Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-07-24 Thread Jan Varga
On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

 If the options are:

  - authors never use the feature
  - users lose their control over their browser
  - the feature has a complicated API

 ...then we're stuck in a bad place, certainly. But I don't think those are
 the only options; what about these, for instance:

  - authors use the feature anyway, and like that it gives users power
  - browsers default to showing mainly the author's menuitems, but offer
a discoverable way for users to find more options if they need them

 Ok, the first of these two might be too optimistic, but the second should
 be workable, no? That's what the spec now suggests. I've added an example
 that shows how this could work:

 Before (only the author's commands):

 After (the user having clicked a disclosure widget):

I like it, it's a good compromise.


Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-07-23 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  I don't think it's a good solution to leave it undefined if 
  all/none/some of the UA menuitems are displayed by default. While it 
  on an API level won't break anything, authors consider as breaking 
  a lot more things than APIs not behaving as expected.
  I'm happy to give guidance that happens to match what the browser 
  vendors want to do anyway, but I don't think it makes sense to make a 
  page- undetectable UI detail like this a conformance requirement.
 I agree that defining exact UI is a bad idea. However I think we should 
 define the semantic meaning of the context menu. If the semantics are 
 that the context menu provided by the page is intended to be additional 
 context actions, or alternative context actions.

I've tried to add more text to the spec to encourage UAs to not show the 
UA menu items as prominently. Is that sufficient? We're constrained in 
what we can do, given that this is UI stuff.

  So are you proposing that the default should be that no UA menu 
  options are displayed. I.e. the default being as if nodefault was 
  As a user, I would hate that. But if you as a browser vendor are 
  telling me as a spec writer that this is what would be needed to 
  convince authors to not use divs for context menus, then yes.
 What I was saying as a browser vendor is that I don't think that authors 
 are going to use this feature unless it provide the ability to replace 
 the existing context menu. Or at least almost entirely replace it.

Sure. Honestly, though, I think the bigger blocker right now is that 
there's only one implementation (and it doesn't match the spec).

 You are the one that is requesting that we only have a single mode.

Well, I think in general it's pretty uncontroversial that, all other 
things being equal, APIs are better if they have less surface area. So 
sure, I'd rather we not have multiple modes if we don't need them.

 If we are to fulfill both these requirements then yes, we end up with 
 something that both you and I would hate in many cases.
 The alternative that I have proposed, but that you so far have rejected, 
 is the ability for the author to select mode, i.e. select if he/she 
 wants to replace or add to the existing menu.

If the options are:

 - authors never use the feature
 - users lose their control over their browser
 - the feature has a complicated API

...then we're stuck in a bad place, certainly. But I don't think those are 
the only options; what about these, for instance:

 - authors use the feature anyway, and like that it gives users power
 - browsers default to showing mainly the author's menuitems, but offer
   a discoverable way for users to find more options if they need them

Ok, the first of these two might be too optimistic, but the second should 
be workable, no? That's what the spec now suggests. I've added an example 
that shows how this could work:

Before (only the author's commands):

After (the user having clicked a disclosure widget):

  As a user, what I would like to be the behaviour, without the ability 
  for the author to override it, is for the context menu to have the 
  author's context menu items plus the context-sensitive items that 
  cannot be accessed via the regular menus (e.g. Inspect Element, View 
  Image, Copy Link Location, that kind of thing).
 The ability to override the authors request of replacing the context 
 menu seems like a quality of implementation issue. For example I would 
 imagine that Firefox would hook up the already existing allow authors 
 to replace context menu UI option to control whether the nodefault 
 attribute was honored.
 Likewise chrome could supply an extension to do the same thing.

Personally, I don't want to prevent authors from providing me with 
features. I just want to prevent them from removing features. What I want 
is the union of the site's features and the browser's features. Firefox's 
allow authors to replace context menu UI option is IMHO insufficient.

