Re: [whatwg] Decimal comma in numeric input

2011-04-18 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

Aryeh Gregor wrote:

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

An element for user input of a real number in a format that uses a
suitable decimal separator is hardly a specific need.

It's more specific than just an element for user input of a number.

This isn't a matter of being more or less specific. It's about adequacy of a 
concept and acceptability of implementations. Formally, one might say that 
specifications can define just the internal format and leave the rest to 
implementors, but that's not a reasonable approach.

The current specification is perfectly sufficient for many use-cases -- at
a minimum, English-language sites.

My original observation was that Google Chrome accepts a number with decimal 
comma. It does that quite independently of the language. As far as 
specifications go, it could just as well _only_ accept decimal comma. Would 
that be perfectly suitable?

If there's author demand for
control over decimal separators, a new CSS property is probably the
right way to do it,

No, this is not about optional presentational suggestions concerning the 
rendering of documents. It's about processing of input data.

Something that allows the author to specify what decimal separator is
used would certainly be more features.

I wasn't saying that authors should be able to specify what decimal 
separator is used. I discussed the need for addressing the decimal separator 
issue and at least specifying _how_ it is decided on. Then authors would 
know what to expect when they use input type=number.


Re: [whatwg] Decimal comma in numeric input

2011-04-18 Thread Oldřich Vetešník

Dne Fri, 15 Apr 2011 23:56:45 +0200 Aryeh Gregor napsal(a):

2011/4/14 Oldřich Vetešník
I am afraid that if the decimal separator (in rendering) doesn't behave  
way people expect it to, it will mean web developers will have to deal  
clients saying We wan't to be able to enter a comma. The dealing  
mean not using input type=number at all, which is something we  
might not want...

I didn't read the whole thread, but: authors with specific needs will
always want to roll their own inputs for most of these things, and
that's fine.  If input type=number satisfies 80% of the use-cases,
that's fine.  As more authors start using the new input types, we'll
get feedback about what the most-requested features are, and we can
consider adding them at that time.  Trying to add more features to the
new form stuff is premature when we only have one really good
implementation (IMO: Gecko's), and that implementation is partial.
The time to talk about new features is when we have some amount of
stability and interoperability in existing features.

Indeed, good point. Let's wait and see.


Re: [whatwg] How to handle multitrack media resources in HTML

2011-04-18 Thread Jeroen Wijering
Hey Ian, all,

Sorry for the slow response .. 

 There's a big difference between text tracks, audio tracks, and video 
 tracks. While it makes sense, for instance, to have text tracks 
 enabled but not showing, it makes no sense to do that with audio 
 Audio and video tracks require more data, hence it's less preferred to 
 allow them being enabled but not showing. If data wasn't an issue, it 
 would be great if this were possible; it'd allow instant switching 
 between multiple audio dubs, or camera angles.
 I think we mean different things by active here.
 The hidden state for a text track is one where the UA isn't rendering 
 the track but the UA is still firing all the events and so forth. I don't 
 understand what the parallel would be for a video or audio track.

The parallel would be fetching / decoding the tracks but not showing them to 
the display (video) or speakers (audio). I agree that, implementation wise, 
this is much less useful than having an active but hidden state for text 
tracks. However, some people might want to manipulate hidden tracks with the 
audio data API, much like hidden text tracks can be manipulated with javascript.

 Text tracks are discontinuous units of potentially overlapping textual 
 data with position information and other metadata that can be styled with 
 CSS and can be mutated from script.
 Audio and video tracks are continuous streams of immutable media data.
 Video and audio tracks do not necessarily produce continuous output - it is 
 perfectly legal to have gaps in either, eg. segments that do not render. 
 Both audio and video tracks can have metadata that affect their rendering: an 
 audio track has a volume metadata that attenuates its contribution to the 
 overall mix-down, and a video track has matrix that controls its rendering. 
 The only thing preventing us from styling a video track with CSS is the lack 
 of definition.

Yes, and the same (lack of definition) goes for javascript manipulation. It'd 
be great if we had the tools for manipulating video and audio tracks 
(extract/insert frames, move audio snippets around). It would make A/V editing 
- or more creative uses - really easy in HTML5.

