[Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-20 Thread Md. Fhokrul Islam
Dear users,

I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have 
obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure if I 
understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two irreducible 
representations as listed in the file but many of the eigenstates are labelled 
by "??". Am I doing anything wrong? The bands 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate 
with irrep of the double group G2+, G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right? Also, can 
anyone please clarify what are the complex numbers under operators E and I?

Case. outputirso:

   The point group is Ci
   2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
   Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
   Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]

   E I
   G1+   A1g1 1
   G2+  A1/2g  1 1
   G2-   A1/2u  1-1

class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
   E2 (+1.00 0.00i)
I1 (+1.00 0.00i)

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
  1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
  3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
  5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
 97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??

The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:

   104 4  -4.2611650  00  00  00  0
   105 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   106 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   107 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   108 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   109 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
   110 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0

What are the numbers in column 4-7?


Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-20 Thread Gavin Abo
I'm not sure that I have the proper answers but given below is what I'm 
currently thinking they might be.
I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I 
have obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not 
sure if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two 
irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the 
eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong?

The 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i for band 109 for E and I values, 
respectively, look very close to 4.00+0.00i 0.00-0.00i for band 105. I 
wondering if perhaps there is some round off error where the ?? might 
indicate that the program was not able to identify a irreducible 
representation label corresponding to 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i (since it 
would need to be 4.00+0.00i 0.00-0.00 to have G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2- in 
this case).  I'm wondering if that would be effected by your k-mesh.  
Have you tried change it to see if the values change?  There is also a 
tolerance value (TOL variable) in SRC_irrep/wrtir.f that looks like it 
could be adjusted. Though, I would only fiddle with that as a last resort.

 The bands 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double 
group G2+, G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right?

I believe you are right about that.

Also, can anyone please clarify what are the complex numbers under 
operators E and I?

Since in some point groups the characters can be complex [1], I guessing 
the developer for programming simplicity decided to output the results 
always in complex number notation even though in many cases it is only a 
real number.  For your calculation, it appears to be only be a real 
number as the imaginary part is zero (i.e., 0.00i).


case. outputirso:

       The point group is Ci
       2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
       Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
       Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]

                           E     I
       G1+   A1g    1     1
       G1-    A1u    1    -1
       G2+  A1/2g  1     1
       G2-   A1/2u  1    -1

class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
   E    2             (+1.00 0.00i)
    I    1             (+1.00 0.00i)

bnd ndg  eigval     E                   I
  1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
  3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
  5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
 97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??

The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:

       104         4  -4.261165    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0
       105         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1 -2  1
       106         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1 -2  1
       107         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1 -2  1
       108         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1 -2  1
       109         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0  0  0
       110         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0  0  0

What are the numbers in column 4-7?

In case. outputirso for band 105, there is:

G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-

In case.irrepso for band 105, there is:

2  1 2  1 -2  1 -2  1

The columns 4 & 5, 6 & 7, 8 & 9, and 10 & 11 might correspond to 
irreducible representation numbers that correspond with the labels 
(e.g., G2+ with 2 1 and G2- with -2 1).

Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-21 Thread Md. Fhokrul Islam
Hi Gavin,

Thank you for your reply. I have another calculation with a different k-path 
but output file still contains "??" marks. I am also not sure if the complex 
numbers are the characters of the point group. Here are few bands at a general 
k-points which belongs to C1 point group. This group has only unit operator, E. 
So, the character of E should be 1. But the numbers listed under operator E in 
the output file are clearly different, and doesn't look like due to rounding 
error. Maybe I misunderstood the output file.

knum =  2kname=
k = 0.00 0.00 0.225000

   The point group is C1
   1 symmetry operations in  1 classes

   G1A1 1
   G2A1/2  1

bnd ndg  eigval E

 152-4.673171   1.56-0.00i  ??
 172-4.673047   0.04+0.00i ??
 192-4.673041   0.03-0.00i  ??
 214-4.672125   0.07-0.00i  ??