  I guess I could live with that as long as there was a way for the 
  page to opt in to displaying items. It would allow adding more 
  finegrained control over which categories of menu items are turned 
  backed on which could be neat.
  I'm very skeptical about adding any kind of control here before we 
  have broader implementation experience. Once we do, then it will be 
  revisited anyway, since we have this bug on file:
 I doubt that I can change your mind on this. But I'll note that that 
 means that that likely means that we'll have to make the default 
 behavior the behavior that you like less.

I think it's possible to have a default behaviour that 

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-14 Thread Henri Sivonen
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 10:17 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 Optimising for the short-term shim author's experience rather than the
 long-term HTML authoring experience seems backwards to me.

After input from a couple of other Gecko developers, I withdraw my
objection to menuitem being void.

 As for command behavior in the parser, all major browsers have shipped
 releases with command as void, so we won't be able to reliably
 introduce a non-void element called command in the future anyway.
 Therefore, I don't see value in removing the voidness of command from
 parsing or serialization.

 The element doesn't exist, so there's no value in having it. We can easily
 introduce a non-void command in ten years if we need to, since by then
 the current parsers will be gone.

Even if we accept, for the sake of the argument, that the current
parsers will be gone in 10 years, it is incorrect to consider only
parsers. Considering serializers is also relevant. The voidness of
command has already propagated to various places—including
serializer specs like . (No doubt the
XSLT folks will be super-happy when we tell them that the list of void
elements has changed again.)

At any point of the future, it is more likely that picking a new
element name for a newly-minted non-void element will cause less
(maybe only an epsilon less but still less) hassle than trying to
re-introduce command as non-void. Why behave as if finite-length
strings were in short supply? Why not treat command as a burned name
just like legend and pick something different the next time you need
something of the same theme when interpreted as an English word?

What makes an element exist for you? Evidently, basefont and bgsound
exist enough to get special parsing and serialization treatment. Is
multiple interoperable parsing and serialization implementations not
enough of existence and you want to see deployment in existing
content, too? Did you measure the non-deployment of command on the
Web or are we just assuming it hasn't been used in the wild? Even if
only a few authors have put command in head, changing parsing to
make command break out of head is bad.

What do we really gain except for test case churn, makework in code
and potential breakage from changing command as opposed to treating
it as a used-up identifier and minting a new identifier in the future
if a non-void element with a command-like name is needed in the

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-08 Thread Henri Sivonen
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:23 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 * menuitem is void (requires parser changes).

 * command is entirely gone. (Actually, I renamed command to menuitem
 and made it so it's only allowed in menu.)

Did you actually make these changes to the parsing algorithm? It seems
to me that you didn't, and I'm happy that you didn't.

Currently, menuitem is non-void in Firefox. It was initially designed
to be void but that never shipped and the non-voidness is, AFAIK,
considered intentional. For one thing, being non-void makes the
element parser-neutral and, therefore, easier to polyfill in
menuitem-unaware browsers.

As for command behavior in the parser, all major browsers have
shipped releases with command as void, so we won't be able to
reliably introduce a non-void element called command in the future
anyway. Therefore, I don't see value in removing the voidness of
command from parsing or serialization.

Could you, please, revert the serializing algorithm to treat command
as void and menuitem as non-void?

Henri Sivonen

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-05 Thread Justin Dolske

On 1/4/13 7:05 PM, L. David Baron wrote:

I feel that I do see this quite often., Google docs,
and Zimbra are three examples off the top of my head that I spend a
lot of time with.

Has anyone asked the authors of these sites if they would have liked
to retain the browser's default context menu items if they had been
able to do so (while simultaneously adding their own items)?

It's certainly an interesting dichotomy.

If you look at it from the PoV of a traditional browser-UI-implementer, 
it's an unsettling prospect... Allowing sites to override the context 
menu leads to undesirable user surprise (Hey, where'd my content menu 
stuff go?!). And in the past(?) a significant amount of oncontextmenu 
usage was used solely for sketchy copy-protection purposes (ie, 
attempting to block copy selected text or copy image location or 
view source).

