Re: [whatwg] Improvement of the Application Cache

2011-03-03 Thread Joseph Pecoraro
Sounds related to "Programmable HTTP Caching and Serving" (formerly titled 
DataCache API):

  [[[ This document defines APIs for off-line serving of requests to
  HTTP resources using static and dynamic responses. It extends
  the function of application caches defined in HTML5. ]]]

- Joe

On Mar 3, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Michael Nordman wrote:

> Sounds like there are at least two feature requests here...
> 1) Some way of not adding the 'master' entry to the cache. This is a common
> feature request, there's another thread about it specificially titled
> "Application Cache for on-line sites".
> 2) The ability to add(), remove(), and enumerate() individual urls in the
> appcache. Long ago, there were interfaces on the appcache drawing board to
> allow that. They got removed for a variety of reasons including "to start
> simpler". A couple of years later, it may make sense to revisit these kind
> of features, although there is another repository also capable of storing
> ad-hoc collection of resources now (FileSystem), so i'm not sure this
> feature really needs to be in the appcache.
> @Hixie... any idea when the appcache feature set will be up for a growth
> spurt? I think there's an appetite for another round of features in the
> offline app developers that i communicate with. There's been some recent
> interest here in pursuing a means of programatically producing a response
> instead of just returning static content.
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Edward Gerhold <
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i would like to suggest an improvement for the Offline Web applications.
>> Problem:
>> I´ve found out, that i can not Cache my Joomla! Content Management System.
>> Of course i´ve read and heard about, that the application cache is for
>> static pages.
>> But with a little change to the spec and the implementations, it would be
>> possible to cache
>> more than static pages.
>> I would like to cache my Joomla! system. To put the scripts, css and images
>> into the cache.
>> I would like to add the appcache manifest to the index.php file of the
>> Joomla Template.
>> What happens is, that the index.php is cached once and not updated again. I
>> can not view
>> new articles. The problem is, that i can neither update the Master File,
>> nor
>> whitelist it.
>> And this is, what my request or suggestion is about. I would like to
>> whitelist the Master
>> file, where the appcache manifest is installed in. Or i would like to
>> update
>> this file, or any
>> file else, i would like to update, on demand.
>> If there is any possibility, to do that already, please tell me. But i
>> think
>> that is not the case.
>> Caching the CMS by making it possible to update or to whitelist certain
>> files, the always
>> dynamic frontpage or /index.php, would be the hammer to nail the board on
>> the storage.
>> Rules:
>> The things, which should be considered are: *To allow to fetch the Master
>> file, e.g. index.php*
>> *in Joomla! over the NETWORK,* while any other file in the manifest get´s
>> fetched or cached like
>> before. Which is the most important for me, to get Joomla! into the cache.
>> Javascript:
>> For the script i would like to add *applicationCache.updateMaster()*, which
>> forces the browser
>> to fetch the file again. I think, this is impossible today, to update
>> exactly this file. For the function,
>> i could add a button to my page, to let the user choose  to update the
>> file.
>> The second function would be *applicationCache.updateFile(url)*, which
>> could
>> be triggered by
>> a button and script, too. I could let the user update certain articles.
>> With that i would like to suggest* applicationCache.addToCache(url)* to add
>> files manually or
>> programmatic, which can not be determined by the manifest. Urls like new
>> articles (*), i would
>> like to read offline. I would like to add them to the cache, if the link
>> appears, maybe on the
>> frontpage. I would have to add the manifest to the CMS anyways, so i could
>> add a few
>> more functions to the page, of course. *
>> applicationCache.removeFromCache(url)* should
>> be obvious and helpful with the other functions.
>> Good would be, to be able to iterate through the list of cached objects and
>> even the manifest,
>> with the update, add, remove functions, it would be very useful to work
>> with
>> the filenames and
>> parameters.
>> [(*) I could let the user decide wether he wants to download my mp3 files
>> to
>> the appcache or not,
>> and fulfill the wish with the javascript functions. Maybe he´s got no bytes
>> left or wants only the
>> lyrics.]
>> Conclusion:
>> The application cache is very powerful. But it is very disappointing, that
>> it is only useful for static
>> pages. With a little improvement to the Offline Web applications chapter,
>> and of course to the browsers,
>> it would be possible to cac

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution

2011-03-03 Thread Glenn Maynard
It seems like IE9 only fires onreadystatechange on scripts which aren't in
the document when in quirks mode.  If the HTML5 doctype is present, it'll
still load scripts before inserting them into the document, but
onreadystatechange doesn't seem to be fired.  Can someone confirm?

Glenn Maynard

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution

2011-03-03 Thread Kyle Simpson

So, I'm just curious, what do the participants of this thread (and Ian,
specifically) feel is the most productive next step? We have 3 or 4
proposals that have all garnered various support. We've had at least one
browser-developer informing us on concerns with various aspects of each.

As with all other feedback on the spec, at some point I will take all the
e-mail on the topic, read it, throw away any e-mail repeating
previously-made points or just stating support without reasoning, and then
reply, making any appropriate changes to the specification.

OK, then in fairness to posterity (including our future-selves), I would 
highly suggest/request that the the 3rd (and 4th) proposals recently 
discussed on this list should get their own entries on this wiki page:

While Ian may spend the time to wade through this whole complicated thread 
at some point, I think the benefit of the greater community deserves a 
clearer and more succinct summary of where we've come thus far.


