Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-09 Thread Jeremy Orlow
Great analysis.  I only have a few comments/questions:

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

 Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Chris Jones mailto: wrote:

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:

In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What
problem with storage
mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA.
in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for
other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something
we have
tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
deadlocks being possible.

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Robert


What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit
throw an exception if the transaction was aborted
due to data
leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making
it clear to script
authors that non-storage side effects during the
transaction are not
How would you handle transaction aborts?

Calls to transaction() are queued and executed serially
with exclusive access. There is no such thing as a
transaction abort
because there cannot be consistency problems because of
the serialized

No, transactions can still fail.  They can fail in ways
immediately hidden
from the script that requested them if the UA has to
interrupt the
conceptually executing transaction in the ways enumerated in
a separate
branch of this thread.  Later script executions can observe
state unless more is specified by your proposal.

Transactions can also fail visibly if write-to-disk fails
(probably also in
other ways I haven't considered).  It's not clear what
should happen wrt to
your proposal in this case.

If so, I agree with roc's responses to them that they could
be handled without surfacing errors to the developer.

OTOH, I'm not really against adding the concept of fallibility

In fact, I believe that the Synchronous database API
describes the same
transaction semantics as I proposed in the OP.  That spec
adds implicit
begin/commitTransaction and read-only transactions, but
otherwise the
semantics are the same.

So I'd like to amend my original proposal to be

 Use Synchronous Web Database API transaction semantics.
 Except do not
offer readTransaction: a transaction is implicitly a
read-only transaction
if only getItem() is called on localStorage from within

Agree. That is what I was trying to propose, too. I'm not sure
we disagree :). Is it just that my proposal has no concept of
I'm not against adding them, mainly I was trying to keep my
simple for purposes of discussion.

Ay, there's the rub: I think the disagreement is between mutex vs.
transaction semantics.  So far, I think perhaps mutex has been
used as shorthand for transaction.  But they aren't the same.

I think we all agree that a script may fail to modify localStorage
in some situations (irrespective of global mutex vs. per-domain
mutex). One camp, wanting mutex semantics, would prefer to pretend
that the failures never happen and let scripts clean up the mess
(partially-applied changes) if they do occur.  This is semantically
broken, IMHO.

The second camp, wanting transaction semantics, explicitly
acknowledge to web authors that localStorage is fallible, guarantee
that modifications to localStorage are atomic, and notify scripts
when modifications can't be made atomically.  This is the same
approach taken by Web Database.  IMHO, this is much better
semantically because (i) it gives web apps stronger guarantees; and
(ii) it makes the discussion about global 

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-09 Thread Chris Jones

Jeremy Orlow wrote:

Those who want a queue.  I.e. those who want an asynchronous
callback based interface and the UA will only call one callback
at a time.  Perhaps on a per-origin basis.  Note that this can
never fail, need to be rolled back, etc.

This sounds to me like { traditional transactions, async,
unobservable transaction failures } which is the same as your first
camp above except async only.  Or are you proposing that the unit of
atomicity/consistency is not all operations performed in the
callback; i.e., that modifications done in the callback can be
partially applied?

It's just an implementational difference.  A queue means that the event 
loop can continue processing stuff while waiting for the 'lock' (which 
maybe is better described as an 'update token' or something).  If you 
implement it as a lock (which you would for a synchronous interface) 
then the event loop is blocked.

OK, agreed.  What we describe reduce to the same thing --- the trylock 
implementation Rob O'Callahan and I discussed would also never block the 
event loop.  But I better understand now what you have in mind.  (I'm 
not sure which is better, but that's what implementation details are all 

I believe Aaron is in the queue camp with me.  I'm becoming more
and more convinced that Chromium should/will not implement the
storage mutex at all (even for LocalStorage) unless we can come
up with a way for event loops to not be blocked.  And, as far as
I can tell, Async interfaces are the only way to accomplish this.

In general, agreed.  I still believe that a sync API

The problem with a sync interface, especially if it's one that can be 
held after the top level script context, is deadlock issues with 
WebDatabase (and possibly others).  What's there now doesn't have this 
issue because you'd never have the lock when calling the database 
transaction callback.

I didn't think of Web Database, although I had in mind a nonblocking 
implementation of localStorage (i.e., no mutex) that would prevent it 
from participating in deadlocks.

But in general, nesting transactions, both { localStorage { Web DataBase 
} } and { localStorage { localStorage  } }, is something the spec should 
explicitly disallow.  There's not a clearly best way to resolve the 
semantic problems that arise.  (Note that preventing nested transactions 
also eliminates deadlock concerns for mutex implementations.)

with exposed transaction failures

You'll only have transaction failures in an optimistic transaction 
model, right?  So is that what you're suggesting?

(as I proposed in the OP) and the right implementation could do
quite well.  But I now think that an async version of that same API
could perform even better.  In addition, that API is most flexible
in terms of possible UA implementations.

IOW, I think that { traditional transactions, async, observable
failures } subsumes both { traditional transactions, sync,
observable failures } (OP's proposal) *and* { traditional
transactions, async, unobservable failures } (your and Aaron's

IMHO there are two remaining questions: first, whether the ideal
localStorage transactional API should allow observable transaction
failures.  I believe that it should, as this allows for the widest
variety of efficient implementations without changing ACID (best
effort) guarantees given to authors or significantly complicating
the localStorage API.

What failures could there be in a pesimistic/queue model?

I'm trying to think of a universal failure, something that could arise 
in any implementation of any proposal.  I think that universal failure 
is exceeded localStorage space quota.  (I believe there are others, 
but one is enough for this discussion.)

So there are really two questions: first, what happens if you detect 
quota exceeded in the middle of a localStorage.transaction() callback? 
 Are the modifications made *up to* the quota exceeded error applied to 
backing store?  Or are they rolled back?  This is the 
atomicity/consistency design decision I described: what is the unit of 
atomic modification (all applied or none applied).

And second, can scripts be notified that the transaction failed (or was 
only partially applied) because of quota exceeded?

AFAICT this is irrespective of sync/async/optimistic/pessimistic/queue. 
 Any implementation has to deal with this error somehow.

In the current localStorage spec, if a setItem() fails because space is 
exhausted, it raises QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR and does *not* apply any part of 
the change in setItem().  That is, setItem() is atomic --- it either 
applies or not (not partially applied).  But modifications to 
localStorage *before* that failing setItem(), within the same storage 
mutex acquire/release set, *are* applied to backing store.

In the 

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-09 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

 Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 What failures could there be in a pesimistic/queue model?

 I'm trying to think of a universal failure, something that could arise in
 any implementation of any proposal.  I think that universal failure is
 exceeded localStorage space quota.  (I believe there are others, but one
 is enough for this discussion.)

 So there are really two questions: first, what happens if you detect quota
 exceeded in the middle of a localStorage.transaction() callback?  Are the
 modifications made *up to* the quota exceeded error applied to backing
 store?  Or are they rolled back?  This is the atomicity/consistency design
 decision I described: what is the unit of atomic modification (all applied
 or none applied).

 And second, can scripts be notified that the transaction failed (or was
 only partially applied) because of quota exceeded?

 AFAICT this is irrespective of sync/async/optimistic/pessimistic/queue.
  Any implementation has to deal with this error somehow.

 In the current localStorage spec, if a setItem() fails because space is
 exhausted, it raises QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR and does *not* apply any part of the
 change in setItem().  That is, setItem() is atomic --- it either applies or
 not (not partially applied).  But modifications to localStorage *before*
 that failing setItem(), within the same storage mutex acquire/release set,
 *are* applied to backing store.

 In the Web Database spec, if executing a SQL statement in a Transaction
 would cause space quota to be exceeded, then *none* of the statements in the
 transaction are executed (i.e. none committed to backing store), and the
 Transaction fails with QUOTA_ERR.  The unit of atomicity for Web Database is
 that Transaction object --- either all statements in Transaction
 successfully execute or none do.

 I'm not sure whether you're proposing that modifications within a
 localStorage.transaction() callback are atomic (all applied or none applied)
 in the face of quota exceeded.  (I'm proposing that they *should* be

 It sounds like you're proposing that scripts *cannot* be notified of quota
 exceeded.  If this is true, then there are some semantic issues I'd like to
 discuss.  But I want to make sure we're on the same page first :).  (I'm
 proposing that scripts *should* be able to be notified of this.)

The way it works right now is that an exception is thrown and that's it.  I
think it'd be perfectly acceptable for the behavior to remain, even if it's
inside a transaction.  In other words, I don't think the transaction
necessarily needs to stop or anything.  I think most app developers will
want to explicitly handle out of space errors (they're not just going to go
away on their own), but probably won't want to explicitly deal with
transient errors (like what you can see with optimistic transactions).

I don't think quota errors should be grouped in with any atomicity
guarantees, in other words.

Are there any other examples of failures you can have within a pessimistic

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

I'm against having explicit begin/commit methods for the same reason
as I am for the SQLDatabase feature:

- It is easy to forget to commit
- The most likely paths in an application to be wrong are ones that
are rarely run
- Therefore many applications will contain uncommon paths that end up
hung (responsive, but still unable to make forward progress) and with
uncommitted data

But those issues are easily fixable with the callback model above.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Jeremy wrote:
 I actually think the idea of
 throwing an exception whenever there's a serialization problem could be very
 compelling, and could keep the door wide open for future performance

What problem would this solve? It seems like it would require
cross-app coordination to avoid exceptions.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Jeremy wrote:
 Note that if we do decide to break backwards compatibility, there are some
 other things we should consider...but I won't bring those up unless we do
 decide to move in this direction.
 Btw, I want to make it clear that I take the idea of
 breaking compatibility VERY seriously.  I know LocalStorage is fairly well
 adopted and that changing this would be pretty major.  But having a
 cross-event-loop, synchronous API is really a terrible idea.  And changing
 it now will be easier than changing it later.

