Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Fri, 05 Aug 2011 02:31:10 +0200, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

Not sure.  This happens all the time in design mode.  We've had plenty of
crash reports that only reproduce when there are no document element.

It might also be hard to implement such a behavior in WebKit at least
because documents / frames have the undo stack managed by OS X or  
embedders and having to fake non-existence of the undo stack might be  

Fair enough, maybe it would be best to say there's an undo stack scoped to  
Document nodes, but exposed on its documentElement to keep the API simple  
(only on Element nodes).

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] Discrepancies between HTML and ES rules for parsing an integer or float

2011-08-05 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 It would make sense to me to match ES here. The main concern is of
 course website compat. Could someone detail what the differences would
 be compared to what implementations/the HTML5 spec do now?

As far as I know, the only difference between the HTML and ES
algorithms is handling of non-ASCII whitespace: ES treats it as
whitespace, HTML does not.  Specifically, ES treats StrWhiteSpaceChar
as leading whitespace:

That includes any Unicode space separator (Zs), which in particular
changes over time (which seems to be Hixie's main objection IIUC).
HTML uses skip whitespace:

Which if you follow the breadcrumbs means only [ \t\n\r\f].  So it's
almost never going to make any difference in practice, we're talking
only about corner cases.

I have a simple test-case at that shows
all browsers strip leading \x0b (vertical tab) when converting DOM
attributes to ints, which matches ES and not HTML.

 For parsing floats this would not seem like a problem though since
 attributes containing floats is relatively new IIRC.

Yes, that's correct.  There's definitely no compat issue here with
floats, but really there's not going to be any with ints either, since
it's going to be exceedingly rare that anyone will put Unicode
whitespace in DOM attributes that are reflected as integers and then
rely on them working.  So it's just a question of if we'd prefer the
algorithms to match or not.

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Why treat documentElement specially here? Just make the documentElement
 *not* have a undoManager by default and have it just use it's ancestor's,
 just like all other elements.

 The document is an ancestor of the documentElement after all.

Anne had a different idea to make documentElement have the root undoManager
to avoid adding a new property to Document.  I personally like your approach
but I don't know enough about Web IDLs to give a call.

Anyone else have opinions on this?

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Why treat documentElement specially here? Just make the documentElement
 *not* have a undoManager by default and have it just use it's ancestor's,
 just like all other elements.

 The document is an ancestor of the documentElement after all.

 Anne had a different idea to make documentElement have the root undoManager
 to avoid adding a new property to Document.  I personally like your approach
 but I don't know enough about Web IDLs to give a call.
 Anyone else have opinions on this?

I don't think this is a WebIDL issue really.

Given the inconsistencies that it introduces in that a property
appears on documentElement, but isn't actually associated with the
element, and the fact that people will have to wrote the longer syntax
document.documentElement.undoManager rather than
document.undoManager, I think it's better to just expose it on the

Adding things to the Window object is always iffy as that's the global
object, adding things to Document isn't really a big deal IMHO.

/ Jonas

[whatwg] drawFocusRing Review

2011-08-05 Thread Charles Pritchard
The current description of draw*FocusRing does not have inform the 
user in the correct priority.
It currently follows cases where the user should be informed, but the 
steps have been aborted.

Please review the following an provide feedback. This attempts to serve 
the use cases put
forward for focus ring management. In the first case, the system manages 
the focus ring,
using its own style or using the style set out by the current canvas 
context. The canvas
is not dirtied, though the author does have an opportunity to continue 
drawing focus indicators

onto the canvas.

In the second example, it is up to the author to decide on what 
visualizations they will use.
They will likely draw to the canvas, but they may decide to handle the 
visualization differently (such
as moving another canvas layer over the current canvas, and painting a 
bounding box).

In both examples, the accessibility api is informed of the current focus.

Change proposal follows:

The |drawFocusRing(element)| method, when invoked, must run the 
following steps:


   If the element is not focused or is not a descendant of the element
   with focus, then return false and abort these steps.


