Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2014-01-24 Thread Ian Hickson

On Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
 The context of the proposal is the following language in the HTML spec:
   Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki
   MetaExtensions page to establish if a value is allowed or not: values
   defined in this specification or marked as proposed or ratified must
   be accepted, whereas values marked as discontinued or not listed in
   either this specification or on the aforementioned page must be rejected
   as invalid.
 I propose we remove that language from the spec [...]

For the past few years, we've been running an experiment here, getting 
people to register values on the wiki:

We also have the rel extensions registry on the microformats wiki.

Before we go further, we should probably discuss the problem that we're 
trying to solve with these registries, instead of just allowing any value 
to be used. These are the same reasons as for most things we make non- 
conforming at the authoring level:
 - helping authors catch cases where their intent is unclear
 - helping authors catch typos
 - helping authors avoid known interoperability issues
 - helping authors avoid wasting time

(See also: )

There's also the goal of just documenting what's out there, to help people 
who want to invent new values to avoid reinventing the wheel, or at least, 
to avoid reinventing it poorly.

I think these goals are reasonable, and worth pursuing. We could just have 
wide-open extension points here, allowing any value, not bothering to 
define any. But I think this would be a net loss.

From the aforementioned experiments with wiki registries, we've learnt 
several things, which I shall now discuss. Some of these are taken from 
mailing list discussions on this thread; thanks to the contributors 
thereto. Others are taken from IRC discussions earlier this week; thanks 
to Tantek and MikeSmith in particular for their comments:

The first big lesson is that, maybe surprisingly, there's a lot of demand 
for these features. The long tail of needs for these values is very long 
indeed. Well over a hundred meta name keywords have been registered, and 
that ignores all the ones that people haven't bothered to register.

Simultaneously, people are unhappy when validators don't know about their 
meta names. The modern HTML validators point people to the Wiki; for 
example, says:

   You can register metadata names on the WHATWG wiki yourself.

People follow the link and attempt to register values all the time. The 
barrier to adding values has been low, but still not trivial: you have to 
e-mail a request for a wiki account, then when you get it a few days 
later, you have to add the item to the wiki page which means editing 
MediaWiki's table markup. We get a few requests for accounts each week. We 
also get a number of people each week filing unclear bug reports on the 
spec asking, I think, for certain values to be registered.

One lesson from this is that we could make this much easier, e.g. by 
having validators offer to register the keyword directly. The wikis for 
meta name and link rel have been wildly more successful than IETF/IANA 
registries, at least in terms of how many keywords they document. This is, 
presumably, due to the lower barrier for entry. If a goal is to document 
values used on the Web, then lowering the barrier to entry even further 
might increase the volume of documentation.

Another lesson, though, is that if we make certain values non-conforming, 
we'd better have a rather convincing message for the validators to give 
the authors. Such messages should probably include an explanation as to 
why a value is non-conforming and a description of how to achieve the 
desired effect instead. Right now, the message is just Bad value ... for 
attribute name on element meta: Keyword ... is not registered. This may 
be the best we can do for unknown values (though maybe we could do better 
for typos, pointing people to the keyword they probably meant to use?), 
but if we start marking values as non-conforming because of issues with 
the values, we need to be clearer. Right now, for link rel extensions we 
have the concept of synonyms. This probably isn't sufficient for 
validators, though, and we don't have it at all for meta.

Another anectodal data point is that based on the conversations I've had 
with people trying to register accounts on the WHATWG wiki so they can 
register keywords, many authors have no idea what these keywords are 
really for, despite being very sure they want to have them and not wanting 
validators to complain about them. I don't know what we can do about that, 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-12 Thread Alexandre Morgaut
Regarding meta and data-, when designing the Wakanda Framework, we have been 
using both, and I must say I'd love to remove most of the data- attributes in 
favor of standard attributes (like aria- ones) or class names.

The potential problem letting people create any meta name without declaring 
them is potential conflict
JS Framework are now using a global object as namespace to prevent collisions, 
Dublin Core proposed to do the same for meta tags

When using the meta approach we used the WAF namespace based on what was 
doing Dublin Core with DC and DCTERMS namespaces

They introduced this very interesting schema  link tag:

link rel=schema.{prefix} href=namespaceURI


link rel=schema.DC href=; /
link rel=schema.DCTERMS href=; /

Unfortunately, to be HTML5 compliant Dublin Core had to list its full semantic 
in the wiki:
You can see by yourself the result...
This page already start to be large with twitter, globrix, msapplication, og 
(open graph) namespaces, so I'm a bit worried on how it will looks like in few 
years if any company add its own set.

The link tag also impose rel attribute values to be either included in 
HTML5 specification or in a Wiki:

The schema.{prefix} rel value is unfortunately not approved yet:

On 4 juin 2013, at 06:42, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:

 Feel free to ignore this proposal is you don't care much about document-
 conformance requirements and validator/conformance-checker stuff. On the
 other hand if you care about it and have some feedback to add, please do
 weigh in if you have any feedback to add.

