Re: [whatwg] html5 state handling: overview and extensions

2009-07-11 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, Mike Wilson wrote:
>   A naive solution for this would be to add something similar to a
>   browser_context-scoped cookie.

There have been several requests for things along these lines; I'd 
recommend taking them up with the working group working on cookies.

> Invisible Document state for GET requests
>   There currently is no support for associating invisible state 
>   with a Document delivered with GET. This is also an area where 
>   web frameworks have worked around this problem, and typical 
>   workarounds are to use url-based (visible) state or to switch to
>   POST instead.

This is by design, as I understand it. It sounds like a feature request 
for the HTTP working group, though.

Going forward I would expect authors to use AJAX-like interaction models 
so that there is only one page, and the state is all scripted.

> Document state
>   There currently is no support for associating script state on the
>   Document level. Any state saved in DOM or script global object 
>   will be lost on a page reload.

You can use pushState() to add an entry if your state changes relative to 
the original state described in the resource.

>   Use cases would include single-page Ajax applications that want 
>   to store data independent of a certain history entry, but at the
>   same time not sharing it with other page loads (Documents) of the
>   same application in the history of the same browsing context 
>   (otherwise sessionStorage could be used).

That's not a use case, that's a description of what it enables. When would 
this ever happen?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] html5 state handling: overview and extensions

2009-06-18 Thread Mike Wilson
Michael Nordman wrote:
> This breakdown is a useful way to think about application state
> in the browser.

Thanks, it has been very useful to myself as a working model for
making vague thoughts of "something missing" into something that
is possible to measure and compare. Ideally, some similar kind of
overview could be maintained in the HTML5 spec to keep both spec
authors and readers sane.

> Another axis that could be incorporated into the 
> model is lifetime.

You really hit the nail on the head there. Actually, my initial
attempt on a comparison table included a few additional columns:

- state inherited by cloned browsing context
- persistent storage supported
- state protected/scoped by origin 
- state protected/scoped by origin+path
- lifetime control

- state travels to browser in response headers
- state travels to browser in response body

but I decided to start out with a cut-down version, as otherwise
definitely no-one would read my post (it was bad enough with the
length of it even being cut down ;-).

> There is some overlap between Server-
> Controlled and Script-Controlled realms in cookies, applications
> definitely have a dependency on that overlap being there.

Right, I missed including that in the post. Actually, in my 
initial table (mentioned above) I didn't split between client- 
and server-control, but had that as columns instead, so one
feature (cookies) could cover both script- and server-needs.
I should note that in this initial table of mine, "normal"
cookies serve both purposes but http-only cookies only do
server-controlled state. Here's an updated table with cookies


Scope Visibility : State construct
- --   -
user agent,   invisible  : cookies, WS localStorage
browsing context, invisible  :, WS sessionStorage
document, invisible  : -
history entry,invisible  : history state
history entry,url,   : url hash

> There
> are two constructs not represented in your writeup, Database and
> ApplicationCache.

Yes, they felt like somewhat different animals so I didn't
include them, maybe that was wrong. All the other ones are
some kind of simple data or name/value-paired data so I
focused on them.
My goal was also to make a matrix that would help us find
the missing pieces, by identifying the empty cells. When
adding too many different "animals" to the same matrix there
will be many empty cells, and it gets harder to see patterns.
Do you have ideas on how to incorporate Database and
ApplicationCache in the comparisons?

> > Possible solutions would be to add a new "documentStorage" to
> > WebStorage, or to offer a History.setDocumentState method.
> I see other possibilities with WebStorage too.
>   "documentStorage" has persistent lifetime + document scope
> others...
>   transient lifetime + document scope  (transient does not 
>   survive a browser restart)
>   transient lifetime + user agent scope"temporaryStorage"
>   transient lifetime + history entry scope   "privateStorage"

Interesting ideas! My initial thought was that lifetime could be 
controlled in a way similar to cookies, ie no lifetime indicates 
transient lifetime, and for persistent lifetime you set an 
expiration date/time. Maybe the legacy of cookie expiration 
doesn't have to be the model here, but it would seem good if 
some of the suggested extensions are indeed implemented as 
something cookie-like.

mvh Mike

Re: [whatwg] html5 state handling: overview and extensions

2009-06-17 Thread Michael Nordman
This breakdown is a useful way to think about application state in the
browser. Another axis that could be incorporated into the model is lifetime.
There is some overlap between Server-Controlled and Script-Controlled realms
in cookies, applications definitely have a dependency on that overlap being
there. There are two constructs not represented in your writeup, Database
and ApplicationCache.
> Possible solutions would be to add a new "documentStorage" to
> WebStorage, or to offer a History.setDocumentState method.