I think it is possible to make this change with a very small breaking
change. Just add window.localStorage.transaction() and keep the rest
of the API as-is. Existing implementations can add the method, but
supporting using window.localStorage without transaction(), too.

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
answer has been received as of yet.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.

I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I suggest:

interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
  void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!

interface LocalStorage {
  // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access outside
  // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support such
  // behavior for legacy reasons.
  void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);

With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
  I propose adding the functions
  I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
  set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like
  window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
   // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

First of all, I'm not sure I agree that we're at the point where
breaking compatibility is impossible.  It really doesn't seem like it's
terribly widely used, and what's implemented is based on an early draft of
the spec.  Yes, I agree that it's really unfortunate we didn't iron these
problems out better before everyone implemented it, but if LocalStorage
changed today, it definitely wouldn't break the web.  (Of course, it's
possible that we would be breaking the web by the time the next gen of the
major browsers's hard to know for sure.)

But, if we're going to say that the way things are now is sacred, then how
do we reconcile the fact that an app that works fine on Safari (and others)
may break in IE due to races?  If we're so worried about compatibility,
maybe we need to cater to the lowest common denominator (IE8so no run to
completion guarantees for LocalStorage) and add in a mechanism that does
give you guarantees (like a callback).

As a side note, I'd be very interested to hear what Microsoft's response


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

 I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
 over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
 today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.

 I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

 I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I suggest:

 interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
  void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!

 interface LocalStorage {
  // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access outside
  // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support such
  // behavior for legacy reasons.
  void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);

 With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
 The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.

While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

 I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
 over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
 today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.

 I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

 I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I suggest:

 interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
  void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!

 interface LocalStorage {
  // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access outside
  // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support such
  // behavior for legacy reasons.
  void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);

 With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
 The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.

 While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
 pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.

Not necessarily.

The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
single-event-loop browsers, right?

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

 I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
 over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
 today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.

 I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

 I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I suggest:

 interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
  void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!

 interface LocalStorage {
  // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access outside
  // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support such
  // behavior for legacy reasons.
  void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);

 With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
 The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.

 While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
 pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.

 Not necessarily.

 The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
 local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
 the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
 single-event-loop browsers, right?

But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
defeating the whole point of having a standard.

Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
break in Chrome?

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris
  I propose adding the functions
  I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
  set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like
  window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
   // use local storage here
  We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:
  window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
   ...use storage...
  This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
  window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
  window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });
  to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same
  I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
  over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
  today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.
  I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.
  However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
  something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
  shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
  how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
  answer has been received as of yet.
  I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I
  interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
   void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!
  interface LocalStorage {
   // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access
   // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support
   // behavior for legacy reasons.
   void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);
  With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
  The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.
  While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
  pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.
  Not necessarily.
  The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
  local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
  the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
  single-event-loop browsers, right?

 But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
 defeating the whole point of having a standard.

 Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
 break in Chrome?

Well, pages that work fine in Firefox/Safari currently can break in IE
because IE is multi-process but does not implement a storage mutex...right?

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

 I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
 over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
 today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.

 I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

 I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I suggest:

 interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
  void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!

 interface LocalStorage {
  // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access outside
  // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support 
  // behavior for legacy reasons.
  void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);

 With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
 The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.

 While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
 pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.

 Not necessarily.

 The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
 local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
 the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
 single-event-loop browsers, right?

 But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
 defeating the whole point of having a standard.

 Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
 break in Chrome?

I don't really see another option. People on the Chrome team are
saying it may be impractical to implement the spec as-is. Presumably
Firefox is unwillingly to break backward compatibility. If both of
these are true, we are headed for a split.

In this case, I don't think it is a big deal. My proposed API change
is so minor that it is trivial to handle in code:

function doStorageStuff() {
  ... use window.localStorage ...

if (localStorage.transaction)

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:33 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions


 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

 We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:

 window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
  ...use storage...

 This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
 window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
 window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });

 to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same time.

 I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
 over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
 today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.

 I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.

 However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
 something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft has
 shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
 how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
 answer has been received as of yet.

 I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I suggest:

 interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
  void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!

 interface LocalStorage {
  // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access outside
  // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that support 
  // behavior for legacy reasons.
  void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);

 With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
 The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.

 While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
 pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.

 Not necessarily.

 The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
 local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
 the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
 single-event-loop browsers, right?

 But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
 defeating the whole point of having a standard.

 Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
 break in Chrome?

 I don't really see another option. People on the Chrome team are
 saying it may be impractical to implement the spec as-is. Presumably
 Firefox is unwillingly to break backward compatibility. If both of
 these are true, we are headed for a split.

 In this case, I don't think it is a big deal. My proposed API change
 is so minor that it is trivial to handle in code:

 function doStorageStuff() {
  ... use window.localStorage ...

 if (localStorage.transaction)

I think Firefox would be willing to break compat. The question is if
microsoft is. Which we need to ask them.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Jeremy wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris
  I propose adding the functions
  I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
  set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like
  window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
   // use local storage here
  We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:
  window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
   ...use storage...
  This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
  window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
  window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });
  to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same
  I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
  over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
  today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.
  I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.
  However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
  something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft
  shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
  how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
  answer has been received as of yet.
  I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I
  interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
   void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!
  interface LocalStorage {
   // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access
   // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that
  support such
   // behavior for legacy reasons.
   void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);
  With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
  The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.
  While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
  pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.
  Not necessarily.
  The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
  local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
  the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
  single-event-loop browsers, right?

 But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
 defeating the whole point of having a standard.

 Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
 break in Chrome?

 Well, pages that work fine in Firefox/Safari currently can break in IE
 because IE is multi-process but does not implement a storage mutex...right?

Yes, with a very small likelyhood. This proposal would make that
happen every time.

Again, the question needs to be posed to microsoft. I can't speak for them.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:33 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:20 AM, Jonas wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris
  I propose adding the functions
  I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
  set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like
  window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
   // use local storage here
  We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:
  window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
   ...use storage...
  This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
  window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
  window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });
  to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same
  I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
  over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
  today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.
  I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is fine.
  However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
  something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft
  shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
  how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if an
  answer has been received as of yet.
  I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I
  interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
   void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!
  interface LocalStorage {
   // LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access
   // of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that
 support such
   // behavior for legacy reasons.
   void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);
  With this, there is no need to change anything about the current API.
  The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.
  While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
  pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would think.
  Not necessarily.
  The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
  local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
  the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
  single-event-loop browsers, right?
  But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
  defeating the whole point of having a standard.
  Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
  break in Chrome?

 I don't really see another option. People on the Chrome team are
 saying it may be impractical to implement the spec as-is. Presumably
 Firefox is unwillingly to break backward compatibility. If both of
 these are true, we are headed for a split.

To be clear, Chrome is not going to implement the storage mutex with respect
to cookies, but we are going to implement it for LocalStorage.  Because of
this, we can handle the localStorage mutex on a per-origin basis (which
I'm implementing right now).  That said, we're not happy about having a
synchronous interface that connects otherwise completely independent

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
  I propose adding the functions

 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit commitTransaction would
throw an exception if the transaction was aborted due to data inconsistency,
leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making it clear to script
authors that non-storage side effects during the transaction are not undone.
How would you handle transaction aborts?

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Jeremy wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Aaron wrote:
   On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Jonas
   On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:07 AM, Aaron wrote:
   On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Jonas
   On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Aaron
   On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris
   I propose adding the functions
   I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the
   set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like
   window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
// use local storage here
   We have discussed similar APIs in the past. Something like a:
   window.getLocalStorage(function (storage) {
...use storage...
   This is nice because it can be expanded to something like:
   window.getSharedItems(window.SHARED_ITEM_LOCALSTORAGE |
   window.SHARED_ITEM_COOKIES, function (...) { ... });
   to let you access both cookies and localStorage safely at the same
   I think worrying about safely accessing cookies is a bit of
   over-design. As has been pointed out, cookies don't work correctly
   today and the wheels haven't fallen off yet.
   I think a solution for localStorage that doesn't fix cookies is
   However, this requires breaking compatibility with existing syntax,
   something that seems impossible at this point given that Microsoft
   shipped localStorage. I know Hixie has asked them in the past about
   how they plan to deal with the mutex problem, but I'm not sure if
   answer has been received as of yet.
   I addressed this at the end of my last message. Specifically, I
   interface LocalStorageTransactionCallback {
void handleEvent();  // note: no arguments!
   interface LocalStorage {
// LocalStorage can only be accessed inside this callback. Access
// of it will raise an exception, except in some browsers that
   support such
// behavior for legacy reasons.
void transaction(LocalStorageTransactionCallback callback);
   With this, there is no need to change anything about the current
   The only change is the addition of the new transaction() method.
   While this keeps existing IDL intact, it still breaks any existing
   pages, which is the real concern for any browser vendor I would
   Not necessarily.
   The second half of my proposal is that vendors who currently implement
   local storage can choose to continue to allow access to it outside of
   the transaction() callback. It seems like this would work fine for
   single-event-loop browsers, right?
  But that results in code that works in one browser, but not another,
  defeating the whole point of having a standard.
  Would you be fine with having pages that work fine in Firefox and IE,
  break in Chrome?
  Well, pages that work fine in Firefox/Safari currently can break in IE
  because IE is multi-process but does not implement a storage

 Yes, with a very small likelyhood. This proposal would make that
 happen every time.

 Again, the question needs to be posed to microsoft. I can't speak for them.


If Microsoft is not willing to break compat and they're not going to
implement the storage mutex for LocalStorage, then what do we do?  Change
the spec so that there's no run to completion guarantees for LocalStorage or
leave them in the dust?

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

   You'd have to implement it via a mutex.

 I think you would have a queue of all pending requests for access to
 storage, along with their associated callbacks, message loops, and
 execution environments. Each time the local storage frees up, if there
 is any queued request, invoke the callback in the correct environment.

