[whatwg] Scripting and WF2 repetition model?

2007-03-14 Thread Dave Raggett
I am trying to put together a demo for Web Forms 2.0 where each row 
has a product name, quantity and unit price, and there is a summary 
field at the end of the form showing the total price.

I have been able to get the repetition to work fine, once I realized 
that the thead and tbody elements are needed, without them the 
column headers mysteriously appear at the bottom of the table, but 
perhaps that's just a bug in Opera 9.

What I haven't yet worked out is how to address the fields in each 
row from the onforminput event handler set on the form element.

In the following, I get an alert that the form object is missing the
row, and then an error. Any ideas on how to address the fields in
a script that iterates across the rows and fields?

script type=text/javascript
function update()
  var form = document.forms[0];
  if (!form) alert(missing form);
  if (!form.row) alert(form is missing row);
  alert(rows =  + form.row[0].item.value);

form name=form1 onsubmit=false onforminput=update()
fieldset name=lineItem
legendRepeating groups of fields/legend
tdProduct Name/td
tdPrice Per Unit/td
tr id=lineitem repeat=template repeat-start=4
tdinput name=row[lineitem].item type=text title=product 
tdinput name=row[lineitem]quantity type=number title=number 
tdinput name=row[lineitem]unitprice type=number title=price 
per unit/td


plabel for=totalTotal price/label
input name=total readonly=readonly
button type=submitSubmit/button
button type=resetReset/button/p

 Dave Raggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Re: [whatwg] Scripting and WF2 repetition model?

2007-03-14 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Dave Raggett wrote:
 What I haven't yet worked out is how to address the fields in each row 
 from the onforminput event handler set on the form element.
   alert(rows =  + form.row[0].item.value);

That should be form[row0.item].value.

The [foo] bit in the name= attributes get expanded, so that the names 
are row0.item, row1.item, etc; the actual repetition blocks don't have 
the square brackets. Look at the post-repetition DOM to see what I mean. 
(The square-bracket dereference notation is required because there's a . 
in the name of the field.)

Anyway, you just want:

   pTotal price: output onforminput=value = total()0/output?p


 function total() {
   var rows = document.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].rows;
   var result = 0;
   for (var i = 0; i  rows.length; ++i) {
 var prefix = 'row' + rows[i].repetitionIndex;
 result += rows[i].getElementsByName(prefix + 'quantity')[0].value *
   rows[i].getElementsByName(prefix + 'unitprice')[0].value;
   return result;

By the way, the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list is probably more appropriate 
for this thread. (That's our authoring help mailing list.)

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'