Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-08-13 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 4 Aug 2009, Henri Sivonen wrote:
 On Aug 3, 2009, at 05:45, Ian Hickson wrote:
  Instead of preventing anyone from not using quote marks, I would 
  instead recommend asking your validator vendor to offer you an option 
  to require quote marks and warn you when you have forgotten them.
 There's a usability cost and a QA cost to adding optional features to a 
 validator, which is why I try to resist requests to add more 
 configuration and optional features to

We need more validators, so that authors can pick the one they want. I'm 
not saying should be the one to support this.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-08-04 Thread Henri Sivonen

On Aug 3, 2009, at 05:45, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Keryx Web wrote:
No suggested text, but a rewrite will be necessary if quotation  
marks becomes

a conformance criterion.

Instead of preventing anyone from not using quote marks, I would  
recommend asking your validator vendor to offer you an option to  

quote marks and warn you when you have forgotten them.

There's a usability cost and a QA cost to adding optional features to  
a validator, which is why I try to resist requests to add more  
configuration and optional features to

I've gotten requests to add checks inspired by XHTML. These requests  
generally aren't about true polyglot checking (since few people know  
how long the actual polyglot checking corner case list is). Also,  
these requests aren't about code style in general. (Well, actually,  
Anne asked for indent style checking on Sam's blog comments and  
another commenter thought Anne was making fun of the quote issue...)

Since the requests happen to be about the most prominent syntactic  
features of XML as opposed to being across the board about code style,  
I suspect part of the requests is about unease about letting go of  
extra requirements taught as part of XHTML-as-text/html evangelism.  
When adding optional warnings to, I'd like to tell apart  
actual problems from unease of letting go of XHTML-as-text/html before  
proceeding. (I expect actual problems to be with us always, but I  
expect the unease to pass with a little time.)

The top 4 requests are:
 * Flagging unquoted attributes.
 * Flagging implied tags.
 * Flagging non-lowercase element and attribute names.
 * Flagging inconsistent use of / on void elements.

I think the implied end tags are different from the rest, and I think  
an option to flag implied tags would be a useful feature to have. I  
want to implement it, but I have some higher-priority Gecko items on  
my plate first.

Implied tags is different from the rest, because tag inference doesn't  
necessarily work like authors expect, so automatically generating the  
tags might not do the right thing.

OTOH, the other cases can be safely fixed automatically. (Except some  
quoting issues; more on that later.) In fact, indent style is also  
something that could be made consistent automatically by an HTML-aware  
text editor. When issues are code style issues in nature and don't  
need human intervention to change to a particular style, I think it's  
more useful to have an editor that simply reformats code than to have  
a validator that flags failure to comply to code style without  
performing the reformatting. Consider Eclipse JDT: If you have bad  
indents, you don't get warning or error markers in the margin.  
Instead, you can ask Eclipse to reformat code according to a wide  
variety of settings.

This creates a mild issue: If different people collaborate and have  
different code formatter settings, having another person's editor  
reformat code creates some source control issues. However, you don't  
get error messages, so you are still avoiding the problem that I  
raised earlier on public-html and the Maciej mentioned here about tool  
interop (so that you can swap tools without getting a huge bunch of  

Also note that we can't really eliminate this source control re- 
indenting issue on the spec level. There's no way we could get  
everyone to agree on One True HTML indent style. And as long as there  
isn't One True indent style consistently applied everywhere, I think  
it doesn't matter much if other syntax is used consistently.

Now, people are going to say that it's good to use / consistently,  
because it helps you see which elements are void elements. It doesn't  
work that way, though. Because / has no effect on HTML elements, you  
still need to *know* which elements are void elements, and pretending  
that / means something poisons the mental model people have and is  
actually bad for teaching. (People write div class=foo/ or script  
src=.../ having heard that / closes the element.) Unfortunately,  
we need to keep / conforming to make it easy to upgrade XHTML-as-text/ 
html-emitting systems to HTML5.

