdering fellow Africans?
Many people both on this continent and overseas, including myself, have
discussed this issue at length everytime there is an outbreak of xenophobia
in South Africa. However I am yet to see a step by step approach or policy
designed to eradicate this plague instead of the usual speeches. Something
has to be done and therefore dealing with this violence requires dealing
with all the reasons and excuses that are fuelling the barbarity.
On one hand, there are those who might say that it is fellow Africans who
have abused their welcome in South Africa. And on the other hand, we see
empoverished jobless South Africans using political excuses to engage in
criminal opportunism. Sheer ignorance and greed manifesting itself in the
form of murder, looting and other despicable primitive behaviours that
constitute the sad and disturbing events that the world has witnessed today
coming from South Africans, and targeting not Whites, Indians, Arabs or
Chinese but exclusively fellow Africans.
Africa is being slaughtered in South Africa.
So in order to end this development, it's stupity, it's excuses, and it's
deadly consequences to innocent lives, the ANC government must first
dismantle economic Apartheid from South Africa so that equality becomes a
reality for all in the livelihoods of every citizen of the so-called
rainbow nation. Then the ANC party and government might simultaneously want
to establish the full record of all the African leaders and foreigners who
helped them and sacrificed for South Africa in the struggle against
Apartheid. The ANC must also establish the full moral value of all the
political, financial and in-kind support that they got for endless decades
from those African leaders and foreign individuals. Let it be clear that
nobody is asking them for a refund because it was in service to human
rights, human dignity and the humane self-determination of Africans on
their own continent and in their own countries that many contributed to the
struggle. The ANC government must establish the full weight of that
international political support plus the role of Africa without which there
would never have been an end to Apartheid. The subconscious deleting of all
the details of the African contribution to the struggle must stop.
While the world is aware of the key role that many South African heroes
played to end Apartheid, both the people of South Africa and Africans
across the continent must be similarly aware of how the entire continents
relentless and sometimes politically dangerous efforts are what actually
led to the crumbling of political Apartheid. Individually and collectively,
African leaders tirelessly shredded all the political and legal legitimacy
that Apartheid enjoyed around the world with impunity. Ultimately forcing
the racist regime to abdicate it's fascist ideology and fully acknowledge
on the table of nation's the unjust and criminal psychological and physical
suffering they had caused with their now bankrupt ideology to generations
of black South Africans past, present and future.
That entire record, including the names and full recognition of the African
leaders who stood alongside the people of South Africa through thick and
thin, that legacy must be immediately taught across South Africa as part of
the memory of Apartheid. We must learn about in all educational
institutions, in all local media and across Africa. That untold history
must also be clearly enshrined in all of South Africa's historical records,
in the collective conscience of Africa, and in all the speeches of South
Africa's political, traditional and religious leaders in regards to
Apartheid so as to guarantee that all present and future generations of
South Africans and Africans in general never forget the divine moral debt
that the nation of South Africa owes fellow African brothers and sisters
across the continent. Most of all, the South African leadership across all
parties and political affiliations must not hide behind malicious
opportunistic silence but come out to debunk and quash the xenophobic
excuses behind the murder, hate speech and bloody anarchy that we are
seeing in South Africa today as they butcher, burn and murder innocent
fellow Africans in broad daylight and in total contravention of all norms
of a sane and principled democratic society. Social media companies must
also do everything possible to stop the propagation of inflammatory
material and incitement to violence. I am talking here about what I myself
have seen coming from South Africa a few months ago as the country
approached general elections. In one specific instance, it took American
social media company Facebook a whole month, and multiple ignored
complaints from many people before they took down dangerous material that
was clearly inciting murder of foreigners in South Africa and which was
being virally shared across the cou


2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Justice is vital to lasting peace. Together we must all strive towards a
more peaceful and just nation free of violence, corruption, injustice and

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2019-12-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Just saw news that Uganda's Kiira Motors Company has completed production
of two electric buses. The vehicles batteries give them a range of 250 km
every full charge. Meaning they could travel from Kampala to Busia before
the batteries need to be recharged (possibly at the nearest public mobile
phone charger lady). On a serious note, I challenge Kiira Motors to connect
a simple dynamo to the buses electric engine. Have it rotate thanks to the
engine. And then direct the electric power produced by the dynamo back to
recharge the vehicles own batteries. All happening as the bus moves.
Thereby extending its range per charge from Kampala until Nairobi, Kigali
or Juba for example. If dynamo's worked for the lights on my grandparents
bicycle (picture), it can surely work to recharge electric car batteries as
it already does in petrol and diesel vehicles. Why not?

#CleanEnergy #AfricanInnovation #ClimateChange

Please share!
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[WestNileNet] THANK YOU

2019-09-15 Thread Hussein Amin
Today I would simply like to thank God for everything: The good times and
the bad times, the gifts and the hard lessons, and a big 'thank you' for
all the people who have been there for me in the course of this earthly
life. I pray that you receive the best rewards for all your kind deeds.
Thank You!

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
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2019-08-31 Thread Hussein Amin
Has anyone noticed the mysterious cold weather in Kampala today? While
Ugandan couples might be tempted to use the sudden fall in temperature as
an excuse for increased bedroom activities, in reality they should reduce
their daily consumption of beans because it increases their output of
greenhouse gases (methane) into the atmosphere, thereby contributing to
climate change.
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2019-06-29 Thread Hussein Amin
I sense Ugandans dying to publicly mention the word "Ssabanyampi" (the
master of all farters) but fearing retribution and being sent to Luzira
maximum security prison like Dr. Stella Nyanzi for calling His Excellency
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni "a pair of buttocks".
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[WestNileNet] (no subject)

2019-04-18 Thread Hussein Amin
Mbu "In 1979 we liberated Uganda from dictatorship".
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[WestNileNet] Quote

2019-03-17 Thread Hussein Amin
And God said: "Their shame is in their perceived glory".
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2019-02-26 Thread Hussein Amin
Fellow Ugandans,

Our condolences to the family of the late Mzee Hezron Kakuyo (now mostly
known as the father of Ms Allen Kagina - the Uganda National Roads
Authority executive director, and father-in law of Prime Minister, Dr
Ruhakana Rugunda).
I am not sure why they refuse to mention that he was once District
Commissioner (Jinja) during the Amin government, and later held other
Mzee Kakuyo was known by everyone to be a good person of integrity who
served his country well in all the positions he held during his long life
(He died at the age of 93)
Back then, and as always, Mzee Kakuyo was a development-oriented people's
person. Going beyond his official responsibilities to help many wanainchi
in solving whatever problems they had in their communities, including
helping to solve citizens personal problems where he could.
A true servant of the people both in spirit and in his many important
official duties.
Rest in Eternal Peace humble Mzee Hezron Kakuyo. And shame on those who,
for possibly ulterior political reasons, are trying to hide the true depth
of your positive patriotic contribution to Uganda.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
Son of His Excellency Former President Al-Hajji Idi Amin Dada.
Kampala, Uganda

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[WestNileNet] ON THIS DAY IN 1977

2019-02-14 Thread Hussein Amin
For the record, it was on February 14th that President Idi Amin publicly
announced the discovery of the weapons being hidden by the late Archbishop
Janan Luwum. However, recently during the launch of URA's new headquarters
on 20th January 2019, Museveni inadvertently told the gathering how he and
dictator Milton Obote smuggled these weapons into Uganda...so as to try and
bring back the 1966 Obote dictatorship and impose it on Ugandans (
Museveni reportedly said "his associate [meaning exiled dictator Milton
Obote] smuggled 96 riffles, 8 RPGs, 5 FN machine guns and 100 landmines
which he had hidden under a truck, into Uganda."
These are the very weapons that were on display at the Nile Hotel public
hearing (see picture in previous post). Back in 1977, I actually saw the
truck and these same weapons with my own eyes the day they were found. On
the afternoon of February 12th 1977, we passed by the Archbishop's
residence on our way to Entebbe after security services communicated to
their colleagues that they had just discovered the cache hidden under a
false floor on the trucks payload section. The weapons had been spread on
the trucks floor, then a metal sheet had been welded on top to hide them.
That is reportedly why security services missed it the first time when they
searched the residence.
The truck was blue in color with a fake Pepsi Cola logo painted on the
doors as cover. These weapons were reportedly originally shipped to
Tanzania as part of the combined African nations effort to help liberate
Zimbabwe, Rhodesia and South Africa from Apartheid and colonialism. Julius
Nyerere was instead picking some of the weapons and giving them to Obote to
fight President Idi Amin. This despite the fact that Amin was the leader
who actually proposed the military support to African liberation movements
in the first place, and helped choose Tanzania as the best located country
to channel the support to the famous "frontline states" like Angola and
Mozambique where African liberation movements could train and launch their
attacks against the colonialists and the fascist Apartheid regime.
In summary, all that Janan Luwum stood for was treachery to bring back his
ethnic group to power using the innocent Church, and then impose tribalism
and religious sectarianism political ideology on Ugandans. The very
behaviour we would all later see in the 1980's when Obote actually returned
to Uganda with his tribal UNLA rebel group. All that they were fighting for
was just to bring back their Obote.

Read the New Vision's 'On this Day's story for today:

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2018-04-12 Thread Hussein Amin
This significant event should have already been published on this forum. If
not, thanks to all who organized it and those who contributed to this noble
cause last Friday. I believe that some of the participants could be members
here on this online forum. My brother and nephew attended. (Click on the
link after the story below to see the pictures of the event at Hotel
Africana, Kampala). Keep up the good spirit towards developing communities.

Over 300M Raised At West Nile Education Trust Fund Dinner To Educate
Underprivileged Children

By Roy Ruva

Posted on April 10, 2018

The fundraising dinner took place on Friday 6 th April 2018 at Hotel
Africana where over 300million was raised at the high-profile event that
attracted hundreds and was organised by West Nile Foundation. It also
doubled as the launch of the West Nile Education Trust Fund.
The education trust fund which is aimed at mainly revamping the education
standards in West Nile as well as fighting poverty in the region was
founded by a group of passionate sons and daughters of the soil who have
dedicated their financial resources and time to run the foundation.
>From the initial funds raised that amounted to 50million mainly from the
West Nile night, the foundation was able to kick-start the project of
sponsoring four bright but underprivileged students at various universities
across the country to pursue science courses.
According to organisers, 40 million shillings was raised from corporate
companies and individuals that paid for tables, while over 260 million was
collected in cash and pledges that day.
Guests at the fundraising dinner in Hotel Africana on Friday
The West Nile Night which is a social event where people from the region
meet to dance mostly to local music, but also discuss different issues
affecting the region has been the main source of finance over the years. It
was also officially resumed on Saturday at The Cloud Lounge in Capital
Shoppers Ntinda after a short break.
While giving his opening remarks at the colourful dinner, the President of
the West Nile Foundation Counsel Caleb Alaka said the region has faced
several challenges ranging from wars and poverty that has left it lagging
behind since colonial times forcing many to opt for petty businesses and
difficult casual labourer jobs as security guards and sugarcane cutters.
“Several of our students study up to secondary school and then get stuck. I
call upon all well-wishers, west Nilers and friends of West Nilers to
support this initiative to join in the struggle to promote education in the
region which is the only key to success”. He said
Counsel Caleb Alaka The President of the West Nile Foundation giving his
The education trust fund targets to raise 5 billion shillings to sponsor a
targeted 300 students in five years time to study science subjects at top
Universities in Uganda with focus mainly on agriculture and science courses
for the underprivileged, but bright students selected by a trusted
The programme is expected to increase the number of students sponsored to
12 by next year with focuss on all West Nile districts ranging from Koboko,
Maracha, Arua, Yumbe, Adjumani, Zombo, Nebbi and Pakwach who will benefit
from the scholarship.
The first batch of beneficiaries accompanied by theri respective members of
parliament being introduced to guests
Mr Dennis Aliga Asega an economist and Investment banking expert and the
global ambassador who served as the key-note speaker at the fundraising
dinner led by example by contributing 50Million while DMA Nigeria the
company where he works added 10Million. He also officially accepted his
appointment as global ambassador and promised to do his best in mobilising
funds across the globe for the cause.
Mr. Dennis Aliga Asega (R) giving his acceptance speech after being
appointed global ambassador of the trust fund.
Other notable contributors included Taban Amin, the eldest son of former
president Idi Amin Dada who pledged 15 million shillings. 30 million
shillings from Munganira Company, 10 million from West Nile Web and area
members of parliament who contributed ranging from 500,000/- to 5million
among as well as business personalities .
Comedian Patrick ‘Salvado’ Idringi who was the host of the event cracked
guests with jokes before pledging 3million from proceeds of his upcoming
Man from Ombokolo show later this year.
Comedian Salvado co-hosted alongisde Mercy Munduru.
The International University of East Africa IUEA which also announced a
partnership with West Nile Education TrustFund to improve quality of
education and life in general in the region offered five scholarships in
different courses.
The former Madi and West Nile Diocese Bishop, Dr Joel Obetia who was guest
of honour attributed the slow development programmes in the region to
poverty at household level. He blamed the increasing levels of poverty and
the poor education performances on parents who usually opt to marry off
their c


2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin

Asalaam Aleikum brothers and sisters. I am told that a new book pictured
here is out.
Title: Field Marshal Idi Amin Raised Islam & Muslims in Uganda'.
The book is written by brother Siraj Hassan Magambo whom I would like to
thank in advance for his effort. He reportedly narrates all the development
and economic emancipation that my late father Al-Hajji President Idi Amin
did for his country, and for Islam. As we all know, for decades other
politicians and the western media have deliberately tried to hide the truth
of his achievements, and have instead spread too many lies one after the
other about him. A systematic demonization of all leaders who stood for
their indeginous African peoples independence and against neo-colonialist
exploitation, imperialist interference and foreign domination.
Unfortunately I do not know where the book can be found. If you do know,
kindly inform me via a direct message here on this social media platform or
comment below.