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-03 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
Great discussions!

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 4:53 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Brett Zamir  wrote:
> > Maybe the use of non-CSS mode was for backward-compatibility with earlier
> > versions or for easier overriding of styling in the target document
> (e.g.,
> > "b {color:red;}").
> >
> > Using CSS might have been added by Mozilla since [etc. . . .]
> This might or might not be the historical reason, but I'm really more
> interested in the future: should the spec support this option, or
> should we recommend that everyone just drop it?  What are reasons that
> we should keep it in the spec?

Backward compatibility.  I suspect that there are many web contents that
depend on styleWithCSS available on WebKit / Gecko.

> document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, true);
> getSelection().selectAllChildren(document.querySelector("p"));
> document.execCommand("bold", null, null);
> document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", null, false);
> getSelection().selectAllChildren(document.querySelector("div + div > p"));
> document.execCommand("bold", null, null);
> getSelection().removeAllRanges();
> In Firefox/Chrome, first "Hello" is bold, second is not.

That just sounds like a bug.  I admit that many execCommand implementations
are buggy but I don't think that'll no way justify dropping a
feature depended by web contents.

> If one wishes to allow convenient export of the internally generated
> mark-up
> > for the sake of the user (e.g., to allow them to copy the markup for use
> on
> > their own site), it is nice for there to be choice at least between
> > non-formatting-committal (semantic) markup and non-semantically-committal
> > (formatted) mark-up
> The commands we have are clearly presentational.  E.g., we have an
> "italic" command, and don't have "emphasize" or "citation" or
> "variable" commands.

I'm not sure.  IE used to use b for bold, i for italic and so forth but now
it uses strong and em respectively.  And I'm sure there was a strong
motivation to do so given b and i are deprecated in HTML4.  And you must
realize that browsers need to be able to remove em, strong, other
non-presentational elements added by IE, and style spans added by Gecko and
WebKit when removing or applying styles for the backward compatibility.
 Because not being able to remove those elements result in not being able to
apply style properly.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Roland Steiner
>  wrote:
> > But how do you know what is the desired result?
> I'm assuming that the desired result is "make the selected text
> bold/italic/purple/etc.".  After all, that's how the commands are
> named, it's how they're described in browser documentation, and it's
> the only thing they do consistently between browsers.  "bold" creates
> , , or  depending on the
> browser, and the only thing those have in common is presentation.

Again, each browser needs to recognize all of that as equivalent.  Or
otherwise, it fails to remove styles added by other browsers.  Also note
that b and i have semantic meanings and aren't purely presentational in
HTML5 (after all, that was the justification to add them back).

I get the hand-editing argument.   is much nicer to hand-edit than
> , and also fewer bytes.  But why would
> anyone want ?  Styles are more
> powerful in general, but that's not a reason to prefer them in the
> specific cases where they aren't more powerful.

I agree that style spans are verbose and probably undesirable.  However, how
do you specify font size, font family, and font color?  WebKit currently
uses font element when styleWithCSS=false.  But font element is deprecated
and removed from HTML5 already.  How do we support this important feature?
 As far as I can tell, WebKit can't drop the support for stylization by a
font element due to the backward compatibility because WebKit is also used
in a mail client and old mail clients doesn't support CSS at all.

Well, you can't do hiliteColor (for instance) without CSS.  I assume
> you mean that for any *particular* command, we should either always
> use tags or always use CSS.  So if the user hits "bold", it should
> either make  elements or add font-weight: bold, not some mix of the
> two.  This would be more consistent in some sense, and I can see what
> you're saying.

But browsers are already consistent with respect to styleWithCSS.  Why do we
want to drop this well-supported feature and add completely new third-mode
that uses both elements and CSS to style text?

But currently I'm inclined to say that it would be best to use tags
> wherever possible, just because it's usually simpler and shorter.
> This would match non-Gecko browsers' defaults, except I'd avoid
> invalid tags like  (which aren't much shorter than 
> anyway, and have weird behavior).  If that's what the spec said, would
> there be any good reason to give authors an option to switch to
> CSS-only styles?  If so, what is it?

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-03 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Brett Zamir  wrote:
> Since span is meant to be a generic container with no inherent meaning or
> formatting of its own (except being understood as being of inline display),
> formatting a span without reference to class would be a pretty broad stroke
> to paint, whereas styling an  (or ) would be reasonably targeted.

Perhaps, but both are likely to be very rare, especially where
execCommand is typically used.  I don't think this is enough of a
justification for all the complexity of styleWithCSS unless you can
find specific real-world cases where it would cause significant

> I think the nicest solution would be  class="italic" style="font-style:italic;">, but I don't know that the need
> to export contents for external style usage is one worth complicating the
> markup even further for everyone using it.

I'm pretty sure it's not.

> Personally, I'm not sure why there needs to be the redundant API with
> insertHTML in the first place, if insertHTML can be standardized (maybe with
> a removeHTML to target specific inserted tags?), so I don't see a need for
> adding the semantic ones on top of that.

insertHTML just overwrites the entire selection with the given HTML,
deleting its contents.  You can't reliably use it to wrap text in an
inline element, unless you write all the extremely complicated logic
to do so yourself, in which case you may as well skip execCommand()
and use DOM methods.

> In relation to , . . .

I'm definitely not going to have "bold" create .  It will
create either (most likely) , or (less likely) font-weight: bold.

