Re: [whatwg] sic element

2011-08-06 Thread Jukka K. Korpela

Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:

Þann þri  2.ágú 2011 09:04, skrifaði Henri Sivonen:


From time to time, people want to take printed matter an
publish it on the Web. In practice, the formats available are PDF and
HTML. HTML works more nicely in browsers and for practical purposes
works generally better when the person taking printed matter to the
Web decides that the exact line breaks and the exact font aren't of
importance. They may still consider it of importance to preserve
bold, italic and underline


So you're arguing that a subset of HTML should be favored over
presentational markup languages for marking up digital retypes of
printed matter, with , , , ,  and  be
redefined to their HTML 3 typographical meanings.

I can't speak for Henri, but agree with his point quoted above. There are of 
course other options as well, such as images and word processor file 
formats, but they have the same problem as PDF: they preserve too much of 
the formatting.

Please note that this isn't about favoring HTML over presentational markup 
languages; none of the alternatives mentioned is a markup language at all. 
HTML has always been a presentational markup language, too, and HTML as 
officially defined (HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0) still has presentational features, 
so the question is whether they should be taken away, not about "redefining" 
them. It is the WHATWG & HTML5 work that is proposing a redefinition. (I say 
"proposing", since from the viewpoint of implementor, author, and user 
communities as well as the W3C, they are proposals, not a standard. In many 
parts of HTML, the proposal has widely been or is being accepted in 
practice, but I see little signs of such things happening with the new 
meanings for  and friends.)

And perhaps
 standardized to mean indent.

I wouldn't object to that, but _that_ would mean a change to the tradition 
of HTML specifications, and although  mostly means "indent", it 
fairly often means a block quotation. Moreover, the situations where an HTML 
author needs to say "this text is indented in the printed original" without 
presenting any fixed interpretation of the intended meaning of indentation 
appear to be rather rare, as compared with situations where one needs to say 
e.g. "this text appears in italics in the printed original".

If you simply retype print without any interpretation of the
typography used, a valid speech rendering would e.g. cue bold text
with "bold" and "unbold" marks to convey the meaning: this text was

It could, and that would actually reflect the authors intentions: he wishes 
to convey the idea of bolding, leaving it to the reader to infer or guess 
the meaning of bolding. (At the extreme, you might have a page that 
discusses a printed document in general and the use of bolding in it in 
particular, and then it is surely relevant to indicate the bolding - as 
"pure bolding".) In practice, speech rendering doesn't behave that way, but 
even if it did, it would constitute an argument in favor of the typographic 
markup, not against it.

If all you want is to suggest original typographic rendering, then
(save for Excerpt/Blockquote, Nofill/Pre and Lang/@lang) CSS does the
job, better - and is vastly more powerful.

This isn't about suggesting, this is about reproducing aspects of printed 
material that may be essential. It is comparable to making a distinction 
between lowercase and uppercase, which may be purely presentational or may 
carry essential information. The case distinction can be made by the simple 
choice of letters at the character level, or it may be delegated to CSS if 
it is regarded as purely presentational. For bolding etc., the 
character-level alternative does not exist or it is highly impractical (and 
e.g. mathematical italics letters are, in addition to being present in a few 
fonts only, intended for mathematical use rather than common use of 
italics). So all I'm asking is to preserve the existing features of HTML or, 
more exactly, preserve them without declaring them as obsolete.


Re: [whatwg] WebVTT feedback (was Re: Video feedback)

2011-08-06 Thread Silvia Pfeiffer
On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Silvia Pfeiffer
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 09:32:04 +0200, Silvia Pfeiffer
>>  wrote:
>>> Note that where his implementation differs from the spec, he has made
>>> a note. There are only two such notes. I'd like to see these
>>> addressed, too.
>> Could you please post these to the list so that we not all have to read
>> those documents?
> Good point. :-) (Just search for "differs"). Here they are - with some
> additional descriptions:
> 1. [text track cue] size:
> "this document differs from specs in that way that [text track cue] is
> as width (for horizontal, height for vertical) as the widest (for
> horizontal, highest for vertical) [text track cue line] within"
> What Ronny says there is that in his implementation the default
> display size of the cue (i.e. the dark box that the cue is displayed
> in) is only as wide as the longest line in the cue (or high where
> we're dealing with vertical direction). Currently, the spec puts as a
> default S:100%.
> I personally also prefer this smaller default cue width because it
> covers less content of the video.
> 2. Cue voice tag:
> "this differs from specs in the way that opened  voice tags should
> be closed with "
> Ronny's point is that the  element is expected to be closed,
> because it makes it easier to parse. So, instead of:
> 00:01:07.395 --> 00:01:10.246
> Hey!
> Hello!
> he expects:
> 00:01:07.395 --> 00:01:10.246
> Hey!
> Hello!
> I think the same is true for his implementation of the  class tags.
> Cheers,
> Silvia.

