Re: [whatwg] Full screen for the video element

2007-10-26 Thread Dave Singer

At 23:39  -0500 25/10/07, Greg Houston wrote:

Roughly, one solution might be:

The user is playing a video within a web page. They click on full
screen mode.

You are describing something initiated by user action, which any 
browser is quite free to support.

But if that user action is mediated through HTML, or the fullscreen 
request originates in the HTML, the position is rather harder.  What 
you write below is only 'obviously' an embedded video for a few 
seconds, alas.

But the question remains:  should we provide standard markup to do 
fullscreen, since most browsers will provide an extension to do it 
anyway, or not?  And if so, how much do we say about the security 
issues (and what)?  And if not, how do we still need to say about the 
security issues for browsers that do it anyway through UI, extension, 
or both?

The toolbar, status bar, menu bar, and so forth are
removed, leaving just the title bar and close, minimize, and restore
controls. If there is no movement of the mouse for 2-5 seconds the
title bar disappears. With movement of the mouse again, the title bar
reappears. If the user clicks on the close control, the window returns
to its original state while continuing to play the video within the
page. Also, If the video comes to an end the window returns to its
original state.

If you don't want the title bar to control closing full screen mode,
the browser could display a special video bar during full screen mode
directly underneath the title bar. This bar could have play controls
on it. Again, the video bar (as well as the title bar) would disappear
after so many seconds of no mouse movement.

In addition to redisplaying the title bar (and potentially the video
bar) on mouse movement, it might be helpful to have a way to overlay
play controls (pause, stop, and so forth) on top of the video at this
time giving the designer a way to add those controls or supplement
those that would be in the video bar if the video bar was implemented.

Standard hotkeys in full screen mode might be nice, e.g., space bar
(play, pause).

With javascript it is already possible to make full screen web pages.
If advertisers were going to exploit this they would have by now.

Standardizing full screen video mode seems like a good idea since
users will learn what to expect and how to navigate it. Otherwise, you
potentially have a 1000 different implementations of fullscreen mode
devised by designers requiring the end user to figure out each time
how to navigate that particular implementation.

On 10/25/07, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dave Singer wrote:
  At 19:50  -0700 25/10/07, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  Dave Singer wrote:
  At 0:48  + 26/10/07, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sat, 13 Oct 2007, Mihai Sucan wrote:

 Shouldn't the video API include a way to toggle full screen
 This is a rather basic feature of videos. If it will not be
 available, video sites will hack around missing full screen

 The current spec doesn't define it.
Currently, the spec recommends that user agents provide a way to
switch the view of the video to full-screen. We can't provide a
programatic way of doing it because it is too easily abused.
  (Can you
imagine if every time you went to a new site, a full-window or
full-screen advert played?)
   Yep, that's a problem. I was also thinking along the lines of
   fullscreen() within non-synthetic event handlers, in a similar
  fashon to
   popups (just like Kornel suggested).
  Given how often popups are abused today even with those requirements, I
  hesitate to do this. (Can you imagine if every time you clicked a
  link to
  go to a new site, a full-window or full-screen advert played?)


   If that's not a desirable solution, then other solutions, which don't
   require confirmation, are not easy to find.
  Indeed (and explicit confirmation is pretty bad UI).
  But you don't need to tell the browser that explicit confirmation is
  required;  you merely need to say that, if the browser supports
  fullscreen requests (and it may ignore them), it must be clear to the
  user that the screen is 'filled' with the video and not his normal
  desktop.  Yes, a dialog before is one way, but so is, for example, a
  blinking red 10-pixel border around the screen that says security
  warning! do not treat as desktop! continuously.  There are (I hope)
  better designs. :-)  i.e. state the requirement, not the solution.
  I just can't think of a solution that doesn't fall into at least one
  of these categories:
  1) Some sort of user-confirmation that most users will not understand
 (such as the dialog)
  2) Uses annoying ugly UI that will make no sites want to use it
 (such as a blinking red border)
  3) Is unsafe
  4) Will be annoying since advertisers are going to abuse it.
  You may be right.  But a lack of imagination on my part may not be a
  good reason to leave out the feature, 

Re: [whatwg] When to stop video elements from playing

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

 Suppose a script creates a video element, adds it to the document, 
 starts it playing, then removes the element from the document and drops 
 all references to it. When should the element stop playing?

