Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Two changes to iframe@sandbox

2015-07-09 Thread Daniel Veditz
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 2:47 AM, Mike West wrote:

 I've dropped the opener/openee-disowning behavior from my proposal,
 and renamed the sandboxing keyword to `allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox` in

​It appears that this new keyword as described would still require the use
of allow-popups in addition to allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox. Since it
doesn't make any sense on its own can you change it so that either keyword
allows popups to happen? That it, propose changing

[Set] The sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag,
unless tokens
contains the allow-popups keyword.


   [Set] The sandboxed auxiliary navigation browsing context flag,
unless tokens
   contains the allow-popups or *allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox* keyword.

​(might then require changing -to-escape- to -that-escape-)​

​You question to bz was can you live with it, and I can live with it. I
wish it could be shorter, but my attempts (allow-popups-unsandboxed or
allow-unsandboxed-popups) weren't much shorter. Keeping allow popups in
there is good, especially if it can be used in place of regular
allow-popups. using the word sandbox is better than anything about
auxiliary contexts.​

​Dan Veditz

Re: [whatwg] Javascript: URLs as element attributes

2010-12-02 Thread Daniel Veditz
On 12/1/10 7:29 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 On 12/1/10 3:49 AM, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
 I dunno about solid, but the obvious things you can do with 
 javascript: that you can't do as easily with data: are things 
 that are dynamic. That said, in a sandbox the only things that 
 are available as obvious sources of dynamism are |new Date| and 
 |Math.random|.  So achieving solidity might take some work.  ;)

What dynamism does a javascript: url give you that can't be achieved
by running an in-page script to generate data: urls? (In a sandboxed
context; I don't think we can kill javascript: hrefs in links,
however much I'd like to.)

Re: [whatwg] Encrypted HTTP and related security concerns - make mixed content warnings accessible from JS?

2010-11-12 Thread Daniel Veditz
On 11/11/10 12:06 PM, Ingo Chao wrote:
 For https mashups, users will see always a few
 security warnings in IE or Chrome, because a few components will be
 delivered via http. Thats good, but I would like to know that, too.
 The mashup should report that automatically. Hence my question
 regarding a warning which is accessible via JS.

What do you want to know, and what will your page do with that?
Simply that something was loaded insecurely? An event that
something was loaded insecurely so you can stop it from loading?
Detailed knowledge of what URL was loaded insecurely and by whom
(not likely to fly)?

Re: [whatwg] Persistent storage is critically flawed.

2006-09-04 Thread Daniel Veditz
Ian Hickson wrote:
 Note that the problems you raise also exist (and have long existed) with 
 cookies; at least the storage APIs default to a safe state in the general 
 case instead of defaulting to an unsafe state.

In what way do the storage API's default to a safe state? What unsafe
state is the alternative? You've lost me.

Compared to cookies storage seems less safe: the default cookie access
is to the setting host only, a case that does not even exist with global
storage. To publish a cookie to a wider family of hosts the setting host
must explicitly set a domain on the cookie. (Ditto path, but that turns
out to be illusory protection due to the DOM same-origin policy).

Web-app developers aren't complaining they can't read cookies they need
from sub-domains, they're complaining when private cookies leak or when
they're fooled by a cookie injected at a higher domain (e.g.

Let me throw out two alternatives for providing private persistent
storage, neither of which complicates the API (though may complicate the

The first piggy-backs on the domain vs host cookie concept as applied to
entire storage objects. Each host would have a private persistent
storage object that could only be accessed by that host; shared objects
would need to be explicitly named. There should be a difference in how
the two types are named
  a) using the cookie domain nomenclature to indicate the similar
  concepts could represent the host storage only
  accessible to that host, and a leading '.' in
  would represent a shared storage area. You could argue that
  people will forget the dot as they do with cookie domains,
  but they only do with cookies because UA's let them get away
  with it.
  b) another choice would be to make globalStorage[''] magic and
  mean the private storage for the current host. No one is going
  to implement universally accessible storage (the spec even
  recommends against it), you could just take that out of the spec
  and reuse it for this. All other named areas would be shared
  as described by the spec.

The second alternative would be to have private and shared storage items
within a single storage area. I know you weren't keen on adding another
attribute like secure, what if instead there was a convention such as
keys which start with an underscore are private and can only be
accessed if the current host matches the storage area domain.

My personal preference is for 1b -- use globalStorage[''] as the
non-shared storage area.

-Dan Veditz

Re: [whatwg] a href= ping=

2006-01-20 Thread Daniel Veditz
Thomas Much wrote:
 - If people don't want this feature, you'll have to provide a switch to turn
 it off.
 - If it can be switched off, websites will use the old, hidden ways to track

Can't you say the same about cookies? Many people are up in arms about
tracking and browsers do provide blocking tools, yet the vast majority
of people leave them on and very few sites bother to use the old way of
tracking state by passing it as URL query parameters.