I guess I should have said mutex (in quotes) because something like this
is what I intended.

Not that it matters to the spec, but this is more or less how I'm
implementing locking within Chromium.  The only difference is that the queue
is of renderer processes (blocked on getting the lock) rather than
individual callbacks.  Doing the latter would be nice since sometimes web
pages have to share the same process (and thus one origin may block another
from executing because of Chromium implementational details).

 An optimized implementation could
  wait until the first operation that can't be un-done before acquiring it,
  and do everything optimistically until then.  This is the same situation
  WebDatabase if I understand it correctly.

 You can't do this because upgrading the lock could block the UI
 thread. Same thing with the database spec.

Sure you could block the UI thread more, but there's nothing to stop you
from doing a 'while (true) { }' inside the callback, which will block the UI
thread as well.  So I disagree with your assertion that waiting for a lock
upgrade is a deal breaker.  I don't think any implementation is
realistically going to do anything like this in the near term, though.

If you want to get fancy, the transaction() method can take a
 read/write param. This is what the database spec does, but I think it
 is overkill here, personally.


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Robert O'Callahan

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 To be clear, Chrome is not going to implement the storage mutex with
 respect to cookies, but we are going to implement it for LocalStorage.
  Because of this, we can handle the localStorage mutex on a per-origin basis
 (which I'm implementing right now).

 Looking back over previous threads on the storage mutex, I can't seem to
 remember or find the reason that implementing the storage mutex for cookies
 can't easily be done with a mutex per domain. Ian pointed out this approach
 breaks if you can make synchronous script calls across origins (e.g. across
 IFRAME boundaries), but can you actually make such calls? Or if you can
 (NPAPI?), can we just declare that those APIs release the storage mutex?

I thought it over, but I can't come up with any deadlock scenario.  I would
still be a bit worried about performance issues (including many ways a
developer could shoot themself in the foot), but it is an interesting idea.

 I know that setting document.domain makes this tricky because it
 synchronously enables new cross-domain interactions, but can't we handle
 that by declaring that setting document.domain releases the storage mutex?

I think this would be very reasonable.  Especially with all the other things
that already implicitly drop the lock.

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Robert O' wrote:
 Looking back over previous threads on the storage mutex, I can't seem to
 remember or find the reason that implementing the storage mutex for cookies
 can't easily be done with a mutex per domain. Ian pointed out this approach
 breaks if you can make synchronous script calls across origins (e.g. across
 IFRAME boundaries), but can you actually make such calls? Or if you can
 (NPAPI?), can we just declare that those APIs release the storage mutex?

I believe that synchronous cross-origin calls are possible a variety
of ways. Here is one way I found with a quick test: Resize an iframe
element. window.onresize is fired synchronously inside the frame. I
bet there are others.

 I know that setting document.domain makes this tricky because it
 synchronously enables new cross-domain interactions, but can't we handle
 that by declaring that setting document.domain releases the storage mutex?

All of these different ways that the storage mutex gets implicitly
released lead to weird behavior in edge cases. In my opinion, it would
be better to fix the API in a clean way than keep patching it like

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Robert O'
  Looking back over previous threads on the storage mutex, I can't seem to
  remember or find the reason that implementing the storage mutex for
  can't easily be done with a mutex per domain. Ian pointed out this
  breaks if you can make synchronous script calls across origins (e.g.
  IFRAME boundaries), but can you actually make such calls? Or if you can
  (NPAPI?), can we just declare that those APIs release the storage mutex?

 I believe that synchronous cross-origin calls are possible a variety
 of ways. Here is one way I found with a quick test: Resize an iframe
 element. window.onresize is fired synchronously inside the frame. I
 bet there are others.

  I know that setting document.domain makes this tricky because it
  synchronously enables new cross-domain interactions, but can't we handle
  that by declaring that setting document.domain releases the storage

 All of these different ways that the storage mutex gets implicitly
 released lead to weird behavior in edge cases. In my opinion, it would
 be better to fix the API in a clean way than keep patching it like

I definitely agree.  Implicitly releasing the lock is terrible.  (We should
at the _very least_ create some way for people to know when it's been
implicitly released!)

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Robert O'
  Looking back over previous threads on the storage mutex, I can't seem to
  remember or find the reason that implementing the storage mutex for
  can't easily be done with a mutex per domain. Ian pointed out this
  breaks if you can make synchronous script calls across origins (e.g.
  IFRAME boundaries), but can you actually make such calls? Or if you can
  (NPAPI?), can we just declare that those APIs release the storage mutex?

 I believe that synchronous cross-origin calls are possible a variety
 of ways. Here is one way I found with a quick test: Resize an iframe
 element. window.onresize is fired synchronously inside the frame. I
 bet there are others.

What spec says that onresize should fire synchronously? I'm actually pretty
sure no-one should be saying that, since layout is mostly asynchronous in
Webkit and Gecko and I don't want any spec to impose mostly-unobservable
requirements about when layout should happen.

 I know that setting document.domain makes this tricky because it
  synchronously enables new cross-domain interactions, but can't we handle
  that by declaring that setting document.domain releases the storage

 All of these different ways that the storage mutex gets implicitly
 released lead to weird behavior in edge cases. In my opinion, it would
 be better to fix the API in a clean way than keep patching it like

document.domain is a crazy API. So are sync XHRs which I believe also drop
the mutex. I'm comfortable with these cases dropping the mutex ... much more
comfortable than not having the mutex at all.

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Jones
In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with 
storage mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

I'm eagerly willing to concede explicit 
beginTransaction()/commitTransaction() for a window.transaction() 
wrapper that implicitly does those.

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Robert O' wrote:

What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit commitTransaction would
throw an exception if the transaction was aborted due to data inconsistency,
leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making it clear to script
authors that non-storage side effects during the transaction are not undone.
How would you handle transaction aborts?

Calls to transaction() are queued and executed serially per-origin
with exclusive access. There is no such thing as a transaction abort
because there cannot be consistency problems because of the serialized

No, transactions can still fail.  They can fail in ways immediately 
hidden from the script that requested them if the UA has to interrupt 
the conceptually executing transaction in the ways enumerated in a 
separate branch of this thread.  Later script executions can observe 
inconsistent state unless more is specified by your proposal.

Transactions can also fail visibly if write-to-disk fails (probably also 
in other ways I haven't considered).  It's not clear what should happen 
wrt to your proposal in this case.

(We could pretend that these failures never occur, but IMHO my original 
proposal handles both naturally.)

You'd have to implement it via a mutex.

I think you would have a queue of all pending requests for access to
storage, along with their associated callbacks, message loops, and
execution environments. Each time the local storage frees up, if there
is any queued request, invoke the callback in the correct environment.

An optimized implementation could
wait until the first operation that can't be un-done before acquiring it,
and do everything optimistically until then.  This is the same situation as
WebDatabase if I understand it correctly.

You can't do this because upgrading the lock could block the UI
thread. Same thing with the database spec.

If you want to get fancy, the transaction() method can take a
read/write param. This is what the database spec does, but I think it
is overkill here, personally.

I have to admit that I didn't closely read the Web Database spec before 
making the OP.  Like Rob, my scan of the text led me to believe that it 
provided an API to asynchronously execute SQL free from script side 
effects.  It does *not*.  Arbitrary side-effecty script statements can 
execute within Web Database transactions.  And these transactions can be 
synchronous.  And like my OP concerning localStorage, Web Database 
transactions are allowed to fail by the spec.

In fact, I believe that the Synchronous database API describes the 
same transaction semantics as I proposed in the OP.  That spec adds 
implicit begin/commitTransaction and read-only transactions, but 
otherwise the semantics are the same.

So I'd like to amend my original proposal to be

  Use Synchronous Web Database API transaction semantics.  Except do 
not offer readTransaction: a transaction is implicitly a read-only 
transaction if only getItem() is called on localStorage from within 

SELUAs (single-event-loop UAs) can implement this semantics without 
mutexes.  MELUAs (multi-event-loop UAs) can implement this semantics 
with mutexes, but more interesting and performant non-blocking 
implementations also seem possible (which is what I had in mind with the 


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:
 In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with storage
 mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA. Therefore
in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something we have
tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
deadlocks being possible.

 I'm eagerly willing to concede explicit
 beginTransaction()/commitTransaction() for a window.transaction() wrapper
 that implicitly does those.

Cool, that is the only point I was trying to make.

 Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Robert O'

 What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit commitTransaction
 throw an exception if the transaction was aborted due to data
 leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making it clear to script
 authors that non-storage side effects during the transaction are not
 How would you handle transaction aborts?

 Calls to transaction() are queued and executed serially per-origin
 with exclusive access. There is no such thing as a transaction abort
 because there cannot be consistency problems because of the serialized

 No, transactions can still fail.  They can fail in ways immediately hidden
 from the script that requested them if the UA has to interrupt the
 conceptually executing transaction in the ways enumerated in a separate
 branch of this thread.  Later script executions can observe inconsistent
 state unless more is specified by your proposal.

 Transactions can also fail visibly if write-to-disk fails (probably also in
 other ways I haven't considered).  It's not clear what should happen wrt to
 your proposal in this case.

It sounds like you're talking about these issues that you listed a bit earlier:

 * clear private data
 * close tab
 * quit UA
 * slow script timeout
 * store-to-disk failure
 * crash


If so, I agree with roc's responses to them that they could probably
be handled without surfacing errors to the developer.

OTOH, I'm not really against adding the concept of fallibility here.
That wasn't really my point. Mainly, I just think that:

a) We can't have synchronous access to the storage API
b) We should not have an API that requires an author to explicitly
begin and commit transactions

 I have to admit that I didn't closely read the Web Database spec before
 making the OP.  Like Rob, my scan of the text led me to believe that it
 provided an API to asynchronously execute SQL free from script side effects.
  It does *not*.  Arbitrary side-effecty script statements can execute within
 Web Database transactions.

