[Wien] Fwd: Error in Nearest neighbor program when running TiC example

2008-07-18 Thread Itsuhiro Fujii
Dear all

I was in the torouble that were written at the end of this mail.
I was running wien version 08_2 on a machine of DELL PRECISION T5400 with 
operating system Fedora9, fortran compiler 
Intel Fortran 10.1.015 and math libraries Intel MKL in trouble.
I followed the User's guide correctly, but couldn't escape from that.
Then I tried other Linux system of openSUSE, and succeeded the StructGen 
working correctly,
but I don't make clear the couse of my trouble.

I am now also tryed to run TiC example, and got the same error.
Then I tryed putting only the TiC.struct file, added to WIEN2k program, in the 
working directry,
and I run StructGen.
Then the TiC.struct file changed to strange form...

  8.442749  8.442749  8.442749 90.00 90.00 90.00
ATOM   1: X=0. Y=0. Z=0.
  MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 2
Ti1NPT=  781  R0=0.5000 RMT=2.1600   Z: 22.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000
 0.000 1.000 0.000
 0.000 0.000 1.000
ATOM   2: X=0.5000 Y=0. Z=0.
  MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 2
C 1NPT=  781  R0=0.0001 RMT=1.9100   Z:  6.0
LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000
 0.000 1.000 0.000
 0.000 0.000 1.000
 1 0 0 0.
 0 1 0 0.
 0 0 1 0.
-1 0 0 0.
 0-1 0 0.
 0 0 1 0.

And I also get the TiC.inst file that differing to original one,

Ti 1   
Ar 2  
3, 2,2.0  N
3, 2,0.0  N
4,-1,1.0  N
4,-1,1.0  N
C 1   
He 3  
2,-1,1.0  N
2,-1,1.0  N
2, 1,1.0  N
2, 1,0.0  N
2,-2,1.0  N
2,-2,0.0  N
 End of Input
 End of Input

John Bevington :

After compiling wien2k, I tired to run the TiC example as per the Quick Start 
instructions in the UG.  I can generate a 
structure file using StuctGen and view the TiC structure with XCRYSDEN.  
However, when I try to run nn (nearest 
neighbors) under initialize calc I get the following error:

Commandline: x nn
Program input is: 2 

argv1: Subscript out of range.

I've searched the mailing list, checked and re-checked the users guide and 
found nothing.  Am I missing something 
simple?  Please help...

- Thanks

P.S.  My system info:

Dell workstation T7400 (w/dual Xeon quad core processors)
Fedora 9
Intel fortran compiler 10.1.015
Intel MKL
wien2k v8.2
Making the world a better place one message at a time.
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

[Wien] Fwd: Error in Nearest neighbor program when running TiC example

2008-07-18 Thread John Bevington

I could not get wien2k to run on Fedora 9 (I think the wien c-scrips are not 
compatible with csh in Fedora 9).  I removed Fedora 9 and installed Fedora 8, 
ifort 10.1.015 and MKL  Everything seems to be working now.  I hope 
this helps.

- John Bevington 

 From: 27323u at ube-ind.co.jp
 Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 10:46:47 +0900
 To: wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 Subject: [Wien] Fwd: Error in Nearest neighbor program when running TiC   
 Dear all
 I was in the torouble that were written at the end of this mail.
 I was running wien version 08_2 on a machine of DELL PRECISION T5400 with 
 operating system Fedora9, fortran compiler 
 Intel Fortran 10.1.015 and math libraries Intel MKL in trouble.
 I followed the User's guide correctly, but couldn't escape from that.
 Then I tried other Linux system of openSUSE, and succeeded the StructGen 
 working correctly,
 but I don't make clear the couse of my trouble.
 I am now also tryed to run TiC example, and got the same error.
 Then I tryed putting only the TiC.struct file, added to WIEN2k program, in 
 the working directry,
 and I run StructGen.
 Then the TiC.struct file changed to strange form...
 MODE OF CALC=RELA unit=ang 
   8.442749  8.442749  8.442749 90.00 90.00 90.00
 ATOM   1: X=0. Y=0. Z=0.
   MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 2
 Ti1NPT=  781  R0=0.5000 RMT=2.1600   Z: 22.0
 LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 1.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 1.000
 ATOM   2: X=0.5000 Y=0. Z=0.
   MULT= 1  ISPLIT= 2
 C 1NPT=  781  R0=0.0001 RMT=1.9100   Z:  6.0
 LOCAL ROT MATRIX:1.000 0.000 0.000
  0.000 1.000 0.000
  0.000 0.000 1.000
  1 0 0 0.
  0 1 0 0.
  0 0 1 0.
 -1 0 0 0.
  0-1 0 0.
  0 0 1 0.
 And I also get the TiC.inst file that differing to original one,
 Ti 1   
 Ar 2  
 3, 2,2.0  N
 3, 2,0.0  N
 4,-1,1.0  N
 4,-1,1.0  N
 C 1   
 He 3  
 2,-1,1.0  N
 2,-1,1.0  N
 2, 1,1.0  N
 2, 1,0.0  N
 2,-2,1.0  N
 2,-2,0.0  N
  End of Input
  End of Input
 John Bevington :

After compiling wien2k, I tired to run the TiC example as per the Quick Start 
instructions in the UG.  I can generate a 
 structure file using StuctGen and view the TiC structure with XCRYSDEN.  
 However, when I try to run nn (nearest 
 neighbors) under initialize calc I get the following error:

Commandline: x nn
Program input is: 2 

argv1: Subscript out of range.

I've searched the mailing list, checked and re-checked the users guide and 
found nothing.  Am I missing something 
 simple?  Please help...

- Thanks

P.S.  My system info:

Dell workstation T7400 (w/dual Xeon quad core processors)
Fedora 9
Intel fortran compiler 10.1.015
Intel MKL
wien2k v8.2
Making the world a better place one message at a time.
Wien mailing list
Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

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