Re: [whatwg] The blockquote element spec vs common quoting practices

2011-07-14 Thread Oli Studholme
Hi Bjartur,

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:
 Þann þri 12.júl 2011 09:15, skrifaði Oli Studholme:

 Datetimes will usually be presented in a localized format to humans.

I think at most user agents will offer users the option to localise
datetime attributes. I don’t think such localisation would be the
default. This is because even in one localisation there are multiple
ways to present dates, and automatically changing a short date form to
a long localised date form may break layout (which user agents avoid
wherever possible).

 How would the user agent
 know which way the author wants to present attribution?

 By fetching and reading a linked stylesheet. I think it's easier to style
 attributes then text nodes polluted with delimiters such as from and by
 that make reordering hard.

This is an interesting idea. However I think this would be a large
increase in complexity (code  l10n) for user agents, and for little
gain. If the user agent was also translating the content then this
might be considered, but merely styling block quote attribution this
way would involve many options per language (depending on what
attributes were present and what data they displayed).

There are a *lot* of potential attributes just for citation. lists 22. Even providing for all
of these will still exclude other potential block quote-related
information, such as notes, copyright etc

 More importantly, how is the author to know how the user wants attribution

Heh. Generally users are happy with the author’s content as long as
they can read it. I think there’d be few people in the world that
would care enough to add user styles to change e.g. from a
bibliographic to an author-date system citation. For more than this
you may need to wait for the semantic web ;)

 Again I have no idea how a user agent would follow these rules.
 Arbitrarily showing one thing in one viewport size and something else
 at a different size would be a bug (arbitrarily meaning without
 author/user intervention, such as via CSS).

 A feature to one, a bug to another. The existence of the CSS height and
 width media features suggests that catering style to varying viewport sizes
 is desired by others than just me. I don't see why a user agent should seek
 an authors' permission to style a document for an unusually sized viewport,
 nor require users to write their own stylesheets instead of shipping
 customizable stylesheets.

However you’re advocating the user agent follow these rules without
author/user intervention. The reason that adaptive layout isn’t done
by default by user agents (with some notable exceptions in mobile) is
that it has the potential to break things, in such a way that neither
the author or user can fix.

 For a lack of a valid URI identifying myself, I used an unregistered
 uri-scheme (kennitala) and my national ID as the scheme-specific part. The
 exact URI in question is unimportant to the example, but I see no reason to
 restrict values of cite to locators only, as opposed to identifiers in
 general. Quoting books identified by ISBN numbers seems like a good enough
 use case to me.

But what would a user agent do with an ISBN number? if there’s a URL
at least the user agent can theoretically present a link, like how the
cite attribute is supposed to work. I also just realised you used this
in your footer example for an href. This would present text styled as
a link that doesn’t respond to clicks, a usability problem.

 This proves Jeremy's earlier point about attributes being a bad place
 to store data. Unless you look at the source you’d never notice these

 Sure I would, had I actually tried to, say, render them or validate before
 posting them on the Internet. I refrained from doing so as I knew this to be
 invalid markup, anyway. Where datetime to be a valid attribute of blockquote

You are assuming the rest of the internet’s authors are as
conscientious as you are :/ humans are very adept at making mistakes.
hidden data makes mistakes in this data far harder to identify and

 No, that would be quite an odd rendering. More likely renderings:

 Þann annan apríl 1997 skrifaði Bjartur Thorlacius:
 Lorem ipsum

 On the second April, 1997 Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:
 Lorem ipsum

 “ Lorem ipsum
        — Bjartur Thorlacius

 It all depends on the user's localized stylesheet.

this requires the user agent to localise the attributes before
displaying them. what about for languages which aren’t localised in
the user’s stylesheet?

 There’s also the possibility of adding another inline element, such as
 credit, which could let someone credit an author of a quote, or e.g.
 to credit a photographer of an image togetherfigure  and

 So credit would be an inline version of footer, to be contained in q?
 Would it not be more consistent to use attributes, in that case? Note that
 figcaption may contain footers

Re: [whatwg] The blockquote element spec vs common quoting practices

2011-07-12 Thread Oli Studholme
Hi Bjartur,

Firstly thank you (and you Jeremy!) for your input. This thread will
help decide how the blockquote spec changes to accommodate the use
cases I outlined, so the more input the better.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 2:52 AM, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:
 I'm not arguing against rendering attribution. On
 the contrary, IMO user agents should render at least the title of the cited

This is a can of worms as authors will want control over both content
and style. Attributes turned into content are harder to style than
content. Also attributes tend to be for either humans (@alt) or
machines (@datetime), so displaying attributes (for humans) that
contain data (for machines) generally gives bad results.

 Interactive user agents should additionally make the cited
 resource available in manner similar to how they present other hyperlinked

In the print use cases I found, sometimes attribution is inline after
the last sentence and sometimes on a following line. This is in
addition to having attribution in the prose surrounding the block
quote, as currently recommended by the spec. How would the user agent
know which way the author wants to present attribution?