I think it would be rather arbitrary to add a feature for checking the  
*consistent* use of br vs. br/. Why not br/ vs. br /?  
foo='bar' vs. foo=bar? Or indent style?

As for lower-case names, I don't think people *really* want lower-case  
names. I think, as a matter of code style, they want *canonical-case*  
names, which aren't all lower-case for SVG-in-text/html and MathML-in- 
text/html (definitionURL). I think adding checking for this would have  
disproportionate ill impact on the parser code base compared to  
benefit. In a reasonable general-purpose HTML parser implementation,  
the case information is lost before it is decided if a tag belongs to  
an HTML, SVG or MathML element and maintaining a special-purpose  
parser for validation 

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-08-02 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Keryx Web wrote:
 I'd say it is safe to say that using quotation marks for attribute 
 values, always, except perhaps for collapsed, boolean attributes, has 
 been regarded as best practice for a long time now. Speaking as an 
 instructor for newbies, enforcing quotation marks has proven its value 
 countless of times for me and my students. I'd say that all of my 
 colleagues in WaSP EduTF would agree on that. [...]

For the WHATWG, it doesn't matter how many people agree on something, as 
we base the spec's text on reasoned debate and research. :-)

 With this in mind I suggest that the spec would be improved in the 
 (below) following ways, and that we open a discussion about requiring 
 quotation marks for all non-boolean attributes as a conformance 
 Suggested spec edits (some written in a diff-ish way, not all a true 
 diff, though):
 Section 1.9
 Attributes are placed inside the start tag, and consist of a name and a 
 value, separated by an = character. The attribute value can be left 
 unquoted if it doesn't contain any special characters. Otherwise, it has 
 to be quoted using either single or double quotes. The value, along with 
 the = character, can be omitted altogether if the value is the empty 
 In order to avoid errors and increase readability, using quotes is 
 highly recommended for all non-omitted attribute values.
 [edit a lot of examples to include quotes]
 No suggested text, but a rewrite will be necessary if quotation marks becomes
 a conformance criterion.

Instead of preventing anyone from not using quote marks, I would instead 
recommend asking your validator vendor to offer you an option to require 
quote marks and warn you when you have forgotten them.

This would address your use case, as far as I can tell, without preventing 
anyone who _likes_ omitting quote marks from doing so.

In practice, parsing omitted quote marks is pretty reliably implemented, 
and it's been valid before and _widely_ used, so it's not an area we can 
really use to extend the language. Therefore the usual reasons we have to 
ban things don't really apply here, and I'd rather continue to allow 
quotes to be omitted.

Omitting quotes would also make a large number of pages invalid for more 
or less stylistic reasons, which would make it harder for people to 
transition to HTML5, and may annoy them (Why do I have to add these 
quotes, they don't really add anything -- bah! I hate html5).

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Kornel wrote:
 I wouldn't mind much if specification used more quotes in examples, 
 however I'm afraid that taking this to the extreme could give false 
 impression that unquoted attributes are an error, and spec would fail to 
 illustrate when quotes are necessary and when they're perfectly safe to 

The spec intentionally uses a variety of markup styles (including many I 
find quote ugly) in order to show that they are all valid, and to not 
mislead the reader into thinking there are unstated rules.

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Keryx Web wrote:
 As for conformance criteria only being about unambiguous parsing: If 
 that is the case we do not need them at all any more, since HTML 5 
 defines how to handle badly written markup.

We also want to make things non-conforming if their parsing behaviour is 
highly non-intuitive, or if it might be a future extension point, or if 
there is some harm that might come from using the feature, etc.

 And speaking directly to Ian H, a few years ago you said on this list 
 that you'd love for the spec to help teachers as much as possible 
 (within the limits of being a spec). My suggested example markup changes 
 is definitely such a help.

Unfortunately such benefits have to be balanced against the costs on more 
experience authors, many of whom like the flexibility of omitting quotes. 
However, I do think that a conformance checker could support a stricter 
or teaching mode in which it requires that attributes be quoted and 
optional tags not be omitted.