If you look at it from the PoV of a modern webapp (whatever that 
means), many of the browser's standard context menu entries are simply 
not terribly relevant to the webapp-specific uses a user might be 
expecting. Consider the meager overlap (even in a very fuzzy sense) 
between a browser's content menu and that of any native application.

In broad strokes, I'd suspect that we need to allow sites to completely 
replace the context menu. (Specifically, for sites that implement 
complex applications -- like Google docs or Zimbra -- but I don't know 
how to tell the difference in code). I would also be quite interested in 
author opinions on cases where they want a subset of browser menu items 
(such as clipboard ops) mixed in with site-specific items.

A short-term thing we (browsers) could try would be to always show some 
important subset of context menu items when the site is also supplying 
their own. But perhaps easier said than done: at least in Firefox 
there's a fair amount of complexity in determining what menu items to 
show... See

[While I'm thinking of it, a related idea that's been bounced around in 
Firefox-land is having some way of granting modestly elevated 
permissions to a user's favorite sites. For example, if you pin a 
Gmail tab -- or maybe just visit it more frequently than average? -- 
perhaps it should be able to do a few more things than the average web 
page... Certainly not anything grossly sensitive w.r.t. 
privacy/security. But maybe it should be able to change the context 
menu, use more localstorage, etc. It's not something we're actively 
implementing, but is an interesting area to ponder.]


Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-04 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:17 AM, David Young wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 01:23:20AM +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Eric Sh. wrote:
  I was trying out the HTML5 context menu in firefox and I saw that there
  is no way(in the specs) to create an empty menu with only selected
  context menu items in it.
  So for example if I have an image element and I want to create a context
  menu with the items: Rotate and Share - I have to ask the browser to
  Add them to the regular context menu along with the ten other items
  that are already there.
  This makes a bulky context menu when I only need those two items and it
  is especially hurtful for user experience if the context menu is close
  to the bottom of the screen and is moved above the mouse cursor.
  I suggest adding a way to ask the browser to create a brand new context
  menu with only those items.

 Not showing the browser's own context menu items is a hurtful user
 experience as well; indeed, possibly a worse one.

 I agree that it's an awful experience, especially because it turns the
 user's habits against them.  If the Nth item in the menu is ordinarily
 the UA's Copy Link Location and an app removes or re-orders items so
 that the Nth item changes to Rotate, Share, or Delete, then users
 are in for a surprise when they make the automatic Copy Link Location

Gah, strongly agree.  Simple example - I use Back constantly in the
context menu, and would be really pissed if pages could easily kill
that.  I already get angry when I accidentally right-click a link and
just select the first option without looking closely.

On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 What I was saying as a browser vendor is that I don't think that
 authors are going to use this feature unless it provide the ability to
 replace the existing context menu. Or at least almost entirely replace

I don't think I can agree with this.  This argument would be more
believable if authors currently used pile-of-divs for context menus a
lot, but I only rarely actually see it.  I think this is because it's
just plain *hard* to do it even half-decently.  The extreme ease with
which authors will be able to create high-quality context menus with
menu will, I think, override a lot of the concerns.

That said, I've got no problem with something like move all of the
normal options to a submenu that's the first item in the menu.


Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-04 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:17 AM, David Young wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 01:23:20AM +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Eric Sh. wrote:
  I was trying out the HTML5 context menu in firefox and I saw that there
  is no way(in the specs) to create an empty menu with only selected
  context menu items in it.
  So for example if I have an image element and I want to create a context
  menu with the items: Rotate and Share - I have to ask the browser to
  Add them to the regular context menu along with the ten other items
  that are already there.
  This makes a bulky context menu when I only need those two items and it
  is especially hurtful for user experience if the context menu is close
  to the bottom of the screen and is moved above the mouse cursor.
  I suggest adding a way to ask the browser to create a brand new context
  menu with only those items.

 Not showing the browser's own context menu items is a hurtful user
 experience as well; indeed, possibly a worse one.