Thank you.
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
Photo: New Ugandan president Idi Amin waves to millions of jubilating
Ugandans as the country celebrated the deposing of dictator Apollo Milton

Exactly 47 years ago today, Al-Hajji Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada became
President of the Republic of Uganda.
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
People from around the world visit Uganda to see the source of the River
Nile for themselves. However in biblical times the source of the Nile was
unknown and mostly mystical. Ancient Egyptians and their Pharaoh's
considered the source of the Nile to be "the realm of the gods".
The Nile has always been considered as a divine blessing in one way or
another. Even to the indeginous peoples with pagan beliefs who lived along
its banks.
All human activity in Egypt evolves around the Mighty River Nile. And
without it, Egypt and most of Sudan are a massive dead desert.
But Ancient Egypt never knew that the River Nile originated from a Lake
called Nalubaale (now Lake Victoria) in present day Uganda.
While Ethiopians claim to have a Nile also coming from their country,
anyone who has visited the Sudanese capital Khartoum can attest that
whatever it is that is flowing from Ethiopia, in reality it is a different,
smaller river joining the main one coming from Uganda.
But "ancient Ugandans" also didn't know that the Nile travelled through
half of the continent from Lake Nalubaale upto an even bigger lake around
4000 kilometres away called the Mediteranean sea. As for the Bakonzo
tribesmen in the Rwenzori mountain of Uganda, they only knew that clouds
always came to cover the top of mountain, and when the clouds moved on,
they left the snow at the summit. And when the sun appeared, there were
little streams of natural, crystal clear, fresh water from the melting
white ice, flowing down the mountain and nourishing the entire ecosystem in
Mount Rwenzori (previously known as Mt. Stanley, left on this colonial map
attached, just above the equator line) is where the Nile really starts
before those little streams pour into Lake Edward, Lake George, the Katonga
river which flows into the big Lake Victoria. Then the Nile itself starting
from the Ugandan town of Jinja into Lake Kyoga at the center, then to Lake
Albert on the left and finally on to South Sudan, then North Sudan, and all
the way up to poor Egypt which always gets everyone;s left-overs.
Of course Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya who are all around or near
Lake Victoria, also have rivers that supply the lake with the fresh water
that will also become the Mighty River Nile.
Today Egyptians see the source of the Nile as a matter of national
security. Indeed it is an existential concern for which they threaten war
with any country that reduces the amount of water they receive at their
tail end of the river.
All countries around Lake Victoria have a diplomatic desk of the government
of Egypt tasked specifically to monitor usage of Lake Victoria.
They might as well also establish an office up on the Rwenzori mountain
slopes next to the Bakonzo people. Maybe send an engineer from the
Muhandiseen suburb of Cairo with some winter clothing, a tea kettle, and a
small telescope, sitting in an igloo to monitor how God sends the clouds to
deposit the Nile waters as snow at the top of Mount Rwenzori.
The day climate change hits the area and He stops sending his divine cloud,
let them wage war with Him instead.
Meanwhile, imagine the posture and attitude of "Ancient Ugandans" if we
arrived in Ancient Egypt with the knowledge that the people there and their
Pharoah considered our land as "the realm of the gods".
It would possibly be the exact posture and attitude that European
colonialists had when they came to Africa with the knowledge that we were
flabbergasted by their "bigger God" and their Holy book.
In fact a good example that proves the correctness of this theory is
One of the reasons why Europeans failed to colonize Ethiopia is possibly
because when they got there, they found that a people already believing in
the same God, reading the same Holy book, and practicing the very same
religion that they were planning to utilize to control Ethiopians.
In fact they found Ethiopians with a very rich and ancient culture, and
practicing the real, original orthodox Christianity from biblical times. A
people more religious compared to the watered-down Christianity from Europe.
Therefore there was no way for the Europeans to appear holier than the
indeginous people here, and the colonialists couldn't use the Bible to
control, exploit and colonize Ethiopia.
The same for Japan. They first Portuguese colonialists  who arrived in
Japan found a people with an advanced faith (Bhuddism), with Holy
scriptures, an advanced literature of their own, and a fiercely cohesive
and well organized society with a strong army and a strong culture.
The colonialists then decided to settle for doing only business with them.
Today in Uganda, that situation of the Japanese and the Ethiopians
vis-a-vis the European colonialists is locally known as "osanze ndaba".
Basically meaning "There is no fool here my friend. You found my eyes wide
awoke my brother".

Written by Hussein Lumumba Amin
1st March 2018
WestNileNet mailing list


2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
The real speech that President Idi Amin read at the Organisation of African
Unity (OAU) Heads of State summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1973:
"Let me state that the expulsion of Asians was not motivated by racism as
alleged by imperialists. Since the country’s independence in 1962, the
government offered these ‘alien Asians’ citizenship, after coming in as
destitutes and making great fortunes. They refused; not only did they
reject our hospitality thus, but they were not even prepared to return to
their motherland, the Indian sub-continent. They were in truth British, in
spirit and aspiration. A retired Indian government finance minister said
that these Asians had been sending about £300 million ($525 million at
current rates) annually to the UK from the East African states of Kenya,
Tanzania and Uganda. It was an intolerable state of affairs that our
limited developing economy should be so milked dry by an alien minority,
who blatantly rejected identifying themselves with us. It is significant
that out of their free choice these people did not go to Asia but preferred
the UK, principally, of course, because their fortune was safely banked
there. The justice of my action is evidenced by the fact that our relations
with India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, are very friendly and mutually
beneficial, for I am convinced of the significant necessity of
African-Asian solidarity."
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
Please join the petition to free young Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi
(picture attached). Every human being has the right to live freely and in
dignity. Nobody in the world deserves to be kicked out from their own home
to make way for others. We need a few more people to reach the petition
target of 1.500,000 signatures. Below is the link to the petition and the
letter from Ahed's parents.
Dear fiends,

Days ago Israeli soldiers *stormed my house in the dead of night and
dragged my **16-year-old** daughter to prison. *Now my little girl is in a
cold cell.

I have dedicated my life to civil resistance. That's why the army is
holding my baby -- they want to crush our spirit as we stand together
against injustice.

My little girl's case goes to court on 31 January -- but Israel's military
courts convict 99% of Palestinians, even if they are kids. *Please join my
urgent call below *-- we will deliver it directly to global leaders:

*To all world leaders:*

*"**We demand the release of Ahed and all Palestinian children wrongly held
in military prisons.*

*The international community must put an end to the detention and
ill-treatment of children in these prisons.*

*To Ahed and all the children in Israeli military** jails: We stand by your
side, and are holding you in our hearts. We will not give up until you are

When I saw her in court she was pale and shivering, shackled and clearly in
pain. I wanted to cry but I couldn’t, I have to stay strong so she stays

Then the judge refused bail, and now my child could spend months or years
behind bars before even getting a fair trial. There is no reason for her to
be held like this! They took her away for slapping a heavily armed officer
after Israeli soldiers shot her little cousin in the face, shattering his
skull. But instead of focusing on the shooting of a minor, they are focused
on my girl and are now charging her with 12 crimes.

*Over 12,000 Palestinian children have been arrested since 2000*! No matter
where you stand on this conflict, we can all agree no child should be
thrown into a military prison without a fair trial, and be subjected to
such abuse.

I have personally reached out to diplomats. But *my voice alone is not
strong enough.* That's why I'm appealing to you to stand with me. We know
the military judges don’t want global attention, and Israel's politicians
don't want the issue of child prisoners to become a global public scandal.
So add* your name -- we only have days:*

I have been inspired by the passion for freedom, justice, and creating a
better world for the next generation. That's why I am trying to reach out
to everyone -- because I know that if anyone can free my daughter and all
the children, it is the global community.

With hope and determination,

Basem Tamimi (Father of Ahed Tamimi)

Click link to sign the petition. Join the campaign to free Ahed Tamimi:
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
On this day 57 years ago, African martyr Patrice Emery Lumumba was
murdered. He was the first prime minister of Congo, elected to the position
after his country's independence from Belgium in June 1960. Just months
after his appointment, he was forced out of office and mercilessly killed.
His remains were then reportedly dipped in acid so that nothing of him
existed anymore. However, since his death he has become a martyr of the
African independence struggle, revered across the continent.

Last year the Trump administration declassified more documents regarding
the assassination in 1963 of US President John F. Kennedy.

Surprisingly, researchers found their-in documents relating to the
assassination of Patrice Lumumba.

Both deaths happened only three years apart and both have been widely
attributed to United States government officials and agencies including the

Now a newly declassified House Intelligence Committee document that was
found in the Kennedy assassination files says: "According to Richard
Bissell who was the CIA Deputy Director of Plans at the time, he was aware
of plans within the Agency concerning the possible assassination of Patrice
Lumumba and that "a case officer was directed to look into the

Now one could question if it is legal in the US for any government agency
or any individual to look into assassinating any individual.

Or whether it is legal to utilize government resources (the CIA and "a case
officer") to see whether US government officials can conduct an

Remember that the target in Congo is an unarmed innocent legitimate
civilian leader who is not a declared enemy of the United States and who is
also the Prime Minister of a sovereign country that is not at war with, nor
attacking the US.

For the record, on 10th August 2000, an article written by American
journalist Martin Kettle for the UK's Guardian newspaper stated that US
President Dwight Eisenhower directly ordered the CIA to "eliminate" Patrice

Which piec

"The evidence [of Eisenhower's order] comes in a previously unpublished
1975 interview with the person who wrote the minutes at a White House
meeting in August 1960 where Eisenhower and his national security advisers
discussed the Congo crisis.

Robert Johnson who wrote the minutes of the meeting, said in the interview
that he vividly recalled the president turning to Allen Dulles, director of
the CIA, "in the full hearing of all those in attendance, and saying
something to the effect that Patrice Lumumba should be eliminated".

Mr Johnson recalled that "There was stunned silence for about 15 seconds
and the meeting continued.""

Mr Johnson revealed the White House exchanges in 1975, when he was
interviewed by the Senate intelligence committee inquiry into US covert
action. The committee confirmed that the CIA had conspired to kill Patrice
Lumumba on Eisenhower's direct orders.

It also appears that British intelligence was part of the assassination
plot together with the Belgians and the CIA.

Baroness Daphne Park who was known as the "Queen of Spies" after four
decades as one of Britain's top female intelligence agents, is believed to
have been sent by British intelligence service MI6 to the Belgian Congo in
1959 under an official diplomatic guise as the Belgians were on the point
of being ousted from the country.

While discussing with Labour peer Lord Lea about the uproar surrounding
Lumumba's abduction and murder, and recalling the theory that MI6 might
have had something to do with it, Baroness Park reportedly admitted. 'We
did, I organised it. Lumumba would have handed over the whole lot to the
Russians: the high-value Katangese uranium deposits as well as the diamonds
and other important minerals largely located in the secessionist eastern
state of Katanga."

It appears Western countries conspired to have the Congolese leader
assassinated in order to preserve their exclusive exploitation of Congo.

