Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-17 Thread Mike West
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 Well, it doesn't today. But maybe you mean in the future.

You're right, sorry. I was thinking of blob-based workers. Maybe we should
do the same for frames?

 But the point is that there are many ways to exfiltrate, these are just
 the first thing that comes to mind but others like input pattern also are
 an info leak, and I mean, these are just ideas coming up the top of my
 mind, the browser wasn't designed to solve this problem and it's dubious if
 it's really feasible to do so without reinventing a lot of things.
outlines a few mechanisms, and potential resolutions. `pattern`, for
instance, is addressed by blocking input validation on the form field.

As you suggest, I'm sure there are more mechanisms. I don't think there are
infinite mechanisms, however, and I'm fairly certain that we could address
those that exist.

 I wasn't clear: the server still needs to accept a bare username/password
 pair, as it's not the case that users only log in a) using a password
 manager, b) on a machine that's syncing. As long as that's the case, I
 don't see how tying passwords to a cookie makes password theft less

 The user would just have to type the full password (including the extra
 cookie-random value that the password manager backed up). The caveat of
 course is that the user has to write this suffix somewhere, but that is
 what makes the password strong anyway.

I don't think asking users to remember a password and a random value is

 And anyway, to be clear, this is just a discussion on an alternate design
 that has the same properties and is significantly easier to implement for
 both, authors and UAs, but it's by no means the only solution. My point is
 that there are probably simpler solutions that have similar security

I'll reassert that this proposal is simpler for authors (11 character
opt-in) and users (no change) than the scheme you just outlined. It's more
complex for browser vendors, but that's fine and expected, as we're way
down at the bottom of the priority heap.

Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-17 Thread Eduardo' Vela Nava
I would be happy to be proven wrong, but it's unlikely the amount of effort
this will incur will be worth the small number of sites that will use it
(large sites probably won't, and small sites, as usual, won't even know
about it's existence). In addition, it's going to be such a fragile
security control that I suspect will be the next XSS Auditor in terms of a
bypass is always 1 hour away.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Mike West
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 6:27 PM, Michal Zalewski

 So I might have started this on the wrong foot

Naah. Your criticism is a) not unexpected, and b) totally accurate. I
hopefully believe that you're overstating the negatives, and
underestimating the positives, but that's kinda your job. :)

Also, I did a poor job of making my actual desire clear; I should have
focused more on the problem, and less on the proposed solution. I'll try to
be more general going forward: In a nutshell, Chrome's non-browser
processes are corrupted significantly more often than it's browser process.
Reducing their ability to request credential data seems like a
straightforward win. In order to do that without breaking valid use-cases,
we need a signal from the page that it's not intending to touch the value.
This signal is conceptually similar to CSP's broader I'm not going to use
eval(). or I'm not going to use XHR. statements, and would allow
password managers to flag credentials as writeonly, similar to how we flag
cookies as httponly today.

writeonly is only one way to provide this signal. Its advantage is
simplicity: existing sign-in forms can add this attribute today without
changing anything else at all in their flow.

1) XSS stealing the passwords / CC numbers entered by the user
 manually? This is probably not possible with this proposal; the evil
 payload may construct a form where the writeonly attribute is not set.

Yup. That's not a scenario that this proposal improves in the slightest. If
the user is typing something into a corrupted page, attackers can read that
something in a number of ways.

 2) XSS stealing the passwords entered by the password manager? To do
 this, I feel that we need a taint-tracking system coupled with a
 password manager that remembers that some passwords can go only into
 writeonly fields, and which URLs and methods they need to be submitted

This is the scenario I'm focusing on.

We already track much of the form's context in Chrome's password manager in
order to determine which credential to insert into a given form. I imagine
other password manager do likewise. We're not using that data in this way
yet, but it's certainly a direction I'd like to explore.

 The CSP solution + blocking GET feels like a crutch that won't work in

(Restricting browser's autofill of password and credit card data to POST is
probably something we should do regardless of this proposal.)

 my main concern is that writing site-wide policies is hard
 as-is, and that the likelihood of well-scoped per-page policies,
 especially with path granularity, is low.

On the web at large, yes. For particular form fields that we know to be
interesting, maybe no. I just tried Google, Facebook, and PayPal's sign-in
forms: none touched the password field before sending it out on the wire.
Allowing them to assert that they're not going to, and to protect users'
saved credentials based upon that assertion, seems like a reasonable goal.

 But if we go the CSP route,
 breaking writeonly fields if form targets are not policed may be the
 best we can do.