 I agree that it's an awful experience, especially because it turns the
 user's habits against them.  If the Nth item in the menu is ordinarily
 the UA's Copy Link Location and an app removes or re-orders items so
 that the Nth item changes to Rotate, Share, or Delete, then users
 are in for a surprise when they make the automatic Copy Link Location

 Gah, strongly agree.  Simple example - I use Back constantly in the
 context menu, and would be really pissed if pages could easily kill
 that. I already get angry when I accidentally right-click a link and
 just select the first option without looking closely.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by if above. It's already the
case that pages can in all popular browsers.

Please note that none of the proposals here remove that option. Not
even the proposal from Ian.

 On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 What I was saying as a browser vendor is that I don't think that
 authors are going to use this feature unless it provide the ability to
 replace the existing context menu. Or at least almost entirely replace

 I don't think I can agree with this.  This argument would be more
 believable if authors currently used pile-of-divs for context menus a
 lot, but I only rarely actually see it.  I think this is because it's
 just plain *hard* to do it even half-decently.  The extreme ease with
 which authors will be able to create high-quality context menus with
 menu will, I think, override a lot of the concerns.

I feel that I do see this quite often., Google docs,
and Zimbra are three examples off the top of my head that I spend a
lot of time with.

I agree that the number of sites is relatively small. But for app
like sites, which I think people are spending more and more time in
as more things migrate to the web, it's not uncommon.

 That said, I've got no problem with something like move all of the
 normal options to a submenu that's the first item in the menu.


/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-04 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 4 Jan 2013, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  Gah, strongly agree.  Simple example - I use Back constantly in the
  context menu, and would be really pissed if pages could easily kill
  that. [...]

 Can you elaborate on what you mean by if above. It's already the case
 that pages can in all popular browsers.

 Please note that none of the proposals here remove that option. Not even
 the proposal from Ian.

 The spec allows the browser to remove that option. (User agents may
 provide means for bypassing the context menu processing model, ensuring
 that the user can always access the UA's default context menus) It even
 gives an example of how to do it (For example, the user agent could
 handle right-clicks that have the Shift key depressed in such a way that
 it does not fire the contextmenu event and instead always shows the
 default context menu).

Sure, but this is purely academic unless browsers actually do this.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-04 Thread David Young
On Fri, Jan 04, 2013 at 03:34:11PM -0800, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:17 AM, David Young wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 01:23:20AM +, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Eric Sh. wrote:
   I was trying out the HTML5 context menu in firefox and I saw that there
   is no way(in the specs) to create an empty menu with only selected
   context menu items in it.
   So for example if I have an image element and I want to create a context
   menu with the items: Rotate and Share - I have to ask the browser to
   Add them to the regular context menu along with the ten other items
   that are already there.
   This makes a bulky context menu when I only need those two items and it
   is especially hurtful for user experience if the context menu is close
   to the bottom of the screen and is moved above the mouse cursor.
   I suggest adding a way to ask the browser to create a brand new context
   menu with only those items.
  Not showing the browser's own context menu items is a hurtful user
  experience as well; indeed, possibly a worse one.
  I agree that it's an awful experience, especially because it turns the
  user's habits against them.  If the Nth item in the menu is ordinarily
  the UA's Copy Link Location and an app removes or re-orders items so
  that the Nth item changes to Rotate, Share, or Delete, then users
  are in for a surprise when they make the automatic Copy Link Location
 Gah, strongly agree.  Simple example - I use Back constantly in the
 context menu, and would be really pissed if pages could easily kill
 that.  I already get angry when I accidentally right-click a link and
 just select the first option without looking closely.

Ok.  You also write,

 That said, I've got no problem with something like move all of the
 normal options to a submenu that's the first item in the menu.

... which seems to contradict your strong agreement above?  I.e., it's
ok if the Back in the context menu moves to a context submenu?  That's
going to create surprising results for automatic gestures, too.


