Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-12-25 Thread Ian Hickson
On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 wrote:
> I've read that HTML5 will be providing markup for the PUT and DELETE 
> methods. This is definitely good news - but I considered something else 
> recently that, from what I can gather, is not in the current spec for 
> HTML5; markup for specifying appropriate Accept headers for requests.

What problem would such a feature solve?

> I brought this up recently in #whatwg on freenode, and I was informed 
> that this is not currently being considered since the equivalent can be 
> achieved by a URL parameter such as '?type=application/xml'. Many would 
> not Accept (pun intended - sorry) that this method was significantly 
> different, some even went as far as to suggest (disturbingly) that 
> serving multiple content-types from the same URI is undesirable!

Indeed, content negotiation on the Web has not been a particularly roaring 
success, and it would probably have been better if we had avoided 
intoducing it, but that's an issue for another working group (and another 
era, probably -- we're likely stuck with it now).

On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Adrian Sutton wrote:
> I don't see why the Accept header when following links or requesting 
> images should be controlled by anything other than the browser.  It's 
> the browser that has to decide actually render the returned content so 
> it's in the best position to decide what it can accept, not the page 
> author.

That does seem like a valid point.

On Mon, 17 Nov 2008 wrote:
> as an example:
>";>html report
>"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report
>"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml 
> report
> So I can send a colleague a message; 'you can get the report at 
>', and they can use that URL in any user agent 
> that is appropriate. A browser is a special case in which many different 
> content-types are dealt with. The same benefit is not achieved if the 
> content is negotiated via the URL, since the user would have to know the 
> type their user agent required and modify the URL accordingly:
> To me, this is a much cleaner and more appropriate use of a URI. Not to 
> mention more user-friendly. Something, I believe should be encouraged - 
> this is why I feel it would be an important addition to HTML5.

People do this today:";>html report";>pdf report";>xml report

...with the e-mail just saying:

...and Apache's content-negotiation module working out the best file to 

This works today, what's the problem with it? (Other than theoretical 
purity concerns, which have been argued both ways here and are thus not a 
useful criteria to evaluate solutions by.)

On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Adrian Sutton wrote:
> The reason this is basically never used today is two fold:
> 1. It requires correctly configuring the server, beyond just putting files
> on the file system.  Very few people actually do this.
> 2. It requires the user to see a URL and decide that they want to paste it
> into Acrobat instead of their browser, without any indication that it would
> actually work.

Indeed. Content negotiation is not really compatible with the mental model 
people have of URLs (which is more similar to their model of files than to 
the model that URIs really represent).

On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Smylers wrote:
> writes:
> > 
> > So I can send a colleague a message; 'you can get the report at 
> >', and they can use that URL in any user 
> > agent that is appropriate.
> Except that in practice on receiving a URL like the above, nearly all 
> users will try it in a web browser; they are unlikely to put it into 
> their PDF viewer, in the hope that a PDF version of the report will 
> happen to be available.


> > A browser is a special case in which many different content-types are 
> > dealt with.
> It's also the most common case.  Supposing I opened the above URL in a 
> browser, and it gave me the HTML version; how would I even know that the 
> PDF version exists?
> Suppose my browser has a PDF plug-in so can render either the HTML or 
> PDF versions, it's harder to bookmark a particular version because the 
> URL is no longer sufficient to identify precisely what I was viewing. 
> Browsers could update the way bookmarks work to deal with this, but any 
> exterrnal (such as web-based) bookmarking tools would also need to 
> change.
> Or suppose the HTML version links to the PDF version.  I wish to 
> download the PDF on a remote server, and happen to have an SSH session 
> open to it.  So I right-click on the link in the HTML version I'm 
> looking at, choose 'Copy Link Location' from the menu, and in the remote 
> shell type wget then paste in th

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-22 Thread Martin Atkins

Hallvord R M Steen wrote:

I've built two-three websites that use content/language negotiation
and I now consider it an architectural mistake to rely on negotiation
because the URLs no longer uniquely identify the variants I in many
scenarios need to identify. It's OK-ish to do it as a pure format
choice where the server and UA just agree on using the PNG or GIF
version for an  tag. For links *users* (and FWIW search engines,
validators and other agents) may interact with it's however a big
mistake to move away from one URL per variant of a resource. In light
of my content negotiation experiments and experience I'd say an Access
attribute in HTML would be harmful to the usability of URLs.

As a URL user (web browsing human, HTML author, linker, bookmarker,
E-mail-with-links author) I often want to be sure about what variant
of a resource I link to. To be explicit about this across scenarios
requires explicit URLs with language and type information.

Agreed. I think the assumptions underlying content negotation are 
flawed, and thus the mechanism itself is flawed and causes confusion and 
inconvenience when used in practice. The sentiment underlying this 
proposal seems to be that HTTP content negotation would work fine if 
only the pesky browsers would support it, but I think there are 
deeper-rooted problems than simply a lack of browser support.

I think a better solution is to publish the HTML version with attributed 
hyperlinks, like this:

or, if you prefer:

PDF Version

This way clients can discover the alternative representations, but the 
alternative representations are all directly addressable so you can link 
to a specific representation. This approach is used in practice 
successfully today to make available Atom representations of HTML pages 
across the web. Atom feeds are arguably the best example of a successful 
 completely-RESTful API that we have today, so this approach is proven 
to work.

In future, once IETF has finished specifying this, it may also be 
possible to do this in the HTTP response headers for non-HTML resources:

Link: ; rel="alternate", type="application/pdf"
(or something similar)

...and some other document formats such as Atom already provide 
equivalent linking constructs that you can use today.

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-20 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thomas Broyer wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page
> representation
> *and* provide links to all the other content types available.

 How about other representations? (I know we're discussing HTML here,
 and not HTTP, but what if a resource has no HTML representation? are
 you proposing adding this capability to PDF, MSOffice, OpenDocument,
 et al. too?)
>>> That's an issue at the application level; RSS would work fine in that
>>> situation - any form of hypermedia will serve that purpose.
>> How would RSS work better than HTML (as of today; i.e. without your
>> proposed extension)?
> RSS wouldn't work better - you asked for another way of doing this without
> HTML, not a better way.

By "RSS would work fine" I understood that RSS link mechanisms already
match your "needs" in some way (which I know is wrong).

You're saying that HTML fails to provide a mean for controlling the
"message control data" to use Fielding's words (though restricting it
to the Accept HTTP request header field) and when I ask for how other
media types would work (or fail, actually), your answer is "RSS would
work fine".
You lost me.

>>> Because HTML is presently insufficient in providing a mechanism for
>>> browsers
>>> to perform protocol level conneg.. it's been moved into the URI and each
>>> representation is provided as a separate resource. This clearly breaks
>>> the
>>> intended definition of a URI - this is why I don't consider browsers to
>>> conform to HTTP; since they force developers to misuse that part of the
>>> protocol.
>> If you want to precisely identify the PDF "version" of that document,
>> you need another resource (whose representations is a set with a
>> single value: PDF).
>> If your URI idenfies "this document", you cannot blame anyone but
>> yourself for not being able to identify "this document in PDF".
> If you want to precisely identify the PDF *representation* (version) of that
> *resource* (document), you need the URI and your Accept headers set
> correctly.

We're not reading the same definition for resource then...

"REST accomplishes this by defining a resource to be the semantics of
what the author intends to identify, rather than the value
corresponding to those semantics at the time the reference is created.
It is then left to the author to ensure that the identifier chosen for
a reference does indeed identify the intended semantics."
-- Roy T. Fielding, §6.2.1 of his well-known dissertation

If your intention is to link to "the PDF version of 'some concept'",
then you need an URI to identify it.

> To that end, the solution to this problem would be to put
> into a PDF reader. Or if you were writing an HTML page,
> and you wanted to indicate in the  tag that the browser should
> specifically request the PDF representation, you include an
> Accept="application/pdf" attribute.

How about other "message control data"? (other Accept-* HTTP request
header fields, but not only, as server-driven conneg is not limited to
those Accept-* headers)
And if WAKA  finally
make it one day, you'll have to amend HTML (and all other formats
where you added those things that you're proposing we add to HTML) to
take it into account.
(by chance, HTTP is one of the only "ReSTful protocol" --well, it's
just a protocol, you still have to follow the other ReST constraints)

>> Anyway, we're going real far from this WG's scope, so I propose we
>> follow up in private, or, even better, you re-hash the debate on the
>> rest-discuss list or with Roy T. Fielding if you want.
> I completely agree that discussion is outside of the scope of this WG. That
> is one of my main points here; It's a design decision that you are taking
> out of the hands of developers by not provisioning the mechanism for.
> I don't consider "well thats how its done and I don't think we need to do it
> any other way" an acceptable response, since it *is* outside of the scope of
> the WG and is a completely subjective standpoint. Not to mention that your
> opinion suggests that HTTP conneg has no "practical use", which I find hard
> to believe - feel free to explain why this is the case rather than just
> explain that it isn't used at the moment, I know it isn't!

