Thanks a bunch for reply Jan..

I could get it to work!
All I had to do was include the following lines in my .wgetrc file..

http_proxy =
use_proxy = on
user-agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)

But I have another problem now. I want to get only the files starting with
access, in a particular directory. After searching through the Wget help and
the mailing list too, and I tried this..
        wget --accept 'access*' http://hostname/directory/

But it gets only index.html from the directory !! Any suggestions..


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Prikryl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 3:45 AM
To: Simha, Shuba
Cc: Wget mailing list
Subject: Re: problem getting a file

Quoting Simha, Shuba :

> I am a first-time user of wget. I have wget within my Cygwin. I am
> trying to get a file from a remote host as explained below, but it
> fails to connect.  Can anybody point me where I am going wrong?

Could you please provide us with the full debugging output (-d switch)
of the failed wget session? Also, could your tell us which version of
wget you are using? 

It seems that the connect() system call fails as it cannot esablish
TCP/IP connection to port 80 on the remote host. Does `telnet hostname
80' work?   

-- jan

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