[whatwg] typo in the spec of the selectionDirection attribute

2011-06-13 Thread Futomi Hatano
I've read the the spec of the selectionDirection attribute, 
and I've found a typo.


The spec says in the second paragraph as below.
On setting, it must act as if the setSelectionRange() method had been called, 
with the current value of the selectionStart attribute as the first argument,
the current value of the selectionEnd attribute as the first argument,
and the new value as the third argument.

The current value of the selectionEnd attribute is not as the first argument,
but as the second argument, is it?

Futomi Hatano i...@html5.jp

[whatwg] a typo in 8.6.1 APIs for the browsing context selection

2010-09-22 Thread Futomi Hatano
I've found a typo in 8.6.1 APIs for the browsing context selection.

In the green box, we can find a definition as below.

collapsed = selection . isCollapsed()

As far as I've read the section 8.6.1, I understand that isCollapsed isn't a 
method, but an IDL attribute.
So, I think it should be as below.

collapsed = selection . isCollapsed

Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] Paragraphs in blockquotes

2010-05-11 Thread Futomi Hatano
On Tue, 11 May 2010 09:06:11 +0100
Richard Clark he...@richclarkdesign.com wrote:

 In HTML5 that requirement seems to have been relaxed, as the following
 element validates successfully:
 blockquoteThis is a blockquote./blockquote
 The HTML5 spec uses the p element in the usage examples, but does not
 mention whether it is required.
 Can you please confirm if this requirement has now been deprecated?

The content model for blockquote is Flow content.
Flow content includes text.
So, the text as a child of blockquote is valid.

The spec says that a run of phrasing content (in this case, it is the text.) is 
a paragraph.
So, the examples below have same semantics.

blockquoteThis is a blockquote./blockquote
blockquotepThis is a blockquote./p/blockquote

The former is valid, but, of course, authers are encouraged the latter much 


Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] Why are form fields without a name barred from constraint validation?

2010-04-02 Thread Futomi Hatano
Hi Bruce,

On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 09:57:04 -
Bruce Lawson bru...@opera.com wrote:

 Constraint validation: If an element does not have a name attribute  
 specified, or its name attribute's value is the empty string, then it is  
 barred from constraint validation.
 As a matter of interest, why?

Because such controls are ignored when the form is submitted.
Nameless controls are meaningless in form submission.
So, those controls do not need to be validated, I think.

Futomi Hatano

[whatwg] The examples of the list attribute of the input element is incorrect

2010-01-05 Thread Futomi Hatano
Hi all,

I have checked the examples of the list attribute of the input element, which 
have added today.

There is a example which shows how to mark up fallback contents of the datalist 

  Enter a breed:
  input type=text name=breed list=breeds
 datalist id=breeds
   or select one from the list:
   select name=breed
option value= (none selected)
!-- ... --

I think that this example is incorrect.
It works in legacy UAs as expected (i.e. the fallback contens are shown.).
But it does not work in UAs which support the datalist element as expected 
(i.e. the suggests are not shown.),
because the option elements do not have a value attribute.
The spec says that a value attribute is required in the option element for a 

The example works in Opera 10.1, because it is based on the old spec.
In fact, the example does not work in Opera 10.5 pre-alpha.
I think that Opera 10.5 pre-alpha is correct.

I think that the example must be as follow.

  Enter a breed:
  input type=text name=breed list=breeds
 datalist id=breeds
   or select one from the list:
   select name=breed
option value= (none selected)
option value=AbyssinianAbyssinian
option value=AlpacaAlpaca
!-- ... --

This example works in Opera(10.1, 10.5) and other UAs which does not support 
the datalist element as expected, except Chrome 4.

Thank you.

Futomi Hatano

[whatwg] typo in the vCard spec

2009-12-21 Thread Futomi Hatano
Hi all,

I wonder if there is a typo in the example of Microdata Vocabularies: vCard.
There are three examples. Could you see the second example?

strong title=fnAlfred Person/strong

I wonder if the title attribute is incorrect.
The itemprop attribute is correct, isn't it?

strong itemprop=fnAlfred Person/strong

Thank you.

Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] value content attribute of input

2009-12-03 Thread Futomi Hatano
On Thu, 3 Dec 2009 09:31:18 -0500
Mike Taylor michaelaarontay...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's not clear to me that every possible attribute is intended to be in that
 table. Autofocus, for example, is missing as well.

The table seems to list attributes defined for only input.
Attributes common to form controls(autofocus, disabled, form, name, value) seem 
to be excluded.
I understand the purpose of the table.
Thanks for your insight.

Futomi Hatano

[whatwg] value content attribute of input

2009-12-02 Thread Futomi Hatano
Hi all

Could you please see the section in the spec?

There is a table which includes summarizes which of content attributes, IDL 
attributes, methods, and events apply to each state.
Is the value content attribute needed to include to the table, isn't it?

Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] rp is a styling tag and has no semantic function

2009-10-31 Thread Futomi Hatano

On Sat, 31 Oct 2009 11:27:26 +0100
Nikita Popov pri...@ni-po.com wrote:

  The text without a ruby annotation should not be in ruby.
  It should be marked up like this:
  char rtpron 1/rt
  another char rtpron 2 pron 3/rt
  and some other text without a ruby annotation.

 Yes, that's right. But there are always people not as strict. I think
 some ninety-nine percent of websites aren't valid an even less semantic.
 HTML5 mustn't be planed only for the exemplary developers but for the
 standard-user, too.

Do you think that HTML5 should support bad markups?
I don't think so.

 Screen-readers are yet another problem: I'm not sure, what's better:
 ka-n-ka-n-ji-ji or
 ka-n-bracketopen-ka-n-bracketclose-ji-bracketopen-ji-bracketclose. I
 think the first one is even better, because the text is only duplicated
 and the reader mustn't read the brackets, too. (This is for
 screen-readers not supporting ruby. The ones that support it can then
 handle it by only reading out the rt, as you proposed. [Though you need
 to consider the problem above.])

This is not a problem.
Of course, the first one is better.
But, the second one is based on markup which is not good.
The markup blow is better, as I mentioned previously.


It will be read ka-n-ji-bracketopen-ka-n-ji-bracketclose by screen-readers 
which don't support ruby.
It is not best, but still is understandable.
My solution is progressive enhancement.
Screen-readers which support ruby will be able to read ka-n-ji.

I don't want to say that you should use rp.
I think that your solution is also good.
I simply want rp not to dropped from HTML5.
It's better that we have alternative markup ways for a ruby.

Thank you.

Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] rp is a styling tag and has no semantic function

2009-10-30 Thread Futomi Hatano
On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 11:10:59 +0100
Nikita Popov pri...@ni-po.com wrote:

 Futomi Hatano schrieb:
  If ATs(e.g. screen reader)  know the rp element, it can remove the content 
  of the rp element.
  So, we can get only true annotations from ATs, without parentheses.
  I don't want hear parentheses from a screen reader.
  I hope that all browsers (including ATs) support the ruby element.
  If so, I think the rp element is not necessary.
  Thank you.
  Futomi Hatano

  I think this element is necessary in the HTML5 spec.
 Talking about screen-readers: How should a screen-reader actually handle
 ruby annotations? In this case
 漢 rt かん /rt
 字 rt じ  /rt
 it would be quite strange if a screen-reader read the annotations,
 because they have the same content as the ruby base text. (I hope this
 is correct. I don't know the Japanese language, but I understood it as
 漢 beeing same as かん only in a different way of writing.) So the
 reader must not read the annotation.

More correctly, screen-readers should read only the contents of rt rather 
than the base text.
That is, screen-readers are expected to read it as ka-n-ji from rts.
Of course, screen-readers which don't support ruby repeat 2 times such like 
ka-n-ka-n-ji-ji as you know.

We also have to get ruby easy to read for visual browser users.
But, the markup above is rendered by non-IE browsers as below.


We feel it is odd.
So, I want to mark it up like this.

This markup is rendered by non-IE browsers as below.


It's natural and easy to understand.

Screen-readers which supports ruby of HTML5 are expected to ignore rp, 
and read only the contents of rt.
Users who use such a screen-reader will hear ka-n-ji only once.
I think that both of screen reeder users and visual browser users would be 
If rp is dropped from the spec, screen-readers could't ignore parentheses 
without fail.
So, I think that rp is necessary.

