Ok, firstly let me just say that I'm thrilled about the peer to peer stuff moving forward, great work Ian. I wish I had a little more time to get stuck into this now and read the specs a bit more thoroughly, but I'll try to reply to all your comments that I generated. (Amazingly ö still seems to be causing troubles in 2011.) This is just from my very narrow browser-game perspective, so don't read anything into it about video conferencing.. I choose to ignore that.

On 3/18/11 5:45 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Tue, 4 May 2010, Erik M�ller wrote:
I'm an old gamedev recently turned browserdev so this is of particular
interest to me, especially as I'm currently working on WebSockets.
WebSockets is a nice step towards multiplayer games in browsers and will
be even better once binary frames are speced out but as Mark says
(depending on the nature of the game) gamedevs are most likely going to
want to make their own UDP based protocol (in client-server models as
well). Has there been any discussions on how this would fit under
There has not, as far as I'm aware.

PeerConnection could be used by a server as well, of course.

I agree it doesn't make sense to try to cram anything more into WebSockets... I think it was just me and Mark F. that were eager to get things moving on the peer to peer side and WebSockets seemed like the only thing that had a bit of momentum back then.

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Erik M�ller wrote:
The majority of the on-line games of today use a client/server model
over UDP and we should try to give game developers the tools they
require to create browser based games. For many simpler games a TCP
based protocol is exactly what's needed but for most real-time games a
UDP based protocol is a requirement. Games typically send small updates
to its server at 20-30Hz over UDP and can with the help of entity
interpolation and if required entity extrapolation cope well with
intermittent packet loss.
Does PeerConnection address this use case to your satisfaction?

Note that currently it does not support binary data, but I've built in an
extension mechanism to make this easy to add in the future.

It is looking very promising at least. I won't say yes because I know there will always be things missing once you start using it in the real world. I guess doing some extra investigation whether those additional 20 (?) bytes per packet are really necessary would be good. I'll have to leave that to someone with more expertise in that area though.

On Wed, 2 Jun 2010, Erik M�ller wrote:
No it can't be UDP, it'll have to be something layered on top of UDP.
One of the game guys I spoke to last night said "Honestly, I wish we
just had real sockets.  It always seems like web coding comes down to
reinventing a very old wheel in a far less convenient or efficient
manner." To some extent I agree with him, but there's the security
aspect we have to take into account or we'll see someone hacking the CNN
website and injecting a little javascript and we'll have the DDOS attack
of the century on our hands.
For the data UDP media stream in PeerConnection I tried to make it as pure
UDP as I could, while still being safe and still being extensible. The
packets are (doubly) obfuscated to prevent cross-protocol attacks, and you
can only send data to an end-point that negotiated a key via SDP
offer/answer and participated in ICE to select how the packets are routed,
but beyond that it's as raw as I could make it. Hopefully it's enough.

It is looking good.
The reason I put down "Socket is bound to one address", "Reliable
handshake", "Reliable close handshake" and "Sockets open sequentially"
was for that exact reason, to try to make it "DOS and tamper safe". The
"Sockets open sequentially" means that if you allocate two sockets to
the same server the second socket will wait for the first one to
complete its handshake before attempting to connect.
I haven't done this, but since the other server has to participate in the
ICE processing, and can delay the start of that indefinitely, it seems
that we're safe here.

On Thu, 3 Jun 2010, Erik M�ller wrote:
On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 19:48:05 +0200, Philip Taylor wrote:
So they seem to suggest things like:
- many games need a combination of reliable and unreliable-ordered and
unreliable-unordered messages.
One thing to remember here is that browsers have other means for
communication as well. I'm not saying we shouldn't support reliable
messages over UDP, but just pointing out the option. I believe for
example World of Warcraft uses this strategy and sends reliable traffic
over TCP while movement and other real-time data goes over UDP.
That would indeed make sense.

- many games need to send large messages (so the libraries do
automatic fragmentation).
Again, this is probably because games have no other means of
communication than the NW-library. I'd think these large reliable
messages would mostly be files that need to be transferred
asynchronously for which browsers already have the tried and tested
Are the large messages always reliable messages?

I can of course only speak from my experience from the games I've worked on, but these large messages have typically been updated content. Textures, level data etc. More recently using a bit torrent system has been popular for distributing updated content. So, yeah, those large messages have always been reliable.
- many games need to efficiently send tiny messages (so the libraries
do automatic aggregation).
This is probably true for many other use-cases than games, but at least
in my experience games typically use a bit-packer or range-coder to
build the complete packet that needs to be sent. But again, it's a
matter of what level you want to place the interface.
This seems relatively easy to layer on top of the current protocol in the
spec, but if we find it commonly used we can also add it explicitly as an

I'd suggest just keeping the API as simple as possible. With JavaScript kicking ass and taking names in terms of performance the last couple of years it seems less necessary to build things like that into the API. Besides, it seems every NW-engineer have their own favourite bitpacker.
Perhaps also:
- Cap or dynamic limit on bandwidth (you don't want a single web page
flooding the user's network connection and starving all the TCP
Not really sure what the spec should say about this.