Adding one more to the list of things I've come across with the WebVTT spec.

I am right now trying to figure out how vertical  growing left cues
(i.e. cues with a cue rendering setting of "D:vertical") are rendered.

If nothing else is set on the cue, my expectation would be that the
cue would be rendered on the right side of the video viewport, since
it's growing to the left.

As I follow through the algorithm at
, I find that the default settings are:
* the text track cue line position default is "auto",
* the snap-to-lines flag is "true" by default,
* block flow is left to right
and in step 9 we get:
"If the text track cue writing direction is vertical growing left, and
the text track cue snap-to-lines flag is set, let x-position be zero".

I think this is incorrect and should be "..., let x-position be 100"
so as to allow the text boxes to flow onto the video viewport from the
right boundary, rather than off its left border.

Note that step 9 for vertical growing right is correct:
"If the text track cue writing direction is vertical growing right,
and the text track cue snap-to-lines flag is set, let x-position be
and the text should grow from the left boundary of the video viewport
to the right.


Re: [whatwg] making dfn.js work for multipage spec [was: Spec references in multipage]

2011-08-06 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sat, 6 Aug 2011, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
> It works -- and would also work for the full spec -- but I suspect there 
> probably has to be a better way to implement it than the way I did. 
> Because the way I did it very slow; it adds several minutes to the 
> anolis part of the document-building process. On the host I use for 
> building the author view of the spec, I think it causes the build to 
> take 6 minutes or so to run (compared to only a minute or two without 
> it).

If Anolis is idempotent and can be run just again as part of the multipage 
generation, we could just have Philip and Anne add it to their splitters, 
if they're interested.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] TLS Logout - was: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

2011-08-06 Thread David Dahl

Please pardon my ignorance and thank you for the example. crypto.logout() is 
probably the least known window API of the bunch. In 10 years of web 
development I have never encountered its use. I knew there was a logout() 
method, I was unsure how it was used.



- Original Message -
From: "Henry Story" 
To: "David Dahl" 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 10:27:15 AM
Subject: Re: TLS Logout - was: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

On 6 Aug 2011, at 17:01, David Dahl wrote:

> Henry,
> Your login and logout concept is a perhaps parallel to the sessions 
> functionality in Mozilla's Identity work: 


   the logout() method I am speaking of is not a concept. It is part of Mozilla 
and Internet Explorer and works. The Javascript is the following


function logout(elem) {
if (document.all == null) {
   if (window.crypto) {
   return false; //firefox ok -- no need to follow the link
   } catch (err) {//Safari, Opera, Chrome -- try with tis session 
   } else { //also try with session breaking
} else { // MSIE 6+
   return false;
return true

function login(elem)  { logout(elem) }


Then you can just put the following html in your page


And Firefox and I believe MS will logout. I will have a server up demonstrating 
that in the next few days.
This is the right way to close a TLS session. The browser then can ask the user 
to choose a new certificate, certain that this was indeed what the user wanted.

So the above is at a different layer from what Mozilla is doing with the 
verified e-mail protocol, since Mozilla is working on the verified e-mail 
protocol but already has the logout() method. 

If the verified e-mail protocol is the same as what is now known as BrowserId, 
then I also support work in that area. But there are many organisations that 
would find TLS client certificate usage dramatically improved if they could 
just help the browser log out cleanly at the TLS layer. Specifying this can't 
be that much work, and would help guide people in the right direction here.