I've made the spec say that it stops playing when you remove it from the 
document. However, that doesn't really mean much, it can still play when 
it's out of the document.

 -- when all JS references to the element have been dropped (and garbage
 collection runs)?
 -- when the user leaves the page?
 -- when the end of the stream is reached? (which could be never)

I've explicitly addressed all of these in the spec.

On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
 However, you'd probably want audio elements to be able to play outside 
 the document.

Indeed, that's an important use case.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, timeless wrote:
 I can easily have a bookmarklet that goes through the dom tree and stops 
 (or stops and deletes) all audio elements. I can't have such a 
 bookmarklet for things that are only reachable via JS scope (and I don't 
 mean JS object graph, I mean function call chains, since that's the best 
 way to be evil, site's don't need to let people have access via object 

Bookmarklets are effectively browser-specific and thus interoperability 
isn't a concern for them. They can use UA-specific extensions if needed.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, timeless wrote:
 On 10/19/07, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This doesn't seem like something a typical end user would do.
 the how perhaps not, but i think the goal is.

If a user wants to mute all audio, a mute key on the keyboard or in the 
UA's chrome seems like the more likely solution, both of which are 
possible within the constraints of the spec.

On Sat, 20 Oct 2007, dev wrote:

 As a user , I would really prefer that the no Sound comes from the 
 browser, unless and until I can see a play/pause button inside the page. 
 So if the element is removed the sound and/or the video should stop.

This is what the spec now requires.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

 A related question is whether display:none audio and video elements 
 should produce sound.

Yes. The sound from audio and video elements isn't stylistic; it's 
asynchronously played content, and thus not affected by CSS properties.

 My current opinion is that audio and video elements should behave 
 like img and load/play whether or not they're in a document, but they 
 should only emit sound if they're in a document with a presentation and 
 are not in a display:none subtree. Then to play a sound you'd have to 
 insert the element into your document somewhere with size 0x0 (which 
 should be the default for audio).
 But it's a rather tangled issue.

Having to insert audio elements in the tree to have them play seems 
artificial, especially since they wouldn't play where you put them -- the 
tree position would be basically meaningless. A typical use case is the:

   var a = new Audio('fx.wav');
   a.autoplay = true;

...or similar.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 I think you want to do:
   var soundeffect = new Audio(sound.wav)
   soundeffect.onload = function() { }
 which is what was possible with the old Audio API (became audio) Opera 

Right, that too.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

 When would the Opera stop playing that sound? When the user left the 
 page? Only when the sound finished?

Per spec, at the earliest of the two. (Though in the former case, if the 
user returned to the page and the bfcache hadn't flushed the message away, 
the sound would resume playing.)

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  No. The time at which garbage collection will reclaim an object is 
  unpredictable, so relying on garbage collection for behavior is a bad 
 If we let videos or audios play even when out of the document I 
 don't see how we could avoid this.

The spec requires audible elements not to be garbage collected.

 Or do you mean by 'play' only move forward in their time-position, not 
 emit sound?

Sound emission.

 What happens in opera is if you do:
 myAudio = new Audio(foo.wav);
 myAudio.onload = function () {;
   myAudio = null;
 When will the audio stop playing?

Per spec, the element will play through to the end (or until the browsing 
context is navigated away).

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 Opps, forgot to answer this one. I strongly feel that both audio and 
 video should make sound for display:none elements. The CSS display 
 property should only affect the visual appearance of the node.
 Additionally, it's more efficient for us, and simpler for the author, if 
 hidden-but-played audio/video elements don't create a frame and don't 
 affect layout.