Also note that there's no reason that the password manager couldn't mark
form fields as writeonly when inserting known-to-be-writeonly
credentials  (or simply refuse to autofill into a read/write field). We
don't have to rely on the field being pre-protected if we know that it
asserted certain things in the past when we saved the credential in
question. Both CSP and the inline attribute could be treated as persistent
signaling mechanisms, conceptually similar to httponly or HSTS, which
mitigates some of the risk you're pointing to here.

 (Also note that my attack #3 will work simply if XSRF
 tokens are user- but not action-bound, which is a common pattern.) I
 also expect many other corner cases to crop up when others look at the
 implementations later on.


 3) Regular compromised renderers / malware stealing the data manually
 entered or automatically populated by the browser? Not doable.

Assuming that we ever send the information to the renderer, granted. I'd
like to avoid doing that by, for example, sending a nonce to the renderer,
and replacing that nonce in the browser process before sending the request
out onto the network.

 4) Future Chrome origin-bound sandboxed renderers stealing the data
 manually entered by the user? Probably not doable, by analogy with #1.

Granted. Data the user types into a page is always readable, one way or

 5) Future Chrome origin-bound sandboxed renderers stealing the data
 auto-populated by the password manager? Feels like for this, we need
 taint tracking; otherwise, the renderer can ask for the password under
 false pretenses, perhaps after loading a sub-page with different or no
 CSP rules.

Consider that we can use this signal to flag the _credential_ as writeonly.
We don't have to rely on the form _always_ being so flagged.

 We could try giving the renderer a 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Mike West
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 Yea the keyup/down/press restrictions are definitely not useful, at least
 for password protection since the user has clearly no way to know if the
 field is safe or not.

I'd disagree that they're useless, but they're certainly not a robust
defense against an attacker reading information that you type into a form.

 The tainting is never gonna work reliably and consistently as Michal hinted
 (say, a blob: URL would run in the same origin but not be bound to CSP
 which could be used to exfiltrate the data).

The tainting problem is simplified by focusing on the part I care about:

 The dependency on CSP also makes this a bit aspirational. I can agree that
 the login form could be CSP protected but the whole origin is not as
 likely. Specially for connect- and form-.

As noted in a previous response, I see these concerns as somewhat mitigated
by tagging the credential as writeonly in a way that would prevent autofill
into a read/write form.

 And even that might be insufficient (its a common practice to echo back
 typed passwords when the user doesn't answer a captcha or has it wrong, for
 example - a same-origin XHR will leak the password).

As I think you'd agree, those pages are already shooting themselves in the
foot. You're correct that this proposal doesn't solve their problems, but
that's not a unique disadvantage of the proposal. :)

There are other solutions that seem more likely to work to solve the
 problem of password managers (something like a synced channelId, for
 example, or even FIDO style solutions). This proposal seems to try to
 achieve a mixture of just replacing canary values at the network layer
 based on destination with an httpOnly-style model for user-supplied data.

1. Password managers aren't the problem. Especially when used to generate
even vaguely secure password, they make authentication on the web
significantly less insecure than it would otherwise be.

2. The various proposals on like channel-bound
cookies (which I think you're referring to above?) can solve cookie theft.
They don't solve password theft.

 If we have a password manager and are gonna ask authors to modify their
 site, we should just use it to transfer real credentials, not passwords..
 Passwords need to die anyway.

You ding CSP as a bit aspirational, and then propose killing passwords.
*cough* :)

As long as modify their site means type 11 characters into your site's
template and not rewrite your authentication stack from the ground up
using technologies you've never heard of, I think it's something we can
reasonably ask of authors. The central advantage of the writeonly proposal
is that it's a trivial drop-in change. It's certainly not the real
revolution in authentication that we desperately need on the web, but
that's a feature, not a bug. :)


Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Eduardo' Vela Nava
1. How are keyup/down/press restrictions useful for password protection?
Actually they seem more useful for CSRF instead.
2. How is the tainting problem simplified by focusing on write only?
3. How is tagging the credential as write-only help with the secure
deployment of a site-wide CSP policy?
4. Why are sites that echo passwords in password fields shooting themselves
in the foot?

Also, since it seems I didn't explain myself correctly with what I meant
with Channel ID, I'll explain it differently.

Imagine if the password manager, instead of just syncing passwords around
also moved an httpOnly cookie. And whenever it detects the password going
by it appends the httpOnly cookie.

If the server detects such cookie in the request it concatenates it after
the password and uses that as the auth credential.

On the server, this only requires a one line change (adding he cookie at
the end if present), on the client the APIs already exist.

Same can be done with Channel ID with the further advantage that the OBC
can't be copied. The advantage of the cookie approach is that it can be
morphed and generated more easily.