From: Wien  on behalf of Gavin Abo 

Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 3:35 AM
To: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Subject: Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

I'm not sure that I have the proper answers but given below is what I'm 
currently thinking they might be.
I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have 
obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure if I 
understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two irreducible 
representations as listed in the file but many of the eigenstates are labelled 
by "??". Am I doing anything wrong?

The 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i for band 109 for E and I values, respectively, look 
very close to 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i for band 105. I wondering if perhaps there 
is some round off error where the ?? might indicate that the program was not 
able to identify a irreducible representation label corresponding to 3.99-0.00i 
 0.00+0.00i (since it would need to be 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00 to have G2+ + G2+ 
+ G2- + G2- in this case).  I'm wondering if that would be effected by your 
k-mesh.  Have you tried change it to see if the values change?  There is also a 
tolerance value (TOL variable) in SRC_irrep/wrtir.f that looks like it could be 
adjusted.  Though, I would only fiddle with that as a last resort.

 The bands 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double group 
G2+, G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right?

I believe you are right about that.

Also, can anyone please clarify what are the complex numbers under operators E 
and I?

Since in some point groups the characters can be complex [1], I guessing the 
developer for programming simplicity decided to output the results always in 
complex number notation even though in many cases it is only a real number.  
For your calculation, it appears to be only be a real number as the imaginary 
part is zero (i.e., 0.00i).


case. outputirso:

   The point group is Ci
   2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
   Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
   Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]

   E I
   G1+   A1g1 1
   G2+  A1/2g  1 1
   G2-   A1/2u  1-1

class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
   E2 (+1.00 0.00i)
I1 (+1.00 0.00i)

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
  1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
  3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
  5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
 97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??

The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:

   104 4  -4.2611650  00  00  00  0
   105 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   106 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   107 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   108 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
   109 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
   110 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0

What are the numbers in column 4-7?

In case. outputirso for band 105, there is:

G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-

In case.irrepso for band 105, there is:

2  12  1   -2  1   -2  1

The columns 4 & 5, 6 & 7, 8 

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-22 Thread Peter Blaha
Please send me exactly the struct file you are using (with SO) + details 
of the calculation (spin-polarization ???) to my private email.

Are you using the latest WIEN2k version ?

Am 21.06.2020 um 23:27 schrieb Md. Fhokrul Islam:

Hi Gavin,

Thank you for your reply. I have another calculation with a different 
k-path but output file still contains "??" marks. I am also not sure if 
the complex numbers are the characters of the point group. Here are few 
bands at a general k-points which belongs to C1 point group. This group 
has only unit operator, E. So, the character of E should be 1. But the 
numbers listed under operator E in the output file are clearly 
different, and doesn't look like due to rounding error. Maybe I 
misunderstood the output file.

knum =  2    kname=
k = 0.00 0.00 0.225000

        The point group is C1
        1 symmetry operations in  1 classes

        G1    A1     1
        G2    A1/2  1

bnd ndg      eigval         E

  15    2    -4.673171   1.56-0.00i  ??
  17    2    -4.673047   0.04+0.00i ??
  19    2    -4.673041   0.03-0.00i  ??
  21    4    -4.672125   0.07-0.00i  ??


*From:* Wien  on behalf of 
Gavin Abo 

*Sent:* Sunday, June 21, 2020 3:35 AM
*To:* wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
*Subject:* Re: [Wien] Irrep output file
I'm not sure that I have the proper answers but given below is what I'm 
currently thinking they might be.
I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I 
have obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not 
sure if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two 
irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the 
eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong?

The 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i for band 109 for E and I values, 
respectively, look very close to 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i for band 105. I 
wondering if perhaps there is some round off error where the ?? might 
indicate that the program was not able to identify a irreducible 
representation label corresponding to 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i (since it 
would need to be 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00 to have G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2- in 
this case).  I'm wondering if that would be effected by your k-mesh.  
Have you tried change it to see if the values change?  There is also a 
tolerance value (TOL variable) in SRC_irrep/wrtir.f that looks like it 
could be adjusted. Though, I would only fiddle with that as a last resort.

