Re: [whatwg] script content restrictions vis-a-vis HTML template data blocks

2014-11-10 Thread Jesse McCarthy

Have you considered using the template element?

Thanks for the suggestion. Right now I'm just concerned with the mechanics 
of script data blocks.

These are all conforming; don't forget that the empty string is a string 
so outer matches the empty string.

Ah, ok, thanks, I didn't realize that. I interpreted any string to mean 
any non-empty string. I suggest that it would be helpful to clarify that.

I think it'd be good to modify that note at the beginning of section to make it clear that it's not generally necessary to escape !-- 
in script data blocks containing HTML / XML -- so long as !-- occurs in 
sequences matching the comments syntax (12.1.6). Mention template and / or 
HTML Imports as well if you wish.


- Original Message - 
From: Ian Hickson

To: Jesse McCarthy
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] script content restrictions vis-a-vis HTML template 
data blocks

On Wed, 5 Nov 2014, Jesse McCarthy wrote:

Re: the Restrictions for contents of script elements (

Consider script elements containing data blocks. It's useful to embed
templates in these; HTML templates for example. When embedding HTML 
it would be onerous to have to either omit comments or implement an 
escaping /

unescaping regimen.

Have you considered using the template element?

The following examples illustrate my interpretation of the requirements 

script content. Is this correct?

Non-conforming (does not match the outer production before 
comment-open /

after comment-close / or both):

script type=text/plain!-- a --/script

script type=text/plain
!-- a --/script

script type=text/plain!-- a --

These are all conforming; don't forget that the empty string is a string
so outer matches the empty string.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' 

Re: [whatwg] script content restrictions vis-a-vis HTML template data blocks

2014-11-10 Thread Jesse McCarthy

Also, look up HTML imports using LINK element. Works well with scoped


Thanks for the suggestion. Right now I'm just concerned with the mechanics 
of script data blocks, but like template, HTML imports is also a useful 


- Original Message - 
From: Garrett Smith

To: Ian Hickson
Cc: Jesse McCarthy;
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] script content restrictions vis-a-vis HTML template 
data blocks

On 11/7/14, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 5 Nov 2014, Jesse McCarthy wrote:

Re: the Restrictions for contents of script elements (

Consider script elements containing data blocks. It's useful to embed
templates in these; HTML templates for example. When embedding HTML
it would be onerous to have to either omit comments or implement an
escaping /
unescaping regimen.

Have you considered using the template element?

Also, look up HTML imports using LINK element. Works well with scoped

[whatwg] script content restrictions vis-a-vis HTML template data blocks

2014-11-05 Thread Jesse McCarthy

Re: the Restrictions for contents of script elements (

Consider script elements containing data blocks. It's useful to embed 
templates in these; HTML templates for example. When embedding HTML 
templates, it would be onerous to have to either omit comments or implement 
an escaping / unescaping regimen. The specification suggests 'to always 
escape !-- as \!--', which isn't too bad for JavaScript, but would be 
a hassle for HTML templates.

The following examples illustrate my interpretation of the requirements for 
script content. Is this correct?

Non-conforming (does not match the outer production before comment-open 
/ after comment-close / or both):

script type=text/plain!-- a --/script

script type=text/plain
!-- a --/script

script type=text/plain!-- a --

Conforming (newline characters satisfy the outer production in both 

script type=text/plain
!-- a --

Conforming (space characters satisfy the outer production in both 

script type=text/plain !-- a -- /script 

Re: [whatwg] Improve select required

2010-09-13 Thread Jesse McCarthy

On Monday 13 Sep 2010 Mounir Lamouri wrote:

2. Introduce a placeholder boolean attribute for option and select

elements will suffer from being missing if there are no options selected
or selected options all have the placeholder attribute set.

I also wonder if that would be more straighforward.  I suggested / inquired 
about that when this was being discussed before, but the discussion petered 
out and no one said anything about it:

(See last paragraph.)

last solution isn't [backward compatible] (ie. the placeholder text 
wouldn't be shown). However, a workaround can be found using javascript:

In my opinion, something that relies on scripting isn't a viable solution.

Solution 3, seems to be the nicest and is consistent with the other part

of the specifications (placeholder would be used in input and select).

