Re: [whatwg] Document with a single input[type=radio]?

2016-04-07 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Mikko Rantalainen <> wrote:

> The spec says in Radio Button state (type=radio)
> "A document must not contain an input element whose radio button group
> contains only that element."
> What this is supposed to mean in practice? Could this sentence be
> dropped because this does not match real world browser behavior?

It means that you must have at least two radio buttons in the group.

(A streaming browser will may hit this case after parsing the first
> radio button element in the document. Then what?)

Nothing, because the document is not parsed yet.

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious. 
 This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t 
 fundamental problems with the proposal.

There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
1) it relies on some undefined magic  
2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know how 
to use the features you propose without learning. How?
 That's obviously a horrible idea. Why would anyone encourage millions of 
 other people to do more work? Everyone’s time is limited. Why should a 
 fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site? 
 They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.  
 The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
 framework in HTML for that to happen.
And fashion designer will be able to use it without learning? Also it is not 
clear, how are you going to separate M from V from C if it is all HTML.
 You’ll find that the kind of proposal I’m putting out there is the only 
 viable solution.

Your proposal is just a bit of magical thinking, not any solution. I am not 
sure what problem are you trying to solve.  
Is that ‘allow non-technical people to build web-sites’? Then you are solving 
it at the wrong level.

Best regards,

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-02 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
  There are fundamental problems with your proposal, namely:
  1) it relies on some undefined magic
 I believe that’s called “programming”.

So that poor fashion designer will have to learn to program after all…  
  2) it changes HTML to something entirely different.
 To what? HTML already has things like SCRIPT and other features not related 
 to hypertext markup.

I don’t know to what, I never saw any examples how your MVC would look like.
Would you care to show how something like 
would look if
done your way?

  3) you assume that those not willing to learn Javascript will somehow know 
  how to use the features you propose without learning. How?
 They use HTML, which is far more widespread than Javascript.

But they don’t do MVC with pure HTML.
 There’s a reason this proposal has gone viral outside of this list.

Good luck.

Best regards,

Re: [whatwg] Hide placeholder on input controls on focus

2013-03-20 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

On 2013 m. March 20 d., Wednesday at 03:20, Kit Grose wrote: 
 In almost every case the placeholder remains visible until the user has begun 
 typing, as I strongly believe it ought to be remain in the specification, 
 since it provides the contextual hint for as long as possible.

Agreed. In this case it also shows-up again if user deletes everything typed 
in, so you get reminded that the field is for without leaving it.


Re: [whatwg] window.print() when printing is not supported

2010-03-24 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
…  On Linux I generally
 see a Print to File option when I try to print something, which lets
 me output to PDF and maybe PostScript.  On Windows (at least Vista and
 later) I recall always seeing a print to XPS option.  So on these
 platforms, it's *always* possible for the user to print, although not
 to a physical printer.  So even if it were desirable to let the
 website know if the user can print, it's pointless, or pretty close.

Print dialog on OS X also offers an option to save as PDF/PostScript and
some more, depending on what applications you have got on the system.


Re: [whatwg] Use of p element inside the blockquote element

2010-03-01 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 Previously in HTML 4.0 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict, any content inside
 the blockquote element had to be contained inside at least one p

In these cases blockquote allows block-level elements (or script) elements
as its children. So you can have Hx, DIV, table, lists, etc. in it.

 In HTML 5, that requirement appears to have been deprecated as the
 following element validates successfully:

In HTML 5 content model for blockquote is flow content, that includes
pretty much any element with textual content in descendents and the
bare text itself as in your example.

 The current HTML 5 specification uses the p element in the usage
 examples, but does not mention whether it is required.

 For the sake of clarity, might I suggest that in the specification
 document there is a usage example of a blockquote element where a
 quote consisting of a single paragraph is included, but does not use
 the p element to contain that quote.

 Or, maybe a one-line explanation stating that the previous requirement
 of the blockquote element re. content being contained in a p, has
 now been loosened up.

