Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
did you aks that same question 2 days ago and i also replied on it:if a http session gets expired then pages are expired there is no way around that.Or you have to use your own cookies to build the wicket session and store pages somewhere else.
If you don't specify a homepage in youre application then you must override the expired page
else you will get the underlying error. Because by default the expired page will try to make a alinkto the homepage.for 
2.0 we are planning to have BookmarkableForms (or how it is called implemented) for now you can
do that by making forms do the submit to a Bookmarkable url. Then if they submit the page will be
 created again.johanOn 5/16/06, Ittay Dror [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web server, and then submit the page, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for bookmarkable link cannot be null at at
.init( at wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink( at wicket.markup.html.pages.PageExpiredErrorPage.init( at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance
( at java.lang.Class.newInstance0( at java.lang.Class.newInstance( at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage( at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage
( at com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage( at com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage( at
( at at
( at wicket.request.compound.DefaultEventProcessorStrategy.processEvents( at wicket.request.compound.AbstractCompoundRequestCycleProcessor.processEvents
( is because there's no home page for the application. in my scenario, i can't use question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired?
thanks,ittay--===Ittay DrorChief architect, openQRM TL,RD, Qlusters Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841 Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running---Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Global parameters in the html markup

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
what is by the way ${basep} ?that looks like the context path of the app. This is already done by wicket.johanOn 5/15/06, Yuri Magrisso
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Thanks for the answers!
Filters seem to be exaclty what I had in mind. Do you know how can I register a custom filter? Looks like I have to use MarkupParser.appendMarkupFilter, but how do I get the markup parser?

YuriOn 5/15/06, Johan Compagner 
you could also use a Filter for that to find replace stuff.johanOn 5/15/06, 
 wrote:I don't think wicket has support for what you are asking for, but I can think in one possibility which is the use of Velocity to pre-render the html before wicket. 
On 5/14/06, 
Yuri Magrisso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi,Is there a way to define a parameter in the HTML markup, which is not specific for a component and is replaced when the markup tree is rendered. Consider for example the following HTML:html
script src="" ... /link href="" ... //headerbody table trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text A/td/tr
 trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text B/td/tr trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text C/td/tr
  /table/body/htmlI want to be able to replace ${basep} without declaring a component. In the given example it seams better to just declare a component inside a repeater, but In more complex scenarios where the same text (base path) is repeated across variety of tags, which are not repetitive it seams simpler to just declare a markup variable and have it replaced without writing / declaring componets just for the purpose.

-- Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

[Wicket-user] Wizard's Confirmation Page

2006-05-16 Thread Michael K
Hi,I 've been playing with the latest Wizard example this morning as well as wicket-extensions-1.2-rc4, I come across couple of questions:1. How can I 'manipulate' model's value before being rendered within confirmation page? For example I want to set Firstname to 'Not available' whenever the model is null instead of default to 'blank'2. Still on the confirmation page, Can I render .html and populate those value into table cell instead of using StringResourceModel?Please advise.Michael
		How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low  PC-to-Phone call rates.

[Wicket-user] Sessions?

2006-05-16 Thread Nino Wael


I have an object I would like to have stored in
session, so that I may pass it between pages. Ive been looking at some
sniplets and created this code for setting the object:

request = ((WebRequest)RequestCycle.get().getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest(); 

Hello world);

I am setting the value on the base of a panel which
holds a button that contains the below code in a onsubmit override.

And this piece for getting the value:

request = ((WebRequest) RequestCycle.get().getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest();

Message = (String) request.getAttribute(here);


I am getting the value on a onsubmit of a button.

However my String(message) are null how can that be,
does it have something to do with the scope?? If I paste the getting code in
the same place as my setting code it works just fine.

I do also feel that this is not 100% the wicket way
to do it, so I must have overlooked the better way?

Re: [Wicket-user] Localization

2006-05-16 Thread Matej Knopp

Cool. It took an entire day to deliver this mail :)
Anyway, I've seen that this is already solved in current head
(markupparser got new method), so just ignore this.


Matej Knopp wrote:



Eelco Hillenius wrote:

Wow, this was a big thread. But now it seems to have died quitely.
Could someone please fetch conclusions and put this in an RFE?


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[Wicket-user] Estonian translation for and more

2006-05-16 Thread Alvar Lumberg


perhaps it would be more suited for devel list, but since I'm not one
of the developers..

Anyway, there seems to be a typo in EVERY file
of 1.2-rc3:

StringValidator.minimum='${input}' must be at least ${mimimum} chars.

${miMimum} :) Although I haven't been around long enough to tell a
well-planned feature from a nasty bug I dared to point it out anyway..

Description: Binary data

Re: [Wicket-user] SPAM: testing

2006-05-16 Thread Johannes Fahrenkrug

I got the message, but Thunderbird thinks its junk :)

Alvar Lumberg wrote:

Hello, this is a test e-mail. I'm sending it because two previous
messages didn't get through. Nothing to see here, press delete.

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Re: [Wicket-user] selecting MarkupStream

2006-05-16 Thread Aaron Hiniker


I fixed the problem by returning the super implementation rather than 'null' at the end of the method.. I still am not sure why it isn't finding the .html file though, if anyone sees my mistake I'd appreciate the heads up.


On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 09:02 -0700, Aaron Hiniker wrote:

Hi, I'm overriding newMarkupResourceStream(Class aClass) but I am still getting a markup not found error in my logs and even with DEBUG on there are no list of files that it is trying (probably because I am overriding the default functionality). This method below worked fine in beta3, but does not work fine in rc1, rc3-- did anything change in regards to markup streams since then? here is the relevant code:

 public IResourceStream newMarkupResourceStream(Class aClass)
 return getMailMarkupStream( mailType );

 public IResourceStream getMailMarkupStream( MailType type )

 if ( type == MailType.Html )
 return PackageResource.get( getClass(), getClass().getSimpleName() + .html ).getResourceStream();
 if ( type == MailType.Text )
 return PackageResource.get( getClass(), getClass().getSimpleName() + .txt ).getResourceStream();

 return null;

I would like to select a different stream based on the 'type' variable.. is this valid? or do I have to use variations?


Re: [Wicket-user] Custom component inheritance

2006-05-16 Thread Eelco Hillenius

Yeah, use markup inheritance. See wicket-examples,, the test cases and
there's probably something about it on the WIKI.


On 5/13/06, smallufo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a custom component (form) that extends Panel
I want to extend my custom panel and add some field and overide the
onSubmit() method.
But I found I have to duplicate the whole HTML content.
I feel this will increase the complexity of future maintaince.
Is there a better way to handle this ?

