Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-05 Thread Leszek Gawron
igor.vaynberg wrote:
 if you want to use straight jdbc that should be easy. what you need is a
 connection pool - there is one in apache commons.
 you store the connection pool reference in your Application subclass.
 whether you create it there or pull it out of jndi is up to you.
 then you subclass requestcycle and do something like this - if you want a
 transaction-per-request which is a common pattern for webapps
 class JdbcRequestCycle extends WebRequestCycle {
   private Connection connection;
   public Connection getConnection() {
   if (connection==null) {
// configure connection
   return connection;
public void onEndRequest() {
  if (connection!=null) {
 // TODO return the connection to the pool here
you should probably connection.close() here

public void onRuntimeException() {
   if (connection!=null) {
and connection.rollback() here...

// TODO return the connection to the pool here
and close()


Leszek Gawron

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[Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-03 Thread Anders Peterson
JPA, Hibernate and other tools like that seem to (desperately) try to 
hide the fact that there is an rdbms underneath. Did anyone here try not 
having one...


Korbinian Bachl wrote:
 Hi All,
 since im working now several days with NB and JPA1.0 i think i can give 
 some hints.:
 First: DONT USE NB 5.5 BETA 1 or 2, use the DEV daily build instead ! - 
 best the one from 29 09 2006 or 30 09 2006, as the Beta's have problems 
 in creating entitys from DB in case of Many to Many relation and 
 additional paramters within as well as some other flaws...
 if you use the dev daily build... you will just want to forget eclipse 
 and dali ! - its so smooth, fast.. in fact, the time you need to 
 download and install the 200 MB + eclipse and plugins, youre already 
 running in NB (small 42 MB) and also have your first JPA already running..
 however, NB 5.5 has 1 big flaw: the java editor... compared to eclipse 
 its abaout 1 year behind, very sad IMHO.
 some things you also might want to remind when working with JPA:
 - currently prefer Toplink Essentials over Hibernate, as Hibernate is 
 only RC and is very unstable
 - NB55: when entitys are created, the EJB QL will take the parameters 
 from the Java environment, not the DB, as well as vars are written in 
 lowercase even if they are uppercase in DB:
 public class Foo {
 private xxx Bar; -- even this is treated as lowercase !!!
 setBar( Bar) {} 
 getBar () {}
 - query might be: delete c from Foo c where = 'something'
 and also dont forget to use ..executeQuery() in case of bulk operations :)
 - currently PostgreSQL's serials are a problem, as they arent used by NB 
 entity creation... means much handwork.
 - NB 5.5 dev has also still not the ability to autoamticall do more than 
 1 persistence Unit, if you need more (like me) you have to edit the 
 persistence.xml by yourself
 - right click on project and Add Persistence will give you a very fast 
 start - not elegant, but hey, you see how it works
 - same is with EJB3 code for obtaining JNDI :) - ok, this is not hard, 
 but hey, most programmers are lazy...
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *Im Auftrag von
 *Ayodeji Aladejebi
 *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 27. September 2006 13:01
 *Betreff:* Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
 Why should anybody be using eclipse for JPA rather than NB5.5. Oh my
 God you cant have an idea of how much fun you are missing.
  With NB5.5 i configured and setup Persistence within my wicket
 application in minutes and my persistence is working to fine. Not
 even with the annotation support in my entity beans. i enjoyed the
 look on my teams faces.
 Once again thank you Gustavo for hinting this.
 and like igor said, i just subclassed the WebRequestCycle to
 initialize my EntityManagers and boom everything works
 Please if you are doing persistence in your wicket applications,
 give NB5.5 a try, (i am not referring to guys that can handcode the
 entire thing in emacs oh) but its just too lovely infact am stuck to
 it like ants on sugar now :)
 Infact nobody can preach eclipse to me on this...yu see in my
 country, internet access is not yet so fast so i dont have all the
 bandwidth and project time to be looking for plugin left, right and
 center...whatever works out of the box is just fine
 On 9/25/06, *Gustavo Santucho* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Then if you use eclipse you look at Dali
 I strongly recommend Netbeans for JPA development.
 For a comparison, check out
 I use JPA and both Eclipse and Netbeans on a daily basis.
 Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
 Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance
 to share your
 opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and
 earn cash
 Wicket-user mailing list
 It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me
 Aladejebi Ayodeji

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-03 Thread Korbinian Bachl
dont believe a benchmark that you haven't faked yourself 

but serious: 99% of all time you have no choice. The DB isnt part of your
app, you are forced to connect to a legacy one and personally I havent heard
of DB4O beeing as mighty as a clustered oracle wich can get up to thousands
of tables holding terabyte of data...

Also, the fact they arent showing any details of the implementantion doenst
make me believe this is to be looked at serious. Wich version of Hibernate?
How did they Batch-Queries ? What caching provider and strategy? etc, etc,

I'm currently working on a data-transfer app - transferring from a very old
legacy DB into a new one where nothing stays same and i use JPA 1.0 with
ToplinkEssentials. By just changing some things the time needed to convert
1750 things went from 7:10 min to 3:50 min. Also the getting of these 1750
entities and 3 corresponding entities each (3 x 1750) and transforming them
into a single string to print out just takes 830 ms (including the
transaction around all that) on my dev laptopt from a plain MySQL 5.0 (plain
means untweaked) DB. (the laptop is a 1,8 GHZ centrino, 1 GB RAM, running at
that time NB5.5. Dev, Some instances of firefox, DB2 v 9.1, PostgreSQL 8.0,
MySQL4.1, MySQL5.0 as well as 30 other things like outlook...)