It is implied by content model for the element, I am not sure if more explict
explanation is needed.


Re: [whatwg] framesets

2009-10-16 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 OK and for clarity's sake I'll again repeat framesets don't solve the
 navigation problem, they just make it easier to solve than any other
 available proved solution, and this wee problem is that browsers  own
 bookmarks, database users own database table rows, so usually you shouldn't
 bookmark database table rows, and much follows from that, therefore saying
 server issues don't bear on this issue is IMO astonishingly  quite wrongly

How on Earth can you bookmark database table rows? Your database knows
nothing where its rows go, the browser does not know where does HTML
originates in: it may be DB, may be XML transformed via XSLT, may be static
files on the server.

All you can bookmark is some URL. On the server there must be an
application, which maps that particular URL to this particular database
row, retrieves it, transforms it into HTML and sends to browser.
This application then is the right place to solve that bookmarking
It starts to look like you are trying to solve server side problems
(restricting access, of whatever denying bookmarking is supposed to solve)
via client side. Not going to work.


Re: [whatwg] framesets

2009-10-16 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 Eh? He didn't say that; you're quoting me.

I did, in fact, at least I meant that.

 Browsers  own bookmarks, database
 users own database table rows, so it must be possible in database
 maintenance webapps to prevent bookmarking of elements which represent
 database table rows. And again, I agree that framesets do not by themselves
 block such bookmarking; they just make it easy to do so.

Framsets do not make it easy. They make it harder to boomkark such URL, but in
no way they make it easier for your app to block it.
You still must to do all the logic on the server side.


Re: [whatwg] framesets

2009-10-14 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 So it does not answer the question: if framesets are as you claim not needed
 for the full spec, there should be lots of non-frameset sites which meet
 this spec as efficiently as ours does.

Maybe there are not many sites because nobody wants this type of sites?
I hate this type of documentation sites personally.
And to me this use case looks built around the chosen implementation,
while I prefers solutions built around solving the real need.

 If that blocks a use case, by all means don't use a frameset for it. For
 this use, the above poses no problem at all. And if CSS were actually as
 efficient for this spec as framesets, surely some developers would have
 taken advantage of that by now.

Once again you assume that your spec is highly desired. Maybe it is not
the case and so nobody bothered.

 No need in this case.
 Not an issue for this use.

So you want HTML5 spec tailored for this particular case of yours?
Can I have dancinghampsters tag, please?

 Here's an application for framesets which is valid on previous versions of

Nobody forbids you from using previous versions of HTML.

 meets a need, is more efficient than known implemented alternatives
 for this use case,

You have framed (pardon the pun) this use case this way and reject all
other options. Once again—you can use HTML4.01 frameset document
with HTML5 documents loaded to frames. This was suggested more
than once.

 and does not suffer from any of the frameset deficiencies
 you have listed.

How so?

 Framesets remain useful, excluding them from HTML5
 undermines support for those uses, and that weakens HTML5.

I'd argue that it strengthens HTML5.


Re: [whatwg] framesets

2009-10-14 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
Maybe there are not many sites because nobody wants this type of sites?

 You think nobody wants Javadoc? Javadoc has been shipping with an read-only
 version of this use case for years.

Of course Java developers want access to documentation. I am not sure
if they want frameset though.

 The full use case is treeview database maintenance.

Server side should not be even mentioned in this case.

 Tree logic has been slow
 to mature in SQL, is non-trivial in HTML as we see, and is hard to generate
 from PHP/Ruby/whatever.

Tree logic requires a bit of effort with table design and SQL, and is very easy
in HTML and PHP/Ruby/whatever.


 while I prefers solutions built around solving the real need.

 Which this is.

Nope. I guess real need is something along the lines provide access
to documentation
online or something like that.

Nobody forbids you from using previous versions of HTML.

 Correct, but excluding frameset from HTML5 increases the likelihood that
 browsers will drop support for the feature.

I would like to see that but not going to happen. Browsers will
support HTML4 for
decades to come.