Also, as a point of reference we've redone authentication many more times
in a lot less time with a lot less resources than deployed CSP across all
of Google. So yes, it's easier.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Mike West
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 1. How are keyup/down/press restrictions useful for password protection?
 Actually they seem more useful for CSRF instead.

These events are some of the many ways in which the data being typed into a
particular field is exposed to script. If we're going to call the field
writeonly, we need to lock those down. That said, they only protect that
particular field: attackers can easily bypass this restriction by doing
more work (overlaying a new form, etc).

How are they useful for CSRF? I don't see the link.

 2. How is the tainting problem simplified by focusing on write only?

 Focusing on autofill means that we're moving the flag up to the
credential, so we can ensure that the browser only autofills into writeonly
form fields. To your specific example, it means we don't have to care about
blobs in iframes, because (I'm pretty sure...) we don't autofill blobs in

 3. How is tagging the credential as write-only help with the secure
 deployment of a site-wide CSP policy?

It doesn't. The two are completely unrelated.

My point was simply that if we tag a credential as writeonly, we wouldn't
fill it into a form that lacked the writeonly flag in a page that lacked
the writeonly CSP. Solving CSP deployment isn't a precondition of this

 4. Why are sites that echo passwords in password fields shooting
 themselves in the foot?

 Echoing sensitive data in a place where an injected XHR can read it is a
general problem. This proposal doesn't make that worse.

 Imagine if the password manager, instead of just syncing passwords around
 also moved an httpOnly cookie. And whenever it detects the password going
 by it appends the httpOnly cookie.

 If the server detects such cookie in the request it concatenates it after
 the password and uses that as the auth credential.

 On the server, this only requires a one line change (adding he cookie at
 the end if present), on the client the APIs already exist.

 Same can be done with Channel ID with the further advantage that the OBC
 can't be copied. The advantage of the cookie approach is that it can be
 morphed and generated more easily.

Sounds like a great way of hardening sign-in. It's not clear to me how that
negates the problem of password theft, as I'd still need to be able to sign
in on my friend's computer when I accidentally spill coke on my laptop,

 Also, as a point of reference we've redone authentication many more times
 in a lot less time with a lot less resources than deployed CSP across all
 of Google. So yes, it's easier.

That surprises me.

Still, I suspect both are significantly more work than adding an attribute
to a form field.

Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Eduardo' Vela Nava
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Mike West wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 1. How are keyup/down/press restrictions useful for password protection?
 Actually they seem more useful for CSRF instead.

 These events are some of the many ways in which the data being typed into
 a particular field is exposed to script. If we're going to call the field
 writeonly, we need to lock those down. That said, they only protect that
 particular field: attackers can easily bypass this restriction by doing
 more work (overlaying a new form, etc).

OK, so it's just being locked down out of a formality, but has no security
purpose. Sure, so it's not useful for any security purposes.

How are they useful for CSRF? I don't see the link.

Let's not go into it. But if you lock down an origin as described in the
spec, and send a FormData via XHR then one could authenticate an action
came as a result of a user action. Anyway, I shouldn't have said that, the
solution is incomplete since value= prefilling would also have to be
disabled for that to work.

 2. How is the tainting problem simplified by focusing on write only?

  Focusing on autofill means that we're moving the flag up to the
 credential, so we can ensure that the browser only autofills into writeonly
 form fields. To your specific example, it means we don't have to care about
 blobs in iframes, because (I'm pretty sure...) we don't autofill blobs in

The blob: URL would simply steal the FormData from the other page (it's
same origin), and submit it via XHR to another origin..

 3. How is tagging the credential as write-only help with the secure
 deployment of a site-wide CSP policy?

 It doesn't. The two are completely unrelated.

 My point was simply that if we tag a credential as writeonly, we wouldn't
 fill it into a form that lacked the writeonly flag in a page that lacked
 the writeonly CSP. Solving CSP deployment isn't a precondition of this

I see, so it wouldn't be sufficient to make a field writeonly, you would
also need to declare that in the CSP. The whole website would have to have
connect-src policies stricly restricting the exfiltration of data from the
domain. Is there any (relevant/important) website where locking down
connect-src for the whole origin is possible or feasible? Or are we
assuming every website has their login form in a unique origin? (Are you
expecting to have per-page suborigins implemented before this is feasible?).

4. Why are sites that echo passwords in password fields shooting themselves
 in the foot?

Echoing sensitive data in a place where an injected XHR can read it is a
 general problem. This proposal doesn't make that worse.

Sensitive data is echoed in places where XHRs can read all the time. Your
email, your authentication credentials (OAuth, etc), your bank statements.
This isn't a general problem.