   If supporting accessibility, inform the user that the focus ring is
   at the location computed from the bounds of the path. User agents
   may wait until the next time the event loop reaches its update the
   rendering step to inform the user.


   If the user has requested the use of particular focus rings (e.g.
   high-contrast focus rings) then draw a focus ring of the appropriate
   style along the path, following platform conventions.

   Some platforms only draw focus rings around elements that have been
   focused from the keyboard, and not those focused from the mouse.
   Other platforms simply don't draw focus rings around some elements
   at all unless relevant accessibility features are enabled. This API
   is intended to follow these conventions. User agents that implement
   distinctions based on the manner in which the element was focused
   are encouraged to classify focus driven by the |focus()| method
   based on the kind of user interaction event from which the call was
   triggered (if any).

   The focus ring should not be subject to the shadow effects, the
   global alpha, or the global composition operators, but /should/ be
   subject to the clipping region.

4. Otherwise, draw a focus along the path using the current path style

   The focus ring should not be subject to the shadow effects, the
   global alpha, or the global composition operators, but /should/ be
   subject to the clipping region.


   Return true.

The |drawCustomFocusRing(element)| method, when invoked, must run the 
following steps:


   If the element is not focused or is not a descendant of the element
   with focus, then return false and abort these steps.


   If supporting accessibility, inform the user that the focus ring is
   at the location computed from the bounds of the path. User agents
   may wait until the next time the event loop reaches its update the
   rendering step to inform the user.


   Return true.

Re: [whatwg] [editing] HTML Editing APIs specification ready for implementer feedback

2011-08-05 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 I see.  It's an interesting point.  In WebKit, we're quite inconsistent in
 relying on CSS/rendering engine and pure DOM.  This is an inherent issue in
 RTE because user would like the editor to work like WYSIWYG yet we have to
 produce conforming markup :(

Yeah, it's a problem.  The basic issue is that there are no standard
interfaces to query things like what's the height of this br? or
are these two nodes in the same line box? from CSS, so I have
nothing to reference and browser engines might not even know the
information.  So I hack around it with a mix of pure-DOM definitions,
and just not defining things clearly.

 Right.  But you definitely don't want to place a caret / selection end point
 inside a node with visibility : hidden.  So to that extent, you'd have to
 mention it somewhere (definitely when you're normalizing selection end

Hmm, I'm not sure.  Text that's visibility: hidden looks the same to
the user as text that's color: transparent, so why should it behave
differently for selections?

 I still don't understand exactly when sibling criteria returns true and
 which node new parent instructors returns.  Where are these algorithm

The wrap algorithm takes three inputs: a list of nodes, and two
algorithms.  The callers provide the sibling criteria and new parent
instructions algorithms.  Take a look at the callers of the wrap
algorithm and hopefully it will be clearer.  Do you have any
suggestions on how to make this clearer in the spec?  Maybe the note I
just added at the beginning

 Not really. Surprisingly or not, it's a very common technique used
 throughout WebKit's editing code.   I just wished we could avoid adding br
 if we were to only remove them later.

That would be nice, but it's hard to figure out sometimes.  Like if
the selection is in p{}br/p, and a script does insertHTML to add
foo, we want to remove the br, but if it adds !-- foo -- we
want to keep it.  And if you select p{br}/p and insertHTML to
add !-- foo --, we need to make a new br regardless.  I could
write it so that it checks after the fact if the br is extraneous,
but it seemed easier to just remove it in the beginning and then add a
new one later if needed.

CSS makes me sad sometimes.  :(

 I see.  That's very unfortunate.  Can we defined the list in terms of the
 phrasing content though?  Or define phrasing content in terms of your

There are complications.  For instance, HTML defines a, ins, and
del as being phrasing content only if they contain only phrasing
content, which isn't useful for our purposes.  The idea of phrasing
content is meant to be concerned with authoring conformance, and it
doesn't seem well suited to what we need.  But I'd like to see
something worked out in the long term to harmonize them, yeah.  It's
just not an immediate need, it can wait.

