[Wien] energy in SCF NOT CONVERGED

2010-06-23 Thread celhin
Dear Wien users,

I made a calculation but as you can see below, the energy in SCF has NOT
CONVERGED. In addition, I have no error message.

How can I finished my calculations?

Best regards,
C?line Hin.

Successfully completed.

Resource usage summary:

CPU time   :   3481.45 sec.
Max Memory :   665 MB
Max Swap   :  1087 MB

Max Processes  :19

The output (if any) follows:

nodes for this job: compute-1-3.local compute-1-3.local compute-1-3.local
number of processors: 4
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 2ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 3ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 4ETEST: .25388506   CTEST: .1499676
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 5ETEST: .39496378   CTEST: .1055615
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 6ETEST: .143167455000   CTEST: .0828324
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 7ETEST: .05454983   CTEST: .0312221
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 8ETEST: .02690595   CTEST: .0184549
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 9ETEST: .00652994   CTEST: .0146156
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 10ETEST: .02364153   CTEST: .0286171
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 11ETEST: .010566145000   CTEST: .0167690
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 12ETEST: .01661306   CTEST: .0117056
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 13ETEST: .011214125000   CTEST: .0223832
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 14ETEST: .003114235000   CTEST: .0213684
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 15ETEST: .00032785   CTEST: .0102919
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 16ETEST: .01950155   CTEST: .0140471
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 17ETEST: .009867985000   CTEST: .0132639
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 18ETEST: .001557625000   CTEST: .0138250
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 19ETEST: .033134675000   CTEST: .0238835
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 20ETEST: .01702390   CTEST: .0236287
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 21ETEST: .002058835000   CTEST: .0196128
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 22ETEST: .00174146   CTEST: .0187915
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 23ETEST: .005193425000   CTEST: .0190957
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 24ETEST: .004046605000   CTEST: .0215706
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 25ETEST: .00314220   CTEST: .0202553
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 26ETEST: .002393885000   CTEST: .0149063
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 27ETEST: .00550269   CTEST: .0205521
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 28ETEST: .009232235000   CTEST: .0045446
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 29ETEST: .00366538   CTEST: .0157555
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 30ETEST: .000401285000   CTEST: .0033596
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 31ETEST: .002695305000   CTEST: .0175578
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 32ETEST: .00148664   CTEST: .0107719
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 33ETEST: .001053605000   CTEST: .0100770
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 34ETEST: .00294291   CTEST: .0052172
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 35ETEST: .001876495000   CTEST: .0059568
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 36ETEST: .00026118   CTEST: .0034169
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 37ETEST: .00189800   CTEST: .0052484
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 38ETEST: .00083281   CTEST: .0029053
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 39ETEST: .00021762   CTEST: .0035803
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1
in cycle 40ETEST: .00059064   CTEST: .895
ec cc and fc_conv 0 1 1

>;   energy in SCF NOT CONVERGED

[Wien] w2web + lava queuing system

2010-07-03 Thread celhin
Dear wien2k users,

I try to launch jobs on lava queuing system from w2web. In the execution type, I
have bsub=cat %f > w2web-job;bsub -n4 < hp2.bsub. Below is the hp2.bsub script.
This does not work. Any idea what's wrong?

In addition, where can I find the master-job-template qsub-job0_lapw? I do not
find it in $WIENROOT.

C?line Hin.


#BSUB -o job.out
#BSUB -e job.err

cd /home/celine/wienessaie/Wienessaie_mpi/Si9

# copy the machines file in
#cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k .machines

set mpijob=1

echo nodes for this job: $LSB_HOSTS

set proclist=`echo $LSB_HOSTS`
set nproc=$#proclist
echo number of processors: $nproc

echo '#' > .machines

# example for an MPI parallel lapw0
#echo -n 'optimize.job:' >> .machines
#set i=1
#while ($i <= $nproc )
#echo -n "$proclist[$i] " >>.machines
#@ i = $i + 1
#echo ' ' >>.machines

#example for k-point and mpi parallel lapw1/2
set i=1
while ($i <= $nproc )
echo -n '1:' >>.machines
@ i1 = $i + $mpijob
@ i2 = $i1 - 1
echo $proclist[$i-$i2] >>.machines
set i=$i1
echo 'granularity:1' >>.machines
echo 'extrafine:1' >>.machines

[Wien] w2web + lava queuing system

2010-07-03 Thread celhin
Dear all,

I fixed the problem.

