Re: [whatwg] DOMContentLoaded and stylesheets

2010-02-11 Thread Mathias Schäfer
Am 11.02.2010 01:16, schrieb Boris Zbarsky:

 Gecko currently does not wait on stylesheet loads to complete before 
 firing DOMContentLoaded.  They might complete before the parser is
 done, or they might not.

Okay, my first testcase confirmed this.

But if there’s a script after the stylesheet, DOMContentLoaded always
fires after the stylesheet has been loaded. The explanation I’ve found
is that the parser waits for the stylesheet to load before subsequent
scripts are executed. Therefore, the whole parsing is halted and
DOMContentLoaded is deferred. That’s what my second testcase demonstrates:

 2. Does the HTML5 parser specify that external stylesheets defer 
 external script execution? As far as I understand the specs, it

 step 8 the cases that talk about a style sheet blocking scripts
 specify this.

Thanks for the hint. AFAICS only the third case talks about “a style
sheet blocking scripts”. But this case only deals with “parser-inserted”
inline scripts.

The question is: Is a normal external script “parser-inserted” or not?
I assume the flag to be false, since that’s the default value and I
found “parser-inserted” to be true for XML parsing only
(#parsing-xhtml-documents). Correct?

Just to translate from HTML5 speak into my own words. I’ve got ...

link rel=stylesheet href=...
script src=.../script

... and I would like to step through the parsing algorithm. This is my
understanding so far:

1. Run the script (#parsing-main-incdata, case “An end tag whose tag
name is script”)
2. Jump to #running-a-script
3. Fetch the external script (step 7)
4. We’ve reached step 8 which you’ve mentioned above. I assume the
fourth case is true (“If the element has a src attribute”), since the
script is not “parser-inserted”.
6. Once the script fetching is complete, execute the script block
(“The task that the networking task source places on the task queue once
the fetching algorithm has completed must execute the script block.”)
7. Jump to #executing-a-script-block
8. If the load was successful, initialize it (step 1)
9. “Pause until either any applicable style sheets have been fetched and
applied, or the user agent has timed out and decided to not wait for
those style sheets.” (step 2)

-- I guess *this* is where the waiting happens, right?

10. Execute the script (“Create a script from the script element node”)
11. Jump back to #parsing-main-incdata
12. „if there is a pending parsing-blocking script“ -- I guess there is
none. So we’re done here.

The handling of inline scripts is somewhat easier:

1. Run the script (#parsing-main-incdata, case “An end tag whose tag
name is script”)
2. Jump to #running-a-script
3. Step 8, Case 5 “Otherwise” (“The user agent must immediately execute
the script block”
4. Jump to #executing-a-script-block
5. “If the load was successful”
6. Step 1, Initialize, “If the script is inline and the script block’s
type is a text-based language”: Set text attribute
7. Step 2: “Pause until either any applicable style sheets have been
fetched and applied, or the user agent has timed out and decided to not
wait for those style sheets.”
8. Step 3, execute the script

That means, inline script execution should also wait for stylesheets to
load. Am I right in this reading?


[whatwg] DOMContentLoaded and stylesheets

2010-02-10 Thread Mathias Schäfer
Hello everyone,

In a JavaScript tutorial, I wanted to explain what DOMContentLoaded
actually does. But the tests I made revealed that there isn't a
consistent behavior across browsers with regard to stylesheets. In fact,
it's a total mess. These are the results of my tests:

Please have a quick look at these findings (you can skip the
introduction part). My questions are:

1. Am I right that HTML5 will standardize Opera's pure DOMContentLoaded
model, never waiting for stylesheets? My assumption is that this will
break compatibility with the current Gecko and Webkit implementations.

2. Does the HTML5 parser specify that external stylesheets defer
external script execution? As far as I understand the specs, it doesn't.
But according to my tests, that's how it is implemented in Gecko, WebKit
and Internet Explorer. Many scripts on the Web seem to rely on this
non-standard feature.

In Gecko and IE, the loading of stylesheets also defers the execution of
subsequent *inline* scripts. I haven't found a rule for that in the
HTML5 parsing algorithm either. Does it conform to the specs, is it
against the rules or a legitimate extension which is not covered by HTML5?

3. If I'm right in my conclusions, could HTML5 provide a solution for
this quirks? Does HTML5 require browsers to change their parsing
behavior with regard to stylesheets as well as their DOMContentLoaded
handling? Is it likely that the browser vendors will do so? What would
be a proper solution?

(By the way, I tried the experimental HTML5 parser in Gecko, but it
seems to apply the same rules as the standard parser.)