> Cheers,
> David
> - Original Message -
> From: "Henry Story" 
> To: "David Dahl" 
> Cc:,
> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 9:05:15 AM
> Subject: Re: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft 
> spec
> On 6 Aug 2011, at 16:01, David Dahl wrote:
>> Henry:
>> There is no reason a login and logout (that work properly) cannot be added 
>> to window.crypto, however, the scope and focus of 'DOMCrypt' is as 
>> narrowly-defined as possible. Adding features like this would only slow 
>> progress.
> David, this is a really essential feature. If you are worried that one method 
> call can slow progress of DOMCrypt, then where do you think that should be 
> standardised?
> Or perhaps someone else has an opinion here?
> Henry
>> Regards,
>> David
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Henry Story" 
>> To: "David Dahl" 
>> Cc:,
>> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 6:16:22 AM
>> Subject: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec
>> Hi,
>> I have been looking at how a client can logout from a TLS session recently, 
>> so that if a user
>> sends the wrong certificate to the server, the server can propose a way for 
>> the user to choose a 
>> different one. 
>> The correct way to do this would be to build it right into the browser, so 
>> that at all times the user is in control of his Persona, i.e. to extend Aza 
>> Raskin's work to the TLS layer [1]. 
>> The second best way is to have a Javascript API to logout the user, that web 
>> page authors can use to offer this feature. Firefox and Internet explorer 
>> have such an API. The Firefox one is described in the WebCrypto API [2] by 
>> Channy Yun, which was discussed on this list recently. 
>> The code to run both in IE and Firefox is quite simple. I submitted a bug 
>> report to Chrome with the 
>> code to suggest that they could implement this there too
>> But they want the DOMCrypt spec approval before implementing. Is that 
>> something that could be added to DOMCrypt? Or should one look somewhere 
>> else? 
>> This is a really simple function, but it is so useful. 
>> Henry
>> [1]
>> [2]
>>   (the login method does not work currently in Firefox, on has to use 
>> logout, where the connection then

Re: [whatwg] TLS Logout - was: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

2011-08-06 Thread Henry Story

On 6 Aug 2011, at 17:01, David Dahl wrote:

> Henry,
> Your login and logout concept is a perhaps parallel to the sessions 
> functionality in Mozilla's Identity work: 


   the logout() method I am speaking of is not a concept. It is part of Mozilla 
and Internet Explorer and works. The Javascript is the following


function logout(elem) {
if (document.all == null) {
   if (window.crypto) {
   return false; //firefox ok -- no need to follow the link
   } catch (err) {//Safari, Opera, Chrome -- try with tis session 
   } else { //also try with session breaking
} else { // MSIE 6+
   return false;
return true

function login(elem)  { logout(elem) }


Then you can just put the following html in your page


And Firefox and I believe MS will logout. I will have a server up demonstrating 
that in the next few days.
This is the right way to close a TLS session. The browser then can ask the user 
to choose a new certificate, certain that this was indeed what the user wanted.

So the above is at a different layer from what Mozilla is doing with the 
verified e-mail protocol, since Mozilla is working on the verified e-mail 
protocol but already has the logout() method. 

If the verified e-mail protocol is the same as what is now known as BrowserId, 
then I also support work in that area. But there are many organisations that 
would find TLS client certificate usage dramatically improved if they could 
just help the browser log out cleanly at the TLS layer. Specifying this can't 
be that much work, and would help guide people in the right direction here.