 I personally think Gecko and Opera's behavior makes more sense here.

I don't.  Partly it's for the reason I give in the comment next to
backColor's action: it's

incoherent from a user perspective. For instance, if you try it on
paragraphs the background will have big gaps where the margins are. If
you try it on an inline element that's a child of the editing host, it
will do nothing or apply the background to everything or such, even
though such an inline element is visually indistinguishable from one
sitting inside a div. This would only make sense if we take
considerable effort to ensure that block elements all have no margins,
or if we wrap things in a div if they have margins, or something like

background-color on block elements doesn't make sense from a WYSIWYG
perspective, because it behaves differently based on whether an
element has margin vs. padding, or whether there's a wrapper around a
block or just br's, etc.  These differences normally aren't visible
in rendering, so making command behavior depend on them is confusing.

Also, the way the spec defines it is the way both IE and WebKit
behave, so that's a large majority of the market and is probably the
most compatible.

 This is a WebKit bug that I've been intending to

Okay, changed:;a=commitdiff;h=b599880c

 I don't think so although I might have missed something.  I just think that
 introducing the concept of typing style might make the spec easier to read
 and understand.

I don't like the use of the word style here, because it doesn't fit
for createLink.  I could change it from state override and value
override to typing state and typing value, I guess.  But it
doesn't just affect typing, either: it also affects the return value
of queryCommandState()/queryCommandValue().  Thus override, because
it overrides the normal definition of state/value.

 See the comment next to inline command activated values for 

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
 Why is there a need for a 'reapply' action? How is it different from
 the 'apply' action?

 In the case of collaborative editing apps, reapply is different from apply 
 because the backend server may have a tree of transaction history and may 
 need to consult on demand in order to determine exactly what mutations have 
 to happen.

Looking at your examples other emails in this thread I do understand
the idea better I think. However, it seems to me that apply is the
same as reapply plus some initialization. This leads me to two

1. Would it be better make the split be init/apply/unapply rather than
apply/unapply/reapply. The latter seems to cause a lot of code
duplication between apply and reapply as can be seen in your examples.
IMHO the former is also more understandable, but that might be a
matter of taste.

2. If we do go with the init/apply/unapply approach, would it make
sense to skip init and just ask people to do it manually before
creating the transaction? Or at least make init optional?

 What is the purpose of the UndoManager.replace function and it's
 replaceGroup argument? In general I'm not sure I fully understand
 transaction groups. Are they different from simply a set of
 transactions which have been merged together such that they are
 done/undone together?

 Yeah, sorry about that.  I should clarify that part of the design.

 The key observation is that ManagedTransaction is constrained to work only 
 with a proper sequence of managed transactions.  Whenever an app inserts a 
 manual transaction or directly mutates the DOM under the same editing host, 
 the UA won't be able to unapply/reapply the existing ManagedTransaction 
 created by user editing actions; i.e. inserting a manual transaction breaks 
 the existing managed transactions.

Follow you so far...

 Without this constraint, however, the UA is required to keep track of all DOM 
mutations happening in the undo scope :(

...but now you lost me :)

For the record, my vision was that the editor will keep track of the
mutations *it* does to the DOM and inserts managed transactions for
those into the UndoManager.

Any other mutations to the DOM the editor completely ignores. If the
page makes other mutations to the DOM, it should use the UndoManager
and create a managed transaction for it. If it doesn't, the page is on
its own. If the UndoManager is asked to undo or redo a managed
transaction and the DOM doesn't look the same as it had expected, then
it should do the best it can. In some cases this means that it won't
produce useful mutations, but this only happens if the page has done
BadThings (tm).

 Given this constraint, the apps that do use managed transactions such as 
 collaborative editing apps need to replace the managed transactions inserted 
 by the UA by the corresponding manual transaction when user types text.

