Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Matthew Raymond
Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
>>|   Menu Item 1
>>|   ...
> That could work. It's an advanced feature though. (Anything involving 
> indirection is going to be harder for users; the more indirection, the 
> harder it is, IMHO. This is one reason  is easier than CSS.) I'd 
> expect use of the command="" attribute to be much rarer than just use of 
>  itself:
> (Falls back to a line break.)

   Doesn't the following do the same?


   We can just use  elements instead of  when we need
to hide menus. If we're going to support  elements as menu
fallback markup,  will have to support  elements anyways.
This frees up  to be used specifically in the .

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Matthew Raymond
Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
>>Well, what I don't like about this scenario is that we end up with a lot 
>>of different markup in :
> So the situation would be:
>  Z 
>  Z 
>  Z 
> ...or:
> Z
> Z
> Z
> ...where "Z" is one of the following:
> [1]
>   [2]
> [1] assuming type="" is one of radio, checkbox, button, submit, reset, 
> move-up, move-down, add, or remove.
> [2] (optionally with a , , or  element)
> ...and all other content is ignored (and could be used for fallback).

   Sort of. I'm leaning towards having all elements but  nested
in an  element, though. It just seems to have better semantics, and
it also allows you to use multiple elements to build a menu item, like
having an , a  and a  in the same
 to create a menu item with a checkbox and an icon.

> Not quite sure how to get the label for nested  elements yet.

   I fail to see what's wrong with using the activation of 
to display menus. It allows handling of both menus that appear when you
press a "button" (which could be the default styling of 
outside of a ) and submenus within a menu:

| Submenu Label

   I believe you already state that  elements are hidden until
activated when they have a label, so I don't see the problem.

> Also not quite sure how to make all this styleable, especially for the 
> toolbar type of . Although... maybe with XBL2's xbl:pseudo="" stuff 
> we can make use of that. Hmm.

   Should we be using  for toolbars at all?

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Matthew Raymond
Ian Hickson wrote:
> My current thinking is to have an attribute on the  to distinguish 
> the type of menu, from a list of three types: context menu (hidden until 
> activated), tool bar/menu bar/menu button/whatever you call it (turns each 
> command into a button, and each submenu into a menu button), and the 
> default, which is to display as a  (like today).

   I don't know, I kinda like having separate markup for menus and menubars:

|   Menu Label 1
|   Menu Label 1
|   Menu Label 1

   Part of the benefit of this system is the ability to call menus that
are outside the :

|   Menu Label 1
|   Menu Label 2
|   Menu Label 3

   I'm a little shakey on the use case, but it seems useful.

   For toolbars, something similar to  that takes  or
 children seems in order. I prefer doing this as opposed to
, especially since  has
receive some resistance. It also creates specific elements they have to
support rather than attribute values, which makes it harder for vendors
to falsely claim support. I think it also increases visibility.

   Thought: Is the distinction between a menubar and a toolbar entirely
presentational? Use one element? ?

   If you notice, my version of  is both a menu label and a
menu button. Aside from situations where you have floating, persistent
menus with per-character styling in the title, I don't see a need for
the two concepts to be separate. Is there even a significant use case
for  to have a |label| attribute? Seems to me that all menus made
visible by an input event. You may be able to see items in menu /bars/,
but in all other situations, you're clicking on a button or right clicking.

   Not sure I like the whole thing about the user agent guessing it's a
menu based on if it has a label or is connected to a context menu
reference. Might just be able to fix that by requiring the |label|
attribute. Then again, it seems like it's doing what could be done with
the |title| attribute. Perhaps an attribute |type| with the possible
values "menu" and "list", where "list" is the default.

   Then again, toolbars often have separators, so maybe they're a type
of list anyways and require -type markup, thus making 
more appropriate. Hmm...


   Above, the type "menu" is assumed to be a sort of context menu
activated either by a true context menu feature or by a .
Then again, -type elements are flat, and while they may have
groupings/separators (for toolbars, at least), they don't have
multilevel groupings.

/me trails off into deep thought...

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 4 Dec 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
> The more I look at the current spec, the better thought out it
> appears to be.

Heh. Thanks. :-)

My main problems with the current spec are that it is aethetically 
unpleasing, IMHO. One of the things I don't like (sorry Matthew!) is the 
whole sibling- thing. It just doesn't feel right. (Adding a 
for="" attribute doesn't really save it either, IMHO.)

It just feels like there are too many ways that it could go wrong -- e.g. 
the sibling isn't there, or whatever.

