Hi Everyone,

*The WHATWG Blog*

A new community blog has been created [1]. The aim of the blog is to keep the public informed about the development of (X)HTML 5, the WHATWG, and related topics, and get feedback from those who do not wish to participate directly in the mailing list.

At present, we're going to allow anyone who has contributed to the spec to register and write a post. You can write whatever you like as long as it's on topic. But remember, when you write a post, you'll be seen as representing the WHATWG and if you write something bad, that reflects badly on the whole community. Basically, use your common sense and keep it polite.

A select few of us will act as moderators just to take action when necessary. Any wildly off-topic or extremely inappropriate posts will be deleted, but hopefully we won't need to delete anything (except spam). We'll see how this system goes for now, but if it gets out of hand we'll have to make other arrangements.

If you want to do something about the blog design, create a WordPress template and send it to Hixie.

*The FAQ*

Based on the feedback received [2] from the recent announcements [3], we're also creating an FAQ [4]. Any suggestions for questions or answers are welcome. Just send them to the list with "[FAQ]" in the subject line. I'll be the editor of the FAQ and will respond to all of those posts (where necessary).

[1] http://blog.whatwg.org/
[2] http://del.icio.us/lachlan.hunt/WHATWG
[3] http://lachy.id.au/log/2006/11/future-of-html
[4] http://blog.whatwg.org/faq/

Lachlan Hunt

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