That's not viable now because it's not backward compatible, but if people 
think that would be the ideal solution in the future, would it feasible to 
specify and implement the following authoring requirements and user agent 

* @placeholder for SELECT (as in your #3)


* @placeholder as a boolean attribute on OPTION (just as a crutch for 
backward compatibility)


* @placeholder on OPTION is only valid when @placeholder is also used on the 
SELECT (and perhaps only if the OPTION's textContent matches the value of 
the SELECT's @placeholder attribute?)


* Although @placeholder on OPTION is valid / tolerated under those 
circumstances, conforming UAs must ignore those OPTIONs entirely and use the 
value of @placeholder on the SELECT

If that's doable, then implementors could implement the behavior for 
@placeholder on SELECT now and authors could author documents that use the 
new mechanism and preserve the status-quo for HTML 4 user agents -- an 
initial label OPTION.  When authors stop caring about HTML 4 UAs, they can 
just stop including an OPTION with @placeholder.


Re: [whatwg] Constraint validation feedback (various threads)

2010-08-11 Thread Jesse McCarthy

On Tue, 10 Aug 2010, Jesse McCarthy wrote:
I consider it highly desirable to have some way to differentiate between 
SELECT values explicitly selected by the user and values that were 
selected by default and unchanged by the user.

I have a note in the spec to add a feature at some point to track what 
controls have been changed and what haven't, but that doesn't seem to have 
the need for urgency that Jonas describes required= as having, so I 
still think we should keep delaying that one until browsers have caught 

Allow me to clarify.  What I'm referring to is having @required for SELECT 
and some way to include a label, so that the user must deliberately select 
something in order for the form to be submitted.

My comment was a response to comments you made (see below) that suggested 
that @required is not important for SELECTs without @size or @multiple, and 
that an initial label option, e.g. option value=Choose One/option, is 

Not having @required for SELECT and simply omitting an initial label 
OPTION would make the first OPTION (whatever it is) selected by default, 
which would make it impossible to differentiate between the user 
deliberately selecting that OPTION and simply leaving the default.

Having @required for SELECT and some way to specify a label (as you've just 
described), so that the user must deliberately select something in order for 
the SELECT to not suffer from being missing, satisfies the need I described.

Regarding how to implement @required  a label for SELECTs, some people have 
resisted the idea of implementing it so that empty string would make it 
suffer from being missing.  Tab Atkins Jr. said this in response:

Yes?  And when that's valid, you should just *not use @required*, same as 
when an empty string is a valid value for an input type=text.

I've been wondering if someone can present a use case where that logic is 
not sufficient.  I haven't thought of any yet, but I'm not sure there aren't 

Since these specifications have a huge impact on developers for years to 
come, it's probably better to be on the safe side and just provide some 
explicit way of marking up a label, such as the means you described.

Is the logic that an OPTION is special if it's first and has value= 
preferable to using an attribute to indicate that?  E.g. option 
dummyLabel/option (not suggesting that as an actual attribute name, just 
using it for illustration).  Or perhaps @placeholder could be a boolean 
attribute on OPTION?


On Mon, 9 Aug 2010 Ian Hickson  wrote:

It's impossible to submit a select element (without a size= attribute 
or multiple= attribute) without it having a value -- essentially, 
required= is already implied.

On Thu, 22 Jul 2010, Mounir Lamouri wrote:
1. A typical use case of select is to have option value=''Choose an 
option/option as a default value. Having @required would prevent 
authors to write any js check when they are using select like that.

That seems like an invalid use of option to me. It would be better as:

  label Choose an option: select ... /select /label

Currently you can do this just by not providing empty values and not using 
multiple= or size=.

- Original Message - 
From: Ian Hickson

Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 6:03 PM
Subject: Constraint validation feedback (various threads)

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Mounir Lamouri wrote:

At the moment, three form elements are barred from constraint
validation: object, fieldset and output. I can understand why object and
fieldset are barred from constraint validation but I think output could
use the constraint validation.