The vision I had for how this is done is that the editor code should
fire events before it makes any modifications to the DOM. The website
should be able to cancel this event and instead perform it's own
modifications to the DOM.

Until the various editor implementations are there, the website can
always undo the editor transaction and then create its own manual
transaction and insert in the UndoManager.

 Transaction Group
 When a user types hello, he isn't really typing all of hello at once but 
 rather inserting character h, e, l, l, and o, letting the UA insert 
 each letter as a separate managed transaction in the order.  However, when 
 the user undoes or redoes this typing command, the entire hello needs to 
 removed.  This is accomplished as grouping 5 managed transactions for 
 inserting h, e, l, l, and o as a transaction group.

Cool, that matches my understanding. Is there a reason that you're not
allowing manual transactions to be part of a transaction group though?

 Why expose explicit Transaction objects. What value does that provide?

 I admit this is more of stylistic issue rather than the technical limitation 
 but given a transaction already has label and apply properties, it seemed 
 more natural for it to be an object.  That'll allow us to add more properties 
 in the future.

 In particular, I really wanted to provide a mutation list as discussed on the 
 mutation events replacement thread on public-webapps.  This allows apps to 
 determine which transaction did what without having to listening to each 
 mutation event, and makes it easier to replace managed transactions by manual 
 transactions as described above.

Hmm.. this is indeed an interesting idea. Though I would imagine that
it's even more interesting for the page to know the semantics of the
modification rather than knowing what exact DOM modifications are
performed. I.e. understand that a transaction means break current
text into two paragraphs rather than insert new element with name
'p'. Remove text from other element. Add text to newly inserted

This in order to be able to reapply 

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

   In the case of collaborative editing apps, reapply is different from
 apply because the backend server may have a tree of transaction history and
 may need to consult on demand in order to determine exactly what mutations
 have to happen.

 Looking at your examples other emails in this thread I do understand
 the idea better I think. However, it seems to me that apply is the
 same as reapply plus some initialization. This leads me to two

No. As far as I understand it, reapply needs to do more work because the
undo stack is managed by the server in such cases. The script running on the
client may not even know what to do.

2. If we do go with the init/apply/unapply approach, would it make
 sense to skip init and just ask people to do it manually before
 creating the transaction? Or at least make init optional?

As it stands, apply, unapply, and reapply are optional because it's
desirable to add some transactions that only do work in undo/redo in some

 Without this constraint, however, the UA is required to keep track of all
 DOM mutations happening in the undo scope :(

 ...but now you lost me :)

 For the record, my vision was that the editor will keep track of the
 mutations *it* does to the DOM and inserts managed transactions for
 those into the UndoManager.

Did you mean manual transactions?

The user agents will keep track of changes done to the DOM inside apply
method for *managed transactions*.  On the other hand, the user agent won't
keep track of changed for manual transactions.  In a sense, manual
transactions have the same effect as modifying DOM directly (without going
through UndoManager) except it can be hooked up with the user agent's undo
transaction history.

The reason we need a proper sequence of managed
because the reference points (e.g. node, offset, etc...) stored by the
user agent for managed transactions to unapply or reapply them will be
stale when scripts directly modifies DOM or apply a manual transaction.

If we were to make this work (i.e. the user agents can always unapply or
reapply managed transactions regardless of what happens to the DOM state),
then the user agents must keep track of every single DOM change and update
the internal representation of the managed transactions as needed.

Any other mutations to the DOM the editor completely ignores. If the
 page makes other mutations to the DOM, it should use the UndoManager
 and create a managed transaction for it. If it doesn't, the page is on
 its own. If the UndoManager is asked to undo or redo a managed
 transaction and the DOM doesn't look the same as it had expected, then
 it should do the best it can. In some cases this means that it won't
 produce useful mutations, but this only happens if the page has done
 BadThings (tm).