 I also filed a bug for this, so feel free to respond there instead if you
 prefer -

 The context of the proposal is the following language in the HTML spec:

  Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki
  MetaExtensions page to establish if a value is allowed or not: values
  defined in this specification or marked as proposed or ratified must
  be accepted, whereas values marked as discontinued or not listed in
  either this specification or on the aforementioned page must be rejected
  as invalid.

 I propose we remove that language from the spec; specifically:

  1. Change the spec to allow the meta name attribute to have any
  arbitrary value that a Web author would like to use.

  2. Remove any spec requirement on conformance checkers to check meta@name

  3. Mark the WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page as obsolete (or whatever), as
  it will no longer be useful/needed if the spec is changed to allow
  arbitrary meta@name values.

 Speaking from my perspective as a contributor to development of a
 conformance checker: In practice, we receive a lot of comments and bug
 reports from confused/frustrated users who are trying to use values for
 meta@name that are not registered. And as far as the strategy of trying to
 use the spec and Wiki page as a means to educate them about trying to
 taking the time to register meta@name values and only use registered values
 and standard values (those listed in the spec), well, that strategy is not
 working well. They just want the validator to shut up.

 I don't think much real harm would be caused in practice if we dropped the
 requirement to only use standard/registered values and instead went back to
 allowing documents to contain arbitrary meta@name values.

 And again speaking specifically from my perspective a contributor to
 development of a conformance checker, I think in practice more user time is
 wasted by the existence of the current spec prohibition on unregistered/
 non-standard meta@name values than would be wasted by allowing arbitrary


 Michael[tm] Smith

Alexandre Morgaut
Wakanda Community Manager

60, rue d'Alsace
92110 Clichy

Standard : +33 1 40 87 92 00
Web :

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Smylers
Michael[tm] Smith writes:

 Speaking from my perspective as a contributor to development of a
 conformance checker: In practice, we receive a lot of comments and bug
 reports from confused/frustrated users who are trying to use values
 for meta@name that are not registered.

Hi Mike. Thanks for sharing your wisdom on this.

Could you give some examples of the kinds of meta names people are

And do you have an idea which user-agents are acting on those names?

I'm interested in whether the meta tags people are using are
meaningless cruft or have useful effects in niche fields.

 And as far as the strategy of trying to use the spec and Wiki page as
 a means to educate them about trying to taking the time to register
 meta@name values and only use registered values and standard values
 (those listed in the spec), well, that strategy is not working well.
 They just want the validator to shut up.

How about a validator interface along the lines of:

  I see you've used a meta name=kapow tag. kapow isn't a meta name
  that I know about. Are you sure that it's a correct name, and that
  it's doing something useful in your document?

  If so, please tell me its purpose here, then I'll know what it's for
  and I won't complain about it again: __

Then the validator could add a wiki entry for it.


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Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Robin Berjon

On 04/06/2013 11:08 , Smylers wrote:

Michael[tm] Smith writes:

Speaking from my perspective as a contributor to development of a
conformance checker: In practice, we receive a lot of comments and bug
reports from confused/frustrated users who are trying to use values
for meta@name that are not registered.

Hi Mike. Thanks for sharing your wisdom on this.

Could you give some examples of the kinds of meta names people are

I've seen quite a few. One recent example is bug-assist.js — a script 
that makes it easy for readers of a document to file bugs about it — 
that looks for all metadata names that start with bug. and uses the 
remainder of the name as parameters to a Bugzilla bug entry.

And do you have an idea which user-agents are acting on those names?

I am not aware of specific cases in which the browser is acting on the 
names, but there are quite a few in which a third-party system is (e.g. 
when using those as checks that a given person really has access to a 
given site).

The point is often that the person seeing the validity error is not the 
same person who defined the metadata name. Yes, you can register on 
behalf of someone else, but it's a hurdle and it's not the right social 
mechanics. It doesn't seem to buy anyone much, either.

I'm interested in whether the meta tags people are using are
meaningless cruft or have useful effects in niche fields.

They're not cruft, they're product-specific. In many cases some data-* 
attributes would be better, but they're not what's used.

And as far as the strategy of trying to use the spec and Wiki page as
a means to educate them about trying to taking the time to register
meta@name values and only use registered values and standard values
(those listed in the spec), well, that strategy is not working well.
They just want the validator to shut up.

How about a validator interface along the lines of:

   I see you've used a meta name=kapow tag. kapow isn't a meta name
   that I know about. Are you sure that it's a correct name, and that
   it's doing something useful in your document?

   If so, please tell me its purpose here, then I'll know what it's for
   and I won't complain about it again: __

Then the validator could add a wiki entry for it.

Going that far might be a bit much, but if there concern is that typos 
in names then a warning should do the trick.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Simon Pieters

On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 12:03:58 +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:

I've seen quite a few. One recent example is bug-assist.js — a script  
that makes it easy for readers of a document to file bugs about it —  
that looks for all metadata names that start with bug. and uses the  
remainder of the name as parameters to a Bugzilla bug entry.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Robin Berjon

On 04/06/2013 12:24 , Simon Pieters wrote:

On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 12:03:58 +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:

I've seen quite a few. One recent example is bug-assist.js — a script
that makes it easy for readers of a document to file bugs about it —
that looks for all metadata names that start with bug. and uses the
remainder of the name as parameters to a Bugzilla bug entry.