The user can't edit the value of output, so the only time this would be
helpful is when you have script, with the script setting the validity
using setCustomValidity(). But then the script can just as easily set it
on the control that's actually making the output be invalid. That would
also be better UI -- having the user agent point out the output control
is invalid would likely just infuriate users who couldn't tell what they
had to do to change the value.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Mounir Lamouri wrote:

I'm wondering why there is no categories for elements candidate for
constraint validation. In the current state of the specs, all listed
elements are candidate for constraint validation except when they are
barred from constraint validation. Barring an element from constraint
validation when it is in a certain state seems good but having elements
always barred from constraint validation seems a bad idea. It makes them
having the entire constraint validation API for nothing.

Not quite nothing -- they have it so that you can iterate through
form.elements and use the constraint validation API on all of them.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Simon Pieters wrote:

I believe some elements have the API but are barred because it makes it
easier to loop through form.elements and do the validation stuff

Re: [whatwg] select element should have a required attribute

2010-08-10 Thread Jesse McCarthy

I'm not sure what the right solution is, but here's my two cents.

I consider it highly desirable to have some way to differentiate between 
SELECT values explicitly selected by the user and values that were selected 
by default and unchanged by the user.  For that reason I've commonly 
included Choose one options:

option value=Choose one/option

I can think of lots of places where an empty string is in-fact very useful 
for a select element, such as filters on search results forms

I also see Ashley's point because I've done that too.  E.g.

select name=gender

option value=Doesn't matter/option

option value=MMale/option

option value=FFemale/option


However, I think in those cases I could substitute some other value for 
empty string (e.g. * in this case) that would communicate the necessary 
information to the server-side logic.

If you need to do that, then maybe use radio buttons instead.

I don't see that as a practical alternative in many cases: radio buttons 
take up a lot more space.  Even in the gender example I gave, using radio 
buttons instead would have a detrimental effect on the layout of the 
particular form I took the example from.  And when there are more options it 
makes a huge difference.  Radio buttons could be very unwieldy where a 
SELECT works well.


- Original Message - 

Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 10:35:53 +0100
From: Ashley Sheridan

If you receive an empty text box then a required element works to
validate against empty input. As you produce the input for the select
list, it's pretty stupid to say that it shouldn't have an empty string
for a value because you put it there.

I can think of lots of places where an empty string is in-fact very
useful for a select element, such as filters on search results forms,
but if there's any places that I want a value, then I don't leave empty
elements lying around. If you need to do that, then maybe use radio
buttons instead.


[whatwg] Headings and sections, role of H2-H6

2010-04-28 Thread Jesse McCarthy
I think the new section and heading model in HTML 5 is a welcome 
development.  I've actually essentially been doing it that way for years --  
eschewing H2-H6 and using DIV as a stand in for SECTION.  I've always 
considered the H1-H6 concept a mess, and thankfully that seems to have been 
recognized by the people working on this spec.

My understanding is that in HTML 5 the following is acceptable, and at least 
as acceptable as the alternative: use just H1, in conjunction with SECTION; 
forego use of H2-H6 for the most part; and, allow heading level to be 
determined by section nesting level.  Is that correct?

My question is about the explanation and code sample in the HTML 5 Working 
Draft section [4.4.11 Headings and sections]:

Sections may contain headings of any rank, but authors are strongly 
encouraged to either use only h1 elements, or to use elements of the 
appropriate rank for the section's nesting level

There are 2 code examples shortly after that passage, and the following one 
is indicated as being preferable to the other one because the sections are 
explicitly marked up instead of implied:

pApples are fruit./p
 pThey taste lovely./p
  pRed apples are sweeter than green ones./p
 pApples come in various colors./p

My point is that the passage makes it seem like using H1 throughout vs. 
using elements of the appropriate rank for the section's nesting level are 
equally sound and encouraged, and the code sample uses H2 and H3.

I see why H2-H6 are retained for certain uses, but -- except in an HGROUP --  
there's no good reason to use H2-H6 when writing new code with explicitly 
marked-up sections, is there?  In that scenario isn't using just H1 
throughout decidedly preferable to using H2-H6?  And if so, then as long as 
authors are being strongly encouraged to mark up headings a certain way, 
wouldn't it be ideal to state a clear preference for using H1 throughout and 
include a third code example, indicated as the ideal:

pApples are fruit./p
 pThey taste lovely./p
  pRed apples are sweeter than green ones./p
 pApples come in various colors./p