And i also dont believe that we can get rid of RDBMs in any companie as they
have proved to be good at their work, so we will have to use ORM, no matter
if we like it or not. JPA 1.0 however is a great step towards, unifieing
(hows that written correct??) access and introducing solo-query batch
updates and deletes as well as the possibilitie to switch the implementation
from one framework (e.g.: hibernate) to another (e.g: kodo) by just changing
2 lines in persistence.xml... as well as afterward tweaking if you need so.



 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
 von Anders Peterson
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006 09:51
 Betreff: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
 JPA, Hibernate and other tools like that seem to 
 (desperately) try to hide the fact that there is an rdbms 
 underneath. Did anyone here try not having one...
 Korbinian Bachl wrote:
  Hi All,
  since im working now several days with NB and JPA1.0 i think i can 
  give some hints.:
  First: DONT USE NB 5.5 BETA 1 or 2, use the DEV daily build 
 instead ! 
  - best the one from 29 09 2006 or 30 09 2006, as the Beta's have 
  problems in creating entitys from DB in case of Many to 
 Many relation 
  and additional paramters within as well as some other flaws...
  if you use the dev daily build... you will just want to 
 forget eclipse 
  and dali ! - its so smooth, fast.. in fact, the time you need to 
  download and install the 200 MB + eclipse and plugins, 
 youre already 
  running in NB (small 42 MB) and also have your first JPA 
 already running..
  however, NB 5.5 has 1 big flaw: the java editor... compared 
 to eclipse 
  its abaout 1 year behind, very sad IMHO.
  some things you also might want to remind when working with JPA:
  - currently prefer Toplink Essentials over Hibernate, as 
 Hibernate is 
  only RC and is very unstable
  - NB55: when entitys are created, the EJB QL will take the 
  from the Java environment, not the DB, as well as vars are 
 written in 
  lowercase even if they are uppercase in DB:
  public class Foo {
  private xxx Bar; -- even this is treated as lowercase !!!
  setBar( Bar) {}
  getBar () {}
  - query might be: delete c from Foo c where = 'something'
  and also dont forget to use ..executeQuery() in case of bulk 
  operations :)
  - currently PostgreSQL's serials are a problem, as they 
 arent used by 
  NB entity creation... means much handwork.
  - NB 5.5 dev has also still not the ability to autoamticall do more 
  1 persistence Unit, if you need more (like me) you have to edit the 
  persistence.xml by yourself
  - right click on project and Add Persistence will give you a very 
  fast start - not elegant, but hey, you see how it works
  - same is with EJB3 code for obtaining JNDI :) - ok, this 
 is not hard, 
  but hey, most programmers are lazy...
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *Im 
 Auftrag von
  *Ayodeji Aladejebi
  *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 27. September 2006 13:01
  *Betreff:* Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
  Why should anybody be using eclipse for JPA rather than 
 NB5.5. Oh my
  God you cant have an idea of how much fun you are missing.
   With NB5.5 i configured and setup

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-03 Thread Anders Peterson
Ok, I wasn't suggesting that db40 actually is 55 times faster than 
Hibernate (should have linked to a different page).

When you have to connect to a legacy rdbms then using db4o is obviously 
not an option.

Say you are a Java developer working on a new application, and you don't 
know much about databases, you just need persistence. It seems JPA is, 
partly, designed for this scenario. And in this case wouldn't using, 
something like, db40 be a better alternative?


Korbinian Bachl wrote:
 dont believe a benchmark that you haven't faked yourself 
 but serious: 99% of all time you have no choice. The DB isnt part of your
 app, you are forced to connect to a legacy one and personally I havent heard
 of DB4O beeing as mighty as a clustered oracle wich can get up to thousands
 of tables holding terabyte of data...
 Also, the fact they arent showing any details of the implementantion doenst
 make me believe this is to be looked at serious. Wich version of Hibernate?
 How did they Batch-Queries ? What caching provider and strategy? etc, etc,
 I'm currently working on a data-transfer app - transferring from a very old
 legacy DB into a new one where nothing stays same and i use JPA 1.0 with
 ToplinkEssentials. By just changing some things the time needed to convert
 1750 things went from 7:10 min to 3:50 min. Also the getting of these 1750
 entities and 3 corresponding entities each (3 x 1750) and transforming them
 into a single string to print out just takes 830 ms (including the
 transaction around all that) on my dev laptopt from a plain MySQL 5.0 (plain
 means untweaked) DB. (the laptop is a 1,8 GHZ centrino, 1 GB RAM, running at
 that time NB5.5. Dev, Some instances of firefox, DB2 v 9.1, PostgreSQL 8.0,
 MySQL4.1, MySQL5.0 as well as 30 other things like outlook...)
 And i also dont believe that we can get rid of RDBMs in any companie as they
 have proved to be good at their work, so we will have to use ORM, no matter
 if we like it or not. JPA 1.0 however is a great step towards, unifieing
 (hows that written correct??) access and introducing solo-query batch
 updates and deletes as well as the possibilitie to switch the implementation
 from one framework (e.g.: hibernate) to another (e.g: kodo) by just changing
 2 lines in persistence.xml... as well as afterward tweaking if you need so.
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
 von Anders Peterson
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006 09:51
 Betreff: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

 JPA, Hibernate and other tools like that seem to 
 (desperately) try to hide the fact that there is an rdbms 
 underneath. Did anyone here try not having one...