Re: [whatwg] framesets

2009-10-12 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 There are good database reasons to block bookmarks to table rows, so that
 must be doable.

I still don't get what database has to do with it?
block bookmars to table rows? Does it make any sense at all?



Re: [whatwg] framesets

2009-10-09 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 Thanks for responding. Perhaps you can show me otherwise, but containing a
 browsable tree insided a fixed sidebar does not give us independently
 scrolling subwindows side by side on one page, with the possibility of
 editing in either subwindow without the slightest effect n the other. That
 is the requirement, framesets let us meet it, and nothing else we know of

How about overflow-y:scroll? (PoC: ).
However I do not agree that this kind of navigation necessarily
provides level of usability higher
than any other method of presenting content of such type.

 (Of course even if it is possible to do it without frames, new standards
 ought not to require that perfectly functional, legal, working code be
 rewritten on pain of standards non-compliance.)

New standards to not require anyone to rewrite anything. Older standards
stay valid. Why not just use HTML4 with frameset DTD?


Re: [whatwg] HTML 5 Script Tag

2009-08-14 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 No elements in text/html can be self-closing.

 Except of course for the following: area base br col command
 embed hr input img link meta param and source

 And these obsolete elements still supported by legacy UAs: basefont
 bgsound and wbr

Except, of course, that these are not self closing.


Re: [whatwg] due consideration

2009-07-24 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 The point
 I do not doubt of Ian's good faith, nor of his huge effort in making
 HTML5 the best possible thing it might be. However, I doubt of the
 sanity of having an individual to have the final say about any topic,

I don't doubt the sanity of it at all.

 even above expert groups that have been researched and discussed the
 topic for years.

That's that happen when no one has a final say: years of discussions.
Quite often—about the color of the bike shed.

 Just because the fruit of so long work can't be properly sintetized in
 plain-text e-mails doesn't mean that there is not enough value on it.
 Going back to the example, there was a lot of people involved in RDF
 and RDFa since 1997. That's already twelve years of continuous work
 and research by several people. HTML5 replaces all this effort (RDF
 and RDFa) with that of a single person over few months (Microdata).

I doubt that discussions started in 1997 with HTML5 in mind. So I
guess those interested can keep going for 12 more years if so

 Honestly, I can't say for sure which method would be best for HTML;
 but I'm still convinced that having a single gatekeeper with absolute
 power over the next web standard is, at least, insane.

I'd say that's the one the best ways to get something practical done.
To quote Frederick P. Brooks Jr.:
Conceptual integrity in turn dictates that the design must proceed
from one mind, or from a very small number of agreeing resonant
— The Mythical Man Month, Chapter 4 Aristocracy, Democracy and
System Design


Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 However, the quotation marks being *sometimes* optional is quite
 dangerous, since an author needs to exactly remember when they are
 needed and when they aren't; and using always quotation marks does
 avoid this problem.

If author does not remember he can always use quotes and avoid
this problem. I like the idea of having option to omit quotes valid
for those who remember.

 Again, the point is not that *sometimes* it is safe to omit the
 quotes. The issue is with remembering when it is safe and when it is

I think you overestimate the danger.
So my vote is against such a requirement.


Re: [whatwg] ---

2008-11-04 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 The emphasis of the HTML5 spec (but also the XHTML2 and HTML4) lies on the
 browser part. I understand, after all that is your job and I am sure you are
 all very capable of that. But please, let the actual markup language itself
 be defined by others who are more capable of doing that.

Thanks for the laugh, indeed.


Re: [whatwg] keygen element

2008-07-09 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 For those of you who doesn't know what this element is doing; Its for
 generating a private/public certificate keypair. The browser keeps the
 private one, and the server gets the public one which it signs and
 then sends back to the browser. This is extremely useful for secure
 verification. Netbanks and other heavy security sites should/are using
 Is there any hope for this element? What information does which people
 want to make this an HTML5 standard?

how is this better than SSL/TLS?