I remember my father installing a grand, life-size painting of Patrice
Lumumba at the entrance of State House Entebbe in memory of the African
leader. May his soul continue to rest in eternal peace.
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
As we remember and celebrate this special day when 28 years ago African
hero Nelson Mandela walked out triumphantly from prison, we seldom remember
what Madiba did for Africa, its image, its empowerment, and its prestige.
Suddenly we had a respected global icon like never before. One whom
Africans could be proud of, and whom the whole world respected. From World
leaders and superstars to students and toddlers, everyone revered him,
everyone listened to him, and everyone wanted to greet him.
That kind of stature and leverage might not happen again soon on this
That is why I want to talk about the "Made in Africa" brand.
While Mandela is more of a political African product, there is the economic
aspect of the Africa brand that badly needs to be established and vitalized.
The history of the industrial revolution is probably the simplest way to
understand how innovation and technological advances have changed societies
in developed countries and subsequently around the world as well. A few
days ago I was reading about the Chinese model for economic growth. It was
based on industrialization.
They basically wanted to be able to produce everything they needed by
Though African countries might not be able to afford the same strategy due
to financial and other socio-political constraints, the basic format is the
same in all countries that have seen solid economic success.
Innovation, production and consumption.
People get down to inventing new products. They then mobilize the means for
mass production of the new product. And finally, they market it at an
affordable cost.
In many regions,  the word "Inventor" is a real title, a real profession. A
rare type of people who dedicate their lives and their focus on creating
new technologies. New products that are intended to serve a real purpose in
The laws of demand ensure that their innovations become commercially
viable. Thus a new, profitable consumer product in the market, driving the
overall national economic growth and playing it's part in uplifting the
standards of living of people.
In the process, there are people who have become famous because of the
revolutionary aspect of their inventions which contunue to impact peoples
The solutions to most of our socio-economic problems are in innovation.
That is why I took some time to reflect on a simple way to make both
innovation and the commercialisation of ensuing new products an integral
part of African economic structures.
This is something that our continents leaders and policy makers should see
as a strategic priority for the mid-term and especially for the long term
robustness of our socio-economic fabric.
While some people think that Africa can just sit back and leap frog
economically by relying on developed countries to always come up with the
technologies that we can then adopt once they become cheap enough, it is
indeed clear that innovation is what our African economies lack most.
It is the main reason for our continued dependence on imports of finished
products while mostly exporting raw materials.
That model and way of thinking must change. But the change does not come
from simply importing industries. The head of the spear is local innovation.
To put it simply, the industrial revolution first required inventors, then
financiers to support viable inventions. Then the industries did the mass
Today African economies have the basic structures in the form of possible
multi-sectoral stake-holders (including Public-private partnerships). From
investors to industries and financial institutions, all are on site within
our economies.
So what is lacking? Inventors.
While everyone understands how important it is to take part in the bigger
long term plot of developing the economy so as to make our populations more
prosperous. However, there must be those who are willing to take the
initial minimal risks to invest their time and money in any promising new
endeavours. It is therefore common sense that revolutionary inventions are
also a quite profitable venture when a new idea has potential for high
Government's therefore need to mobilize human and financial resources,
particularly the youths and the entrepreneurs so as to not only produce
innovation but also establish the mechanism for local direct investment in
home-grown innovation.
How do we do that?
First we need to create the policy environment where innovation thrives.
One of the problems we have is politicians pretending/acting knowledgeable
with intellectual linguistics on topics like innovation, but actually are
completely clueless on what actual action will sustainably unlock the
country's potential and achieve such goals.
We therefore have many highly educated empty heads posturing in conference
English. Talking their way through life with the Oxford dictionary in their
heads. In reality their productivity in terms of establishing the practical
tennets that turn policy into reality are actually barel


2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
Dear Kenyan,

I hope I am not already too late in speaking out today.

There is definitely a problem when grown men and women start acting like
uncompromising disgruntled children.

I read one of your politicians called Dr. Miguna Miguna inviting people to
what he said was "The swearing-in of The People's President, H.E. Raila

In his message Mr. Miguna says: "It's my privilege, as the General in
charge of Operations, to welcome the Nairobi Business Community, the
un-named Church and all Kenyans to the SWEARING-IN CEREMONY on January 30th

Let us be serious for one minute. What is "General in charge of operations"?

It reminded me of one rebel in Liberia during their civil war who called
himself "General butt-naked".

This is what happens when people start building castles in the air.

Africans we need to stop being power-hungry while claiming to want to be of
service. What is the purpose of that ceremony? Where is it likely to lead
Kenya? Isn't the country already at breaking point for the last six months?

I am not a Kenyan, and actually I have an inclination for Mr. Raila Odinga
since the 2008 election violence that found me in Nairobi.

So I am not speaking out of partisan political reasons against Mr. Raila
Odinga or for Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta whom I believe did everything to obstruct
justice at the ICC.

I am simply advising Mr. Raila and his team to rise beyond the current
madness/quagmire/political stalemate in order to see beyond its limiting
perspective on the future of your country.

As leaders you probably know better than me that you have to lead with a
bigger vision. So there are many times when one has to remain focused on
that bigger picture no matter how difficult it is to pursue. The task is to
build a better nation, not to break it.

And Kenya is bigger than the idea of either Uhuru Kenyatta or Raila Odinga
being in power. One day both will not be around but Kenya will continue its
journey with others. Just like here in Uganda one day Museveni and Besigye
will not be around but Uganda will continue to be. What I am kindly asking
you to do is to relax and start thinking ahead within the rules of the
political system and institutions that you yourselves established in 2010.

There is probably death and destruction in this other path that you are in
right now. You know that, don't you? And do you know that it will be beyond
anyone's powers to single-handedly re-unite Kenyans and return the country
to normalcy after that? It took Uganda twenty years to calm everyone down,
and those who lived through the the civil wars from 1979 through the 80's
know that it is really unbelievable that some normalcy has happened.

As I said earlier, to me your current predicament is increasingly looking
like one where the single ideology of the struggle is just "Baba Raila must
be president".

If I were him I would halt all this dangerous childish nonsense immediately
and start putting Kenya first again.

You Kenyans came together and promulgated one of the best constitutions in
Africa back in 2010. One that you ensured it contained all the provisions
to handle the country's problems. If something hasn't worked well, then the
first task is to sort out the matter constitutionally for the long term. It
is also part of building the nation. Plug whatever loopholes persist. It is
a political process within the institutions you established in your own
2010 Constitution. Not out of it. So I challenge you to stop this business
of seeing yourselves as pseudo rebel movement/freedom fighters, and instead
put your brains to the task of intelligently solving the problems that
exist today. It requires communication and it definitely requires
compromise. That means letting some thing's go.

And where you miscalculated your political moves, just accept it as fact
and press the reset button.

For us Ugandans we do not want another refugee conundrum here. We have many
others from all around us already. Conflicts persisting thanks to the
fool-hardiness of a few people who are happier in chest-thumping and
killing each other than they are in taking a deep breath and starting to
resolve their problems beyond todays minute quarrels. They lack the people
who can lead them to rise beyond themselves and the wrangles that they are
entangled in.

Come on guys! Kenya has always been better than that. Our contemporary East
African history of the 1980's shows that it is us Ugandans who always went
down the path that you are contemplating. Check the pictures of that
history if you are thinking of copying anything from here. Don't make that
mistake. Today is 2018.

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
After Mr. Robert Mugabe coming out a few days ago and crying foul over his
predicament, let us take a quick learned look at democracy, it's basic
principals and its core values from the Zimbabwe case study. For the record
I haven't yet got the time to listen to the full interview, but:

1- Wasn't President Robert Mugabe a civilian leader?

2- Wasn't he elected by his political party and more importantly, by the
people of Zimbabwe?

3- Was he deposed by the people, an election, or by force?

So where are all the so-called "democratic forces" in this case?

On the contrary, all those usually claiming to stand for democracy,
including the EU, the US, the African Union and most African political
activists paid by the west, all summarily abandoned their own much-hyped
democratic credentials and started applauding a coup and an unelected
leader. I do not know the new leader, therefore I really am not against him

But general elections were held in Zimbabwe on 31 July 2013. The incumbent
President, Robert Mugabe, was re-elected by the people of Zimbabwe, whilst
his ZANU–PF party won a two-thirds majority in the House of Assembly.

Moreso, another election was already scheduled for this year 2018.

So can we now say that the so-called "Democratic forces" have become
patently opportunistic in nature whereby they quickly claim to be "fighting
for democracy and human rights" as a mere excuse that they use when it
suits their need to get power, but summarily dump all decorum when
democracy is against their ulterior inner urges?

I remember being shocked to read a full public statement issued by a
Ugandan opposition party which usually claims to fight for democracy, the
rule of law, and respect for constitutionalism, yet here they were
supporting military force by armed coup plotters in Zimbabwe against the
duely elected leader.

Surprisingly, the same party regularly tells Ugandans; "We do not support
the use of force to oust Mr. Museveni."

So where exactly do such people stand?

I once complained how in Uganda they abandoned their quest for free and
fair elections in 2015 under the 'No Reforms, No Elections' campaign.
Suddenly all of them wanted to be candidates in an election that they
themselves had been declaring that it was already completely rigged in

I find such politicians to be lucky that nobody is really holding them to
account for their glaring, disturbing and telling inconsistencies.

Maybe it is because Ugandans do not see any alternative to their current
politicians who have become their only hope even if they are going nowhere.

Rigged polls is dictatorship. A dictatorship that is trying to put on some
lipstick, Brazilian weaves, and fake butt implants.
And no matter how comfortable we individually feel with the new Zimbabwe
regime, if we look closely, it is also what it actually is: Illegitimate.

The struggle against tolerating all kinds of blatant opportunistic acts of
political mediocrity, that struggle is clearly still ahead of us Africans,
all political affiliations inclusive.

In regards to Mr. Robert Mugabe, even if many have been brainwashed to mock
or disrespect him, we should have all respected the constitutional
provisions that he was an elected president, and the civilized way to
change leaders was to simply wait for the people of Zimbabwe to express
themselves in a free and fair manner in the upcoming 2018 polls. This
discussion should not be sidelined for political expediency. The questions
raised are at the heart of what kind of solid institution building,
meaningful constitutionalism, and political stability we are able to
establish for the future anywhere in Africa.

So now Mr. Mugabe is being told that if he is not happy, he should go to
the courts. Let me state that this is exactly what he, or any concerned
Zimbabwean citizen should immediately do. Establish the dignity and
legitimacy of their institutions through justice and legal redress. We want
to uphold the rule of law, right?

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
As I watched the speeches at the annual World Economic Forum debates 2018
in Switzerland, It is clear that Europe is now quickly trying to replace
the US in leading the world following the global loss of respect in the US
presidency in the last year plus the dwindling global political influence
of the White House on issues ranging from climate change, to foreign aid,
military cooperation and economic alliances. The EU is also developing more
ambitious grand plans for being at the cutting edge of major technological
advancenents via increased funding. Some of the area's targeted for greater
research and productivity gains are medicine, artificial intelligence, and
not surprisingly, clean energy innovations. One of the biggest innovation
challenges the world is facing today is how to smoothly transition from
depletable carbon-heavy fuels, to sustainable low-cost clean energy
I totally agree with the French President who said in his speech that while
governments enact laws and policies to address countries difficulties, it
is our cultures, our common ways of thinking as societies that ultimately
create and/or solve the different array of problems in our different
He also remarked that "Those who do not want to move forward should not
block the most ambitious."
Though he was talking about the policy squabbles between the 27 European
Union member nations, the point he was making is a reality in many areas of
human endeavour wherever people have to come together and contribute to a
common struggle/cause for their own betterment.
In Africa for example, whether it is nations or individuals, the behaviour
of blocking or pulling down those who are being more successful and/or
potentially more productive is probably one of the most understated causes
of continued underdevelopment and stagnation. It is also at the heart of
why it is difficult to have accord and smooth coordination amongst African
countries on global matters where we have common interests. Issues like
corruption, public theft, extortion, and the deliberate shelving of some
otherwise progressive development projects are all also part of causing
persistent poverty and socio-economic stagnation. In many instances, even
the best projects only launch after money is exchanged under the table. If
not they are deliberately stalled. What cultures/societal behaviour is
behind such mentalities? Especially when it is by people who are paid
monthly salaries as public servants to support and facilitate development?
In Africa therefore, those who genuinely succeed probably have had to make
twice or thrice the effort than a similarly successful person in developed
Meanwhile, I recommend that African leaders, from directors, permanent
secretaries, MP's, Ministers, Presidents, Kings, and young aspiring leaders
should all follow the annual discussions at the World Economic Forum and
similar events. Because leaders lead, they can only do so if they have a
greater awareness of all the local and global issues. I see such events are
an easy way to widen our own horizons, upgrade our own understanding of our
own challenges and their solutions, and improve our own leadership
perspectives by listening to what global political leaders, business
leaders, scientists and activists of different causes are debating as the
worlds priorities today and why.
Honestly speaking, the gap in level of thinking between some of the
presentations I watched and what some of our leaders are concerning
themselves with here, is quite troubling.
It means we have decades to go before we can achieve consensus on certain
critical issues simply because of ignorance, faulty prioritization, or
misunderstanding at a large scale. What really matters is sometimes
by-passed for other reasons.
I also recommend that the organizers (or any watchdog institutions) provide
an impact assessment of their event. In the years since it's inception, how
has the World Economic Forum impacted ordinary people around the world in
terms of human development parameters from the grassroots upwards. While
the forum provides a highly respected platform for world leaders to express
their philosophies and political views, listen to their peers and
learn/share new idea's, it is necessary to quantify or evaluate the forum's
real-terms impact if it is to become a more purposeful and more relevant
global institution in terms of setting, understanding, and communicating
socio-economic policy and concerns. A platform that serves everyone from
gobal industries to community development leaders for the benefit of the
ordinary people, rather than become some sort of political fashion show
that serves the self-gratification of a certain category of leaders and
so-called influential people. I listened to inspiring speeches but fear
that some are designed simply for the intellectualist appearance of the
occasion. While some attendees are surely utilising the platform for real
networking, real advancem