 Korbinian Bachl wrote:
 Hi All,
 since im working now several days with NB and JPA1.0 i think i can 
 give some hints.:
 First: DONT USE NB 5.5 BETA 1 or 2, use the DEV daily build 
 instead ! 
 - best the one from 29 09 2006 or 30 09 2006, as the Beta's have 
 problems in creating entitys from DB in case of Many to 
 Many relation 
 and additional paramters within as well as some other flaws...
 if you use the dev daily build... you will just want to 
 forget eclipse 
 and dali ! - its so smooth, fast.. in fact, the time you need to 
 download and install the 200 MB + eclipse and plugins, 
 youre already 
 running in NB (small 42 MB) and also have your first JPA 
 already running..
 however, NB 5.5 has 1 big flaw: the java editor... compared 
 to eclipse 
 its abaout 1 year behind, very sad IMHO.
 some things you also might want to remind when working with JPA:
 - currently prefer Toplink Essentials over Hibernate, as 
 Hibernate is 
 only RC and is very unstable
 - NB55: when entitys are created, the EJB QL will take the 
 from the Java environment, not the DB, as well as vars are 
 written in 
 lowercase even if they are uppercase in DB:
 public class Foo {
 private xxx Bar; -- even this is treated as lowercase !!!
 setBar( Bar) {}
 getBar () {}
 - query might be: delete c from Foo c where = 'something'
 and also dont forget to use ..executeQuery() in case of bulk 
 operations :)
 - currently PostgreSQL's serials are a problem, as they 
 arent used by 
 NB entity creation... means much handwork.
 - NB 5.5 dev has also still not the ability to autoamticall do more 
 1 persistence Unit, if you need more (like me) you have to edit the 
 persistence.xml by yourself
 - right click on project and Add Persistence will give you a very 
 fast start - not elegant, but hey, you see how it works
 - same is with EJB3 code for obtaining JNDI :) - ok, this 
 is not hard, 
 but hey, most programmers are lazy...

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-03 Thread Korbinian Bachl
Hi Anders,

 Say you are a Java developer working on a new application, 
 and you don't know much about databases, you just need 
 persistence. It seems JPA is, partly, designed for this 
 scenario. And in this case wouldn't using, something like, 
 db40 be a better alternative?

well, in fact, JPA is the new way how to persist data in java (at least sun
thinks so). It is an evolution. You dont use direct JDBC/Hibernate/etc.
anymore, you use JPA. JPA is coming from EJB-world and is basically EJB3 (to
wich it belongs) but is also able to work without any container, meaning you
can just put it into your standalone java app. It is a new paradigm how to
handle data and to tread every data as object (but still having the
possibilitie to send direct calls to the DB!) 

JPA isnt a framework itself, its more a definition, you could see it as a
new Interface like JDBC, but with own query language and lots of features. 

If you use plain new schemas or parts/ whole old schemas from legacy doesnt
make a difference. It also doesnt make a difference wich DB you use, as long
as you dont use any vendor specific details. 

I worked myself through Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 from Oreilly and can
suggest this book to everyone who wants to learn more about JPA as well as

If db40 is a better alternative or not: i cant tell you as i have no
experience with it. I have some limited experience with Intersystems Cache
(also OO DB) but find its OO paradigm problematic... mostly because we have
great tools for RDBMS, most developers understand RDBMs and thinking in
tables as more common as well as the other things around a RDBMs, but this
now goes into a philosophic argumentation if OO DBs are better than RDBMs.