 Additionally user agents with superfluous screen space may render
 the datetime. Handheld renderings should of course not display the datetime
 without user interaction, but reserve the screen estate for more critical
 information, such as the quotation itself.

Again I have no idea how a user agent would follow these rules.
Arbitrarily showing one thing in one viewport size and something else
at a different size would be a bug (arbitrarily meaning without
author/user intervention, such as via CSS). Love your phrase
“superfluous screen space” btw ;)

 It's simply a question of
        Lorem ipsum
 a href=kennitala:2112952019 title=Bjartur ThorlaciusBjartur/a
 on time datetime=1997-4-2the second April, 1997/time
 blockquote title=Bjartur Thorlacius datetime=1997-4-2
        Lorem ipsum

You've got two additional problems in your example:
* currently only the time, ins and del elements accept the
datetime attribute, and this isn't even a valid datetime value (you
wanted 1997-04-02)
* the cite attribute must be a valid URL, and is for providing a link
to more information about the quote (generally its source) – you can't
use it for non-URL data
This proves Jeremy's earlier point about attributes being a bad place
to store data. Unless you look at the source you’d never notice these

I also note that your footer example contains a lot more content,
the visible part being “Bjartur on the second April, 1997”. A
potential rendering of the attributes in your second example would
probably be something like “Bjartur Thorlacius 1997-04-02, which I
think isn’t as good. This refers to my first point about authors
wanting to control the content.

Finally two other strikes against attributes are they're harder for
people learning HTML (which is one reason we have section over
role=section etc), and we already have three (I’d argue) perfectly
good elements for the data you are suggesting adding via attributes:
* footer for following-line attribution and notes
* time for datetime information
* a and cite for citation information

There’s also the possibility of adding another inline element, such as
credit, which could let someone credit an author of a quote, or e.g.
to credit a photographer of an image together figure and

For the reasons Jeremy mentioned, I actually hope the cite attribute
gets dropped in favour of a visible, explicit form of attribution.
While something like a and cite in a footer could work for
citation, I still don’t have a good idea about citing explicitly when
the citation is inline (on the last line of the block quote), or for


peace - oli studholme

[whatwg] The blockquote element spec vs common quoting practices

2011-07-06 Thread Oli Studholme
Hi All,

I’ve been thinking about this line in the blockquote spec:
  “Content inside a blockquote must be quoted from another source”
Depending on how literally you read this, it makes the following
common quoting practices annoying or impossible:

1. Typographically accepted changes to a quote, such as changing
capitalisation or adding ellipses to indicate missing prose
2. Adding quote metadata inline, such as notes and attribution
3. Adding quote metadata on a line after the block quote, but such
that it remains visually associated with the quote

I’ve found examples of these in the Chicago Manual of Style, web
pages, and books (on Google Books), and the results are here:
These examples are annoying (3) or impossible (2, 1?) to achieve while
being conformant with the current spec.

I’ve outlined the problem and some potential solutions (with their
pros and cons) in:

I think the blockquote spec should be changed to allow the inclusion
of notes and attribution (quote metadata), perhaps by the addition of
a sentence like:
  “Block quotes may also contain annotations or attribution, inline or
in an optional footer element”
This would change blockquote from being purely source content, to
being source content with possible metadata inline or in a footer.
However I don’t think that’s a problem, as these things increase the
value of the quoted content. I think a spec change is necessary to
accommodate common quoting practices.

Thanks for your time

peace - oli studholme

PS Background information:
(“Using footer in blockquote for attribution” thread)

[whatwg] Using footer in blockquote for attribution

2011-06-30 Thread Oli Studholme
Hi All,

Over at we’ve been using this pattern when
quoting e.g. from the HTML5 spec:

  p[block quote]/p
  footer— citea href=…[title of work]/a/cite/footer

I wrote about our use of blockquote and footer in recently, which lead to To recap:

Footer definition:
  “The footer element represents a footer for its nearest ancestor
sectioning content or sectioning root element. A footer typically
contains information about its section such as who wrote it, links to
related documents, copyright data, and the like.”

Blockquote definition:
  “The blockquote element represents a section that is quoted from
another source. Content inside a blockquote must be quoted from
another source, whose address, if it has one, may be cited in the cite

Simon felt that “Content inside a blockquote must be quoted from
another source” excludes footer. However the footer definition reads
to me that footer is basically metadata *about* content (the
non-footer or -header content of the sectioning or sectioning root

I’m happy to propose some reasons for allowing this, but to start with
does blockquote’s definition beat footer’s definition? Or, is footer
considered content as far as the blockquote definition is concerned?