2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
Sad to learn of the passing of Hugh Masekela. One of Africa's legendary
jazz artists who used his music to fight discrimination and bring people
together. From humble beginnings in Apartheid South Africa, he went on to
become a shining star in global jazz circles from Europe, America, Asia,
and across Africa. A conscious Pan-Africanist, Hugh Masekela represented
the continent well wherever he performed, with several exclusive jazz
performances in Uganda. I consider him to be in the league of Africa's
greatest artists of all time. Indeed he is considered amongst the world's
greatest artists in contemporary jazz music.
One of the things that made him unique was how he always maintained
melodious African roots in his songs.
Thank you for the music. Thank you for the emotions and memories that it
generated. Indeed Africa has lost a shining star today.

May your soul rest in eternal peace.
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
 Russia introduces an intercontinental ballistic nuclear weapon of mass
destruction that not only reaches anywhere on earth, but more worryingly
for Russia's enemies, it reportedly cannot be shot down by any existing
anti-missile defense system on the planet. EU and US leaders plus their
military commanders are probably scratching their heads on how to respond
to this robust ground-breaking security concern. As if it was not
threatening enough, Russia called it "SATAN 2", and they are ready to use
it against any country that attacks there allies. So what are our American
friends and their British allies going to do about this new weapon of mass
destruction? At least this one exists for real, right?

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
 Isn't this situation now getting completely out of control?
I highly recommend that the perpetrators of acts such as the disturbing
murder of a promising young lady, Susan Magara (RIP), her killers should be
stealthily pursued, swiftly apprehended, and then immediately presented
before a military court martial.
The continuous serial killing of more than 30 women found dead since last
year on Entebbe roadsides after being tortured and/or raped, plus the
serial killing of Muslim clerics, followed by the more recent serial deaths
of foreigners in hotels plus those of senior law and order officials in the
same tactical manner (Joan Kagezi, Major Kiggundu, Felix Kaweesi etc...),
should be treated as a national security concern.
The increasing failure to protect life and property of citizens yet deadly
criminals were recently being interviewed publicly on live national
television wishing Ugandans a merry christmas, such failures should be at
the center of concerns for sweeping reforms in the law enforcement/security
sector which itself is being accused of harboring and working with the very
murderers within its ranks as state-funded henchmen.
If arrested and found guilty, rather than feeding and housing the heartless
killers for free in Luzira maximum prison at the taxpayers expense for
life, they should also be shown little mercy like they did to their victims.
These "bakondo" criminals should probably be given the maximum penalty
established by law in Uganda. Which I believe is the firing
squad...possibly in public so that the poor relatives of the deceased can
finally get justice, and witness for themselves as it is being deservedly
served to their merciless tormentors who made Magara's mother and family
beg for their daughter's life, and then summarily slaughtered the young
lady after getting the ransom money.
If nothing radical is done to these criminals now, this kidnapping
behaviour could easily be seen as a new lucrative industry, attracting many
undeterred, desperate and unemployed criminal youths.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
1st March 2018
Kampala, Uganda
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[WestNileNet] "NAMBIA"

2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
I assume that when Trump said "Nambia", he was reading Namibia, but
thinking NAMBLA (The North American Man/Boy Love Association). Basically
gay peadophiles once investigated by the FBI which still has the
associations membership list.
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
I was a big follower since my High School days of the scientific work and
life story of world reknown Quantum physicist Mr. Steven Hawkings (#RIP)
who passed away yesterday. But he chose to be an atheist. Which I think is
erroneous conduct for any man or woman of the sciences. He simply doesn't
have any scientific evidence that God does not exist.
Atheism is therefore also just a constant assumption. Especially since
science which they claim to believe in, hasn't even established the origin
of life and that of all creation. The famous Big Bang which they claim was
the beginning of the universe must itself have resulted from something if
I had also prepared three quick questions for Mr. Hawkings to enlighten me
about if I ever got the opportunity, but unfortunately the great Quantum
scientist is no more:

1- Isn't #Atheism (and science) simply a perpetual search for #God?

2- If all that is in existence can be summarised as "The Everything", isn't
the "Nothing" therefore tantamount to something that is an essential
component of the #Everything? And if so, can the quantum theory of
relativity in SpaceTime, or Darwins theory of evolution, or any other
scientific theory, explain how the "Nothing" came to be?

3- There is a verse in the Qur'an that asks: "Did the #Universe create


(Ps: If you know any Quantum physicist or just any atheists or scientists
in general, kindly forward to them my above questions please)

RIP Mr. Steven Hawkings
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
When we discuss oil production, a paradox develops in regards to
environmental preservation policies, Oil. like all fossil fuels, is
one of the most polluting products because of the millions of tons of
carbon dioxide emissions that oil products put into the atmosphere
globally every year, thereby causing climate change.
So when we claim to fight climate change yet the country is putting
all its hopes for the future on starting oil production as soon as
possible, we have to be more pragmatic and efficient about the
paradox. Especially as a tiny and poor Third world country that needs
to protect its environment and also uplift the standards of living of
its people simultaneously through development.
We therefore need to be smarter and more efficient in our oil production..
Remember that Uganda's oil reserves estimates are around 5 billion
barrels of oil in the ground. And only 1 billion barrels from that
total amount is extractable.
Which means that more than 4 billion barrels of Uganda's oil reserves
will remain underground and will never be extracted or commercialized.
In economic terms, this means a high production cost for the little
oil that we will be able to produce.
However with the increasing amount of innovative research going on
globally around fighting climate change, new technologies are emerging
including in oil production.
For example, there are now ways to use carbon dioxide, the main
culprit causing climate change, to help oil extraction. So Uganda
should look at any new possibilities that mitigate oil production in
regards to fighting climate change. Including the new technologies
which could re-insert carbon dioxide into the soil where the 4 billion
barrels of inextricable oil are located. What happens biochemically is
that the carbon dioxide then dissolves the oil that is stuck
underground and easily brings it up for production and refining.
At this juncture where countries are looking for ways to transition
from carbon heavy pollutants to cleaner energies so as to reduce
carbon emissions, this temporary system helps make use of the very
carbon dioxide that is causing climate change, while helping in oil
extraction simultaneously. A form of recycling which ends up helping
to clean the atmosphere.
It definitely helps advance the research and market of new
technologies that capture and remove carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere for meaningful use.
In Uganda's case it will also mean more productivity from the limited
oil resources. From just one billion barrels, we will be able to
extract the entire 5 billion barrels of the country's total oil
reserves. This means at least four times more oil income than what the
country is expecting today.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
South Africa has just announced that it is to cut diplomatic ties with
Israel until Israel agrees to "true freedom and democracy for the
Palestinian people".
I think it is fair to say that Johannesburg is now exercising decisive
leadership on this disturbing matter. The time is now for Africa to follow
Nelson Mandela and his recently revamped ANC on this just, humane and noble
path that the usual self-proclaimed beacons of freedom and human rights
have clearly failed to address. In fact they are showing either cimplacency
or increasingly covert complicity with the known corrupt and murderous
oppressor on this complex issue where many in the developed world are
oblivious of the loss of their global moral compass status, and prefer to
either cheer on, or look the other way in blissful xenophobic comfort as
ethnic cleansing, destruction of poor people's homes, wanton incarceration
and expulsion of desperate African asylum seekers in contravention of all
international instruments on refugees, land grabbing, plus heartless
arbitrary arrests and rampant killings of young children is shown on our
LED television flatscreens and social media every God-given day.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
23 February 2018

Video of statement by South African Minister Naledi Pandor to the South
African Parliament. PLEASE SHARE!
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
Congratulations His Excellency President George Weah upon his inauguration
today as President of the Republic of Liberia. Congratulations also to
Africa’s first elected female president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for
accomplishing her mandate and for the peaceful transfer of power that
Liberia has not seen since 1944. Indeed a good step forward for Africa.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
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2018-03-21 Thread Hussein Amin
Doing the right thing is not always easy. Even when many will not
understand. They do not realize how difficult it is to let go of the weight
of strong toxic positions that one held dearly, and also how difficult it
is to let go of serious legitimate grievances that one suffered. All that
so as to create a clean slate with a conducive environment where dialogue
and understanding can occur, and the country moves on to its other pressing
I therefore fully appreciate the true level of difficulty in deciding to
meet and reconcile major differences. Especially given the harsh rhetoric
that has been prevailing since their August elections.
There are many people out there who might not like the reconciliation that
took place. Others have even turned to mocking their two leaders. Obviously
such are people who were gleefully hoping for the worst.
Having major differences does not mean people have to kill each other.
Sensible human beings can always find sensible ways to resolve issues and
move on rather than remain permanently stuck in a dilemma. That is why you
wrote a new constitution in 2010. Shouldn't Africans stop banana republic
politics? Shouldn't we abandon the out-dated politics of permanent hatred,
constant grumbling, tribalism, anarchy, and the thirst for each others
A country like DR Congo would do well with such a meeting between their two
political enemies.
Even Uganda, Rwanda, Cameroon, Gabon, Ethiopia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea,
Eritrea, and a few other nations (including now the US and Russia) which
suffer this syndrome where internal political enemity almost means that we
will hate our political opponents to our graves. What else does that
behaviour result in except backwardness and political stagnation?
All Kenyans should therefore back the new developments. Your point has been
made and you can use it to improve things for the future instead of
clinging to the disturbing myopia that wishes an evil situation to prevail.
How does that help you honestly? Even God blesses any situation that
quashes the mounting enemity between citizens.
We all need more civility, more compromise, genuine constitutionalism, and
the true rule of law. Even us here in Uganda who are obviously still far
behind compared to Kenya as we wallow in permanent political greed and
shameless lies in broad daylight plus the related sectarianism, blatant
malice and record political treachery across the entire political spectrum.
Yet this country can be far better than it's current political and economic

Again congratulations!

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2018-02-04 Thread Hussein Amin
Just about a week ago, the African Union held the 30th Ordinary Session.
According to Ethiopian government figures, the summit was attended by "more
than 10,000 delegates from all over Africa and observer/partner countries,
49 heads of state, the UN Secretary-General, and Arab League officials".

Someone should start telling Africans how much the summit actually costs
and why 10,000 people have to be flown in for the 2-day event.

One other untold aspect is that there were close to 680 journalists from
all over the world.

While all journalists are welcome, African journalists probably make a tiny
minority of the 680 journalists. Some African countries might not have even
sent a single reporter.

In my opinion there were some very interesting resolutions arrived at
during this summit. Issues that should have been celebrated, or at least
publicised more vigurously around Africa for the continents peoples to
comprehend and own. Yet it appears that our media barely glossed over these

Besides the summit theme on fighting corruption, a significant protocol on
the free movement of people (or travelling with fewer visa restrictions)
was signed. Also, a special summit was announced for March 2018 on the
Continental Free Trade Area which the AU is close to adopting.

More interesting was the Single African Air Transport Market, a flagship
project of Agenda 2063, which could change air travel within African
countries. It will for example make it easier to fly more directly between
African countries (and not via France/UK to connect to some African

As all economists know, the easier it ease for people, goods and services
to move within an area, the greater the economy of the area becomes.

Migration was on the agenda too. The AU "worked closely with the European
Union and the United Nations to repatriate illegal migrants and save them
from the kind of abuses reported in Libya last year" a report read.