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for using conneg when appropriate [1, 2]
and AFAICT the W3C uses it itself for its TRs.
Yet, I'm not saying "that's how it's done yada yada yada", on the
other hand I do believe that you are wrong considering hypermedia
consists of both a resource identifier *and* message control data.

[2] http://www.imc.o

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-19 Thread Hallvord R M Steen
> If you want to precisely identify the PDF *representation* (version) of that
> *resource* (document), you need the URI and your Accept headers set
> correctly. To that end, the solution to this problem would be to put
> into a PDF reader.

>From a usability stand point, that sucks..
And what if I want to open the document with the PDF reader *plugin*
inside the browser? "Reconfigure the browser" is not the correct
answer. I want my browser to request HTML, *not* PDF though I in one
specific case want to see the PDF version of something with the PDF

> Or if you were writing an HTML page,
> and you wanted to indicate in the  tag that the browser should
> specifically request the PDF representation, you include an
> Accept="application/pdf" attribute.
> Does that not count as a use case for this proposal? Perhaps not, if you
> believe that content negotiation belongs in the URI.

Well, I do. :-) It's more usable any way you look at it.

Here's the logic: URLs are in fact the primary user interface of the
HTTP protocol.
Any user interface should expose the options that users care about. If
users care about what format they want a resource in, this option
SHOULD be in the URL. I don't care if you as a developer think you're
providing different "representations" of the same "resource" - if I as
an end user consider what representation I want to see significant,
the option to choose between them should be right there - in HTTP's
main UI, i.e. in the URL.

Now I suggest you spend a week where you try pasting every URL you
want to see into a) Acrobat Reader b) c) Microsoft
Office and d) a browser (in that order) just to figure out how user
friendly the "put the same URL into a different application to get a
different representation" idea *actually* is. If you spend a week
doing that we can continue this discussion :-p

Hallvord R. M. Steen

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-19 Thread Mike

Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page representation
*and* provide links to all the other content types available.

How about other representations? (I know we're discussing HTML here,
and not HTTP, but what if a resource has no HTML representation? are
you proposing adding this capability to PDF, MSOffice, OpenDocument,
et al. too?)


That's an issue at the application level; RSS would work fine in that
situation - any form of hypermedia will serve that purpose.

How would RSS work better than HTML (as of today; i.e. without your
proposed extension)?


RSS wouldn't work better - you asked for another way of doing this 
without HTML, not a better way.

Maybe you could explain how browsers do not conform to HTTP? (and no,
HTTP does not mandate user-agents to give the control of the Accept-*
headers to the user or the... server?!)


URI = Uniform Resource Identifier

A given document available in html, pdf, xml - is one resource. The various
content types are representations of that resource.

That's one way of looking at things, not *the* way (see below).


Because HTML is presently insufficient in providing a mechanism for browsers
to perform protocol level conneg.. it's been moved into the URI and each
representation is provided as a separate resource. This clearly breaks the
intended definition of a URI - this is why I don't consider browsers to
conform to HTTP; since they force developers to misuse that part of the

If you want to precisely identify the PDF "version" of that document,
you need another resource (whose representations is a set with a
single value: PDF).
If your URI idenfies "this document", you cannot blame anyone but
yourself for not being able to identify "this document in PDF".


If you want to precisely identify the PDF *representation* (version) of 
that *resource* (document), you need the URI and your Accept headers set 
correctly. To that end, the solution to this problem would be to put into a PDF reader. Or if you were writing an HTML 
page, and you wanted to indicate in the  tag that the browser should 
specifically request the PDF representation, you include an 
Accept="application/pdf" attribute.

Does that not count as a use case for this proposal? Perhaps not, if you 
believe that content negotiation belongs in the URI. This is a design 
descision, and I believe that developers should be allowed to make this 
descision at design time. Currently there is no standard in HTML to do 
this; hence why I have proposed this optional Accept attribute. To give 
the option and make it feasible to use HTTP content negotiation in web 

I am yet to be provided with an example of where this addition could 
cause any problems, so I don't understand the apparent resistance to 
this; since it is clearly a valuable addition which enables HTTP conneg 
in browsers.

Anyway, we're going real far from this WG's scope, so I propose we
follow up in private, or, even better, you re-hash the debate on the
rest-discuss list or with Roy T. Fielding if you want.


I completely agree that discussion is outside of the scope of this WG. 
That is one of my main points here; It's a design decision that you are 
taking out of the hands of developers by not provisioning the mechanism for.

I don't consider "well thats how its done and I don't think we need to 
do it any other way" an acceptable response, since it *is* outside of 
the scope of the WG and is a completely subjective standpoint. Not to 
mention that your opinion suggests that HTTP conneg has no "practical 
use", which I find hard to believe - feel free to explain why this is 
the case rather than just explain that it isn't used at the moment, I 
know it isn't!

Having to use a JavaScript virtual machine to perform PUT and DELETE is yet
another example of this.

Conforming to HTTP does not mean supporting all of the defined methods
(even at the server-side: a server is free to return a 501).


OK.. Why would you not want to do everything you could to support all of 
the aspects of HTTP, particularly when you are being given a solution 
that allows for backwards compatibility. I don't mind getting involved 
and doing the work on this myself, if that means this will happen.

There's an extension to HTTP (TCN/RSVA, RFCs 2295/2296) that gives the
servers the ability to describe the available variants of a given
resource in a content-type independent way. You'd rather push browser
vendors to implement TCN/RSVA than HTML5 to add a content-type
dependent equivalent.

See also

I don't really understand the point your making.. I would just like to see a
way by which develo

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Geoffrey Sneddon

On 18 Nov 2008, at 16:41, Joshua Cranmer wrote:

(and if you retort XMLHTTPRequest, let me point out that I  
personally would have objected to injecting HTTP specifics into that  
interface, had I been around during the design phases)

XMLHttpRequest doesn't need to be XML, it doesn't need to be HTTP (FTP  
should work fine too in browsers IIRC), so all it really is is a  
generic request object.

Geoffrey Sneddon

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Mike

Joshua Cranmer wrote:

Mike wrote:
The benefits? Oh I don't know.. a markup language that supports the 
transfer protocol it runs on?!
Who says you have to serve HTML over HTTP? I see it served via email 
(and newsgroups), local filesystems, and FTP on a regular basis. 
Indeed, making HTML depend on HTTP-specific features sounds like A Bad 
Idea™ (and if you retort XMLHTTPRequest, let me point out that I 
personally would have objected to injecting HTTP specifics into that 
interface, had I been around during the design phases).

To follow your arguments to the logical conclusion, HTML would have to 
have special attributes to deal with circumstances within email 
messages, specific attributes to handle certain filesystem-specific 
abilities, or quirks of the FTP protocol. I think you'll find such a 
position untenable; ask yourself then, why limit it to HTTP?

I wouldn't limit it to that, but I don't have the time or inclination to 
investigate other applicable protocols that suffer equally poor support 
in HTML. If you can evidence this the same way I have for Accept headers 
in HTTP; let me know - I'll champion that too if it makes you feel 
better! :)


Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Joshua Cranmer

Mike wrote:
The benefits? Oh I don't know.. a markup language that supports the 
transfer protocol it runs on?!
Who says you have to serve HTML over HTTP? I see it served via email 
(and newsgroups), local filesystems, and FTP on a regular basis. Indeed, 
making HTML depend on HTTP-specific features sounds like A Bad Idea™ 
(and if you retort XMLHTTPRequest, let me point out that I personally 
would have objected to injecting HTTP specifics into that interface, had 
I been around during the design phases).

To follow your arguments to the logical conclusion, HTML would have to 
have special attributes to deal with circumstances within email 
messages, specific attributes to handle certain filesystem-specific 
abilities, or quirks of the FTP protocol. I think you'll find such a 
position untenable; ask yourself then, why limit it to HTTP?

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. 
-- Donald E. Knuth

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Mike

Hallvord R M Steen wrote:

"It's less typing" - Is that serious or are you joking?!

Isn't it? :)


Well sure, but I still don't know if that was a joke or whether it was a
serious point!

A bit of both. It's not an important point by any means, though I
think less verbosity is valuable :)


Having multiple URIs for different resources, when HTTP provides an 
alternative - is another type of  verbosity. I'd much rather have it in 
the markup, personally.

The language and even format of a resource is actually
often essential to that resource's identity. (The whole
content-negotiation idea is based on that statement being false. I
believe it's true.).