Yeah, I meant to correct Rob on that.

 And these transactions can be synchronous.  And
 like my OP concerning localStorage, Web Database transactions are allowed to
 fail by the spec.


 In fact, I believe that the Synchronous database API describes the same
 transaction semantics as I proposed in the OP.  That spec adds implicit
 begin/commitTransaction and read-only transactions, but otherwise the
 semantics are the same.

 So I'd like to amend my original proposal to be

  Use Synchronous Web Database API transaction semantics.  Except do not
 offer readTransaction: a transaction is implicitly a read-only transaction
 if only getItem() is called on localStorage from within

Agree. That is what I was trying to propose, too. I'm not sure where
we disagree :). Is it just that my proposal has no concept of errors?
I'm not against adding them, mainly I was trying to keep my proposal
simple for purposes of discussion.

Note: you're mentioning synchronous transactions here. I think that
the callback for localStorage.transaction() *must* be run
asynchronously to avoid blocking on access to the storage. I presume
this is what you meant. Right?

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

 Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
 deadlocks being possible.

I think we can fix this.

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:
 In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with storage
 mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

 The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA. Therefore
 in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
 other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something we have
 tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

 Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
 deadlocks being possible.

How could this happen. It certainly does sound scary to have a bunch
of locks that can be grabbed in arbitrary order, but I can't off the
top of my head think of any ways where deadlocks can happen.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Jones

Benjamin Smedberg wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 9/8/09 3:00 AM, Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:

I propose adding the functions


I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like

window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
  // use local storage here

To be specific, the .transaction function would enqueue an operation to
perform at a later time when a mutex was held. The current caller would
continue to run to completion. There would never be simultaneous
transactions which could potentially conflict with eachother and require
merging or rollback.

It wasn't clear to me when this was proposed that it was asynchronous,
instead of a blocking call that *immediately* waited for the mutex and
blocked script execution.

To be clear, that's not what I had in mind at all.  I envisioned a 
synchronous API that speaks in terms of fallible, atomic/consistent 
transactions.  Mutexes are implementation details that the spec would 
not mention.

It's easy to make an async API out of a sync one by using setTimeout(0, 
...).  It's harder to go the other way.

Would the transaction function be defined so that it never runs immediately
but is always enqueued? Also, I think the function name should make it
clearer that it's an asynchronous callback:
window.localStorage.queueTransaction or somesuch?

I'm against having explicit begin/commit methods for the same reason
as I am for the SQLDatabase feature:

- It is easy to forget to commit
- The most likely paths in an application to be wrong are ones that
are rarely run
- Therefore many applications will contain uncommon paths that end up
hung (responsive, but still unable to make forward progress) and with
uncommitted data

I agree that this is true if you never implicitly commit the transaction.
But if you were to implicitly commit the transaction when a script runs to
completion, would that negate the most serious of these issues? I'm defining
completion as all those places where the current spec says the storage
mutex is unlocked, which seems equivalent to the places script can block
on network or UI activity.

It sounds like you're proposing to make the unit of run-to-completion 
implicitly delineate localStorage transactions?  This is fine but it 
complicates the handling of failed transactions, IMHO.

I suspect that making incompatible changes to the existing storage API is
going to be a hard sell for some authors: could we continue to support
completely transaction-free access to storage, in addition to the race-free
queued version. This would allow authors (JS libraries) to do
runtime-detection of the form:

if (window.localStorage.transaction === undefined)
  window.localStorage.transaction = function(fn) {
window.setTimeout(fn, 0);

No one has responded directly to my original proposal of making 
|window.localStorage === undefined| until |window.transaction| or 
whatever has been accessed.  Unlike your proposal and a similar one from 
Jeremy, mine is a safe (non-racy) way for spec-compliant UAs to bend 
backwards compatibility without explicitly breaking it.  Web apps slow 
to change should theoretically be prepared for |window.localStorage === 
undefined| anyway, as not all UAs support localStorage.  And if a UA 
doesn't support window.transaction, a web app that cares never needs to 
worry about racy localStorage because in non-compliant UAs, 
|window.transaction === undefined|.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Jones

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:

In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with storage
mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA. Therefore
in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something we have
tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
deadlocks being possible.

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Robert O'

What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit commitTransaction
throw an exception if the transaction was aborted due to data
leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making it clear to script
authors that non-storage side effects during the transaction are not
How would you handle transaction aborts?

Calls to transaction() are queued and executed serially per-origin
with exclusive access. There is no such thing as a transaction abort
because there cannot be consistency problems because of the serialized

No, transactions can still fail.  They can fail in ways immediately hidden
from the script that requested them if the UA has to interrupt the
conceptually executing transaction in the ways enumerated in a separate
branch of this thread.  Later script executions can observe inconsistent
state unless more is specified by your proposal.

Transactions can also fail visibly if write-to-disk fails (probably also in
other ways I haven't considered).  It's not clear what should happen wrt to
your proposal in this case.

If so, I agree with roc's responses to them that they could probably
be handled without surfacing errors to the developer.

OTOH, I'm not really against adding the concept of fallibility here.

In fact, I believe that the Synchronous database API describes the same
transaction semantics as I proposed in the OP.  That spec adds implicit
begin/commitTransaction and read-only transactions, but otherwise the
semantics are the same.

So I'd like to amend my original proposal to be

 Use Synchronous Web Database API transaction semantics.  Except do not
offer readTransaction: a transaction is implicitly a read-only transaction
if only getItem() is called on localStorage from within

Agree. That is what I was trying to propose, too. I'm not sure where
we disagree :). Is it just that my proposal has no concept of errors?
I'm not against adding them, mainly I was trying to keep my proposal
simple for purposes of discussion.

Ay, there's the rub: I think the disagreement is between mutex vs. 
transaction semantics.  So far, I think perhaps mutex has been used 
as shorthand for transaction.  But they aren't the same.

I think we all agree that a script may fail to modify localStorage in 
some situations (irrespective of global mutex vs. per-domain mutex). 
One camp, wanting mutex semantics, would prefer to pretend that the 
failures never happen and let scripts clean up the mess 
(partially-applied changes) if they do occur.  This is semantically 
broken, IMHO.

The second camp, wanting transaction semantics, explicitly acknowledge 
to web authors that localStorage is fallible, guarantee that 
modifications to localStorage are atomic, and notify scripts when 
modifications can't be made atomically.  This is the same approach taken 
by Web Database.  IMHO, this is much better semantically because (i) it 
gives web apps stronger guarantees; and (ii) it makes the discussion 
about global mutex/per-domain mutex/non-blocking an implementation issue 
rather semantic issue, as it should be.

Can those in the first camp explain why mutex semantics is better than 
transaction semantics?  And why it's desirable to have one DB spec 
specify transaction semantics (Web Database) and a second specify 
mutex semantics (localStorage)?

Note: you're mentioning synchronous transactions here. I think that
the callback for localStorage.transaction() *must* be run
asynchronously to avoid blocking on access to the storage. I presume
this is what you meant. Right?

I think this is an orthogonal issue concerning per-tab script 
responsiveness vs. author friendliness.  One could argue for async-only, 
sync-only, or both.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Chris wrote:
 No one has responded directly to my original proposal of making
 |window.localStorage === undefined| until |window.transaction| or whatever
 has been accessed.  Unlike your proposal and a similar one from Jeremy, mine
 is a safe (non-racy) way for spec-compliant UAs to bend backwards
 compatibility without explicitly breaking it.

How is that not breaking compatibility? Any existing pages will
directly access window.localStorage to read/write data. Such pages
would break with your proposal, no?

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Benjamin Smedberg
Hash: SHA1

On 9/8/09 3:00 AM, Aaron Boodman wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Chris wrote:
 I propose adding the functions

 I think this is a good idea! I would modify it to follow the pattern
 set by the current SQLDatabase proposal, to have a callback, like
 window.localStorage.transaction(function() {
   // use local storage here

To be specific, the .transaction function would enqueue an operation to
perform at a later time when a mutex was held. The current caller would
continue to run to completion. There would never be simultaneous
transactions which could potentially conflict with eachother and require
merging or rollback.

It wasn't clear to me when this was proposed that it was asynchronous,
instead of a blocking call that *immediately* waited for the mutex and
blocked script execution.

Would the transaction function be defined so that it never runs immediately
but is always enqueued? Also, I think the function name should make it
clearer that it's an asynchronous callback:
window.localStorage.queueTransaction or somesuch?

 I'm against having explicit begin/commit methods for the same reason
 as I am for the SQLDatabase feature:
 - It is easy to forget to commit
 - The most likely paths in an application to be wrong are ones that
 are rarely run
 - Therefore many applications will contain uncommon paths that end up
 hung (responsive, but still unable to make forward progress) and with
 uncommitted data

I agree that this is true if you never implicitly commit the transaction.
But if you were to implicitly commit the transaction when a script runs to
completion, would that negate the most serious of these issues? I'm defining
completion as all those places where the current spec says the storage
mutex is unlocked, which seems equivalent to the places script can block
on network or UI activity.

I suspect that making incompatible changes to the existing storage API is
going to be a hard sell for some authors: could we continue to support
completely transaction-free access to storage, in addition to the race-free
queued version. This would allow authors (JS libraries) to do
runtime-detection of the form:

if (window.localStorage.transaction === undefined)
  window.localStorage.transaction = function(fn) {
window.setTimeout(fn, 0);

- --BDS
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:
 In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with storage
 mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

 The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA. Therefore
 in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
 other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something we have
 tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

 Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
 deadlocks being possible.

 How could this happen. It certainly does sound scary to have a bunch
 of locks that can be grabbed in arbitrary order, but I can't off the
 top of my head think of any ways where deadlocks can happen.

From a Hixie mail way back in March:

If it can be shown that it is not ever possible for script in one origin
to synchronously invoke script in another origin, then I guess we could
have per-origin locks instead of a single lock.