Right. This is how managed transactions are used.

  Given this constraint, the apps that do use managed transactions such as
 collaborative editing apps need to replace the managed transactions inserted
 by the UA by the corresponding manual transaction when user types text.

 The vision I had for how this is done is that the editor code should
 fire events before it makes any modifications to the DOM. The website
 should be able to cancel this event and instead perform it's own
 modifications to the DOM.

Yes, that'll be an option as well (although we need some event like
beforeEditingAction).  But there are cases where the script wants to let the
user agent modify the DOM, and then learn what it did instead of preventing
the default action and manually simulating it because the latter involves a
lot of work.

Until the various editor implementations are there, the website can
 always undo the editor transaction and then create its own manual
 transaction and insert in the UndoManager.

Right, this use case is supported by my proposal.  But the point of
replace is to leave the changes made by the user agent alone but replace
the entry by your own manual transaction so that undo and redo will work.

Cool, that matches my understanding. Is there a reason that you're not
 allowing manual transactions to be part of a transaction group though?

I didn't intend to disallow that.  Are there some statements that imply
this?  I'll definitely want manual transactions to be able to form a
transaction group.  It defeats the whole point otherwise.

 I admit this is more of stylistic issue rather than the technical
 limitation but given a transaction already has label and apply properties,
 it seemed more natural for it to be an object.  That'll allow us to add more
 properties in the future.
  In particular, I really wanted to provide a mutation list as discussed on
 the mutation events replacement thread on public-webapps.  This allows apps
 to determine which transaction did what without having to listening 

Re: [whatwg] input type=barcode?

2011-08-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
2011/8/3 Kornel Lesiński
 On Wed, 03 Aug 2011 16:26:41 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr.

 What do you think?

 Implementing this seems rather complicated for such a niche use. It also
 seems better to let sites handle this by themselves so these physical
 codes can evolve more easily.

 It actually seems relatively useful, given that I use the
 barcode/QRCode reader in my phone quite a lot.

 Niche needs + inter-app communication sounds like something Web Intents
 could do (

This was my first reaction too.

Something like input type=text method=barcodereader could allow the
browser to use a built-in barcode reader if it has one, or fire up a
web app using webintents/webactivities which would use the camera to
read the barcode.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] [editing] HTML Editing APIs specification ready for implementer feedback

2011-08-05 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 8:31 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 I've read a part of sections 7 and 8 but I've kind of lost here.  The spec
 is very detailed and I can't really get a high-level view of what will
 happen.  It might be helpful to have some high-level summary of what it
 tries to do for each algorithm something like one at the beginning of 7.6.

I've added a whole bunch of high-level summary:

Tell me if there are any parts where it could use more.

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

  In the case of collaborative editing apps, reapply is different from
  apply because the backend server may have a tree of transaction history and
  may need to consult on demand in order to determine exactly what mutations
  have to happen.

 Looking at your examples other emails in this thread I do understand
 the idea better I think. However, it seems to me that apply is the
 same as reapply plus some initialization. This leads me to two

 No. As far as I understand it, reapply needs to do more work because the
 undo stack is managed by the server in such cases. The script running on the
 client may not even know what to do.

Can you give an example where this is needed?

 2. If we do go with the init/apply/unapply approach, would it make
 sense to skip init and just ask people to do it manually before
 creating the transaction? Or at least make init optional?

 As it stands, apply, unapply, and reapply are optional because it's
 desirable to add some transactions that only do work in undo/redo in some

But as things stand, if you don't supply a 'apply' function, then
nothing will happen when the transaction is first inserted, and if you
don't supply a 'reapply' function then nothing will happen when a
transaction is redone. So effectively you'll have to supply both
even if the IDL says they are optional.

Though I guess you can always supply the same function for apply and
reapply, but that means you can't use the convenient inline syntax
that you've used in your examples.

Or does 'reapply' default to the 'apply' function if it's not provided?