If you need a small or embedded DB, in my point of view, just use what you



 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag 
 von Anders Peterson
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006 11:30
 Betreff: Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
 Ok, I wasn't suggesting that db40 actually is 55 times faster 
 than Hibernate (should have linked to a different page).
 When you have to connect to a legacy rdbms then using db4o is 
 obviously not an option.
 Say you are a Java developer working on a new application, 
 and you don't know much about databases, you just need 
 persistence. It seems JPA is, partly, designed for this 
 scenario. And in this case wouldn't using, something like, 
 db40 be a better alternative?
 Korbinian Bachl wrote:
  dont believe a benchmark that you haven't faked yourself 
  but serious: 99% of all time you have no choice. The DB 
 isnt part of 
  your app, you are forced to connect to a legacy one and 
 personally I 
  havent heard of DB4O beeing as mighty as a clustered oracle 
 wich can 
  get up to thousands of tables holding terabyte of data...
  Also, the fact they arent showing any details of the 
  doenst make me believe this is to be looked at serious. 
 Wich version of Hibernate?
  How did they Batch-Queries ? What caching provider and 
 strategy? etc, 
  etc, etc.
  I'm currently working on a data-transfer app - transferring from a 
  very old legacy DB into a new one where nothing stays same 
 and i use 
  JPA 1.0 with ToplinkEssentials. By just changing some 
 things the time 
  needed to convert 1750 things went from 7:10 min to 3:50 
 min. Also the 
  getting of these 1750 entities and 3 corresponding entities 
 each (3 x 
  1750) and transforming them into a single string to print out just 
  takes 830 ms (including the transaction around all that) on my dev 
  laptopt from a plain MySQL 5.0 (plain means untweaked) DB. 
 (the laptop 
  is a 1,8 GHZ centrino, 1 GB RAM, running at that time 
 NB5.5. Dev, Some 
  instances of firefox, DB2 v 9.1, PostgreSQL 8.0, MySQL4.1, 
 MySQL5.0 as 
  well as 30 other things like outlook...)
  And i also dont believe that we can get rid of RDBMs in any 
  as they have proved to be good at their work, so we will 
 have to use 
  ORM, no matter if we like it or not. JPA 1.0 however is a 
 great step 
  towards, unifieing (hows that written correct??) access and 
  introducing solo-query batch updates and deletes as well as the 
  possibilitie to switch the implementation from one framework (e.g.: 
  hibernate) to another (e.g: kodo) by just changing
  2 lines in persistence.xml... as well as afterward tweaking 
 if you need so.
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von 
  Anders Peterson
  Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2006 09:51
  Betreff: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
  JPA, Hibernate and other tools like that seem to
  (desperately) try to hide the fact that there is an rdbms 
  Did anyone

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-10-03 Thread igor.vaynberg

if you want to use straight jdbc that should be easy. what you need is a
connection pool - there is one in apache commons.

you store the connection pool reference in your Application subclass.
whether you create it there or pull it out of jndi is up to you.

then you subclass requestcycle and do something like this - if you want a
transaction-per-request which is a common pattern for webapps

class JdbcRequestCycle extends WebRequestCycle {

  private Connection connection;

  public Connection getConnection() {
  if (connection==null) {
   // configure connection
  return connection;

   public void onEndRequest() {
 if (connection!=null) {
// TODO return the connection to the pool here

   public void onRuntimeException() {
  if (connection!=null) {
   // TODO return the connection to the pool here

and thats pretty much all you need

whenver you need a connection just call


Ayodeji Aladejebi wrote:
 Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc,
 have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database
 wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around
 database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not
 with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love thier SQL
 thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz
 hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable
 application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools
 Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at
 the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs
 enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and
 also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple
 projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which
 is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into
 where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD.
 Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket
 what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?  where should I
 store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it.
 hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?
 Thanks Wicket dads
 It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me
 Aladejebi Ayodeji A.,
 DabarObjects Solutions
 Mobile: +234 803 589 1780
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-27 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
Why should anybody be using eclipse for JPA rather than NB5.5. Oh my God you cant have an idea of how much fun you are missing.With NB5.5 i configured and setup Persistence within my wicket application in minutes and my persistence is working to fine. Not even with the annotation support in my entity beans. i enjoyed the look on my teams faces.
Once again thank you Gustavo for hinting this.and like igor said, i just subclassed the WebRequestCycle to initialize my EntityManagers and boom everything works
Please if you are doing persistence in your wicket applications, give NB5.5 a try, (i am not referring to guys that can handcode the entire thing in emacs oh) but its just too lovely infact am stuck to it like ants on sugar now :)
Infact nobody can preach eclipse to me on this...yu see in my country, internet access is not yet so fast so i dont have all the bandwidth and project time to be looking for plugin left, right and center...whatever works out of the box is just fine
On 9/25/06, Gustavo Santucho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Then if you use eclipse you look at DaliI strongly recommend Netbeans for JPA development.For a comparison, check out
I use JPA and both Eclipse and Netbeans on a daily basis.-Gustavo.-Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share youropinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash mailing It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me
Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects SolutionsEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mobile: +234 803 589 1780Web:
Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-27 Thread Korbinian Bachl

Hi All,

since im working now several days with NB and JPA1.0 i 
think i can give some hints.:

First: DONT USE NB 5.5 BETA1 or 2, use the DEV daily 
build instead ! - best the one from 29 09 2006 or 30 09 2006, as the Beta's have 
problems in creating entitys from DB in case of Many to Many relation and 
additional paramters within as well as some other flaws... 

if you use the dev daily build... you will just want to 
forget eclipse and dali ! - its so smooth, fast.. in fact, the time you need to 
download and install the 200 MB + eclipse and plugins, youre already running in 
NB (small 42 MB) and also have your first JPA already running.. 

however, NB 5.5 has 1 big flaw: the java editor... compared 
to eclipse its abaout 1 year behind, very sad IMHO. 

some things you also might want to remind when working with 
- currently prefer Toplink Essentials over Hibernate, as 
Hibernate is only RCand is very unstable 
- NB55: when entitys are created, the EJB QL will take the 
parameters from the Java environment, not the DB, as well as vars are written in 
lowercase even if they are uppercase in DB:


public class Foo {

private xxx Bar; -- even this is treated as lowercase 

setBar( Bar) {} 
getBar () {}

- query might be: 
"delete c fromFoo cwhere = 
and also dont forget touse .executeQuery() in 
caseof bulk operations :)

