Good morning,

Please note that I am a wget user, there may be errors.

On Tue, Apr 02, 2002 at 11:50:03PM -0500, Dan Mahoney, System Admin

> 1) referrer faking (i.e., wget automatically supplies a referrer
> based on the, well, referring page)

It is the --referer option, see (wget)HTTP Options, from the Info

> 2) Teh regex support like in the "gold" package that I can no longer
> find.

No; however you may use shell globs, see (wget)Accept/Reject Options.

> 3) Multi-threading.

I suppose you mean downloading several URIs in parallel.  No, wget
doesn't support that.  Sometimes, however, one may start several wget
in parallel, thanks to the shell (the & operator on Bourne shells).

> Also, I have in the past encountered a difficulty with the ~ being
> escaped the wrong way, has this been fixed?  I know at one point one
> site suggested you modify url.c to "fix" this.

AFAIK, I have never had that problem; maybe it has been fixed.

> Finally, is there a way to utilize the persistent cookie file that
> lynx generates to "feed" wget?

There is the --load-cookies=FILE option, see (wget)HTTP Options.

How to read the Info documentation: type "info wget" from a shell.
The "?" key may help you.  Use "gHTTP Options" to go to node "HTTP

Have a nice day.

fabrice bauzac
Software should be free.

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