[Wien] setrlimit routine in Mac OS X platform

2013-03-06 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com

I'm trying to build the execution files on Mac OS X Lion platform
with wien2k_12.1, gfortran, openblas, openmpi etc. then, I think
that Mac OS X can't handle RLIM_INFINITY in setrlimit routine.
so, I'd like to skip w2k_extend_limits() in W2kinit.F as below.

*** ./SRC_hf/W2kinit.F.bak  2013-03-04 22:53:46.0 +0900
--- ./SRC_hf/W2kinit.F  2013-03-04 22:53:49.0 +0900
*** 27,33 
--- 27,35 
  #ifdef INTEL_VML
 include 'mkl_vml.fi'
+ #ifndef MACOSX
 call w2k_extend_limits()
+ #endif
  #ifdef Parallel
  !  Register C signal dispatcher, needed for parallel only
*** ./SRC_lapw0/W2kinit.F.bak   2013-03-04 22:47:09.0 +0900
--- ./SRC_lapw0/W2kinit.F   2013-03-04 22:50:11.0 +0900

it seems to work well. but if there are any problems/precautions,
please advise.

Any information would be appreciated.

With best regards,

[Wien] setrlimit routine in Mac OS X platform

2013-03-06 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com
Dear Laurence,

thank you for your message.
the gcc macro you pointed works well in my Mac OS X 10.7.4.
please find the attached patch.

Thanks again, with best regards,

- Original Message -
 There should be  W2kutils.c the lines
 #ifdef __APPLE__
 limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max ; /* RLIM_INFINITY */
 limit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY ;
 Maybe this is not being recognized in your Mac OS X, in which case try
 ( see http://lists.apple.com/archives/unix-porting/2004/Mar/msg00075.html
 ) adding
 #else ifdef __APPLE_CC__
 limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max ; /* RLIM_INFINITY */
 and/or do what is suggested in the page above to see what is defined.
 Please let us know what works.
 On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:21 AM, tasaka at affinity-science.com
 tasaka at affinity-science.com wrote:
  I'm trying to build the execution files on Mac OS X Lion platform
  with wien2k_12.1, gfortran, openblas, openmpi etc. then, I think
  that Mac OS X can't handle RLIM_INFINITY in setrlimit routine.
  so, I'd like to skip w2k_extend_limits() in W2kinit.F as below.
  *** ./SRC_hf/W2kinit.F.bak  2013-03-04 22:53:46.0 +0900
  --- ./SRC_hf/W2kinit.F  2013-03-04 22:53:49.0 +0900
  *** 27,33 
  --- 27,35 
#ifdef INTEL_VML
   include 'mkl_vml.fi'
  + #ifndef MACOSX
   call w2k_extend_limits()
  + #endif
#ifdef Parallel
!  Register C signal dispatcher, needed for parallel only
  *** ./SRC_lapw0/W2kinit.F.bak   2013-03-04 22:47:09.0 +0900
  --- ./SRC_lapw0/W2kinit.F   2013-03-04 22:50:11.0 +0900
  it seems to work well. but if there are any problems/precautions,
  please advise.
  Any information would be appreciated.
  With best regards,
  Wien mailing list
  Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 Professor Laurence Marks
 Department of Materials Science and Engineering
 Northwestern University
 www.numis.northwestern.edu 1-847-491-3996
 Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
 nobody else has thought
 Albert Szent-Gyorgi
 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
-- next part --
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[Wien] Syntax error in array constructor (gfortran)

2013-02-22 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com
Dear Gavin,

thank you for your reply. I agree and it might work well.
but,  I think it would be more favorable if source
compatibility is kept in different compilers.

Anyway, thanks again for your comments.

With best regards,

- Original Message -
 I think you have to modify the code like you indicated.  I made the 
 attached patch.  It removed the compile time errors, but I never tested 
 it make sure it didn't have any runtime errors.
 Placed gfortran.patch (for Wien2k 12.1) into $WIENROOT, and entered:
 $ patch -b -p0 -i gfortran.patch
 On 2/20/2013 11:26 PM, tasaka at affinity-science.com wrote:
  I encountered the follwoing errors when compiling in SRC_hf
  with GNU Fortran (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3.
  if there are any options of gfortran to avoid these errors, please advise.
  gfortran -ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none  -c calc_exhfvv_tmp_.F
   igv = (/ 1:ng /)
  Error: Syntax error in array constructor at (1)
   igv = (/ 1:(igs-1),(igs+1):ng /)
  Error: Syntax error in array constructor at (1)
  make[1]: *** [calc_exhfvv.o] Error 1
  Or, should I modify the codes as like below?
   igv = (/ (i, i=1,ng,1) /)
  Any information would be appreciated.
  With best regards,
  Wien mailing list
  Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] Syntax error in array constructor (gfortran)

2013-02-21 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com

I encountered the follwoing errors when compiling in SRC_hf
with GNU Fortran (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3.
if there are any options of gfortran to avoid these errors, please advise.

gfortran -ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none  -c calc_exhfvv_tmp_.F

igv = (/ 1:ng /)
Error: Syntax error in array constructor at (1)

igv = (/ 1:(igs-1),(igs+1):ng /)
Error: Syntax error in array constructor at (1)
make[1]: *** [calc_exhfvv.o] Error 1

Or, should I modify the codes as like below?

igv = (/ (i, i=1,ng,1) /)

Any information would be appreciated.