 The bands 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double 
group G2+, G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right?

I believe you are right about that.

Also, can anyone please clarify what are the complex numbers under 
operators E and I?

Since in some point groups the characters can be complex [1], I guessing 
the developer for programming simplicity decided to output the results 
always in complex number notation even though in many cases it is only a 
real number.  For your calculation, it appears to be only be a real 
number as the imaginary part is zero (i.e., 0.00i).


case. outputirso:

       The point group is Ci
       2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
       Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
       Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]

                           E     I
       G1+   A1g    1     1
       G1-    A1u    1    -1
       G2+  A1/2g  1     1
       G2-   A1/2u  1    -1

class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
   E    2             (+1.00 0.00i)
    I    1             (+1.00 0.00i)

bnd ndg  eigval     E                   I
  1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
  3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
  5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
 97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??

The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:

       104         4  -4.261165    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0
       105         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
       106         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
       107         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
       108         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
       109         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-22 Thread Peter Blaha

I don't know where the problem is.

I used your struct file, initialized and did a non-scf

x lapw0
x lapw1 -band
x lapwso
x irrep -so

There are no problems in outputirso. All irreps could be found, but 
please note, this is NOT scf !

knum =  1kname= Z
k = 0.00 0.00 0.50

   The point group is Ci

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
  1  2 -4.585464 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
  3  2 -4.585396 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
  5  2 -4.585388 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
  7  2 -4.585374 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
  9  2 -4.585243 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-

 97  2 -4.173640 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
 99  2 -4.173630 2.00+0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
101  2 -4.173574 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
103  2 -4.173567 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
105  2 -4.173461 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
107  2 -4.173453 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
109  2 -4.172885 2.00+0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
111  2 -4.172854 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
113  2 -4.172846 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
115  2 -4.172820 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
117  2 -4.172695 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
119  2 -4.172669 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
121  2 -2.391230 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
123  2 -2.391209 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
125  2 -2.390878 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
127  2 -2.390873 2.00+0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-

Maybe update to the most recent WIEN2k version.

Am 20.06.2020 um 21:37 schrieb Md. Fhokrul Islam:

Dear users,

I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have 
obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure 
if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two 
irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the 
eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong? The bands 
105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double group G2+, 
G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right? Also, can anyone please clarify what 
are the complex numbers under operators E and I?

Case. outputirso:

        The point group is Ci
        2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
        Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
        Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]

                            E     I
        G1+   A1g    1     1
        G1-    A1u    1    -1
        G2+  A1/2g  1     1
        G2-   A1/2u  1    -1

class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
    E    2             (+1.00 0.00i)
     I    1             (+1.00 0.00i)

bnd ndg  eigval     E                   I
   1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
   3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
   5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
  97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??

The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:

        104         4  -4.261165    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0
        105         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
        106         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
        107         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
        108         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
        109         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0
        110         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0

What are the numbers in column 4-7?


Wien mailing list

Peter Blaha
Inst.Materials Chemistry
TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna
Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-22 Thread Md. Fhokrul Islam
Hi Prof. Blaha,

Thank you very much for checking the calculation. It looks very different from 
what I have got but your result make sense. In your calculation all bands are 
2-fold degenerate, which should be since the system has both inversion and 
time-reversal. I was getting many bands with 4-fold degeneracy, which doesn't 
make sense for Ci point group.

I will install the latest version and check if I get the correct result.


From: Wien  on behalf of Peter Blaha 

Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 8:44 AM
To: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Subject: Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

I don't know where the problem is.