Language is a separate issue from content type. I would consider a
translated document as a separate resource which should be indicated in the

OK, we agree here.


For links *users* (and FWIW search engines,
validators and other agents) may interact with it's however a big
mistake to move away from one URL per variant of a resource. In light
of my content negotiation experiments and experience I'd say an Access
attribute in HTML would be harmful to the usability of URLs.


If your system is designed to provide several different content types for
users to be able to read/write/update/delete a single resource from various
different User Agents - it's totally misleading to provide a separate URL
for each of them.
If I update the information in /report.pdf - does that update the
information in /report.html and /report.xml ? They're seperate resources
(indicated by seperate URLs) so from a 'usability' point of view, the
expected result should be to *only* update that the information in
/report.pdf.. but that's not actually the case here since the system will
update the information in the other two URLs aswell.

It's an interesting use case. It's also a simple UI issue that can be
solved on a UI level, if, say, my CMS shows that I'm about to update
"/report" or lists the files that will be affected. So this use case
doesn't need to be addressed at an architectural level where it will
have negative consequences for the usability of URLs.


That doesn't sound like it will end up very "uniform"!

This kind of behavior *breaks caching*, for obvious reasons.

Caches have to check whether resources are fresh according to caching
headers and/or settings anyway.


Don't reverse proxy caches automatically react to update the cache if a 
PUT or POST is performed on a given URI?

File types are all about convention. It's useful when sites follow the
convention, and it's a surprise in the rare event when they don't.
Since most of the time they do it's more useful than harmful.


What is the value of that 'convention'?

To me it's high, because it lets me E-mail/share URLs and be certain
of what variant the recipient sees, and it helps me decide whether or
not to open links I receive. ("Oh, that's a .ppt file - I don't have a
viewer for that so I won't bother").


You can be certain by telling them which UA is appropriate - if it's the 
same information but just in a different format, why does it matter that 
the content-type is different?

It only exists because of the present insufficiencies of HTML to provide
browsers with a way to leverage protocol level conneg.

Perhaps, but it has proven valuable in many other ways.


What are you measuring that value against?

My scepticism has nothing to do with whether it's easy to implement
(though I think you underestimate the required efforts - for example
the UA would need to verify that provided Accept: values are
correct/don't cause security problems etc.). My scepticism has nothing
to do with whether it is backwards compatible either. As a URL user I
just want to defend the usability of URLs against a theoretically more
pure but for practical purposes deeply flawed solution to a


It's interesting you mention security actually. Right now - as it stands -
your web browser is sending all of its requests  with an Accept header that
contains a catch-all "*/*". That is significantly less secure

This is incorrect. A malicious server can send you anything - no
matter what the Accept: header (and the extension) is. Browsers have
to deal with the fact that "anything" can come down the wire. (It
would certainly be *nice* if malicious servers started respecting
content negotiation and would stop sending you evil content if you
stopped sending "*/*" in the Accept: header but something tells me
things don't work that way).


- the fact
that you see .pdf at the end of the URL doesn't mean my server isn't about
to send you an executable. This is what I was referring to as "artificial

If we implemented report
the server could respond with an executable too. This argument is
perfectly irrelevant to your case for HTTP-related attributes.

I agree, and it's in the rfc

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thomas Broyer wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> - The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page representation
>>> *and* provide links to all the other content types available.
>> How about other representations? (I know we're discussing HTML here,
>> and not HTTP, but what if a resource has no HTML representation? are
>> you proposing adding this capability to PDF, MSOffice, OpenDocument,
>> et al. too?)
> That's an issue at the application level; RSS would work fine in that
> situation - any form of hypermedia will serve that purpose.

How would RSS work better than HTML (as of today; i.e. without your
proposed extension)?

>> Maybe you could explain how browsers do not conform to HTTP? (and no,
>> HTTP does not mandate user-agents to give the control of the Accept-*
>> headers to the user or the... server?!)
> URI = Uniform Resource Identifier
> A given document available in html, pdf, xml - is one resource. The various
> content types are representations of that resource.

That's one way of looking at things, not *the* way (see below).

> Because HTML is presently insufficient in providing a mechanism for browsers
> to perform protocol level conneg.. it's been moved into the URI and each
> representation is provided as a separate resource. This clearly breaks the
> intended definition of a URI - this is why I don't consider browsers to
> conform to HTTP; since they force developers to misuse that part of the
> protocol.

If you want to precisely identify the PDF "version" of that document,
you need another resource (whose representations is a set with a
single value: PDF).
If your URI idenfies "this document", you cannot blame anyone but
yourself for not being able to identify "this document in PDF".

Anyway, we're going real far from this WG's scope, so I propose we
follow up in private, or, even better, you re-hash the debate on the
rest-discuss list or with Roy T. Fielding if you want.

> Having to use a JavaScript virtual machine to perform PUT and DELETE is yet
> another example of this.

Conforming to HTTP does not mean supporting all of the defined methods
(even at the server-side: a server is free to return a 501).

>> There's an extension to HTTP (TCN/RSVA, RFCs 2295/2296) that gives the
>> servers the ability to describe the available variants of a given
>> resource in a content-type independent way. You'd rather push browser
>> vendors to implement TCN/RSVA than HTML5 to add a content-type
>> dependent equivalent.
>> See also
> I don't really understand the point your making.. I would just like to see a
> way by which developers can link to *resources* with URIs and specify the
> representation if and when necessary for a given link.

So make another URI to identify that particular resource: "the same as
X but available only in format Y".

> There is no choice at the moment because HTML is insufficient.

I believe HTML is not in cause here (as any format with hyperlinking
feature would be "insufficient" too: as I said above: PDF, MSOffice,
OpenDocument, RSS, Atom, etc.)

>>> - I'll say it again: I'm encouraging you to help browsers become
>>> better HTTP clients; surely that is high on the agenda here.. right?!
>> No, we're discussing HTML and some "Web APIs" here, not HTTP.
> So the Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Markup Language (HTML) for Hyper
> Text are not closely linked?

HTTP does not need HTML (WebDAV and CalDAV, for instance, do not need
HTML to work). and HTML does not need HTTP (aren't you sending HTML
mails yourself? and most documentation nowadays is in HTML format
stored on disk, without HTTP entering into play).
However, HTTP and HTML both make an heavy use of URI/URL.

>>> - separate versions are separate resources, not separate content types.
>>> That
>>> has nothing to do with conneg..
>> s/version/variant/
>> Variants still need be produced by someone or something, and there
>> really might be discrepencies between them; that's why there's a
>> "quality" parameter in TCN/RSVA (and thus in Apache type-map files,
>> for instance)
> I'm not sure what you're getting at here. Multiple versions are multiple
> resources, they aren't seperate types so conneg is not appropriate. URIs
> handle this, the example I gave (which you left out) is proof of that.

Let me try again: your document is available in HTML and PDF (let's
keep it simple). Who makes the HTML? Who makes the PDF? How can you be
100%-sure that both variants are strictly "identical" (if ever they

Let's consider the famous "SVG tiger" image, that you would make
available in both SVG and PNG. Isn't the SVG qualitatively better than
the PNG? Aren't they the same resource "sketch of a tiger"?

How about an interactive animation you provide in both SVG+JS and
Flash. What if there's a b

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Smylers
Mike writes:

> Smylers wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > > "... it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page which
> > > contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
> > > longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or
> > > elsewhere."
> > >
> > > - The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page
> > > representation *and* provide links to all the other content types
> > > available.  
> >
> > Indeed it could.  In which case the original claimed advantage of the
> > recipient of the message being able to open a single URL in one of
> > several different sorts of user-agents is no longer relevant; the links
> > could specify the format in the URL and this'll work just fine.
> You're completely missing my point here.


> I'm well aware that you can do conneg in the URL.


> HTTP provides a way to perform conneg at the protocol level;

Yes, I see that.

> no mechanism for this is currently provided by HTML.

And I see that as well.

What I'm missing is _why_ it would be advantageous to be able to do

You originally suggested an advantage would be being able to have an
'ambiguous' URL, one which could provide a document in one of multiple
formats, and that passing such a URL to somebody else and enabling her
to download one of multiple formats of some content from that URL.

But we seemed to agree that in practice what would happen is the
recipient would load that URL in a browser to view the HTML format of
the document, and then, if she wants the PDF format she'd follow a link
in that HTML page.

So even though original URL _could_ have been opened in a PDF viewer,
that is never taken advantage of.

> Uniform *Resource* Identifier - different content types are different
> *representations*, not different resources.

That's certainly one possible interpretation, but I think treating
different formats of a document as different 'resources' is equally

In practice web users don't often seem to use terms like 'resource' and
'respresentation'; they more commonly refer to 'documents', 'pages',
'formats'.  Two different formats of a document having two different
locations (and therefore implicitly being deemed to be two different
resources) isn't massively confusing for users, mainly cos they simply
don't think about the concept of what a resource is.