- currently PostgreSQL's serials are a problem, as they 
arent used by NB entity creation... means much 

- NB 5.5 dev has also still not the ability to 
autoamticall do more than 1 persistence Unit, if you need more (like me) you 
have to edit the persistence.xml by yourself

- right click on project and "Add Persistence" will 
give you a very fast start - not elegant, but hey, you see how it 

- same is with EJB3 code for obtaining JNDI :) - ok, 
this is not hard, but hey, most programmers are 



  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von 
  Ayodeji AladejebiGesendet: Mittwoch, 27. September 2006 
  13:01An: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.netBetreff: Re: 
  [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
  Why should anybody be using eclipse for JPA rather than NB5.5. Oh 
  my God you cant have an idea of how much fun you are 
  missing.With NB5.5 i configured and setup Persistence within my 
  wicket application in minutes and my persistence is working to fine. Not even 
  with the annotation support in my entity beans. i enjoyed the look on my teams 
  faces. Once again thank you Gustavo for hinting this.and 
  like igor said, i just subclassed the WebRequestCycle to initialize my 
  EntityManagers and boom everything works Please if you are doing 
  persistence in your wicket applications, give NB5.5 a try, (i am not referring 
  to guys that can handcode the entire thing in emacs oh) but its just too 
  lovely infact am stuck to it like ants on sugar now :) Infact nobody 
  can preach eclipse to me on this...yu see in my country, internet access is 
  not yet so fast so i dont have all the bandwidth and project time to be 
  looking for plugin left, right and center...whatever works out of the box is 
  just fine 
  On 9/25/06, Gustavo 
Then if you use eclipse you look at DaliI strongly recommend 
Netbeans for JPA development.For a comparison, check out 
I use JPA and both Eclipse and Netbeans on a daily 
Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join's 
Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share youropinions on IT 
 business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash 
mailing "It takes insanity to drive in sanity" - Me 
  Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects SolutionsEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mobile: +234 
  803 589 1780Web: 
Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-25 Thread Anders Peterson
I looked at JPA this weekend - I'm positively surprised!

At first I was confused about how everything fit together; JPA, 
GlassFish, Sun, Java, Oracle, TopLink... What you should know is:

1) GlassFish is the name for the open source development project for 
building a Java EE 5 application server. It is based on the source code 
for Sun Java System Application Server PE 9 donated by Sun Microsystems 
and TopLink persistence code donated by Oracle.

2) TopLink Essentials is the open-source community edition of Oracle's 
TopLink product. It provides the JPA functionality for the EJB 3.0 
Reference Implementation.

3) There is no problem to use JPA (TopLink Essentials) without having to 
go Java EE 5 completely. In fact it seems to be a clean and compact API.

Look here:

persistence-api-1.0.jar contains the JPA specifications only.

toplink-essentials-1.0.jar contains the JPA specifications and reference 

Then if you use eclipse you look at Dali:

Looks good to me!

I feel these are the tools I'll be using in the future, but I'll miss 
PriDE. I really think there is much to like about a framework like that.

PriDE's main disadvantage is that it's not buzz word compliant.


Gustavo Santucho wrote:
   any wicket example that uses EJB3 and Java Persistence 1.0
 Nathan's Databinder will give you ideas and simplicity here ( if you 
 ignore the Maven thing, of course ;-) )
 Note that the Hibernate Session and the JPA EntityManager are almost 
 indentical concepts.
 In fact, if you use Hibernate as the JPA implementation, they are the 
 same thing.
 JPA makes accessing databases *really* simple.
 And you don't need EJB: I'm using JPA (TopLink) in a JSE project.
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-25 Thread Gustavo Santucho
  Then if you use eclipse you look at Dali

I strongly recommend Netbeans for JPA development.
For a comparison, check out
I use JPA and both Eclipse and Netbeans on a daily basis.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Korbinian Bachl


i justtook a closer look at the wicket-phonebook. can 
anyone pointme to the sourceode for it? - i can get the war from 
dont finda source for it... (maybe im just too 

Oh, and another thing:on the 
first threelinks under "Related Projects" are broken!

Best Regards


PS: just another question: im currently working myself 
through EJB3.0 from Oreilly, and are curious if we have any wicket example that 
uses EJB3 and Java Persistence 1.0 - i think i read about a project someone 
dida time ago on this list. If this person would share a base project 
skeleton with some beans would be great...