I see other possibilities with WebStorage too.
  "documentStorage" has persistent lifetime + document scope
  transient lifetime + document scope  (transient does not survive a browser
  transient lifetime + user agent scope"temporaryStorage"
  transient lifetime + history entry scope   "privateStorage"

[whatwg] html5 state handling: overview and extensions

2009-06-15 Thread Mike Wilson

HTML5 provides a number of constructs to transfer and manage 
application state. In this post I attempt to classify these 
constructs in a consistent manner to identify what kinds of state 
management is taken care of, and what is not. My goal is to 
discuss the uncovered areas to see if we can address them with 
suitable additions to HTML5.


  To simplify this overview I limit myself to only addressing 
  internal state that the application stores to keep track of the 
  user's interaction with it, and that isn't directly accessible by
  the user. 

  This means f ex that hidden input fields are included in this 
  overview (as these usually represent some internal state) but 
  editable input fields are not (as these correspond more to page 
  parameters than page state). I know this distinction may not be 
  perfect, and at some point we might want to include the other 
  parts, but I think it is good to start out with these 

  State can be stored in many different ways, and many different 
  things can be regarded as state, so consider the below scenario 
  to understand what I regard as state in this post:
  - a user makes some navigation action that makes the browser 
navigate to, and request http://host/page1
  - when returning the response for page1, the server may include 
some state ("ServerState") to be stored in the browser through
some state construct
  - during the lifetime of the returned page in the browser, 
additional state may be produced by script ("ScriptState") and
stored by some other state construct
  - to qualify as state constructs in this overview, the constructs
used to store ServerState and ScriptState above should support
that the state survives the following actions:
. navigating away from, and then back again, to the current 
  session history entry in the browsing context, including 
  scenarios where the document objects have been discarded in 
  the meantime
. page reload/refresh of the current page (this follows from 
  the first point)
(there are many other actions that could be mentioned but the 
above two are enough for this overview)
  State that survives these criteria is "real" state in the 

Server-controlled state
  This is state which is created by the server application and then
  transmitted to the browser where it is stored, to later be 
  transparently sent back to the server for identification or 
  processing. As it is under server control it should not rely on 
  script execution in the browser, so state constructs need to have
  a mechanism that both automatically stores the state in browser,
  and automatically transfers it back from browser to server when 
  appropriate. Typically the transfer back and forth between server
  and browser takes place on at least every page request and 

Script-controlled state
  This is state created and stored by script in the browser. The 
  preservation of state only applies to other script reading the 
  data and any mechanism for transfer back and forth to the server
  is optional.

  State can be stored on different scopes, or contexts, to control
  its reach and lifetime. HTML5 offers the following scopes where 
  a higher item on the list encloses lower items:
  - User agent (an application containing a collection of top-level
browsing contexts)
  - Browsing context (has session history with a number of 
  - Document (corresponds to one page load from server but can be 
associated with multiple session history entries with different
navigational states)
  - Session history entry (a single navigational state for a 

  Apart from the different scopes, state is also kept separated by
  origin, to not allow different sites to interfere with each 
  other's state. I will just assume origin is in effect for the 
  rest of this post.

User visibility
  For different scenarios it may, or may not, be desired to 
  indicate the current state to the user through the browser user 
  interface. This could f ex mean being part of the URL for 
  bookmarkability etc. It is an advantage if the application author
  can choose between state constructs both with and without user 
  interface exposure.

Request type (http method)
  Some state constructs are unique to a certain http method. In 
  this overview I list GET and POST methods.


Below are tables comparing properties of different state 
constructs. There are many alternatives to how these tables could 
be organized but I've tried to keep things simple and only add 
columns for the most important properties for this discussion.


Scope Visibility  Request : State construct
- --  ---   -
user agent,   invisible,  GET : cookie
user agent,   invisible,  POST: cookie
browsing context,