Almost 13,000 migrants had been returned home since the AU-EU summit three
months ago (in November 2017).

What do Africans think about these issues? Why aren't the people being made
to own and comprehend the greater impact of some of the progressive issues

Why aren't Africans being made to get more involved in what takes place at
the AU? Why isn't the African media holding the AU more accountable for its
actions and costs yet the Organization recently adopted a new reform blue
print that is intended to increase administrative and political
efficiencies as well as make the AU more self-reliant.

Obviously the continents media is fragmented and not giving important
progressive African developments the attention and scrutiny they deserve.
Even when it comes to the continents problems, African media houses tend to
depend on the western media for a certain calibre of stories while local
journalists get constantly carried away by other sometimes unproductive,
irrational, or inconsequential issues which they then give endless
coverage. Tabloidism.

The simple advice to the African Union is to seriously consider creating an
independent, free to air African news network of global proportions
comparable to the BBC, RT, or Al-Jazeera English. One platform that serves
Africa's interests, helps unify the continent and is driven by some of the
ideals of the Pan-Africanist forefathers and the African Union core
principles today.

In this age of new media and the technological novelties cheaply available,
such an enterprise, broadcasting under minimum international standards, is
not as costly as it might seem. It can be based anywhere on the continent
and not necessarily at the AU headquarters.

As a former media expert I know this can be achieved. It is not the
management knowledge or technical competence that lacks on this continent.
What it requires first is the political well.

More importantly, Africa needs to be able to start telling its own
important stories. Not to always be told about ourselves by other
continents neo-colonialist media agenda's.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: President Idi Amin mingles with ordinary Ugandans in the capital
Kampala (1975).

Today's young Africans and new Panafricanists have little knowledge of the
key role that my father President Amin played in the 70's.

As Western Empires were clinging on to the continent, Idi Amin took a
highly celebrated stand against neo-colonialism and Western exploitation in
Africa. He was named 'Conqueror of the British Empire' for kicking the
British out of Uganda in 1972, after which he joined other African leaders
in the Non-Aligned Movement, a coalition of newly independent countries
that were neither communist nor under the Western block during the cold war.

Western powers' were opposed to Uganda's President Idi Amin and they
persistently conducted a campaign to first defame, then topple the
charismatic Ugandan leader. A plot that was mainly engineered by the
British government's secret service and the CIA.

They failed simply because "Amin was immensely popular within the Ugandan
population and across Africa".

It is Amin who had liberated Ugandans from a little-known Fascist leader
called Milton Obote who was actually hated by Ugandans but hardly anyone
beyond the country's borders has ever heard of him.

In regards to the legacy of President Idi Amin, several accomplishments are
remembered by Ugandans to this day:

- His economic policies that empowered indeginous Ugandans and therefore
initiated the true Ugandan economy (as opposed to the exploitative British
imperial economy that existed until then)

- Amin's incorruptible leadership where he never enriched himself from
state coffers, and was a man of the people who always took time to appear
alone and mix with the ordinary masses in town or in upcountry villages and
listened to their problems by hearing directly from the people.

- President Amin embarked on major development projects in Uganda including
transport (mainly Uganda railways and Uganda Airlines), satellite
telecommunications for global reception of international media and
telephony, revamped banking sector with the countrywide expansion of Uganda
Commercial Bank, expanded hotel & tourism industry, and modernization of
agriculture through well equipped cooperative unions around the country.

- It is only under Idi Amin that Uganda's trade balance became positive,
with the value of the countries exports largely exceeding it's imports. A
feat that is rare in Africa, didn't happened even under colonialism and has
never again happened ever since he left the country.

- Uganda had no national debt under Amin. He paid for every thing the
government purchased and Uganda lived within its means. The currency was
stable (one US Dollar was equal to 7 Uganda Shillings. Today for example
the Uganda currency has depreciated and one dollar is now equal to 3700
Uganda shillings).

- He also ensured Africanization of the skills to sustain the economy by
sending tens of thousands of Ugandans abroad for technical training and
higher education so that indeginous Ugandans could handle all aspects of
public administration, health, education, industry and business.

- His government invested in new industries and self help projects under
cooperative unions for rural communities across the country so as to
provide jobs and incomes, plus uplift the standards of living in rural

- He personally promoted tourism and worked towards preservation of
Uganda's rich wildlife where he would invite foreign journalists for tours
to showcase the wildlife but the journalists would instead focus on their
campaign to defame him.

- Thanks to Amin's express support for sporting activities from school
level to the national teams, Ugandan sportsmen, particularly in boxing,
football, and athletics, made it on the continental and international
stage. Uganda's first Olympic gold medal was won under Amin. The football
team suddenly became a serious contender on the continent, finishing second
on the African cup of nations 1976, and a finalist in 1978. In boxing,
after the Cubans and the Americans, the Ugandan team became one of the most
competitive. They were known as 'The bombers'.

- Women's emancipation was a key element during the Amin government. He
made sure they had access to businesses nationalized after the expulsion of
the British and their Indian cronies, and he gave women positions in public
administration. The first ever Ugandan woman government minister. The first
ever Ugandan woman judge. The first ever Ugandan woman ambassador. The
first ever Ugandan women directors and managers. All happened thanks to
Amin. For the first time women had their own finances, their own
businesses, and their own jobs. In 2013 a gender reseacher Alicia C.
Deckers wrote: "One of the most curious outcomes of Idi Amin's military
government, was the liberation and emancipation of Ugandan women. By
expelling the Asian population in late 1972, Amin opened up a new economic
space for women. Whether they engaged in trade or because they re


2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
We might have our internal differences but when Africa is under attack we
stand as one.


12 January 2018,

The Ministry of International Affairs & Cooperation wishes to inform the
public and the international community that the Government of Botswana,
today summoned the US Ambassador to Botswana to express its displeasure at
the alleged utterances made by the President of the US, Donald Trump, when
he referred to African countries and others as “shithole countries” during
a meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers at the White House on
Thursday 11 January 2018.

The Botswana Government has also enquired from the US Government through
the Ambassador, to clarify if Botswana is regarded as a “shithole” country
given that there are Botswana nationals residing in the US, and also that
some of Batswana may wish to visit the US.

The Government of Botswana is wondering why President Trump, must use this
descriptor and derogatory word, when talking about countries with whom the
US has had cordial and mutually beneficial bilateral relations for so many

Botswana has accepted US citizens within her borders over the years and
continues to host US guests and senior government officials, including a
Congressional delegation that will come to Botswana at the end of this
month; that is why we view the utterances by the current American President
as highly irresponsible, reprehensible and racist.

Botswana calls on SADC, the African Union and all other progressive nations
across the world to strongly condemn the remarks made by President Trump.

Contact - Public Relations, Research and Information Department
Tel: (267) 3600700 <(267)%20360-0700> Fax: (267) 3913366 <(267)%20391-3366>
E-Mail: mofaic_p...@gov.bw
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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Just a few minutes ago, the African Union mission in Washington released a
statement (attached) demanding that President Donald Trump issues a
"retraction and an apology to all Africans around the world" for his
damaging comments about Africa.
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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Interesting! In an interview with a French TV station two days ago,
President Evo Morales of Bolivia, a world-reknown, long time defender of
the environment, has called for the creation of an international "climate
justice court". This was on the sidelines of the recently concluded "One
Planet" Summit that was held in France this week.
Leaders from all over the world were in attendance at the summit hosted by
French President Emmanuel Macron and United Nations Secretary General
Antonio Gutierrez. Also present were youths from schools and universities
from around the world. But more importantly was the attendance by leading
NGO's and private corporations who are major investors in the research,
development, and commercialisation of clean energy technology around the
Let's remember that there is an annual $100 billion dollars fund open to
countries and the private sector specifically to fight climate change, and
these companies & NGO's are initiating great sustainable projects with
those funds.
I didn't see a top-level delegation from Uganda at this important world
event, yet leaders from other developing countries in Africa, Asia and
South America made the effort to attend, listen, and contribute to the
fight against climate change during this significant meeting.
That is where Evo Morales of Bolivia is making his proposal for
International Climate Justice.
Many ordinary Third World dwellers might need to get themselves out of the
state of environmental ignorance and the related negligence so as to not
only grasp the magnitude of the upcoming global environmental disaster, but
also to fully understand why such endeavours are necessary.
We must recognize that it is a common effort to which everyone needs to
I personally have been reading alot of well researched articles and watched
interesting documentaries about creative efforts towards clean energy and
reduction of carbon emissions. The commitment (and results) by some little
known individuals and companies out there is quite inspiring.
The one subject that many people here are united in being passionately
stuck in is political power, yet environmental alarm bells (and the bells
for other pressing problems) continue to ring around the world.
Surely at the global level it must be established by international law that
producing certain levels of green house gases (carbon emissions), general
pollution and environmental degradation are a crime not only against
humanity, but also against all forms of life currently existing on earth.
The 2015 Paris summit on climate change was a major milestone where world
climate and environment experts, industrialists and politicians all came
together and agreed that we, humanity, were already late in addressing the
looming dangers from global carbon emissions. We are late in establishing
clean energies to replace the high consumption of the rapidly depleting and
highly polluting fossil fuels like oil.
The summit agreed that global warming by more than 2° Celsius was going to
be disastrous for the entire planet.
First of all do we even understand what that means? The vast majority of
people in my corner of the planet would not know what someone is talking
about if you tell them that it is a huge danger if we experience global
warming by only 2° degrees Celsius. To many that would sound like not being
a problem at all. To them it's the difference they experience between when
they are indoors and they go outdoors for example.
Yet in reality at the global scale, such a simple rise in the worlds
average temperature could cause major disasters in terms of harsh new
weather patterns (both hot and cold), rising sea levels of more than three
meters worldwide, together with many other environmental changes leading to
abnormal environmental and climatic events that will directly impact life
on this earth and it's sustainability.
So everyone needs to have the minimum knowledge and global perspective
required to comprehend global warming and climate change matters plus the
urgency to address them. These issues should already be in school
curriculums, including the study of how to solve them. This includes
looking at the various technics/technologies being tested and deployed to
the market today.
At governments level it remains imperative that any means to get countries
back on track in quickly addressing the known looming dangers before they
negatively impact our daily lives (making us sick from unknown cancers for
example, or limiting food resources), the mitigating measures should be
immediately embraced by all countries (and all peoples none the less). It
definitely requires member states to enforce some stringent pieces of
legislation, but it also requires education and sensitization. In this
domain, Africa is again lagging so far behind that people hardly notice
some of the simple but rampant unhealthy behaviours/habits they practice
that contribute to dirty, unhealthy environments even in their homes and


2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
A Daily Monitor OpEd article (link below) says: "The 1995 Constitution is
probably the most abused Constitution in the world. It has suffered
countless amendments, starting with a rather ‘ harmless’ one of increase of
the number of Cabinet ministers in 1996, and then the “killer amendment’’
of 2005 which abolished term limits. That actually destroyed the spirit of
the Constitution. The current Bill to remove age limits is the burial of
the carcass."

What many are still fearing to say, is that, no matter how long it takes,
Uganda will basically now need a fresh, completely new constitution that
serves the country, its values, and its wishes. One that will be truly by
the people, and for the people. Not the "mere paper" as they say themselves
that we have today which has been serving an individual from its inception.

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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Fellow Africans,

The response by Rwanda to take in African migrants persecuted in Libya is
commendable. I also appreciate France's decision to urgently convene a UN
Security Council meeting on the disturbing development. President Macron
has rightly called it "a crime against humanity".
However, I would like the EU and Britain to own up to their role in
encouraging the brutality against African migrants in Libya.
What is happening as shown around the world by the media, is most probably
part of a deliberate policy by the European Union and Britain to discourage
Africans from crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. The more the
suffering in Libya, the more some Europeans see the policy as successful.
Because in theory it means less Africans wanting to attempt the journey
after seeing what happens to fellow migrants in Libya. Remember that Libya
has in recent years become the defacto route for African migrants heading
to Europe. The new Libyan government is literally paid by Europe to hoard
them in place. This European policy confers upon Libya the duty of turning
migrants back to their country's of origin before they get out to sea. But
Libya is also tasked to first make their stay as uncomfortable as possible
so that when other Africans see what is happening, they will prefer to stay
in their countries. European governments in general see this as the best
way to discourage Africans from attempting to travel to the EU. Trust me
the EU will even rush to pay Rwanda to handle the relocation as quickly as
possible. They want Europe for Europeans, just as Robert Mugabe wanted
Zimbabwe for indeginous Zimbabweans, and Amin wanted Uganda for indeginous
Ugandans, right?