 Imagine if the password manager, instead of just syncing passwords around
 also moved an httpOnly cookie. And whenever it detects the password going
 by it appends the httpOnly cookie.

 If the server detects such cookie in the request it concatenates it after
 the password and uses that as the auth credential.

 On the server, this only requires a one line change (adding he cookie at
 the end if present), on the client the APIs already exist.

 Same can be done with Channel ID with the further advantage that the OBC
 can't be copied. The advantage of the cookie approach is that it can be
 morphed and generated more easily.

 Sounds like a great way of hardening sign-in. It's not clear to me how
 that negates the problem of password theft, as I'd still need to be able to
 sign in on my friend's computer when I accidentally spill coke on my
 laptop, right?

How is the password manager able to sync your password to your friend's

 Also, as a point of reference we've redone authentication many more times
 in a lot less time with a lot less resources than deployed CSP across all
 of Google. So yes, it's easier.

 That surprises me.

 Still, I suspect both are significantly more work than adding an attribute
 to a form field.

 Mike West
 Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

 Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
 Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
 Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
 (Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Mike West
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Mike West wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 OK, so it's just being locked down out of a formality, but has no security
 purpose. Sure, so it's not useful for any security purposes.

Well, no. It doesn't solve the problem, but it introduces a hurdle. Making
an attacker do more work is good.

 2. How is the tainting problem simplified by focusing on write only?

  Focusing on autofill means that we're moving the flag up to the
 credential, so we can ensure that the browser only autofills into writeonly
 form fields. To your specific example, it means we don't have to care about
 blobs in iframes, because (I'm pretty sure...) we don't autofill blobs in

 The blob: URL would simply steal the FormData from the other page (it's
 same origin), and submit it via XHR to another origin..

Ah, that's clever! However: blobs inherit the CSP of their parent frame, so
the same mitigations apply.

Moreover, if we're doing the network-stack replacement thing, and we know
details about the credential, then we can refuse to do the replacement in
the browser process if the destination doesn't match the details we have
stored for the credential, CSP or not.

 3. How is tagging the credential as write-only help with the secure
 deployment of a site-wide CSP policy?

 It doesn't. The two are completely unrelated.

 My point was simply that if we tag a credential as writeonly, we wouldn't
 fill it into a form that lacked the writeonly flag in a page that lacked
 the writeonly CSP. Solving CSP deployment isn't a precondition of this

 I see, so it wouldn't be sufficient to make a field writeonly, you would
 also need to declare that in the CSP.

Let me rephrase: if we tag a credential as writeonly, we wouldn't fill it
into a form field that wasn't writeonly. Form fields are tagged writeonly
either by virtue of an inlined attribute, or a CSP on the page.

Either individually signals to the browser that the site does not intend to
make programmatic use of the field's value. We wouldn't need both in order
to decide when to tag a credential as writeonly.

 The whole website would have to have connect-src policies stricly
 restricting the exfiltration of data from the domain. Is there any
 (relevant/important) website where locking down connect-src for the whole
 origin is possible or feasible? Or are we assuming every website has their
 login form in a unique origin? (Are you expecting to have per-page
 suborigins implemented before this is feasible?).

 4. Why are sites that echo passwords in password fields shooting
 themselves in the foot?

 Echoing sensitive data in a place where an injected XHR can read it is a
 general problem. This proposal doesn't make that worse.

 Sensitive data is echoed in places where XHRs can read all the time. Your
 email, your authentication credentials (OAuth, etc), your bank statements.
 This isn't a general problem.

It is a general problem, given the attack vector you're proposing: if I can
inject a same-origin XHR, I can read sensitive data. That includes
passwords, if the passwords are echo'd out in the page's contents. I'm
agreeing with you that writeonly doesn't solve this problem.

I'd suggest that sites themselves could solve it by echoing a nonce rather
than the original password, but that's obviously up to them and not
something we could spec.

 Sounds like a great way of hardening sign-in. It's not clear to me how
 that negates the problem of password theft, as I'd still need to be able to
 sign in on my friend's computer when I accidentally spill coke on my
 laptop, right?

 How is the password manager able to sync your password to your friend's

I wasn't clear: the server still needs to accept a bare username/password
pair, as it's not the case that users only log in a) using a password
manager, b) on a machine that's syncing. As long as that's the case, I
don't see how tying passwords to a cookie makes password theft less

Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-16 Thread Eduardo' Vela Nava
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Mike West wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Mike West wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Eduardo' Vela Nava

 OK, so it's just being locked down out of a formality, but has no
 security purpose. Sure, so it's not useful for any security purposes.