On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, fantasai wrote:
  A related question is whether display:none 

Re: [whatwg] Full screen for the video element

2007-10-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Greg Houston wrote:

With javascript it is already possible to make full screen web pages.
If advertisers were going to exploit this they would have by now.

On my browser it is not. In firefox I can and do disable the ability for 
javascript to move or resize windows because web pages insist on 
annoying me by resizing to fullscreen.

The only reason we don't disable this by default in firefox is that a 
lot of sites have come to depend on being able to resize windows. So 
lots of users are paying the price of annoying maximizing windows in 
order for us to support the few legitimate websites that resize windows.

Had the resize api not been there in the first place those legitimate 
websites would have come to depend on it and would have worked fine.

Lets not do the same mistake again.

Standardizing full screen video mode seems like a good idea since
users will learn what to expect and how to navigate it. Otherwise, you
potentially have a 1000 different implementations of fullscreen mode
devised by designers requiring the end user to figure out each time
how to navigate that particular implementation.

I imagine what will happen is that pages will create a video that 
covers the whole content area of the current window and then have some 
mechanism that minimizes the video again.

I could see an argument for having an API that maximizes the video 
within the content area of the current window and adds some sort of 
browser specific UI to minimize it again.

However, it isn't clear that sites will prefer that over having their 
users choose 'fullscreen' from the context menu (or whatever other UI 
the browser chooses to use).

Actually, the more I think about it the more I like the idea of an API 
for fullwindow. What do other people think?

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Gigantoredesignorrific changes to the Database API

2007-10-26 Thread Brady Eidson

On Oct 25, 2007, at 7:26 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

I like the operation structure, imposed by the new spec: (database
(transaction (statement (handler, and error callbacks are nice. A
couple of things stood out:

1) The transactions are now required and this seems like an
unreasonable performance hit. What if the API would assume transaction
mode, but would allow authors to explicitly state that the operation
is not a transaction:

db.operation(function(op) {
  // implicitly a transaction
db.operation(function(op) {
  // explicitly not a transaction, just a set of statements in one  

}, null, false /* states that this is not a transaction */);

.. or something along these lines.

I think we've established that with at least a few popular sql  
implementations - if you use things correctly - wrapping single  
statements in transactions does not affect performance in a critical  

That consideration aside, having the Transaction as the basic work  
unit in the API keeps things very clean and solves a lot of problems.   
It implicitly helps with simultaneous access to the same database from  
different browsing contexts (or even different processes) and it  
simplifies both the API and implementations.

Also, there's nothing stopping web developers from running a single  
statement in a transaction.

With the way Transactions are worked into the new API, I'm convinced  
we don't need to add more API just to let a developer run a  
transaction-less statement.

2) Fully asynchronous is scary. Are we sure this is going to be
well-digested? I can just see people doing this:

db.operation(function(tx) {
  var count;
  tx.executeSql(SELECT COUNT(*) AS C FROM BLAH;, function(r) {
  count = r.item(0).c;
  if (count  0) {
   // do happy things.

I am very pleased that this entire API is designed around the fact  
that synchronous I/O on the main thread is bad, and would argue  
against any attempt to introduce synchronous I/O without an extremely  
compelling argument.
I don't think unskilled/uninformed developers might use the API  
incorrectly is compelling enough to change the design and give them  
the power to do I/O on the main thread.
There are various JS libraries - some very popular - that make  
challenging APIs easier to use, but I really don't think this one is  
all that challenging!

3) I think I misunderstand step 11, help me out. If the commit has
failed once, why try to re-commit, even if the error callback
instructs you to?

Trying to commit a failed transaction twice won't result in any  
negative side effects, but it's also probably not necessary.

If a way could be found to rewrite the Transaction Steps to work  
around this, but still keep the steps clear and unambiguous, I would  
be okay with that.


Re: [whatwg] Couple comments on Database storage spec.

2007-10-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

Ian Hickson wrote:
I think not having quote will make people write their own, and every so 
often fail at it. People that don't think about the possibility of 
getting exploited aren't going to use neither '?' nor quote() so they 
are hosed either way.