I used your struct file, initialized and did a non-scf

x lapw0
x lapw1 -band
x lapwso
x irrep -so

There are no problems in outputirso. All irreps could be found, but
please note, this is NOT scf !

knum =  1kname= Z
k = 0.00 0.00 0.50

The point group is Ci

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
   1  2 -4.585464 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   3  2 -4.585396 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
   5  2 -4.585388 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   7  2 -4.585374 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
   9  2 -4.585243 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-

  97  2 -4.173640 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
  99  2 -4.173630 2.00+0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
101  2 -4.173574 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
103  2 -4.173567 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
105  2 -4.173461 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
107  2 -4.173453 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
109  2 -4.172885 2.00+0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
111  2 -4.172854 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
113  2 -4.172846 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
115  2 -4.172820 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
117  2 -4.172695 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
119  2 -4.172669 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
121  2 -2.391230 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
123  2 -2.391209 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
125  2 -2.390878 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
127  2 -2.390873 2.00+0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-

Maybe update to the most recent WIEN2k version.

Am 20.06.2020 um 21:37 schrieb Md. Fhokrul Islam:
> Dear users,
> I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have
> obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure
> if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two
> irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the
> eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong? The bands
> 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double group G2+,
> G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right? Also, can anyone please clarify what
> are the complex numbers under operators E and I?
> Case. outputirso:
> The point group is Ci
> 2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
> Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
> Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]
> E I
> G1+   A1g1 1
> G1-A1u1-1
> G2+  A1/2g  1 1
> G2-   A1/2u  1-1
> class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
> E2 (+1.00 0.00i)
>  I1 (+1.00 0.00i)
> bnd ndg  eigval E   I
>1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
>3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
>5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
> ...
> ...
>   97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
> 101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
> 105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
> 113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
> 125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??
> The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:
> 104 4  -4.2611650  00  00  00  0
> 105 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 106 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 107 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 108 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 109 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
> 110 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
> What are the numbers in column 4-7?
> Thanks,
> Fhokrul
> ___
> Wien mailing list
> Wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/wien
> h

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-23 Thread Md. Fhokrul Islam
Hi Prof. Blaha,

I have installed the latest version 19.2 and recalculated irrep (non-scf) but I 
am still getting the same as before. Maybe I am doing something wrong in 
setting up the calculation. Here are the steps I followed:

1. initialized lapw
2. initialized spin-orbit: initso
3. edited case.inso by setting ipr=1 and kpot=1 as mentioned inthe 
README file in the irrep directory (I also did with default setting but 
got the same).
4. Chose a k-path for band calculation.

then I did a non-scf calculation just like you did.  So could you please let me 
know if I am doing something wrong.


From: Wien  on behalf of Peter Blaha 

Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 8:44 AM
To: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Subject: Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

I don't know where the problem is.

I used your struct file, initialized and did a non-scf

x lapw0
x lapw1 -band
x lapwso
x irrep -so

There are no problems in outputirso. All irreps could be found, but
please note, this is NOT scf !

knum =  1kname= Z
k = 0.00 0.00 0.50

The point group is Ci

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
   1  2 -4.585464 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   3  2 -4.585396 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
   5  2 -4.585388 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   7  2 -4.585374 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
   9  2 -4.585243 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-

  97  2 -4.173640 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
  99  2 -4.173630 2.00+0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
101  2 -4.173574 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
103  2 -4.173567 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
105  2 -4.173461 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
107  2 -4.173453 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
109  2 -4.172885 2.00+0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
111  2 -4.172854 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
113  2 -4.172846 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
115  2 -4.172820 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
117  2 -4.172695 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
119  2 -4.172669 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
121  2 -2.391230 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
123  2 -2.391209 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
125  2 -2.390878 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
127  2 -2.390873 2.00+0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-

Maybe update to the most recent WIEN2k version.