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Eduard Pascual wrote:
 [p class=foo bar]
 Furthermore, with the previous example, what'd happen if HTML6 defines a 
 new empty bar attribute that alters the rendering and/or semantics of 

If HTML6 is written like HTML5, then we wouldn't use bar if it was 
commonly subject to this mistake.

 The part on readability is indeed a matter of style; but the part of 
 avoiding errors is quite valid. Maybe a more to-the-point wording would 
 work better; how about something like this?:

 Quoting attribute values is always allowed, but only sometimes 
 required. In case of doubt, the safest choice is to quote the value.

In the introduction section, it now says:

# The attribute value can be left unquoted if it doesn't contain any 
# special characters. Otherwise, it has to be quoted using either single 
# or double quotes. 

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-27 Thread Simon Pieters
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 12:08:23 +0200, Eduard Pascual  

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Keryx wrote:

On 2009-07-23 20:32, Eduard Pascual wrote:

While I don't consider a hard requirement would be appropriate, there
is an audience sector this discussion seems to be ignoring: Authoring
Tools' developers. IMO, it would be highly desirable to have some
guidelines for these tools to determine when they*should*  quote
attribute values.

There is one further rub. Code that initially has been made by authoring
tools have a tendency to wind up in some front end developers lap, to be
amended and/or fixed manually at a later stage. That is even more a  

for a strong recommendation about quotes.

Furthermore, I doubt that most people on this list did read my blog  
post I

included as an URL when starting this discussion.[1]

I can't speak for others, but I did read your post. And still I am
convinced that a hard requirement to quote all values is not the best
solution. There are some values that MUST be quoted, some that SHOULD
be quoted, and even some that SHOULD NOT be quoted. Those that must be
quoted are already covered by the spec, and validators will yield the
relevant error message when encountering such values unquoted. For
those values that *should* be quoted (those that improve in
readability when quoted, or those that could lead to errors when they
are later changed if unquoted), a warning from the validator should be
enough. Finally, there are some values that are better unquoted, such
as those attributes that can only take a number (there is no risk of
errors, and the quotes would normally hurt readability more than they
help it).

Actually boolean attributes are allowed to take the empty string as value,  
and it's not allowed to leave the empty string unquoted. However, boolean  
attributes aren't subject to the template/backend mismatch because you  
have to omit the attribute altogether for the false value, so the backend  
developer has to be responsible for writing out the whole attribute.  
Therefore, it should be safe to leave boolean attributes unquoted.

It should be safe to leave any attribute in the minimized form, because it  
also isn't subject to the template/backend mismatch.

Non-boolean attributes that are safe to leave unquoted:
link hreflang
meta http-equiv
meta charset
script charset
article pubdate
ol start
li value
a hreflang
time datetime
progress value max
meter value min low high max optimum
bdo dir
ins datetime
del datetime
img width height
iframe width height
embed width height
object width height
video width height
canvas width height
area shape hreflang
colgroup span
col span
td colspan rowspan
th colspan rowspan scope
form autocomplete enctype method
input autocomplete formenctype formmethod height max maxlength min size  
step type width

button formenctype formmethod
select size
textarea cols maxlength rows wrap
keygen keytype
command type
bb type

Global non-boolean attributes that are safe to leave unquoted:

All other attributes can take one of the special characters [\s'] in  
the value, or the empty string as the value.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-25 Thread Eduard Pascual
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Keryx wrote:
 On 2009-07-23 20:32, Eduard Pascual wrote:

 While I don't consider a hard requirement would be appropriate, there
 is an audience sector this discussion seems to be ignoring: Authoring
 Tools' developers. IMO, it would be highly desirable to have some
 guidelines for these tools to determine when they*should*  quote
 attribute values.

 There is one further rub. Code that initially has been made by authoring
 tools have a tendency to wind up in some front end developers lap, to be
 amended and/or fixed manually at a later stage. That is even more a reason
 for a strong recommendation about quotes.

