Re: [whatwg] WebIDL vs HTML5 storage changes - delete behavior

2009-01-13 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 14 Jan 2009, Cameron McCormack wrote:
> > 
> >[NameCreator, NameDeleter, NameGetter, NameSetter]
> >interface DOMStringMap {};
> At the moment, the interface is useful only for JS (and other languages 
> that support this kind of indexing).  For other languages, a 
> DOMStringMap object would appear to be a completely opaque object 
> without any means of interacting with it.  Given that this is basically 
> meant to be a shorthand for getting/setting attributes with particular 
> names, I would be happy with it not existing in other language bindings. 
> Web IDL doesn’t have a mechanism to state that an interface member or 
> a definition should only be included if the target language binding is a 
> particular one, though.
> An alternative would be to put operations on the interface to act as the 
> getters/setters/etc., and use the [NoIndexingOperations] extended 
> attribute to indicate that these operations won’t correspond to 
> properties in language bindings such as ECMAScript.  That would then at 
> least make the interface useful for other languages.

What I would like to be able to say is: "This is how it works in JS. If 
you are implementing this in another language binding, contact me and 
we'll come up with a solution for that language."

I don't want this to only work in JS, I just haven't designed the API for 
the other languages. And I don't want to introduce a suboptimal design -- 
e.g. the above IDL would be meaningless for Perl, where objects don't have 
a concept of name getters, etc. But for Perl what we'd want is to expose a 
tied hash, which is the equivalent of what this is in JS. But we don't yet 
have WebIDL magic for Perl, so I can't say that yet.

Does that make sense?

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL vs HTML5 storage changes - delete behavior

2009-01-13 Thread Cameron McCormack
Ian Hickson:
> > > For DOMStringMap, my intention was to not provide methods at all, and 
> > > only provide the JS-native mechanisms.

Maciej Stachowiak:
> > A bold choice, but I would not recommend it as the sole available 
> > mechanism.

Ian Hickson:
> See above for UndoManager, but for DOMStringMap I don't want to add any 
> other mechanisms, because they introduce name clashes. Right now the IDL 
> for DOMStringMap is:
>[NameCreator, NameDeleter, NameGetter, NameSetter]
>interface DOMStringMap {};
> It basically emulates a JS Object. It's intended only for JS. I don't see 
> why this is a bad idea.

At the moment, the interface is useful only for JS (and other languages
that support this kind of indexing).  For other languages, a
DOMStringMap object would appear to be a completely opaque object
without any means of interacting with it.  Given that this is basically
meant to be a shorthand for getting/setting attributes with particular
names, I would be happy with it not existing in other language bindings.
Web IDL doesn’t have a mechanism to state that an interface member or a
definition should only be included if the target language binding is a
particular one, though.

An alternative would be to put operations on the interface to act as the
getters/setters/etc., and use the [NoIndexingOperations] extended
attribute to indicate that these operations won’t correspond to
properties in language bindings such as ECMAScript.  That would then at
least make the interface useful for other languages.

Cameron McCormack ≝

Re: [whatwg] WebIDL vs HTML5 storage changes - delete behavior

2009-01-13 Thread Ian Hickson

On Sun, 18 May 2008, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> On May 18, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Brady Eidson wrote:
> >
> > While I'm on the topic, I'm also curious about that [XXX] placeholder. 
> > There's a bug in WebKit's bugzilla pointing out that the IE8 beta and 
> > Firefox 2 both support `delete storage.keyName` syntax as an alias for 
> > `storage.removeItem(keyName)`
> >
> > I'm taking a guess here and assuming supporting the `delete` syntax is 
> > the implied concept behind [XXX]
> WebKit's JavaScript engine doesn't currently have the ability to run 
> custom code when a property is deleted. It would be a significant 
> challenge to add this capability and possibly a performance regression; 
> and no other DOM-related spec requires this, even when there is 
> NameGetter or IndexGetter behavior. For example NodeLists and 
> HTMLCollections do not let you delete by name to remove the item (I'm 
> not sure what that would even mean). So I'd prefer not to have to 
> introducethis concept just for this one case.

On Sun, 18 May 2008, Brady Eidson wrote:
> WebKit has the ability to add custom property deletion on a per-class 
> basis - therefore not slowing down the common case at all.  That's how I 
> fixed the bug to make us compatible with IE8 and Firefox for now as this 
> debate gets underway...

On Mon, 19 May 2008, Geoffrey Garen wrote:
> It is *very* weird, and therefore not a "useful shorthand."
> In JavaScript, "delete" means "remove this property / interface from 
> this JavaScript object." I can't think of any context in which it means 
> anything else.
> For example, "delete node.parentNode" attempts to remove the 
> "parentNode" property from "node". It does not remove "parentNode" from 
> the document or anything like that.
> "delete window" attempts to remove the "window" property from the global 
> object. It does not close the window or anything like that.
> In other words, you can be certain that "delete" is a simple operation 
> with a consistent side-effect.
> As a JavaScript programmer, I would find it very difficult to reason 
> about objects that might or might not change the behavior of the 
> "delete" operator. One reason i would find it very difficult is that 
> operator overloading does not exist in JavaScript at all, so to 
> understand this one API, I would need to understand a vast corpus of 
> programming language goobery that is not at all covered in any 
> JavaScript manual. Another reason I would find it very difficult is that 
> the overloaded meaning of "delete" here ("remove persistent storage from 
> disk") is far afield from the original meaning ("remove interface from 
> temporary object in memory"). To give you an analogy, even in C++, where 
> you're allowed to overload operator delete, if you overloaded operator 
> delete to mean "do not free this object's memory, but do delete the file 
> it references from the file system", well, let's just say that your 
> patch would not pass code review with any of your four reviewers :).
> I am not sure if any JS decoration or collection libraries depend on the 
> canonical behavior of operator delete, but if they do, I would hate for 
> them all to have to ship with the asterisk, "BEWARE: do NOT use this 
> decoration / collection library with that one weird DOM object that 
> interprets 'delete' to mean 'remove important data from the user's 
> disk'". Oy!

On Mon, 19 May 2008, Brady Eidson wrote:
> I'm unsure if you have the proper background with the Storage interface 
> that is in question here.  I'm guessing that the reason that Firefox 2 
> and IE8 support the "modified" behavior of delete for Storage items is 
> because the "way of thinking about Storage items" we're trying to get 
> across meets most of the expectations of manipulating properties that 
> you lay out below.
> On May 19, 2008, at 3:18 PM, Geoffrey Garen wrote:
> > 
> > In JavaScript, "delete" means "remove this property / interface from 
> > this JavaScript object." I can't think of any context in which it 
> > means anything else.
> The spec makes it clear that storage items and properties on the Storage 
> object are interchangeable.
> ` = "bar"` happens to be equivalent to 
> `storage.setItem("foo", "bar")`, but is also no different from 
> ` = "bar"` as far as keeping a collection of 
> properties on an object.
> This also applies for enumeration, etc.
> Equivalently and more relevant to the discussion, `delete` 
> happens to be equivalent to `storage.removeItem("foo")`, but is also 
> *little* different from `delete`
> > For example, "delete node.parentNode" attempts to remove the 
> > "parentNode" property from "node". It does not remove "parentNode" 
> > from the document or anything like that.
> >
> > "delete window" attempts to remove the "window" property from the 
> > global object. It does not close the window or anything like that.
> In