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
As he is being laid to rest, I would like to commend Archbishop Livingstone
Nkoyoyo for his contribution to the Church and to the nation. My
condolences to his family and to all Ugandans. May his soul rest in eternal

Hussein Lumumba Amin
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[WestNileNet] THE DIFFERENCE (photo)

2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
The difference between those who only remember prayers in times of problems
and those who never forget to say "Thank you Lord Almighty".
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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
Just when locals are starting to complain that some Africans are making it
a profession to travel to Europe just to discuss Africa's problems, an old
friend of mine whom I went to the same French high school with, (and even
stayed at their Paris flat for a while back then), sent me a message
saying: "I was discussing you at ASCU (African Society Cambridge
University), and wondered if the president of the association could talk to
you about a possible invitation to attend the 'Africa Together' Conference
at Cambridge University in the UK."
After reading the entire message,  I thought to myself it would definitely
be a great honour for me to share ideas and have pertinent discussions
about Africa and the world at such a prestigious, world-renowned university.
According to publicly available information, "Speakers from 15+ different
countries attended the last 2017 conference, and ‘Africa Together’ is the
largest student-led conference on Africa at the University of Cambridge."
They add that "Over the last three years, the conference has grown into a
leading platform that convenes some of Africa’s best minds, policymakers,
businessmen and women, scholars, students and young professionals to
discuss issues of critical importance to the continent’s future."
So it sounds like a great opportunity for me to travel to Cambridge. But
then I am also wondering isn't it an even bigger opportunity for Cambridge
to come to Uganda? Why not travel to Africa and have the next annual
conference/symposium here? A chance to talk with, and be heard by the many
African students and scholars who cannot travel, but could contribute
greatly to debates with home-grown questions and raw knowledge about their
continent, its diverse societies, its history, its environment, its
resources, economic potential and its real trends, its youth, its women,
its changing cultures, its politics and/or its outlook ahead?
Also, because I discuss my father President Idi Amin in a particularly
enlightening way, I am concerned that while African students in Cambridge
might be interested in hearing my views on various issues, the (white)
British establishment are the people most inclined to not tolerate anything
but demonization when it comes to my father. They are therefore most likely
to create controversy over my possible participation in such a conference
once they get to learn that I might be part of it.
They are known to try and silence anyone who challenges their dwindling
neo-colonialism, and their ageing imperialist policies. All Third World
leaders who have confronted western countries on those grounds have been
systematically demonized by their purportedly ethical/balanced media.
So before I respond to Cambridge, I would like to ask the following; Should
I even contemplate going there? Should THEY possibly contemplate coming
here instead and we all participate? And if you think I should join their
discussion panel, what specific subject matters do you think someone like
me should tackle at the 'Africa Together Conference' at Cambridge
University, UK?

Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda

Africa Together Conference 2017: www.gatescambridge.org/news/af
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[WestNileNet] Dear Kenya (photo)

2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
What happened? Lol
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[WestNileNet] I TOLD YOU, DIDN'T I?

2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
BBC News: EU Governments Complicit In Migrant Torture In Libya, says
Amnesty International.

European governments are knowingly complicit in the torture and abuse of
refugees and migrants in Libya, Amnesty International has alleged.
In an effort to stem migration, the EU is actively supporting a "system of
abuse and exploitation" on Libyan shores, the group said in a report.
EU funds are going to authorities working with militias and people
smugglers, the report says.
The EU has provided ships, training and funding to the Libyan coastguard.
Libya is the main thoroughfare for migrants trying to reach Europe.
Arrivals in Italy - the main destination for boat crossings - fell sharply
following the provision of EU funds to the Libyan coastguard.
Libyan migrant detention centre: 'It's like hell'
But Amnesty says the coastguard is working with criminal gangs and people
smugglers who are guilty of a range of abuses, with the knowledge of EU
It alleges that the drive to stem migration has resulted in "mass,
arbitrary and indefinite detention" of refugees and migrants.
Refugees and migrants intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard are sent to
detention centres run by Libya's general directorate for combating illegal
migration (DCIM).
Amnesty said about 20,000 people were currently detained at these centres,
and it had testimony showing detainees were subject to "torture, forced
labour, extortion, and unlawful killings" at the hands of authorities,
traffickers, and militias.
"Tens of thousands are kept indefinitely in overcrowded detention centres
where they are subjected to systematic abuse," said John Dalhuisen,
Amnesty's Europe Director.
"European governments have not just been fully aware of these abuses; by
actively supporting the Libyan authorities in stopping sea crossings and
containing people in Libya, they are complicit in these abuses."
When a BBC correspondent visited a detention centre in earlier this year,
detainees described violence and abuse and conditions "like hell" and "even
worse than jail".
Speaking to Amnesty, one man from the Gambia who was detained for three
months said he was starved and beaten.
"They beat me with a rubber hose, because they want money to release me.
They call the family while beating [you] so the family send money," he said.
The human rights group said it believed it had enough evidence to take EU
governments to court.
Libya has spiraled into lawlessness since Nato-backed forces overthrew
long-serving ruler Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011, with a myriad
armed militias vying for control.

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2018-01-17 Thread Hussein Amin
So Sergeant Kifulugunyu's constitution is promulgated?
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2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
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2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture: Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia welcomes President Idi Amin to
the podium upon the Ugandan leaders arrival at Addis Ababa International
Airport for the African Union Summit (1973).

The public service sector in African countries has always had its fair
share of incompetence and corruption since independence. All African
countries suffer the plague to this day. How it is dealt with differs from
leader to leader.
In many countries there is alot of neglect, and as a rule, leaders who take
a back seat of ignoring the day-to-day challenges, are usually part of the
corruption scourge themselves. However there are examples of African
leaders who were known not to be incorruptible and who did their best to
resolve the problems around government's delivery of basic public services
to the people.
President Idi Amin was one of them.
His hands-on approach ensured that not only did he hear directly from the
people, he also solved the problems case by case.
>From good pay to acceptable facilities, he would provide whatever was
possible to public servants then hold them accountable for their areas of
He personally monitored departments by conducting surprise visits and
encouraged citizens to take the fight against corruption themselves.
The one thing President Amin respected and strived for from the British was
standards. He therefore made sure everything worked as designed, and never
accepted decaying schools or crumbling government buildings.
One day in 1975 he publicly announced the State House ( official
presidential residence) telephone number to all Ugandans during a public
speech that was broadcast live around the country on both radio and
television. He urged any citizen who was encountering any problems with
public service delivery to call him directly. The State house telephone
number at the time was 20241.
Subsequently public service worked like clockwork. Civil servants who had
critical problems in their departments would call as well and whatever the
issue was, it would be promptly investigated and immediately resolved.
When farmers complained about lack of tools, Amin ordered tractors, trucks
and other mechanised agricultural equipment for every district in the
country to support all cooperative unions so as to enhance food security.
When civil servants complained about delayed pay, it is President Idi Amin
who immediately made it law that all public servants would be paid by the
28th of every month without fail.
Whenever there was a problem, one could just place a call and the issue
would be addressed at its infancy before it became chronic.
But under Amin, hospitals had professional staff, and never lacked basic
treatment as is the case today in Uganda. The president himself and his
family received treatment from the national referral hospital and not from
It is in 1979 immediately after the war with Tanzania, that the so-called
"Liberators" started assassinating doctors across the country. One famous
assassination being forgotten today was the brutal death of Doctor Barlow
of the National Referral Hospital Mulago. He was mercilessly murdered by
Obote's henchmen of the Uganda National Liberation Army just days after
they captured Kampala.
Today even Ugandan Members of Parliament are flown abroad at a cost to the
ordinary empoverished citizen's of over 500 million dollars annually.
Ugandans remember how in the 70's, President Amin promptly procured a
cancer treatment radiation machine when the Cancer Institute said that this
was what they needed to reduce the scourge.
It is a corrupt individual like Mr. Henry Kyemba who, instead of healing
sickly Ugandans like a Minister of Health should do, he instead
unscrupulously fled with $7 million dollars that he had been assigned by
President Amin to buy essential medicine and medical equipment for the
people of Uganda, then wrote a book called "State of Blood" simply to try
and claim that he was a political dissenter to get asylum in Europe. Yet
God knows nothing was ever done against him.
Mr. Kyemba was merely a thief who had plundered state coffers. One who
preferred that Ugandans die of preventable diseases as he enriched himself
from their money?
His Excellency President Idi Amin was patriotic. In fact he is considered
by Ugandans as the most patriotic president their country ever had. And he
was personally involved in ensuring prompt public service delivery to the
people of Uganda.
Today public servants complaints are either just shelved, or people even
fear retribution if they complain.
But in the 70's, a person who exposed the rot would be congratulated by the
president. All one had to do was place a direct call to President Idi Amin.
He was that approachable. Even stopping in the streets, alone, to chat with
It is because of his love for the people and for the country that if
investigations found that things were not moving because of one individuals
malice, corruption or incompetence, the person responsible wo

[WestNileNet] Remembrance Day Message (aka Veterans Day)

2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Photo: Mzee Amin (Andreas Nyabira Amin), the father of President Idi Amin
(photo taken in 1976).

Remembrance Day, (celebrated in other countries as Veterans Day) marks the
anniversary of the end of World War I (1914-1918). Major hostilities were
formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918,
when the Armistice with Germany went into effect.
My Grandfather Mzee Andrea Nyabira Amin (RIP) was a World War I veteran
with the Kings African Rifles. He returned from the war in 1918 then joined
the police force two years later in 1920. He was posted at Nakasero police
barracks where Nile Mansions (now Serena Hotel) stands. That is where my
father was born. My grandfather was later transferred to Kololo barracks
(now known as Jinja road police) and also Naguru Police barracks which is
today Uganda Police headquarters.
2017 marks 103 years since Uganda Police was first created. It also marks
103 years since the start of World War I.
My grandfather contributed to both the Police force and World War I where
he fought bravely for Britain.
Those who have read about World War I will remember that it was
particularly difficult in East Africa. British forces fought against
Germany mainly on the border areas between Kenya and Tanzania.
At the time of the war, nearly all belligerent nations involved in the
First World War were also imperial powers that possessed colonies across
the globe. Especially in Africa which had been formally divided into
separate colonies in the 1880s during the infamous "Scramble for Africa" by
European countries. At the centre of the East African war theater during
World War I, was the German colony of German East Africa, which corresponds
to modern Tanzania, and British East Africa which is modern day Kenya and
In a 2015 article published by the British Council, researcher David
Steinbach wrote: "All colonial powers promoted the idea of a 'European
civilising mission [to Africans]' – that is, bringing the rule of law,
order, stability, and peace to Africa. Yet, in August 1914, they showed
little hesitation before turning this part of Africa into a theatre of war."
The African casualties on both sides were very high on the African
soldiers. Those who died in even bigger numbers were the hundreds of
thousands of African porters who carried the ammunition and logistics
literally on their heads and bear backs in extreme conditions on behalf of
the Queen and her British army on one side, and the German army on the
Scholar Hilke Fischer who has studied and written on the matter said in a
2014 research paper that: "A million people died in East Africa alone
during the First World War. Many Africans also fought in Europe, defending
the interests of their colonial masters. Today, their sacrifice has been
largely forgotten."

More about the East African Theater of World War I:
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2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Ladies & Gentlemen.

I would like to forward a motion in memory of a gallant soldier who
sacrificed for his motherland. The 1995 Constitution, after the removal of
Article 102 (b), should just be renamed 'The KIFULUGUNYU Constitution'.
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2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
In exactly 6 days it will be the one year anniversary of the infamous
Kasese Massacre where around two hundred civilians, men, women and children
were shot and killed in a merciless bloodbath. One year later, what is the
fate of the survivors as we recall the images of death, destruction and
unforgettable horror from that dreadful day?
Here is the statement I issued that very night upon receiving news of the
Kasese Massacre:
SUNDAY 27/11/2016.