Here are two cases I know of where it is possible to have synchronous
script execution across origins:

* Plugins. It is possible for script to invoke a plugin function in
one frame, and for the plugin to synchronously execute script in
another frame. We have addressed this in the spec by saying that
invoking a plugin releases the storage mutex, but that doesn't really
solve the problem. We are exchanging violation of run-to-completion
for deadlock. I guess it is an improvement, but it is still a bug.

* In WebKit, onresize is invoked synchronously. You can cause
cross-origin synchronous script execution by resizing an iframe.
AFAIK, the spec does not disallow this event from being synchronous.

I found the second case after only a few minutes of thinking about it.
I suspect there are more since it was never a design goal to prevent
synchronous script execution across origins.

We could patch each case like this by releasing the mutex, but each
time we do that, we poke another hole in run to completion.

I also suspect such patches will be difficult to maintain. Even if we
update implementations to invoke onresize asynchronously, how
confident can we be in interactions between such unrelated components
as event dispatch and storage continuing to work correctly?

Finally, even with these hacks, we have problems. In a MELUA (I love
that acronym!), with per-origin local storage mutexes, we still can
end up with unresponsive UI because it is possible to have the same
origin running on different event loops.

Adding an asynchronous step to acquire the mutex neatly solves all
these problems. We get run-to-completion, and we never block an event
loop on waiting for a mutex.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Chris wrote:
 I think we all agree that a script may fail to modify localStorage in some
 situations (irrespective of global mutex vs. per-domain mutex). One camp,
 wanting mutex semantics, would prefer to pretend that the failures never
 happen and let scripts clean up the mess (partially-applied changes) if they
 do occur.  This is semantically broken, IMHO.

 The second camp, wanting transaction semantics, explicitly acknowledge to
 web authors that localStorage is fallible, guarantee that modifications to
 localStorage are atomic, and notify scripts when modifications can't be made
 atomically.  This is the same approach taken by Web Database.  IMHO, this is
 much better semantically because (i) it gives web apps stronger guarantees;
 and (ii) it makes the discussion about global mutex/per-domain
 mutex/non-blocking an implementation issue rather semantic issue, as it
 should be.

 Can those in the first camp explain why mutex semantics is better than
 transaction semantics?  And why it's desirable to have one DB spec specify
 transaction semantics (Web Database) and a second specify mutex
 semantics (localStorage)?

Ok, I don't have a strong preference on this. Transaction semantics
seem better to me, but only marginally so.

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:08 AM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

First of all, I'm not sure I agree that we're at the point where  
breaking compatibility is impossible.  It really doesn't seem like  
it's terribly widely used, and what's implemented is based on an  
early draft of the spec.  Yes, I agree that it's really unfortunate  
we didn't iron these problems out better before everyone implemented  
it, but if LocalStorage changed today, it definitely wouldn't break  
the web.  (Of course, it's possible that we would be breaking the  
web by the time the next gen of the major browsers's  
hard to know for sure.)

I know LocalStorage is used in a lot of mobile-specific Web content  
that targets WebKit-based browsers. I also expect there are mainstream  
sites using LocalStorage at least as an alternative when available,  
given that it's in the latest version of nearly every brrowser.

If you think changing LocalStorage incompatibly definitely wouldn't  
break the web then I'd like to see some data.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:35 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

I think Firefox would be willing to break compat. The question is if
microsoft is. Which we need to ask them.

We would be very hesitant to break LocalStorage API compatibility for  
Safari, at least without some demonstration that the level of  real- 
world breakage is low (including for mobile-specific/iPhone-specific  


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 3:14 PM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Jonas wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Aaron wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:
 In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with 
 mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

 The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA. Therefore
 in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
 other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something we have
 tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

 Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
 deadlocks being possible.

 How could this happen. It certainly does sound scary to have a bunch
 of locks that can be grabbed in arbitrary order, but I can't off the
 top of my head think of any ways where deadlocks can happen.

 From a Hixie mail way back in March:

 If it can be shown that it is not ever possible for script in one origin
 to synchronously invoke script in another origin, then I guess we could
 have per-origin locks instead of a single lock.

 Here are two cases I know of where it is possible to have synchronous
 script execution across origins:

 * Plugins. It is possible for script to invoke a plugin function in
 one frame, and for the plugin to synchronously execute script in
 another frame. We have addressed this in the spec by saying that
 invoking a plugin releases the storage mutex, but that doesn't really
 solve the problem. We are exchanging violation of run-to-completion
 for deadlock. I guess it is an improvement, but it is still a bug.

 * In WebKit, onresize is invoked synchronously. You can cause
 cross-origin synchronous script execution by resizing an iframe.
 AFAIK, the spec does not disallow this event from being synchronous.

 I found the second case after only a few minutes of thinking about it.
 I suspect there are more since it was never a design goal to prevent
 synchronous script execution across origins.

When we designed postMessage it certainly was a design goal to make
synchronous cross-origin script execution never happen. As I
understood it for two reasons:

1. The script in the origin being called would never know how much
JS stack was available, and so could never reliably call a function.
This was particularly a concern expressed by chrome developers.
2. This would force the two origins to run in the same process (or at
least processes running in lock-step).

 We could patch each case like this by releasing the mutex, but each
 time we do that, we poke another hole in run to completion.

 I also suspect such patches will be difficult to maintain. Even if we
 update implementations to invoke onresize asynchronously, how
 confident can we be in interactions between such unrelated components
 as event dispatch and storage continuing to work correctly?

 Finally, even with these hacks, we have problems. In a MELUA (I love
 that acronym!), with per-origin local storage mutexes, we still can
 end up with unresponsive UI because it is possible to have the same
 origin running on different event loops.

 Adding an asynchronous step to acquire the mutex neatly solves all
 these problems. We get run-to-completion, and we never block an event
 loop on waiting for a mutex.

But we have to break compat with existing pages...

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Maciej wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:35 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I think Firefox would be willing to break compat. The question is if
 microsoft is. Which we need to ask them.

 We would be very hesitant to break LocalStorage API compatibility for
 Safari, at least without some demonstration that the level of  real-world
 breakage is low (including for mobile-specific/iPhone-specific sites).

Even if that means that you'll for all future will need to use a
per-domain mutex protecting localStorage? And even possibly a global
mutex as currently specified?

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Aaron Boodman
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Chris wrote:
 With my proposal, a web app that tests whether localStorage is available
 with |window.localStorage === undefined| would conclude that it's not,
 because that object would not be available until |window.transaction| or
 whatever was accessed.  In Jeremy's and Benjamin's proposals, a web app
 using that would check would conclude that window.localStorage *is*

Aha, I had missed this (clever) idea in your original proposal. I also
do not have a strong opinion on having vs not having this as part of
the API.

- a

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

 Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:

 In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What problem with
 mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

 The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA. Therefore
 in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
 other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something we have
 tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

 Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
 deadlocks being possible.

  Aaron Boodman wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Robert O'

 What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit commitTransaction
 throw an exception if the transaction was aborted due to data
 leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making it clear to script
 authors that non-storage side effects during the transaction are not
 How would you handle transaction aborts?

 Calls to transaction() are queued and executed serially per-origin
 with exclusive access. There is no such thing as a transaction abort
 because there cannot be consistency problems because of the serialized

  No, transactions can still fail.  They can fail in ways immediately
 from the script that requested them if the UA has to interrupt the
 conceptually executing transaction in the ways enumerated in a separate
 branch of this thread.  Later script executions can observe inconsistent
 state unless more is specified by your proposal.

 Transactions can also fail visibly if write-to-disk fails (probably also
 other ways I haven't considered).  It's not clear what should happen wrt
 your proposal in this case.

 If so, I agree with roc's responses to them that they could probably
 be handled without surfacing errors to the developer.

 OTOH, I'm not really against adding the concept of fallibility here.

  In fact, I believe that the Synchronous database API describes the same
 transaction semantics as I proposed in the OP.  That spec adds implicit
 begin/commitTransaction and read-only transactions, but otherwise the
 semantics are the same.

 So I'd like to amend my original proposal to be

  Use Synchronous Web Database API transaction semantics.  Except do not
 offer readTransaction: a transaction is implicitly a read-only
 if only getItem() is called on localStorage from within

 Agree. That is what I was trying to propose, too. I'm not sure where
 we disagree :). Is it just that my proposal has no concept of errors?
 I'm not against adding them, mainly I was trying to keep my proposal
 simple for purposes of discussion.

 Ay, there's the rub: I think the disagreement is between mutex vs.
 transaction semantics.  So far, I think perhaps mutex has been used as
 shorthand for transaction.  But they aren't the same.

 I think we all agree that a script may fail to modify localStorage in some
 situations (irrespective of global mutex vs. per-domain mutex). One camp,
 wanting mutex semantics, would prefer to pretend that the failures never
 happen and let scripts clean up the mess (partially-applied changes) if they
 do occur.  This is semantically broken, IMHO.

 The second camp, wanting transaction semantics, explicitly acknowledge to
 web authors that localStorage is fallible, guarantee that modifications to
 localStorage are atomic, and notify scripts when modifications can't be made
 atomically.  This is the same approach taken by Web Database.  IMHO, this is
 much better semantically because (i) it gives web apps stronger guarantees;
 and (ii) it makes the discussion about global mutex/per-domain
 mutex/non-blocking an implementation issue rather semantic issue, as it
 should be.

 Can those in the first camp explain why mutex semantics is better than
 transaction semantics?  And why it's desirable to have one DB spec specify
 transaction semantics (Web Database) and a second specify mutex
 semantics (localStorage)?

The way I understand it, there's 3 camps...and I think they've been abusing
both the word transaction and mutex.  We should probably all start being
more precise with our wording in this respect.  :-)

Those who want pessimistic transactions.  I.e. using locking so that you
never need to do a rollback (because it can never fail).  This would be
compatible with either a sync or an async interface.