> (The reason to use span over , on
> the other hand, is simply to avoid the tag being at least semantically
> unamenable to alteration by the designer given its always being assumed to
> be tied to boldness by its use of "b". )

Can you give a specific case where this might be a problem?  If you're
already altering the document, I'm having trouble seeing how it would
be harder to alter  than .
Altering the first seems much easier, since you can grab it with
getElementsByTagName() and so on, without having to delve into CSS.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution

2011-03-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, Kyle Simpson wrote:
> So, I'm just curious, what do the participants of this thread (and Ian, 
> specifically) feel is the most productive next step? We have 3 or 4 
> proposals that have all garnered various support. We've had at least one 
> browser-developer informing us on concerns with various aspects of each.

As with all other feedback on the spec, at some point I will take all the 
e-mail on the topic, read it, throw away any e-mail repeating 
previously-made points or just stating support without reasoning, and then 
reply, making any appropriate changes to the specification.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution

2011-03-03 Thread Kyle Simpson
So, I'm just curious, what do the participants of this thread (and Ian, 
specifically) feel is the most productive next step? We have 3 or 4 
proposals that have all garnered various support. We've had at least one 
browser-developer informing us on concerns with various aspects of each.

I have, at several times throughout this thread, summarized both pros and 
cons for my proposal. I would still like to see the same fairly done for the 
other proposals, so we could get a succinct statement of where each stands. 
Without simple summaries, it feels like the confusion of this thread has 
just overtaken the process and made it more cumbersome than its worth.

At one point in the thread, it felt like there was some trend toward 
convergence, which seemed promising for progress. However, at this point, it 
seems like the more discussion we have, the more divergence we find.

Is it time for this issue to be referred to some formal or informal "working 
group committee" to narrow the field? Is it time to just do some sort of 
democratic voting? Or are the disagreements over the 3-4 proposals simply 
too much for any progress to be made at this time?


Re: [whatwg] Improvement of the Application Cache

2011-03-03 Thread Michael Nordman
Sounds like there are at least two feature requests here...

1) Some way of not adding the 'master' entry to the cache. This is a common
feature request, there's another thread about it specificially titled
"Application Cache for on-line sites".

2) The ability to add(), remove(), and enumerate() individual urls in the
appcache. Long ago, there were interfaces on the appcache drawing board to
allow that. They got removed for a variety of reasons including "to start
simpler". A couple of years later, it may make sense to revisit these kind
of features, although there is another repository also capable of storing
ad-hoc collection of resources now (FileSystem), so i'm not sure this
feature really needs to be in the appcache.

@Hixie... any idea when the appcache feature set will be up for a growth
spurt? I think there's an appetite for another round of features in the
offline app developers that i communicate with. There's been some recent
interest here in pursuing a means of programatically producing a response
instead of just returning static content.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Edward Gerhold <> wrote:

> Hello,
> i would like to suggest an improvement for the Offline Web applications.
> Problem:
> I´ve found out, that i can not Cache my Joomla! Content Management System.
> Of course i´ve read and heard about, that the application cache is for
> static pages.
> But with a little change to the spec and the implementations, it would be
> possible to cache
> more than static pages.
> I would like to cache my Joomla! system. To put the scripts, css and images
> into the cache.
> I would like to add the appcache manifest to the index.php file of the
> Joomla Template.
> What happens is, that the index.php is cached once and not updated again. I
> can not view
> new articles. The problem is, that i can neither update the Master File,
> nor
> whitelist it.
> And this is, what my request or suggestion is about. I would like to
> whitelist the Master
> file, where the appcache manifest is installed in. Or i would like to
> update
> this file, or any
> file else, i would like to update, on demand.
> If there is any possibility, to do that already, please tell me. But i
> think
> that is not the case.
> Caching the CMS by making it possible to update or to whitelist certain
> files, the always
> dynamic frontpage or /index.php, would be the hammer to nail the board on
> the storage.
> Rules:
> The things, which should be considered are: *To allow to fetch the Master
> file, e.g. index.php*
> *in Joomla! over the NETWORK,* while any other file in the manifest get´s
> fetched or cached like
> before. Which is the most important for me, to get Joomla! into the cache.
> Javascript:
> For the script i would like to add *applicationCache.updateMaster()*, which
> forces the browser
> to fetch the file again. I think, this is impossible today, to update
> exactly this file. For the function,
> i could add a button to my page, to let the user choose  to update the
> file.
> The second function would be *applicationCache.updateFile(url)*, which
> could
> be triggered by
> a button and script, too. I could let the user update certain articles.
> With that i would like to suggest* applicationCache.addToCache(url)* to add
> files manually or
> programmatic, which can not be determined by the manifest. Urls like new
> articles (*), i would
> like to read offline. I would like to add them to the cache, if the link
> appears, maybe on the
> frontpage. I would have to add the manifest to the CMS anyways, so i could
> add a few
> more functions to the page, of course. *
> applicationCache.removeFromCache(url)* should
> be obvious and helpful with the other functions.
> Good would be, to be able to iterate through the list of cached objects and
> even the manifest,
> with the update, add, remove functions, it would be very useful to work
> with
> the filenames and
> parameters.
> [(*) I could let the user decide wether he wants to download my mp3 files
> to
> the appcache or not,
> and fulfill the wish with the javascript functions. Maybe he´s got no bytes
> left or wants only the
> lyrics.]
> Conclusion:
> The application cache is very powerful. But it is very disappointing, that
> it is only useful for static
> pages. With a little improvement to the Offline Web applications chapter,
> and of course to the browsers,
> it would be possible to cache any Content Manager or dynamic page. And that
> would let the appcache
> become one of the most powerful things in the world.
> I could read my Joomla! offline, could update the cached files, if i want
> to, on a click or if the cache expires.
> I could let the half of the CMS load from the cache. But for that, the
> index.php, where the manifest is, has to
> be updateable. Correct me, if i am wrong. But this is not possible today,
> the master file can not be influenced.
> And there is no expiration or a possibility to update or m