 Furthermore, I doubt that most people on this list did read my blog post I
 included as an URL when starting this discussion.[1]
I can't speak for others, but I did read your post. And still I am
convinced that a hard requirement to quote all values is not the best
solution. There are some values that MUST be quoted, some that SHOULD
be quoted, and even some that SHOULD NOT be quoted. Those that must be
quoted are already covered by the spec, and validators will yield the
relevant error message when encountering such values unquoted. For
those values that *should* be quoted (those that improve in
readability when quoted, or those that could lead to errors when they
are later changed if unquoted), a warning from the validator should be
enough. Finally, there are some values that are better unquoted, such
as those attributes that can only take a number (there is no risk of
errors, and the quotes would normally hurt readability more than they
help it). Even in the case of @type for input, quotes seem quite an
overkill: AFAIK, there is no valid value for this attribute that will
make them strictly needed; so there is no risk of the author changing
the value into something that requires quotes and forget to add them
(unless, of course, s/he changes it to something invalid, which will
already bring problems of its own). Since input elements tend to be
relatively short, and often given in a single line of source, adding
boilerplate to them for no purpose doesn't seem to be a good idea.

 In that post I talked about a common scenario. One developer works on the
 business logic. It puts out attribute values. Another developer works on the
 presentation logic. He makes templates. Dev 2 omits the quotes and for a
 long time it might work, since the business logic in question only produces
 single word values. Then there might come a change, because dev 1 - or the
 users of the CMS - suddenly starts to produce longer values. Suddenly things
 break, and since nobody touched the presentation logic code, it might not be
 the first place where the developers look for an error.

 And believe me, lots of back end devs are absolutely clueless about front
 end issues! Yes, they might skip validation completely, but at least such a
 rule of thumb can be implemented more easily into their work flow.
Again, once the pages are going through a validator, warnings are
hints as good as errors to detect the source of the problem.

 I also note that no one who has spoken against my suggestion claims to have
 any teaching experience.
Although I didn't mention it, because I didn't think it was relevant,
I have some teaching experience (I won't claim to have worked my whole
life as a teacher; but I have worked as a particular teacher for a few
years). Do you really think this:
Error: Attribute values must always be quoted
would be more educative than this
Warning: Values for attribute X should be quoted, or errors might
arise if the value is later changed
? And these are just examples of messages.
Of course, if you just say your students all the code you provide
must validate warnings my go unnoticed. However, you may try
something like this all the code you provide must validate; and
warnings must be addressed or be properly reasoned. IMO, this kind of
details marks the difference between training code-typing zombies or
developers capable to solve problems.

In summary: I considered your arguments from the teaching perspective;
but I consider that the difference between errors and warnings has
more didactic value than a totalitarian validator that just rejects
safe code based on a seemingly arbitrary rule.

 I see 4 effects that my suggestions might have:

 1. Dismiss completely.
Unlikely. On the worst case, it is at least being discussed.

 2. No new wording, but change the code examples.
Better consistency would be appropriate for some of the examples.
However, there are many values there that are better unquoted
(especially numbers).

 3. Add some words about best practice, but do not enforce quotes as a
 conformance criterion.

 4. Go all the way and do just that.
Again, there is a middle point between these: making validators issue
warnings for potentially unsafe attributes is, IMO, the sanest
approach here.
Adding some comments about the fact that in case of doubt 

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-25 Thread Michael Kozakewich

From: Eduard Pascual
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 5:08 AM
To: Keryx Web; Bil Corry
Cc:; Aryeh Gregor
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Keryx wrote:
Finally, there are some values that are better unquoted, such
as those attributes that can only take a number (there is no risk of
errors, and the quotes would normally hurt readability more than they
help it).

Values better unquoted are those that would make problems if they were 
quoted. I've never run into any value that couldn't be quoted; effectively, 
the cases you mention fall under don't need to be quoted.
Your argument lies on the fact that quotes make things less readable. Any 
change from what you're used to will appear less readable, but I'm not 
convinced that quotes inherently make code less readable. (Though I'll grant 
that Boolean attributes don't need quotes, unless they're XHTML.)