 Well, no. It doesn't solve the problem, but it introduces a hurdle. Making
 an attacker do more work is good.

 2. How is the tainting problem simplified by focusing on write only?

  Focusing on autofill means that we're moving the flag up to the
 credential, so we can ensure that the browser only autofills into writeonly
 form fields. To your specific example, it means we don't have to care about
 blobs in iframes, because (I'm pretty sure...) we don't autofill blobs in

 The blob: URL would simply steal the FormData from the other page (it's
 same origin), and submit it via XHR to another origin..

 Ah, that's clever! However: blobs inherit the CSP of their parent frame,
 so the same mitigations apply.

Well, it doesn't today. But maybe you mean in the future.

But the point is that there are many ways to exfiltrate, these are just the
first thing that comes to mind but others like input pattern also are an
info leak, and I mean, these are just ideas coming up the top of my mind,
the browser wasn't designed to solve this problem and it's dubious if it's
really feasible to do so without reinventing a lot of things.

 Moreover, if we're doing the network-stack replacement thing, and we know
 details about the credential, then we can refuse to do the replacement in
 the browser process if the destination doesn't match the details we have
 stored for the credential, CSP or not.

 3. How is tagging the credential as write-only help with the secure
 deployment of a site-wide CSP policy?

 It doesn't. The two are completely unrelated.

 My point was simply that if we tag a credential as writeonly, we
 wouldn't fill it into a form that lacked the writeonly flag in a page that
 lacked the writeonly CSP. Solving CSP deployment isn't a precondition of
 this scheme.

 I see, so it wouldn't be sufficient to make a field writeonly, you would
 also need to declare that in the CSP.

 Let me rephrase: if we tag a credential as writeonly, we wouldn't fill it
 into a form field that wasn't writeonly. Form fields are tagged writeonly
 either by virtue of an inlined attribute, or a CSP on the page.

 Either individually signals to the browser that the site does not intend
 to make programmatic use of the field's value. We wouldn't need both in
 order to decide when to tag a credential as writeonly.

The whole website would have to have connect-src policies stricly
 restricting the exfiltration of data from the domain. Is there any
 (relevant/important) website where locking down connect-src for the whole
 origin is possible or feasible? Or are we assuming every website has their
 login form in a unique origin? (Are you expecting to have per-page
 suborigins implemented before this is feasible?).

 4. Why are sites that echo passwords in password fields shooting
 themselves in the foot?

 Echoing sensitive data in a place where an injected XHR can read it is a
 general problem. This proposal doesn't make that worse.

 Sensitive data is echoed in places where XHRs can read all the time. Your
 email, your authentication credentials (OAuth, etc), your bank statements.
 This isn't a general problem.

 It is a general problem, given the attack vector you're proposing: if I
 can inject a same-origin XHR, I can read sensitive data. That includes
 passwords, if the passwords are echo'd out in the page's contents. I'm
 agreeing with you that writeonly doesn't solve this problem.

 I'd suggest that sites themselves could solve it by echoing a nonce rather
 than the original password, but that's obviously up to them and not
 something we could spec.

 Sounds like a great way of hardening sign-in. It's not clear to me how
 that negates the problem of password theft, as I'd still need to be able to
 sign in on my friend's computer when I accidentally spill coke on my
 laptop, right?

 How is the password manager able to sync your password to your friend's

 I wasn't clear: the server still needs to accept a bare username/password
 pair, as it's not the case that users only log in a) using a password
 manager, b) on a machine that's syncing. As long as that's the case, I
 don't see how tying passwords to a cookie makes password theft less

The user would just have to type the full password (including the extra
cookie-random value that the password manager backed up). The caveat of
course is that the user has to write this suffix somewhere, but that is
what makes the password strong anyway.

And anyway, to be clear, this is just a discussion on an alternate design

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Mike West
Yes. Two things about service workers:

1. If you can spin up a service worker, the site is already very much in

2. I have handwavey ideas about ensuring that the FormData object which
would be readable via the Request object in the service worker would retain
the opaque flag. The spec strawman hints at that, but I haven't done the
work to find all the places to monkey-patch.


Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 10/15/14, 10:15 AM, Mike West wrote:

 `FormData` objects created from forms including these writeonly elements
 would be opaque. You could use them to submit an XHR request, but you
 couldn't read the values directly from script.

 If you're at the point where you can run script on the page, can't you
 spin up a service worker that would capture the data in that XHR?