[whatwg] Redirect handling for &

2011-03-03 Thread Aaron Colwell

I was looking at the resource fetch
and fetching

sections of the HTML5 spec to determine what the proper behavior is for
redirects. Both YouTube and Vimeo do 302 redirects to different hostnames
the URLs specified in the src attribute. It looks like the spec says that
playback should fail in these cases because they are from different
origins (Section 2.7 Fetching resources bullet 7). This leads me to a few

1. Is my interpretation of the spec correct? Sample YouTube & Vimeo URLs are
   shown below.
   YouTube : src  : ...
 redirect :

   Vimeo   : src  : ...
 redirect : ...

2. What about http: -> https: redirects? Some content is required to be
   only via https and this sort of redirect enforces that but isn't really a
different origin.

3. If my interpretation of the spec is correct, are there proposals to
change this
   or other specs that allow content providers to signal that these
different hostnames
   actually represent the same "origin".

Thanks for your help,

Re: [whatwg] Ongoing work on an editing commands (execCommand()) specification

2011-03-03 Thread Brett Zamir

On 3/4/2011 3:53 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:

On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Brett Zamir  wrote:

In any case, spans with inline styles are much less likely to conflict with
other styling

I'm not sure what you mean by this.  Functionally, in what way is
  less likely to conflict with other
styling than, for instance?  Possibly some authors do things like
i { color: green }, but they might do the same for span as well --
either seems equally unlikely to me.

Since span is meant to be a generic container with no inherent meaning 
or formatting of its own (except being understood as being of inline 
display), formatting a span without reference to class would be a pretty 
broad stroke to paint, whereas styling an  (or ) would be 
reasonably targeted. The only problem is that the advantages for styling 
specificity which formatting tags offer are the same reasons why they 
will more likely conflict when placed in another document. I think the 
nicest solution would be style="font-style:italic;">, but I don't know that the need to export 
contents for external style usage is one worth complicating the markup 
even further for everyone using it.

If one wishes to allow convenient export of the internally generated mark-up
for the sake of the user (e.g., to allow them to copy the markup for use on
their own site), it is nice for there to be choice at least between
non-formatting-committal (semantic) markup and non-semantically-committal
(formatted) mark-up

The commands we have are clearly presentational.  E.g., we have an
"italic" command, and don't have "emphasize" or "citation" or
"variable" commands.  If there were demand for it, semantic commands
could be added, but currently I'm assuming the use-case is only
presentational markup.  If someone would like to argue that there's
substantial author demand or implementer interest in adding semantic
commands, we could do that, but they'd have to be separate features,
and we'd still have to deal with the commands that are presentational
Personally, I'm not sure why there needs to be the redundant API with 
insertHTML in the first place, if insertHTML can be standardized (maybe 
with a removeHTML to target specific inserted tags?), so I don't see a 
need for adding the semantic ones on top of that.

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:51 AM, Roland Steiner

Paraphrasing Julie's point
from our original exchange: you want to be consistent to make it easy to
hand-edit the resultant HTML (by the user, say), or for server-side
post-processing. For these purposes pure markup is often easier. OTOH, in
general, styles are more powerful.

I get the hand-editing argument.  is much nicer to hand-edit than
, and also fewer bytes.  But why would
anyone want?  Styles are more
powerful in general, but that's not a reason to prefer them in the
specific cases where they aren't more powerful.

In relation to , the reason is simply to avoid committing that 
the usage of bold is for  text. What is the practical use of 
using ? Besides possible clarity in code, for richly semantic 
documents, akin to the detailed level of markup present in TEI documents 
used for marking up classical texts and the like, a browser user (or 
programmer) can shape XQueries (or jQueries)--directly or by a 
user-friendly wrapping GUI--which selectively extract that information.

If one wishes to find all passages in a work of Shakespeare where there 
was indication in the original that there should be strong emphasis, one 
can make a single elegant (and semantic) query which grabs that 
information, while silently ignoring the style="font-weight:bold;"> (or ) tags which were instead used to 
provide styling of say unmeaningful but bolded text in say the imprint 
or wherever. (The reason to use span over , on the other hand, is 
simply to avoid the tag being at least semantically unamenable to 
alteration by the designer given its always being assumed to be tied to 
boldness by its use of "b". )

Granted, a user or application might actually wish to search for text of 
a particular formatting rather than a particular meaning, but if they 
are not distinguished, only the former is possible.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution

2011-03-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/3/11 5:20 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:

Are there the known to be pages that users frequently encounter that create and 
set src on a large number of script nodes without inserting them?

Not known to me, no.  I've seen pages that create lots of scripts (one 
per each dynamic action they want to do), of course.

Or is this a theoretical concern about accidental resource exhaustion?

More this, yes.

