The bloodiest war in Uganda's history, the NRA bush war was launched
exactly 37years ago on February 6th 1980. A war between Obote and his
tribalist army on one side, and Museveni's rebels and allies on the other.
It was a heavily sectarian war where both sides fought along ethnic lines.
The death toll in Luweero district alone is estimated at 500,000 innocent
peasants killed, and their skeletons displayed on roadsides to terrorize
survivors. The mass graves from that war are countless, and the tales and
confessions of the most horrific war crimes, genocide and crimes against
humanity during that war still resonate.
It is known that the NRA rebels got some important military support from
Ghaddafi. That is when the close relationship between Museveni and Ghaddafi
The NRA emissaries who met Ghaddafi in the Libyan capital Tripoli, went
there masquerading as people sent by Field Marshal Idi Amin who was in
Saudi Arabia at the time.
So when Ghaddafi sent weapons and ammunition, the Libyan president
genuinely thought that he was assisting an old friend.
But as the launch of that war was celebrated yesterday, let it be
remembered that this war cemented the Obote era as the worst and darkest
days ever in Uganda's history. A period marked by endemic tribalism, human
rights abuses beyond imaginable, and constant vicious infighting amongst
the "liberators". It is quite astonishing to note that this happened as the
international community, particularly British military trainers, looked on
without the slightest condemnation. In fact they helped the completely
indisciplined UNLA army commit grave massacres by training the Obote
henchmen on how best to use explosives, mines and other weapons during that
Today many around the world could be forgiven for thinking that the Luweero
horrors, the worst ever in Uganda, never happened.

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