Those who optimistic transactions.  I.e. rollback may happen.  Either we
need to restrict what can be done during a localStorage transaction or we
need to have an exception that tells the script to undo itself.  This was
the original proposal, AFAICT.  It would work with both a sync or an async

Those who want a queue.  I.e. those who want an asynchronous callback based
interface and the UA will only call one callback at a 

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Jones

Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Chris wrote:

No one has responded directly to my original proposal of making
|window.localStorage === undefined| until |window.transaction| or whatever
has been accessed.  Unlike your proposal and a similar one from Jeremy, mine
is a safe (non-racy) way for spec-compliant UAs to bend backwards
compatibility without explicitly breaking it.

How is that not breaking compatibility? Any existing pages will
directly access window.localStorage to read/write data. Such pages
would break with your proposal, no?

I think I haven't been explaining my proposal clearly enough.  Let me 
try to err on the other side of brevity.  Sorry if this is too pedantic.

Currently, UAs either (i) support localStorage or (ii) don't.  Web apps 
using localStorage must therefore determine whether the UA they're 
running in supports localStorage, and adjust their behavior accordingly. 
 If they don't, they won't run in type (ii) UAs.

So how do web apps implement this check?  If I were implementing it, I 
would test |window.localStorage === undefined|.  I have no clue how web 
devs actually implement it; I solicited feedback from them in earlier posts.

Assuming that web apps test for |window.localStorage === undefined|, 
then let's explore the two possibilities for changing the localStorage 
API to include transactions.  If the spec were to add transactional 
localStorage, then UAs in the field would then fall into three classes 
(i) support transactional localStorage [compliant]; (ii) support 
non-transactional localStorage [non-compliant]; (iii) don't support 
localStorage at all [non-compliant].  Web apps would also fall into 
three classes (a) use transactional localStorage [compliant]; (b) use 
non-transactional localStorage [non-compliant]; (c) don't use 
localStorage [NA].

Note that web app type (c) is irrelevant to the discussion, since 
changes to the localStorage API don't affect them.

With my proposal, a web app that tests whether localStorage is available 
with |window.localStorage === undefined| would conclude that it's not, 
because that object would not be available until |window.transaction| or 
whatever was accessed.  In Jeremy's and Benjamin's proposals, a web app 
using that would check would conclude that window.localStorage *is* 

Only type (b) web apps are affected by this difference.  In my proposal, 
 in type (i) browsers, type (b) web apps would conclude that 
localStorage was not supported and thus those web apps would not try to 
use it.  In other words, they would *not* break, just not use 
localStorage.  In Jeremy's and Benjamin's proposals, type (b) web apps 
would conclude that localStorage *is* supported, and would use it in a 
racy way (outside of transactions), to the detriment of themselves and UAs.

Type (c) web apps would need to use the check |window.transaction === 
undefined| to determine whether *transactional* localStorage was 
supported, and thus aren't affected by either proposal.

If this explication isn't clear, please let me know and I will construct 
a compatibility matrix based on (a), (b), (c), and (i), (ii), (iii).

The |window.localStorage === undefined|-check assumption is a big one 
(!).  If that's not how the compatibility check is done in the wild, 
then my proposal won't ameliorate the breakage of type (b) web apps.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Jones

Chris Jones wrote:

Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Chris wrote:
Type (c) web apps would need to use the check |window.transaction === 
undefined| to determine whether *transactional* localStorage was 
supported, and thus aren't affected by either proposal.

Ugh, sorry, I mean type (a) web apps; those that use transactional 


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

I think I haven't been explaining my proposal clearly enough.  Let  
me try to err on the other side of brevity.  Sorry if this is too  

Currently, UAs either (i) support localStorage or (ii) don't.  Web  
apps using localStorage must therefore determine whether the UA  
they're running in supports localStorage, and adjust their behavior  
accordingly.  If they don't, they won't run in type (ii) UAs.

So how do web apps implement this check?  If I were implementing it,  
I would test |window.localStorage === undefined|.  I have no clue  
how web devs actually implement it; I solicited feedback from them  
in earlier posts.

I think this has a few problems:

1) There are probably Web apps that actually detect based on user  
agent sniffing, rather than based on feature testing. No matter how  
much we tell people to feature-test, there are still many Web sites  
(and even popular JavaScript libraries) out there that look at the  
User-Agent string.

2) There are probably mobile-targeted Web apps aimed at devices like  
iPhone, Palm Pre and Android which just assume LocalStorage is there  
(since it is available on all their target devices).

3) For Web apps that used the older feature in good faith, it would be  
suddenly taken away from their existing deployed apps. I expect this  
will make developers unhappy even if it doesn't technically break  
their site but rather just makes some functionality regress in  
browsers that support LocalStorage, down to the level of non- 
supporting browsers. I would rather let them keep using a suboptimal  
form of the feature than take it away supposedly for their own good.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Maciej wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:35 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I think Firefox would be willing to break compat. The question is if
 microsoft is. Which we need to ask them.

 We would be very hesitant to break LocalStorage API compatibility for
 Safari, at least without some demonstration that the level of  real-world
 breakage is low (including for mobile-specific/iPhone-specific sites).

 Even if that means that you'll for all future will need to use a
 per-domain mutex protecting localStorage? And even possibly a global
 mutex as currently specified?

 I don't think telling this story to users or developers will make them
 satisfied with the breakage, so the even if is not very relevant.

 I think there are ways to solve the problem without completely breaking
 compatibility. For example:

 - Keep the current LocalStorage API, but make it give no concurrency
 guarantees whatsoever (only single key/value accesses are guaranteed
 - Add a simple optional transactional model for aware authors who want
 better consistency guarantees.

 This might not meaningfully break existing content, unlike proposals for
 effectively mandatory new API calls. Particularly since IE doesn't have any
 kind of storage mutex.

 Yet another possibility is to keep a per-domain mutex, also offer a
 transactional API, and accept that careless authors may indefinitely lock up
 the UI for all pages in their domain (up to the slow script execution limit)
 if they code poorly, but in exchange won't have unexpected race conditions
 with themselves.

I'll see if I can't get any numbers on how widely used localStorage is
today.  Assuming that we can't break compat (which I think is a strong
possibility) I think Maciej's idea is the best one so far.  That said, I
think Chris's |window.localStorage == undefined| could work.  Both would be
confusing to web developers in different ways, but I don't think that's
avoidable (unless we break compat).

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Michael Nordman
I'm happy to see this getting sorted out. I like maciej's idea too.- Keep
the current LocalStorage API, but make it give no concurrency guarantees
whatsoever. (IE's impl i think)
- Add a simple optional transactional model for aware authors who want
better consistency guarantees.

There is one use-case to keep in mind... setting key/values onunload... how
can we provide transactional access at that time? Maybe we
could guarantee that transact calls made in (and perhaps prior to)
onbeforeunload will be satisfied prior to onunload.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:10 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Maciej wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:35 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I think Firefox would be willing to break compat. The question is if
 microsoft is. Which we need to ask them.

 We would be very hesitant to break LocalStorage API compatibility for
 Safari, at least without some demonstration that the level of
 breakage is low (including for mobile-specific/iPhone-specific sites).

 Even if that means that you'll for all future will need to use a
 per-domain mutex protecting localStorage? And even possibly a global
 mutex as currently specified?

 I don't think telling this story to users or developers will make them
 satisfied with the breakage, so the even if is not very relevant.

 I think there are ways to solve the problem without completely breaking
 compatibility. For example:

 - Keep the current LocalStorage API, but make it give no concurrency
 guarantees whatsoever (only single key/value accesses are guaranteed
 - Add a simple optional transactional model for aware authors who want
 better consistency guarantees.

 This might not meaningfully break existing content, unlike proposals for
 effectively mandatory new API calls. Particularly since IE doesn't have any
 kind of storage mutex.

 Yet another possibility is to keep a per-domain mutex, also offer a
 transactional API, and accept that careless authors may indefinitely lock up
 the UI for all pages in their domain (up to the slow script execution limit)
 if they code poorly, but in exchange won't have unexpected race conditions
 with themselves.

 I'll see if I can't get any numbers on how widely used localStorage is
 today.  Assuming that we can't break compat (which I think is a strong
 possibility) I think Maciej's idea is the best one so far.  That said, I
 think Chris's |window.localStorage == undefined| could work.  Both would be
 confusing to web developers in different ways, but I don't think that's
 avoidable (unless we break compat).

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Maciej wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

 I think I haven't been explaining my proposal clearly enough.  Let me try
 to err on the other side of brevity.  Sorry if this is too pedantic.

 Currently, UAs either (i) support localStorage or (ii) don't.  Web apps
 using localStorage must therefore determine whether the UA they're running
 in supports localStorage, and adjust their behavior accordingly.  If they
 don't, they won't run in type (ii) UAs.

 So how do web apps implement this check?  If I were implementing it, I
 would test |window.localStorage === undefined|.  I have no clue how web devs
 actually implement it; I solicited feedback from them in earlier posts.

 I think this has a few problems:

 1) There are probably Web apps that actually detect based on user agent
 sniffing, rather than based on feature testing. No matter how much we tell
 people to feature-test, there are still many Web sites (and even popular
 JavaScript libraries) out there that look at the User-Agent string.

 2) There are probably mobile-targeted Web apps aimed at devices like iPhone,
 Palm Pre and Android which just assume LocalStorage is there (since it is
 available on all their target devices).

 3) For Web apps that used the older feature in good faith, it would be
 suddenly taken away from their existing deployed apps. I expect this will
 make developers unhappy even if it doesn't technically break their site but
 rather just makes some functionality regress in browsers that support
 LocalStorage, down to the level of non-supporting browsers. I would rather
 let them keep using a suboptimal form of the feature than take it away
 supposedly for their own good.