> Protocol level conneg was included in HTTP so that URI's would not
> have to be responsible..  unfortunately HTML didn't provide adequate
> mechanisms to make use of this - so everyone is used to conneg
> happening in the URI. That doesn't  make it 'the right way to do it'.
> Developers should be given the option.

What advantage would it be for a developer to do this?  As in why when
given the option would he choose to take it?

You've already pointed out that at least in the short term he'd have to
use both the URL and HTTP ways, so either way he'd always have to
provide the format selector in URLs.  Having done that, and it working
everywhere, he'd then have the option of either doing absolutely nothing
or of additionally doing some more work to do the same in HTTP.  Why
would he?

> > > HTTP provides conneg, why would you consciously deny developers
> > > the opportunity to use it in browsers?
> >
> > HTML 5 implicitly denies things merely by not providing them.  And it
> > provides things which are useful.  So the question actually needs to be
> > asked the other way round: what benefits are there in this being
> > supported?
> The benefits? Oh I don't know.. a markup language that supports the  
> transfer protocol it runs on?!

That's circular: you're claiming the benefit of supporting this is so
that it is supported!  What's an actual advantage -- either a user
experience which is superior, or a situation in which developers would
choose to use it?

> This isn't a feature request - it's a bug. You're denying developers
> the ability to choose to use protocol level conneg.

True.  HTML 5 fails to provide developers the ability to do all sorts of
things.  That's only a problem for things which have real-world uses,
and I'm yet to grasp one for this proposed feature.

> > > "Not just browsers, as I pointed out.  Also many databases which
> > > have tables with URL fields would need extra fields adding."
> > >
> > > - I suggested the attribute should be optional, so it would make no
> > > difference; one would simply avoid using it if it was a big problem.
> >
> > If my database contains URLs of external websites, then it isn't under
> > my control as to whether this feature gets used.  If those sites start
> > using it, then my URLs are no longer sufficient to uniquely identify
> > what is downloaded, and I need to change my database schema (and
> > software that uses it) to remedy that.
> They are completely sufficient, if you provided the link but with no  
> Accept attribute specified.. it would use the browser default (which is,  
> generally, html).

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Mike

Hallvord R M Steen wrote:

Sorry, both as an author and as a user I'd prefer this:";>html report";>pdf report";>xml report

- Keep It Simple. For me as an author it's less typing, and for me as
a computer-literate end user it's clear whether a link is going to
make me wait for Acrobat loading or open directly - even if the link
is taken out of the HTML context.

"It's less typing" - Is that serious or are you joking?!

Isn't it? :)

Well sure, but I still don't know if that was a joke or whether it was a 
serious point!


I disagree; it's no more clear to end users. There is no reason the status
bar at the bottom couldn't say (PDF Document)

Trivial addition for browsers to take this information from the Accept

Not quite "trivial", since browsers to do what you ask would need to
maintain a table of "pretty" names for all MIME types - including
translating that table to all languages the UI is translated to...

They could support the most common, the rest could be output 
" (application/foo)". This problem is no better 
addressed using a URL.

On a more serious note: content negotiation is meant to automatically
choose a variant of a resource (format, language). However, in many
cases the variant is significant in a way that I as a user want
control over. The language and even format of a resource is actually
often essential to that resource's identity. (The whole
content-negotiation idea is based on that statement being false. I
believe it's true.).

Language is a separate issue from content type. I would consider a 
translated document as a separate resource which should be indicated in 
the URL. The same document provided in different formats is one resource 
and multiple representations. Representations are distinct from 
resources and therefore don't fit into the definition of Uniform 
Resource Locator.

I've built two-three websites that use content/language negotiation
and I now consider it an architectural mistake to rely on negotiation
because the URLs no longer uniquely identify the variants I in many
scenarios need to identify. It's OK-ish to do it as a pure format
choice where the server and UA just agree on using the PNG or GIF
version for an  tag. For links *users* (and FWIW search engines,
validators and other agents) may interact with it's however a big
mistake to move away from one URL per variant of a resource. In light
of my content negotiation experiments and experience I'd say an Access
attribute in HTML would be harmful to the usability of URLs.

If your system is designed to provide several different content types 
for users to be able to read/write/update/delete a single resource from 
various different User Agents - it's totally misleading to provide a 
separate URL for each of them. Because:

If I update the information in /report.pdf - does that update the 
information in /report.html and /report.xml ? They're seperate resources 
(indicated by seperate URLs) so from a 'usability' point of view, the 
expected result should be to *only* update that the information in 
/report.pdf.. but that's not actually the case here since the system 
will update the information in the other two URLs aswell.

This kind of behavior *breaks caching*, for obvious reasons.

As a URL user (web browsing human, HTML author, linker, bookmarker,
E-mail-with-links author) I often want to be sure about what variant
of a resource I link to. To be explicit about this across scenarios
requires explicit URLs with language and type information.


If you put .pdf at the end a URL the server wont necessarily
respond with a PDF content type, so any extra certainty you feel from that
is artificial.

File types are all about convention. It's useful when sites follow the
convention, and it's a surprise in the rare event when they don't.
Since most of the time they do it's more useful than harmful.


What is the value of that 'convention'?

It only exists because of the present insufficiencies of HTML to provide 
browsers with a way to leverage protocol level conneg.

Content negotiation is a lot nicer in theory than in practise..


Well it's not nice in practice because HTML is currently flawed

After thinking about it I've concluded that it's not nice in practice
because the basic premise of content negotiation is fundamentally
flawed, namely that what variant of a resource users get from a URL is
insignificant and what's best for them can be determined


Automatically is the case for user agents that interpret specific 
content types; i.e. pdf readers would only Accept application/pdf documents.

Browsers are a specific type of user agent that are primarily used for 
reading hypermedia; but also, importantly, Accept many other different 
content types which they can pass to 

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Hallvord R M Steen
>> Sorry, both as an author and as a user I'd prefer this:
>>";>html report
>>";>pdf report
>>";>xml report
>> - Keep It Simple. For me as an author it's less typing, and for me as
>> a computer-literate end user it's clear whether a link is going to
>> make me wait for Acrobat loading or open directly - even if the link
>> is taken out of the HTML context.
> "It's less typing" - Is that serious or are you joking?!

Isn't it? :)

> I disagree; it's no more clear to end users. There is no reason the status
> bar at the bottom couldn't say
> (PDF Document)
> Trivial addition for browsers to take this information from the Accept
> attribute.

Not quite "trivial", since browsers to do what you ask would need to
maintain a table of "pretty" names for all MIME types - including
translating that table to all languages the UI is translated to...

On a more serious note: content negotiation is meant to automatically
choose a variant of a resource (format, language). However, in many
cases the variant is significant in a way that I as a user want
control over. The language and even format of a resource is actually
often essential to that resource's identity. (The whole
content-negotiation idea is based on that statement being false. I
believe it's true.).

I've built two-three websites that use content/language negotiation
and I now consider it an architectural mistake to rely on negotiation
because the URLs no longer uniquely identify the variants I in many
scenarios need to identify. It's OK-ish to do it as a pure format
choice where the server and UA just agree on using the PNG or GIF
version for an  tag. For links *users* (and FWIW search engines,
validators and other agents) may interact with it's however a big
mistake to move away from one URL per variant of a resource. In light
of my content negotiation experiments and experience I'd say an Access
attribute in HTML would be harmful to the usability of URLs.

As a URL user (web browsing human, HTML author, linker, bookmarker,
E-mail-with-links author) I often want to be sure about what variant
of a resource I link to. To be explicit about this across scenarios
requires explicit URLs with language and type information.

> If you put .pdf at the end a URL the server wont necessarily
> respond with a PDF content type, so any extra certainty you feel from that
> is artificial.

File types are all about convention. It's useful when sites follow the
convention, and it's a surprise in the rare event when they don't.
Since most of the time they do it's more useful than harmful.

>> Content negotiation is a lot nicer in theory than in practise..
> Well it's not nice in practice because HTML is currently flawed

After thinking about it I've concluded that it's not nice in practice
because the basic premise of content negotiation is fundamentally
flawed, namely that what variant of a resource users get from a URL is
insignificant and what's best for them can be determined

> The apparent resistance to this confuses me; since the solution is not
> complicated to implement, completely backwards compatible, and ignorable.