3. Add some words about best practice, but do not enforce quotes as a
conformance criterion.

4. Go all the way and do just that.

Again, there is a middle point between these: making validators issue
warnings for potentially unsafe attributes is, IMO, the sanest
approach here.

I see a disconnect here between the validator and the spec. The validator 
would base everything on the spec, and so the spec itself should recommend 
quotes for potentially unsafe attributes at the very least, and back up 
that view in all the code examples.

This is HTML, not XHTML, so it's useless to even ask that we conform to a 
policy of All quotes all the time. At the same time, the spec really does 
need to be clear that quotes are the best policy, and to be very explicit 
about where the absence of quotes are very dangerous.

Stopping before (4) above will force people like me to keep requiring 

XHTML from my students.

That's an all-or-nothing approach. There's no reason you can't teach 
students to quote everything except boolean attributes, with the added 
explanation that XHTML does require the boolean attributes to be lengthened 
and quoted. 

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Keryx Web

On 2009-07-23 20:32, Eduard Pascual wrote:

While I don't consider a hard requirement would be appropriate, there
is an audience sector this discussion seems to be ignoring: Authoring
Tools' developers. IMO, it would be highly desirable to have some
guidelines for these tools to determine when they*should*  quote
attribute values.

There is one further rub. Code that initially has been made by authoring 
tools have a tendency to wind up in some front end developers lap, to be 
amended and/or fixed manually at a later stage. That is even more a 
reason for a strong recommendation about quotes.

Furthermore, I doubt that most people on this list did read my blog post 
I included as an URL when starting this discussion.[1]

In that post I talked about a common scenario. One developer works on 
the business logic. It puts out attribute values. Another developer 
works on the presentation logic. He makes templates. Dev 2 omits the 
quotes and for a long time it might work, since the business logic in 
question only produces single word values. Then there might come a 
change, because dev 1 - or the users of the CMS - suddenly starts to 
produce longer values. Suddenly things break, and since nobody touched 
the presentation logic code, it might not be the first place where the 
developers look for an error.

And believe me, lots of back end devs are absolutely clueless about 
front end issues! Yes, they might skip validation completely, but at 
least such a rule of thumb can be implemented more easily into their 
work flow.

I also note that no one who has spoken against my suggestion claims to 
have any teaching experience.

I see 4 effects that my suggestions might have:

1. Dismiss completely.

2. No new wording, but change the code examples.

3. Add some words about best practice, but do not enforce quotes as a 
conformance criterion.

4. Go all the way and do just that.

The scientific evidence in favor of my suggestion might be quite easy to 
pick up. Just ask any standards aware teacher how common it is that not 
using quotes messes up students code!

Stopping before (4) above will force people like me to keep requiring 
false XHTML from my students. My main concern is that in HTML 5 we get 
lots of new boolean attributes, like required on inputs or maxlength 
on textareas, and having to write things like 'required=required' will 
make the code longer and messier, since a normal input element might 
span 2 or 3 lines.

Of course this can be settled if we get a tool like JSLint, that can 
enforce a voluntary stricter check (Crockford's good parts), but 
please note that ES 5 introduces a concept of strict rules.

This means that ES 5 will be in a similar position to HTML 5, having a 
lax rule set about what browsers must be able to do, and a strict 
conformance critera like rule set that authors are encouraged to follow.

Perhaps this could be solved by simply adding an option to the 
validator: Do not allow unquoted non-boolean attribute values.

Henri Sivonen, are you reading this?

Keryx Web (Lars Gunther)


Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Bil Corry
Keryx Web wrote on 7/24/2009 2:52 PM: 
 In that post I talked about a common scenario. One developer works on
 the business logic. It puts out attribute values. Another developer
 works on the presentation logic. He makes templates. Dev 2 omits the
 quotes and for a long time it might work, since the business logic in
 question only produces single word values. Then there might come a
 change, because dev 1 - or the users of the CMS - suddenly starts to
 produce longer values. Suddenly things break, and since nobody touched
 the presentation logic code, it might not be the first place where the
 developers look for an error.

That's a classic XSS vulnerability.  The backend developer must know if there 
are quotes or not in the template, then encode/sanitize the value accordingly.

