Re: [whatwg] Proposal for public data in drag events

2012-08-30 Thread Trevor Burnham
On Aug 30, 2012, at 1:27 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 On Thu, 21 Jun 2012, Trevor Burnham wrote:
 I've been using HTML drag-and-drop 
 in a project, but I've run into one limitation that seems severe to me: 
 There is no direct way to determine what the source node is from a 
 dragenter, dragover, or dragleave event. This makes it difficult to 
 support use cases where elements react to those events differently 
 depending on what is being dragged over them.
 This is intentional, because that source node could be from a Web page in 
 another origin, another browser, or indeed, an app that isn't even a 
 browser. So there's no real sane way to do it.
 I understand that the reason for this is cross-document drags: In 
 addition to security implications, obtaining a reference to a DOM node 
 in another document simply wouldn't make sense. Therefore, the 
 dataTransfer object only allows serialized data. Unfortunately, 
 dataTransfer is only appropriate for carrying data to the drop target. 
 There is no mechanism for providing data to intermediate drag event 
 receivers, except for the types attributes on the dataTransfer object. 
 types can be used to carry data that you want to make public 
 (, but this is clearly a hack 
 and it carries some limitations. Most notably, the spec requires that 
 data type strings be converted to ASCII lowercase.
 Therefore, I'd like to propose the addition of a publicData object on 
 all drag events. It would have the same interface and behavior as the 
 dataTransfer object, with the sole exception that it would be read-only 
 in all events where dataTransfer is protected. That is, publicData would 
 be read/write in dragStart, and read-only in all other drag-and-drop 
 That's an interesting idea. I suppose we could expose it using a custom 
 type in cross-app OS dnd situations, too.
 Could you elaborate on your use case? Are there cross-window use cases for 
 this? (For in-window cases, you could instead just use a global.)
 Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

The main use case I have in mind is an interface where elements respond to the 
object being dragged. A common case is showing visual feedback depending on 
whether the element emitting a dragenter/dragover is a valid drop target for 
the object being dragged. Currently, this can only be done in response to the 
types attribute.

Using global state in tandem with the types attribute is a viable workaround 
for drags within a document, but an inelegant one. It's also incompatible with 
multi-touch. Although no multi-touch implementation of the dnd spec currently 
exists (to my knowledge), the spec does not preclude multiple simultaneous 
drags, so this may be a concern in the future.

Trevor Burnham

Re: [whatwg] Proposed addition to Drag and Drop API (Alex Bain)

2012-07-02 Thread Trevor Burnham
 I did a bit of reading about what the WhatWG spec says setDragImage should do 
 and wanted to ensure I understand what the spec is saying and how Webkit is 
 The spec says defines setDragImage as: setDragImage(element, x, y) 
 Element argument is defined as: If the element argument is an img element, 
 then set the drag data store bitmap to the element's image (at its intrinsic 
 size); otherwise, set the drag data store bitmap to an image generated from 
 the given element (the exact mechanism for doing so is not currently 
 This says, if I'm understanding it correctly, that I can provide any element 
 as the first argument and a bitmap image will be generated as a drag image. 
 This would allow me to accomplish what I'm trying to do (setting a small drag 
 element to represent a larger draggable container). However, in my testing, 
 Webkit will not render anything unless the element specified is an image.
 Am I misunderstanding the spec, or might this be a bug in the implementation?

I can't say which without an example of how you're using setDragImage, but I 
assure you that it works with non-img elements in WebKit browsers:

Note, however, that (at least for WebKit-based browsers) the element must be in 
the document body, and it can't have visibility: hidden or display: none or 
even positioning that puts it outside of the window bounds. None of this is 
dictated by the spec, which simply declares that the mechanism for turning an 
element into a bitmap is unspecified.

At this point, I would take your questions to StackOverflow rather than the 
WHATWG list (unless you would like to draft a proposal for making the 
setDragImage spec more precise).


[whatwg] Proposal for public data in drag events

2012-06-21 Thread Trevor Burnham
I've been using HTML drag-and-drop 
( in a 
project, but I've run into one limitation that seems severe to me: There is no 
direct way to determine what the source node is from a dragenter, dragover, or 
dragleave event. This makes it difficult to support use cases where elements 
react to those events differently depending on what is being dragged over them.

I understand that the reason for this is cross-document drags: In addition to 
security implications, obtaining a reference to a DOM node in another document 
simply wouldn't make sense. Therefore, the dataTransfer object only allows 
serialized data. Unfortunately, dataTransfer is only appropriate for carrying 
data to the drop target. There is no mechanism for providing data to 
intermediate drag event receivers, except for the types attributes on the 
dataTransfer object. types can be used to carry data that you want to make 
public (, but this is clearly a hack 
and it carries some limitations. Most notably, the spec requires that data type 
strings be converted to ASCII lowercase.

Therefore, I'd like to propose the addition of a publicData object on all 
drag events. It would have the same interface and behavior as the dataTransfer 
object, with the sole exception that it would be read-only in all events where 
dataTransfer is protected. That is, publicData would be read/write in 
dragStart, and read-only in all other drag-and-drop events.


Trevor Burnham