My concern with this solution is that pages are still very likely to
not think of any of this and instead use the simplest API available,
which undoubtedly will be the transaction-free unsafe API.

Thus for most pages this isn't better than not doing anything.

/ Jonas

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 Yet another possibility is to keep a per-domain mutex, also offer a
 transactional API, and accept that careless authors may indefinitely lock up
 the UI for all pages in their domain (up to the slow script execution limit)
 if they code poorly, but in exchange won't have unexpected race conditions
 with themselves.

I prefer this. If the app has a bug that causes one window to get stuck,
most likely that's the window the user cares about anyway, so the other
windows (temporarily) getting stuck is not a big deal. Also, if one window
is hogging the database then an asynchronously dispatched transaction is
going to be delayed indefinitely*, so some or all user operations in other
windows will not be able to complete, even if the other windows appear to be
responsive to events.

* Unless we adopt a model where scripts are required to detect aborts and

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Jones

Jeremy Orlow wrote:
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Chris wrote:

In general, I agree with Rob about this proposal.  What
problem with storage
mutex as spec'd today does your proposal solve?

The spec requires a single storage mutex for the entire UA.
in a MELUA a web page can become unresponsive while waiting for some
other page to give up the lock. This is not good and something
we have
tried to avoid everywhere else in the spec.

Attempts to address this by doing per-origin locks wind up with
deadlocks being possible.

Aaron Boodman wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:41 AM, Robert

What is the intended semantics here? Chris' explicit
throw an exception if the transaction was aborted
due to data
leaving it up to the script to retry --- and making
it clear to script
authors that non-storage side effects during the
transaction are not
How would you handle transaction aborts?

Calls to transaction() are queued and executed serially
with exclusive access. There is no such thing as a
transaction abort
because there cannot be consistency problems because of
the serialized

No, transactions can still fail.  They can fail in ways
immediately hidden
from the script that requested them if the UA has to
interrupt the
conceptually executing transaction in the ways enumerated in
a separate
branch of this thread.  Later script executions can observe
state unless more is specified by your proposal.

Transactions can also fail visibly if write-to-disk fails
(probably also in
other ways I haven't considered).  It's not clear what
should happen wrt to
your proposal in this case.

If so, I agree with roc's responses to them that they could probably
be handled without surfacing errors to the developer.

OTOH, I'm not really against adding the concept of fallibility here.

In fact, I believe that the Synchronous database API
describes the same
transaction semantics as I proposed in the OP.  That spec
adds implicit
begin/commitTransaction and read-only transactions, but
otherwise the
semantics are the same.

So I'd like to amend my original proposal to be

 Use Synchronous Web Database API transaction semantics.
 Except do not
offer readTransaction: a transaction is implicitly a
read-only transaction
if only getItem() is called on localStorage from within

Agree. That is what I was trying to propose, too. I'm not sure where
we disagree :). Is it just that my proposal has no concept of
I'm not against adding them, mainly I was trying to keep my proposal
simple for purposes of discussion.

Ay, there's the rub: I think the disagreement is between mutex vs.
transaction semantics.  So far, I think perhaps mutex has been
used as shorthand for transaction.  But they aren't the same.

I think we all agree that a script may fail to modify localStorage
in some situations (irrespective of global mutex vs. per-domain
mutex). One camp, wanting mutex semantics, would prefer to pretend
that the failures never happen and let scripts clean up the mess
(partially-applied changes) if they do occur.  This is semantically
broken, IMHO.

The second camp, wanting transaction semantics, explicitly
acknowledge to web authors that localStorage is fallible, guarantee
that modifications to localStorage are atomic, and notify scripts
when modifications can't be made atomically.  This is the same
approach taken by Web Database.  IMHO, this is much better
semantically because (i) it gives web apps stronger guarantees; and
(ii) it makes the discussion about global mutex/per-domain
mutex/non-blocking an implementation issue rather semantic issue, as
it should be.

Can those in the first camp 

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-06 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

 Robert O'Callahan wrote:

 In HTML5 we generally take the approach that if a UA is unable to satisfy
 spec semantics due to resource limits or other problems in the environment,
 then it's OK to deviate from the spec. Applying that principle here, we
 would not need to provide database consistency in the presence of these

 I don't like the idea of the spec creating an illusion that's impossible
 for browser vendors to maintain.

Then the question is which spec features should be specified as resilient to
failures in the environment.

The other major unresolved questions in my mind are whether there is a class
of apps worth addressing that wants to use localStorage and shouldn't be
saddled with an explicitly transactional API, and whether the compatibility
break is even possible. Only the wider community can answer these...

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-05 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

 And if the intention is to make scripts appear to run atomically, then I
 think there are better ways to specify that than storage mutex.

That sounds good, how?

My problem with storage mutex boils down to the fact that by the letter of
 the spec, a script can lock out the UA indefinitely by just reading a

What do you mean lock out the UA?

 Transactional semantics seems to be a better abstraction, and an ancillary
 benefit is that it's much easier to implement to boot.  Though even if it
 were harder to implement, I would still argue for it.

I agree with you. However, there is still the compatibility issue. (Some
people may also argue that what we currently have is simpler for authors
than any explicit transactional API --- personally I'm unsure if that

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-05 Thread Chris Jones

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

And if the intention is to make scripts appear to run atomically,
then I think there are better ways to specify that than storage mutex.

That sounds good, how?

My OP is my weak attempt at getting closer to this.  Weak because it's 
still rather imperative rather than declarative, but that's in the style 
of the rest of HTML5.  If I could start from scratch, I would define 
run-to-completion semantics (which I love, BTW) in terms of global state 
visible to script and a happens-before relation on events that might 
change that state.  But it's not clear to me that a 
Java-memory-model-type spec would be better for the web than a spec like 

My problem with storage mutex boils down to the fact that by the
letter of the spec, a script can lock out the UA indefinitely by
just reading a cookie.

What do you mean lock out the UA?

I mean prevent the UA from affecting a script's execution.  The cases 
I've thought of so far where we will probably have to break 
storage-mutex semantics are

  * clear private data
  * close tab
  * quit UA
  * slow script timeout
  * store-to-disk failure
  * crash

For those cases, IMHO transactional semantics is better because it gives 
scripts the guarantee that operations on localStorage are atomic.  In 
the secret-storage-mutex world, if you agree that the cases above 
imply that the UA will have to interrupt scripts, then it's possible for 
scripts to make changes to localStorage that are only partially applied, 
going by the letter of the storage mutex spec.  I think that for sites 
that would care (e.g. gmail), partially-applied changes are a bad thing. 
 And as I argued in the OP, I think localStorage should be designed 
only with sites like gmail in mind.

I'm beginning to think that this discussion is more about DB consistency 
than multi-event-loop UAs.  I think it's telling that all of the cases I 
listed above could arise in single-process Gecko except clear private 
data (and maybe close tab, not sure).

Transactional semantics seems to be a better abstraction, and an
ancillary benefit is that it's much easier to implement to boot.
 Though even if it were harder to implement, I would still argue for it.

I agree with you. However, there is still the compatibility issue. (Some 
people may also argue that what we currently have is simpler for authors 
than any explicit transactional API --- personally I'm unsure if that 

API breakage is a problem, but does my proposal to only sort of break 
compatibility through pretending not to offer window.localStorage until 
window.beginTransaction is accessed not satisfy?


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-05 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

 I mean prevent the UA from affecting a script's execution.  The cases I've
 thought of so far where we will probably have to break storage-mutex
 semantics are

  * clear private data

 * close tab
  * quit UA

I think these could appear to complete immediately while doing their work
asynchronously in the background, given the assumption that content script
execution time is bounded (if it takes too long we enforce the assumption
using the slow-script timeout).

 * slow script timeout
  * store-to-disk failure
  * crash

In HTML5 we generally take the approach that if a UA is unable to satisfy
spec semantics due to resource limits or other problems in the environment,
then it's OK to deviate from the spec. Applying that principle here, we
would not need to provide database consistency in the presence of these

And as I argued in the OP, I think localStorage should be designed only with
 sites like gmail in mind.

Yes ... I'm not so sure about that.

I'm beginning to think that this discussion is more about DB consistency
 than multi-event-loop UAs.  I think it's telling that all of the cases I
 listed above could arise in single-process Gecko except clear private data
 (and maybe close tab, not sure).

Currently in Gecko clear private data, close tab and quit would all
wait for running scripts to complete. But indeed, the consistency you want
isn't provided by any browser today if the app encounters resource limits or
hardware failures. Storing a single key-value pair should be atomic in the
case of failure, so apps have to roll-your-own consistency and recovery
using that.

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-05 Thread Chris Jones

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Chris Jones wrote:

I mean prevent the UA from affecting a script's execution.  The
cases I've thought of so far where we will probably have to break
storage-mutex semantics are

 * clear private data

 * close tab
 * quit UA

I think these could appear to complete immediately while doing their 
work asynchronously in the background, given the assumption that content 
script execution time is bounded (if it takes too long we enforce the 
assumption using the slow-script timeout).

 * slow script timeout
 * store-to-disk failure
 * crash

In HTML5 we generally take the approach that if a UA is unable to 
satisfy spec semantics due to resource limits or other problems in the 
environment, then it's OK to deviate from the spec. Applying that 
principle here, we would not need to provide database consistency in the 
presence of these failures.

I don't like the idea of the spec creating an illusion that's impossible 
for browser vendors to maintain.

I'm beginning to think that this discussion is more about DB
consistency than multi-event-loop UAs.  I think it's telling that
all of the cases I listed above could arise in single-process Gecko
except clear private data (and maybe close tab, not sure).

Currently in Gecko clear private data, close tab and quit would 
all wait for running scripts to complete. But indeed, the consistency 
you want isn't provided by any browser today if the app encounters 
resource limits or hardware failures. Storing a single key-value pair 
should be atomic in the case of failure, so apps have to roll-your-own 
consistency and recovery using that.