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Igor 
  VaynbergGesendet: Donnerstag, 21. September 2006 
  16:57An: wicket-user@lists.sourceforge.netBetreff: Re: 
  [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket
  look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao 
  implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one 
  for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management for 
  you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc 
  i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to 
  open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a 
  single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor
  On 9/21/06, Ayodeji 
  Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have 
used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in 
wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster adaptation. 
Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around 
database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair 
with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love thier SQL 
thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz 
hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web 
application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they 
learn ORM in SchoolsYesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or 
wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth 
framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in 
your Application Class which means you cannot directly use Contrib projects 
e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more 
elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock 
jam.Now most web applications need authentication and also need 
database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO 
scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from 
Components, you can fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good 
reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to 
do CRUD in wicket? where should I store my Connection? Session or 
Application Class. Should I create a parent WebPage with all the SQL stuffs 
and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but 
which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads-- 
"It takes insanity to drive in sanity" - MeAladejebi Ayodeji A., 
DabarObjects SolutionsEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Mobile: +234 803 589 1780Web: 
Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's 
Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share youropinions on IT 
 business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash 
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Anders Peterson
I use PriDE. It's extremely small and easy to learn - basically it 
generates SQL for you.

I've designed a number of supporting classes and coding conventions that 
give me some more advanced features (still light weight). I've been 
meaning to look at what exists in terms of Wicket database/persistence 
code to see if what I've done could be integrated/merged with that. At 
the moment my code only depends on PriDE.

What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to 
keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?


Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any
 time to do this ourselves yet.
 On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao
 implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write
 one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you.

 if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would
 store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to
 open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern.


 On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc,
 I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database
 in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions
 around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not
 familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL
 cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable
 web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools
 Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at
 the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs
 enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and
 also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib
 projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which
 is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket
 where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD.
 Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket
 but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?  where should I
 store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a
 hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?
 Thanks Wicket dads

 It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me

 Aladejebi Ayodeji A.,
 DabarObjects Solutions
 Mobile: +234 803 589 1780


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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Gwyn Evans
On 22/09/06, Korbinian Bachl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 i just took a closer look at the wicket-phonebook. can anyone point me to
 the sourceode for it? - i can get the war from but
 dont find a source for it... (maybe im just too blind?).

The source files used in the example are actually in the WAR, albeit
next to the class files under WEB-INF/classes, rather than where one
might expect to see them.  The true source is in the SVN repository,

 Oh, and another thing: on the page
 the first three links under Related Projects  are broken!

Thanks, I'll try  make time to update the sub-site.

Download Wicket 1.2.2 now! -

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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to
keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?/AndersIt makes sense to do that when you want to design a larger enteprise application but not for small web applications, why all the issues. when u see a framework like ruby on rails, you will understand why may be soon all web applications on the planet may be using ruby on rails because they keep the simple things really very simple.
Eelco Hillenius wrote: If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any time to do this ourselves yet. Eelco On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads
 -- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects Solutions Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: +234 803 589 1780 Web: Community: - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
 Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash ___
 Wicket-user mailing list - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
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 - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
bah, ruby on rails is too complex imho. lets use coldfusion instead. i can knock out any app in coldfusion probably 2x the speed of you knocking it out in ror :)-IgorOn 9/22/06, 
Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to

keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?/AndersIt makes sense to do that when you want to design a larger enteprise application but not for small web applications, why all the issues. when u see a framework like ruby on rails, you will understand why may be soon all web applications on the planet may be using ruby on rails because they keep the simple things really very simple.
Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any time to do this ourselves yet. Eelco On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi 
 wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads
 -- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects Solutions Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: +234 803 589 1780 Web: Community: -
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Gustavo Santucho
  any wicket example that uses EJB3 and Java Persistence 1.0

Nathan's Databinder will give you ideas and simplicity here ( if you 
ignore the Maven thing, of course ;-) )
Note that the Hibernate Session and the JPA EntityManager are almost 
indentical concepts.
In fact, if you use Hibernate as the JPA implementation, they are the 
same thing.

JPA makes accessing databases *really* simple.
And you don't need EJB: I'm using JPA (TopLink) in a JSE project.


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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
so what is the much buzz about ror..i just did a small walkthrough that made everything look so easy :)however in the wicket-phonebook example, it was said that All Hibernate session management and transaction management is handled by Spring
sure the whole abstraction thing is good but that means doing some database in wicket based on this example mandates learning some spring and some hibernate...meaning that the more paradigms the more complexity on setting up small web applications.
On 9/22/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
bah, ruby on rails is too complex imho. lets use coldfusion instead. i can knock out any app in coldfusion probably 2x the speed of you knocking it out in ror :)-Igor
On 9/22/06, 
Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to

keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?/AndersIt makes sense to do that when you want to design a larger enteprise application but not for small web applications, why all the issues. when u see a framework like ruby on rails, you will understand why may be soon all web applications on the planet may be using ruby on rails because they keep the simple things really very simple.
Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any time to do this ourselves yet. Eelco On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi 

 wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads
 -- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects Solutions Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: +234 803 589 1780 Web: Community: -
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Nick Heudecker
The first time, sure. I'll agree with that. Once you have your boilerplate application setup, it's pretty easy to replicate it. On 9/22/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:so what is the much buzz about ror..i just did a small walkthrough that made everything look so easy :)
however in the wicket-phonebook example, it was said that All Hibernate session management and transaction management is handled by Spring
sure the whole abstraction thing is good but that means doing some database in wicket based on this example mandates learning some spring and some hibernate...meaning that the more paradigms the more complexity on setting up small web applications.