My scepticism has nothing to do with whether it's easy to implement
(though I think you underestimate the required efforts - for example
the UA would need to verify that provided Accept: values are
correct/don't cause security problems etc.). My scepticism has nothing
to do with whether it is backwards compatible either. As a URL user I
just want to defend the usability of URLs against a theoretically more
pure but for practical purposes deeply flawed solution to a

Hallvord R. M. Steen

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Mike

Smylers wrote:



"Would the sender of that link necessarily know all the formats the URL
provides?  Anyway, that's an unrealistic amount of typing -- typically
round here people just copy and paste a URL into an instant message and
send it without any surrounding text.

Whereas without any other information, people will generally open URLs
in a web browser.  So it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page
which contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or

- The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page
representation *and* provide links to all the other content types

Indeed it could.  In which case the original claimed advantage of the
recipient of the message being able to open a single URL in one of
several different sorts of user-agents is no longer relevant; the links
could specify the format in the URL and this'll work just fine.


You're completely missing my point here. I'm well aware that you can do 
conneg in the URL. HTTP provides a way to perform conneg at the protocol 
level; no mechanism for this is currently provided by HTML.

"What is the point of doing it in HTTP if it's being done in HTML

- Nothing is 'done' in HTML, it's a markup language. It's being done
(at the moment) in the URI.

Sorry; that was what I meant.

Uniform *Resource* Identifier - different content types are different 
*representations*, not different resources. Protocol level conneg was 
included in HTTP so that URI's would not have to be responsible.. 
unfortunately HTML didn't provide adequate mechanisms to make use of 
this - so everyone is used to conneg happening in the URI. That doesn't 
make it 'the right way to do it'. Developers should be given the option.


HTTP provides conneg, why would you consciously deny developers the
opportunity to use it in browsers?

HTML 5 implicitly denies things merely by not providing them.  And it
provides things which are useful.  So the question actually needs to be
asked the other way round: what benefits are there in this being


The benefits? Oh I don't know.. a markup language that supports the 
transfer protocol it runs on?!

This isn't a feature request - it's a bug. You're denying developers the 
ability to choose to use protocol level conneg.

"Not just browsers, as I pointed out.  Also many databases which have
tables with URL fields would need extra fields adding."

- I suggested the attribute should be optional, so it would make no
difference; one would simply avoid using it if it was a big problem.

If my database contains URLs of external websites, then it isn't under
my control as to whether this feature gets used.  If those sites start
using it, then my URLs are no longer sufficient to uniquely identify
what is downloaded, and I need to change my database schema (and
software that uses it) to remedy that.


They are completely sufficient, if you provided the link but with no 
Accept attribute specified.. it would use the browser default (which is, 
generally, html). So that's a non-issue; It's backwards compatible.

"True.  But if the current way of doing it is good enough, there's no
incentive to change."

- Define 'enough'..! I don't know why/how you get the authority to
make that assumption!

I don't, of course!  But then, I never made that claim anyway; I said
_if_ it's good enough.

That is, in order to make this change let's first show that the current
way isn't good enough.

It's not good enough because it's merging representations (conneg) into 
resources (URIs). This isn't the way HTTP was intended to be used, 
that's just what people are used to. I'm not suggesting the current way 
of doing it should be abolished, I'm saying we should give people the 
choice. There is no choice at the moment (aside from using JavaScript). 
You're forcing me to repeat myself alot!


And before you say it; I'm not assuming any authority myself

Good; the editor has a policy of ignoring appeals to authority!

Like removing the ability to leverage protocol level conneg on the basis 
that "it works fine in the URI", for example?


"There's little point in making browsers implement extra functionality
and inventing new mark-up and evangelizing it, only to end up with the
same functionality we started with; there has to be more.  And the
greater the effort involved, the greater the benefit has to be to make
it worthwhile."

- I'll say it again: I'm encouraging you to help browsers become
better HTTP clients; surely that is high on the agenda here.. right?!

Why?  That's tantamount to an appeal to authority.  Fully supporting
HTTP is a means rather than an end.  Are there situations in which
supporting this particular part of HTTP provides additional benefit to
users?  Or are there many instances of authors tediously coding the

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Mike

Thomas Broyer wrote:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would the sender of that link necessarily know all the formats the URL
provides?  Anyway, that's an unrealistic amount of typing -- typically
round here people just copy and paste a URL into an instant message
and send it without any surrounding text.

Whereas without any other information, people will generally open URLs
in a web browser.  So it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page
which contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or

- The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page representation
*and* provide links to all the other content types available.

How about other representations? (I know we're discussing HTML here,
and not HTTP, but what if a resource has no HTML representation? are
you proposing adding this capability to PDF, MSOffice, OpenDocument,
et al. too?)
That's an issue at the application level; RSS would work fine in that 
situation - any form of hypermedia will serve that purpose.

What is the point of doing it in HTTP if it's being done in HTML anyway?

- Nothing is 'done' in HTML, it's a markup language. It's being done (at the
moment) in the URI. HTTP provides conneg, why would you consciously
deny developers the opportunity to use it in browsers? Unless HTML5
provides the markup, this isn't possible. This means Browsers don't have
the ability to fully support HTTP without having to use JavaScript rubbish;
there is a window of opportunity to change this with HTML5.

No. Browsers fully support HTTP in the sense that they send an Accept
header dependent of their *capabilities*.
If you want client-driven conneg, then use agent-driven/transparent
(RFCs 2295/2296), not server-driven conneg. This is explicitly noted
in RFC 2616 that server-driven negotiation has limits and can be
disadvantageous depending on your needs.


My argument is to provision both and let developers decide.

True.  But if the current way of doing it is good enough, there's no
incentive to change."

- Define 'enough'..! I don't know why/how you get the authority to
make that assumption! And before you say it; I'm not assuming any
authority myself - I'm trying to encourage you to help browsers conform
to the protocol they make use of.

Maybe you could explain how browsers do not conform to HTTP? (and no,
HTTP does not mandate user-agents to give the control of the Accept-*
headers to the user or the... server?!)

URI = Uniform Resource Identifier

A given document available in html, pdf, xml - is one resource. The 
various content types are representations of that resource.

Because HTML is presently insufficient in providing a mechanism for 
browsers to perform protocol level conneg.. it's been moved into the URI 
and each representation is provided as a separate resource. This clearly 
breaks the intended definition of a URI - this is why I don't consider 
browsers to conform to HTTP; since they force developers to misuse that 
part of the protocol.

Having to use a JavaScript virtual machine to perform PUT and DELETE is 
yet another example of this.

There's an extension to HTTP (TCN/RSVA, RFCs 2295/2296) that gives the
servers the ability to describe the available variants of a given
resource in a content-type independent way. You'd rather push browser
vendors to implement TCN/RSVA than HTML5 to add a content-type
dependent equivalent.

See also


I don't really understand the point your making.. I would just like to 
see a way by which developers can link to *resources* with URIs and 
specify the representation if and when necessary for a given link. There 
is no choice at the moment because HTML is insufficient. An optional 
Accept attribute would address this issue and still allow for the 
current methods that you feel (subjectively) are 'sufficient'.

- I'll say it again: I'm encouraging you to help browsers become
better HTTP clients; surely that is high on the agenda here.. right?!

No, we're discussing HTML and some "Web APIs" here, not HTTP.


So the Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the Markup Language (HTML) for Hyper 
Text are not closely linked?

If you aren't discussing it that way; it might be worth considering, no?

Or what about if I wanted to mail somebody pointing out a discrepency
between two versions of the report, and wished to link to both of them.
That's tricky if they have the same URL.  Possibly I could do it like
you have with the wget command-line above, but that requires me knowing
which browsers my audience use and the precise syntax for them."

- separate versions are separate resources, not separate content types. That
has nothing to do with conneg..

Variants still need

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-18 Thread Thomas Broyer
On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 6:31 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would the sender of that link necessarily know all the formats the URL
> > provides?  Anyway, that's an unrealistic amount of typing -- typically
> > round here people just copy and paste a URL into an instant message
> > and send it without any surrounding text.
> >
> > Whereas without any other information, people will generally open URLs
> > in a web browser.  So it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page
> > which contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
> > longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or
> > elsewhere.
> - The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page representation
> *and* provide links to all the other content types available.

How about other representations? (I know we're discussing HTML here,
and not HTTP, but what if a resource has no HTML representation? are
you proposing adding this capability to PDF, MSOffice, OpenDocument,
et al. too?)

> > What is the point of doing it in HTTP if it's being done in HTML anyway?
> - Nothing is 'done' in HTML, it's a markup language. It's being done (at the
> moment) in the URI. HTTP provides conneg, why would you consciously
> deny developers the opportunity to use it in browsers? Unless HTML5
> provides the markup, this isn't possible. This means Browsers don't have
> the ability to fully support HTTP without having to use JavaScript rubbish;
> there is a window of opportunity to change this with HTML5.

