Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Simon Pieters

On Oct 2, 2012, at 4:58 PM, Elliott Sprehn wrote:

What of the fact that this breaks existing pages with input
id=Path that access it as just Path? Historically this has been a
non-starter for new APIs.

On Wed, 03 Oct 2012 05:12:46 +0200, Maciej Stachowiak  

Can we get data on prevalence of such pages?

Data set:

$ grep -aPc \s(?i:(id|name))\s*=\s*(\|')?Path((\|')|(\s||/))  

$ grep -aPc \s(?i:(id|name))\s*=\s*(\|')?Audio((\|')|(\s||/))  

$ grep -aPc \s(?i:(id|name))\s*=\s*(\|')?URL((\|')|(\s||/)) stevef-all

Data set:

$ grep -aPc \s(?i:(id|name))\s*=\s*(\|')?Path((\|')|(\s||/)) web200904
$ grep -aPc \s(?i:(id|name))\s*=\s*(\|')?Audio((\|')|(\s||/))  

$ grep -aPc \s(?i:(id|name))\s*=\s*(\|')?URL((\|')|(\s||/)) web200904

(I don't have data on how many of these also do something like form  
onsubmit=return validate(URL) etc.)

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

[whatwg] Firing WebStorage storage event

2012-10-03 Thread Janusz Majnert
Hi all,
I would like to ask for your help. I'm having hard time understanding
the rules for firing WebStorage's storage event.

In section 11.2.3
we have this sentence [1]:

When the setItem(), removeItem(), and clear() methods are called on a
Storage object x that is associated with a local storage area, if the
methods did something, then in every Document object whose Window
object's localStorage attribute's Storage object is associated with
the same storage area, other than x, a storage event must be fired, as
described below.

as described below points to section 11.2.4, which reads [2]:

The storage event is fired when a storage area changes, as described
in the previous two sections (for session storage, for local storage).
When this happens, the user agent must queue a task to fire an event
with the name storage, which does not bubble and is not cancelable,
and which uses the StorageEvent interface, at each Window object whose
Document object has a Storage object that is affected.

What I understood:
Sentence [1] says that storage events should be fired on affected
Document objects, except the one that originated the change.
Sentences in [2]  say that when a storage event is fired as described
in [1], a task must be queued to fire storage events on all affected
Window objects. It also says that Document objects have Storage
objects, which I don't think is true.

Is my understanding correct? What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,
Janusz Majnert

Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/3/12 1:31 AM, Charles Pritchard wrote:

Mozilla has an extensive system for bug reporting.

You mean like a bug database?

I suspect their switch between various versions is related to their data as 
captured by those systems.

I suspect that's bollocks, with all due respect.

They have publicized how they track bug reports from the browser, and in doing so, how 
they analyze what breaks the web.

I am unaware of such a system.  Link please?  I'd really like to make 
use of it, if it exists.  ;)


[whatwg] FW: [[IANA #598704] Registration for application/microdata+json media type]

2012-10-03 Thread Michael[tm] Smith

See below the reply from IANA about registration for application/microdata+json.

I'll make the simple n/a changes when I re-submit it. But see in
particular the suggestion about security.


- Forwarded message from Amanda Baber via RT -

Subject: [IANA #598704] Registration for application/microdata+json media type
From: Amanda Baber via RT
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:29:33 +

Hi Michael,

The IESG-designated expert has reviewed your application and returned 
the inline comments below. Please reply to this email within 30 days 
(i.e. by October 17) with a revised application. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Amanda Baber


 Type name:

 Subtype name:

 Required parameters:
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

 Optional parameters:
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

Application/json does not define any parameters. As such, this is an
unnecessary reference that forces readers to check something and find

Moreover, in the highly unlikely event that parameters were to be added
to application/json in the future, it would be extremely unwise for
existing registrations to inherit them willy-nilly.

Both of these need to be changed to: n/a.

 Encoding considerations:
 8bit (always UTF-8)

 Security considerations:
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

If my understanding is correct, like JSON in general, microdata content
is essentially arbitrary. The point of having a microdata specification
is to have a consistent means of embedding stuff in HTML5, not to define
what that stuff is.

Given this, and had the security considerations for application/json
been done properly, this might, and I emphasize might, have been
sufficient to just reference the application/json security considerations.