BTW the goal of reducing the markup isn't to reduce the bandwidth or the 
size of the document or whatever. Bandwidth is cheap. Disk is cheap. The 
idea is to make the whole thing look simpler and cleaner to the author, 
and to make it easier to type.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
> That's not a menu. It's a MENUBAR.

What's the difference?

I would argue that the following are all the same:

 * menubars
 * pull-down menus
 * drop-down menus
 * context menus
 * toolbars

They're just different presentations of the same underlying concept: 
lists of commands or options.

  menu  n.  A list of available options.

This is why I think it makes sense to use one menu to describe all of 

Now, there is a small difference between context menus and the others in 
the list above in that context menus are irrelevant until activated on 
specific items, so we need a way to mark them. There's also a practical 
difference between  as implemented today and  as we want it to 
work (with natively implemented dynamic UI), so we need a way to mark 
those too. This is why I was thinking of an attribute on .

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> > >
> > > I just had a thought that maybe this could be marked up by including 
> > > the  within the  element... However, this would only be 
> > > possible in XHTML documents.
> > 
> > Yeah, in HTML it would force the  to open. An option for XHTML, 
> > indeed.
> It could still be done in HTML by modifying the DOM to move it from the 
> body to the head using a script.  UAs without script would just get a 
> regular menu within the page, which isn't bad fallback.

True. This isn't really in scope for HTML5 IMHO, though.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Nathan Heagy

>  menu  n.  A list of available options.

If the definition of menu is too vague then couldn't we include  and
? Especially since people make dynamic menus with these right now.

However, imho ideally the menubar would be powerful enough to turn into
something like MS Office 12's ribbon. When I consider how that might
look in html I think that ultaflexible menus within menus would work


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian Hickson
Sent: December 7, 2005 4:17 PM
To: Matthew Raymond
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Lachlan Hunt
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility:
ideas wanted

On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
> That's not a menu. It's a MENUBAR.

What's the difference?

I would argue that the following are all the same:

 * menubars
 * pull-down menus
 * drop-down menus
 * context menus
 * toolbars

They're just different presentations of the same underlying concept: 
lists of commands or options.

  menu  n.  A list of available options.

This is why I think it makes sense to use one menu to describe all of 

Now, there is a small difference between context menus and the others in

the list above in that context menus are irrelevant until activated on 
specific items, so we need a way to mark them. There's also a practical 
difference between  as implemented today and  as we want it
work (with natively implemented dynamic UI), so we need a way to mark 
those too. This is why I was thinking of an attribute on .

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
> > 
> >
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >
>Doesn't the following do the same?

It does if we say it does.

Why would we do this? I don't really want to add a lot of new attributes 
to ; it would overload  and that element is already having 
plenty enough fun with , , , form submission, 
"am i control or am i not" schizophrenia, etc.

> We can just use  elements instead of  when we need to 
> hide menus. If we're going to support  elements as menu fallback 
> markup,  will have to support  elements anyways. This 
> frees up  to be used specifically in the .

I don't see any reason why  can't be used in the head anyway.

Basically I think the way that  will have to support  is 
separate and distinct from the way that it will have to support other 
commands. I don't expect  to support everything that  
might. Do you disagree?

> Sort of. I'm leaning towards having all elements but  nested
> in an  element, though.

Yeah, I'm just worried that people are going to want more flexible 
fallback than a bulleted list though (notwithstanding the fact that you 
can use CSS to change the presentation).

> It just seems to have better semantics, and it also allows you to use 
> multiple elements to build a menu item, like having an , a  type="checkbox"> and a  in the same  to create a menu item 
> with a checkbox and an icon.

Oh I certainly agree that we want to allow .

> > Not quite sure how to get the label for nested  elements yet.
> I fail to see what's wrong with using the activation of  to 
> display menus.

I dunno, it's just ugly. I wasn't really happy with it when I first put it 
in the spec and the more I look at it the less I like it. (See also 
earlier mail about this.)

> Part of the benefit of [menulabel] is the ability to call menus that are 
> outside the :

Yes, we want to keep that functionality. There might be neater ways to do 
this than , though. Maybe even  or 

> For toolbars, something similar to  that takes  or 
>  children seems in order. I prefer doing this as opposed to 
> , especially since  has 
> receive some resistance.

So the main problem with  is that one element is used for 
things that need to be implemented in fundamentally different ways.