Kind regards,


Re: [whatwg] microformats, microdata, and custom data attributes

2011-04-18 Thread Justin Karneges
Hi Tab,

On Friday 15 April 2011 22:12:24 Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Justin Karneges wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I'm desiring a way to markup mentions of a person semantically within
  HTML, for use in an open standard.  Think of a more rich form of the
  @person convention used on Twitter and elsewhere:
  p@justin I totally agree/p
  My first thought was to use a data-* attribute.  For example:
  pa href=; data-mention- data-mention-context=replyjustin/a I
  totally agree./p
  However, the HTML specification says custom data attributes are only to
  be used privately.  So, I am not sure if it is appropriate to create a
  public standard whereby independent developers are encouraged to utilize
  a common data-* attribute.
  Another way is to use Microdata, though I seem to have to hack it a bit
  to have hidden values:
  pa href=; itemscope
  itemid=acct:jus...@example.orgspan itemprop=context:reply/span
  itemprop=namejustin/span/a I totally agree./p
 If necessary, representing hidden data can be done via meta itemprop
 content in Microdata.
 It might be useful to understand a little more about your goal in
 marking this up, though, so the most appropriate way to do so can be
 determined.  Is this meant to be processed by machines?  If so, what
 use will it be put to?

Yes, this is meant to be processed by machines, as part of a data exchange 
protocol.  It is not browser-specific.  For example, this kind of HTML 
formatting may find its way into an Atom feed, or even an XMPP message.  It is 
not expected that this format would be shoved directly to a browser for render 
(although, if someone does that, ideally it should degrade gracefully, hence 
the use of a around the name).

Here are two things I'd expect apps to do:

  1) Render the mentions in a special way.  For example, our application shows 
the mentioned name inside of a colored, button-looking box with an icon image 
based on the domain of the person being mentioned.  This kind of presentation-
level detail would not be encoded in the HTML itself.

  2) Keep display names up to date.  In the event that a user changes his/her 
name, but the account id is not changed, future replays or retransmissions of 
this HTML may contain different name text (the 'justin' part in my example).  
For example, an aggregator may track name changes, and update its cached HTML 
accordingly rather than holding onto stale names.

Regarding #2, it may also be useful for servers that persist this data to do 
so without saving any name text at all (imagine the 'a' element in the earlier 
example having no cdata).  Whenever the HTML blob is extracted from the db, it 
would need to be stamped with the name of the mentioned user before sending 
out to a client.

So I take it that using data-* for this is not recommended?


Re: [whatwg] microformats, microdata, and custom data attributes

2011-04-18 Thread Justin Karneges
Hi Ashley,

On Friday 15 April 2011 23:00:15 Ashley Sheridan wrote:
 Couldn't the cite attribute be made use of the q, blockquote and cite
 tags? It only really allows the source to be specified for a
 quote/citation, so maybe some other semantic attribute that lends itself
 well to other information, like your context example?

Do you suggest using microdata with these tags then?

Re: [whatwg] microformats, microdata, and custom data attributes

2011-04-18 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Justin Karneges wrote:
 Hi Tab,
 So I take it that using data-* for this is not recommended?

Yes, data-* isn't intended to be used for interchange information and
the like.  It's just a blessed way for scripts to stash data onto DOM
nodes directly, in situations where that's the most convenient place
to put the data.

 On Friday 15 April 2011 22:12:24 Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Justin Karneges wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I'm desiring a way to markup mentions of a person semantically within
  HTML, for use in an open standard.  Think of a more rich form of the
  @person convention used on Twitter and elsewhere:
  p@justin I totally agree/p
  My first thought was to use a data-* attribute.  For example:
  pa href=; data-mention- data-mention-context=replyjustin/a I
  totally agree./p
  However, the HTML specification says custom data attributes are only to
  be used privately.  So, I am not sure if it is appropriate to create a
  public standard whereby independent developers are encouraged to utilize
  a common data-* attribute.
  Another way is to use Microdata, though I seem to have to hack it a bit
  to have hidden values:
  pa href=; itemscope
  itemid=acct:jus...@example.orgspan itemprop=context:reply/span
  itemprop=namejustin/span/a I totally agree./p

 If necessary, representing hidden data can be done via meta itemprop
 content in Microdata.

 It might be useful to understand a little more about your goal in
 marking this up, though, so the most appropriate way to do so can be
 determined.  Is this meant to be processed by machines?  If so, what
 use will it be put to?

 Yes, this is meant to be processed by machines, as part of a data exchange
 protocol.  It is not browser-specific.  For example, this kind of HTML
 formatting may find its way into an Atom feed, or even an XMPP message.  It is
 not expected that this format would be shoved directly to a browser for render
 (although, if someone does that, ideally it should degrade gracefully, hence
 the use of a around the name).

 Here are two things I'd expect apps to do:

  1) Render the mentions in a special way.  For example, our application shows
 the mentioned name inside of a colored, button-looking box with an icon image
 based on the domain of the person being mentioned.  This kind of presentation-
 level detail would not be encoded in the HTML itself.