If we include examples for how to do this (embedding ? directly into the 
query and adding the stuff to the array), will that work? It's easier to 
do than quoting.

It does sound like a good idea to make all examples use the '?' syntax. 
I still think that providing a quote() implementation would do more good 
than harm, but admittedly I don't care that much. Especially given that 
the worst that can happen is bugs and not security breaches.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] When to stop video elements from playing

2007-10-26 Thread Jonas Sicking

A couple of comments:

The spec currently doesn't say to set the autoplaying flag to false when 
an element is removed from the Document. I take it that will mean that 
the element will start playing if it's currently waiting for data? This 
seems undesirable to me for two reasons:

A) I think nodes not in the document should only start playing when more 
explicitly asked to.
B) It creates a race condition where the element _will_not_ play when if 
enough data had been downloaded at the point when the element was 
removed, but _will_ play if it was still waiting for data.

Is there any reason we couldn't state the removing the element from the 
Document calls pause() on the element?

I think that it is still currently possible that a currently playing 
element can get garbage collected. Alternatively, that it is possible to 
create elements that will never stop playing, even if the user navigates 
away. Consider the following scenario:

1) Page A opens a new window containing Page B
2) Page A creates a reference to Page B
3) Page B creates an audio element that doesn't live in its Document
   and sticks it in a global variable of its context.
4) Window containing Page B is closed. Page B does not go away since
   Page A is holding a reference to it.
5) Page B calls .play() on the audio
6) Page A drops reference to Page B
7) Garbage Collection runs
8) User leaves Page A
9) Garbage Collection runs

The only step here that is slightly suspicious is step 5 since a 
closed-but-alive page is running script. I believe this can happen in a 
number of ways, the simplest being that Page A calls a function on Page 
B. But I suspect there are also events that can fire in Page B even 
after it has closed.

The question is, when does the audio element stop playing? If it stops 
playing in step 7 we still have the situation that it can stop running 
at a seemingly random point in time, i.e. when GC runs. Step 6 isn't 
necessarily even needed since both Page A and Page B would get destroyed 
in step 9 anyway.

If we say that the audio should not get garbage collected in step 7 
since it is playing audio, at what point should it stop playing? There 
is no connection between the audio and Page A so step 6 and 8 won't be 
special in any way to the audio.

I believe the best solution here is to say that step 5 should throw an 
exception. I.e. you can't start playing a media element whose 
.ownerDocument is not a displayed document.

Other suggestions welcome.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] SQL API and changeVersion() with no callbacks

2007-10-26 Thread Brady Eidson

On Oct 26, 2007, at 3:23 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Brady Eidson wrote:

For the sake of simplicity in the API, I see no reason why there
couldn't be a single version of changeVersion() with the 2 strings  
and 2

callbacks.  Then if a user truly wanted to call changeVersion() but
wasn't interested in the results, they could just pass null for  
both of

the callbacks.

Very good point. I have removed the overloads here. This is not  
going to

be frequently called, so why not require the callbacks.

I suppose the same could be said about executeSql().

Well... I can certainly see people queuing up a bunch of requests and
dealing with the errors at the end in the transaction error handler.  
I am
open to requiring that that have an explicit null though. Who do  

people think?

I'm glad there's agreement on changeVersion() and that it has been  

I wanted to raise the executeSql() point for discussion, not because I  
feel strongly about it.  I agree that queueing up a bunch of queries  
then dealing with the error at the end is a realistic use case.


Re: [whatwg] SQL API - SQLVersionChangeCallback vs SQLTransactionCallback

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 I may be completely alone in this one, but is schema versioning as part 
 of the API really a necessary thing? I mean, it's convenient, but is it 
 necessary? Just trying to keep it simple.