The proposal with  is not as bad. Specifically, we have these cases:

 *  is dumb (can just be styled by CSS).

 *  is hidden.

 *  is replaced by a toolbar.

In addition, any  can be used to generate a native menu. This isn't 
something relevant to  itself, though -- much like the fact that you 
can generate an outline from s, etc, is not really that relevant to 
the  elements themselves.

> It also creates specific elements they have to support rather than 
> attribute values, which makes it harder for vendors to falsely claim 
> support.

The solution to that problem is test suites, not compromises in language 
design, IMHO.

> I think it also increases visibility.

Not sure what you mean here.

> Thought: Is the distinction between a menubar and a toolbar entirely 
> presentational? Use one element? ?

I don't think there is any difference at all between  and 
, really, hence wanting to just use .

> Not sure I like the whole thing about the user agent guessing it's a 
> menu based on if it has a label or is connected to a context menu 
> reference. Might just be able to fix that by requiring the |label| 
> attribute. Then again, it seems like it's doing what could be done with 
> the |title| attribute.


> Perhaps an attribute |type| with the possible values "menu" and "list", 
> where "list" is the default.


> Then again, toolbars often have separators, so maybe they're a type of 
> list anyways and require -type markup, thus making  more 
> appropriate. Hmm...

 is our separator element. Not sure what it stands for exactly. "Here 
is a separatoR", maybe. *cough*

> Above, the type "menu" is assumed to be a sort of context menu activated 
> either by a true context menu feature or by a . Then again, 
> -type elements are flat, and while they may have 
> groupings/separators (for toolbars, at least), they don't have 
> multilevel groupings.

They kind of do, in some contexts, e.g. drop-down buttons.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread David Hyatt
Shipping Safari actually supports  as separators in   
dropdowns now.  We needed this for Dashboard widgets that wanted to  
be able to put separators into their select UI.


On Dec 7, 2005, at 4:00 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Then again, toolbars often have separators, so maybe they're a  
type of
list anyways and require -type markup, thus making   

appropriate. Hmm...

 is our separator element. Not sure what it stands for exactly.  

is a separatoR", maybe. *cough*

Above, the type "menu" is assumed to be a sort of context menu  
either by a true context menu feature or by a . Then  

-type elements are flat, and while they may have
groupings/separators (for toolbars, at least), they don't have
multilevel groupings.

They kind of do, in some contexts, e.g. drop-down buttons.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E) 
\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _ 
\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'-- 

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> > 
> > I don't really want to add a lot of new attributes to ;
> What new attributes are you talking about?  Option already has a label 
> attribute in HTML4.

All the ones that  has.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Nathan Heagy wrote:
> > 
> >  menu  n.  A list of available options.
> If the definition of menu is too vague then couldn't we include  and 
> ? Especially since people make dynamic menus with these right now.

 is an unordered list of items.
 is an ordered list of items.
 is an unordered list of name-value tuples.
 is an unordered list of available command options.

They seem separate to me, I'm not sure we need to merge them further.

> However, imho ideally the menubar would be powerful enough to turn into 
> something like MS Office 12's ribbon. When I consider how that might 
> look in html I think that ultaflexible menus within menus would work 
> nicely.

As I understand it the two key things about the Ribbon are that effects 
are instantly previewed (requires an "onmouseover"/"onmouseout" set of 
events on all commands, though not limited to mice of course) and the fact 
that the ribbon is context sensitive (not hard just by showing/hiding 
commands on the fly). I haven't seen it first hand though so I may be 

It seems that it should be possible to implement that kind of UI with 
almost any toolbar-like solution that we come up with.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Lachlan Hunt

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 7 Dec 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:


I don't really want to add a lot of new attributes to ;

What new  attributes are you talking about?  Option already has a label 
attribute in HTML4.

Lachlan Hunt

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread Matthew Raymond
David Hyatt wrote:
> Shipping Safari actually supports  as separators in   
> dropdowns now.  We needed this for Dashboard widgets that wanted to  
> be able to put separators into their select UI.

   Is that inside an  or as a direct child of ?

Re: [whatwg] Menus, fallback, and backwards compatibility: ideas wanted

2005-12-07 Thread David Hyatt

As a child of a  or .


On Dec 7, 2005, at 8:47 PM, Matthew Raymond wrote:

David Hyatt wrote:

Shipping Safari actually supports  as separators in 
dropdowns now.  We needed this for Dashboard widgets that wanted to
be able to put separators into their select UI.

   Is that inside an  or as a direct child of ?