> Cheers,
> David
> - Original Message -
> From: "Henry Story" 
> To: "David Dahl" 
> Cc:,
> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 9:05:15 AM
> Subject: Re: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft 
> spec
> On 6 Aug 2011, at 16:01, David Dahl wrote:
>> Henry:
>> There is no reason a login and logout (that work properly) cannot be added 
>> to window.crypto, however, the scope and focus of 'DOMCrypt' is as 
>> narrowly-defined as possible. Adding features like this would only slow 
>> progress.
> David, this is a really essential feature. If you are worried that one method 
> call can slow progress of DOMCrypt, then where do you think that should be 
> standardised?
> Or perhaps someone else has an opinion here?
> Henry
>> Regards,
>> David
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Henry Story" 
>> To: "David Dahl" 
>> Cc:,
>> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 6:16:22 AM
>> Subject: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec
>> Hi,
>> I have been looking at how a client can logout from a TLS session recently, 
>> so that if a user
>> sends the wrong certificate to the server, the server can propose a way for 
>> the user to choose a 
>> different one. 
>> The correct way to do this would be to build it right into the browser, so 
>> that at all times the user is in control of his Persona, i.e. to extend Aza 
>> Raskin's work to the TLS layer [1]. 
>> The second best way is to have a Javascript API to logout the user, that web 
>> page authors can use to offer this feature. Firefox and Internet explorer 
>> have such an API. The Firefox one is described in the WebCrypto API [2] by 
>> Channy Yun, which was discussed on this list recently. 
>> The code to run both in IE and Firefox is quite simple. I submitted a bug 
>> report to Chrome with the 
>> code to suggest that they could implement this there too
>> But they want the DOMCrypt spec approval before implementing. Is that 
>> something that could be added to DOMCrypt? Or should one look somewhere 
>> else? 
>> This is a really simple function, but it is so useful. 
>> Henry
>> [1]
>> [2]
>>   (the login method does not work currently in Firefox, on has to use 
>> logout, where the connection then asks the client for a certificate)
>> On 20 May 2011, at 17:04, David Dahl wrote:
>>> Hello WHATWG members,
>>> With user control and privacy in mind, I have created a spec and an 
>>> implementation for an easy to use cryptography API called DOMCrypt. This 
>>> API will provide each web browser window with a 'cipher' property that 
>>> facilitates:
>>> * asymmetric encryption key pair generation
>>> * public key encryption 
>>> * decryption
>>> * signature generation
>>> * signature

Re: [whatwg] TLS Logout - Re: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

2011-08-06 Thread David Dahl

Your login and logout concept is a perhaps parallel to the sessions 
functionality in Mozilla's Identity work:



- Original Message -
From: "Henry Story" 
To: "David Dahl" 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 9:05:15 AM
Subject: Re: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

On 6 Aug 2011, at 16:01, David Dahl wrote:

> Henry:
> There is no reason a login and logout (that work properly) cannot be added to 
> window.crypto, however, the scope and focus of 'DOMCrypt' is as 
> narrowly-defined as possible. Adding features like this would only slow 
> progress.

David, this is a really essential feature. If you are worried that one method 
call can slow progress of DOMCrypt, then where do you think that should be 

Or perhaps someone else has an opinion here?


> Regards,
> David
> - Original Message -
> From: "Henry Story" 
> To: "David Dahl" 
> Cc:,
> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 6:16:22 AM
> Subject: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec
> Hi,
>  I have been looking at how a client can logout from a TLS session recently, 
> so that if a user
> sends the wrong certificate to the server, the server can propose a way for 
> the user to choose a 
> different one. 
> The correct way to do this would be to build it right into the browser, so 
> that at all times the user is in control of his Persona, i.e. to extend Aza 
> Raskin's work to the TLS layer [1]. 
> The second best way is to have a Javascript API to logout the user, that web 
> page authors can use to offer this feature. Firefox and Internet explorer 
> have such an API. The Firefox one is described in the WebCrypto API [2] by 
> Channy Yun, which was discussed on this list recently. 
> The code to run both in IE and Firefox is quite simple. I submitted a bug 
> report to Chrome with the 
> code to suggest that they could implement this there too
> But they want the DOMCrypt spec approval before implementing. Is that 
> something that could be added to DOMCrypt? Or should one look somewhere else? 
>  This is a really simple function, but it is so useful. 
> Henry
> [1]
> [2]
>(the login method does not work currently in Firefox, on has to use 
> logout, where the connection then asks the client for a certificate)
> On 20 May 2011, at 17:04, David Dahl wrote:
>> Hello WHATWG members,
>> With user control and privacy in mind, I have created a spec and an 
>> implementation for an easy to use cryptography API called DOMCrypt. This API 
>> will provide each web browser window with a 'cipher' property that 
>> facilitates:
>> * asymmetric encryption key pair generation
>> * public key encryption 
>> * decryption
>> * signature generation
>> * signature verification
>> * hashing
>> * easy public key discovery via meta tags
>> I have created a Firefox extension that implements all of the above, and am 
>> working on an experimental patch that integrates this API into Firefox.
>> The draft spec is here: 
>> The project originated in an extension I wrote, the home page is here: 
>> The source code for the extension is here: 
>> The Mozilla bugs are here: 
>> You can test the API by installing the extension hosted at and 
>>, and going to
>> Best Regards,
>> David Dahl
>> Firefox Engineer, Mozilla Corp.
> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Re: [whatwg] TLS Logout - Re: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

2011-08-06 Thread Henry Story

On 6 Aug 2011, at 16:01, David Dahl wrote:

> Henry:
> There is no reason a login and logout (that work properly) cannot be added to 
> window.crypto, however, the scope and focus of 'DOMCrypt' is as 
> narrowly-defined as possible. Adding features like this would only slow 
> progress.