C?line Hin.

celhin  a ??crit??:

> Dear wien2k users,
> I try to launch jobs on lava queuing system from w2web. In the 
> execution type, I
> have bsub=cat %f > w2web-job;bsub -n4 < hp2.bsub. Below is the 
> hp2.bsub script.
> This does not work. Any idea what's wrong?
> In addition, where can I find the master-job-template qsub-job0_lapw? 
> I do not
> find it in $WIENROOT.
> Best,
> C?line Hin.
> Script:
> #!/bin/csh
> #BSUB -o job.out
> #BSUB -e job.err
> cd /home/celine/wienessaie/Wienessaie_mpi/Si9
> # copy the machines file in
> #cp $TMPDIR/machines.wien2k .machines
> set mpijob=1
> echo nodes for this job: $LSB_HOSTS
> set proclist=`echo $LSB_HOSTS`
> set nproc=$#proclist
> echo number of processors: $nproc
> echo '#' > .machines
> # example for an MPI parallel lapw0
> #echo -n 'optimize.job:' >> .machines
> #set i=1
> #while ($i <= $nproc )
> #echo -n "$proclist[$i] " >>.machines
> #@ i = $i + 1
> #end
> #echo ' ' >>.machines
> #example for k-point and mpi parallel lapw1/2
> set i=1
> while ($i <= $nproc )
> echo -n '1:' >>.machines
> @ i1 = $i + $mpijob
> @ i2 = $i1 - 1
> echo $proclist[$i-$i2] >>.machines
> set i=$i1
> end
> echo 'granularity:1' >>.machines
> echo 'extrafine:1' >>.machines
> ___
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/wien

[Wien] mini

2010-07-09 Thread celhin
Dear Kakha and Wien2K users,

It also happened to me. Apparently the convergence was also achieved after 14
scf cycles with the output "ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1", but the program did not
stop and began to recalculate again from cycle 1 and then stop after 12 cycles
with the output "ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1".


Kakhaber Jandieri  a ??crit??:

> Dear Wien2K users,
> As I wrote in my previous letters, I am trying to minimize the atom
> positions in GaP supercell where one of the P atoms is replaced by N-N
> interstitial molecule.
> I found some strange (in my opinion) behaviour of  "mini".
> Apparently the convergence was achieved after 18 scf cycles with the
> output "ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1". The  distance  between  relaxed  N-N
> atoms was 1.57 A.
> But the program did not stop and began to recalculate again from cycle 1.
> After 16 scf cycles the situation was repeated but now  the  distance
> between  relaxed  N atoms was reduced down to  1.27 A.
> And so on without ending.
> In my opinion even 1.27 A  is already too small value (this is almost
> the interatomic distance in isolated N2 molecule), but it was
> decreasing  further and further.
> So, finally I had the problems with overlapping spheres in spite of very
> small  RMT(N)=1.1 bohr.
> In output file of our cluster I found the following (below some fragment
> of this file is shown):
> ..
> ..
> in cycle 18ETEST: .00011179   CTEST: -.0009873
> ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1
>>   stop
> Fallback to compatibility mode with "old" save_lapw
> broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct
> files saved under GaPNN_1
> 20.841u 0.352s 0:21.70 97.6%0+0k 0+20648io 0pf+0w
> 0.844u 0.276s 0:01.54 72.0%0+0k 1272+16896io 8pf+0w
> clmextrapol_lapw has generated a new GaPNN.clmsum
> ec cc and fc_conv 0 0 0
> in cycle 2ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
> ec cc and fc_conv 0 0 0
> in cycle 3ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
> ec cc and fc_conv 0 0 0
> .
> .
> In my opinion 1.57 A  is much reasonable value for relaxed N-N distance
> then 1.27 A or even smaller value.
> I still wonder why the program begins recalculation after the apparently
> successful message: "ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1"?
> Is there some possibility that the reason is the specific position of
> N-N interstitial pair?  In my initial structure file  P(0,0,0) atom was
> replaced by N-N interstitial pair having the positions symmetrically
> shifted from (0,0,0) along  the z-direction. The constrains (0.0, 0.0,
> 1.0) in my case.inM   file  allow the displacement of N atoms only along
> the z-direction. My native thought was that may be (0,0,0) is some
> specific position in the supercell. If I know correctly, in usual
> minimization tasks with substitution impurity, the atom at (0,0,0)
> position should have full constrains in all directions. I tried to
> replace  other P atom in the middle of initial 2x2x2 supercell, but "x
> sgroup" always returns the converted supercell where N-N pair is near
> (0,0,0), (0.5,0.5,0.5), (0,0,0.5)  and so on   positions.
> I will be extremely thankful for any suggestion.
> Kakha
> ___
> Wien mailing list
> Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/wien

[Wien] error message in mini.error file

2010-08-03 Thread celhin
Dear Wien2k users,

Sorry to bother you. I have a question concerning mini positions.