Is the expectation that IE is safe because the accident happens on a sniffed 
branch that IE doesn't get?

No, IE is safe because it coalesces the script loads in weird ways as 
discussed earlier in this thread.

(I still quite like the idea of starting fetch upon setting .src and making 
insertion trigger evaluation. The idea of adding an execute() method scares me. 
Mainly because having an execute() method is so radically different from how 
things have worked so far and having insertion execute degrades gracefully(ish) 
in existing browsers.)

I admit the graceful degradation argument is pretty tempting


[whatwg] Session Management

2011-03-03 Thread Dave Kok
Here is a more formal proposal for Session Management. Hoping to get 
more traction.


The proposal is restricted solely the HTML5 spec. Though in the 
rational HTTP and authentication are mentioned as by example.


This proposal requests for an new interface to be added to HTML5 usable 
from script. The interface is currently defined on the window global 
object. The naming is chosen so it seems natural to co-exist with 

window.sessionStart([string path = "/", [boolean auto_end = false]]);

The session start function should indicate to the UA that a new session 
is requested by the author for the current browsing context. From this 
point forward any session data should be associated with this session. 
However this is only done for documents loaded from the same origin or 
if a path is supplied for that path and sub paths of that path within 
the current origin. The auto_end argument may be supplied if a session 
should automatically end when the user navigates away from documents 
within the origin[/path].

window.sessionEnd([boolean clearHistory = false]);

The session end function should indicate to the UA that the current 
session is no longer valid. The UA can now stop associating session 
data with this session and unreference any session data associated with 
this session. The clearHistory parameter requests the UA, if true, to 
clear any documents within the back/forward history that have been 
loaded between session start and session end. UA's are only encouraged 
to do this for documents that required authentication and for which re-
authentication is required after sessionEnd. This to prevent 
unauthorized access to cached documents by using the back/forward 
functionality to access information that would otherwise require

Session data:

What a UA considers session data in the context of this proposal is 
for a UA to decide but at minimal it is required to include data stored 
in the sessionStorage and cookies created through the document.cookie 
interface without expiration and any credentials supplied through the function if the UA manages these. Additionally 
a UA is encouraged to include any cookies received without expiration 
from any source especially when made available through the 
document.cookie interface pertaining to the current origin[/path]. Any 
credentials that are cached for documents within origin[/path] and 
additional resources referenced by these documents whether or not 
within the origin[/path]. But only if the UA marks these for auto 
cleaning when the UA itself terminates.

Ending sessions

A UA is never required to wait until the sessionEnd is called before 
it ends a session and cleans associated data/state. But is encouraged 
not to selectively clean session data/state while sessionEnd has not 
been called. In others words all or nothing is preferred. A session is 
automatically ended when a current browsing context is closed. A UA may 
also have additional methods to force a session to end.


The rational of this feature is to provide an easy method to clean 
session data/state after it is no longer required. How and when session 
data is cleaned when sessionStart is never called is not specified by 
this proposal. Implementers are encouraged to ignore any calls to 
sessionEnd if sessionStart has never been called. They may off course 
emit a warning/notice to aid an author in debugging.

Basic usage scenario:
1. The user has navigated to a document and follows a link on which the 
author registered a onclick event and the event handler calls 
sessionStart. The UA now creates a new session, event handler ends and 
the UA loads the indicated document. If this document is within the 
scope of the session and authentication is required and no prior 
credentials exists, it gathers these credentials either from an 
external source or from the user and associates these with the 
session if it intends to dispose of these automatically when the UA 
itself terminates.
2. The user reads, clicks, types and follows links to other documents 
within the same origin[/path]. Possibly causing additional session data 
to be associated with this session.
3. The user follows a link on which to author registered a onclick 
event handler. The event handler calls sessionEnd. The UA now 
unreferences any session data associated with the session, event 
handler ends and the UA loads the document indicated by the link. On a 
side note this may very well be superior to a UA UI logout button. As 
the author can also specify a URL to go to after the session has ended. 
A UA UI logout button may not be able to do this in a meaningful way.

What if's:
1. the user follows a link, clicks on a bookmark or enters a URL 
outside the origin[/path] for the current session. If auto_end was set 
to true. The session is ended as in step 3 of above scenario.

2. a session has been started with aut

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for to allow images with structured fallback

2011-03-03 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, 02 Mar 2011 19:56:54 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr.   

Thoughts on the problem or the proposed solution presented here?

Why not use ? It already works and avoids overloading  for  
something it was not designed for.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] Session Management