No. Browsers fully support HTTP in the sense that they send an Accept
header dependent of their *capabilities*.
If you want client-driven conneg, then use agent-driven/transparent
(RFCs 2295/2296), not server-driven conneg. This is explicitly noted
in RFC 2616 that server-driven negotiation has limits and can be
disadvantageous depending on your needs.

> > True.  But if the current way of doing it is good enough, there's no
> > incentive to change."
> - Define 'enough'..! I don't know why/how you get the authority to
> make that assumption! And before you say it; I'm not assuming any
> authority myself - I'm trying to encourage you to help browsers conform
> to the protocol they make use of.

Maybe you could explain how browsers do not conform to HTTP? (and no,
HTTP does not mandate user-agents to give the control of the Accept-*
headers to the user or the... server?!)
There's an extension to HTTP (TCN/RSVA, RFCs 2295/2296) that gives the
servers the ability to describe the available variants of a given
resource in a content-type independent way. You'd rather push browser
vendors to implement TCN/RSVA than HTML5 to add a content-type
dependent equivalent.

See also

> - I'll say it again: I'm encouraging you to help browsers become
> better HTTP clients; surely that is high on the agenda here.. right?!

No, we're discussing HTML and some "Web APIs" here, not HTTP.

> > Or what about if I wanted to mail somebody pointing out a discrepency
> > between two versions of the report, and wished to link to both of them.
> > That's tricky if they have the same URL.  Possibly I could do it like
> > you have with the wget command-line above, but that requires me knowing
> > which browsers my audience use and the precise syntax for them."
> - separate versions are separate resources, not separate content types. That
> has nothing to do with conneg..

Variants still need be produced by someone or something, and there
really might be discrepencies between them; that's why there's a
"quality" parameter in TCN/RSVA (and thus in Apache type-map files,
for instance)

Thomas Broyer

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Smylers

> "Would the sender of that link necessarily know all the formats the URL
> provides?  Anyway, that's an unrealistic amount of typing -- typically
> round here people just copy and paste a URL into an instant message and
> send it without any surrounding text.
> Whereas without any other information, people will generally open URLs
> in a web browser.  So it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page
> which contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
> longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or
> elsewhere."
> - The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page
> representation *and* provide links to all the other content types
> available.  

Indeed it could.  In which case the original claimed advantage of the
recipient of the message being able to open a single URL in one of
several different sorts of user-agents is no longer relevant; the links
could specify the format in the URL and this'll work just fine.

> "What is the point of doing it in HTTP if it's being done in HTML
> anyway?"
> - Nothing is 'done' in HTML, it's a markup language. It's being done
> (at the moment) in the URI.

Sorry; that was what I meant.

> HTTP provides conneg, why would you consciously deny developers the
> opportunity to use it in browsers?

HTML 5 implicitly denies things merely by not providing them.  And it
provides things which are useful.  So the question actually needs to be
asked the other way round: what benefits are there in this being

> "Not just browsers, as I pointed out.  Also many databases which have
> tables with URL fields would need extra fields adding."
> - I suggested the attribute should be optional, so it would make no
> difference; one would simply avoid using it if it was a big problem.

If my database contains URLs of external websites, then it isn't under
my control as to whether this feature gets used.  If those sites start
using it, then my URLs are no longer sufficient to uniquely identify
what is downloaded, and I need to change my database schema (and
software that uses it) to remedy that.

> "True.  But if the current way of doing it is good enough, there's no
> incentive to change."
> - Define 'enough'..! I don't know why/how you get the authority to
> make that assumption!

I don't, of course!  But then, I never made that claim anyway; I said
_if_ it's good enough.

That is, in order to make this change let's first show that the current
way isn't good enough.

> And before you say it; I'm not assuming any authority myself

Good; the editor has a policy of ignoring appeals to authority!

> "There's little point in making browsers implement extra functionality
> and inventing new mark-up and evangelizing it, only to end up with the
> same functionality we started with; there has to be more.  And the
> greater the effort involved, the greater the benefit has to be to make
> it worthwhile."
> - I'll say it again: I'm encouraging you to help browsers become
> better HTTP clients; surely that is high on the agenda here.. right?!

Why?  That's tantamount to an appeal to authority.  Fully supporting
HTTP is a means rather than an end.  Are there situations in which
supporting this particular part of HTTP provides additional benefit to
users?  Or are there many instances of authors tediously coding the same
thing in JavaScript?

Changes should have some real-world benefit, not just bureaucratically
complying with something for the sake of it.

> "Typing that would require my knowing that URL of the PDF also serves
> other formats.
> But, moreover, it requires typing.  Currently the URL can be pasted in,
> the text that the browser copied to the clipboard.  There's no way that
> my browser's 'Copy Link URL' function is going to put on the clipboard
> the exact syntax of wget command-line options.  Having to type that lot
> in massively increases the effort in this task -- even if I can type the
> relevant media type in from the top of my head, without needing to look
> it up."
> - You're using a command line and complaining about having to type too
> much?

Yes.  One reason I find using the command line so efficient is that
there are many features and short-cuts for avoiding having to type
things fully.

> If it mattered that much it would be a 2 second job to write a wrapper
> script of some kind..

That does what?  A wrapper script which somehow contacts my web browser
(running on a different computer) to find out what the media type is of
the link that was most recently copied to the clipboard?

Even if I could work out how to write such a script, why should I have

> wget is a developer tool

Is it?  I thought it was a program for downloading files from the web.

> it's not supposed to be convenient anyway.

Isn't it?  I find it most convenient.

One of the reasons I use it is because its interface is so simple: just
change to the directory I wish to download something to (whi

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Mike Kelly

Hallvord R M Steen wrote:

as an example:";>html report"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml report

Sorry, both as an author and as a user I'd prefer this:";>html report";>pdf report";>xml report

- Keep It Simple. For me as an author it's less typing, and for me as
a computer-literate end user it's clear whether a link is going to
make me wait for Acrobat loading or open directly - even if the link
is taken out of the HTML context.

"It's less typing" - Is that serious or are you joking?!

I disagree; it's no more clear to end users. There is no reason the 
status bar at the bottom couldn't say (PDF Document)

Trivial addition for browsers to take this information from the Accept 
attribute. If you put .pdf at the end a URL the server wont necessarily 
respond with a PDF content type, so any extra certainty you feel from 
that is artificial. It should be up for interpretation whether you chose 
to do it this way or not. At the moment HTML is not providing a way to 
take advantage of HTTP conneg, that's not very fair - particularly given 
the criticism that 'its not possible at the moment'. Surely a primary 
objective here must be allowing browser developers to make full use of 
every aspect of the HTTP protocol?

On the other hand, I'd sort of like"; AcceptLanguage="no">Norwegian"; AcceptLanguage="en">English

As the main problem with using content-negotiation for language right
now is that you need to hard-link to actual files (i.e. file.en.html)
to give users a way to "override" the negotiation on the fly. (No,
nobody will reconfigure their browser to use your site and everyone
must be given a choice of language even if they can't control the
settings of the browser they happen to use.) It's not good enough
though, since one would like the language choice to "stick"
automatically - you still need to fall back to cookies and a custom
script for handling language choice or "no suitable version" errors.

Content negotiation is a lot nicer in theory than in practise..
Well it's not nice in practice because HTML is currently flawed and 
insufficient as a way of telling browsers how to do it properly. This is 
entirely my point; let's make HTTP conneg possible in browsers by 
getting HTML right - and let the developers decide the best practices. 
By not supporting this part of the HTTP protocol (content negotiation) 
you are taking something fundamental out of the  hands of application 
developers (client and server side) because you don't think it's necessary.

The apparent resistance to this confuses me; since the solution is not 
complicated to implement, completely backwards compatible, and ignorable.


Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Hallvord R M Steen
> as an example:
>";>html report
>"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report
>"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml 
> report

Sorry, both as an author and as a user I'd prefer this:";>html report";>pdf report";>xml report

- Keep It Simple. For me as an author it's less typing, and for me as
a computer-literate end user it's clear whether a link is going to
make me wait for Acrobat loading or open directly - even if the link
is taken out of the HTML context.

On the other hand, I'd sort of like"; AcceptLanguage="no">Norwegian"; AcceptLanguage="en">English

As the main problem with using content-negotiation for language right
now is that you need to hard-link to actual files (i.e. file.en.html)
to give users a way to "override" the negotiation on the fly. (No,
nobody will reconfigure their browser to use your site and everyone
must be given a choice of language even if they can't control the
settings of the browser they happen to use.) It's not good enough
though, since one would like the language choice to "stick"
automatically - you still need to fall back to cookies and a custom
script for handling language choice or "no suitable version" errors.

Content negotiation is a lot nicer in theory than in practise..

