Re: [whatwg] seamless iframes and event propagation

2012-12-06 Thread Dimitri Glazkov
On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Dimitri Glazkov
  Yes, the intent is that in the the events from nodes, distributed to
  insertion points should feel as if there wasn't any shadow tree around

 Right, but if img is inside the shadow tree (rather than distributed
 into it), you do not want its load/error events to leak? (Again, it
 would help if the principles behind those events were written down,
 e.g. soonish img will start dispatching progress events and who
 knows what it might dispatch in the future. That list does not address
 video either if the same would apply to that element.)

The basic idea here is that some events, when they are dispatched in a
shadow tree, are more likely implementation details that aren't useful
outside of this tree. For example, if an img with an image of a volume
control loads inside of a video, the author of video definitely doesn't
want the corresponding load event to leak out.

We could come up with some way to control this via a new API, but beware
the growl of complexity bear.

 So what I want is to tie this into the DOM's dispatch algorithm. The
 dispatch algorithm somehow needs to compute the ancestor chain and the
 current plan to do that is to follow an event parent chain (each
 EventTarget would have an event parent which is either null or some
 other object). However, it seems that is not quite enough for shadow
 DOM so instead we need to determine the event parent of an object
 algorithmically. I think we want event parent for /event type/. So
 e.g. on ShadowRoot objects the event parent for load would be null,
 whereas for unicorn it would be its host element.

 Does that make sense?

This logic written down in great detail in Shadow DOM spec -- and tested in
an actual browser implementation. Would you consider transplanting it into
DOM dispatch?

 Ian, for HTML that would allow easily dealing with the load exception
 on Window too.


[whatwg] Controlling the UI on input type=date

2012-12-06 Thread brenton strine
It is currently difficult to control the visibility of the UI (e.g. little
arrows, spinners, etc) on new input types like datetime, number, range,
color, etc.

It seems that many developers want to use the semantic attributes, but need
to be able to hide the little arrows for various reasons, and so they are
sticking with type=text (e.g.


Reasons developers might want to control the visibility of the UI:
- developer has built their own datepicker/numberfinder/colorpicker/etc
- developer wants to display just the values (as if it were type=text) upon
printing, or when readonly, or when not active

As browsers add support, there will likely be ways to control this using
vendor-specific CSS, but not only will this vary from browser to browser,
it will vary among the different input types. For example, in Chrome it is
currently possible to hide the slider arrows on the number input:

-webkit-appearance: none;

This kind of code is clearly going to be very difficult to maintain and
keep up to date. I don't think a CSS solution is going to work. Has there
been discussion here on an input attribute that controls the UI? Perhaps
something like this:

input type=date ui=false

Re: [whatwg] Controlling the UI on input type=date

2012-12-06 Thread Scott González
The only thing I've seen in a spec was CSS3 System Appearance, but it had
poor support and was ultimately removed.

2 years ago, I contacted people from Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Opera
about this, but I haven't seen any real progress. A few weeks ago, support
for input type=week/month landed in Chrome Canary and this fiddle was
provided to show how to prevent the calendar from showing up: This is clunky and doesn't even fully solve the

Here's one of the emails I sent after getting a response about device
vendors wanting to provide consistent UI/UX throughout the device (tying
their native calendar into controls like input type=date):

The problem is that no matter how consistent the UI/UX is, I want to
 opt-out because it will never be good enough. I want to customize the UI to
 look like my app, layer on additional functionality, etc. All of this is
 possible today without the new input types. However, once the new input
 types are used, this becomes more difficult. For example, enhancing a text
 field into a datepicker is really common, but you can't do this with a date
 field because of the new UI. I really don't think that JS implementations
 of these input types are ever going to die, no matter how good the native
 implementations work. There's just too much functionality that users will
 want that won't be possible because the APIs would be too large to spec.
 Falling all the way back to text fields works, but then we lose all the
 other benefits, such as the new attributes/methods, built-in validation,
 type-specific virtual keyboards, etc.
 So the end goal is still to have consistent UI/UX cross-browser, but not
 necessarily cross-site.

We get a lot of requests for jQuery UI widgets to work on the new input
types. However, as things are right now, all we can do is say no.

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:46 PM, brenton strine wrote:

 It is currently difficult to control the visibility of the UI (e.g. little
 arrows, spinners, etc) on new input types like datetime, number, range,
 color, etc.

 It seems that many developers want to use the semantic attributes, but need
 to be able to hide the little arrows for various reasons, and so they are
 sticking with type=text (e.g.


 Reasons developers might want to control the visibility of the UI:
 - developer has built their own datepicker/numberfinder/colorpicker/etc
 - developer wants to display just the values (as if it were type=text) upon
 printing, or when readonly, or when not active

 As browsers add support, there will likely be ways to control this using
 vendor-specific CSS, but not only will this vary from browser to browser,
 it will vary among the different input types. For example, in Chrome it is
 currently possible to hide the slider arrows on the number input:

 -webkit-appearance: none;

 This kind of code is clearly going to be very difficult to maintain and
 keep up to date. I don't think a CSS solution is going to work. Has there
 been discussion here on an input attribute that controls the UI? Perhaps
 something like this:

 input type=date ui=false

Re: [whatwg] Controlling the UI on input type=date

2012-12-06 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 6 Dec 2012, brenton strine wrote:

 It is currently difficult to control the visibility of the UI (e.g. 
 little arrows, spinners, etc) on new input types like datetime, number, 
 range, color, etc.

The idea is for Web Components or XBL or some such solution to be the 
solution to this.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'