Re: [Wien] Welcome to the "Wien" mailing list

2018-09-13 Thread Chi Ho Wong
Dear duty officer,

I am trying to install Wien2K 18.2 in Ubuntu system but it fails.

First I typed 'tar xvzf WIEN2k_18.2_executables.tar.gz', it is fine

Then I type 'gunzip *.gz', it is also fine.

*However, when I typed  'chmod +x ./expand_lapw', or 'chmod +x
./expand_lapw./expand_lapw, 'it failed by showing the message
that './expand_lapw: No such file or directory'*

Any advice to fix it? Thank you

Best regards

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 5:26 PM, 

> Welcome to the mailing list! As
> subscribed member of this list, you can now send Questions, comments,
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> Please follow the following "Nettiquette" (depending on your question,
> at least some of these points should be included in your mail):
> - I am running wien version xxx on a machine of type yyy with
> operating system zzz, fortran compiler aaa and math libraries bbb.
> - The purpose of my calculations is to get quantity ccc.
> - I am running this case (case.struct) using this input (here,
> case.in1 may be relevant?  Certainly give things like XC potential,
> rkmax, size of k-mesh) and these commands (eg. : run_lapw -p -so from
> command line, or w2web).
> - The program stops at this point, or produces suspicious output here
> ...  This is the content of the error file / the case.dayfile /
> STDOUT.  This is the bottom of the output file (like the part of
> case.output1 you show below).
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> or did not work, did or did not make any difference.
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> - Yes, I have browsed the archives AND READ THE USERS GUIDE and the
> FAQ pages Peter provides, but I couldn't solve my problem that way.
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> (or you solved it some other way), would you please share that with
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Wien mailing list

[Wien] fail to install Wien2k 18

2018-09-25 Thread Chi Ho Wong

I am completely new to Linux while I try to install 'Wien2K 18.2 running in
Ubuntu 14. When I type ./siteconfig_lapw , the error message: " WORD TOO
LONG" appears. I have F95 compiler. F95 should be better than F90.

I have followed the instruction below but still fails

Any advice please? Thank you

I also try WIEN2k_18.2_executables.tar where no F90 compile is needed  but
still fails to install Wien2K

Best regards
Wien mailing list