- Bil

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Bil wrote:
 That's a classic XSS vulnerability.  The backend developer must know if there 
 are quotes or not in the template, then encode/sanitize the value accordingly.

It's not XSS if the values are statically provided by the first
developer and aren't generated from user input.

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-24 Thread Bil Corry
Aryeh Gregor wrote on 7/24/2009 5:44 PM: 
 On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Bil wrote:
 That's a classic XSS vulnerability.  The backend developer must know if 
 there are quotes or not in the template, then encode/sanitize the value 
 It's not XSS if the values are statically provided by the first
 developer and aren't generated from user input.

Sure, but I was basing my reply on the provided example: Then there might come 
a change, because dev 1 - or the users of the CMS - suddenly starts to produce 
longer values.

Even in the case where the developer is providing the values via a trusted 
source (say a database), it's still a best practice to encode/sanitize the 

- Bil

[whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Keryx Web


I'd say it is safe to say that using quotation marks for attribute 
values, always, except perhaps for collapsed, boolean attributes, has 
been regarded as best practice for a long time now. Speaking as an 
instructor for newbies, enforcing quotation marks has proven its value 
countless of times for me and my students. I'd say that all of my 
colleagues in WaSP EduTF would agree on that. Others share that 
sentiment too:

(I have in fact written elsewhere that this is actually one of my 
reasons to use false XHTML:

With this in mind I suggest that the spec would be improved in the 
(below) following ways, and that we open a discussion about requiring 
quotation marks for all non-boolean attributes as a conformance criterion.

Suggested spec edits (some written in a diff-ish way, not all a true 
diff, though):

Section 1.9

Attributes are placed inside the start tag, and consist of a name and a 
value, separated by an = character. The attribute value can be left 
unquoted if it doesn't contain any special characters. Otherwise, it has 
to be quoted using either single or double quotes. The value, along with 
the = character, can be omitted altogether if the value is the empty 

In order to avoid errors and increase readability, using quotes is 
highly recommended for all non-omitted attribute values.


Second example, where the a-element has been added.

-pThe dfn id=gdo
+pThe dfn id=gdo





- dtRadius: dd meter min=0 max=20 value=1212cm/meter
- dtHeight: dd meter min=0 max=10 value=22cm/meter

+ dtRadius: dd meter min=0 max=20 value=1212cm/meter
+ dtHeight: dd meter min=0 max=10 value=22cm/meter

- dtRadius: dd meter min=0 max=20 value=12 
- dtHeight: dd meter min=0 max=10 value=2 

+ dtRadius: dd meter min=0 max=20 value=12 
+ dtHeight: dd meter min=0 max=10 value=2 

(Very inconsistent example!)

-pRating: meter max=5 value=3img src=1 alt=3 out of 5
+pRating: meter max=5 value=3img src=1 alt=3 out of 5

-input type=text name=captcha/label
+input type=text name=captcha/label

-  area shape=rect coords=50,50,100,100 !-- the hole in the red box --
-  area shape=rect coords=25,25,125,125 href=red.html alt=Red box.
-  area shape=circle coords=200,75,50 href=green.html alt=Green 
-  area shape=poly coords=325,25,262,125,388,125 href=blue.html 
alt=Blue triangle.
-  area shape=poly 

-href=yellow.html alt=Yellow star.

+  area shape=rect coords=50,50,100,100 !-- the hole in the red 
box --

+  area shape=rect coords=25,25,125,125 href=red.html alt=Red box.
+  area shape=circle coords=200,75,50 href=green.html alt=Green 
+  area shape=poly coords=325,25,262,125,388,125 href=blue.html 
alt=Blue triangle.
+  area shape=poly 

+href=yellow.html alt=Yellow star.