With best regards,

[Wien] trouble with clmcopy.def

2012-11-08 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com

I found that clmcopy can't work well in version 12.1.
it's because of clmcopy.def. so, please modify/update x_lapw as below.

tasaka at theta:~/work/tmp/SRC$ diff x_lapw x_lapw.new 
   echo 17,'$file.vresp$ending$updn', 'old','formatted',  0
   echo 18,'$file.vresp$ending$dnup', 'unknown','formatted',  0
   echo 17,'$file.vresp$ending$updn', 'old','formatted',  0$def
   echo 18,'$file.vresp$ending$dnup', 'unknown','formatted',  0$def
   echo 17,'$file.clm$ending$updn', 'old','formatted',  0
   echo 18,'$file.clm$ending$dnup', 'unknown','formatted',  0
   echo 17,'$file.clm$ending$updn', 'old','formatted',  0$def
   echo 18,'$file.clm$ending$dnup', 'unknown','formatted',  0$def
tasaka at theta:~/work/tmp/SRC$ 

With best regards,

[Wien] job submission script for grid engine

2012-10-19 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com

I wrote a simple script to submit wien2k's parallel job into grid
engine queueing system. I suppose it works without errors,
but I don't have a sufficient testing environment now(only single node).
so, I would appreciate if anyone could check the following and fix if it
's wrong.

Thanks in advance, with best regards,

#$ -S /bin/csh
#$ -N WIEN2k_JOB
#$ -cwd
#$ -q all.q
#$ -V 
#$ -j y
#$ -o sge.out
#$ -pe mpi 16
set core = 4
set kdiv = 4

@ node_per_k = ${NSLOTS} / ${core} / ${kdiv}

echo kdiv x node_per_k, core: $kdiv x $node_per_k, $core
#uniq -c $PE_HOSTFILE
#/bin/echo -e $NSLOTS

if ( -e .machines ) then
#cp .machines .machines_old
rm .machines

echo -n 'lapw0: '  .machines
cat $PE_HOSTFILE | awk '{printf $1:$2 }'  .machines
echo   .machines

cat $PE_HOSTFILE | awk '{if('${core}'  $2) \
{ print Check $core or alloc.rule!} \
i=1 \
while(i = $2/'${core}' ) \
{ printf $1:'${core}'\n \
i++ } \
   }'  .machines_tmp_$$

cat .machines_tmp_$$ | awk '{if(NR%'${node_per_k}') ORS=  \
else ORS=\n; print}' | sed -e 's/^/1\:/g'  .machines

rm .machines_tmp_$$ 

echo 'granularity:1'  .machines
echo 'extrafine:1'  .machines

# write down wien2k-job
#init_lapw -red 2 -vxc 13 -rkmax 6.5 -numk 200 -b
#run_lapw -I -i 40 -p
#x_lapw lapw1 -up -p
#x_lapw qtl -up -p

[Wien] way to confirm stable/transition structures

2012-10-09 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com

thank you for the detailed explanations.

 this is always the case which are well known although often omitted in
 simple textbooks. I am 99.8% certain that MSR1a will also not be
 trapped in a saddle point although there is currently no analytic
 proof of this.

I agreed, it was a help to me!

With best regards,

- Original Message -
 This is a slightly complicated question. What you sent is a transition
 state, mathematically a saddle point. You are asking if within MINI
 (and/or MSR1a) you can get trapped in one.
 I can only answer for PORT  MSR1a. If you start a little away from a
 saddle point, and there are no other issues such as problems with
 touching RMTs or inconsistent forces, the program will converge to a
 true local minimum. There are some standard traps that ensure that
 this is always the case which are well known although often omitted in
 simple textbooks. I am 99.8% certain that MSR1a will also not be
 trapped in a saddle point although there is currently no analytic
 proof of this.
 A caveat. If you were to start at the exact saddle point (or very
 close to it) the mini code may decide that you have already converged
 and stop without checking. This is because the convergence criteria
 are just that the forces are small, not that the Hessian is positive
 definite (i.e. a local minimum).
 Another caveat. If you have a soft mode distortion away from the
 saddle point the code might also be fooled into thinking it has found
 a minimum whereas in reality it has not. PORT is quite good in
 avoiding this; MSR1a not quite so good for a number of reasons.
 And yet a third one. It is possible to force a saddle point using
 symmetry, for instance if you added a z-axis mirror.
 If you are concerned whether you have got trapped in a saddle point
 because you started there, move the atomic positions a bit and rerun.
 N.B., a different question is how to find a saddle point/transition 
 On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 4:55 AM, tasaka at affinity-science.com
 tasaka at affinity-science.com wrote:
  In MINI calculation, a relaxed structure is depend on initial 
  in general. so, sometimes it might arrive to the transition 
  for example, please find the attached structure file.
  for that case, how do we confirm the obtained structure whether
  transition or stable structure, especially in wien2k-code?
  sorry if it's a silly question, but any information would be 
  With best regards,
 Professor Laurence Marks
 Department of Materials Science and Engineering
 Northwestern University
 www.numis.northwestern.edu 1-847-491-3996
 Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what
 nobody else has thought
 Albert Szent-Gyorgi
 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] way to confirm stable/transition structures

2012-10-05 Thread tas...@affinity-science.com

In MINI calculation, a relaxed structure is depend on initial structure
in general. so, sometimes it might arrive to the transition structure.
for example, please find the attached structure file.
for that case, how do we confirm the obtained structure whether
transition or stable structure, especially in wien2k-code?

sorry if it's a silly question, but any information would be appreciated.

With best regards,
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