Re: [whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection (JZ and David Bruant)

2010-04-27 Thread David Bruant

Le 26/04/2010 11:25, Frank Migacz a écrit :
  What is the implication of denying dynamic changes to the 
HTMLCollection in a CORS environment?  In some variant of Comet 
(or asynchronous UA polling), how can the UA implement change if it is 
regularly processing inside locked control blocks?
I am not sure I fully understand what you are saying. I don't have the 
impression that in the code samples we wrote we were locked in any 
control block.

Can you provide more details with your example ?

To answer one question (which may not be yours), if a JS code is stuck 
in a while(1), then, events are never handled. In that situation, 
XMLHttpRequest events or server-sent events are particular cases of 
events which won't be handled as well.


Re: [whatwg] Dealing with Stereoscopic displays

2010-04-27 Thread Eoin Kilfeather
Hi again,

Thanks for the replies and informed feedback. I wasn't fully aware of
the significance of the replicate proposal, and I like what it
potential offers for my use case, but the hardware control problem
remains. Essentially the UC is this;

USE CASE: A web developer wants to utilise the next generation of
stereoscopic displays (for arguments sake we assume that these are
going to become ubiquitous as quickly as LCD flat-screens did) for UIs
which create an impression of depth (coverflows, time-machines,
head-up-displays, etc.)


* A user visits the National Museum site and wants to see a
time-machine view of objects in the collection with a sense of 3D
depth based on their age
* Her PC is connected to a stereoscopic screen but the web
application can't know the details of the implementation: Anaglyph
glasses, polarising glasses, lenticular cover etc.
* The web page has a device selector with type = stereo_display
(?) which detects / gives access to the stereo functions of the
display - i.e. turns on whatever feature gives stereopsis
* The UA  has awareness of a left and right render path for two
widows / documents but knows that these are stereoscopically linked
(is this sensible ?)
* The web application now has two render targets
* The web application now generates slightly different left eye
and right eye views
* The UA renders the two documents in the correct window


* Stereo displays should be discoverable (through device ?)
* Stereo displays should be controllable by the UA (again through
device ?).
* Scripts should have access to both render targets

Any suggestions / criticisms?



On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 3:15 AM, ddailey wrote:
 No it isn't simple. Allied issues have been discussed here before.

 As the nature of input devices become richer (e.g. eye movement glasses that
 give binocular disparity data to the display device) then the nature of the
 convergence data that defines the scene becomes more relevant to its primary
 semantics.  As SVG and 3D technologies begin to bridge the gap between 2
 and 3D (cf. the replicate proposal [1] or [2] ) the distinction between
 styling and markup so tenaciously held in HTML may cease to be so clearcut.



 - Original Message - From: David Singer
 Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 8:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [whatwg] Dealing with Stereoscopic displays

 I agree that this probably means that web elements that are 'flat' would be
 styled by CSS with a depth.  This is important if other material presented
 to the user really is stereo (e.g. a left/right eye coded movie).  The movie
 will be set so that the eyes are expected to have a certain 'convergence'
 (i.e. they are looking slightly inward towards some point) and it's
 important that if material is overlaid on that. it has the same convergence.
 Obviously, this is unlike the real world where focus distance and
 convergence distance are the same (focus distance is fixed at the screen
 distance), but the brain can get very confused if two things that are both
 in focus are at difference convergence distances.

 This is not a simple question, as I expect you are beginning to realize.

 David Singer
 Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Eoin Kilfeather
Digital Media Centre
Dublin Institute of Technology
Aungier Street
Dublin 2
m. +353 87 2235928

Re: [whatwg] Dealing with Stereoscopic displays

2010-04-27 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 8:38 PM, Eoin Kilfeather ekilfeat...@dmc.dit.iewrote:

* A user visits the National Museum site and wants to see a
 time-machine view of objects in the collection with a sense of 3D
 depth based on their age

I think this is the closest you get to an actual use-case :-). The rest is
mixed up with information about possible solutions. Also, it's highly
unlikely the a user will visit your site with a fully formed desire to view
objects in a collection with a sense of 3D depth based on their age :-).

But let's say the authors of that site want to visualize objects in the
collection with different objects at different depths. It seems to me either
WebGL or CSS 3D transforms --- or a mixture --- could be used for this,
maybe with some extra information provided to identity the camera positions
for rendering the stereo views.

Actually, I probably shouldn't be involved in this discussion since I'm
monocular :-).

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection

2010-04-27 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 26/04/10 19:50, And Clover wrote:

David Flanagan wrote:

Rather that trying to make DOM collections feel like arrays, how about
just giving them a toArray() method?

I like that, as a practical and explicit (JavaScript-specific) binding.

In the longer term, what's the thinking on a more basic change:

- Require specific DOM interfaces like NodeList, HTMLCollection, Element
etc. to be available for prototype monkey-patching under their interface
names as properties of `window`?

Then we wouldn't have to worry about what Array-like methods need to be
provided on HTMLCollection, because application and framework authors
could choose whichever they liked to prototype in.

IE8/Moz/Op/Saf/Chr already do this to a significant extent, but there's
no standard that says they have to. It would allow DOM extension to be
put on a much less shaky footing than the messy hack Prototype 1.x uses.

Is this something that's a reasonable requirement for browsers in future?

HTML5 through WebIDL and its ECMAScript binding already does require this.

Geoffrey Sneddon — Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Adding ECMAScript 5 array extras to HTMLCollection

2010-04-27 Thread David Bruant

Le 27/04/2010 03:54, Geoffrey Sneddon a écrit :

On 26/04/10 19:50, And Clover wrote:

David Flanagan wrote:

Rather that trying to make DOM collections feel like arrays, how about
just giving them a toArray() method?

I like that, as a practical and explicit (JavaScript-specific) binding.

In the longer term, what's the thinking on a more basic change:

- Require specific DOM interfaces like NodeList, HTMLCollection, Element
etc. to be available for prototype monkey-patching under their interface
names as properties of `window`?

Then we wouldn't have to worry about what Array-like methods need to be
provided on HTMLCollection, because application and framework authors
could choose whichever they liked to prototype in.

IE8/Moz/Op/Saf/Chr already do this to a significant extent, but there's
no standard that says they have to. It would allow DOM extension to be
put on a much less shaky footing than the messy hack Prototype 1.x uses.

Is this something that's a reasonable requirement for browsers in 

HTML5 through WebIDL and its ECMAScript binding already does require 

I can see where interfaces are expected to be exposed 
([NamedConstructor]) in the global object, but I don't see where it is 
said that the prototype of the constructor must be extensible. I don't 
even see this in the section which is the relevent one in my opinion 
(Interface prototype object)

I have read this version of WebIDL :


Re: [whatwg] Ping + Ping-prefix meta element.

2010-04-27 Thread Roger Hågensen

On 2010-04-27 00:41, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Roger Hå  wrote:

Oh, and could someone on the HTML5 list poke some of the guys over there and
see if a ping attribute for the body tag in a similar vein could be

This *is* the HTML5 list -- or one of them, anyway.  The editor reads
this list as well as public-html, and responds to all points made on
this list (albeit sometimes months after the fact).

Ah! That was a copy paste. (corrected a brainfart typo, aside from that 
it's a duplicate of the text on the bugzilla database, I just didn't 
strip out that part of the text).

Roger Rescator Hågensen.
Freelancer -