2011-03-03 Thread Dave Kok
Op 03-03-11 12:17:22 schreef Roger Hågensen:
>On 2011-03-03 10:44, Dave Kok wrote:
>> Op 02-03-11 22:11:48 schreef Roger Hågensen:
>>> Method #3:
>>> The server (or serverside script, like PHP or similar) sends the
>>> following to the browser:
>>>  header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
>>>  header('WWW-Authenticate: Close realm="My Realm"');
>>>  *PS! the auth stuff is much longer here obviously, this was
>>>  to show the use of "Close"*
>>> Note:
>>> If Method 1 or 2 is used the browser should probably send the
>>> following
>>> to the server:
>>>  GET /private/index.html HTTP/1.1
>>>  Authorization: Close username="something"
>>>  *PS! the auth stuff is much longer here obviously, this was
>>>  to show the use of "Close"*
>> May I point out that the HTTP is outside the scope of the HTML5 
>> spec.
>> Also the HTTP is stateless. This requires both parties keep state
>> breaks the statelessness property of the HTTP. I, for one, prefer to
>> preserve the statelessness property of HTTP.
>"Please appreciate the notion that HTML5 is broader then just browsing
>the internet." - Dave Kok
>And indeed it is. HTTP Authentication (especially Digest) is far from 
>it's state chances with every single nonce number change.
>It's basically a constant (but very cheap cpuwise) 
>handshake/hmac/diffie-hellman agreement.
>Also if you are thinking about the HTTP status codes, those are beyond 
>but if you insist, then simply re-use the 403 with some minor tweaks 
> so
>it acts as a logoff,
>because re-using 401 would break the statelessness as you say.
>I'm surprised you advocate ajax/XMLHttpRequest and allow to close from
>that would open up to some security issues.
>The beauty of HTTP Digest Authentication is that the password is never 
>sent as plaintext or in any form that can compromise the user's
>Only the user themself (and thus indirectly the browser) or the server 
>should be able to initiate a session close of Auth Digest,
>allowing it to close from a script is just bad, and... dare I say it, 
>counter to the statelessness of HTTP *laughs*
>At least we agree on one thing, that where HTTPS is not available or 
>where the site owners have either not discovered or is too lazy or 
>unable to take advantage of which is free,
>then HTTP Digest Authentication should almost be a requirement for any 
>site that need login credentials. (like forums, shops etc.)
>Funny how many stores only pull out the HTTPS stuff when paying for 
>things you buy (or use a specialist service), but not at all when you 
>log in to your account with them otherwise. *sigh*
>Heck, I even have https on my own little site, my hoster provided the
>for free, they set up the certificate etc, for free, excellent 
> service.
>(I only pay the hoster a small yearly fee, for you 
>Norwegians out there)
>and combine that with and my total cost of "securing" the 
>communication with my site should I ever need it or others need 
>it??? PRICELESS, since it was absolutely free, not a single cent
>But... a lot of web hotels or hosters out there do not allow you to do 
>SSL or it costs extra, or they can not give you a ip or it costs 
> extra,
>and, and, and.
>So I have sympathy for those unable to. but hey with the CA that 
>provides free domain/server certs there is no excuse if you ARE able
>and programmingwise it's less work too, Auth Digest needs some extra 
>massaging from PHP to work nicely in a "integrated" way but even then 
>the logout issue still exist (and even if you "log out" the sie is
>spammed by the browser with login credentials all the time)
>I've never really worked with the Apache auth_digest stuff, but it's 
>probably even more restricted than doing it yourself via PHP.
>And don't forget that you complain that my suggestions messed with 
>which HTML5 had no business to mess with,
>yet you yourself suggested XMLHttpRequest and some ajax stuff to 
>close/end a HTTP authentication?
>This already proves that HTML5 isn't just HTML + CSS + Javascript +
>of other stuff, but we can also add + HTTP
>Now if this Auth Digest is so important for web apps, then shouldn't 
>WHATWG work together with (um what is the HTTP group called?)
>Roger "Rescator" Hågensen.
>Freelancer -

Hmm, within the scope of this feature request I am not advocating AJAX. 
Just mentioned it as it can be used to login, see 
It allows for a username and password to be passed in. Personally 
however I prefer to let the UA handle this. Please note that at level nothing is known of HTTP or whether HTTP-
basic or HTTP-digest is used. To me this is an issue to be solved at 
a layer lower then HTML5. And whether HTTP, FTP or some other protocol 
is used to transfer data and do authentication it pretty muc

Re: [whatwg] set input.value when input element has composition string

2011-03-03 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Makoto Kato  wrote:

> Hi, Niwa-san.
> On 2011/03/02 15:30, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
>> You must have tested Chrome improperly.  We currently have a bug in
>> Chrome.  To see the bug, open the attached test and type "nihao" with
>> Chinese IME on Windows or Mac.  Then press down array key.  The text is
>> replaced by henhao but "henha" is still marked and looks as if I'm
>> compositing "henha" but if I continue to type "ma" still with IME, then I
>> observe that "henhaomao" is shown inside the input element.  Once this bug
>> is fixed, Chrome's behavior should match that of Safari 5.
> Do you think Safari's way (ex. 2) is right?

In short, yes.

It is confused that each Web browser is different behavior for this . This
> is not good as interoperability. So I would like to decide the right
> behavior/specification when textbox.value = 'x'; that it has composition
> string.
> Also, some people says that it should not be canceled/removed even if value
> is changed by DOM.  Because composition string is un-committed string.

It seems that the "correct" behavior depends on the semantics.

Say I have typed a text "你好", then I decided to add 们 between 你 and 好 so I
put the caret / insertion point between the two and start typing "men" on
IME.  At this point website randomly replaces the entire value by "Hello".
 In that case, as a user, I wouldn't expect to have my uncommitted string
"men" after "Hello" because semantically speaking, my greeting message in
Chinese has entirely been replaced by one in English.  There's no point in
adding "men" at this point.

On the other hand, if I had just typed "你" and website replaced the value by
"你们" as I typed "hao" on IME, then having the uncommitted text after "你们"
makes sense and I'd like to keep the text because then I can just commit my
text to obtain "你们好".