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
 input writeonly type=password

I think that one huge problem with this is that the attacker will have
many other, indirect ways to get the value even if you protect direct
access to the field. Two most obvious options include:

1) Change the action value for the form to point to, where is in attacker's control,

2) Change the action of the form to GET while keeping the same method,
let it submit, and then examine

3) Change the action value of the form and the name of the password
field so that the posted data is interpreted by the server as an
attempt to, say, post a comment.

I worry that there's actually more, and that a lot of nasty taint
tracking heuristics would be required to make it go away.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Mike West
Good feedback, Michal. Thanks!

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Michal Zalewski

  input writeonly type=password

 I think that one huge problem with this is that the attacker will have
 many other, indirect ways to get the value even if you protect direct
 access to the field. Two most obvious options include:

Note that there are two types of attacker I care about:

1. XSS. You've outlined some (of the probably many) ways to bypass the
kinds of protection I'd like to build here. Let's discuss below.

2. Renderer flaws. Currently, if someone can corrupt Chrome's renderer
process, she can request any and all passwords from the password store by
pretending to be various origins. If we can mark certain credentials as
writeonly, we know we never have to send them to the renderer, and that
any such requests could be ignored. This is similar to what (I hope) we're
doing with `httponly` cookies (though I haven't checked, it seems like an
obvious optimization).

 1) Change the action value for the form to point to, where is in attacker's control,

I hope that this is mitigated by the `form-action` CSP directive, which
allows the site to control the valid endpoints for form submission, and
`connect-src`, which allows the same for XHR, EventSource, WebSockets, etc.

 2) Change the action of the form to GET while keeping the same method,
 let it submit, and then examine

Good idea. One way of avoid this would be to lock all forms with writeonly
data and XHR with opaque FormData to the POST method. That's probably what
we'd like folks to be doing anyway in order to keep potentially interesting
information out of server logs and browser history.

 3) Change the action value of the form and the name of the password
 field so that the posted data is interpreted by the server as an
 attempt to, say, post a comment.

Again, mitigated (but by no means avoided) by path restrictions on the
`form-action` CSP directive.

 I worry that there's actually more, and that a lot of nasty taint
 tracking heuristics would be required to make it go away.

That's something I'd like to avoid, insofar as possible. I think it's
likely unavoidable to have some sort of opaque flag on request objects in
order to do the right thing with regard to ServiceWorkers, but since we
already track opaqueness for responses, I hope that's not an overly
burdensome taint to track.


Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
 1) Change the action value for the form to point to, where is in attacker's control,

 I hope that this is mitigated by the `form-action` CSP directive, which
 allows the site to control the valid endpoints for form submission, and
 `connect-src`, which allows the same for XHR, EventSource, WebSockets, etc.

 3) Change the action value of the form and the name of the password
 field so that the posted data is interpreted by the server as an
 attempt to, say, post a comment.

 Again, mitigated (but by no means avoided) by path restrictions on the
 `form-action` CSP directive.

Fair enough - although I worry that the likelihood of people using
this in conjunction with tightly-scoped per-document CSP (versus the
far more likely scenario of just having a minimal XSS-preventing
site-wide or app-wide policy that will definitely not mitigate #3 and
probably do nothing for #1) are pretty slim.

We're effectively adding a mechanism that works well only if you
remember about a fairly counterintuitive gotcha, which realistically
means that it won't be used correctly something like 90%+ of the time.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
 Fair enough - although I worry that the likelihood of people using
 this in conjunction with tightly-scoped per-document CSP (versus the
 far more likely scenario of just having a minimal XSS-preventing
 site-wide or app-wide policy that will definitely not mitigate #3 and
 probably do nothing for #1) are pretty slim.

In fact, the XSS-preventing part is probably a stretch. Facebook and
Twitter are often mentioned as the two most significant customers for
CSP, but both use unsafe-inline and unsafe-eval.

On top of that, note that #3 is not defeated by origin-scoped rules -
you need to specify full paths.

Honestly, if we're creating a mechanism that implies that a degree of
protection is provided for password fields, we should either make it
work on its own, *or* at the very minimum require a CSP with
form-action specified, and otherwise warn or better yet, break fields
flagged as writeonly.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Mike West
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Michal Zalewski

  Fair enough - although I worry that the likelihood of people using
  this in conjunction with tightly-scoped per-document CSP (versus the
  far more likely scenario of just having a minimal XSS-preventing
  site-wide or app-wide policy that will definitely not mitigate #3 and
  probably do nothing for #1) are pretty slim.

 In fact, the XSS-preventing part is probably a stretch. Facebook and
 Twitter are often mentioned as the two most significant customers for
 CSP, but both use unsafe-inline and unsafe-eval.

True. Because both have huge legacy systems built on inlining JavaScript.
That's an architectural change that is really truly difficult in aggregate.