  Without this constraint, however, the UA is required to keep track of
  all DOM mutations happening in the undo scope :(

 ...but now you lost me :)

 For the record, my vision was that the editor will keep track of the
 mutations *it* does to the DOM and inserts managed transactions for
 those into the UndoManager.

 Did you mean manual transactions?

No. What I mean by editor above is the UA code which responds to
keyboard events and modifies the DOM based on those. I.e. the code
implementing @contenteditable.

I hope that makes things more clear.

  Given this constraint, the apps that do use managed transactions such as
  collaborative editing apps need to replace the managed transactions 
  by the UA by the corresponding manual transaction when user types text.

 The vision I had for how this is done is that the editor code should
 fire events before it makes any modifications to the DOM. The website
 should be able to cancel this event and instead perform it's own
 modifications to the DOM.

 Yes, that'll be an option as well (although we need some event like

Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking.

I think such an event (or set of events) is needed anyway in order to
let people implement their own tweaks on the @contenteditable
implementation. For example some pages might want the enter key to
interact with bullet lists differently or insert some other element
than a b when the user selects some text and presses ctrl-b (my
understanding is that it's a common request to be able to tweak how
@contenteditable reacts to certain editing operations).

Such an event would let them do this.

 But there are cases where the script wants to let the
 user agent modify the DOM, and then learn what it did instead of preventing
 the default action and manually simulating it because the latter involves a
 lot of work.

Can you give examples?

For example in the collaborative editing case I would think that the
page generally wants to get a semantic understanding of the editing
operations so that it can reapply them even if the DOM looks somewhat
different when an action is redone. I.e. even if someone else has
edited the page by the time the action is redone.

 Until the various editor implementations are there, the website can
 always undo the editor transaction and then create its own manual
 transaction and insert in the UndoManager.

 Right, this use case is supported by my proposal.  But the point of
 replace is to leave the changes made by the user agent alone but replace
 the entry by your own manual transaction so that undo and redo will work.

*If* this is only needed until @contenteditable implementations
improves by firing events like 'beforeEditingAction', then I would
prefer not to add it.

If it's needed for other reasons too, then of course we should. But
I'd like to understand those other reasons.

 Cool, that matches my understanding. Is there a reason that you're not
 allowing manual transactions to be part of a transaction group though?

 I didn't intend to disallow that.  Are there some statements that imply
 this?  I'll definitely want manual transactions to be able to form a
 transaction group.  It defeats the whole point otherwise.

Ah, good, I 

Re: [whatwg] Discrepancies between HTML and ES rules for parsing an integer or float

2011-08-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 It would make sense to me to match ES here. The main concern is of
 course website compat. Could someone detail what the differences would
 be compared to what implementations/the HTML5 spec do now?

 As far as I know, the only difference between the HTML and ES
 algorithms is handling of non-ASCII whitespace: ES treats it as
 whitespace, HTML does not.  Specifically, ES treats StrWhiteSpaceChar
 as leading whitespace:

 That includes any Unicode space separator (Zs), which in particular
 changes over time (which seems to be Hixie's main objection IIUC).
 HTML uses skip whitespace:

 Which if you follow the breadcrumbs means only [ \t\n\r\f].  So it's
 almost never going to make any difference in practice, we're talking
 only about corner cases.

 I have a simple test-case at that shows
 all browsers strip leading \x0b (vertical tab) when converting DOM
 attributes to ints, which matches ES and not HTML.

 For parsing floats this would not seem like a problem though since
 attributes containing floats is relatively new IIRC.

 Yes, that's correct.  There's definitely no compat issue here with
 floats, but really there's not going to be any with ints either, since
 it's going to be exceedingly rare that anyone will put Unicode
 whitespace in DOM attributes that are reflected as integers and then
 rely on them working.  So it's just a question of if we'd prefer the
 algorithms to match or not.