David, this is a really essential feature. If you are worried that one method 
call can slow progress of DOMCrypt, then where do you think that should be 

Or perhaps someone else has an opinion here?


> Regards,
> David
> - Original Message -
> From: "Henry Story" 
> To: "David Dahl" 
> Cc:,
> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 6:16:22 AM
> Subject: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec
> Hi,
>  I have been looking at how a client can logout from a TLS session recently, 
> so that if a user
> sends the wrong certificate to the server, the server can propose a way for 
> the user to choose a 
> different one. 
> The correct way to do this would be to build it right into the browser, so 
> that at all times the user is in control of his Persona, i.e. to extend Aza 
> Raskin's work to the TLS layer [1]. 
> The second best way is to have a Javascript API to logout the user, that web 
> page authors can use to offer this feature. Firefox and Internet explorer 
> have such an API. The Firefox one is described in the WebCrypto API [2] by 
> Channy Yun, which was discussed on this list recently. 
> The code to run both in IE and Firefox is quite simple. I submitted a bug 
> report to Chrome with the 
> code to suggest that they could implement this there too
> But they want the DOMCrypt spec approval before implementing. Is that 
> something that could be added to DOMCrypt? Or should one look somewhere else? 
>  This is a really simple function, but it is so useful. 
> Henry
> [1]
> [2]
>(the login method does not work currently in Firefox, on has to use 
> logout, where the connection then asks the client for a certificate)
> On 20 May 2011, at 17:04, David Dahl wrote:
>> Hello WHATWG members,
>> With user control and privacy in mind, I have created a spec and an 
>> implementation for an easy to use cryptography API called DOMCrypt. This API 
>> will provide each web browser window with a 'cipher' property that 
>> facilitates:
>> * asymmetric encryption key pair generation
>> * public key encryption 
>> * decryption
>> * signature generation
>> * signature verification
>> * hashing
>> * easy public key discovery via meta tags
>> I have created a Firefox extension that implements all of the above, and am 
>> working on an experimental patch that integrates this API into Firefox.
>> The draft spec is here: 
>> The project originated in an extension I wrote, the home page is here: 
>> The source code for the extension is here: 
>> The Mozilla bugs are here: 
>> You can test the API by installing the extension hosted at and 
>>, and going to
>> Best Regards,
>> David Dahl
>> Firefox Engineer, Mozilla Corp.
> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Re: [whatwg] TLS Logout - Re: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

2011-08-06 Thread David Dahl

There is no reason a login and logout (that work properly) cannot be added to 
window.crypto, however, the scope and focus of 'DOMCrypt' is as 
narrowly-defined as possible. Adding features like this would only slow 



- Original Message -
From: "Henry Story" 
To: "David Dahl" 
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 6:16:22 AM
Subject: TLS Logout - Re: [whatwg] window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec


  I have been looking at how a client can logout from a TLS session recently, 
so that if a user
sends the wrong certificate to the server, the server can propose a way for the 
user to choose a 
different one. 

The correct way to do this would be to build it right into the browser, so that 
at all times the user is in control of his Persona, i.e. to extend Aza Raskin's 
work to the TLS layer [1]. 

The second best way is to have a Javascript API to logout the user, that web 
page authors can use to offer this feature. Firefox and Internet explorer have 
such an API. The Firefox one is described in the WebCrypto API [2] by Channy 
Yun, which was discussed on this list recently. 

The code to run both in IE and Firefox is quite simple. I submitted a bug 
report to Chrome with the 
code to suggest that they could implement this there too

But they want the DOMCrypt spec approval before implementing. Is that something 
that could be added to DOMCrypt? Or should one look somewhere else? 

  This is a really simple function, but it is so useful. 


