[Wien] xcrysden large multipler k-points

2012-08-01 Thread محمد ارشد فرحان
actually, i used only 300 k-points and this specific problem arose when i
tried to select k-path for band structure calculations.
my system has monoclinic symmetry so there are a couple of special points
in k-path i wanted to adopt with coordinates like (0.64xxx, 0.32xxx, 0.5).
i selected the total number of divisions (k-points) of this path again 300.
the code insists on having an integer coordinate with a multiplier. for 300
k-points, the multiplier was quite large and the integer coordinates
printed in case.klist_band file were **.

Prof. Tone asked for my structure file and he too got into same error. Let
me copy - paste his reply:

On Mon, 2012-07-16 at 17:37 +0900,   ? wrote:
 here are the .struct file and complete .klist_band file.
 i tried to solve this problem by making separate kpath klist files for
 every two points. the idea was to join them manually  use different
 multipliers for different path.

Yes, you are right. I could reproduce your problems. I believe that the
problem is due to Wien2K. Your case is a nasty case for Wien2K. Why?
Because it insist on representing the real number (rational number)
as the fraction p/q of two integers with a fixed format. As your case is
not a high symmetry case, the p  q numbers are simple too large and the
stars () are displayed.

As a work-around: you could use the coordinates of special k-points as
given by xcrysden, and then you need to construct out of that
semi-manually a klist file suitable for Wien2K (this would involve some
manual editing + some small scripting to interpolate points between
pairs of special k-points).

Regards. Tone

Anton Kokalj
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
(tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax:+386-1-477-3822)

so, therefore i thought may be it is due to same problem you guys are
discussing,  just pushed my mail  . . . . ;D

any way, thnx. for ur reply.

M. Arshad Farhan

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edu wrote:

  What large values did you use in xcrysden for the multiplier and
 k-points?  Someone else might be able to comment on whether you can use
 smaller values and still get accurate results.

 I see your posts on the xcrysden mailing list:


 From the posts, it looks like the number of k-points you used is possibly
 greater than 99672.  You currently cannot use

 multipiler*k-points  5-digits (i.e., 99,999)

 If the larger outputted values are really needed, it could probably be
 done by changing all the 4I5 to say 4I8 in F/kPath.f that is in the
 xcrysden source package (xcrysden-1.5.53.tar.gz).  However, you have to
 compile the xcrysden code.  There are some useful instructions on the web
 for compiling the xcrysden source in Debian or Ubuntu (
 but have not seen for other Linux distributions if one wants to attempt it.

 Since your not quite a linux guy, you will probably want to send your
 struct file (while providing also the multiplier and k-points value used)
 to Tone as requested on the xcrysden mailing list so that a linux binary
 package with changes can be provided if needed.

 On 7/29/2012 7:54 PM,   ? wrote:

 Dear Prof. Lawrance  Gavin-Abo,

 i've not tested the latest version of Wien2k but, let me mention one more
 place where real*4 are used that is in the creation of case.klist_band.

 for any complicated coordinate in the k-path (mainly in monoclinic
 systems) by using Xcrysden, the multiplier goes shooting high and
 coordinate value exceeds real*4 consequently printing ** in places of
 k-point coordinates in case.klist_band file.

 the XcrySden developers claim it to be on part of Wien2k where it insists
 on real value but restricts it to 4 digits.

 if possible, please also look into it and of-course suggest me a solution
 as i'm quite not a linux guy.


 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

*  ?*
Dept of Chemistry,
Pohang Univ of Sci  Tech
Pohang, Republic of Korea
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[Wien] Repair Job

2012-08-01 Thread Bakhtiar Ul Haq
Hi dear all Wien users,
I am new to this group and want to know, how to repair a Job when the computer 
is restarted while running calculations.
Thanks in advance.
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[Wien] Repair Job

2012-08-01 Thread Peter Blaha
Usually, you just resubmit your job. Ideally, you can add-NI  to the
run_lapw   runsp_lapw   line.

Only in the exceptional cases, where the computer crashed in mixer either 
during writing of case.clmsum
or writing case.broyd*, one would need to cp case.clmsum_old case.clmsum
(and do no not use  -NI)

Am 01.08.2012 10:07, schrieb Bakhtiar Ul Haq:
 Hi dear all Wien users,
 I am new to this group and want to know, how to repair a Job when the 
 computer is restarted while running calculations.
 Thanks in advance.

