As follow-up, I've filed these bugs:

(Privately, Maciej Stachowiak told me that he supports changing WebKit's
pushState implementation to match Firefox, and so I have filed a bug against
the spec to get it updated to reflect what implementors are doing.)



On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 11:51 AM, Darin Fisher <> wrote:

> [Apologies if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find it in the
> archives.]
> Why does pushState only prune forward session history entries corresponding
> to the same document?  I would have expected it to behave like a reference
> fragment navigation, which prunes *all* forward session history entries.
>  Reason: it seems strange when a "navigation" doesn't result in a disabled
> forward button in the browser UI, so an app developer may be unsatisfied
> using pushState in place of reference fragment navigations.
> Thoughts?
> -Darin

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