 In an example i got from an older W3C spec, it's different:

Are you talking about Ruby Annotation module for XHTML 1.1?

 rt rbspan=3Expiration Date/rt
 As this markup isn't used anymore with HTML5, here's how it would be
 (dropping the expiration date):
 10 rtMonth/rt
 31 rtDay/rt
 2002 rtYear/rt
 This one now should be read out by the screen-reader. Otherwise the
 meaning of the numbers may be not as clear.
 (Or is the date-example out-of-date and ruby shouldn't be used there?)

I think that ruby of HTML5 is not appropriate for the case.
According to the HTML5 spec, ruby is primarily used in East Asian typography 
as a guide for pronunciation or to include other annotations.
I think that this element was not designed for the case you mentioned.
Ruby Annotation module for XHTML 1.1 can be used for a broad range of 
But ruby of HTML5 is limited, I think.

Thank you for your time.

Futomi Hatano

[whatwg] an odd example of the meter element

2009-10-29 Thread Futomi Hatano
Hi, all

I found an odd example in the meter element section of the spec.

metermax: 100; current: 75/meter

According to steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio in a string, 
does it means that the actual value is 100 and the max value is 75?
If so, the gauges would end up looking maxed out.
Should it be as below?

metercurrent: 75; max: 100;/meter

Thank you.

Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] an odd example of the meter element

2009-10-29 Thread Futomi Hatano
On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 10:58:17 +0100
Magnus Kristiansen magnusrk+wha...@pvv.org wrote:

 No, the larger number is always used as the max, and the smaller as 
 current. In the meter section: (...) if there were two numbers parsed 
 out of the textContent, then the maximum is the higher of those two 
 numbers. and (...) if the result of processing the textContent of the 
 element was two numbers, then the actual value is the lower of the two 
 numbers found.

Oh!, I'm sorry. I overlooked what you pointed out.
Thank you for letting me know.

Futomi Hatano

Re: [whatwg] rp is a styling tag and has no semantic function

2009-10-28 Thread Futomi Hatano

On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:27:21 +0100 Nikita Popov pri...@ni-po.com wrote:

 In the spec the use of the rp-tag is shown like this:
  漢 rp(/rprtかん/rtrp)/rp
  字 rp(/rprtじ/rtrp)/rp
 What semantic function has the rp-tag? No. It is only styling for 
 browsers not supporting ruby-text.

I don't think that the rp element is only for styling.
It has important semantics which represents *parentheses* for ruby anotations.
I know that the element is for legacy browsers.
But, if we would like to use ruby annotations, we have to use parentheses to 
separate the main text and the ruby annotations  for legacy browsers.

 So I think this element musn't be in the HTML5 spec. You can add the 
 brackets before and after the ruby text using CSS pseudoclasses (:after, 

I think this element is necessary in the HTML5 spec.
If ATs(e.g. screen reader)  know the rp element, it can remove the content of 
the rp element.
So, we can get only true annotations from ATs, without parentheses.
I don't want hear parentheses from a screen reader.

I hope that all browsers (including ATs) support the ruby element.
If so, I think the rp element is not necessary.

Thank you.

Futomi Hatano

[whatwg] Author requirements of the progress element

2009-10-27 Thread Futomi Hatano
Hi, all

I'd like to talk about the author requirements of the progress element.

There are some cases in the requirements.
But one case is dropped.

The value attribute is specified but the max attribute is not specified

Is this case intended to be dropped?
If so, why?

I think that this case is necessary specially in Japanese language.
Word order of Japanese language is different from English language.
In addition, Japanese people often use kanji characters or two-byte characters 
to represent the completion progress of a task.
So, the case of no value, no max, 2 numbers in progress is not easy to use 
in Japanese document.
Neither, the case of no value, max specified, 1 number in progress.
But the case of value specified, no max is easy to use in Japanese language.
For example, 

progress value=0.2kanji characters which represent 20%/progress

In this case, the max value should be 1.
So, UAs can determine the rate of the progress.
I think that this case has no problem as one of the requirements.

I know that I can use the case of value specified, max specified.

progress value=0.2 max=1kanji characters which represent 20%/progress

But, I think that there is no reason why the case of value specified, no max 
is dropped.

Thank you.

Futomi Hatano