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[Wicket-user] 鸿基实业

2006-05-16 Thread 刘先生

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Re: [Wicket-user] Localization

2006-05-16 Thread Eelco Hillenius

Wow, this was a big thread. But now it seems to have died quitely.
Could someone please fetch conclusions and put this in an RFE?


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Re: [Wicket-user] Re: wicket:pageMapName ?

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
thats correct.All wicket internal things are stripped out of the pageparameters johanOn 5/16/06, nato 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Can someone confirm if correct is my understanding about why sometimes the pageParameters passed to my bookmarkable page contains wicket:pageMapName key, and sometimes not:
When two wicket pages under the same session is accessed from two different browser window, wicket will insert the wicket:pageMapName in the wicket page's URL. And although it seems to be, the wicket:pageMapName key/value pair does not actually get included to the PageParameter of a bookmarkable page.
Is this correct?On 5/15/06, nato 
what is wicket:pageMapName page parameter and why do some of my bookmarkable page link have this and others dont? Can I, if it's ok, get rid of this?

Re: [Wicket-user] dynamic html controls

2006-05-16 Thread Timo Stamm

Igor Vaynberg schrieb:

meanwhile maybe someone can
write up a general wiki page.

There already is a wiki page on this topic:


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Re: [Wicket-user] Invalidating a ResourceReference

2006-05-16 Thread Timothy Bennett
On 5/11/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
if you make a resoure reference to a shared resource that is or can change.Then you need to control the caching headers and last modified times. Else the browser will not know that it needs to refresh it.
makes sense See resource.setCacheable
(boolean cacheable) and protected void configureResponse(final Response response)I set cachable to false to no avail. configureResponse is final, so I overrode setHeaders(), but that didn't work either. I guess I'm going to need a little sample code

Re: [Wicket-user] Invalidating a ResourceReference

2006-05-16 Thread Timothy Bennett
On 5/12/06, Timothy Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I set cachable to false to no avail. configureResponse is final, so I overrode setHeaders(), but that didn't work either. I guess I'm going to need a little sample code
Nevermind. I just got it working. I threw away the ResourceReference, and just built a Resource instead. 

Re: [Wicket-user] Ajax Panel Include

2006-05-16 Thread Martijn Dashorst
This is a problem facing all developers of Ajax components. Read a similar discussion here:
MartijnOn 5/12/06, Samyem Tuladhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
When I include a panel into a page after the page has been loaded through ajax, I do not get the content defined in the wicket:head. How do I access the head of the panel so that I can dynamically load them through ajax once the page has been on the browser?

-- Wicket 1.2 is coming! Write Ajax applications without touching _javascript_!--

[Wicket-user] How to write model for immutable compound value object?

2006-05-16 Thread Pekka Enberg
Hi all,

I am writing a field component for a simple immutable value object which
is essentially the following:

public class IntegerRange {
private int minimum, maximum;

public IntegerRange(int minimum, int maximum) {
if (minimum  maximum)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.minimum = minimum;
this.maximum = maximum;

public int getMaximum() { return maximum; }
public int getMinimum() { return minimum; }

Now this value object is being used as part of a domain object so in the
form, I have:

private class BulkEditForm extends Form {
public BulkEditForm(String id) {
super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel(new Template()));
add(new IntegerRangeField(seats));

I am using the TextField component for minimum and maximum fields so the
HTML of my IntegerRangeField panel looks like this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  input wicket:id=min type=text class=text numeric size=8 /
  input wicket:id=max type=text class=text numeric size=8 /

However, I don't know how to write a proper model for IntegerRangeField
component. I obviously cannot just do new Model(new IntegerRange(...))
because user input needs to be validated first and the immutable value
object doesn't allow invalid state. So, I probably need to store both,
minimum and maximum, in separate models for the two input fields. But
then I don't know how to update the 'seats' property in class Template!

I have tried overriding setObject() method for the two models for
updating the IntegerRange model, but then I need to add bunch of state
validation to ensure I don't feed invalid arguments to IntegerRange
constructor. Furthermore, I already have the validation in a
IFormValidator implementation so duplicating it doesn't seem to make too
much sense.

So how do I write a model for an immutable value object with state



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Re: [Wicket-user] Localization

2006-05-16 Thread Matej Knopp



Eelco Hillenius wrote:

Wow, this was a big thread. But now it seems to have died quitely.
Could someone please fetch conclusions and put this in an RFE?


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Re: [Wicket-user] Custom component inheritance

2006-05-16 Thread Timo Stamm

Eelco Hillenius schrieb:

Yeah, use markup inheritance. See wicket-examples,, the test cases and
there's probably something about it on the WIKI.

Of course there is :)

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Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Bruno Borges
everything is fine... just a lazy monday... ;)On 5/15/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicket
user group, and none today.Is the mailing list down?If not, have Ibeen dropped from the list?---Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo mailing Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

[Wicket-user] Estonian translation for and more

2006-05-16 Thread Alvar Lumberg


perhaps it would be more suited for devel list, but since I'm not one
of the developers..

Anyway, there seems to be a typo in EVERY file
of 1.2-rc3:

StringValidator.minimum='${input}' must be at least ${mimimum} chars.

${miMimum} :) Although I haven't been around long enough to tell a
well-planned feature from a nasty bug I dared to point it out anyway..

Description: Binary data

Re: [Wicket-user] Default Locale not working

2006-05-16 Thread Bruno Borges
Oh... O... my (big... huge) mistake... I haven't noticed that there is (for real) a setLocale(...) in wicket.Session... sorry... :DI think that this ends this thread for good... :D
On 5/12/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The locale is FIXED in the session when it is set.It is only initialized when the session is session.setLocale(userLocale) works fine.And i would make my own Session so that you don't have to do setAttribute() but just call: setUser(user)
johanOn 5/12/06, Bruno Borges 
Eelco, the problem I listed in my previous email was that it is kind of impossible to create a Session object passing some User info to ISessionFactory.Let's say we have something like this:class CustomForm ... {
 void onSubmit() { User u = (User) getModelObject(); SomeServiceFromIoC service = ... service.authenticate(u); ... // ok, user is authenticated and now can have access. lets set his session to his Locale
 Locale l = u.getUserLocale(); getSession().setFixedLocale(l); getSession().setAttribute(loggedUser, u); }If the API is going to not provide a public way to override current Session's locale, this kind of code will never be possible. And somewhere in the RequestCycle, this Locale setting must be checked before load any ResourceBundle.
  On 5/12/06, Eelco Hillenius 