The same is not the case for login forms. Or credit-card forms, for that

The only sites that wouldn't be able to implement something like this
without significant effort are those who do client-side encryption (well,
encryption) of the sensitive data before passing it on to the server.

 On top of that, note that #3 is not defeated by origin-scoped rules -
 you need to specify full paths.

You're correct. I mentioned that. :)

#3 also relies on the site having a comment form, or some other mechanism
of publicly reflecting POST data to the world without a CSRF. Lots of sites
have that sort of mechanism, sure, but I don't think that even a majority
of high-value sites do.

Honestly, if we're creating a mechanism that implies that a degree of
 protection is provided for password fields, we should either make it
 work on its own

Do you have suggestions for what on its own might look like?

 , *or* at the very minimum require a CSP with
 form-action specified, and otherwise warn or better yet, break fields
 flagged as writeonly.

Sure. Doing one or both is probably pretty reasonable. :)


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Domenic Denicola
For the XSS attacker, couldn't they just use 
`theInput.removeAttribute(writeonly); alert(theInput.value);`?

Or is this some kind of new un-removable attribute?

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Ben Maurer
- Would one be able to validate the password field (eg, to detect an empty
password)? Is HTML5 validation allowed on a writeonly field.
- Could a cross-domain XHR be made? Could FormData from such a field be
limited to the same domain.
- Something that could be interesting is if the password field only exposed
an encrypted or hashed value. For example, it'd be pretty awesome if a
website could put a public key and say when a user types in a password
here, encrypt it with the public key before sending to the server. This
could prevent an attacker from ever seeing the plain text password. Today
you could do this with JS, but it would prevent one from using the
writeonly attribute.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 4:15 PM, Mike West wrote:

 # Problem

 A user’s credentials are valuable, and are often the key target of phishing
 and content injection attacks. If a content injection attack can trick a
 user's credential manager into autofilling her credentials, then the user’s
 credentials will be available to the attacker directly via DOM APIs or
 indirectly via form submission to a malicious endpoint. The latter risk can
 be mitigated via the Content Security Policy `form-action` directive, but
 the former is a real problem. If passwords are a simple value accessor
 away, users are at risk.

 ## Proposal

 We could mitigate this latter risk by allowing sites to opt-in to denying
 DOM access to an element's content. If JavaScript can't grab the value,
 then script injection attacks have a much more difficult time exfiltrating
 interesting data. This might be as simple as adding a writeonly attribute
 to submittable elements:

 input writeonly type=password

 This would throw an `InvalidStateError` on `value*` accessors, bar the
 element from constraint validation, block `keydown`, `keyup`, `keypress`
 events, and probably other things I haven't considered yet.

 `FormData` objects created from forms including these writeonly elements
 would be opaque. You could use them to submit an XHR request, but you
 couldn't read the values directly from script.

 This state could also be controlled via a Content Security Policy directive
 which would set writeonly state for some arbitrary set of submittable
 elements, perhaps based on autocomplete attribute values. Perhaps:

 Content-Security-Policy: form-writeonly cc-number cc-csc ...
 current-password new-password

 ## Spec Suggestions

 I've strawmanned out the monkey-patching this would require of XHR, Fetch,
 and HTML in a bit of detail at, and there was
 short-lived public-webapps thread at
 a shorter-lived discussion at

 ## Implementer Interest

 I'd like to implement pieces of this in Chrome to harden our password
 manager; if we can use this state as a heuristic to mark particular
 credentials as writeonly, we can keep them out of the renderer process
 entirely, which would be a nice win for security.

 I've also talked about it tangentially with Anne and Jonas at Mozilla (the
 former in relation to Fetch, the latter in relation to a proposed
 Credential Management API). Neither jumped on it as the best thing ever,
 but they were both more than marginally supportive.


 Mike West
 Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

 Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
 Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
 Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
 (Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Michal Zalewski
So I might have started this on the wrong foot, but let's consider the
broader threat model. What do we want to protect against?

1) XSS stealing the passwords / CC numbers entered by the user
manually? This is probably not possible with this proposal; the evil
payload may construct a form where the writeonly attribute is not set.

2) XSS stealing the passwords entered by the password manager? To do
this, I feel that we need a taint-tracking system coupled with a
password manager that remembers that some passwords can go only into
writeonly fields, and which URLs and methods they need to be submitted

The CSP solution + blocking GET feels like a crutch that won't work in
practice; my main concern is that writing site-wide policies is hard
as-is, and that the likelihood of well-scoped per-page policies,
especially with path granularity, is low. But if we go the CSP route,
breaking writeonly fields if form targets are not policed may be the
best we can do. (Also note that my attack #3 will work simply if XSRF
tokens are user- but not action-bound, which is a common pattern.) I
also expect many other corner cases to crop up when others look at the
implementations later on.

