I've just done some experements with the repetition templates, and tried to devise a way to help IE end up with usable submit buttons, rather than useless push buttons. The solution I came up with involves a little (read: extremely evil and dirty) hack with IE's proprietary conditional comments.

However, it doesn't quite work as expected, and I thought someone may be able to figure out a way to extend this idea a little more to make it work.

For the remove button, this displays the correct button for IE 5 and 6.

<!--[if IE 1]>--><button type="remove" name="remove" value="[player]">

<!--[if IE]><button name="remove" value="[player]" type="submit">

Note: This: <!--[if IE 1]>-->...<!--<![endif]--> is a validating version of the so-called "downlevel-revealed" conditional comment:
<![if expression]> HTML <![endif]>
(which should probaby be nick-named "uplevel-revealed" :-)).

For the add button, this code works as intended, but still buggy like remove is (as I will explain later):

<!--[if IE 1]>--><button type="add" name="add" value="add">
    Add Player</button><!--<![endif]-->

<!--[if IE]><button type="submit" name="add" value="add">
    Add Player</button><![endif]-->

Ok, the problem with the solution is that IE still sends the name/value pair for both the add and remove button regardless of which one was clicked (ie. "successful") and sends the button label as the value, rather than the value attribute. This can be seen by looking at the resultant query string from the submission:


This seems to works as intended for the add button because the add name/value pair must be detected and used in the server-side script, before the remove. So, it ends up adding a field regardless of which button was pressed.

The only solution I could think of was to change the <button>s to <input>s, however the buttons would then be labeled with the text from the value attribute (ie. "[player]" and "add" for remove and add buttons, respectively). And changing that value attribute, at least for the remove button, would stop server-side script form working correctly to remove the correct fields.

Lastly, for anyone wondering how this solution would work after IE7 is released, and if IE fixes their <button> implementation, then the conditonal comments can be altered as follows:

Change: <!--[if IE 1]>--> To: <!--[if IE 7]><!-- -- -->
Change: <!--[if IE]>      To: <!--[if lt IE 7]>

However, even without these alterations the IE 5/6 version of the buttons should still work in IE7 anyway.

Without the special <!-- -- --> pseudo-comment [1], IE7 would end up outputting the "-->" from the original "if IE 1" version. The 3 double-hyphens "--" ensures that the enitire comment remains valid in SGML.

[1] I called it a pseudo comment because it's not really a full comment in SGML terms, it only looks like one. The real SGML comment is the full thing including: <!-- ... -- -- -->

Lachlan Hunt
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