So yeah, that's exactly my point. We should not have had that settingin the first place. The fact that you can override getLocale in acustom session object gives means you can employ any scheme you want,including returning a default one (request headers, cookies) while a
user is not logged on, and when the user is logged on, return thatone.AND as I stated, it is just wrong to have that setting as we can'tguarantee it. If you set it in your application but override getLocale
in your session, the whole setting is meaningless.So: I propose to get rid of the setting and put up a FAQ entry in theWIKI or something.EelcoOn 5/12/06, Bruno Borges 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just one question: How to authenticate an user and right after that create a session with a Locale coming from the... database, for example? Remembering that the
 ISessionFactory is called from the (Custom)WebApplication that has no knowledge about any request, login form... anything. I think that, the way to set up a default Locale only in the time the
 Session object is created, it's not good, because sometimes the Session must already exist while the User hasn't authenticated yet. If you guys think in code this feature like the way it's been proposed, there will be no way to
 inform the ISessionFactory about some things like User info at logon time. Am I wrong? On 5/11/06, Eelco Hillenius 

 wrote: I don't know. That seems to be the original idea of the default locale, though it never worked. Personally, I don't think such an option is that great. I would prefer letting you override the session
 object - you probably will do that anyway when you have to deal with things like users etc, and override the getLocale method. That's way more flexible too, as in that method you can check out the clients
 preferred locales, look up database settings and anything else you might want to do. Having just one way of doing things attracts more to me, and the convenience win is minimal for the corner case of fixing a locale for
 an application. Eelco On 5/11/06, Bruno Borges  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:  Wouldn't be useful to have a method that sets a Locale to be used, and if
  this options is setted, Wicket should ignore user's locale?On 5/11/06, Igor Vaynberg  

 no, the default locale is used when we cannot figure out what the user's  local is afaik. since the browser is sending a locale that will be used.
   -Igor   On 5/11/06, Bruno Borges 

  Shouldn't these calls override any locale the user is sending at the  request (from the browser)?   getApplicationSettings().setDefaultLocale(new
  Locale(pt, BR));getResourceSettings().setDefaultLocale(new  Locale(pt, BR));   I still get english messages, that comes from My  tought was that, overriding the default locale, I would get portuguese  messages.   Regards   

   --Bruno Borges[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Certified Java Programmer for 
1.4Sun Certified Web Component Developer for 1.4  --  Bruno Borges  

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Certified Java Programmer for 1.4  Sun Certified Web Component Developer for 1.4 ---

 Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
 Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo ___ Wicket-user 

Re: [Wicket-user] wicket:pageMapName ?

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
this happens if youre bookmarkable link sits in a page that is somehow gone into a pagemapThen also that bookmarkable links target page (when created must go in that pagemap)there is in 1.2 no other way. after 1.2 we hope to improve serverside state and maybe do clientside state
then it is all not that importand and pagemaps could go away.johanOn 5/15/06, nato [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:what is wicket:pageMapName page parameter and why do some of my bookmarkable page link have this and others dont? Can I, if it's ok, get rid of this?

Re: [Wicket-user] Sessions?

2006-05-16 Thread Maurice Marrink

The wicket way of storing objects in your session is by extending the
wicket session. For example if you want to store somekind of User
object in your session, you would create a getter and setter for it in
your custom wicket session.
For wicket to work with your custom session you should either
overwrite newSession() in WebApplication or provide your own


On 5/16/06, Nino Wael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have an object I would like to have stored in session, so that I may pass
it between pages. I've been looking at some sniplets and created this code
for setting the object:

HttpServletRequest request =

request.setAttribute(here, Hello world);

I am setting the value on the base of a panel which holds a button that
contains the below code in a onsubmit override.

And this piece for getting the value:

HttpServletRequest request = ((WebRequest)

String Message = (String) request.getAttribute(here);


I am getting the value on a onsubmit of a button.

However my String(message) are null how can that be, does it have something
to do with the scope?? If I paste the getting code in the same place as my
setting code it works just fine.

I do also feel that this is not 100% the wicket way to do it, so I must have
overlooked the better way?

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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Ittay Dror

Johan Compagner wrote:

did you aks that same question 2 days ago and i also replied on it:

sorry, there was probably something wrong with the lists, as i didn't see my 
post nor your reply

if a http session gets expired then pages are expired there is no way 
around that.
Or you have to use your own cookies to build the wicket session and 
store pages somewhere else.

If you don't specify a homepage in youre application then you must 
override the expired page
else you will get the underlying error. Because by default the expired 
page will try to make a alink

to the homepage.

for 2.0 we are planning to have BookmarkableForms (or how it is called 
implemented) for now you can


do that by making forms do the submit to a Bookmarkable url. Then if 
they submit the page will be created again.

hmm, can you explain more? the class Form uses some encoding of a listener when 
it renders the action part. should i just override that?


On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web
server, and then submit the page, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for bookmarkable link
cannot be null
   at wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink(

   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
   at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage


this is because there's no home page for the application. in my
scenario, i can't use one.

my question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired?


Ittay Dror
Chief architect, openQRM TL,
RD, Qlusters Inc.
+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
- Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running

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job easier
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Wicket-user mailing list

Ittay Dror, 
Chief architect, openQRM TL, 
RD, Qlusters Inc.

+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
- Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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[Wicket-user] Global parameters in the html markup

2006-05-16 Thread Yuri Magrisso
Hi,Is there a way to define a parameter in the HTML markup, which is not specific for a component and is replaced when the markup tree is rendered. Consider for example the following HTML:htmlheader
script src="" ... /link href="" ... //headerbody table trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text A/td/tr
 trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text B/td/tr trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text C/td/tr
  /table/body/htmlI want to be able to replace ${basep} without declaring a component. In the given example it seams better to just declare a component inside a repeater, but In more complex scenarios where the same text (base path) is repeated across variety of tags, which are not repetitive it seams simpler to just declare a markup variable and have it replaced without writing / declaring componets just for the purpose.

Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
if a http session gets expired then pages are expired there is no way around that.Or you have to use your own cookies to build the wicket session and store pages somewhere else.If you don't specify a homepage in youre application then you must override the expired page
else you will get the underlying error. Because by default the expired page will try to make a alinkto the homepage.for 2.0 we are planning to have BookmarkableForms (or how it is called implemented) for now you can
do that by making forms do the submit to a Bookmarkable url. Then if they submit the page will be created again.johanOn 5/14/06, Ittay Dror
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web server, and then submit the page, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for bookmarkable link cannot be null at at
.init( at wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink( at wicket.markup.html.pages.PageExpiredErrorPage.init( at 
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( at java.lang.Class.newInstance0( at java.lang.Class.newInstance( at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage
( at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage( at com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage( at com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage
( at at
( at at wicket.request.compound.DefaultEventProcessorStrategy.processEvents
( at wicket.request.compound.AbstractCompoundRequestCycleProcessor.processEvents( is because there's no home page for the application. in my scenario, i can't use one.
my question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired?thanks,ittay--===Ittay DrorChief architect, openQRM TL,RD, Qlusters Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841 Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running
---Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server 
v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
___Wicket-user mailing

[Wicket-user] Wicket-spring-example 1.2rc3

2006-05-16 Thread wicketeer

Is this broken?  I downloaded and tried to build the war file but the
build.xml is not configured properly.  Some of the directory settings in the
build.xml were not defined properly, but when fixed, the war file seems
incomplete (i.e. the web application will not run).

How do you get it to work properly?  I really would like to know how to
integrate wicket with spring and having a working example is helpful.

Thank you.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Wicket - User forum at

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Re: [Wicket-user] Sessions?

2006-05-16 Thread Martijn Dashorst
Add the property to your custom Session object.public class MySession extends WebSession { private String myAttribute; // ... getters and setters}and override either of the following methods on your Application class:
 /** * @see wicket.Application#getSessionFactory() */ protected ISessionFactory getSessionFactory() {  return this.sessionFactory; }  /** * Create new Wicket Session object. Note, this method is not called
 * if you registered your own ISessionFactory with the Application. *  * @see wicket.ISessionFactory#newSession() */ public Session newSession() {  return new WebSession(
WebApplication.this); }MartijnOn 5/16/06, Nino Wael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have an object I would like to have stored in
session, so that I may pass it between pages. I've been looking at some
sniplets and created this code for setting the object:

request = ((WebRequest)RequestCycle.get().getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest(); 

Hello world);

I am setting the value on the base of a panel which
holds a button that contains the below code in a onsubmit override.

And this piece for getting the value:

request = ((WebRequest) RequestCycle.get().getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest();

Message = (String) request.getAttribute(here);


I am getting the value on a onsubmit of a button.

However my String(message) are null how can that be,
does it have something to do with the scope?? If I paste the getting code in
the same place as my setting code it works just fine.

I do also feel that this is not 100% the wicket way
to do it, so I must have overlooked the better way?

-- Wicket 1.2 is coming! Write Ajax applications without touching _javascript_!--

Re: [Wicket-user] Mounted pages and page parameters

2006-05-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
what version are you working with? i think all our strategies merge the query string parameters with any others passed in via an encoded way such as /paramname/paramvaluethe reason for the / encoding is that our users wanted crawler safe urls, and a url
/catalog/productid/15 is more crawler friendly then /catalog?productid=15so by default we encode parameters into the folder structure, but you can change this by mounting with QueryStringUrlCodingStrategy instead.
pawswicket:bookmarkablePage=:secondStep.DSRFormPagetsrNum=VA10JAN065000paws/EditDSR?tsrNum=VA10JAN065000that question mark toward the end is weird because it comes after , is that even legal?
-IgorOn 5/15/06, Lusebrink, Scott E CTR DISA GIG-CS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

page parameters are not behaving similar when using a mounted path versus the bookmarkable page url
mounting a page to a url should not affect how parameters are passed in

these 2 urls should both pass in the tsrNum parameter

the second one does not pass the param in. through tracing the code i found that it expects

splitting the parameters with a / makes no sense to me, but if there is some reason for it then passing parameters in the traditional way should still work.

the code that specifically looks for a / and returns an empty map otherwise is in

please change this before the official 1.2 release


[Wicket-user] AjaxSubmitButton Help

2006-05-16 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
I am tryin to setVisible(false) to an AjaxSubmitButton as soon as the request is over using the same AjaxRequestTarget from the AjaxSubmitButton onSubmit call but it dint work. how du i do this? it worked for other form components except the AjaxSubmitButton

[Wicket-user] Re: AjaxSubmitButton Help

2006-05-16 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi worked afterall...nicefinal AjaxSubmitButton ajx = new AjaxSubmitButton(asubmit,f) {
 protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form) {
 setVisible(false); target.addComponent(this);
 }; ajx.setOutputMarkupId(true);
On 5/16/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am tryin to setVisible(false) to an AjaxSubmitButton as soon as the request is over using the same AjaxRequestTarget from the AjaxSubmitButton onSubmit call but it dint work. how du i do this? it worked for other form components except the AjaxSubmitButton

Re: [Wicket-user] Sessions?

2006-05-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg

request = ((WebRequest)RequestCycle.get().getRequest()).getHttpServletRequest(); 

Hello world);this is wrong because you are storing the information in request scope whose lifetime is only of a single request. like maurice mentioned what you need to do is store in the session scope.

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Vincent Jenks

I don't think so...unless we've both been dropped.  I've seen maybe
five posts here all day.

On 5/15/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicket
user group, and none today.  Is the mailing list down?  If not, have I
been dropped from the list?

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Re: [Wicket-user] Custom component inheritance

2006-05-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
without wicket:child how do you tell wicket where in the markup to insert this new textfield?-IgorOn 5/13/06, Johan Compagner 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:but you did say that you want to add/customize the output by adding a textfield to it.
That seems to me like inheritance.johanOn 5/13/06, smallufo
Yes , I thought of markup inheritance before.
But I feel it doesn't meet my requirement.It seems that in 'markup inheritence' , parent markup knows it will be inherited , so it will insert wicket:child/ in 
parent.htmlBut in my requirement , parent component doesn't know it will be inherited , this is the difference...2006/5/13, Johan Compagner 

use markup inheritance for this. As far as i know this should work for panels also
johanOn 5/13/06, smallufo 

HiI have a custom component (form) that extends PanelI want to extend my custom panel and add some field and overide the onSubmit() method.But I found I have to duplicate the whole HTML content.I feel this will increase the complexity of future maintaince.
Is there a better way to handle this ?

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Gwyn Evans

Yes, I've got the same thing happening here


On 16/05/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

yeah and now i am getting new mails and 4 day old mails all together.
And some i still don't see comming in that i did send.
So sourceforge is a bit sick again at the moment.


 On 5/16/06, Vincent Jenks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't think so...unless we've both been dropped.  I've seen maybe
 five posts here all day.

 On 5/15/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicket
  user group, and none today.  Is the mailing list down?  If not, have I
  been dropped from the list?
  Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services,
  Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job
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  Wicket-user mailing list

 Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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 Wicket-user mailing list

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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Wicket-user mailing list

[Wicket-user] validation

2006-05-16 Thread Vincent Jenks

Is there a good breakdown of how to use the validation classes
anywhere?  I see an example of RequiredValidator in the wiki but none
of the others.