3) Regular compromised renderers / malware stealing the data manually
entered or automatically populated by the browser? Not doable.

4) Future Chrome origin-bound sandboxed renderers stealing the data
manually entered by the user? Probably not doable, by analogy with #1.

5) Future Chrome origin-bound sandboxed renderers stealing the data
auto-populated by the password manager? Feels like for this, we need
taint tracking; otherwise, the renderer can ask for the password under
false pretenses, perhaps after loading a sub-page with different or no
CSP rules. We could try giving the renderer a token that is converted
to a password on an ongoing request by the network stack, but there is
no way to confirm that the request is being made to the right
destination and in good faith.


The reason why I was previously skeptical of proposals of write-only
fields is pretty much because the threat model is so complicated and
the solutions are so fragile - but maybe I'm in the wrong on this.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Mike West
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 For the XSS attacker, couldn't they just use
 `theInput.removeAttribute(writeonly); alert(theInput.value);`?

 Or is this some kind of new un-removable attribute?

The strawman suggests setting a flag on the element, and doesn't suggest a
way of unsetting that flag. This is conceptually similar to iframe@sandbox's
effect on the document loaded into the frame.

Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Mike West
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Tab Atkins Jr.

 Nothing in-band will work, because the attacker can replace arbitrary
 amounts of the page if they're loaded as an in-page script.  It's
 gotta be *temporally* isolated - either something out-of-band like a
 response header, or something that has no effect by the time scripts
 run, like a meta that is only read during initial parsing.

Yes. Hence the CSP directive portion of the proposal.

The inline attribute is useful for the specific password manager case I'm
concentrating on, as it gives us a clear indication that the site doesn't
intend to do wacky manipulation of its credentials on the fly. We can use
this to determine how and when the password manager (or credit card
autofill, or whatever) ought to refuse to expose information to the

Mike West
Google+:, Twitter: @mikewest, Cell: +49 162 10 255 91

Google Germany GmbH, Dienerstrasse 12, 80331 München, Germany
Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
(Sorry; I'm legally required to add this exciting detail to emails. Bleh.)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Eduardo' Vela Nava
Yea the keyup/down/press restrictions are definitely not useful, at least
for password protection since the user has clearly no way to know if the
field is safe or not.

The tainting is never gonna work reliably and consistently as Michal hinted
(say, a blob: URL would run in the same origin but not be bound to CSP
which could be used to exfiltrate the data).

The dependency on CSP also makes this a bit aspirational. I can agree that
the login form could be CSP protected but the whole origin is not as
likely. Specially for connect- and form-. And even that might be
insufficient (its a common practice to echo back typed passwords when the
user doesnt answer a captcha or has it wrong, for example - a same-origin
XHR will leak the password).

There are other solutions that seem more likely to work to solve the
problem of password managers (something like a synced channelId, for
example, or even FIDO style solutions). This proposal seems to try to
achieve a mixture of just replacing canary values at the network layer
based on destination with an httpOnly-style model for user-supplied data.

If we have a password manager and are gonna ask authors to modify their
site, we should just use it to transfer real credentials, not passwords..
Passwords need to die anyway.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.

2014-10-15 Thread Roger Hågensen

On 2014-10-15 18:10, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

For the XSS attacker, couldn't they just use 
`theInput.removeAttribute(writeonly); alert(theInput.value);`?

Or is this some kind of new un-removable attribute?

Doesn't matter if it is or not - the attacker can still always just
remove the input and put a fresh one in.

Nothing in-band will work, because the attacker can replace arbitrary
amounts of the page if they're loaded as an in-page script.  It's
gotta be *temporally* isolated - either something out-of-band like a
response header, or something that has no effect by the time scripts
run, like a meta that is only read during initial parsing.


There is also legitimate needs for being able to edit the password field 
from a script.
I have a custom login system (that is currently in public use) that 
takes the password, does a HMAC on it (plus a salt and some time limited 
This allows login in without having to send the password in the clear. 
It's not as secure as https but it's better than plaintext.

A writeonly password field would have to be optional only or my code 
would break.
And I'm not the only one. also uses this method (they use 
bcrypt on the password to ensure that SpiderOak has Zero-Knowledge).

Any limitations on form manipulations should be based on same origin 
limitations instead, such that only a javascript with the same origin as 
the html with the form can read/write/manipulate the form.

Roger Rescator Hågensen.
Freelancer -