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] Session Management

2011-03-03 Thread Roger Hågensen

On 2011-03-03 10:44, Dave Kok wrote:

Op 02-03-11 22:11:48 schreef Roger Hågensen:

Method #3:
The server (or serverside script, like PHP or similar) sends the
following to the browser:
 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
 header('WWW-Authenticate: Close realm="My Realm"');
 *PS! the auth stuff is much longer here obviously, this was just
 to show the use of "Close"*

If Method 1 or 2 is used the browser should probably send the

to the server:
 GET /private/index.html HTTP/1.1
 Authorization: Close username="something"
 *PS! the auth stuff is much longer here obviously, this was just
 to show the use of "Close"*

May I point out that the HTTP is outside the scope of the HTML5 spec.
Also the HTTP is stateless. This requires both parties keep state which
breaks the statelessness property of the HTTP. I, for one, prefer to
preserve the statelessness property of HTTP.

"Please appreciate the notion that HTML5 is broader then just browsing
the internet." - Dave Kok

And indeed it is. HTTP Authentication (especially Digest) is far from 

it's state chances with every single nonce number change.
It's basically a constant (but very cheap cpuwise) 
handshake/hmac/diffie-hellman agreement.
Also if you are thinking about the HTTP status codes, those are beyond 
but if you insist, then simply re-use the 403 with some minor tweaks so 
it acts as a logoff,

because re-using 401 would break the statelessness as you say.

I'm surprised you advocate ajax/XMLHttpRequest and allow to close from a 

that would open up to some security issues.
The beauty of HTTP Digest Authentication is that the password is never 
sent as plaintext or in any form that can compromise the user's password.
Only the user themself (and thus indirectly the browser) or the server 
should be able to initiate a session close of Auth Digest,
allowing it to close from a script is just bad, and... dare I say it, 
counter to the statelessness of HTTP *laughs*

At least we agree on one thing, that where HTTPS is not available or 
where the site owners have either not discovered or is too lazy or 
unable to take advantage of which is free,
then HTTP Digest Authentication should almost be a requirement for any 
site that need login credentials. (like forums, shops etc.)
Funny how many stores only pull out the HTTPS stuff when paying for 
things you buy (or use a specialist service), but not at all when you 
log in to your account with them otherwise. *sigh*

Heck, I even have https on my own little site, my hoster provided the ip 
for free, they set up the certificate etc, for free, excellent service. 
(I only pay the hoster a small yearly fee, for you 
Norwegians out there)
and combine that with and my total cost of "securing" the 
communication with my site should I ever need it or others need 
it??? PRICELESS, since it was absolutely free, not a single cent paid.
But... a lot of web hotels or hosters out there do not allow you to do 
SSL or it costs extra, or they can not give you a ip or it costs extra, 
and, and, and.
So I have sympathy for those unable to. but hey with the CA that 
provides free domain/server certs there is no excuse if you ARE able to,
and programmingwise it's less work too, Auth Digest needs some extra 
massaging from PHP to work nicely in a "integrated" way but even then 
the logout issue still exist (and even if you "log out" the sie is still 
spammed by the browser with login credentials all the time)
I've never really worked with the Apache auth_digest stuff, but it's 
probably even more restricted than doing it yourself via PHP.

And don't forget that you complain that my suggestions messed with HTTP 
which HTML5 had no business to mess with,
yet you yourself suggested XMLHttpRequest and some ajax stuff to 
close/end a HTTP authentication?
This already proves that HTML5 isn't just HTML + CSS + Javascript + lots 
of other stuff, but we can also add + HTTP
Now if this Auth Digest is so important for web apps, then shouldn't 
WHATWG work together with (um what is the HTTP group called?)

Roger "Rescator" Hågensen.
Freelancer -

Re: [whatwg] set input.value when input element has composition string

2011-03-03 Thread Makoto Kato

Hi, Niwa-san.

On 2011/03/02 15:30, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Makoto Kato > wrote:

On Safari 5, even if textbox has IME composition string, text into
textbox can be replaced by DOM/script.  But other browser's
behaviors are different, and this is no specification when textbox
has composition string.  Although IE, Chrome and Opera keep
composition string after value is replaced by DOM, each behavior
is different.

This is the result for this test on each browsers.  When textbox
has IME composition string such as ABCDEFG, then script
(textbox.value = "123";) is called, textbox becomes...

1. "123ABCDEFG" (ABCDEFG keeps composition state and caret is
after G).
2. "123" (composition string is removed).
3. "ABCDEFG" (ABCDEFG keeps composition state and caret is after G).

Which behavior is right?  1 is Opera 11, 2 is Safari 5, and 3 is
Chrome 10 and IE9.

You must have tested Chrome improperly.  We currently have a bug in 
Chrome.  To see the bug, open the attached test and type "nihao" with 
Chinese IME on Windows or Mac.  Then press down array key.  The text 
is replaced by henhao but "henha" is still marked and looks as if I'm 
compositing "henha" but if I continue to type "ma" still with IME, 
then I observe that "henhaomao" is shown inside the input element. 
 Once this bug is fixed, Chrome's behavior should match that of Safari 5.

Do you think Safari's way (ex. 2) is right?   I found some bugs on 
Chrome (and IE and Opera) when I test this, but I am not interesting 
about bugs.

It is confused that each Web browser is different behavior for this . 
This is not good as interoperability. So I would like to decide the 
right behavior/specification when textbox.value = 'x'; that it has 
composition string.