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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
please is wicket-contrib-database fully mature?On 9/22/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
so what is the much buzz about ror..i just did a small walkthrough that made everything look so easy :)
however in the wicket-phonebook example, it was said that All Hibernate session management and transaction management is handled by Spring
sure the whole abstraction thing is good but that means doing some database in wicket based on this example mandates learning some spring and some hibernate...meaning that the more paradigms the more complexity on setting up small web applications.
On 9/22/06, Igor Vaynberg 

bah, ruby on rails is too complex imho. lets use coldfusion instead. i can knock out any app in coldfusion probably 2x the speed of you knocking it out in ror :)-Igor
On 9/22/06, 
Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to

keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?/AndersIt makes sense to do that when you want to design a larger enteprise application but not for small web applications, why all the issues. when u see a framework like ruby on rails, you will understand why may be soon all web applications on the planet may be using ruby on rails because they keep the simple things really very simple.
Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any time to do this ourselves yet. Eelco On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi 

 wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads
 -- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects Solutions Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: +234 803 589 1780 Web: Community: -
 Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
 Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
 Wicket-user mailing list - Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
 Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash ___ 

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Igor Vaynberg
sure the whole abstraction thing is good but that means doing some database in wicket based on this example mandates learning some spring and some hibernate...meaning that the more paradigms the more complexity on setting up small web applications.
this is completely false. you should say the more paradigms you dont know the more complexity on setting up small web applications.-Igor

On 9/22/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

bah, ruby on rails is too complex imho. lets use coldfusion instead. i can knock out any app in coldfusion probably 2x the speed of you knocking it out in ror :)-Igor
On 9/22/06, 
Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to

keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?/AndersIt makes sense to do that when you want to design a larger enteprise application but not for small web applications, why all the issues. when u see a framework like ruby on rails, you will understand why may be soon all web applications on the planet may be using ruby on rails because they keep the simple things really very simple.
Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any time to do this ourselves yet. Eelco On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi 

 wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads
 -- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects Solutions Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: +234 803 589 1780 Web: Community: -
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
On 9/22/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
sure the whole abstraction thing is good but that means doing some database in wicket based on this example mandates learning some spring and some hibernate...meaning that the more paradigms the more complexity on setting up small web applications.
this is completely false. you should say the more paradigms you dont know the more complexity on setting up small web applications.

ah well i depends on how it is seem anyway. Have been with younger developers in my office who complain of lots of buzzes in java. You will find many stuffs easy as a result of experience with many technologies but not beginners. i believe that the more experience you have, the more you leverage paradigms in an easier fashion but am sure not everyone sees it that way especially those developers who think java is hard on enterprise level

Thanks GustavoOn JPA (TopLink) I agree..its pretty cool. I saw a good tutorial using Netbeans5.5Netbeans 5.5beta2 is an awesome IDE. as its makes this really fast to build and deploy. My team members find that more comfortable
I think i will stick with that

On 9/22/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

bah, ruby on rails is too complex imho. lets use coldfusion instead. i can knock out any app in coldfusion probably 2x the speed of you knocking it out in ror :)-Igor
On 9/22/06, 
Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What kind of integration are you talking about? Isn't it a good idea to

keep database/persistence code and application/gui code independent?/AndersIt makes sense to do that when you want to design a larger enteprise application but not for small web applications, why all the issues. when u see a framework like ruby on rails, you will understand why may be soon all web applications on the planet may be using ruby on rails because they keep the simple things really very simple.
Eelco Hillenius wrote:
 If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
 would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any time to do this ourselves yet. Eelco On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you. if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern. -Igor On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi 

 wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads
 -- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me Aladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects Solutions Email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: +234 803 589 1780 Web: Community: -
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-22 Thread Nathan Hamblen
Gustavo Santucho wrote:
 Nathan's Databinder will give you ideas and simplicity here ( if you 
 ignore the Maven thing, of course ;-) )

Databinder says thanks for the compliment. Maven says it would like to
meet with you in cold, dark, JAR-strewn alley and settle this thing once
and for all. ;)


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[Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-21 Thread Ayodeji Aladejebi
Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz 
hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they learn ORM in SchoolsYesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means you cannot directly use Contrib projects 
e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can fly CRUD.
Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket? where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?
Thanks Wicket dads-- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - MeAladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects SolutionsEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile: +234 803 589 1780Web:
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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management for you.
if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a single-transaction-per-request pattern.
-IgorOn 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz 
hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they learn ORM in SchoolsYesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means you cannot directly use Contrib projects 
e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance lock jam.Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can fly CRUD.
Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket? where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?
Thanks Wicket dads-- It takes insanity to drive in sanity - MeAladejebi Ayodeji A., DabarObjects SolutionsEmail: 
Mobile: +234 803 589 1780Web: www.dabarobjects.comCommunity:

-Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share youropinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
___Wicket-user mailing

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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-21 Thread Nathan Hamblen
The colliding Application subclass problem is the reason I made
AuthDataApplication, which copies the good stuff from
AuthenticatedWebApplication. It's used in this example:

But yes it's a problem. I was waiting for some guidance from
wicket-contrib (since that's where the idea of subclassing
WebApplication came to me from) but as it keeps coming up I'll see what
I can do to make it easier to use Databinder with an independent
Application class.