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-04 Thread L. David Baron
On Friday 2013-01-04 16:52 -0800, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
  On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  What I was saying as a browser vendor is that I don't think that
  authors are going to use this feature unless it provide the ability to
  replace the existing context menu. Or at least almost entirely replace
  I don't think I can agree with this.  This argument would be more
  believable if authors currently used pile-of-divs for context menus a
  lot, but I only rarely actually see it.  I think this is because it's
  just plain *hard* to do it even half-decently.  The extreme ease with
  which authors will be able to create high-quality context menus with
  menu will, I think, override a lot of the concerns.
 I feel that I do see this quite often., Google docs,
 and Zimbra are three examples off the top of my head that I spend a
 lot of time with.

Has anyone asked the authors of these sites if they would have liked
to retain the browser's default context menu items if they had been
able to do so (while simultaneously adding their own items)?


턞   L. David Baron   턂
턢   Mozilla   턂

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2013-01-04 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 4 Jan 2013, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Fri, 4 Jan 2013, Jonas Sicking wrote:
   Gah, strongly agree.  Simple example - I use Back constantly in 
   the context menu, and would be really pissed if pages could easily 
   kill that. [...]
  Can you elaborate on what you mean by if above. It's already the 
  case that pages can in all popular browsers.
  Please note that none of the proposals here remove that option. Not 
  even the proposal from Ian.
  The spec allows the browser to remove that option. (User agents may 
  provide means for bypassing the context menu processing model, 
  ensuring that the user can always access the UA's default context 
  menus) It even gives an example of how to do it (For example, the 
  user agent could handle right-clicks that have the Shift key depressed 
  in such a way that it does not fire the contextmenu event and instead 
  always shows the default context menu).
 Sure, but this is purely academic--

I was just disagreeing with the statement Not even the proposal from 

 unless browsers actually do this.

Firefox does, though its interface for it is somewhat arcane 
(about:config tweaking), right?

Anyway, I don't really understand what we're arguing here. It's not 
generally controversial that we should take care in adding new features. 
For this one, we have one browser that implements something somewhat like 
what the spec now has, and that's it. We have a concern (that some 
browsers will avoid the feature entirely if the UA shows the items in 
addition to the default items), but we don't have much data to support 
this, and we have no data exploring whether any of the various mitigating 
ideas (submenu, only including critical UA items, shift key to show the 
original menu, never showing the original menu) satisfy authors or users 
sufficiently to avoid having to add more syntax.

Until we have more data, not doing anything in the spec is the right move.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2012-12-31 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I don't think it's a good solution to leave it undefined if
 all/none/some of the UA menuitems are displayed by default. While it on
 an API level won't break anything, authors consider as breaking a lot
 more things than APIs not behaving as expected.

 I'm happy to give guidance that happens to match what the browser vendors
 want to do anyway, but I don't think it makes sense to make a page-
 undetectable UI detail like this a conformance requirement.

I agree that defining exact UI is a bad idea. However I think we
should define the semantic meaning of the context menu. If the
semantics are that the context menu provided by the page is intended
to be additional context actions, or alternative context actions.

 So are you proposing that the default should be that no UA menu
 options are displayed. I.e. the default being as if nodefault was set?

 As a user, I would hate that. But if you as a browser vendor are telling
 me as a spec writer that this is what would be needed to convince authors
 to not use divs for context menus, then yes.

What I was saying as a browser vendor is that I don't think that
authors are going to use this feature unless it provide the ability to
replace the existing context menu. Or at least almost entirely replace

You are the one that is requesting that we only have a single mode.

If we are to fulfill both these requirements then yes, we end up with
something that both you and I would hate in many cases.

The alternative that I have proposed, but that you so far have
rejected, is the ability for the author to select mode, i.e. select if
he/she wants to replace or add to the existing menu.

What the default mode should be I care less about. But I would note
that using as default whatever we think is the more user friendly
option is likely a good idea.