Also, some people says that it should not be canceled/removed even if 
value is changed by DOM.  Because composition string is un-committed string.

Niwa-san and folks, how do you think right design for this situation??

-- Makoto Kato

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for separating script downloads and execution

2011-03-03 Thread Henri Sivonen
Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Think 10,000 

Re: [whatwg] Session Management

2011-03-03 Thread Dave Kok
Op 02-03-11 22:11:48 schreef Roger Hågensen:
>Method #3:
>The server (or serverside script, like PHP or similar) sends the 
>following to the browser:
> header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
> header('WWW-Authenticate: Close realm="My Realm"');
> *PS! the auth stuff is much longer here obviously, this was just
> to show the use of "Close"*
>If Method 1 or 2 is used the browser should probably send the 
>to the server:
> GET /private/index.html HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Close username="something"
> *PS! the auth stuff is much longer here obviously, this was just
> to show the use of "Close"*

May I point out that the HTTP is outside the scope of the HTML5 spec. 
Also the HTTP is stateless. This requires both parties keep state which 
breaks the statelessness property of the HTTP. I, for one, prefer to 
preserve the statelessness property of HTTP.

Re: [whatwg] Session Management

2011-03-03 Thread Dave Kok
02-03-11 18:42:41 schreef Bjartur Thorlacius:
>On 3/2/11, Dave Kok  wrote:
>> Op 02-03-11 13:16:11 schreef Bjartur Thorlacius:
>>>On 3/2/11, Dave Kok  wrote:
 Op 01-03-11 23:29:26 schreef Ian Hickson:
>On Thu, 25 Nov 2010, Dave Kok wrote:
>> I am still faced with the fact that there is no way to clear the
>> HTTP authentication credentials cache.
>To some extent that's up to the browser. It logs you in, it can
> offer the ability to log you out.

 You can also login using AJAX requests. [..]
>>>Application protocols (FTP, HTTP) can trigger authentication. Users
>>>can authenticate, and refuse to authenticate (e.g. by discarding
>>>credentials). What additional features do you need, and to serve
>>>what use cases?
>> Unrelated, how authentication is triggered has nothing to do with
>> it is cleared. But after authentication has been triggered and the
>> user has entered it credentials (or used credentials that are pre-
>> filled by the UA) those credentials are cached for automatic reuse,
>> the user does not have to log in and log in over and over again. 
>> Very
>> useful, we all love it. But at some point those cached credentials
>> be cleared so the UA triggers again a dialog to require the user to
>> in again (possible again pre-filling credentials from some store). 
>> It
>> is the clearing I propose a site should be able to aid the UA in.
>> is not a simple thing as the site does not know the credentials, as
>> should. But it often does now when a session starts and ends. So 
>> when
>> it can communicate this to the UA, the UA can use this info to clear
>> credentials at the appropriate time. Rather then waiting when the
>> closes the window or manually clears credentials using a browser UI
>> feature. Should a user be expected to do this?
>I beg to differ. When credentials have been entered, it may be 
> feasible
>to cache them as long as they're valid. In fact, writing autologin
>daemons, renewing security tokens periodically, is on my to-do list.

So what does your argument boil down to. Having a method that a site 
can communicate to a UA that a session starts and ends, means that a UA 
can not provide a feature to keep a user always logged in? And because 
this interests you such a feature should not be included in the spec? 
Even for those UA's that do not have such a feature or in which it is 
very much desirable to have such a feature. Isn't it simply more 
interesting to say that a site may communicate when a session starts 
and ends and that a UA behaves the way a user wants it to (or a 
developer of the UA, proxy or what not, designed it to do). Whether 
this means clearing credentials or not. As far as I am concerned all
that a site needs to know about, is about a session. And all it should 
be able to do is tell the UA when it starts or ends. Does having such a 
feature make it impossible for you to implement what you intend to?

>> Simple use case description:
>> - user navigates to start page of site, no authentication required,
>> site knows session starts and tells UA.
>> - user follows link to other page on same site, requiring
>> authentication, UA associates credentials with current session (if 
>> it
>> exists) somewhere hidden in the background.
>> - user follows link named logout for instance. Site knows
>> session ends and tells UA. UA now clears credentials cached between
>You're suggesting that documents *should* duplicate UA functionality?
>So I can use inconsistent UIs specific to each site, rather than
>customizable UI that works with all sites?
>This is not a use case that should be catered to specifically.

No no no, there is no duplication. A UA doesn't manage sessions. Sites 
manage sessions. All a UA does is cleanup when it knows sessionStorage,
session cookies and cached credentials are not going to be used any 
more or when a user requests those to be cleaned. A site enters stuff 
in the sessionStorage and creates session cookies when it needs 
to. And if it hampers functionality of the site cleans these thing up 
so if the user wishes to end and start a new session without opening a 
new window it gets a clean session. The only thing which makes the 
session unclean is those credentials still hanging around somewhere. 
Personally I just don't understand why you aren't thrilled about having 
this feature. It sounds like you are very infested in HTTP 
authentication. If all sites where to use it this would definitely 
broaden your scope for what you are doing. I just don't see how having 
a form of session control added to the spec restricts a UA in anyway 
of providing any feature a user desires. Just because a site says: 'UA 
session ends', doesn't mean that the UA has to do anything. Only 
those things that are sensible for the user experience. And for those 
UA's for which it is sensible to clear cached authentication tokens, 
they can do so. For those for which it is no