Ayodeji Aladejebi wrote:
 Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs
 etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason,
 database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage
 faster adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present
 solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a
 beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some
 developers still tend to love thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in
 some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size
 you may not need to include in your portable web application. And
 believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they learn ORM in Schools
 Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but
 at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these
 contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class
 which means you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g
 wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more
 elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance
 lock jam.
 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database
 which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme
 into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from
 Components, you can fly CRUD.
 Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket
 but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?  where
 should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I
 create a parent WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD
 pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?
 Thanks Wicket dads

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opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-21 Thread Eelco Hillenius
If someone would provide a JDBC version of wicket-phonebook, that
would be welcome! We talked about wanting this, but haven't found any
time to do this ourselves yet.


On 9/21/06, Igor Vaynberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 look at wicket-phonebook, it uses wicket and spring. there are dao
 implementations for hibernate and ibatis, but it would be trivial to write
 one for jdbc. spring takes care of all the connection/transaction management
 for you.

 if you dont want spring and want to write something for pure jdbc i would
 store a datasource in application, and subclass request cycle to
 open/close/rollback/commit the transaction assuming you want a
 single-transaction-per-request pattern.


 On 9/21/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc,
 I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database
 in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster
 adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions
 around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not
 familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love
 thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL
 cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable
 web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools
  Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at
 the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs
 enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and
 also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib
 projects without this Inheritance lock jam.
  Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which
 is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket
 where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD.
  Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket
 but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?  where should I
 store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a
 hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?
  Thanks Wicket dads
  It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me
  Aladejebi Ayodeji A.,
  DabarObjects Solutions
  Mobile: +234 803 589 1780
  Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
  Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share
  opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash
  Wicket-user mailing list

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 opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash

 Wicket-user mailing list

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Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-21 Thread Igor Vaynberg
re application subclasseswell, maybe we do what i did in wicket-spring, instead of subclassing webapplication create a class that holds the functionality, and store it in the application's metadata where other who need it can get to it.
i dont see a reason to have a formal module system yet (ala behaviors) because the application itself doesnt provide any functionality really and is not a target of any events that the modules might be interested in.
-IgorOn 9/21/06, Nathan Hamblen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The colliding Application subclass problem is the reason I madeAuthDataApplication, which copies the good stuff fromAuthenticatedWebApplication. It's used in this example: yes it's a problem. I was waiting for some guidance fromwicket-contrib (since that's where the idea of subclassingWebApplication came to me from) but as it keeps coming up I'll see what
I can do to make it easier to use Databinder with an independentApplication class.NathanAyodeji Aladejebi wrote: Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs
 etc, I have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster adaptation. Come to think about it, presently most of the present
 solutions around database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love thier SQL thing compared to ORM and in
 some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they learn ORM in Schools
 Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class
 which means you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib projects without this Inheritance
 lock jam. Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket where all we do is set connection properties and from
 Components, you can fly CRUD. Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?where should I store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I
 create a parent WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant? Thanks Wicket dads-
Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of ITJoin's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share youropinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash mailing
Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your
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Wicket-user mailing list

Re: [Wicket-user] Database Integration With Wicket

2006-09-21 Thread Gwyn Evans
I'd suggest another look at the wicket-phonebook, as there's an iBATIS
varient that lets you control the SQL you use.  I find it useful,
whereas Hibernate's too big a step for me as I don't need the areas
where Hibernate's that much stronger.


On 21/09/06, Ayodeji Aladejebi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay I know of all the contrib projects, databinder, hibernate stuffs etc, I
 have used databinder and its lovely but I think for some reason, database in
 wicket needs to be sort of easier to put up to encourage faster adaptation.
 Come to think about it, presently most of the present solutions around
 database in Wicket wraps around Hibernate and a beginner who is not familair
 with hibernate may get stuck. Some developers still tend to love thier SQL
 thing compared to ORM and in some cases, you want to do direct SQL cuz
 hibernate3.jar is some size you may not need to include in your portable web
 application. And believe me, i believe more ppl learn SQL more than they
 learn ORM in Schools

 Yesterday, I was tryin to use Dababinder or wicket-contrib-dababase but at
 the same time i was using the wicket-auth framework and all these contibs
 enforce that you extend XXXApplication in your Application Class which means
 you cannot directly use Contrib projects e.g wicket-contrib-database and
 also Wicket-auth. There should be a more elegant way to use multiple contrib
 projects without this Inheritance lock jam.

 Now most web applications need authentication and also need database which
 is why i believe wicket shoud somehow integrate some DAO scheme into wicket
 where all we do is set connection properties and from Components, you can
 fly CRUD.

 Well i know there must be some good reasons to exclude this from wicket but
 what will be the most elegant way to do CRUD in wicket?  where should I
 store my Connection? Session or Application Class. Should I create a parent
 WebPage with all the SQL stuffs and then make other CRUD pages extend it. a
 hundred ways to do this but which way is more elegant?

 Thanks Wicket dads

 It takes insanity to drive in sanity - Me

 Aladejebi Ayodeji A.,
 DabarObjects Solutions
 Mobile: +234 803 589 1780

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 opinions on IT  business topics through brief surveys -- and earn cash

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