- Protection against session hijacking
The spec uses an encryption mechanism to prevent this.

- Protection against an attacker initiating a legitimate socket with a
user and then redirecting it (with some kind of IP (un)hijacking) to a
service behind the user's firewall (which isn't a problem when using
TCP since the service will ignore packets when it hasn't done the TCP
handshake; but UDP services might respond to a single packet from the
middle of a websocket stream, so every single packet will have to be
careful not to be misinterpreted dangerously by unsuspecting
The packets are masked so that you couldn't do anything but DOS attacks in
this kind of scenario. (And you can do those already with TCP.)

On Thu, 10 Jun 2010, Erik M�ller wrote:
As discussed the following features/limitations are suggested: -Same API
as WebSockets
I don't see how that would work. I've made them as similar as possible,
but I don't think it makes sense to go further.

with the possible addition of an attribute that allows the
application developer to find the path MTU of a connected socket.
What's the use case?

The use case is simply that intermediaries can have different MTUs and exceeding those may cause them to just unconditionally drop the packets. I haven't verified this recently though, that's just the way it used to be in the days...
-Max allowed send size is 65,507 bytes.
Currently 65470, to handle the various headers used (see the spec).

-Socket is bound to one remote address at creation and stays connected
to that host for the duration of its lifetime.
I've specced it in such a way that ICE could rebind the connection later;
is that ok?

I can't remember why I wrote that, but I assume it had something with security to do, but It's not my area of expertise so feel free to ignore that.
-IP Broadcast/Multicast addresses are not valid remote addresses and
only a set range of ports are valid.
I've left this up to the ICE layer.

-Reliable handshake with origin info (Connection timeout will trigger
close event.)
Not sure what the handshake should do here. Could you elaborate?

Also there's currently no origin protection for peer-to-peer stuff (there
is for the STUN/TURN part; the origin is the long-term credential). We
could certainly add something; how should it work? What are the attack
scenarios we should consider?

Not entirely sure, I suppose in the special case where one of the peers is the origin server you could do more?
-Automatic keep-alives (to detect force close at remote host and keep
NAT traversal active)
I've left that up to the ICE layer.

-Reliable close handshake
This can be done over the signaling layer independent of the UDP channel.

-Sockets open sequentially (like current DOS protection in WebSockets)
or perhaps have a limit of one socket per remote host.
-Cap on number of open sockets per host and global user-agent limit.
UDP doesn't really have sockets, so I don't really know how to do this.

What about the ICE layer, is there anything that needs to be done to prevent flooding the server with requests there? I need to read up on ICE again.
Some additional points that were suggested on this list were: -Key
exchange and encryption If you do want to have key exchange and
encryption you really shouldn't reinvent the wheel but rather use a
secure WebSocket connection in addition to the UDP-WebSocket. Adding key
exchange and encryption to the UDP-WebSocket is discouraged.
Not really sure what this means.

Just keep it simple and clean and people can implement what they want in JS atop that.

-Packet delivery notification to be a part of the API. Again this is
believed to be better left outside the UDP-WebSockets spec and
implemented in javascript if the application developer requires it.


On Fri, 11 Jun 2010, Erik M�ller wrote:
I'd recommend doing some real-world testing for max packet size.
Back when the original QuakeWorld came out it started by sending a
large connect packet (could be ~8K) and a good number of routers would
just drop those packets unconditionally.  The solution (iirc) was to
keep all packet sends below the Ethernet max of 1500 bytes.  I haven't
verified this lately to see if that's still the case, but it seems
real-world functionality should be considered.
Absolutely, that's why the path-MTU attribute was suggested. The ~64k
limit is an absolute limit though at which sends can be rejected
immediately without even trying.
Could you elaborate on this use case?

Like I said earlier, this might not be an issue today, but you used to be able to see packets over a certain size getting unconditionally dropped if some dodgy router happened to be on the path. If that's still an issue it would be useful to know what the real MTU for the path is. But again... perhaps it's better to keep the API simple and leave that up to users.
If WebSocket supports an encrypted and unencrypted mode, why would the
real-time version not support data security and integrity?
The reasoning was that if you do need data security and integrity the secure
websocket over TCP uses the same state-of-the-art implementation as the
browsers already have implemented. Secure connections over UDP would either
require a full TCP over UDP implementation (to use TLS) or a second
implementation that would need to be maintained. That implementation would be
either a very complex piece or software or clearly inferior to that users are
accustomed to.
So what's a good use-case where you want a secure connection over UDP and
cannot use a second TLS connection?
Games, if you want to prevent some forms of cheating. I don't necessarily
agree that we have to do anything as complex as TLS (or DTLS) though.
Encrypting the data stream gets us a long way there; we can add some
integrity protection and replay protection reasonably easily too. Since we
have a (presumed secure) signaling channel, a lot of the complexity of
(e.g.) DTLS is unnecessary.

Possibly yes, but my gut feeling is keep it simple. Any game being really serious about security is at least going to have you sign in to a secure login server before kicking any UDP connections off, so whatever encryption and shared secrets they need to make the UDP connection tamper proof can be negotiated over that connection.

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