-  tr td th scope=rowgroup English speakers td td
+  tr td th scope=rowgroup English speakers td td


- labelinput type=checkbox name=lost Lost/label
+ labelinput type=checkbox name=lost Lost/label

-plabelFull name: input name=fn smallFormat: First 

-plabelAge: input name=age type=number min=0/label/p
-plabelPost code: input name=pc smallFormat: AB12 

+plabelFull name: input name=fn smallFormat: First 

+plabelAge: input name=age type=number min=0/label/p
+plabelPost code: input name=pc smallFormat: AB12 
- plabelName: input required name=fn/label/p
- plabelEssay: textarea name=essay/textarea/label/p
- pinput type=submit name=submit value=Submit essay/p
- pinput type=submit formnovalidate name=save value=Save essay/p
- pinput type=submit formnovalidate name=cancel value=Cancel/p

+ plabelName: input required name=fn/label/p
+ plabelEssay: textarea name=essay/textarea/label/p
+ pinput type=submit name=submit value=Submit essay/p
+ pinput type=submit formnovalidate name=save value=Save essay/p
+ pinput type=submit formnovalidate name=cancel value=Cancel/p

-address item=vcard
+address item=vcard

-pinput type=button value=Add to Calendar
+pinput type=button value=Add to Calendar

-link rel=alternate type=application/pdf hreflang=fr href=manual-fr
+link rel=alternate type=application/pdf hreflang=fr 

- plabel Topic: input name=topic a href=help/topic.html 
+ plabel Topic: input name=topic a href=help/topic.html 

-  link rel=icon href=favicon.png sizes=16x16
-  link rel=icon href=windows.ico sizes=32x32 48x48
-  link rel=icon href=mac.icns 

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Kornel

On 23 Jul 2009, at 13:35, Keryx Web wrote:

I'd say it is safe to say that using quotation marks for attribute  
values, always, except perhaps for collapsed, boolean attributes,  
has been regarded as best practice for a long time now. Speaking as  
an instructor for newbies, enforcing quotation marks has proven its  
value countless of times for me and my students.

It's not a clear benefit. Unpaired quotation marks can also be a  
*source* of errors, which wouldn't happen without them:

a href= class=test

I'd say that all of my colleagues in WaSP EduTF would agree on that.  
Others share that sentiment too:

I disagree about making it a conformace criterion. This is not  
required to get text/html documents parsed reliably and unambiguously.

I wouldn't mind much if specification used more quotes in examples,  
however I'm afraid that taking this to the extreme could give false  
impression that unquoted attributes are an error, and spec would fail  
to illustrate when quotes are necessary and when they're perfectly  
safe to omit.

In order to avoid errors and increase readability, using quotes is  
highly recommended for all non-omitted attribute values.

To me min=0 is more readable than min=0. This is a matter of  
opinion, and IMHO spec should not enforce one's coding style.

regards, Kornel

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Jens Meiert
 I'd say it is safe to say that using quotation marks for attribute values,
 always, except perhaps for collapsed, boolean attributes, has been regarded
 as best practice for a long time now.

This always rather seemed like a preference to me, one that gets
supported by consistency considerations (as some values would require
quotation marks).

Not considering the unquoted attribute value syntax a problem I’d
second consistent use in the spec but would object any further

(I know first-hand that omitting optional tags alone gives people the
creeps, but both optional tags and unquoted attribute values are valid
options for writing HTML.)

Couldn’t but add these two cents,

Jens Meiert

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
 However, the quotation marks being *sometimes* optional is quite
 dangerous, since an author needs to exactly remember when they are
 needed and when they aren't; and using always quotation marks does
 avoid this problem.

If author does not remember he can always use quotes and avoid
this problem. I like the idea of having option to omit quotes valid
for those who remember.

 Again, the point is not that *sometimes* it is safe to omit the
 quotes. The issue is with remembering when it is safe and when it is

I think you overestimate the danger.
So my vote is against such a requirement.


Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Eduard Pascual
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Rimantas wrote:
 However, the quotation marks being *sometimes* optional is quite
 dangerous, since an author needs to exactly remember when they are
 needed and when they aren't; and using always quotation marks does
 avoid this problem.

