Re: bug in connect.c

2004-02-06 Thread Manfred Schwarb
Interesting.  Is it really necessary to zero out sockaddr/sockaddr_in
before using it?  I see that some sources do it, and some don't.  I
was always under the impression that, as long as you fill the relevant
members (sin_family, sin_addr, sin_port), other initialization is not
necessary.  Was I mistaken, or is this something specific to FreeBSD?
Do others have experience with this?

e.g. look at

putty encountered the very same problem ...


Bug in 1.9.1? ftp not following symlinks

2003-12-09 Thread Manfred Schwarb
i tried to download the following:

this is a symbolic link.
downloading just this single file, wget should follow the link, but it
creates only a symbolic link.
excerpt from "man wget", section --retr-symlinks:
   Note that when retrieving a file (not a directory)
   because it was specified on the command-line, rather
   than because it was recursed to, this option has no
   effect.  Symbolic links are always traversed in this
wget --retr-symlinks
does get the file correctly.

this occurs only if using "timestamping = on" in wgetrc, without it 
works ok.


Re: Translations for 1.9.1

2003-11-17 Thread Manfred Schwarb

> "Manfred Schwarb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just installed wget 1.9.1, works fine.  But on my machine,
> > translations are broken somehow, all special characters are
> > scrambled. With wget 1.9 this didn't happen.
> There was no change in handling translation from 1.9 to 1.9.1, except
> perhaps for a new `de.po' from the Translation Project.  Indeed, the
> blunder is theirs: they switched to utf-8 for `de.po', but forgot to
> mark it as utf-8.
> They fixed this problem later, so future versions of Wget will not
> have this problem.  If you want, you can download the latest German PO
> file from the Translation Project and correct the problem yourself.

I followed the hint of Gisle and did 
cat de.po | iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 >; mv de.po

this worked great.


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Re: Translations for 1.9.1

2003-11-17 Thread Manfred Schwarb

> It's normal. de.po is written in UTF-8.
> Use e.g
> cat de.po | iconv -f UTF-8 -t CP850
> to display correctly, but gettext should handle this fine.

I see. Thanks a lot for your hint. 
Probably my gettext is just too old.

A remark about this issue in the "README" or "INSTALL" file would be great.


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Re: if anything bad happens, return non-zero

2003-11-17 Thread Manfred Schwarb

> $ wget --spider BAD_URL GOOD_URL; echo $?
> 0
> $ wget --spider GOOD_URL BAD_URL; echo $?
> 1
> I say they both should be 1.
> If anything bad happens, return 1 or some other non-zero value.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to complain about this issue.
I wasted a lot of time taiming my downloads just because wget
has no proper exit status handling (see my posting about "BUG in --timeout
(exit status)")


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Translations for 1.9.1

2003-11-17 Thread Manfred Schwarb
I just installed wget 1.9.1, works fine.
But on my machine, translations are broken somehow, all special characters
are scrambled. With wget 1.9 this didn't happen.

Example from de.po:
#: src/convert.c:439
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot back up %s as %s: %s\n"
msgstr "Anlegen eines Backups von »%s« als »%s« nicht möglich: %s\n"

(, unpacked on linux with
"tar xvfz")

Am I the only one with this problem?


PS: I use a different email address now, as since my last posting the amount
of spam reached new dimensions. Probably because this list is mirrored as 
a newsgroup with cleartext email addresses :-(

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Re: BUG in --timeout (exit status)

2003-10-02 Thread Manfred Schwarb
OK, I see.
But I do not agree.
And I don't think it is a good idea to treat the first download special.

In my opinion, exit status 0 means "everything during the whole 
retrieval went OK".
My prefered solution would be to set the final exit status to the highest
exit status of all individual downloads. Of course, retries which are 
triggered by "--tries" should erase the exit status of the previous attempt.
A non-zero exit status does not mean "nothing went OK" but "some individual
downloads failed somehow".
And setting a non-zero exit status does not mean wget has to stop
retrieval immediately, it is OK to continue.

Again, wget's behaviour is not what the user expects.

And the user has always the possibility to make combinations of
--accept, --reject, --domains, etc. so in normal cases all 
individual downloads succeed, if he needs a exit status 0.
If he does not care about exit status, there is no problem at all,
of course...


Zitat von Hrvoje Niksic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> This problem is not specific to timeouts, but to recursive download (-r).
> When downloading recursively, Wget expects some of the specified
> downloads to fail and does not propagate that failure to the code that
> sets the exit status.  This unfortunately includes the first download,
> which should probably be an exception.

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BUG in --timeout (exit status)

2003-10-02 Thread Manfred Schwarb

doing the following:
# /tmp/wget-1.9-beta3/src/wget -r --timeout=5 --tries=1
   => `'
Connecting to[]:80... failed: Connection timed
Giving up.

FINISHED --11:33:21--
Downloaded: 0 bytes in 0 files

# echo $?

If wget aborts because of an timeout (all --*-timeout options), it sets 
an exit status of 0, which is not what users are expecting,
and which makes it very difficult to catch such aborts.

Using "--non-verbose" in this example, I get no response at all that
something might have failed. An abort has nothing to do with being
verbose or not, it should always be notified in some way, IMHO. 

Further more, wget man and info pages should document the exit status,
I could not find any documentation about wget's exit status.

In contrast, curl does the right thing (non-zero exit status):
# curl -r --connect-timeout 5
curl: (7)
# echo $?


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