Fellow citizens,

Yesterday the brightness of Uganda's future suddenly went dim. Another sad
legacy in our history.
We still have assaults on traditional leaders palaces with the graphic
pictures of mass shootings resulting in dozens of naked bodies, both men
and women, piled together.
Isn't this Oboteism reloaded?
It is sad to note that many of the dead have their hands tied behind their
backs. Suggesting that they were shot at point blank while already under
As we approach 2017, we cannot still be on the Obote II path where the
Uganda army still points the gun at its own population and fellow
countrymen, threatens citizens, shoots at civilians and kills poor Ugandans
as it did yesterday.
The people are sovereign.
Sunday 27th November 2016 will now be remembered as another shocking day in
the history of Uganda.
Memories of a similar turning point disaster at the Lubiri on 24th March
1966 are flooding the nations conscience as we speak. We all know how that
unfortunate crisis started off the chain of wars and rebellions that litter
our recent history since independence in 1962.
There is no way that the horrific massacre that occured Sunday morning can
be acceptable.
Everything humanly possible should have been done to avoid such a
confrontation, including just waiting.
Utmost restraint must have been exercised. Especially given the lessons
from history.
Even if a stand-off seige took days, or months, it would have been
An inclusive and comprehensive dialogue should prevail rather than any
personal emotions that could have led to the massacre.
Restraint is one of the hardships of leadership. But it is also its best
tool. Especially for the side that is said to entrusted with protecting
lives and property of all citizens.
Political matters can only be resolved politically. Therefore a new, more
transparent alternative dialogue process has to take on the Rwenzori crisis.
In 1971 it is President Idi Amin who after meeting a delegation of Bamba
and Bakonzo elders, immediately created the mordern Rwenzururu as it is
known today. Remember that all Kingdons had been abolished in 1966.
On 5th May, 1971 he announced that it would encompass the Rwenzori and
Semiliki Districts. And in 1972, the Banyarwenzururu King Omusinga Charles
Wesley Mumbere Irema-Ngoma who had reached adult age, took responsibility
over the Kingdom and appointed Hon. Yolamu Mulima as his Prime Minister.
The BanyaRwenzururu lived peacefully and without any single incident under
Field Marshal Idi Amin.
But when Obote returned to Uganda in 1980, that situation changed. The
BanyaRwenzururu basically had to seek recognition of their Kingdom afresh.
Obote being cunning and with his known dislike for local Kingdoms,
appointed Charles Mumbere as Chief elder instead of King, and then sent him
on a scholarship to the United States.
It is the NRM that unceremoniously cancelled that scholarship in 1986 and
the Rwenzururu King had to return to Uganda.
While President Idi Amin had immediately let the Rwenzururu people quietly
be, and clearly established their Kingdom boundaries as it exists to this
day, the subsequent regimes flipflopped on the issue.
In fact history shows that from April 1979 when Amin left Uganda, until
19th October 2009 when the Kingdom waa finally recognized, the Rwenzururu
people spent 30 entire years being deliberately led on, and then let down,
repeatedly, by the so-called "liberators" as they sought official
recognition for the Rwenzururu Kingdom and their King Omusinga Charles
Wesley Mumbere Irema-Ngoma.
I suggest it is time for the people of Uganda to see what exactly is being
fought over in Rwenzori. Where is the list of issues? What exactly do they
want? If there is more than meets the eye to this matter, it could have
something to do with the once rampant accusation that the King Charles
Mumbere and his people were part of the rebel ADF group. Something that the
Kingdom and their King have persistently denied.
However it is only their King, or his officially known representatives, who
should be upfront, and present their matters publicly, and in writing, to
the people of Uganda.
Why haven"t they been officially invited to the floor of parliament (or the
appropriate committee) to bring this national security matter in its
entirety to the nation.
I recall reading the Acholi MP's caucus' numerous presentations in


2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
As Africans, we stand with the people of Zimbabwe. Their land, their lives
and their property. All must remain secure and protected at all costs. So
should their individual rights and freedoms, Justice and the rule of law.
The people are also entitled to leaders they select.
Obviously everyone knows that outside interference from overseas wants to
hijack developments in Zimbabwe to their benefit.
These corrupting agents of darkness and false hope should be immediately
rejected by all Zimbabweans and all Africans.
Foreign interference usually has their own selfish motives that do not
further the best interests of the indeginous people of Africa.
The same people who have deliberately crippled the country's economy
through vicious embargoes, are the same people now blaming that very
economic collapse on an African whom they clearly despise and whom they
want to see deposed because he reclaimed African land from colonialists and
gave it back to the indeginous people.
What clearer indication can one find of sheer hatred and vicious cunning?
Therefore the people of Zimbabwe must remain alert and sovereign in their
country at all times. Volatile situations and the resulting vacuum should
not be allowed to result in any secretely-agreed developments that are
against the local population and their land.
There is another problem that the Zimbabwe crisis exposes. The very people
who are claiming to stand for democracy are the ones celebrating a military
coup against a democratically elected president.
This is disturbing at many levels. Firstly because it shows that the word
democracy, rather than being a principal, has become a mere political tool
that is used when it suits certain occasions and completely discarded when
it doesn't.
This is a behaviour no different from that democracy in many African
countries where it is increasingly just a tool for legitimizing obvious
despots. Individuals who simply manipulate election results and dominate
the political field through draconian public management legislation, wanton
abuse of citizens rights, and partisan state institutions that constantly
harrass political opponents. How many such pretenders are in waiting in the
spheres of African political activists and opposition politicians whom
today can be found celebrating a coup d'etat against an elected leader?
Therefore it is now the critical duty of every single Zimbabwean across the
political divide, including all the people's representatives and even the
army, not to allow any political outcomes that do not include the will of
their people, their known ideals, and their known aspirations.
They should simultaneously bare in mind that at this juncture national
unity, peace, economic continuity, constitutionalism, and the rule of law
are also paramount.
Now is also the time for young Zimbabweans to rise and together with the
elders, take part in establishing a lasting inclusive Zimbabwean solution
to a Zimbabwean problem. A solution where they will play an open-minded,
innovative, tolerant, and constructive role for their country today,
tomorrow, and for future generations, in concert with the rest of the
continent and the world at large.
However, a Zimbabwean solution to a Zimbabwean problem is what the rest of
Africa should support. And if need be, there are many lessons learnt from
around the continent, best-practices that have worked in other African
countries conflicts. These could be helpful in resolving the Zimbabwe
crisis. That way we can solve our African problems ourselves, supported by
African leaders, African institutions, and/or African regional blocks.
As for the Zimbabwe military, it should already know by now that ultimately
it should and will return to the barracks, so that a new day begins for all
the sons and daughters of this great African country.
One of the most underestimated causes of anarchy in torn African countries
is institutionalised revenge and the brutal discrimination that results
from it. This state of affairs is already visible in most of the
inflammatory  tone already adopted in many reactions from around the
continent. Obviously such conduct/behaviour does not help for a single
Regardless of political affiliation, all Zimbabweans, especially their
leaders, will have to avoid destructive sentiments.
Isn't it the only way to achieve a sober, productive national consensus
towards the common good for all the country's citizens?
It is only decisive principalled leadership that can put the country back
on good tracks both politically and economically.
Currently what I am told any about many Zimbabweans is that they feel a
great sense of hope at the moment. Hope for a brighter future.
Therefore regardless of individuals, the only acceptable outcome from this
crisis is a better nation.
Zimbabwe belongs to all the people of Zimbabwe. Africa belongs to Africans.

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

[WestNileNet] Independence Day 2017

2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
As our country's sad 1966 history repeats itself, I would like to wish all
Ugandans serious reflection as we celebrate the nation's 55th Independence
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[WestNileNet] MISSING PERSON: Rev. Isaac Bakka

2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Rev. Isaac Bakka of Mukono has been missing since Sunday when he
mysteriously disappeared. A person reportedly invited him for a meeting at
a nearby restaurant/bar. He has not been seen again since.
Captain Bakka as we are used to calling him was the chaplain of the army
under President Idi Amin.
In all judicial cases of armed criminals who were caught abducting and
murdering people, and were therefore given the capital punishment, it was
the chaplain of the army who would conduct the FRONASA criminals last
prayer as the victims relatives made sure they came to watch justice being
served. The capital punishment was public. Not secretly. Including the
famous case of one "kondo" criminal called Tom Masaba who when asked by the
chaplain for any last words, he asked Ugandans to forgive him for his
Rev. Isaac Bakka also led the Sunday service in the army for Christian
soldiers. He was once the chaplain at Gulu airforce base.
He has discussed and written extensively about his experiences in the
Uganda army during the famous Israeli raid on Entebbe, the 1971 military
take-over that brought Amin to power, and also the 1979 Uganda-Tanzania
war. (Click this link for a list of his insightful stories in the Ugandan
press from an inside perspective: google.com/search?q=Daily+Moni
tor+Captain+Isaac+Bakka ).
The reasons for his disappearance last Sunday are still unknown but it
appears the man of God was trying to help someone locate an appropriate
building to establish a supermarket in Mukono town. He has also been
working as a media journalist.
Anyone who sees him or notices anything unusual, kindly notify the nearest
police station. The disappearance has allegedly been reported to Seeta
police station under SD Ref 25/09/10/2017.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.


More details about Rev. Isaac Bakka's mysterious disappearance last Sunday
can be found in this today's article: chimpreports.com/mukono-revere
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2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Uganda needs a new Constitution.
Because once Article 102 (b) is removed, this is what the 1995 Constitution
now feels like.
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[WestNileNet] OBOTEISM 2017

2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Picture (attached): Dictators Milton Obote and Yoweri Museveni.

A comparison through the historic events that Uganda is re-living today:

- Obote ordered the army to storm a Kings palace and topple the King. So
did Museveni order the assault on a Kings palace last year during the
Kasese Massacre terror.
- Obote forcibly changed the constitution so that he can be declared
president. So is Museveni attempting to stay at state House beyond 2021 by
engineering self-interest changes to the constitution
- Both Obote and Museveni are known for mass electoral fraud and election
rigging where they deploy entire battalions of soldiers (their tribal
militia) on the streets across the country to quash any attempts of dissent
by the people of Uganda.
- Obote also ordered the army to surround the parliament and coerce the
peoples representatives to pass his own "pigeon hole constitution" 1966.
Museveni is doing the same today and even going a step further by sending
his militia onto the floor of parliament to physically remove dissenting
representatives by force (manu militari).
- Obote is therefore the person who ushered in military rule (rule by the
gun) during the 1966 crisis. A practice also followed by his student
Museveni today while both pretend and claim to be popular with the people.
- When asked about it later, Obote said that he had nothing to do with all
the above. Museveni is saying the same in regards to the age limit debate.
The only difference is that Obote claimed in an outrageous lie that 1966
was all orchestrated by Amin. Unfortunately for Museveni, he cannot say the
same lie today.
But we all know that a few years later, both Museveni and Obote were
conducting sabotage, assassinations and insecurity to distabilize the Amin
government in vain.
Isn't it Museveni himself who attempted to assassinate my father at Nsambya
police barracks but because his left arm is broken, he can't shoot straight
and even failed to throw a grenade properly, and ultimately had to run for
his own life, fleeing at break-neck speed via Kibuli? But how many Ugandans
did he abduct and then murder in vain through similar missions against the
Amin government?
It is only the intervention of Tanzania that brought Museveni and Obote
back to Uganda together.
However, the Oboteism that many Museveni apologists are saying could return
if Museveni leaves power, that Oboteism is already here and is being
practiced by Museveni himself since the 1970's: Women dying mysteriously
today with indications that it is actually the Museveni militia behind the
serial killings. A gruesome diversionary attempt to distract Ugandans from
the actual rape of the constitution.
So we have a deadly Museveni dictatorship of "majje" hiding under sheep
skin of elections, a common trait to both Museveni and Obote. Then the
constant unkept promises and the now unlaughable lies about him leaving
politics. He first said he was leaving leadership in 1990, then he changed
and said 1994, then 2005, then 2016.
What conscience such an old man have sincerely? This behaviour is probably
a shame to all the elderly given the respectability that we as a society
usually see them in.
Museveni has clamped down on freedom of conscience, killing the
independence of all arms of government, mysterious deaths of opponents like
Nebanda, Mayombo, Ayume, Andrew Kayiira, Aronda Nyakairima, Kazini, the
Irish Rev. Father Declan O'toole in Karamoja, and many others. There are
reports that Museveni killed Fred Rwigyema who had emerged as the defacto
leader of Rwanda Patriotic Front rebels away from Museveni's control. There
are even more reports that Museveni attempted the same on Paul Kagame once
Rwanda started asserting it's independence from Museveni after the 1994 war.
In Uganda people remember the sufferings and mysterious deaths of all those
who were against the lifting of term limits in 2005 like Wapakhabulo,
Kategaya, and many others who were systematically silenced to their deaths.
(Check link below for more mysterious deaths whose lives and property
Museveni saved)
Ignoring the voice of the people by conducting costly elections and then
rigging the polls to declare himself the winner after arresting, jailing
and torturing political opponents in the process, and infringing on their
freedom of movement. Then the endemic nepotism & tribalism in government
appointments including in all functions of the state like the police, the
civil service, and his tribal militia. Widespread corruption starting from
the top where he, his family and his cronies are reportedly enriching
themselves while the empoverished population looks on in tears of misery.
Some remember the empty promises of Bonna bagagawale, then prosperity for
all, then middle income status by 2017, then poverty will be eradicated by
2018, and now Operation Wealth creation where only his sympathisers receive
Meanwhile other Ugandans are made to forget their relatives and loved ones
killed by Obote and Museveni toget


2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
To His Excellency John Pombe Magufuli.
President of the Republic of Tanzania.

