mirror and delete

2004-10-17 Thread Harry Putnam
How can I make wget act like a mirror so that files no present in
remote server are deleted in local mirror.

Has anyone scripted something or added something to wget to allow make
deletion an option? 

Recursion limit on 'foreign' host

2004-10-17 Thread Manlio Perillo
wget is very powerfull and well designed, but there is a problem.
There is no way to limit the recursion depth on foreign host.
I want to use -m -H options because some sites have resources (binary 
files) hosted on other host,
it would be nice to say:

wget -m -H --external-level=1 ...

Thanks and regards   Manlio Perillo

Re: img dynsrc not downloaded?

2004-10-17 Thread Jens Rösner
dynsrc is Microsoft DHTML for IE, if I am not mistaken.
As wget is -thankfully- not MS IE, it fails.
I just did a quick google and it seems that the use of  
dynsrc is not recommended anyway. 

What you can do is to download 


(and before you ask, no I am not a developer of wget, just a user)

 Wget could not follow dynsrc tags; the mpeg file was not downloaded:
   pimg dynsrc=Collision.mpg CONTROLS LOOP=1

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