In particular with the offline stuff, it is highly likely that code will 
be running and interacting with the database in one window when a script 
tries to update the schema, and we don't want authors to have to implement 
some primitive locking facility of their own to prevent old versions 
corrupting the data. I think it's relatively light-weight yet provides 
something that could end up being really useful in certain cases.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] SQL API and changeVersion() with no callbacks

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Brady Eidson wrote:
 For the sake of simplicity in the API, I see no reason why there 
 couldn't be a single version of changeVersion() with the 2 strings and 2 
 callbacks.  Then if a user truly wanted to call changeVersion() but 
 wasn't interested in the results, they could just pass null for both of 
 the callbacks.

Very good point. I have removed the overloads here. This is not going to 
be frequently called, so why not require the callbacks.

 I suppose the same could be said about executeSql().

Well... I can certainly see people queuing up a bunch of requests and 
dealing with the errors at the end in the transaction error handler. I am 
open to requiring that that have an explicit null though. Who do other 
people think?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] SQL API - SQLVersionChangeCallback vs SQLTransactionCallback

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Brady Eidson wrote:

 changeVersion() takes SQLVersionChangeCallback and SQLTransactionErrorCallback
 transaction() takes SQLTransactionCallback and SQLTransactionErrorCallback
 SQLVersionChangeCallback and SQLTransactionCallback have identical properties.

Yeah, this is a historical artefact (in one revision, they had different 
return types).


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] SQL API and changeVersion() with no callbacks

2007-10-26 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 00:23:57 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I suppose the same could be said about executeSql().

Well... I can certainly see people queuing up a bunch of requests and
dealing with the errors at the end in the transaction error handler. I am
open to requiring that that have an explicit null though. Who do other
people think?

There at least some feedback from the developer community that they'd like  
to see optional arguments:

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] several messages about the naming of the loop attributes

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson

Bikeshed alert.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
  Maybe we should rename 'loopcount' to 'playcount'...?
 playcount fits better with the number of times to play the clip than 
 loopcount does.

Ok. Done.

  Hmm. Is the spec really ambigious?
 Here's an example: [...]

What you're saying is that the attribute name is non-intuitive, not that 
the spec is ambiguous.

I agree. Changed as noted above.

 Now, I am suggesting:
 loopCount - playCount
 currentLoop - playIndex || currentPlayIndex || currentPlayCountIndex

I have left this one for now. I don't like index, for reasons discussed 

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Simon Pieters wrote:
 I don't have an opinion about naming in general, but I will note that 
 .playIndex is consistent with select's .selectedIndex.

For me this counts as a point against -- the selectedIndex identifies an 
item in a list, whereas here we are identifying a general period of time.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Dave Singer wrote:
 I have wondered whether it would be clearer if we called it loopFrom and 
 loopTo, and had loopCount be the count of the *extra* plays, and 
 loopNumber (or loopIndex) the current *extra* play.  So if loopCount is 
 0, loopStart and loopEnd are irrelevant, and loopNumber will never 
 exceed 0 either.

I don't think loopFrom and loopTo is necessarily better than loopStart and 

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Randy Drielinger wrote:

 The terminoly we currently have is the one that's being used in the 
 Video / Editting branch.
 Although they don't sound too logical, we could keep these (thus making 
 it more consistent definition-wise) or perhaps pursue another name set 
 from an area and adapt those. I don't favor creating a new named set to 
 make things clear only for HTML5.0 sake.

Are you ok with the new names?

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Dave Singer wrote:
 yes, and clarifying that there is a straight play from start to end, and 
 then loopCount extra plays from loopStart to loopEnd, counted by 
 loopNumber.  The same names with repeat instead of loop would also work.
 is that clearer, easier to explain and understand?  so a loopCount of 0 
 means no loops, just the straight play.  loopNumber 0 means we have not 
 yet looped.

I'm not sure that loopCount = 0 is clearer than playCount = 1. In fact I 
think people get confused over loopCount too much, however it works.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Couple comments on Database storage spec.

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 It does sound like a good idea to make all examples use the '?' syntax. 
 I still think that providing a quote() implementation would do more good 
 than harm, but admittedly I don't care that much. Especially given that 
 the worst that can happen is bugs and not security breaches.