Date: 13/11/2017

Kampala, Uganda


I am told that in your honourable speech last week during the launching of
construction works at Mutukula border post for the Uganda-Tanzania
pipeline, you claimed that "Amin did nothing about Uganda's oil".
At this point I am caught between keeping quiet and watch possible
ignorance unfold, or speak out now when it is too late for you anyway. You
have already launched the project with grand pomp.
But as they say, remaining silent can sometimes mean siding with what is
I am not sure if in your assessments of the project you are looking
exclusively at the pipeline, or if you have been presented with an
extensive overall feasibility study of Uganda's oil and it's prospects
So with all due respect (and I genuinely respect all leaders who do not
joke with corruption), here is a quick explanation that might give you some
insight into what this oil might actually mean for Uganda in real economic
terms. But also for Tanzania since there will come a time when you will
probably have an obsolete pipeline lying idle across your country.
So here is a brief exposé that I wrote in 2016 (which was also published in
Uganda's New Vision newspaper most probably for educational purposes). It
was entitled  "Why Amin Didn't Exploit Uganda's Oil".
I stated therein that we needed to understand the reality regarding
Uganda's oil reserves which are estimated at a mere 5 billion barrels. And
from that, only a fifth of it (1 billion barrels) is extractable.
As of Friday, December 16, 2016, the Crude Oil Price was at $51 .90 per
So if we sold all the 1 billion barrels of extractable oil at that price,
the total income would be $51 billion US Dollars.
Saudi Arabia for example, earned $200 billion dollars from oil in 2015.
This means that Uganda's entire oil reserves revenue is only a quarter of
what the Saudi's make from their oil in just one year.
And while the total oil revenue might be a huge amount to an individual, it
is only equivalent to five years of our own national budget which stands at
almost $10 billion USD for the 2016/2017 financial year. Meaning that every
five to six years, Uganda depletes the equivalent of all it's oil in terms
of revenue from the resource.
Remember that the oil production agreements give the oil companies around
60 to 70% of that total oil revenue as well. That amounts to approximately
$30 billion USD that deducted from the $51 billion total.
As well managed businesses they first want to recoup any investment they
made in the project. Last August, the Energy ministry announced that "the
oil companies will initially invest around $10 billion USD to undertake the
drilling of about 500 wells and construction of associated infrastructure,
before the country can see first commercial production by 2020."
The other major cost to deduct from the $51 billion US Dollars total
revenue is the $5 billion US Dollars for building the Uganda-Tanzania
pipeline, and another $5 billion to build a refinery and its pipeline from
Hoima in Western Uganda upto the capital Kampala.
If we make a simple calculation of the above amounts, we have an estimated
$40 billion dollars already gone from the $51 billion total.
Further more, I estimate that probably another billion dollars is spent in
advance expenditure like the relocation/compensation of populations. There
is also purchases and procurements like the Sukhoi fighter jets, plus
countless other projects where every three months our parliament is
approving loans in the hundreds of millions of dollars each.
These loans are based on the premise that we will soon have oil to repay
them plus any accrued interest.
According to Global Witness, some of the environmental hazards that come
with oil exploration activities include destruction of animal habitats,
water contamination, generation of waste; air pollution as a result of
flaring of crude oil; and danger to wildlife. The benefits will therefore
also go to protecting the surrounding populations and the environment.
Remember that land compensation features as part of the oil production
The refinery alone requires more than 29sq km of community land from 13
villages. The acquisition affects 1,221 households with a total population
of 7,118 people.
Moving these families required appropriate compensation and relocation into
newly built housing. If we add the road networks leading to and from the
oil wells plus storage facilities in Kampala for the refined products, the
cost is probably another billion dollars.
This leaves Uganda with barely any profits from the $51 billion USD total
oil revenue for
That sum is based on the assumption that the price per barrel doesn't
collapse again as it did early this year when it reached $30 per barrel. At
that rate, we would be producing oil at a total loss and would already now
be owing the production companies money instead.
In his speech on Ja


2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
Now this:

"Last Friday, the Busoga Parliament (Lukiiko) amended the Constitution of
Busoga Kingdom to allow the current Kyabazinga, Mr. William Wilberforce
Kadumbula Nadiope Gabula IV, to rule for life. It was Bunyha Chiefdom
representative, Mathias Mutatyama, who tabled the motion that paves the way
for life Kyabazingaship."

Firstly, I would really like to hear the opinion of the Basoga people on
this matter. Personally, I have always maintained that the problem is not
about age. Not even about Life Presidency if that is what the people
decide. It is simply crooked for one to alter pre-existing law to suit
their own ambitions. I once suggested that as a solution, any such changes
should not benefit the sitting leader. This is what needs to be clearly
stipulated within a constitution so as to prevent abuse of the very
Constitution. It is a serious conflict of interest issue that any person
with integrity would understand. Uganda is currently undergoing the second
time that the 1995 Constitution is unscrupulously being changed for an
On the other hand there are many Basoga (and people from other Kingdoms as
well) who are publicly claiming that they are against the principle of Life
leadership. They have also confused it with the issue of age. I now wonder
how they make sense to themselves after such a development in their own
villages/tribes. Cultural leaders who were here long before democracy, are
proof that Life Presidency is not an African problem even today. Cultural
leaders are also proof that age is not a problem. But the unscrupulous
changing of rules that society has agreed to, and applying principles
differently wether in the cultural or national arena is a definite problem.
Isn't it all part of the selective application of principles based on who
and where in leadership such changes are being applied?
Or maybe I need Mr. Mathias Mutatyama (who proposed the Life Kyabazingaship
bill), or a political scientist from Busoga to come and enlighten us on
this point on behalf of Kyabazinga William Wilberforce Kadumbula Nadiope
Gabula IV.

Full story on Life Kyabazingaship here: edge.ug/2017/11/21/nadio
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2017-11-22 Thread Hussein Amin
As Kenya's Raila Odinga withdraws from the upcoming Oct 26th election
repeat, Kenya is now using the slogan "No reforms, no elections". He is
basically saying that no new measures have been taken to guarantee a free
and fair election. He sees the same situation conducted by the same people
repeating itself.
However this "No reforms, No elections" slogan is the same one that Ugandan
opposition leaders were proclaiming prior to the 2016 general elections.
The difference is that Ugandan opposition leaders and civil society then
abandoned this important endeavour in broad daylight. An endeavour which
was designed to ensure that the real choice of the people is determined.
The opposition leaders and civil​ society instead joined an election that
they themselves had said was going to be fraudulent.
Kenyans on the other hand are doing the complete opposite.
I am one of the very few who have been complaining about what the Ugandan
opposition did to the country's democracy when they all abandoned what they
claimed to be fighting for and rushed to get nominated at Namboole stadium
so as to join the 2016 electoral farce.
Kenya is teaching us many things these days. First, the integrity of the
Supreme Court justices, and now they are probably teaching our opposition
parties to withdraw from any election that they know in advance will be
fraudulent. Kenyans have thereby refused to legitimise any questionable
exercise by knowingly participating in it. I hope our weak Ugandan
opposition politicians/
political parties/civil society are observing the lesson. Lets see how this
situation unfolds.

By Hussein Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-09-29 Thread Hussein Amin
"Today they are calling it internal democracy... Mugisha Muntu contesting
with sijui POA and others... But come 2021 general elections, the Abiriga's
of FDC will want only Besigye... and he will also claim to accept the
party's nomination to a sham election... Walayi we should just move to
Kenya." - Two unknown citizens passing by.
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2017-09-29 Thread Hussein Amin
Upto 18 young women have now been found dead in the last 30 days in
Uganda's Entebbe area. The serial killer remains unknown. Before that
Uganda saw the systematic serial killing of Muslim clerics, senior law
enforcement officers, some senior military officers have been dying
mysteriously one after the other, an anti-terrorism judge shot at point
blank by assassins as she had stopped on the roadside to by vegetables,
plus the massacre of about 200 civilians in Kasese.
Regardless of who the murderer is, there was a time that the BBC might have
immediately said; "Idi Amin is brutally murdering young women in Uganda and
dumping their bodies in the forest never to be heard from again by their
How come they are not pointing their fingers at Museveni for all the
murders under his regime?

Written by Hussein Lumumba Amin
WestNileNet mailing list

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2017-09-29 Thread Hussein Amin
Dear Ugandans,

What specific actions have Ugandan political parties ever achieved that
conclusively guaranteed the peaceful transfer of power from one elected
civilian leader to the next?

There was a parliament between independence day 1962 and 1971.

There was also a parliament since 1979 to-date. People paid to legislate,
and think ahead on behalf of the people of Uganda.

If my memory is correct, political parties were the first to be used by
civilian individuals to entrench themselves in the countries top seat and
also to legitimize their usurpation of power. We have several times ended
up with essentially multiparty dictatorships beautifully designed to fool
both Foreign donors and the people of Uganda.

That was a fact twice with UPC (Uganda People's Congress party) under
despot Milton Obote who also first started the behaviour of changing the
constitution to suit himself. That is why it was called "the pigeon hole
constitution 1966".

Members of parliament were told to find the new document in their pigeon
holes and pass it on the floor of parliament that same day.

The same general behaviour is essentially what continues today.

So let me ask again. If multiparty politics is an abused solution where a
political party, incumbency, state institutions, and the Constitution
itself can all be utilized for selfish clinging to power, what guarantees
have political parties and their leaders ever devised which ensure that
nobody will ever be able to entrench themselves in power abusively once
they get to State House?

In my opinion there is alot of thinking and innovation that is still
required in the collective political psyche of Uganda lest we constantly
live to regret our complacency and continue in the cycle of abuse of power.

The country's post-independence history with political parties is clear,
and it provides us with the necessary lessons to draw wisdom from even

We now know for example that it is not sufficient to just write a
Constitution and think we have established peaceful transfer of power.
Especially when the Constitution itself provides the very loopholes to
abuse/remove articles constitutionally.

Living by our own principles is not easy. For example, if we claim to abide
by constitutionalism and then someone starts changing the constitution
constitutionally, then why should anyone be complaining? We should be
blaming our paid leaders in parliament for not having thought about the
problem nor addressed it before hand.

The unseriousness of the purported intellectual political class on critical
governance issues is still very worrying. I am sure that those claiming the
highest degree of political morals, tolerance, constitutionalism and rule
of law today will turn into despots themselves once in power. Look what
some of them said about President Idi Amin in the 70's, and compare that
with what they themselves became once in power in the 80's until today.

We should therefore stop getting overexcited by our politicians speeches.
Even today we see some of them shockingly changing their political stance
right in front of our very eyes.

And I can guarantee you that with the biting poverty, greed, loose morals,
and rampant corrupt behaviour across the entire society, 99.9% of Ugandans
who are yapping today from outside government would act the same given the
right financial opportunity or if they got to power.

Going around the rules and paying/receiving bribes is already the behaviour
of all ordinary Ugandans. What else can we expect from anyone who then
joins politics and is entrusted with billions of shillings in public funds.

Meanwhile, as a nation we might also need to urgently get back to
conducting the now forgotten in-depth electoral reforms that all civilian
leaders/political parties literally abandoned in 2015 when they all joined
the very general elections that they had themselves said were going to be
fraudulent. It was basically like accepting fraud as the standard to go by.

Clearly we still have to further upgrade our moral standing. Including
civil society.

So the question that we still face today, particularly at the presidential
election level, (and even in the upcoming Local Council polls scheduled for
this November) is how do we honestly and reliably establish and abide by
the will of the people of Uganda?

Signed: Hussein Lumumba Amin
30 Aug 2017
WestNileNet mailing list

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[WestNileNet] "I HATE INDIANS..." (Photo)

2017-09-29 Thread Hussein Amin
"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion." -
Winston Churchill, Former British Prime Minister.
WestNileNet mailing list

WestNileNet is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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2017-09-29 Thread Hussein Amin
How come during Christmas and Easter festivities I never get any invitation
from Christians to share their meal, but on Eid day, our pilawo rice and
fried beef curry is thoroughly exterminated by Christians as well?

Wishing All Ugandans A Happy Eid Holiday/Weekend!
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