 If author does not remember he can always use quotes and avoid
 this problem. I like the idea of having option to omit quotes valid
 for those who remember.
And this is why I was suggesting to mention on the spec that, since
quotes are always allowed, the safest choice in case of doubt is to
use them; rather than making it a hard requirement. For validators, I
think the best approach would be to produce some warning (not an
error) for missing quotes, probably omitting the safest cases (such as
numeric attributes, @type in input (which is always a single word),
and so on); so authors that go through the hassle of validating their
pages to detect issues can be made aware of the unquoted attributes
that may bring troubles in the future (ie: when updating such

 Again, the point is not that *sometimes* it is safe to omit the
 quotes. The issue is with remembering when it is safe and when it is

 I think you overestimate the danger.
 So my vote is against such a requirement.
And I think you understimate it. I have seen newbies do really
horrendous things. Murphy is omnipresent on the web.
Anyway, I don't think voting on this list makes any sense. HTML5 is
not a democratic process, but a totalitarian one with the core of the
WHATWG at the top (see and Ian
as their hand. So it's not a matter of voting; but of convincing Ian
to change the spec, or to convince the WHATWG members to replace him
with someone who will change the spec (the later is quite unlikely to
happen anyway).

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Aryeh Gregor
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Keryx wrote:

 I'd say it is safe to say that using quotation marks for attribute values,
 always, except perhaps for collapsed, boolean attributes, has been regarded
 as best practice for a long time now. Speaking as an instructor for newbies,
 enforcing quotation marks has proven its value countless of times for me and
 my students. I'd say that all of my colleagues in WaSP EduTF would agree on
 that. Others share that sentiment too:

 . . .

 With this in mind I suggest that the spec would be improved in the (below)
 following ways, and that we open a discussion about requiring quotation
 marks for all non-boolean attributes as a conformance criterion.

IMO, this is a stylistic preference.  Personally I prefer unquoted
values.  They're almost always allowed, and the cases where they
aren't are obvious to me ([ '], right?).  They're fewer bytes, and
I think that makes a significant readability difference for short
attribute values:

a href=/ title=Back class=xyz
a href=/ title=Back class=xyz

It makes the amount of markup noticeably less in some cases, letting
you more easily focus on the actual contents of the page.

I can see the opposite arguments as well.  But I don't think the
merits of either side are clear enough to warrant a conformance

 In order to avoid errors and increase readability, using quotes is highly
 recommended for all non-omitted attribute values.

I don't think there's any value in having the spec take a stance like
this.  It's a matter of taste, IMO.

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Eduard Pascual
On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Aryeh wrote:
 In order to avoid errors and increase readability, using quotes is highly
 recommended for all non-omitted attribute values.

 I don't think there's any value in having the spec take a stance like
 this.  It's a matter of taste, IMO.

While I don't consider a hard requirement would be appropriate, there
is an audience sector this discussion seems to be ignoring: Authoring
Tools' developers. IMO, it would be highly desirable to have some
guidelines for these tools to determine when they *should* quote
attribute values.

On the manual authoring side, I'd like to insist on the idea of
highlighting the safety of always quoting attributes versus the risk
of mistaking a required quotation as optional.

Finally, I think we might come up with some wording that worked for both cases.

Eduard Pascual

Re: [whatwg] Make quoted attributes a conformance criteria

2009-07-23 Thread Kornel Lesinski

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 19:32:28 +0100, Eduard Pascual

I don't think there's any value in having the spec take a stance like
this.  It's a matter of taste, IMO.

While I don't consider a hard requirement would be appropriate, there
is an audience sector this discussion seems to be ignoring: Authoring
Tools' developers. IMO, it would be highly desirable to have some
guidelines for these tools to determine when they *should* quote
attribute values.

I think this requirement is even less relevant for authoring tools:

   * It's not a problem for tools to use unquoted attributes in a  
perfectly safe manner.
   * Not all code generated by tools is intended to be edited by humans,  
and in such cases shorter code is likely to be preferred over  
human-readable code.
   * Tools that offer editing of HTML source code may (and often do) have  
syntax highlighting and validation.

regards, Kornel Lesinski