Ok. We'll see in v2 if we need the function afterall.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Gigantoredesignorrific changes to the Database API

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
 1) The transactions are now required and this seems like an
 unreasonable performance hit. What if the API would assume transaction
 mode, but would allow authors to explicitly state that the operation
 is not a transaction:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Brady Eidson wrote:
 I think we've established that with at least a few popular sql implementations
 - if you use things correctly - wrapping single statements in transactions
 does not affect performance in a critical manner.

I agree with Brady. We can add this in a later version if we need it -- I 
made sure the API had room for it.

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

 2) Fully asynchronous is scary. Are we sure this is going to be
 well-digested? I can just see people doing this:
 db.operation(function(tx) {
var count;
tx.executeSql(SELECT COUNT(*) AS C FROM BLAH;, function(r) {
count = r.item(0).c;
if (count  0) {
 // do happy things.

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Brady Eidson wrote:
 I am very pleased that this entire API is designed around the fact that
 synchronous I/O on the main thread is bad, and would argue against any
 attempt to introduce synchronous I/O without an extremely compelling argument.
 I don't think unskilled/uninformed developers might use the API incorrectly
 is compelling enough to change the design and give them the power to do I/O on
 the main thread.
 There are various JS libraries - some very popular - that make challenging
 APIs easier to use, but I really don't think this one is all that challenging!

I think again that Brady's opinion is in line with most Web browser 
developers at this point; the synchronicity of the API was the biggest 
complaint of the first version.

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

 3) I think I misunderstand step 11, help me out. If the commit has 
 failed once, why try to re-commit, even if the error callback instructs 
 you to?


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] SQL API and Transactions

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Brady Eidson wrote:
 For major steps during processing of a transaction, if that step fails 
 the SQLTransactionErrorCallback is invoked.
 Additionally, for each statement processed within a transaction, success 
 and failure in executing that statement both result in a callback - 
 SQLStatementCallback and SQLStatementErrorCallback respectively.
 With the above mechanisms, there is a lot of solid notification to the 
 script about progress of a transaction.  There seems to be a flaring 
 hole, however.
 Step 9 of the transaction steps stipulates that if the transaction fails 
 to commit, the script will get an SQLTransactionErrorCallback indicating 
 this failure.  However, there is no final callback indicating *success* 
 of the commit.
 In the case of a general transaction used for a chain of executeSql 
 calls, the script will have gotten a callback for each statement as it 
 succeeds and therefore might assume the transaction will succeed.  
 However, they don't know *when* is has succeeded.

 In the case of the transaction wrapped by a changeVersion() call, the 
 script will definitely know when the changeVersion() fails, but will not 
 know at what point in time the changeVersion() has finished and the data 
 is all committed to disk.
 I can see a script wanting to know when a transaction is actually 100% 
 complete and committed before moving on to the next task.  I just don't 
 know how important it is, and wanted to bring this point up for 

We can add a third callback to changeVersion() and transaction(). I can't 
see any other way to solve it. What do people think? Too heavy-weight, or 
ok? I'm ok with doing it if people want it.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] SVG extensions to canvas

2007-10-26 Thread Devi Web Development
That would presumably because of the intrinsic size Anne referred
to. SVG's contain scaling information; the size is designated in the
image file.

Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney
Devi Web Development

Re: [whatwg] cue points in media elements

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007, Dave Singer wrote:
 Caution:  cross-posted to whatwg and htmlwg;  be careful with 

Actually, please don't cross-post new threads to both groups. As mentioned 
earlier this week, I only cross-post when the messages I'm replying to 
were sent to both groups as a convenience to both groups so they can see 
what progress is being made on issues that were discussed there; as a 
general rule it's better to not cross-post. Thanks!

 We've been looking into both semantic and implementation considerations 
 of cue points.  We wonder whether cue ranges might not make more sense.