FWIW, some browsers (at least Firefox - I'm lobbying for it in Opera)
send context-sensitive Accept: headers already, so if you put  in your HTML the browser will send only image/*
types in Accept when requesting /something.

Hallvord R. M. Steen

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Philipp Kempgen

Please quote properly. Otherwise it's incredibly hard to follow
the discussion. Thanks.

   Philipp Kempgen

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread mike
"Would the sender of that link necessarily know all the formats the URL
provides?  Anyway, that's an unrealistic amount of typing -- typically
round here people just copy and paste a URL into an instant message and
send it without any surrounding text.

Whereas without any other information, people will generally open URLs
in a web browser.  So it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page
which contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or

- The HTML version of that URL could provide the web page representation *and* 
provide links to all the other content types available.  

"What is the point of doing it in HTTP if it's being done in HTML anyway?"

- Nothing is 'done' in HTML, it's a markup language. It's being done (at the 
moment) in the URI. HTTP provides conneg, why would you consciously deny 
developers the opportunity to use it in browsers? Unless HTML5 provides the 
markup, this isn't possible. This means Browsers don't have the ability to 
fully support HTTP without having to use JavaScript rubbish; there is a window 
of opportunity to change this with HTML5.

"Not just browsers, as I pointed out.  Also many databases which have
tables with URL fields would need extra fields adding."

- I suggested the attribute should be optional, so it would make no difference; 
one would simply avoid using it if it was a big problem.

"True.  But if the current way of doing it is good enough, there's no
incentive to change."

- Define 'enough'..! I don't know why/how you get the authority to make that 
assumption! And before you say it; I'm not assuming any authority myself - I'm 
trying to encourage you to help browsers conform to the protocol they make use 

"There's little point in making browsers implement extra functionality and 
inventing new mark-up and evangelizing it, only to end up with the same 
functionality we started with; there has to be more.  And the greater the 
effort involved, the greater the benefit has to be to make it worthwhile."

- I'll say it again: I'm encouraging you to help browsers become better HTTP 
clients; surely that is high on the agenda here.. right?!

"Typing that would require my knowing that URL of the PDF also serves
other formats.

But, moreover, it requires typing.  Currently the URL can be pasted in,
the text that the browser copied to the clipboard.  There's no way that
my browser's 'Copy Link URL' function is going to put on the clipboard
the exact syntax of wget command-line options.  Having to type that lot
in massively increases the effort in this task -- even if I can type the
relevant media type in from the top of my head, without needing to look
it up."

- You're using a command line and complaining about having to type too much? If 
it mattered that much it would be a 2 second job to write a wrapper script of 
some kind.. wget is a developer tool it's not supposed to be convenient anyway.

"Or what about if I wanted to mail somebody pointing out a discrepency
between two versions of the report, and wished to link to both of them.
That's tricky if they have the same URL.  Possibly I could do it like
you have with the wget command-line above, but that requires me knowing
which browsers my audience use and the precise syntax for them."

- separate versions are separate resources, not separate content types. That 
has nothing to do with conneg..

if you wanted my take on it I'd do it like this: (automatically provides latest report) (list all versions) (version 0.1) (version 5.6)

obviously I'd make each of those available as json, xml, html, pdf, xls, and 
whatever else worked! :)


Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Smylers

> "It's also the most common case. Supposing I opened the above URL in a
> browser, and it gave me the HTML version; how would I even know that
> the PDF version exists?"
> Hypertext.


> "Except that in practice on receiving a URL like the above, nearly all
> users will try it in a web browser; they are unlikely to put it into
> their PDF viewer, in the hope that a PDF version of the report will
> happen to be available."
> I've adressed this subsequently:
> 'here's the URL: you can open this with adobe,
> excel, powerpoint, word'

Would the sender of that link necessarily know all the formats the URL
provides?  Anyway, that's an unrealistic amount of typing -- typically
round here people just copy and paste a URL into an instant message and
send it without any surrounding text.

Whereas without any other information, people will generally open URLs
in a web browser.  So it'd be faster just to send the URL of the page
which contains hypertext links to all the formats; at which point we no
longer care whether those links specify the format in the URL or

> "Suppose my browser has a PDF plug-in so can render either the HTML or
> PDF versions, it's harder to bookmark a particular version because the
> URL is no longer sufficient to identify precisely what I was viewing.
> Browsers could update the way bookmarks work to deal with this, but
> any exterrnal (such as web-based) bookmarking tools would also need to
> change."
> I've also already addressed this in the original post; I was quite
> clear that if browsers don't store the application state when you make
> a bookmark (headers, URI, HTTP method), then this is an argument for
> continuing to use URI conneg *aswell* as HTTP conneg; rather than
> instead.

What is the point of doing it in HTTP if it's being done in HTML anyway?

> Until the browsers fix this. ;)

Not just browsers, as I pointed out.  Also many databases which have
tables with URL fields would need extra fields adding.

> Browsers should really be bookmarking the whole request/state; the
> only reason they don't do this is because that's not the way it's done
> now. The reason for that is lack of incentive due to inadequate
> tooling, it's not a fair justification to say 'no one does it at the
> moment because its not necessary', that's disingenuous.

True.  But if the current way of doing it is good enough, there's no
incentive to change.  There's little point in making browsers implement
extra functionality and inventing new mark-up and evangelizing it, only
to end up with the same functionality we started with; there has to be
more.  And the greater the effort involved, the greater the benefit has
to be to make it worthwhile.

> "Or suppose the HTML version links to the PDF version. I wish to
> download the PDF on a remote server, and happen to have an SSH session
> open to it. So I right-click on the link in the HTML version I'm
> looking at, choose 'Copy Link Location' from the menu, and in the
> remote shell type wget then paste in the copied link. If the link
> explicitly has ?type=PDF in the URL, I get what I want; if the format
> is specified out of the URL then I've just downloaded the wrong
> thing."
> Here you go:
> wget --header="Accept: application/pdf"

Typing that would require my knowing that URL of the PDF also serves
other formats.

But, moreover, it requires typing.  Currently the URL can be pasted in,
the text that the browser copied to the clipboard.  There's no way that
my browser's 'Copy Link URL' function is going to put on the clipboard
the exact syntax of wget command-line options.  Having to type that lot
in massively increases the effort in this task -- even if I can type the
relevant media type in from the top of my head, without needing to look
it up.

Or what about if I wanted to mail somebody pointing out a discrepency
between two versions of the report, and wished to link to both of them.
That's tricky if they have the same URL.  Possibly I could do it like
you have with the wget command-line above, but that requires me knowing
which browsers my audience use and the precise syntax for them.


Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread mike
"Except that in practice on receiving a URL like the above, nearly all
users will try it in a web browser; they are unlikely to put it into
their PDF viewer, in the hope that a PDF version of the report will
happen to be available."

I've adressed this subsequently:

'here's the URL: you can open this with adobe, excel, 
powerpoint, word'

"It's also the most common case. Supposing I opened the above URL in a
browser, and it gave me the HTML version; how would I even know that the
PDF version exists?"


"Suppose my browser has a PDF plug-in so can render either the HTML or
PDF versions, it's harder to bookmark a particular version because the
URL is no longer sufficient to identify precisely what I was viewing.
Browsers could update the way bookmarks work to deal with this, but any
exterrnal (such as web-based) bookmarking tools would also need to

I've also already addressed this in the original post; I was quite clear that 
if browsers don't store the application state when you make a bookmark 
(headers, URI, HTTP method), then this is an argument for continuing to use URI 
conneg *aswell* as HTTP conneg; rather than instead. Until the browsers fix 
this. ;)

Browsers should really be bookmarking the whole request/state; the only reason 
they don't do this is because that's not the way it's done now. The reason for 
that is lack of incentive due to inadequate tooling, it's not a fair 
justification to say 'no one does it at the moment because its not necessary', 
that's disingenuous. The real reason is that HTTP is not adequately supported 
in HTML, and so browser requests never contain appropriately descriptive 
headers - hence why conneg was forced into the URI.

Alot of people, including the guys in the IRC channel, seem to be blaming the 
"insufficiencies" of HTTP conneg on HTTP itself.

Please feel free to describe these inherent problems with HTTP conneg without 
implying "browsers and HTML don't do it properly". I know they don't..! I don't 
consider that a criticism of HTTP, for obvious reasons.

"Or suppose the HTML version links to the PDF version. I wish to
download the PDF on a remote server, and happen to have an SSH session
open to it. So I right-click on the link in the HTML version I'm
looking at, choose 'Copy Link Location' from the menu, and in the remote
shell type wget then paste in the copied link. If the link explicitly
has ?type=PDF in the URL, I get what I want; if the format is specified
out of the URL then I've just downloaded the wrong thing."