Since RequiredValidator is depreciated and we need more control
anyhow, we're looking at using some of the others.  I can get them to
*work* somewhat...but am having some problems.

Are the .properties files still used for validation messages?  How
should I prevent Exceptions when using the NumberValidator?  I guess
the javadoc is not quite enough for me in this case.

I'd be happy to add to the wiki if I knew some details on this.



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Fwd: [Wicket-user] Re: Problem loading DatePicker inside Panel through AjaxLink

2006-05-16 Thread Bruno Borges
Looks like this last message I sent didn't reach the mailing list. Sending again... :P-- Forwarded message --From: Bruno Borges 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: May 12, 2006 11:34 AMSubject: Re: [Wicket-user] Re: Problem loading DatePicker inside Panel through AjaxLinkTo:
I just had an idea: how about require the programmer to inform the current page instance to register all Ajax components he pretends to use, _before_ using them? This way the Ajax component could return to the page everything it's going to need and then the page can load .js, .css, whatever in the head section.
Like this: class SomePage extends WebPage() { constructor {

 registerComponentHead(((Component) new DatePicker()).getContributedHead());

 AjaxLink a = new AjaxLink() { event {
 Panel p = new SomePanelWithDatePicker();
  // replace and add panel 'p' }

 } }And at Component class, we could encapsulate Head in another class, and make that method 
getContributedHead returning Head[].A Head instance must have information about _javascript_s and other resources/meta info, that can only be useful at head section.

I know this sounds a little strange, because the possibility of adding panels through reflection (coming from the database maybe?) but the programmer must be careful anyway. But I think that this is the mostly clean way. :)
What you guys think?On 5/9/06, Igor Vaynberg 
well, my concern is to make this automatic.for example:when a component contributes scriptfunc whatever() { }/script through wicket:head that contribution needs to magically merge.

or when a component contributes stylea { color:red; }/style that also has to magically get mergedbut from what i have seen there is no way to do that, you first have to transform these kinds of outputs into a more dynamic version that can then be merged using _javascript_, etc...which is a huge pain.
im not sure how to proceed at all.-IgorOn 5/9/06, 
Rüdiger Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello Igornot sure how iframes behave here, but it is possible to call_javascript_ functions in one frame, which is defined in another frame,
which then again can do anything with the calling frame. Done this acouple of years ago (when frames where still en vogue ;), but as itturned out, nothing like that will be necessary to solve our problemhere :-)
--greetings from Berlin,Rüdiger SchulzIgor Vaynberg wrote on 04.05.2006 at 19:28: i guess there can be a hidden iframe, but then the loaded js will not be part of the page because frames are isolated, no?
 -Igor On 5/4/06, Rüdiger Schulz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: in that case i dont see how you can ever make this work in xhtml
 unless you refresh the entire page.
 A twisted solution using an invisible frame loading only JS comes to mind ;-) - Rüdiger --- Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
 Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo kid0709 bid 3057 dat1642 ___ Wicket-user mailing list

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
Wicket-user mailing

-- Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

-- Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
What you could do is is something like this:override onComponentTag of Formdo the super calland then do this:tag.put(action, abookmarkableurl);and then that bookmarkable url will be pointing to a page. That handles the form submit.
johanOn 5/16/06, Ittay Dror [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Johan Compagner wrote: did you aks that same question 2 days ago and i also replied on it:sorry, there was probably something wrong with the lists, as i didn't see my post nor your reply
  if a http session gets expired then pages are expired there is no way around that. Or you have to use your own cookies to build the wicket session and store pages somewhere else.
 If you don't specify a homepage in youre application then you must override the expired page else you will get the underlying error. Because by default the expired page will try to make a alink
 to the homepage. for 2.0 we are planning to have BookmarkableForms (or how it is called implemented) for now you cancool! do that by making forms do the submit to a Bookmarkable url. Then if
 they submit the page will be created again.hmm, can you explain more? the class Form uses some encoding of a listener when it renders the action part. should i just override that? 
 johan On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web server, and then submit the page, i get an exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for bookmarkable link
 cannot be nullat .init( wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink( wicket.markup.html.pages.PageExpiredErrorPage.init(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance ( java.lang.Class.newInstance0( java.lang.Class.newInstance(
 wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage( wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage ( com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage
( com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage(
 ( ( wicket.request.compound.DefaultEventProcessorStrategy.processEvents
( wicket.request.compound.AbstractCompoundRequestCycleProcessor.processEvents (
 this is because there's no home page for the application. in my scenario, i can't use one. my question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired? thanks,
 ittay -- === Ittay Dror Chief architect, openQRM TL, RD, Qlusters Inc. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
 - Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running --- Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services,
 security? Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo ___ Wicket-user mailing list Dror,Chief architect, openQRM TL,RD, Qlusters Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841 Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running---
Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
Wicket-user mailing listWicket-user@lists.sourceforge.net

[Wicket-user] wicket bench 0.2.9

2006-05-16 Thread Joni Suominen
0.2.9 version of eclipse plugin is available at

New features/improvements:

* Quick fixes
* Wizard to create WebPage
* Integration of Wicket's markup parser
* Improved Selenium integration by using Selenium remote control 0.7


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Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Timo Stamm

Ittay Dror schrieb:

how can i tell if a Page is bookmarkable or not?

No constructor args or PageParameters as constructor arg - bookmarkable


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[Wicket-user] How Wicket handle missing resources?

2006-05-16 Thread Bruno Borges
How Wicket will handle if I have a html withdiv wicket:id=newsPanelHere comes the News Panel/divBut there's no Panel(newsPanel) object?
I know that with default's configuration, it will throw an exception, but if I setIResourceSettings.useDefaultOnMissingResource(true);What will happen? Will the div still be printed out or will Wicket leave it in there? 
If it will leave it (probably yes, because Wicket's not  going to modify the html structure) how can I prevent to not scramble with my layout? (let's say, a userProfile panel in the front page, and the user is not logged in yet)
Thanks-- Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
pingOn 5/15/06, Mark Derricutt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 5/16/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicketuser group, and none today.Is the mailing list down?If not, have Ibeen dropped from the list?Seems to be working fine - maybe we all had a week of no-problems, or a week of too-many-problems to find time to post :P(

Re: [Wicket-user] Global parameters in the html markup

2006-05-16 Thread Yuri Magrisso
On 5/16/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
what is by the way ${basep} ?that looks like the context path of the app. I was thinking about the context path. I can think of other use cases,
but then it may be more appropriate to just modify attributes.This is already done by wicket.
Thanks - I'll check it out.johan
On 5/15/06, Yuri Magrisso
Thanks for the answers!
Filters seem to be exaclty what I had in mind. Do you know how can I register a custom filter? Looks like I have to use MarkupParser.appendMarkupFilter, but how do I get the markup parser?