Am 20.06.2020 um 21:37 schrieb Md. Fhokrul Islam:
> Dear users,
> I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have
> obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure
> if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two
> irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the
> eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong? The bands
> 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double group G2+,
> G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right? Also, can anyone please clarify what
> are the complex numbers under operators E and I?
> Case. outputirso:
> The point group is Ci
> 2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
> Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
> Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]
> E I
> G1+   A1g1 1
> G1-A1u1-1
> G2+  A1/2g  1 1
> G2-   A1/2u  1-1
> class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
> E2 (+1.00 0.00i)
>  I1 (+1.00 0.00i)
> bnd ndg  eigval E   I
>1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
>3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
>5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
> ...
> ...
>   97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
> 101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
> 105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
> 113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
> 125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??
> The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:
> 104 4  -4.2611650  00  00  00  0
> 105 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 106 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 107 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 108 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 109 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
> 110 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
> What are the numbers in column 4-7?
> Thanks,
> Fhokrul

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-28 Thread Md. Fhokrul Islam
Hi Prof. Blaha,

I think the problem is probably with RLO orbitals. If I initialize spin-orbit 
without RLO then I get correct irrep. It works for both Wien2k_18.2 and 19.2.


From: Wien  on behalf of Peter Blaha 

Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 8:44 AM
To: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
Subject: Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

I don't know where the problem is.

I used your struct file, initialized and did a non-scf

x lapw0
x lapw1 -band
x lapwso
x irrep -so

There are no problems in outputirso. All irreps could be found, but
please note, this is NOT scf !

knum =  1kname= Z
k = 0.00 0.00 0.50

The point group is Ci

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
   1  2 -4.585464 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   3  2 -4.585396 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
   5  2 -4.585388 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   7  2 -4.585374 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
   9  2 -4.585243 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-

  97  2 -4.173640 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
  99  2 -4.173630 2.00+0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
101  2 -4.173574 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
103  2 -4.173567 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
105  2 -4.173461 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
107  2 -4.173453 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
109  2 -4.172885 2.00+0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
111  2 -4.172854 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
113  2 -4.172846 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
115  2 -4.172820 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
117  2 -4.172695 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
119  2 -4.172669 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
121  2 -2.391230 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
123  2 -2.391209 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
125  2 -2.390878 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
127  2 -2.390873 2.00+0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-

Maybe update to the most recent WIEN2k version.

Am 20.06.2020 um 21:37 schrieb Md. Fhokrul Islam:
> Dear users,
> I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have
> obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure
> if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two
> irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the
> eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong? The bands
> 105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double group G2+,
> G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right? Also, can anyone please clarify what
> are the complex numbers under operators E and I?
> Case. outputirso:
> The point group is Ci
> 2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
> Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
> Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]
> E I
> G1+   A1g1 1
> G1-A1u1-1
> G2+  A1/2g  1 1
> G2-   A1/2u  1-1
> class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
> E2 (+1.00 0.00i)
>  I1 (+1.00 0.00i)
> bnd ndg  eigval E   I
>1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
>3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
>5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
> ...
> ...
>   97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
> 101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
> 105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
> 113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
> 125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
> 129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??
> The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:
> 104 4  -4.2611650  00  00  00  0
> 105 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 106 4  -4.2607952  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 107 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 108 4  -4.2607912  12  1   -2  1   -2  1
> 109 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
> 110 4  -4.2593440  00  00  00  0
> What are the numbers in column 4-7?
> Thanks,
> Fhokrul
> ___
> Wien mailing list
> Wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
> http://zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/wien
> http://www.mail-archive.com/wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at/index.html

Peter Blaha
Inst.Materials Chemistry
TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna
Wien mailing list

Re: [Wien] Irrep output file

2020-06-28 Thread Peter Blaha


Yes of course.  RLOs are not supported in auxiliary programs.

This is a typical example of "not providing enough information" for an 
efficient help.

On 6/29/20 1:09 AM, Md. Fhokrul Islam wrote:

Hi Prof. Blaha,

I think the problem is probably with RLO orbitals. If I initialize 
spin-orbit without RLO then I get correct irrep. It works for both 
Wien2k_18.2 and 19.2.