Thanks in advance.

peace - oli studholme

[whatwg] time element use cases for less specific datetime values

2010-08-20 Thread Oli Studholme
Hi there,

I’d like to contribute to the discussion on the time element with
some use cases

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 The primary use cases for time are:

  * The ability to encode 80% of dates and times in a machine-readable way
   so that the user can make use of them in an automated fashion, in
   particular for adding dates to a calendar.

  * The ability to restyle dates that contain a day component so that
   they follow user conventions (2000-12-31 vs 31-12-2000 vs 12-31-2000).

  * The ability to encode the output of input type=date and input
   type=time in an unambiguous fashion, for styling.

 None of these require that time be able to express years or year-month
 pairs; what are the use cases that we should address that need time to
 support these formats?

#1 Adding month or year (imprecise) dates to a calendar
I’m involved in organising events, and as part of this we make plans
for events with approximate times. Currently we use a shared calendar
plus have a list of events and approximate dates on a private website.
Rather than add a list of events to a web page plus add event data to
both a calendar, I’d like to list the events on a web page using
time and hCalendar or a microdata vocabulary, then add these events
to a calendar via a conversion tool. A workaround would be to use full
dates, but that gives a false indication of accuracy.

#2 Restyling dates
As others have already mentioned, in Japan it’s common to display
dates as 20-8-2010, 2010-8-20 and 2010年8月20日. In addition there’s this
fun alternative year system that’s still widely used, including in
official documents such as driver’s licenses, based on eras. Currently
it’s the 22nd year of the Heisei era; 平22年8月20日. As in Hixie’s example
of allowing dates to be restyled to follow user conventions, it would
also be very useful to allow this for year and year-month dates, as
even Japanese people have difficulty converting between the two
systems, especially for anything before they were born. Allowing year
and year-month @datetime values would allow a browser to offer
localisation of date display including conversion between these two
date formats. For example:
   time datetime=1935昭9年/time
could be automatically restyled to
   time datetime=19351935/time
(that’s the ninth year of the Shōwa era btw ;)

Japanese credit cards frequently list only two digits for expiry year
(eg “10/15”), and some Japanese e-commerce sites use a 2-digit input
for year. Confusingly (well initially for me) these are always the
abbreviated 4-digit year not the era year. Having this information
semantically notated would make it more accessible.

#3 Encoding input unambiguously
If this is a use case, it would be nice to be able to encode all the
datetime-related states of the input element. It’s not currently
possible to use time for month and week input states. It would also
be nice to have a year state for input, as it has more use cases
than week, and it would allow combining with the month state for e.g.
credit card info.

Finally, I’m not sure how much of a use-case this makes but I’d like
to use time with microformats and microdata. Not allowing more time
formats (year, year-month, month-day…) restricts the use of time to
vocabularies with year-month-day specific dates.

If these primary use cases have changed please let me know. Hopefully
some of these use cases will be relevant for allowing at least year
and year-month formats for @datetime, as per ISO 8601.

Thanks for your time

peace - oli studholme

[whatwg] hgroup functionality absorbed into header?

2009-10-03 Thread Oli Studholme
Hi All,

In talking with authors about HTML5 hgroup[1] I’ve found it seems
confusing for many people, and I’ve also found it a little difficult
to explain so it’s easy to understand (conversation = why? outline
algorithm. huh?). Currently it’s only role is to hide subheadings from
the outline algorithm and it doesn’t map to a common use pattern for
adding semantic meaning. There doesn’t seem to be any tangible benefit
to authors in using it.

Superfriends suggested a Boolean attribute for header to determine
if all child h1-h6 elements are included in the outline[2]. The
current hgroup model excludes all subtitles from the outline.
Assuming that subtitles should not be included in the outline (eg to
make sure the highest-ranked title is indeed descriptive), what if
header by default masked subtitles from the outline algorithm as
hgroup currently does? This would mean hgroup is no longer
necessary, and make header less optional (it currently feels like
solely a CSS hook from an author perspective).

Currently #the-header-element[3] mentions a “Little Green Guys With
Guns” example in which h1-h6 elements in the header but outside
hgroup create implied section elements via the outline algorithm.
If header hides all but one h1-h6 element this won’t happen
(this is also a potential issue with the Boolean attribute idea).
While the spec states authors should add wrapping sections I suspect
many won’t bother and rely on implied ones (unless they need CSS
hooks). This would also be potentially confusing compared with
footer, and possibly encourage authors to mistakenly add sections
with headers inside of a header (copypaste mistakes etc).

While this idea has drawbacks I feel hgroup’s lack of tangible
author benefit and ‘occasional use’ nature will result in it not being
widely used when it should be. I’d like to hear your opinion on both
this idea and the Superfriends Boolean attribute idea (which I haven’t
found discussed in the list).

Thanks for your time
peace - oli

PS note section elements implied by the outline algorithm aren’t
present in the DOM and so are not styled (thanks @vant)