YuriOn 5/15/06, Johan Compagner 

you could also use a Filter for that to find replace stuff.johanOn 5/15/06, 
 wrote:I don't think wicket has support for what you are asking for, but I can think in one possibility which is the use of Velocity to pre-render the html before wicket. 
On 5/14/06, 
Yuri Magrisso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi,Is there a way to define a parameter in the HTML markup, which is not specific for a component and is replaced when the markup tree is rendered. Consider for example the following HTML:html
script src="" ... /link href="" ... //headerbody table trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text A/td/tr
 trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text B/td/tr trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text C/td/tr
  /table/body/htmlI want to be able to replace ${basep} without declaring a component. In the given example it seams better to just declare a component inside a repeater, but In more complex scenarios where the same text (base path) is repeated across variety of tags, which are not repetitive it seams simpler to just declare a markup variable and have it replaced without writing / declaring componets just for the purpose.

-- Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Mark Derricutt
On 5/16/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicketuser group, and none today.Is the mailing list down?If not, have Ibeen dropped from the list?Seems to be working fine - maybe we all had a week of no-problems, or a week of too-many-problems to find time to post :P(

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Martijn Dashorst
It has just been a slow weekend I guess.MartijnOn 5/16/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicket
user group, and none today.Is the mailing list down?If not, have Ibeen dropped from the list?---Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easierDownload IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo mailing Wicket 1.2 is coming! Write Ajax applications without touching _javascript_!

Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Ittay Dror

great. thanx.

Johan Compagner wrote:

if it has one of the following constructors:

default: ()
pageparameters: (PageParameters params)

and you need ofcourse the second because else you can't get the form values.


On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

how can i tell if a Page is bookmarkable or not?

Johan Compagner wrote:
  What you could do is is something like this:
  override onComponentTag of Form
  do the super call
  and then do this:
  tag.put(action, abookmarkableurl);
  and then that bookmarkable url will be pointing to a page. That
  the form submit.
  On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Johan Compagner wrote:
did you aks that same question 2 days ago and i also
replied on it:
  sorry, there was probably something wrong with the lists, as i
  didn't see my post nor your reply

if a http session gets expired then pages are expired
there is no way
around that.
Or you have to use your own cookies to build the wicket
session and
store pages somewhere else.
If you don't specify a homepage in youre application then
you must
override the expired page
else you will get the underlying error. Because by default
page will try to make a alink
to the homepage.
for 2.0 we are planning to have BookmarkableForms (or how
it is
implemented) for now you can
do that by making forms do the submit to a Bookmarkable
url. Then if
they submit the page will be created again.
  hmm, can you explain more? the class Form uses some encoding of a
  listener when it renders the action part. should i just
override that?

On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch
the web
server, and then submit the page, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for
  bookmarkable link
cannot be null


   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance
  ( :494)
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
   at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage




( :204)


this is because there's no home page for the
application. in my

Re: [Wicket-user] Wizard's Confirmation Page

2006-05-16 Thread Eelco Hillenius

Please take a look at the wizard example in wizard-examples.
Basically, it works just like any other form/ panel, so you can use
whatever tricks you want.


On 5/16/06, Michael K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I 've been playing with the latest Wizard example this morning as well as
wicket-extensions-1.2-rc4, I come across couple of questions:
1. How can I 'manipulate' model's value before being rendered within
confirmation page? For example I want to set Firstname to 'Not available'
whenever the model is null instead of default to 'blank'
2. Still on the confirmation page, Can I render .html and populate those
value into table cell instead of using StringResourceModel?

Please advise.


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Wicket-user mailing list

[Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Ittay Dror

if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web server, and then 
submit the page, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for bookmarkable link cannot be 
   at wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink(
   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
   at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage(
   at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage(
   at com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage(
   at com.qlusters.qrm.web.wicket.WebPageFactory.newPage(

this is because there's no home page for the application. in my scenario, i 
can't use one.

my question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired? 


Ittay Dror 
Chief architect, openQRM TL, 
RD, Qlusters Inc.

+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
- Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Ittay Dror

how can i tell if a Page is bookmarkable or not?

Johan Compagner wrote:

What you could do is is something like this:

override onComponentTag of Form
do the super call
and then do this:

tag.put(action, abookmarkableurl);

and then that bookmarkable url will be pointing to a page. That handles 
the form submit.


On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Johan Compagner wrote:
  did you aks that same question 2 days ago and i also replied on it:

sorry, there was probably something wrong with the lists, as i
didn't see my post nor your reply

  if a http session gets expired then pages are expired there is no way
  around that.
  Or you have to use your own cookies to build the wicket session and
  store pages somewhere else.
  If you don't specify a homepage in youre application then you must
  override the expired page
  else you will get the underlying error. Because by default the
  page will try to make a alink
  to the homepage.
  for 2.0 we are planning to have BookmarkableForms (or how it is
  implemented) for now you can


  do that by making forms do the submit to a Bookmarkable url. Then if
  they submit the page will be created again.

hmm, can you explain more? the class Form uses some encoding of a
listener when it renders the action part. should i just override that?

  On 5/16/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web
  server, and then submit the page, i get an exception:
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for
bookmarkable link
  cannot be null

 at wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink(

 at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance
 at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
 at java.lang.Class.newInstance(

 at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage






  this is because there's no home page for the application. in my
  scenario, i can't use one.
  my question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired?
  Ittay Dror
  Chief architect, openQRM TL,
  RD, Qlusters Inc.
  +972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
  - Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running
  Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services,
  Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make
  job easier
  Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
pong after 14 hoursOn 5/16/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
pingOn 5/15/06, Mark Derricutt 
On 5/16/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicketuser group, and none today.Is the mailing list down?If not, have Ibeen dropped from the list?Seems to be working fine - maybe we all had a week of no-problems, or a week of too-many-problems to find time to post :P(

Re: [Wicket-user] Ajax Panel Include

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
then we really should fix it! :)IGOR!! come on fix it!johanOn 5/12/06, Martijn Dashorst 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This is a problem facing all developers of Ajax components. Read a similar discussion here:
MartijnOn 5/12/06, Samyem Tuladhar 
When I include a panel into a page after the page has been loaded through ajax, I do not get the content defined in the wicket:head. How do I access the head of the panel so that I can dynamically load them through ajax once the page has been on the browser?