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at


Peter BLAHA, Inst.f. Materials Chemistry, TU Vienna, A-1060 Vienna
Phone: +43-1-58801-165300 FAX: +43-1-58801-165982
Email: blaha at theochem.tuwien.ac.atWWW: http://info.tuwien.ac.at/theochem/

[Wien] Benchmarks -- comments please

2012-08-01 Thread Laurence Marks
I am benchmarking some new nodes (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 0 @
2.20GHz) using the standard mpi Wien2k benchmark, and would be
interested in comments/comparisons -- the online mpi benchmark seems
to be a bit outdated. Hyperthreading is turned on (currently not under
my control), and the IB is not working right so these numbers are only
for a single node with two quadcores with openmpi 1.4 (no idea how it
was compiled) and composer_xe_2011_sp1.11.339

Runs on 1 node
== 16 cores (hyperthreading used)
  Maximum WALL clock time:93.7425620555878
  Maximum CPU time:   88.3

== 4 cores
  Maximum WALL clock time:221.049882888794
  Maximum CPU time:   210.0400

== 8 cores
  Maximum WALL clock time:132.835557937622
  Maximum CPU time:   125.5600

For comparison, on my older   Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E5410  @ 2.33GHz
 == 8 cores
  Maximum WALL clock time:304.22861000
  Maximum CPU time:   296.8000

N.B., the speed increase with hyperthreading is mainly in HAMILT/HNS
and may be misleading or might be real.

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
www.numis.northwestern.edu 1-847-491-3996
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

[Wien] v12: SRC_lapwso: init.f fix

2012-08-01 Thread Kateryna Foyevtsova
Dear Wien2k developers,

v12 of Wien2k has a severe bug fix for LDA+U calculations with complex
vorb potential in SRC_lapwso: init.f.

How severe was that bug and in which cases did it show up? What is meant
by complex vorb potential?

Best regards,
Kateryna Foyevtsova

P.S. For a monoclinic system with orbital degeneracy, LDA+U+SO
calculations with version 12 give very different DOS, orbital
occupations, orbital moments (this one partially due to a fix in
SRC_lapwdm) and electron density isosurfaces, compared to the results
obtained with version 11.

[Wien] Benchmarks -- comments please

2012-08-01 Thread Laurence Marks
Addendum: apparently hyperthreading is not on, I was misled by
something on a linux forum that I used to test.

On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Laurence Marks L-marks at northwestern.edu 
 I am benchmarking some new nodes (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 0 @
 2.20GHz) using the standard mpi Wien2k benchmark, and would be
 interested in comments/comparisons -- the online mpi benchmark seems
 to be a bit outdated. Hyperthreading is turned on (currently not under
 my control), and the IB is not working right so these numbers are only
 for a single node with two quadcores with openmpi 1.4 (no idea how it
 was compiled) and composer_xe_2011_sp1.11.339

 Runs on 1 node
 == 16 cores (hyperthreading used)
   Maximum WALL clock time:93.7425620555878
   Maximum CPU time:   88.3

 == 4 cores
   Maximum WALL clock time:221.049882888794
   Maximum CPU time:   210.0400

 == 8 cores
   Maximum WALL clock time:132.835557937622
   Maximum CPU time:   125.5600

 For comparison, on my older   Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU   E5410  @ 2.33GHz
  == 8 cores
   Maximum WALL clock time:304.22861000
   Maximum CPU time:   296.8000

 N.B., the speed increase with hyperthreading is mainly in HAMILT/HNS
 and may be misleading or might be real.

 Professor Laurence Marks
 Department of Materials Science and Engineering
 Northwestern University
 www.numis.northwestern.edu 1-847-491-3996
 Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
 nobody else has thought
 Albert Szent-Gyorgi

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
www.numis.northwestern.edu 1-847-491-3996
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

[Wien] Slow lapw1

2012-08-01 Thread Laurence Marks
While testing a vendor's cluster, I came across what might be a
serious issue for future WIen2k jobs. With the latest architecture it
appears that 64 cores can in fact be slower than 32, using the
standard mpi test. The slowdown occurs in both  PDSYGST and PDSYEVX. I
do not think that this is an issue of the vendor's mpi, but one never

I have posted to the Intel list; it will be interesting to see what if
any responses there are

I would also encourage others who have new hardware to do similar
tests, and if they have similar issues to also post to the thread.

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
www.numis.northwestern.edu 1-847-491-3996
Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
nobody else has thought
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

[Wien] Spin texture in reciprocal space

2012-08-01 Thread Paul Fons
Dear All,
I am trying to reproduce the results of some spin texture calculations 
on topological insulators in the literature, specifically the work of Basak et 
al in PRB84, 121401 (2011).  They calculated the spin texture (the helical 
nature) of the in-plane spin components in reciprocal space at the Fermi level 
(surface) using Wien2K.  I have reproduced the slab calculations and can see 
the surface bands, however, I am unsure how to go about calculating the 
expectation values for the spin in reciprocal space.  I did note the presence 
of a density matrix routine LAPWDM  in section 7.7 of the user guide which 
allows for the calculation of expectation values including spin, but only 
apparently in real space within the atomic spheres.  Any guidance as to how to 
go about calculating a spin texture map (e.g. the projected spin direction on 
the 2D fermi surface in reciprocal space of the above topologically insulating 
structure) would be greatly appreciated.  I have surveyed the literature, but 
there are no details of how the spin texture maps were calculated in any of the 
papers I have read.  Thanks for any help in advance.
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