Force quit will interrupt scripts.

Desktop apps have to worry about DB consistency, and DBs for those 
provide transactional consistency guarantees.  It seems undesirable to 
deny them to web apps using localStorage, especially since localStorage 
seems more author-friendly than Web Database.  (Undesirable excepting 
compatibility with existing localStorage impls.)  This is a rhetorical 
point not necessarily directed at you personally, since I think we're 
pretty much on the same page.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-04 Thread Jeremy Orlow
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Chris Jones wrote:

 I'd like to propose that HTML5 specify different schemes than a conceptual
 global storage mutex to provide consistency guarantees for localStorage and

 Cookies would be protected according to Benjamin Smedberg's post in the
 [whatwg] Storage mutex and cookies can lead to browser deadlock thread.
  Roughly, this proposal would give scripts a consistent view of
 document.cookie until they completed.  AIUI this is stronger consistency
 than Google Chrome provides today, and anecdotal evidence suggests even
 their weaker consistency hasn't broken the web.

To be fair, IE is in the same boat...which makes this argument even
stronger, I think.

 localStorage would be changed in a non-backwards-compatible way.  I believe
 that web apps can be partitioned into two classes: those that have planned
 for running concurrently (single-event-loop or not) in multiple browsing
 contexts, and those that haven't.  I further posit that the second class
 would break when run concurrently in multiple contexts regardless of
 multiple event loops, and thus regardless of the storage mutex.  Even in the
 single-event-loop world, sites not prepared to be loaded in multiple tabs
 can stomp each other's data even though script execution is atomic.  (I
 wouldn't dare use my bank's website in two tabs at the same time in a
 single-event-loop browser.)  In other words, storage mutex can't help the
 second class of sites.

 (I also believe that there's a very large, third class of pages that work
 accidentally when run concurrently in multiple contexts, even though they
 don't plan for that.  This is likely because they don't keep
 quasi-persistent data on the client side.)

 Based on that, I believe localStorage should be designed with the first
 class of web apps (those that have considered data consistency across
 multiple concurrent contexts) in mind, rather than the second class.  Is a
 conceptual global storage mutex the best way for, say, gmail to guarantee
 consistency of its e-mail/contacts database?  I don't believe so: I think
 that a transactional localStorage is preferable. Transactional localStorage
 is easier for browser vendors to implement and should result in better
 performance for web apps in multi-process UAs.  It's more of a burden on web
 app authors than the hidden storage mutex, but I think the benefits outweigh
 the cost.

 I propose adding the functions


 (The latter might be preferable if we later decide to add more resources
 with transactional semantics.)

 localStorage.getItem(),. setItem(), .removeItem(), and .clear() would
 remain specified as they are today.  beginTransaction() would do just that,
 open a transaction.  Calling localStorage.*() outside of an open transaction
 would cause a script exception to be thrown; this would unfortunately break
 all current clients of localStorage.  There might be cleverer ways to
 mitigate this breakage by a UA pretending not to support localStorage until
 a script called beginTransaction().

 yieldForStorageUpdates() would no longer be meaningful and should be

 A transaction would successfully commit, atomically applying its
 modifications to localStorage, if localStorage was not modified between
 beginTransaction() and commitTransaction().  Note that a transaction
 consisting entirely of getItem() could fail just as those actually modifying
 localStorage.  If a transaction failed, the UA would throw a
 TransactionFailed exception to script.  The UA would be allowed to throw
 this exception at any time between beginTransaction() and

 There are numerous ways to implement transactional semantics.
 Single-event-loop UAs could implement beginTransaction() and
 commitTransaction() as no-ops.  Multi-event-loop UAs could reuse the global
 storage mutex if they had already implemented that (beginTransaction() ==
 lock, commitTransaction() == unlock).

 Some edge cases:

  * calling commitTransaction() without beginTransaction() would throw an

  * transactions would not be allowed to be nested, even on different
 localStorage DBs.  E.g. if site A's script begins a transaction on
 A.localStorage, and calls into site B's script embedded in an iframe which
 begins a transaction on B.localStorage, an exception would be thrown.

  * transactions *could* be spread across script executions, alert()
 dialogs, sync XHR, or anywhere else the current HTML5 spec requires the
 storage mutex be released.  Note that UAs wishing to forbid that behavior
 could simply throw a TransactionFailed exception where the storage mutex
 would have been released in the current spec.  Or this could be made illegal
 by the spec.

  * it's not clear to me how to handle async XHRs and Worker messages sent
 from within a failed 

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-04 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Fri, 04 Sep 2009 09:02:45 +0200, Chris Jones wrote:

Feedback very much desired.

I'm not really sure what to say other than that I'm not at all a fan of a  
change that breaks existing deployments. I thought that was a pretty clear  
outcome from last time we went about this. I also thought it was pretty  
clear we wanted the burden to be on user agents. (I also recall, but am  
not a 100% sure, that developers from Mozilla agreed to this, even though  
it would be hard to make it all work in Gecko.)

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-04 Thread Chris Jones

Jeremy Orlow wrote:
I mostly agree with your assertions about the type of developer who's 
using localStorage.  It sure would be nice if we could give developers 
powerful APIs and keep them simple and make it possible to implement 
them in a performant manner.  Unfortunately, I think the current design 
cannot be changed to meet possible to implement in a performant manner 
without breaking backwards compatibility.

I mostly agree with that.  I like the idea of storage mutex 
conceptually, but I think it could end up hurting the Web as much as it 
helps.  For multi-event-loop UAs, |x = window.localStorage.getItem('x')| 
is an innocent-looking operation with global (browser-wide) 
consequences, and web devs will need to be mindful of those consequences.

Part of me thinks that this API should match the WebDatabase API more. 
 For example, you'd call a function with a callback.  That callback 
would be given the localStorage object which it'd use to 
do manipulations.  Etc.  But part of me like what you're suggesting 
here.  I actually think the idea of throwing an exception whenever 
there's a serialization problem could be very compelling, and could keep 
the door wide open for future performance enhancements.  It's even 
possible that javascript engines could embed elements of software 
transactional memory in the future to eliminate the need to make such 
calls.  That seems really exciting.

 It might also be possible to combine the 2 ideas: you call a function
 with your callback and the callback is given a localStorage object which
 is only valid within the callback, but an exception can be thrown when
 there's a problem with the transaction.  Of course, the benefit to
 explicitly starting and ending a transaction is that it can span
 setTimeouts, event handlers, etc.  On the other hand, I wonder if the
 cases where an app would do this and still be able to recover from a
 transaction failure would be limited.

I would be satisfied with a callback API, even an async one.  If we were 
to go forward with transactional localStorage, I think the main API 
design decision would be whether or not to hide transactions from 
authors.  Obviously hiding them would be desirable, but unlike 
WebDatabase, localStorage can't easily import SQL semantics.  If we were 
to hide them,  I think we should offer a StorageTransaction object 
describing the operations to be performed on the DB, and offer the 
function localStorage.executeTransaction(txnObject).  In this way we 
could avoid the side-effecty problems of generic scripts accessing 

But personally, I prefer exposed transactions.  A transaction might 
contain data dependencies --- for example, x = getItem('x'), x += 1, 
setItem('x', x).  It seems to me very hard to capture this in an API 
that hides transactions from the user while at the same time not turning 
into a scripting language unto itself (or providing a strongly 
restricted scripting environment in a transaction callback).

Another thing we might want to consider is making transactions optional. 
 This would satisfy group 1 and 2, but would put the group 3 you 
mentioned at more risk.  In other words, not calling beginTransaction 
would not be fatal.  It would just mean localStorage works as currently 
spec'ed.  But, doing it within a transaction (be it a callback or within 
___Transaction calls) would give you additional guarantees.

I would really prefer to not do that.  Can any web devs using 
localStorage comment on how they detect whether browsers support that 
feature?  If the test is something like 
|window.hasProperty('localStorage')|, then I would prefer to make this 
return |false| until |window.beginTransaction| was accessed.


Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-04 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

 I think it's pretty clear that the spec, as is, is not possible to
 implement without making it trivial for a single website to lock up all of
 your event loops

I don't think that's clear at all, yet.

It's clearly *hard* to implement, and Chris' proposal for transactional
localStorage is a lot easier to implement, so if we can get away with the
compatibility break, we should.

This is especially true if the storage mutex extends to cookies since one
 tab running a poorly written site can lock everything up.

Only if you actually implement the semantics using a single global lock. I
think we could do better.

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are
healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his
own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. [Isaiah

Re: [whatwg] RFC: Alternatives to storage mutex for cookies and localStorage

2009-09-04 Thread Chris Jones

Robert O'Callahan wrote:
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

I think it's pretty clear that the spec, as is, is not possible to
implement without making it trivial for a single website to lock up
all of your event loops

I don't think that's clear at all, yet.

It's clearly *hard* to implement, and Chris' proposal for transactional 
localStorage is a lot easier to implement, so if we can get away with 
the compatibility break, we should.

I don't think it's hard to implement, even implementing it without 
literally using a global mutex.  I just don't think it solves the 
problem of guaranteeing cross-tab data integrity for poorly written 
sites.  And if the intention is to make scripts appear to run 
atomically, then I think there are better ways to specify that than 
storage mutex.

My problem with storage mutex boils down to the fact that by the letter 
of the spec, a script can lock out the UA indefinitely by just reading a 
cookie.  Obviously we're going to have to break that in some situations. 
 So if that's the case, why present that abstraction to scripts? 
Transactional semantics seems to be a better abstraction, and an 
ancillary benefit is that it's much easier to implement to boot.  Though 
even if it were harder to implement, I would still argue for it.


This is especially true if the storage mutex extends to cookies
since one tab running a poorly written site can lock everything up.

Only if you actually implement the semantics using a single global lock. 
I think we could do better.

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our 
iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by 
his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of 
us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity 
of us all. [Isaiah 53:5-6]