My output file are:

echo ''|min -j 'run_lapw -I -i 40 -fc 1.0 -p  '

Successfully completed.

Resource usage summary:

CPU time   :   5486.08 sec.
Max Memory :   672 MB
Max Swap   :  1655 MB

Max Processes  :28

The output (if any) follows:

nodes for this job: compute-1-7.local compute-1-4.local compute-1-4.local
compute-1-4.local compute-1-2.local compute-1-5.local compute-1-9.local
number of processors: 8
Mon Aug  2 08:20:18 EDT 2010
11.780u 0.011s 0:12.09 97.5%0+0k 0+0io 1pf+0w

ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 2ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 3ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 4ETEST: .30452936   CTEST: .1446911
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 5ETEST: .15361150   CTEST: .1325258
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 6ETEST: .09322701   CTEST: .0422886
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 7ETEST: .04473244   CTEST: .0317038
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 8ETEST: .00668897   CTEST: .0085831
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 9ETEST: .00319661   CTEST: .0036330
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 10ETEST: .00030557   CTEST: .0015435
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 11ETEST: .36175000   CTEST: .0006042
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 12ETEST: .0883   CTEST: .0002641
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 13ETEST: .58825000   CTEST: .0001518
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1

>   stop
Fallback to compatibility mode with "old" save_lapw
broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct files
saved under PbTeSiMC2_1
11.912u 0.016s 0:12.27 97.1%0+0k 0+0io 1pf+0w
0.724u 0.011s 0:00.94 77.6% 0+0k 0+0io 1pf+0w
clmextrapol_lapw has generated a new PbTeSiMC2.clmsum
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 2ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 3ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 4ETEST: .00058727   CTEST: .0059680
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 5ETEST: .000179525000   CTEST: .0048966
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 6ETEST: .000233775000   CTEST: .0049584
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 7ETEST: .00020482   CTEST: .0026920
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 8ETEST: .000116095000   CTEST: .0004421
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 9ETEST: .8939   CTEST: .0003214
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 10ETEST: .0575   CTEST: .0001046
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 11ETEST: .0050   CTEST: .388
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1

>   stop
Fallback to compatibility mode with "old" save_lapw
broyden files deleted, clm*, dmat*, vorb*, vresp*, eece*, scf and struct files
saved under PbTeSiMC2_2
11.793u 0.012s 0:12.07 97.7%0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
0.429u 0.004s 0:00.62 67.7% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
clmextrapol_lapw has generated a new PbTeSiMC2.clmsum
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 2ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 3ETEST: 0   CTEST: 0
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 4ETEST: .002012705000   CTEST: .0147920
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 5ETEST: .001364015000   CTEST: .0129339
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 6ETEST: .001589245000   CTEST: .0155605
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 7ETEST: .000846295000   CTEST: .0082914
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 8ETEST: .00037900   CTEST: .0013368
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 9ETEST: .000105435000   CTEST: .0006872
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 10ETEST: .1266   CTEST: .0002803
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 11ETEST: .05115000   CTEST: .0001000
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 0
in cycle 12ETEST: .01505000   CTEST: .436
ec cc and fc_conv 1 1 1

STOP >>  (mini) PORT stopped -> exit

In the file mini.error, I have the following message:

Does it mean that my calculation is finished? I have a doubt because of the
message in the file mini.error. However, I do not have any other message error.


[Wien] qtl-error

2010-09-10 Thread celhin
Dear wien2k users,

I performed calculations in PbTe system using a lattice parameter of 6.464 A,
LAPW sphere radii of 2.9, RKmax of 9.0. I used a 48*48*48 reciprocal space
mesh. Additional local orbitals were used for the Pb d states, which were
include as a semi core states as well as the Te s states. Spin-orbit was
included for the valence states through the second variational step.

I determined succesfully the electron density, as well as the DOS using 
x -lapw2
-qtl -p. However, when I tried to determine the DOS using x qtl -p, I have the
following error message:

STOP QTL - error
STOP Error: Energy mesh not ok.

I do not know what is wrong. Any idea?

Thanks for your help,