Re: [whatwg] Clickjacking and CSRF

2009-02-23 Thread Sigbjørn Vik

On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 19:36:47 +0100, Bil Corry wrote:

Sigbjørn Vik wrote on 2/20/2009 8:46 AM:

One proposed way of doing this would be a single header, of the form:
x-cross-domain-options: deny=frame,post,auth; AllowSameOrigin;
This incorporates the idea from the IE team, and extends on it.

Have you taken a look at ABE?

I am not quite certain what you are referring to, the document is a ruleset for 
how to express what is allowed and disallowed. Do you mean that clients should 
be using a URL list, or that servers should be using this particular grammar to 
decide which headers to send with their URLs?
For a domain wide policy file a document like this might work well though.

For cross-domain resources, this means that a browser would first have
to make a request with GET and without authentication tokens to get the
x-cross-domain-options settings from the resource. If the settings
allow, a second request may be made, if the second request would be
different. The result of last request are handed over to the document.

Have you considered using OPTIONS for the pre-flight request, similar to  
how Access Control for Cross-Site Requests does it?

Good point. Trying to use OPTIONS for existing servers might break them, a GET 
might be safer. Then again, OPTIONS shouldn't break anything, GETs might have 
side-effects where OPTIONS don't, and an OPTIONS reply typically has a much 
smaller payload than a GET reply. In the case of a reply to a pre-flight 
request where the user agents has cookies but the server replies that contents 
are the same with or without cookies, an OPTIONS request would require two 
requests, a GET only one. OPTIONS is probably more in the spirit of HTTP though.

Either could work, the idea is the same. Which would be better would have to be 
researched empirically, but OPTIONS might be the better candidate.

Sigbjørn Vik
Quality Assurance
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Clickjacking and CSRF

2009-02-23 Thread Sigbjørn Vik

On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 14:23:40 +0100, Giorgio Maone 

On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 19:36:47 +0100, Bil Corry wrote:

Sigbjørn Vik wrote on 2/20/2009 8:46 AM:

One proposed way of doing this would be a single header, of the form:
x-cross-domain-options: deny=frame,post,auth; AllowSameOrigin;
This incorporates the idea from the IE team, and extends on it.

Have you taken a look at ABE?

I am not quite certain what you are referring to, the document is a
ruleset for how to express what is allowed and disallowed. Do you mean
that clients should be using a URL list, or that servers should be
using this particular grammar to decide which headers to send with
their URLs?
For a domain wide policy file a document like this might work well

ABE is meant to be configured in 3 ways:

   1. With user-provided rules, deployed directly client-side
   2. With community-provided rules, downloaded periodically from a
  trusted repository
   3. As a site-wide policy deployed on the server side in a single
  file, much like crossdomain.xml

See and especially
comment about site-provided rules and merging.

Yes, a domain wide policy file might be good to have, but it could not entirely 
replace having a header settable for a single resource, not all web authors 
have access to the root, so it would have to come as an addition, an optional 

If a domain wide policy file is used, it would make sense to have it in a 
format which can be distributed and applied locally, so users can patch web 
sites that don't do it themselves. ABE looks like a good candidate for all of 
this. A good candidate might also have to be implementable by the server, so 
that a server can look at the policy file, and determine which headers to send 
for any particular resource, including which resources to send no headers for 
at all. Presumably ABE would work for that too.

Sigbjørn Vik
Quality Assurance
Opera Software

[whatwg] Clickjacking and CSRF

2009-02-20 Thread Sigbjørn Vik
, the browser will use that setting for all 
requests, if not set, it will check individual resources with a pre-flight 
request. This would make it easy for legacy servers to become compatible. Note 
that W3Cs cross-site XHR has opted not to use domain wide policy files, that 
solution is not applicable to CSRF in general though, as it does not need to 
take legacy servers into account. To allow double requests, it would be 
possible to extend with a server header telling a browser that the information 
is the same whether the user is logged in or not, eliminating the need for a 
second, authenticated, request.

This is suggestion, please tear it apart and use the best pieces of it to build 
something better.


Sigbjørn Vik
Security Team
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Clickjacking and CSRF

2009-02-20 Thread Sigbjørn Vik

On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 16:00:09 +0100, Giorgio Maone 

Sigbjørn Vik wrote, On 20/02/2009 15.46:
There is currently little protection against clickjacking, the  
x-frame-options is the first attempt.

Nope, it's the second and weakest:

I stand corrected. I was thinking too narrow-mindedly, from a browser vendor 
perspective. Frame busting is another existing alternative.

Sigbjørn Vik
Quality Assurance
Opera Software