I also changed the way that cue points (er, ranges) are removed, which I 
think will make it easier to handle swapping in sets of subtitles or the 
like. Comments welcome.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Full screen for the video element

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Dave Singer wrote:
If that's not a desirable solution, then other solutions, which 
don't require confirmation, are not easy to find.
  Indeed (and explicit confirmation is pretty bad UI).
 But you don't need to tell the browser that explicit confirmation is 
 required; you merely need to say that, if the browser supports 
 fullscreen requests (and it may ignore them), it must be clear to the 
 user that the screen is 'filled' with the video and not his normal 
 desktop.  Yes, a dialog before is one way, but so is, for example, a 
 blinking red 10-pixel border around the screen that says security 
 warning! do not treat as desktop! continuously.  There are (I hope) 
 better designs. :-)  i.e. state the requirement, not the solution.

In general I agree, but when we don't have a single solution we can think 
of that's any good, it seems highly experimental (and thus inappropriate 
for HTML5) to have the requirement in the spec.

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I just can't think of a solution that doesn't fall into at least one of these
 1) Some sort of user-confirmation that most users will not understand
(such as the dialog)
 2) Uses annoying ugly UI that will make no sites want to use it
(such as a blinking red border)
 3) Is unsafe
 4) Will be annoying since advertisers are going to abuse it.

Neither can I.

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Dave Singer wrote:
 You may be right.  But a lack of imagination on my part may not be a 
 good reason to leave out the feature, unless we are fairly sure that the 
 feature cannot be implemented with the requirement for phishing 
 protection in an acceptable way, ever, at all.

Actually, lack of imagination on everyone's part _is_ a good reason to 
leave out a feature. We shouldn't be using HTML standardisation as a 
research lab, we should be standardising things we know work.

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I'd say it's the other way around. We shouldn't include features that we 
 can't think of a way to implement them.


On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Greg Houston wrote:

 Roughly, one solution might be:
 The user is playing a video within a web page. They click on full screen 
 mode. The toolbar, status bar, menu bar, and so forth are removed, 
 leaving just the title bar and close, minimize, and restore controls. If 
 there is no movement of the mouse for 2-5 seconds the title bar 
 disappears. With movement of the mouse again, the title bar reappears. 
 If the user clicks on the close control, the window returns to its 
 original state while continuing to play the video within the page. Also, 
 If the video comes to an end the window returns to its original state.
 If you don't want the title bar to control closing full screen mode, the 
 browser could display a special video bar during full screen mode 
 directly underneath the title bar. This bar could have play controls on 
 it. Again, the video bar (as well as the title bar) would disappear 
 after so many seconds of no mouse movement.
 In addition to redisplaying the title bar (and potentially the video 
 bar) on mouse movement, it might be helpful to have a way to overlay 
 play controls (pause, stop, and so forth) on top of the video at this 
 time giving the designer a way to add those controls or supplement those 
 that would be in the video bar if the video bar was implemented.
 Standard hotkeys in full screen mode might be nice, e.g., space bar 
 (play, pause).

That's what the spec has now. The user has to tell the UA to go 

 With javascript it is already possible to make full screen web pages. If 
 advertisers were going to exploit this they would have by now.

Actually, they can't, as far as I can tell.

 Standardizing full screen video mode seems like a good idea since users 
 will learn what to expect and how to navigate it. Otherwise, you 
 potentially have a 1000 different implementations of fullscreen mode 
 devised by designers requiring the end user to figure out each time how 
 to navigate that particular implementation.

You only need one implementation -- the user agent's. It just means you 
can't have little JavaScript UI to trigger it, but I think that's ok.

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Dave Singer wrote:
 But the question remains:  should we provide standard markup to do 
 fullscreen, since most browsers will provide an extension to do it 
 anyway, or not?  And if so, how much do we say about the security 
 issues (and what)?  And if not, how do we still need to say about the 
 security issues for browsers that do it anyway through UI, extension, or 

Through UI there's not really a security problem. Through an extension, 
that's up to the UA. We can't mention all the ways that UAs can shoot 
themselves through the foot. If an extension turns out to be good, then we 
can spec it.