-- Wicket 1.2 is coming! Write Ajax applications without touching _javascript_!--

Re: [Wicket-user] Custom component inheritance

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
but you did say that you want to add/customize the output by adding a textfield to it.That seems to me like inheritance.johanOn 5/13/06, smallufo
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Yes , I thought of markup inheritance before.
But I feel it doesn't meet my requirement.It seems that in 'markup inheritence' , parent markup knows it will be inherited , so it will insert wicket:child/ in 
parent.htmlBut in my requirement , parent component doesn't know it will be inherited , this is the difference...2006/5/13, Johan Compagner 

use markup inheritance for this. As far as i know this should work for panels also
johanOn 5/13/06, smallufo 

HiI have a custom component (form) that extends PanelI want to extend my custom panel and add some field and overide the onSubmit() method.But I found I have to duplicate the whole HTML content.I feel this will increase the complexity of future maintaince.
Is there a better way to handle this ?

[Wicket-user] Mounted pages and page parameters

2006-05-16 Thread Lusebrink, Scott E CTR DISA GIG-CS
Title: Mounted pages and page parameters

page parameters are not behaving similar when using a mounted path versus the bookmarkable page url
mounting a page to a url should not affect how parameters are passed in

these 2 urls should both pass in the tsrNum parameter

the second one does not pass the param in. through tracing the code i found that it expects

splitting the parameters with a / makes no sense to me, but if there is some reason for it then passing parameters in the traditional way should still work.

the code that specifically looks for a / and returns an empty map otherwise is in

please change this before the official 1.2 release


Re: [Wicket-user] URL redirect

2006-05-16 Thread Timo Stamm


you are using a proxy, right?

If you enter


in the browser, wicket redirects to


But with the proxy in between, the browser is redirected to


I have experienced this problem with mod_prox, and I don't have a 
solution. I hope to be able to fix it when going to 1.2. which seems 
allows more control over URLs.

IMHO wicket should allow full control over rendering of URLs and never 
rely on the servlet container to complete redirect URLs. This would make 
working with proxies a lot easier.


Tom S. schrieb:

Why should it redirect to /foo/

Because I've entered /foo/ and a typical plain-html-webserver redirects 
to /foo/index.html.

You can do that if you mount bookmarkable pages i guess.

I have no clue, how to do that, esp. with the home page.

What kind of resource is not found?
Can you give an example?

I've tried to sketch that in my original posting. Sorry, if it wasn't 
clear enough. I'll try with different wordings:

I enter the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/ in the browser. My Index.html 
(and the page content ariving my browser) contains a graphic reference 
to graphics/logo.png (it is found and displayed correctly when I enter 
the URL http://localhost:8080/foo/graphics/logo.png). Since the 
wicket-servlet obviously is redirecting to 
http://localhost:8080/foo?page=0, the browser obviously expects the 
graphic to be at http://localhost:8080/graphics/logo.png (note the 
missing /foo after the port!).


Johan Compagner wrote:

Why should it redirect to /foo/
You can do that if you mount bookmarkable pages i guess.

What kind of resource is not found?
Can you give an example?


On 2/14/06, *Thomas Singer* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  does this clear things up?

No, not really.

  it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html
matches the /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/*
mapping will match /foo/index.html fragment of the url.

This fully is clear, but why http://localhost/foo?page=0 is 
processed by

the /foo/*-mapping? And why does the wicket-servlet redirects to
http://localhost/foo?page=0 and not to http://localhost/foo/

I'll ask these things, because this might be the problem why my 

(graphics) cannot not be found.


Igor Vaynberg wrote:
  it processes because the url http://localhost/foo/index.html
matches the
  /foo/* mapping. see the /foo/ in the url, the /foo/* mapping will
  /foo/index.html fragment of the url.
  i am assuming you are deploying the wicket app in the root
context, so
  users should really be starting at http://localhost/index.html
  when your users hit http://localhost/foo/ it will be processed 
by the

  wicket servlet. since no page is specified the homepage will be
  does this clear things up?
  On 2/14/06, *Tom S.* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Igor,
  I meant something different. What happens, when the user
enters the URL
  http://localhost/foo/ in its browser? I guess, this address
is sent to
  the web server. If it is a passive one, it might redirect the
  browser to
  http://localhost/foo/index.html (note, the directory is the
same). But
  the wicket-servlet tells the browser to try it again at
  http://localhost/foo?page=0 (which is a different directory).
Is this
  correct so far?
  Just curious, why does the wicket-servlet processes this
request, when
  the servlet-mapping is set to the URL-pattern /foo/*?
  PS: Please excuse my trivial wordings, these are my first
deeper steps
  in webapp development.
  Igor Vaynberg wrote:
you should put index.html in your context root and have a
to /foo inside
something like this:
meta http-equiv=Refresh content=0; url=foo
On 2/13/06, *Tom S.*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
OK, I now can read my html files from a different
location. But I
still have
a serious problem with resources ( e.g. graphics). The

Re: [Wicket-user] Default Locale not working

2006-05-16 Thread Johan Compagner
There will be already a Wicket Session yes.But if you login then do session.setUser(user) and session.setLocale(databaseUserLocale)that should work fine. Is that a problem?
On 5/12/06, Bruno Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just one question:How to authenticate an user and right after that create a session with a Locale coming from the... database, for example? Remembering that the ISessionFactory is called from the (Custom)WebApplication that has no knowledge about any request, login form... anything.
I think that, the way to set up a default Locale only in the time the Session object is created, it's not good, because sometimes the Session must already exist while the User hasn't authenticated yet. If you guys think in code this feature like the way it's been proposed, there will be no way to inform the ISessionFactory about some things like User info at logon time. 
Am I wrong?On 5/11/06, Eelco Hillenius 

I don't know. That seems to be the original idea of the defaultlocale, though it never worked. Personally, I don't think such anoption is that great. I would prefer letting you override the sessionobject - you probably will do that anyway when you have to deal with
things like users etc, and override the getLocale method. That's waymore flexible too, as in that method you can check out the clientspreferred locales, look up database settings and anything else youmight want to do.
Having just one way of doing things attracts more to me, and theconvenience win is minimal for the corner case of fixing a locale foran application.EelcoOn 5/11/06, Bruno Borges 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Wouldn't be useful to have a method that sets a Locale to be used, and if this options is setted, Wicket should ignore user's locale? On 5/11/06, Igor Vaynberg 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   no, the default locale is used when we cannot figure out what the user's
 local is afaik. since the browser is sending a locale that will be used.
-Igor  On 5/11/06, Bruno Borges 
 Shouldn't these calls override any locale the user is sending at the request (from the browser)? getApplicationSettings().setDefaultLocale(new
 Locale(pt, BR));   getResourceSettings().setDefaultLocale(new Locale(pt, BR)); I still get english messages, that comes from My tought was that, overriding the default locale, I would get portuguese messages. Regards   --
   Bruno Borges   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sun Certified Java Programmer for 
1.4   Sun Certified Web Component Developer for 
1.4   -- Bruno Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sun Certified Java Programmer for 1.4 Sun Certified Web Component Developer for 
1.4---Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
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___Wicket-user mailing Bruno Borges
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sun Certified Java Programmer for 
1.4Sun Certified Web Component Developer for 1.4