 As a user, what I would like to be the behaviour, without the ability for
 the author to override it, is for the context menu to have the author's
 context menu items plus the context-sensitive items that cannot be
 accessed via the regular menus (e.g. Inspect Element, View Image, Copy
 Link Location, that kind of thing).

The ability to override the authors request of replacing the context
menu seems like a quality of implementation issue. For example I would
imagine that Firefox would hook up the already existing allow authors
to replace context menu UI option to control whether the nodefault
attribute was honored.

Likewise chrome could supply an extension to do the same thing.

 I guess I could live with that as long as there was a way for the page
 to opt in to displaying items. It would allow adding more finegrained
 control over which categories of menu items are turned backed on which
 could be neat.

 I'm very skeptical about adding any kind of control here before we have
 broader implementation experience. Once we do, then it will be revisited
 anyway, since we have this bug on file:

I doubt that I can change your mind on this. But I'll note that that
means that that likely means that we'll have to make the default
behavior the behavior that you like less.

 Note that I didn't say always but many cases. I do think it's the
 case that in many cases displaying the UA menuitems is desirable. A good
 example of this is menu items that control access to the clipboard since
 that's something that webpages can't implement themselves. Most browsers
 do not permit reading and writing to the clipboard arbitrarily.

 Aren't those items accessible from the main menu?

Yes, though I think they are used commonly enough from the context
menu that it'd bother users a lot if we removed it from the context
menu of editable text.

 What items are there that it sometimes makes sense to expose but
 othertimes does not make sense to expose?

I'm not sure I understand the question.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2012-12-29 Thread David Young
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 01:23:20AM +, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Sun, 23 Oct 2011, Eric Sh. wrote:
  I was trying out the HTML5 context menu in firefox and I saw that there 
  is no way(in the specs) to create an empty menu with only selected 
  context menu items in it.
  So for example if I have an image element and I want to create a context 
  menu with the items: Rotate and Share - I have to ask the browser to 
  Add them to the regular context menu along with the ten other items 
  that are already there.
  This makes a bulky context menu when I only need those two items and it 
  is especially hurtful for user experience if the context menu is close 
  to the bottom of the screen and is moved above the mouse cursor.
  I suggest adding a way to ask the browser to create a brand new context 
  menu with only those items.
 Not showing the browser's own context menu items is a hurtful user 
 experience as well; indeed, possibly a worse one.

I agree that it's an awful experience, especially because it turns the
user's habits against them.  If the Nth item in the menu is ordinarily
the UA's Copy Link Location and an app removes or re-orders items so
that the Nth item changes to Rotate, Share, or Delete, then users
are in for a surprise when they make the automatic Copy Link Location

 However, the spec does allow the user agent to not add its own items if 
 that is considered better. Browsers are encouraged to provide an override 
 if they do that (e.g. shift-click brings up the full menu).

I think this is a step in the right direction, however, it also works
against automaticity.  Say that a click usually brings up the UA's
context menu.  In my app, however, a click brings up my app's context
menu sans UA items; shift-click brings up the UA's context menu.  This
has the same problem as I mentioned before: in the app, my automatic
gesture that starts with a click does some surprising thing instead of
copying the link location.

I think that good advice to the browser implementors is to either

1) reserve one gesture for the UA context menu (click), and a second
   gesture for the app context menu (shift-click), OR

2) always add the UA items to the context menu in consistent places, for
   example by adding app-specific context menu items after UA items


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2012-12-28 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Oct 2011, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I filed on this a
 while ago. So far no changes to the spec though.

 I'm not sure I really agree with the premise of the bug. It points to this
 image as a reason for not showing UA context menu items:

 ...but that to me is a perfect example of why this is a misfeature.
 Where's Inspect Element, for example?

 I think it would make sense for browsers to skip the less important menu
 items (those that are accessible via the menus, for instance) when showing
 a context menu that the author is providing. (But then, I think it would
 make sense to not show those ever.) But for things that are only sanely
 accessible via the context menu, I don't see why we'd drop them.