Re: [whatwg] window.opener and security

2007-03-20 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

2007/3/20, Gareth Hay [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

window.opener should be read-only and attempting to write to it
should throw an exception.

It was possible to set window.opener in IE, alas, I do not remember
which version :(
But it has been fixed, AFAIK.


Re: [whatwg] several messages about HTML5

2007-02-20 Thread Rimantas Liubertas


10. In the minds of most people, HTML is dead and X/HTML 5 is perceived as an 
attempt to resurrect it. Given this perception, how can you succeed in 
marketing HTML to consumers (those who build Web sites)?

Aren't those minds of the people who sell XHTML tools with false
statements like This is because only XHTML Strict and 1.1 guarantee
the clean separation of data from formatting, making them the clear
choice whenever availability of data is an important factor.?

From what I see around most people don't really care is it XHTML, HTML

or FOOBARML, as long as it works. Some of those who do realize that
HTML4.01 might be better idea than XHTML processed by HTML parser...

HTML5 might be very appealing excatly because it is as close to the
real world (tm) as possible.


Re: [whatwg] The m element

2007-02-08 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

2007/2/8, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I think I agree that m should be dropped.




Re: [whatwg] blockquote cite and q cite

2007-01-03 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

/me creates HTML 6.0

Just 4 elements
html, div, span, a
and a few attributes.
class, href, title, id, rel, etc

Human audience will be satisfied. A lot simpler to type. For the rest
it is just a question of css and appropriate class. I would like to
have role and about though, and I'm satisfied. Useless semantics
[Henri Sivonen (c)] defined by profiles with values of attributes.

Cannot html element be dropped safely? And one of the div-span pair should go.
I have mixed feelings here - div is shorter, but span looks more apropriate:
it can span a word, or it can span a paragraph...

So in HTML6.1 we are left with span and a. All the mess was moved to
class and rel
attributes  :)

And sincerely I do not think the addition of elements will solve many
things for HTML.

Agrred. But this is very very tough problem - where to draw the line.


Re: [whatwg] Allow trailing slash in always-empty HTML5 elements?

2006-12-15 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

Indeed, and, from the broad indications they do give, there's /nothing/
to suggest that they favour conformant markup over non-conformant
markup: Currently we take into account several factors, including a
given page's simplicity, how much visual imagery it carries and whether
or not its primary purpose is immediately viable with keyboard

There are some relevant advices at
They don't mention accessibility and are oriented towards betters
position at SERPs,
Make sure that your TITLE and ALT tags are descriptive and accurate.;
Check for broken links and correct HTML. ;Use a text browser such as
Lynx to examine your site, because most search engine spiders see your
site much as Lynx would. If fancy features such as JavaScript,
cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Flash keep you from seeing all
of your site in a text browser, then search engine spiders may have
trouble crawling your site.

These won't hurt accessibility either.


Re: [whatwg] Allow trailing slash in always-empty HTML5 elements?

2006-12-15 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

 Make sure that your TITLE and ALT tags ...

Tags... Right.

ha ha, good catch, how did I miss this one...


Re: [whatwg] XML databases, XML syntax and HTML5

2006-12-09 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

... I understand why relational databases were used to build blog engines

and content management systems. For a long time that was all we had.
However, that's going to change fast. I expect that new systems are
going to be developed using pure and hybrid XML databases like Exist and
  DB2 9. The advantages to a programmer working on such systems are just
too compelling to ignore.

Or maybe programmers use these database systems because they work,
and work good enough?

One consequence of building on top of native XML database rather than a
relational database is that well-formedness is going to become more
important, not less. In fact, well-formedness is going to become
essential because these systems cannot store anything less than a fully
well-formed XML document. I predict that this, if nothing else, is going
to convince blog engines and content management systems to start fixing
up malformed content before storing it. Maybe all the legacy systems
won't convert, but the new ones most certainly will.

In other words this means, that John Doe will have more headache with
such system, which will be pretty compelling reason to stick with
RDBMs which just work.
In short - I don't share your vision of the bright future of XML DBMS.
Time will show.