(the login method does not work currently in Firefox, on has to use logout, 
where the connection then asks the client for a certificate)


On 20 May 2011, at 17:04, David Dahl wrote:

> Hello WHATWG members,
> With user control and privacy in mind, I have created a spec and an 
> implementation for an easy to use cryptography API called DOMCrypt. This API 
> will provide each web browser window with a 'cipher' property that 
> facilitates:
> * asymmetric encryption key pair generation
> * public key encryption 
> * decryption
> * signature generation
> * signature verification
> * hashing
> * easy public key discovery via meta tags
> I have created a Firefox extension that implements all of the above, and am 
> working on an experimental patch that integrates this API into Firefox.
> The draft spec is here: 
> The project originated in an extension I wrote, the home page is here: 
> The source code for the extension is here: 
> The Mozilla bugs are here: 
> You can test the API by installing the extension hosted at and 
>, and going to
> Best Regards,
> David Dahl
> Firefox Engineer, Mozilla Corp.

Social Web Architect

[whatwg] TLS Logout - Re: window.cipher HTML crypto API draft spec

2011-08-06 Thread Henry Story

  I have been looking at how a client can logout from a TLS session recently, 
so that if a user
sends the wrong certificate to the server, the server can propose a way for the 
user to choose a 
different one. 

The correct way to do this would be to build it right into the browser, so that 
at all times the user is in control of his Persona, i.e. to extend Aza Raskin's 
work to the TLS layer [1]. 

The second best way is to have a Javascript API to logout the user, that web 
page authors can use to offer this feature. Firefox and Internet explorer have 
such an API. The Firefox one is described in the WebCrypto API [2] by Channy 
Yun, which was discussed on this list recently. 

The code to run both in IE and Firefox is quite simple. I submitted a bug 
report to Chrome with the 
code to suggest that they could implement this there too

But they want the DOMCrypt spec approval before implementing. Is that something 
that could be added to DOMCrypt? Or should one look somewhere else? 

  This is a really simple function, but it is so useful. 


(the login method does not work currently in Firefox, on has to use logout, 
where the connection then asks the client for a certificate)


On 20 May 2011, at 17:04, David Dahl wrote:

> Hello WHATWG members,
> With user control and privacy in mind, I have created a spec and an 
> implementation for an easy to use cryptography API called DOMCrypt. This API 
> will provide each web browser window with a 'cipher' property that 
> facilitates:
> * asymmetric encryption key pair generation
> * public key encryption 
> * decryption
> * signature generation
> * signature verification
> * hashing
> * easy public key discovery via meta tags
> I have created a Firefox extension that implements all of the above, and am 
> working on an experimental patch that integrates this API into Firefox.
> The draft spec is here: 
> The project originated in an extension I wrote, the home page is here: 
> The source code for the extension is here: 
> The Mozilla bugs are here: 
> You can test the API by installing the extension hosted at and 
>, and going to
> Best Regards,
> David Dahl
> Firefox Engineer, Mozilla Corp.

Social Web Architect

[whatwg] making dfn.js work for multipage spec [was: Spec references in multipage]

2011-08-06 Thread Michael[tm] Smith
Ian Hickson , 2011-07-29 00:36 +:

> On Mon, 2 May 2011, Glenn Maynard wrote:
> >
> > This is probably a known issue, but the reference lists in the multipage 
> > version of the specs only list references within the same section of the 
> > spec.  Clicking "submitted" in [1] shows only two references.  Clicking 
> > the same thing in the single-page version shows nine.  It would be very 
> > helpful if external references were included.
> > 
> > [1] 
> >
> Yeah, this is the result of the dfn.js script only looking in the current 
> document. If anyone is interested in fixing this, let me know and I can 
> try to explain the problem space. (One solution is to change the spec 
> splitter to output data that a new dfn.js can use.)

I did make the dfn.js stuff work for the "Edition for Web Authors" subset
of the spec:

Example: click on the phrase "space characters" here:

I did it by patching both anolis (to add a new filter) and the splitter code:;content-type=text%2Fplain;content-type=text%2Fplain

It works -- and would also work for the full spec -- but I suspect there
probably has to be a better way to implement it than the way I did. Because
the way I did it very slow; it adds several minutes to the anolis part of
the document-building process. On the host I use for building the author
view of the spec, I think it causes the build to take 6 minutes or so to
run (compared to only a minute or two without it).


Michael[tm] Smith