I would mostly agree with your reasoning here if it weren't for the
fact that all UAs by default already allow webpages to hide the
context menu of any part of the page.

As long as that remains the case we are giving authors two options:
A) Use pile of divs to render context menu and get full control
over what is rendered in the context menu.
B) Use menu to create a more accessible menu, but accept that they
will always be listed together with a list of UA items.

There's also the following facts to take into account:
* As far as I know, no UA has expressed willingness to drop the
ability to hide UA context menus. I.e. there is no indication that the
above two options will change.
* Authors tend to prioritize control of UX over platform integration
and accessibility.
* more options isn't always equivalent to better UX. I.e. even a
website that has the intent and knowledge to design the, for the user,
perfect UX would hide many or all of the built-in menu items in many

All of this makes me think that in very many cases authors will choose
option A above.

We need to remember that convincing UAs to implement this feature is
just the first step here. Convincing authors to use it is the second.

Additionally, the nodefault attribute proposed in [1] can be treated
by the UA as a hint without risking pages breaking. For example it
could choose to hide only non-critical menu items. Or hide none of
them but move them into a sub-menu. While mean that authors still
wouldn't have 100% control over the UX, they would have dramatically
more control than as the proposal stands now, heavily tipping the
scale towards option B.

The pile of divs mechanism that websites use today doesn't permit
any of the control that [1] permits since ignoring the contextmenu
attribute in many cases effectively breaks websites. And it certainly
doesn't permit combining website menuitems with UA menuitems.


/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2012-12-28 Thread Ian Hickson

(Oops, in my earlier message I cc'ed people instead of bcc'ing them, and 
this means reply-to-all replies are going to get caught in the mailing 
list software's filters. If you reply to this thread, please don't forget 
to strip the cc list down to nothing or only one or two people. If you 
forget, let me know that I should go unstick your e-mail from the mailing 
list filters.)

On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  I think it would make sense for browsers to skip the less important 
  menu items (those that are accessible via the menus, for instance) 
  when showing a context menu that the author is providing. (But then, I 
  think it would make sense to not show those ever.) But for things that 
  are only sanely accessible via the context menu, I don't see why we'd 
  drop them.
 I would mostly agree with your reasoning here if it weren't for the fact 
 that all UAs by default already allow webpages to hide the context menu 
 of any part of the page.

Yes, I don't understand why browsers do this. It drives me crazy, as a 

 As long as that remains the case we are giving authors two options:

 A) Use pile of divs to render context menu and get full control over 
 what is rendered in the context menu.

 B) Use menu to create a more accessible menu, but accept that they 
 will always be listed together with a list of UA items.

Browsers don't _have_ to show their items with the contextmenu= menu. If 
the two choices above are the only choices, then it seems to me that 
browsers should just not include their menu in the contextmenu= menu.

 * more options isn't always equivalent to better UX. I.e. even a 
 website that has the intent and knowledge to design the, for the user, 
 perfect UX would hide many or all of the built-in menu items in many 

Right, this is why I suggested that the UA should drop all non-context- 
specific items when there's a page context menu. So e.g. for Firefox, in 
the default (context menu on body) case, keep Inspect Element and View 
Background Image, but drop everything else.

 All of this makes me think that in very many cases authors will choose 
 option A above.

In that case, when would it make sense for the browser to ever include the 
default menu items? i.e. why not make nodefault the default?

 Additionally, the nodefault attribute proposed in [1] can be treated
 by the UA as a hint without risking pages breaking. For example it
 could choose to hide only non-critical menu items. Or hide none of
 them but move them into a sub-menu.

Why not do this anyway, always, and forego the attribute?

 While mean that authors still wouldn't have 100% control over the UX, 
 they would have dramatically more control than as the proposal stands 
 now, heavily tipping the scale towards option B.