Re: [whatwg] Allow trailing slash in always-empty HTML5 elements?

2006-12-01 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

2006/12/1, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 An example of something that is NOT implemented interoperably is
 script src=.../.

As far as I can tell, script/ is handled by all browsers the same way as
script. How is it not interoperable?

That's true, however, what happens depends on the browser and presence
of /script in the code.

When IE encounters script  type=text/javascript src=somescript.js
/ it swallows everything after as the content of script. If there is
no /script in the source - that's it.

Firefox likes consistency: script  type=text/javascript
src=somescript.js / works OK,

This is OK too:

script  type=text/javascript src=somescript.js /
psome text/p
script  type=text/javascript src=somescript2.js /

script  type=text/javascript src=somescript.js /
psome text/p
script  type=text/javascript src=somescript2.js/script

Produces only single SCRIPT in DOM tree swallowing paragraph and the
second script.

Opera handles the last example just fine.


Re: [whatwg] Allow trailing slash in always-empty HTML5 elements?

2006-11-29 Thread Rimantas Liubertas


The trailing slash issue should be inexistent. Today many sites use this
trailing slash in HTML pages. Even if those pages do not validate today, I
consider they should validate, as long as they validate without the
trailing slashes.


I don't think that page claiming to be authored as HTML4.01 should
validate if it
contains br /, etc. which, at least in theory, has entirely different meaning.

Another point, maybe a bit off-topic: ;)


Re: [whatwg] img element comments

2006-11-04 Thread Rimantas Liubertas

 * The height and width attributes as defined are completely
 presentational. I don't really see any value in keeping them. Now I
 suppose they have to be supported anyway, but so does body bgcolor=.

I disagree.  Specifying the size is very good for incremental rendering,
but the alternatives are awful.

+1 on that.

1. img ... style=height: 100px; width: 100px;

The style attribute is far more presentational than the height and width

2. img ... id=foo

#foo { height: 100px; width: 100px; }

This is simply not feasible in most cases, unless there are very few
images on the site.  Think about flickr, it just wouldn't be possible to
specify the dimensions of all their images in a stylesheet.

Another thing is that with height and width attributes information
about image size is
available at once, when in case of CSS it is available only after
stylesheet file is loaded
and parsed.
As for  style=... I wish there wasn't such thing...


Re: [whatwg] Joe Clark's Criticisms of the WHATWG and HTML 5

2006-10-31 Thread Rimantas Liubertas


To get valid markup I must use a table tags if I want my layout to
*function* that way. There is no way to fake it. It took three minutes
to change the tags to table tags and the page functions perfectly now.
This is for the benefit of the users.

Some case of non sequitur, imho.

I am in ban tables for layout camp. If anyone want to use them for
this purpose
they are free to use some other standard or do not use any standard at all...


Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
On 6/27/05, Karl Pongratz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Beside that, how many desktop applications do you know which don't use
 modal and modeless windows?

The fact that some applications use modal windows does not necessarily
mean that it is a good idea. In fact, all the books I've read on
interface design say that modal windows are bad idea. At least they
are used mostly in the bad way.


Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
On 6/27/05, Karl Pongratz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In most cases, if you show me an application with a modal window,
  I'll show you an application that needs to do away with a modal
  window. The use cases for applications that truly need modal windows
  probably overlaps the use cases for XULRunner-base applications quite
 That's new to me. Can we live without modal windows from now? Is that
 somewhere written?

Not exactly this way, but you may want to check:

Chapter 10 Eliminating Excise
Chapter 11 Navigation and Inflection
Chapter 30 Using Dialogs
Chapter 34 Notifying and Comfirming
in About Face 2.0 The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan
Cooper  Robert Reimann, Willey Publishing, 2003

6-5 Letter from a User 
in The Human Interface - New Direction for Designing Interactive
Systems by Jef Raskin,
Addison-Wesley, 2005

Also the classics: Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman and
Inmates are Runing the Asylum by Alan Cooper won't hurt :)