Re: [Wicket-user] Global parameters in the html markup

2006-05-16 Thread Igor Vaynberg
this has been done before by users who wanted similar functionality. i believe you create a wicket tag handler that preprocesses the markup as it is loaded/cached into wicket. maybe someone who has done this can elaborate more.
-IgorOn 5/14/06, Bruno Borges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't think wicket has support for what you are asking for, but I can think in one possibility which is the use of Velocity to pre-render the html before wicket. On 5/14/06, 
Yuri Magrisso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi,Is there a way to define a parameter in the HTML markup, which is not specific for a component and is replaced when the markup tree is rendered. Consider for example the following HTML:html
script src="" ... /link href="" ... //headerbody table trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text A/td/tr
 trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text B/td/tr trtdimg src="" //tdtdSome Text C/td/tr
  /table/body/htmlI want to be able to replace ${basep} without declaring a component. In the given example it seams better to just declare a component inside a repeater, but In more complex scenarios where the same text (base path) is repeated across variety of tags, which are not repetitive it seams simpler to just declare a markup variable and have it replaced without writing / declaring componets just for the purpose.

-- Bruno BorgesSumma Technologies

[Wicket-user] Wicket 1.2-rc4 available

2006-05-16 Thread Martijn Dashorst
Wicket 1.2-rc4 available

	project has released the fourth release candidate of the
	1.2 effort. We expect this to be the final candidate and
	if no serious bugs are found we will release 1.2 final
	later this week.

	This is our fourth release candidate of the Wicket 1.2
	version. Major features of Wicket 1.2 include:

		Native, cross-platform AJAX support: use AJAX
		without having to write a single line of
		_javascript_. Wicket's AJAX cross-platform
			have been rated 'A'
		Render multiple components in one AJAX call,
		where each component can occupy any part of the
		Improved markup inheritance: panels, pages,
		header contributions
		Improved and simplified internationalization
		(i18n) support, using wicket:message,
		better resource bundle lookup strategy
		Multiple form component validation, validate two
		or more fields that are related
		Improved form handling: clear form validation
		workflow that allows you to much easier defined
		required and type conversion attributes of a
		form component
	Nice URL support through URL mountingMarkup fragments (inline panels)
		Improved performance by replacing OGNL with our
		own object graph language parser
		Response filter support, added ServerTime and
		ServerClientTime filters
		Reloading of resource bundles in development
		Improved unit test support for your Wicket
		components and pages through the WicketTester,
		create unittests that run outside the container.
		Out-of-the-box AJAX components: paging
		navigator, link with fallback, auto-updater,
		AJAX form, AJAX submit buttons, etc.
		Improved authorization and authentication
		support, giving you the power to specify
		authorization at the component level. An example
		project featuring a role based, annotation
		framework is now part of the standard
		Spring support for injecting your business logic
		into your web pages in a non-intrusive manner,
		while still being able to use the convenient
		Wicket idiom for creating pages (using the Java
		Improved settings system: settings are now
		partitioned into logical groupings to make them
		easier to find
	Numerous bug fixes and minor improvements

	The upcoming final Wicket 1.2 release will be a
	major landmark in the history of Wicket and is
	highly anticipated.

	We have tried to keep API changes to a minimum, but
	had to change and remove some methods and classes.
	Wicket 1.2 will not be a drop-in replacement, though
	most of your application's pages and components
	should not be affected. There is a migration guide
	available on our wiki:

		Migrating to Wicket 1.2

	This is the fourth release candidate. All our unit tests
	work and we have fixed numerous bugs in the last weeks. We
	expect this release to become the final release candidate,
	and hope no big issues will surface. Please help us iron 
	out the last bugs by downloading and testing this release 
-- Wicket 1.2 is coming! Write Ajax applications without touching _javascript_!--

[Wicket-user] Google Web Toolkit integration ?

2006-05-16 Thread smallufo

Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language
released on 5/16/2006

It seems powerful and slick

Anybody has any idea to integrate it to wicket ?

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Re: [Wicket-user] stale session on form submit

2006-05-16 Thread Ittay Dror

i have an existing application built with struts, the wicket pages are (for 
now) embedded in other pages as tabs. so when the user first hits the 
application he gets a struts homepage.

Igor Vaynberg wrote:
what do you mean there is no homepage? it is a page that the user comes 
to the first time they hit an application.


On 5/15/06, *Ittay Dror* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if i have a page loaded in the browser and i relaunch the web
server, and then submit the page, i get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page class for bookmarkable link
cannot be null
   at wicket.markup.html.WebPage.homePageLink(

   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance (
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
   at wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory.newPage


this is because there's no home page for the application. in my
scenario, i can't use one.

my question is, is there a way for a page not to be expired?


Ittay Dror
Chief architect, openQRM TL,
RD, Qlusters Inc.
+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
- Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services,
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your
job easier
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Wicket-user mailing list

Ittay Dror, 
Chief architect, openQRM TL, 
RD, Qlusters Inc.

+972-3-6081994 Fax: +972-3-6081841
- Keeps your Data-Center Up and Running

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Free Maven2 book

2006-05-16 Thread Alvar Lumberg

OK, so don't be too mad if my Estonian files
finally arrive in two copies :P

On 5/16/06, Gwyn Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, I've got the same thing happening here


On 16/05/06, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yeah and now i am getting new mails and 4 day old mails all together.
 And some i still don't see comming in that i did send.
 So sourceforge is a bit sick again at the moment.


  On 5/16/06, Vincent Jenks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't think so...unless we've both been dropped.  I've seen maybe
  five posts here all day.
  On 5/15/06, Frank Silbermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I received an unusually low number of posts this weekend from the Wicket
   user group, and none today.  Is the mailing list down?  If not, have I
   been dropped from the list?
   Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services,
   Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job
   Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache
   Wicket-user mailing list
  Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
  Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job
  Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo
  Wicket-user mailing list

Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
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Wicket-user mailing list

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Wicket-user mailing list