Re: [whatwg] Disclosure: Change of employer

2005-10-04 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
> Although is valid, they don't really care about standards
> that much.  The site uses an HTML 4.0 Transitional DOCTYPE that triggers
> quirks mode.

Well, when site goes from hundreds of validation errors to valid page
I wouldn't dare to say
company doesn't care about standards. I'd call it an improvement.

I do not see a problem with Transitional DOCTYPE - it is a part of the
At least they honestly adhere to what they declare - in that sense I
prefer valid HTML Transitional to invalid XHTML.

This is not to say that code is perfect, but I
appreciate progress they have made (and MSN Search uses HTML4.01

On the other hand Google is also fair - they do not declare any
DOCTYPE, so technically they admit their code to be tag-soup. It is
better than making false claims putting some DOCTYPE into code without
any intention to validate.

There are many technical subtleties, but please in mind my initial
point - to show people who encounter web standards maybe for the first
time that some big names _do care_
about web standards. If such giants as MS and Google both care that
may encourage
some web developer to pay more attention too.


Re: [whatwg] Disclosure: Change of employer

2005-10-04 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
2005/10/4, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> As some of you may know, today I started work at Google. I will be working
> full time on standards work, including a significant portion of my time
> being spent on the WHATWG specifications.

Congrats, and slightly off-topic - can you, please, push google to
make at least their first page valid?
Whenever I advocate web standards there are inevitably people looking
what big names are doing.
When I throw my ace "look, and are valid
now!" they counter with "Ha! Take a look at"...

Sure, validation is only a tool, but it would be great to cut the
nobody-cares-about-web-standards style of reasoning. "nobody" used to
mean microsoft ("web standards are irrelevant as long as M$ ignores
them", now it appears to be google.


Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
On 6/27/05, Karl Pongratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >In most cases, if you show me an application with a modal window,
> > I'll show you an application that needs to do away with a modal
> > window. The use cases for applications that truly need modal windows
> > probably overlaps the use cases for XULRunner-base applications quite
> > nicely.
> That's new to me. Can we live without modal windows from now? Is that
> somewhere written?

Not exactly this way, but you may want to check:

Chapter 10 "Eliminating Excise"
Chapter 11 "Navigation and Inflection"
Chapter 30 "Using Dialogs"
Chapter 34 "Notifying and Comfirming"
in "About Face 2.0 The Essentials of Interaction Design" by Alan
Cooper & Robert Reimann, Willey Publishing, 2003

6-5 "Letter from a User "
in "The Human Interface - New Direction for Designing Interactive
Systems" by Jef Raskin,
Addison-Wesley, 2005

Also the classics: "Design of Everyday Things" by Donald A. Norman and
"Inmates are Runing the Asylum" by Alan Cooper won't hurt :)


Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
On 6/27/05, Karl Pongratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Beside that, how many desktop applications do you know which don't use
> modal and modeless windows?

The fact that some applications use modal windows does not necessarily
mean that it is a good idea. In fact, all the books I've read on
interface design say that modal windows are bad idea. At least they
are used mostly in the bad way.


Re: [whatwg] Re: About XHTML 2.0

2005-05-21 Thread Rimantas Liubertas
On 5/21/05, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually Steven Pemberton gave some interesting examples of what look to
> me like valid use cases for  in a recent talk of his. Search for 
> in these slides:
> I don't really see what else to use for those.

I see no point for this even in this case. If you separate _sections_,
then they are already separate and you can style sections themself.


And if  had any semantic meaning, then it was trasfered to class
attribute ;)