Here you go:

wget --header="Accept: application/pdf"


Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Smylers

> as an example:
>";>html report
>"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report
>"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml 
> report
> So I can send a colleague a message; 'you can get the report at
>', and they can use that URL in any user
> agent that is appropriate.

Except that in practice on receiving a URL like the above, nearly all
users will try it in a web browser; they are unlikely to put it into
their PDF viewer, in the hope that a PDF version of the report will
happen to be available.

> A browser is a special case in which many different content-types are
> dealt with.

It's also the most common case.  Supposing I opened the above URL in a
browser, and it gave me the HTML version; how would I even know that the
PDF version exists?

Suppose my browser has a PDF plug-in so can render either the HTML or
PDF versions, it's harder to bookmark a particular version because the
URL is no longer sufficient to identify precisely what I was viewing.
Browsers could update the way bookmarks work to deal with this, but any
exterrnal (such as web-based) bookmarking tools would also need to

Or suppose the HTML version links to the PDF version.  I wish to
download the PDF on a remote server, and happen to have an SSH session
open to it.  So I right-click on the link in the HTML version I'm
looking at, choose 'Copy Link Location' from the menu, and in the remote
shell type wget then paste in the copied link.  If the link explicitly
has ?type=PDF in the URL, I get what I want; if the format is specified
out of the URL then I've just downloaded the wrong thing.


Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Adrian Sutton
Hey Mike,
Good answers. :)

> The server is not obliged to respect the Accept header, there is nothing
> preventing the server from returning a gif even if the Accept header indicates
> solely png. This is actually the case with specifying content type in the URL,
> since there is nothing preventing returning a jpeg for
> example.


> A URI is a resource identifier - content-type is seperate from that, and
> concerned with a specific representation of a resource rather than the
> resource itself. This was the intention of the Accept header being included in
> the HTTP protocol, as per my understanding from the rfc and Roy Fielding's
> thesis.


> as an example:
>";>html report
>"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report
>"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml
> report

Ok, this is an interesting example. Quite a few sites have a "PDF Version"
link which could be better done by linking to the same URL with different
accept headers - though you'd obviously have to set the Vary cache control
header appropriately.

> So I can send a colleague a message; 'you can get the report at
>', and they can use that URL in any user agent that
> is appropriate. A browser is a special case in which many different
> content-types are dealt with. The same benefit is not achieved if the content
> is negotiated via the URL, since the user would have to know the type their
> user agent required and modify the URL accordingly:

This seems like a different use case to me and should be possible without
any additional modifications.  If the server is configured to return PDF if
that's the first thing in the Accept header *and* the user pastes the URL
into Acrobat instead of their browser, Acrobat would obviously prefer PDF so
list that first and have that returned by the server.

Note though, that in this case the user agent is responsible for setting the
Accept header so we don't need to change the HTML spec at all.

The reason this is basically never used today is two fold:
1. It requires correctly configuring the server, beyond just putting files
on the file system.  Very few people actually do this.
2. It requires the user to see a URL and decide that they want to paste it
into Acrobat instead of their browser, without any indication that it would
actually work.

> To me, this is a much cleaner and more appropriate use of a URI. Not to
> mention more user-friendly. Something, I believe should be encouraged - this
> is why I feel it would be an important addition to HTML5.

I agree this is pretty cool, but I don't see it every gaining traction,
because it requires so much more effort to set up than just having
report.html and report.pdf and report.xml which work correctly with the
server and caches out of the box. The fact that users are so unlikely to put
the URL into anything but a browser just makes it even less likely that this
effort would be rewarded.  Incidentally, a report.pdf in the URL would
dramatically increase the chances of the user trying to load it directly in
Acrobat instead of their browser because they can see that it's going to be
a PDF.

It is a cool idea though...


Adrian Sutton.
Adrian Sutton, CTO
UK: +44 1 753 27 2229  US: +1 (650) 292 9659 x717
Ephox Blogs , Personal Blog

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread mike
Just to clarify - I was suggesting that the type-less URI and Accept header 
method was a better solution, not the 
"" example I gave.

Also; "including an optional header" should be "including an optional 

Sorry for any confusion!




The server is not obliged to respect the Accept header, there is nothing 
preventing the server from returning a gif even if the Accept header indicates 
solely png. This is actually the case with specifying content type in the URL, 
since there is nothing preventing returning a jpeg for 

A URI is a resource identifier - content-type is seperate from that, and 
concerned with a specific representation of a resource rather than the resource 
itself. This was the intention of the Accept header being included in the HTTP 
protocol, as per my understanding from the rfc and Roy Fielding's thesis.

>From my perspective, it seems wasteful to ignore this opportunity to expand 
the ability of the markup to better reflect best-practice HTTP transactions by 
including an optional header. Surely it is better if HTML and browsers can 
support this natively without having to resort to javascript hackery.

as an example:";>html report"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml 

So I can send a colleague a message; 'you can get the report at', and they can use that URL in any user agent that is 
appropriate. A browser is a special case in which many different content-types 
are dealt with. The same benefit is not achieved if the content is negotiated 
via the URL, since the user would have to know the type their user agent 
required and modify the URL accordingly:

To me, this is a much cleaner and more appropriate use of a URI. Not to mention 
more user-friendly. Something, I believe should be encouraged - this is why I 
feel it would be an important addition to HTML5.

Any thoughts?


On 17/11/2008 11:29, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone else agree that an Accept attribute would be a useful tool for
> making browser interaction more RESTful? Is it worth persuing this issue 
> the HTML5 working group?

I don't see why the Accept header when following links or requesting images
should be controlled by anything other than the browser.  It's the browser
that has to decide actually render the returned content so it's in the best
position to decide what it can accept, not the page author.

On the other hand, XMLHttpRequest should be able to control the Accept
header because the page author will control the JavaScript which has to
handle the response. I would have thought this was already possible though.

Is there a particular use case you had in mind where the HTML author would
know what the browser accepts better than the browser does?


Adrian Sutton.

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread mike

The server is not obliged to respect the Accept header, there is nothing 
preventing the server from returning a gif even if the Accept header indicates 
solely png. This is actually the case with specifying content type in the URL, 
since there is nothing preventing returning a jpeg for 

A URI is a resource identifier - content-type is seperate from that, and 
concerned with a specific representation of a resource rather than the resource 
itself. This was the intention of the Accept header being included in the HTTP 
protocol, as per my understanding from the rfc and Roy Fielding's thesis.

>From my perspective, it seems wasteful to ignore this opportunity to expand 
>the ability of the markup to better reflect best-practice HTTP transactions by 
>including an optional header. Surely it is better if HTML and browsers can 
>support this natively without having to resort to javascript hackery.

as an example:";>html report"; Accept="application/pdf">pdf report"; Accept="application/rss+xml">xml report

So I can send a colleague a message; 'you can get the report at', and they can use that URL in any user agent that is 
appropriate. A browser is a special case in which many different content-types 
are dealt with. The same benefit is not achieved if the content is negotiated 
via the URL, since the user would have to know the type their user agent 
required and modify the URL accordingly:

To me, this is a much cleaner and more appropriate use of a URI. Not to mention 
more user-friendly. Something, I believe should be encouraged - this is why I 
feel it would be an important addition to HTML5.

Any thoughts?


On 17/11/2008 11:29, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone else agree that an Accept attribute would be a useful tool for
> making browser interaction more RESTful? Is it worth persuing this issue 
> the HTML5 working group?

I don't see why the Accept header when following links or requesting images
should be controlled by anything other than the browser.  It's the browser
that has to decide actually render the returned content so it's in the best
position to decide what it can accept, not the page author.

On the other hand, XMLHttpRequest should be able to control the Accept
header because the page author will control the JavaScript which has to
handle the response. I would have thought this was already possible though.

Is there a particular use case you had in mind where the HTML author would
know what the browser accepts better than the browser does?


Adrian Sutton.

Re: [whatwg] [rest-discuss] HTML5 and RESTful HTTP in browsers

2008-11-17 Thread Adrian Sutton
On 17/11/2008 11:29, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone else agree that an Accept attribute would be a useful tool for
> making browser interaction more RESTful? Is it worth persuing this issue with
> the HTML5 working group?

I don't see why the Accept header when following links or requesting images
should be controlled by anything other than the browser.  It's the browser
that has to decide actually render the returned content so it's in the best
position to decide what it can accept, not the page author.

On the other hand, XMLHttpRequest should be able to control the Accept
header because the page author will control the JavaScript which has to
handle the response. I would have thought this was already possible though.

Is there a particular use case you had in mind where the HTML author would
know what the browser accepts better than the browser does?


Adrian Sutton.
Adrian Sutton, CTO
UK: +44 1 753 27 2229  US: +1 (650) 292 9659 x717
Ephox Blogs , Personal Blog