The proposal as it stands now is that the browsers can show only the 
page's context menu, only the user agent's context menu, or anything in 
between. I don't think it's heavily tipped in either direction.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2012-12-28 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:

[rearranging the thread a bit here]

 While mean that authors still wouldn't have 100% control over the UX,
 they would have dramatically more control than as the proposal stands
 now, heavily tipping the scale towards option B.

 The proposal as it stands now is that the browsers can show only the
 page's context menu, only the user agent's context menu, or anything in
 between. I don't think it's heavily tipped in either direction.

I don't think it's a good solution to leave it undefined if
all/none/some of the UA menuitems are displayed by default. While it
on an API level won't break anything, authors consider as breaking a
lot more things than APIs not behaving as expected.

I.e. if some UAs are rendering all items by default and some render
none, that will mean that authors will consider the feature broken in
some UAs. It'll also mean that authors are having the same lack of
control as I talked about meaning that the incentives are for option A

 As long as that remains the case we are giving authors two options:

 A) Use pile of divs to render context menu and get full control over
 what is rendered in the context menu.

 B) Use menu to create a more accessible menu, but accept that they
 will always be listed together with a list of UA items.

 Browsers don't _have_ to show their items with the contextmenu= menu. If
 the two choices above are the only choices, then it seems to me that
 browsers should just not include their menu in the contextmenu= menu.

So are you proposing that the default should be that no UA menu
options are displayed. I.e. the default being as if nodefault was set?
I guess I could live with that as long as there was a way for the page
to opt in to displaying items. It would allow adding more finegrained
control over which categories of menu items are turned backed on which
could be neat.

 All of this makes me think that in very many cases authors will choose
 option A above.

 In that case, when would it make sense for the browser to ever include the
 default menu items? i.e. why not make nodefault the default?

Note that I didn't say always but many cases. I do think it's the
case that in many cases displaying the UA menuitems is desirable. A
good example of this is menu items that control access to the
clipboard since that's something that webpages can't implement
themselves. Most browsers do not permit reading and writing to the
clipboard arbitrarily.

But maybe starting simple and making nodefault the default behavior
might not be a bad idea. However I think it's something that should be
defined by spec as to make it consistent across UAs.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] menu and friends

2012-12-28 Thread Ian Hickson
On Fri, 28 Dec 2012, Jonas Sicking wrote:
 I don't think it's a good solution to leave it undefined if 
 all/none/some of the UA menuitems are displayed by default. While it on 
 an API level won't break anything, authors consider as breaking a lot 
 more things than APIs not behaving as expected.

I'm happy to give guidance that happens to match what the browser vendors 
want to do anyway, but I don't think it makes sense to make a page-
undetectable UI detail like this a conformance requirement.

 So are you proposing that the default should be that no UA menu
 options are displayed. I.e. the default being as if nodefault was set?

As a user, I would hate that. But if you as a browser vendor are telling 
me as a spec writer that this is what would be needed to convince authors 
to not use divs for context menus, then yes.

As a user, what I would like to be the behaviour, without the ability for 
the author to override it, is for the context menu to have the author's 
context menu items plus the context-sensitive items that cannot be 
accessed via the regular menus (e.g. Inspect Element, View Image, Copy 
Link Location, that kind of thing).

 I guess I could live with that as long as there was a way for the page 
 to opt in to displaying items. It would allow adding more finegrained 
 control over which categories of menu items are turned backed on which 
 could be neat.

I'm very skeptical about adding any kind of control here before we have 
broader implementation experience. Once we do, then it will be revisited 
anyway, since we have this bug on file:

(I regularly reopen all the bugs marked LATER and go through them again.)

 Note that I didn't say always but many cases. I do think it's the 
 case that in many cases displaying the UA menuitems is desirable. A good 
 example of this is menu items that control access to the clipboard since 
 that's something that webpages can't implement themselves. Most browsers 
 do not permit reading and writing to the clipboard arbitrarily.

Aren't those items accessible from the main menu?

What items are there that it sometimes makes sense to expose but 
othertimes does not make sense to expose?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'