*From:* Wien  on behalf of 
Peter Blaha 

*Sent:* Monday, June 22, 2020 8:44 AM
*To:* wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
*Subject:* Re: [Wien] Irrep output file
I don't know where the problem is.

I used your struct file, initialized and did a non-scf

x lapw0
x lapw1 -band
x lapwso
x irrep -so

There are no problems in outputirso. All irreps could be found, but
please note, this is NOT scf !

knum =  1    kname= Z
k = 0.00 0.00 0.50

     The point group is Ci

bnd ndg  eigval E   I
    1  2 -4.585464 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
    3  2 -4.585396 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
    5  2 -4.585388 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
    7  2 -4.585374 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
    9  2 -4.585243 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-

   97  2 -4.173640 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
   99  2 -4.173630 2.00+0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
101  2 -4.173574 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
103  2 -4.173567 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
105  2 -4.173461 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
107  2 -4.173453 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
109  2 -4.172885 2.00+0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
111  2 -4.172854 2.00-0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-
113  2 -4.172846 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
115  2 -4.172820 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
117  2 -4.172695 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
119  2 -4.172669 2.00+0.00i  2.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+
121  2 -2.391230 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
123  2 -2.391209 2.00-0.00i -2.00+0.00i =G2- + G2-
125  2 -2.390878 2.00-0.00i  2.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+
127  2 -2.390873 2.00+0.00i -2.00-0.00i =G2- + G2-

Maybe update to the most recent WIEN2k version.

Am 20.06.2020 um 21:37 schrieb Md. Fhokrul Islam:

Dear users,

I am trying to extract irreducible representation of eigenvalues. I have 
obtained the case.outputirso and case.irrepso files. But I am not sure 
if I understood these files correctly. The Ci point group has two 
irreducible representations as listed in the file but many of the 
eigenstates are labelled by "??". Am I doing anything wrong? The bands 
105 -108 are four-fold degenerate with irrep of the double group G2+, 
G2+,G2-,G2-, respectively, right? Also, can anyone please clarify what 
are the complex numbers under operators E and I?

Case. outputirso:

         The point group is Ci
         2 symmetry operations in  2 classes
         Table  6   on page  32 in Koster  et al [7]
         Table 11.4 on page 138 in Altmann et al [8]

                             E     I
         G1+   A1g    1     1
         G1-    A1u    1    -1
         G2+  A1/2g  1     1
         G2-   A1/2u  1    -1

class, symmetry ops, exp(-i*k*taui)
     E    2             (+1.00 0.00i)
      I    1             (+1.00 0.00i)

bnd ndg  eigval     E                   I
    1  2 -4.675588 1.99+0.00i -1.99-0.00i  ??
    3  2 -4.675572 1.99-0.00i   1.99-0.00i  ??
    5  2 -4.674606 1.98-0.00i  -1.98+0.00i ??
   97  4 -4.261267 3.97+0.00i -0.00-0.00i  ??
101  4 -4.261167 3.99-0.00i  0.01+0.00i  ??
105  4 -4.260795 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
109  4 -4.259344 3.99-0.00i  0.00+0.00i ??
113  4 -4.258747 4.00+0.00i  0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
117  4 -4.258715 4.00-0.00i  0.00+0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
121  4 -2.13 3.90-0.00i -0.01-0.00i ??
125  4 -2.333098 4.00+0.00i -0.00-0.00i =G2+ + G2+ + G2- + G2-
129  4 -2.332321 3.93+0.00i -0.02+0.00i ??

The corresponding bands in the case.irrepso file:

         104         4  -4.261165    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0
         105         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
         106         4  -4.260795    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
         107         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
         108         4  -4.260791    2  1    2  1   -2  1   -2  1
         109         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0
         110         4  -4.259344    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0

What are the numbers in column 4-7?


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