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I imagine what will happen is that pages will create 

Re: [whatwg] When to stop video elements from playing

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 26 Oct 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 A couple of comments:
 The spec currently doesn't say to set the autoplaying flag to false when 
 an element is removed from the Document. I take it that will mean that 
 the element will start playing if it's currently waiting for data? This 
 seems undesirable to me for two reasons:
 A) I think nodes not in the document should only start playing when more 
 explicitly asked to.

 B) It creates a race condition where the element _will_not_ play when if 
 enough data had been downloaded at the point when the element was 
 removed, but _will_ play if it was still waiting for data.
 Is there any reason we couldn't state the removing the element from the 
 Document calls pause() on the element?

Good point. Fixed.

 I think that it is still currently possible that a currently playing 
 element can get garbage collected. Alternatively, that it is possible to 
 create elements that will never stop playing, even if the user navigates 
 away. Consider the following scenario:
 1) Page A opens a new window containing Page B
 2) Page A creates a reference to Page B
 3) Page B creates an audio element that doesn't live in its Document
and sticks it in a global variable of its context.
 4) Window containing Page B is closed. Page B does not go away since
Page A is holding a reference to it.
 5) Page B calls .play() on the audio

At this point nothing happens, because B isn't an active document, and 
playback only occurs (according to the spec) if the ownerDocument is an 
active document.

 The only step here that is slightly suspicious is step 5 since a 
 closed-but-alive page is running script.

Right, but the point would still hold if page A called .play().

 I believe this can happen in a number of ways, the simplest being that 
 Page A calls a function on Page B. But I suspect there are also events 
 that can fire in Page B even after it has closed.

Actually per spec, if I recall, you can't run script if you're not an 
active document. (To start with, your Window object won't have your 
properties any more, which makes things difficult if we allow script.)

 I believe the best solution here is to say that step 5 should throw an 
 exception. I.e. you can't start playing a media element whose 
 .ownerDocument is not a displayed document.

What do you think of what the spec says at the moment?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[whatwg] Call for Comments

2007-10-26 Thread Ian Hickson

Last November, as part of the feedback on the W3C HTML WG charter, I wrote 
an e-mail [1] saying that I thought a realistic timetable would have a 
first working draft released in October 2007.

We don't really need archived copies with the way the WHATWG works, since 
everything happens in the open with a Subversion interface and everything, 
but, I figured that I should publish an archived copy anyway, so today I 
put out a frozen call for comments draft:

If anyone was hoping for a semi-stable version to start reviewing the 
draft, I would say that this is it. We're pretty much feature-complete at 
this point, which is to say I don't think we'll be adding any major 
features to HTML5 going forward (though of course minor features like 
additions to certain APIs are likely to still occur).

There is a public issues list:

...which has about 3700 issues in it. The next order of business is simply 
to go through all of those issues. I've been tracking the issue count 
since early October, and at the moment the count is reducing at a rate of 
about 7 a day, which works out to being about a year and a bit of solid 
work, which puts us on track to reach Last Call in 2009, as I predicted in 
the aforementioned e-mail.

I'd like to thank everyone here in the WHATWG community for helping make 
this work fun and pleasant. It's really nice to be able to work in such a 
friendly atmosphere. I hope the coming year will continue the same way!


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] SVG extensions to canvas

2007-10-26 Thread Vlad Alexander (
Hi Daniel,

Sorry, I still don't get it. A raster (bitmap) image, which _isn't_ really 
designed to scale, has intrinsic size yet it is scaled by the IMG's width 
and height attributes. Why isn't an image that _is_ designed to scale not 
scaled by the IMG's width and height attributes?


 Original Message 
From: Devi Web Development
Date: 2007-10-26 7:44 PM
 That would presumably because of the intrinsic size Anne referred
 to. SVG's contain scaling information; the size is designated in the
 image file.

 Daniel Brumbaugh Keeney
 Devi Web Development