Sounds good. I'm for such a change yes.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Ryosuke Niwa
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 Though I guess you can always supply the same function for apply and
 reapply, but that means you can't use the convenient inline syntax
 that you've used in your examples.

 Or does 'reapply' default to the 'apply' function if it's not provided?

Yes.  That's the plan.  I guess I left that detail out?

  For the record, my vision was that the editor will keep track of the
  mutations *it* does to the DOM and inserts managed transactions for
  those into the UndoManager.
  Did you mean manual transactions?

 No. What I mean by editor above is the UA code which responds to
 keyboard events and modifies the DOM based on those. I.e. the code
 implementing @contenteditable.

 I hope that makes things more clear.

Oh, yes definitely.  The UA will keep track of mutations they made in order
to unapply and reapply those managed transactions.

 I think such an event (or set of events) is needed anyway in order to
 let people implement their own tweaks on the @contenteditable


 But there are cases where the script wants to let the
  user agent modify the DOM, and then learn what it did instead of
  the default action and manually simulating it because the latter involves
  lot of work.

 Can you give examples?

e.g. in a simple collaborative editing app, you may want to let UA implement
basic editing operations even though you want control over the undo
transaction history and need to tweak markup afterwards.

For example in the collaborative editing case I would think that the
 page generally wants to get a semantic understanding of the editing
 operations so that it can reapply them even if the DOM looks somewhat
 different when an action is redone. I.e. even if someone else has
 edited the page by the time the action is redone.

You're right that you can redo what the UA did after you unapplied the
managed transaction UA inserted.  So maybe replace isn't really that
useful after all.  But I had an impression that having to replay UA's DOM
changes is annoying.  But getting rid of replace will certainly make the
API simpler, and we might able to address the latter concern by introducing
a function that take a mutation list and re-applies it.

If it's needed for other reasons too, then of course we should. But
 I'd like to understand those other reasons.

e.g. some apps may want to use br instead of p or div for paragraph
separator.  And there might be some custom UI that shows up around the
inserted text.

- Ryosuke

Re: [whatwg] Fixing undo on the Web - UndoManager and Transaction

2011-08-05 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 For example in the collaborative editing case I would think that the
 page generally wants to get a semantic understanding of the editing
 operations so that it can reapply them even if the DOM looks somewhat
 different when an action is redone. I.e. even if someone else has
 edited the page by the time the action is redone.

 You're right that you can redo what the UA did after you unapplied the
 managed transaction UA inserted.  So maybe replace isn't really that
 useful after all.  But I had an impression that having to replay UA's DOM
 changes is annoying.  But getting rid of replace will certainly make the
 API simpler, and we might able to address the latter concern by introducing
 a function that take a mutation list and re-applies it.

You'll need to be able to replay the UA's DOM changes anyway since
you need to redo them if the user undos and redos.

 If it's needed for other reasons too, then of course we should. But
 I'd like to understand those other reasons.

 e.g. some apps may want to use br instead of p or div for paragraph

For these I would imagine you cancel the beforeEditingAction event and
do your own DOM modifications.

 And there might be some custom UI that shows up around the
 inserted text.

For this I wouldn't imagine you want to replace the managed
transaction anyway since you still want to let the UA deal with
undo/redo, right? Instead I'd merge another transaction which adds the
custom UI with the managed one that the UA created.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] [editing] HTML Editing APIs specification ready for implementer feedback

2011-08-05 Thread Michael[tm] Smith
Aryeh Gregor, 2011-08-04 14:22 -0400:

 On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
  Is it possible to get a unique QA contact (or default CC address) for this
  component please, so that people who are interested in watching it can watch
  that email address instead of
 Would this be possible, Mike?

I changed the QA contact to (a
unique address used just for this bugzilla component), so anybody who wants
to get all bugmail for this component can do that by going to here:

...and adding to the Add users
to my watch list field near the bottom.

Ehsan, if that's not what you had in mind, let me know and I can get
something else set up.


Michael[tm] Smith