Yes, I'm well aware. I even have a patch for that bug. It was just the 
first example that came to mind; meta is often the first thing that 
developers reach for. If the validation errors on metadata names served 
a clearly useful purpose I'd suggest waiting it out until using data-* 
becomes more of a reflex, but that doesn't seem to be the case so the 
pain inflicted in the meantime doesn't appear to be useful.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
 Yes, I'm well aware. I even have a patch for that bug. It was just the first
 example that came to mind; meta is often the first thing that developers
 reach for. If the validation errors on metadata names served a clearly
 useful purpose I'd suggest waiting it out until using data-* becomes more of
 a reflex, but that doesn't seem to be the case so the pain inflicted in the
 meantime doesn't appear to be useful.

It seems conceptually problematic for something to be both
semantically similar to data-* and say element names, but in practice
meta name seems to work okay. I think there might still be some
value in the registry though and enforcing requirements for the names
that are shared globally (gives developers feedback as to whether
their meta elements might get incorrectly processed by software),
and maybe issuing a warning for names not registered (you might have
made an unintentional typo or you might want it registered for better


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Jirka Kosek
On 4.6.2013 12:33, Robin Berjon wrote:

 developers reach for. If the validation errors on metadata names served
 a clearly useful purpose I'd suggest waiting it out until using data-*
 becomes more of a reflex, but that doesn't seem to be the case so the
 pain inflicted in the meantime doesn't appear to be useful.

I think that spec is not really not good in this aspect and should be
changed along the lines Mike proposed. The spec should allow any name
and validator optionally could emit warning if unregistered name is
used. But it shouldn't be treated as error -- meta was always
extension point and it's unrealistic to think that every piece of
metadata will go to registry.


div data-gi=could-not-resist
If there would be real distributed extensibility on metadata names...

  Jirka Kosek  e-mail:
   Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 rep.
Bringing you XML Prague conference

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the meta name attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Smylers
Robin Berjon writes:

 On 04/06/2013 11:08 , Smylers wrote:
  Michael[tm] Smith writes:
   we receive a lot of comments and bug reports from confused/
   frustrated users who are trying to use values for meta@name that
   are not registered.
  Could you give some examples of the kinds of meta names people are
 I've seen quite a few. One recent example is bug-assist.js — a
 script that makes it easy for readers of a document to file bugs
 about it — that looks for all metadata names that start with bug.
 and uses the remainder of the name as parameters to a Bugzilla bug

Thanks. That's really helpful for understanding the issue.

 The point is often that the person seeing the validity error is not
 the same person who defined the metadata name.

That seems to be an instance of the general scenario where a page
includes some components provided by third parties (including where the
main content is inserted into an outer template provided by a third
party), and where a diligent local author wishes to check for errors in
her content but not be nagged over problems in parts of the page out of
her control.

If the third parties care about conformance (or at least care about not
losing customers who care about conformance), then they will be amenable
to fixing bugs, such as the one Simon reported for bug-assist. And
indeed in this case the validator error does something useful.

If the third parties _don't_ care about conformance then there could be
any sorts of errors in code they provide, not just those relating to
meta name=... -- in which case it doesn't sound like it's going to be
possible to quell all the error messages that third parties could make
while still notifying authors about problems with their part.

Maybe instead a validator could let an author select which portion of a
page she has jurisdiction over?

Or perhaps it could allow uploading both a 'known bad' empty template
and a complete page, and only complain about errors in the second that
aren't also in the first?

(That would also help in a similar situation when editing an old,
non-conforming site, and wishing to check that you haven't introduced
any new errors, but aren't in a position right now to fix all the
existing ones. You could upload the current error-strewn page and your
proposed change, and only be told about errors you have introduced.)

 It [registering meta names] doesn't seem to buy anyone much, either.

That seems a more interesting assertion.

Is any harm actually being caused by rogue meta names? If somebody
changes bug-assist to use data-* attributes instead, does that make the
world a better place -- or at least enough of a better place to be worth

The benefits would seem to be in avoiding naming clashes:

* To bug-assist's developers (and users) it avoids that somebody else in
  the future mints clashing meta names which have a different meaning,
  and starts erroneously interpreting data intended for bug-assist .

* To other minters of meta names it reduces either complaints about
  clashing or time spent checking for clashes (without a central list).

  Having a canonical list of allowed names and a validator that
  complains about names not on the list means that in the event of a
  clash, there's a place where a party using an unregistered name can be
  alerted to the possibility in advance. Whereas with any value allowed
  they don't get that.

Note, I'm not saying those benefits do constitute sufficient reason to
keep the check -- just that we should consider them, so that if we then
abandon the check we have decided that they aren't worth bothering with.


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