But the security considerations for application/json fail to address the
issues associated with being able to represent arbitrary content. As
such, they need to be addressed here. At a minimum the possibility of
active or executable content as well as privacy and integrity need to be
addressed. I suggest something like:

  The security considerations associated with the JSON format [JSON]
apply to
  this media type. The content of this media type can include active or
  executable content. The content may also be sensitive, so privacy and
  integrity services may need to be used to protect the content in some

 Interoperability considerations:
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

This is again a reference to nothing. It needs to change to: n/a

 Published specification:

 Labeling a resource with the application/microdata+json type asserts that
 the resource is a JSON text that consists of an object with a single entry
 called items consisting of an array of entries, each of which
consists of
 an object with an entry called id whose value is a string, an entry
 called type whose value is another string, and an entry called
 properties whose value is an object whose entries each have a value
 consisting of an array of either objects or strings, the objects being of
 the same form as the objects in the aforementioned items entry.
Thus, the
 relevant specifications are the JSON specification and the HTML Microdata

This is a hard one to get right. Referencing the media type declaration
is circular and therefore somewhat pointless, but referencing the entire
microdata specification seems wrong somehow. My suggestion would be to
reference section 5.1:

But if you want to reference the entire specification that's also OK:
 Applications that use this media type:
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

It's fine not to list specific applications and therefore leave this
blank, but this is effectively asserting that every application that
uses JSON also uses microdata, which is rather obviously incorrect.

 Additional information:
 Magic number(s):
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

Change to: n/a

 File extension(s):
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

Change to: .json

 Macintosh file type code(s):
 Same as for application/json [JSON]

Change to: n/a

 Person  email address to contact for further information:
 Michael[tm] Smith

 Intended usage:

 Restrictions on usage:
 No restrictions apply.

 Ian Hickson

 Change controller:

 Fragment identifiers used with application/microdata+json resources have
 the same semantics as when used with application/json (namely, at the time
 of writing, no semantics at all). [JSON]

I have to wonder if this is a good idea, but it's acceptable from
a registration standpoint.

- End forwarded message -

Michael[tm] Smith

Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Ian Hickson

This subthread has crossed the line of what is acceptable on this mailing 
list. I'd like to remind everyone that discussion on this list should 
focus on technical issues and not on process discussions, and that all 
communication should be respectful, and avoid presenting wild speculation 
as facts.


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Charles Pritchard wrote:

  I think moz already made the move to require document.getElementById for
  these cases.

 It looks like they did in FF13 (in standards mode, not quirks mode), but no
 longer in FF15.  I'm surprised this was even considered, never mind
 deployed--it must break tons of pages.

Gecko *always* required getElementById in standards mode, until FF15.
That's why most pages worked (and still do) without element IDs in the
global scope. But no-one else was willing to follow suit, so we dropped it.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be children of your Father in heaven. ... If you love those
who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors
doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more
than others? [Matthew 5:43-47]

Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Glenn Maynard
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 8:44 PM, Robert O'Callahan rob...@ocallahan.orgwrote:

 Gecko *always* required getElementById in standards mode, until FF15.
 That's why most pages worked (and still do) without element IDs in the
 global scope. But no-one else was willing to follow suit, so we dropped it.

That's unfortunate.  It's one of the most pathologically broken behaviors
on the platform; now there will be nothing discouraging people from using
it.  I think this was a net win despite the cost to interoperability.

Glenn Maynard

Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/3/12 10:19 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

That's unfortunate.  It's one of the most pathologically broken behaviors
on the platform; now there will be nothing discouraging people from using
it.  I think this was a net win despite the cost to interoperability.

That is as may be, but:

1)  Every single other UA implemented the global scope polluter in 
standards mode.

2)  The spec called for it to be implemented in standards mode. 
Repeated requests that the spec be changed got denied with see point 1.

3)  Repeated requests for other UAs to drop support for the global scope 
polluter in standards mode were met with either silence or great 
surprise that Gecko had the behavior it did, followed by silence.

4)  The growing number of web developers who only bother testing in 
WebKit meant that there were more and more sites that were breaking in 
Gecko due to relying on the global scope polluter.

5)  Other browser vendors were putting out conformance and performance 
tests that relied on the global scope polluter to function.

I decided it wasn't worth punishing our users further if no one else in 
the world cared about this.


Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/3/12 11:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I decided it wasn't worth punishing our users further if no one else in
the world cared about this.

Oh, and for the record we added gsp support in standards mode in Firefox 
14.  We kept the warning when it was used until Firefox 15, somewhat by 
accident; at that point we removed it, since warning on something every 
UA implements and the spec requires is a bit pointless.
