[Wien] case.epsilon from imposed case.joint with kram routine

2013-03-07 Thread abdel Mar..




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[Wien] case.epsilon from imposed case.joint with kram routine

2013-03-07 Thread Gavin Abo
Method 1: You can format the data in your case.joint file by hand so 
that it matches perfectly with the case.joint file format.

Method 2: You can make your own program to read your data in any 
format that you like, and then write the data in the case.joint file format.

I cannot guarantee that it works, but attached is an example Fortran code.

Compile with:

ifort -o writejoint writejoint.f

Run with:

./writejoint case_in.joint case_out.joint

Edit writejoint.f to read your data.

On 3/7/2013 2:19 AM, abdel Mar.. wrote:
 thank you Gavin  for your answer.

 Although,  I respect the apparent shape of case.joint file, it does 
 not work, the file is actually formatted.

 the question is how can i make it free, or reformat once it has 
 changed. to be used with kram routine without conversion problems


 Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 10:20:49 -0700
 From: gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
 To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 Subject: Re: [Wien] case.epsilon from imposed case.joint with kram routine

 case.joint has a specific format.  You did not respect that format.

 For example, x kram expects to read NCOL (number of columns) and VOL 
 (volume) in the first line of case.joint, which I believe are both 
 real numbers.  Check the case.joint created by the standard technique, 
 it should look similar to:

 #2  Vol = 317.0844741231

 In your email, it looks like the first line in your case.joint file is:


 This line doesn't have the expected two real numbers, just characters, 
 so it probably results in the input conversion error.  You should 
 check the formatting of the other lines in the file as well. If you 
 know Fortran code, you can also search and look at the read(10 lines 
 in SRC_kram/kram.f.

 On 3/6/2013 8:53 AM, abdel Mar.. wrote:

  Dear Wien2k Users,

 as indicated in the UG, to calculate case.epsilon we must have
 case.joint,case.inkram and kram.deffiles.

 Now if I replace the case.joint (*containing**Im **epsilon*) by
 another file ( *containing **k valu**es* ) respecting the original

 I am able in principle, to calculate the new case.epsilon, which
 contains in addition k  values and refractive index n  values.

 I  tried several times without success. this is the message after
 x kram.

   Energy units:  [eV]
   Lorentzian broadening with gamma: 0.000   [eV]
 forrtl: severe (64): input conversion error, unit 10, file
 Image  PC RoutineLine Source
 kram   00476F81 Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   00475F55 Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   0043D07A Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   0040B0B5 Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   0040A8AA Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   00421826 Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   0041ED63 Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   0040394B MAIN__142 
 kram   00402DDC Unknown   Unknown 
 libc.so.6  003CF001D8B4 Unknown   Unknown 
 kram   00402CE9 Unknown   Unknown 
 0.002u 0.005s 0:00.01 0.0%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
 error: command   /share/apps/wien2k/kram kram.def   failed.

 how can i resolve it ?


 PS: i use the last Wien2k version
 normal calculation of epsilon with the standard technique :
 scf , optic, joint, kram ..  without problems.

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4 317.0844741231
[eV] ColLabel1 ColLabel2 ColLabel3 ColLabel4
0.0 0 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00
0.01361 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00
0.02721 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00
0.04082 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00
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Name: writejoint.f
Type: text/x-fortran
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[Wien] case.epsilon from imposed case.joint with kram routine

2013-03-07 Thread abdel Mar..

thank you again Gavin, i resolved the problem as the following :

-create a case.joint by a normal x joint 
-modification of case.joint  with wanted values (  energies and  k values )
-execute a small program fortran to formate modified case.joint respecting  
kram.f read format (f13.5,9(1x,e18.8).

- execute x kram   to generate case.epsilon : in this case.epsilon  containning 
n and  k 

i hope that is physically correct , since it is a mathematical transformation.

 so if we can  past from Im to Re  with kk transformation
we can also past from k to n with the same transformation.


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[Wien] password

2013-03-07 Thread Antonio Vanderlei dos Santos - Fisica

Dear Users.

I would update the wien2k, but I lost login and
password, how do I get another.

regard vando 
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