  2) Keep display names up to date.  In the event that a user changes his/her
 name, but the account id is not changed, future replays or retransmissions of
 this HTML may contain different name text (the 'justin' part in my example).
 For example, an aggregator may track name changes, and update its cached HTML
 accordingly rather than holding onto stale names.

 Regarding #2, it may also be useful for servers that persist this data to do
 so without saving any name text at all (imagine the 'a' element in the earlier
 example having no cdata).  Whenever the HTML blob is extracted from the db, it
 would need to be stamped with the name of the mentioned user before sending
 out to a client.

Okay, so it's intended as basically RSS for tweets - a distributed
way of marking of mini-conversation streams so arbitrary endpoint
applications can consume and reformat them?  Got it.

First, I recommend working with the Microformats community to define
the data language.  If this is meant to be a standard, they're the
go-to people to work with in getting this sort of thing stable and
complete.  This is roughly similar to hAtom, which is for marking up
blogs and similar, but it has a further element of replying or
mentioning which is somehow tied up in identity management.  There's
some difficult issues hiding in here that probably need a bunch of
eyes to find bugs.

Microformats are traditionally defined using HTML4 rel/class-based
techniques, but they're trivial to translate into a more explicit
Microdata-based vocabulary as well.


Re: [whatwg] Blacklist for regsiterProtocolHandler()

2011-04-18 Thread timeless
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 5:18 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
  We are investigating registerProtocolHandler and have been discussing the
 need for a blacklist of protocols to forbid.

 Our list currently includes:
 * http:
 * https:
 * ftp:
 * file:

 * about:
 * data:

 Email specific schemes:
 * cid:
 * mid:

 Scripting schemes:
 * javascript:
 * vbscript:

 Ancient Netscape scripting schemes. some were apparently aliases for
 * mocha:
 * livescript:
 * livewire:
 * tcl:

 Also, implementers need to be take care with vendor specific schemes:
 * chrome: (Mozilla, Chrome)
 * view-source: (Mozilla, Chrome)
 * res: (IE)
 * resource: (Mozilla)
 * opera: (Opera)
 * attachment: (Opera)
 (This list is probably incomplete)

 We'd like to know if we've missed any important schemes that must be
 blocked, and we think it might be useful if the spec listed most of those,
 except for the vendor specific schemes, which should probably be left up to
 each vendor to worry about.

possibly mthml: (Windows)

I should go fish for a list sometime. Poke me in two weeks?

[whatwg] Cache Manifest: why have FALLBACK?

2011-04-18 Thread Ilkka Huotari
This is a reply to an old discussion:

Now, I haven't probably thought this enough, but could the FALLBACK
and NETWORK be combined into one NETWORK? Both are doing pretty much
the same thing after all?

Here's how it would work:

item [optional-fallback-item]

More specific entries would take precedence, i.e. /file.html would be
more important than /file or / or * ... Example:

/ /offline
/file.html /offline-for-file.html

This way
- * would map like it does in the current spec
- / /offline would map like it does in the FALLBACK section/current
spec and would take precedence over * because it's more specific
over **
- /file.html /offline-for-file.html would take precedence over all of these.

Benefits: Making things simpler, easier for the programmer to
understand. Faster to learn, less bugs, better code?


Re: [whatwg] microformats, microdata, and custom data attributes

2011-04-18 Thread Justin Karneges
On Monday 18 April 2011 12:48:27 Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 First, I recommend working with the Microformats community to define
 the data language.  If this is meant to be a standard, they're the
 go-to people to work with in getting this sort of thing stable and
 complete.  This is roughly similar to hAtom, which is for marking up
 blogs and similar, but it has a further element of replying or
 mentioning which is somehow tied up in identity management.  There's
 some difficult issues hiding in here that probably need a bunch of
 eyes to find bugs.
 Microformats are traditionally defined using HTML4 rel/class-based
 techniques, but they're trivial to translate into a more explicit
 Microdata-based vocabulary as well.

Given that it is meant primarily as a data exchange protocol, explicit is 
better, so I'm preferring Microdata instead of Microformats here.  Also, it 
seems Google already has a registry of formats, and one is Person which may 
be reusable.

Now we have this:

  span itemscope itemtype=;
meta itemprop=context content=reply/
a itemprop=url href=;span 
  /span I totally agree.

We are still debating whether it makes sense to add context in here, but 
that discussion is not necessary for this mailing list.

Thanks for your help in pointing me in the right direction.
