[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-17 Thread Gavin Abo
  Only 'case.symmat1up' was written. Why?

Might be because you have K in case.inop, and the Wien2k user guide 
says For K, L1, and M1 edges, *only* case.symmat1up is written

  ...why X Joint in the later step giving error.

Might be due to the problem in the joint section of x_lapw in Wien2k 11.1:


On 2/17/2013 11:50 AM, Peter Blaha wrote:
 i) when a parallel calculation has a problem, try it without 
 In several mails on this list it was documented, that there were 
 problems with opticpara. Maybe your version has not been corrected.

 ii) I'm not sure if XMCD works in parallel. As I said, try it 

 With 2 nodes. Although the case.vectorsoup_xx files were written, why
 case.vectorsoup file is empty? I can only get the file without using -p
 tag and 1 node. Why?
 Because it is a parallel calculation.

   2). Then I changed case.in2c and ran runsp_lapw -so -c -s lapw1 -e
 lcore -p. Edited case.inop like below: (N.B. the crystal has only 2
 symmetries, Identity and reflection along z, with s.grp - P1)

 343   1   number of k-points, first k-point
 -5.0 4.0 120  Emin, Emax for matrix elements, NBvalMAX
 XMCD   1K
 6 number of choices (columns in *outmat): 2: hex or 
 tetrag. case
 1 Re xx
 2 Re yy
 3 Re zz
 7 Im xy
 8 Im xz
 9 Im yz
 ON1   ON/OFF   writes MME to unit 4

 2). The 'case.mat_diagup' was empty before optic calculation. After
 running x opticc -up -so -p, 'case.symmatup', 'case.symmat2up' were
 empty. Only 'case.symmat1up' was written. Why? This is the reason why X
 Joint in the later step giving error.

 the input of joint looks like:

 1  234  234   : LOWER,UPPER and (optional) UPPER-VAL 
 0.0.00100   1. : EMIN DE EMAX FOR ENERGYGRID IN ryd
 eV   : output units  eV / ryd  / cm-1
   4: SWITCH
   0.1  0.1  0.3: BROADENING (FOR DRUDE MODEL - switch 6,7 -


 5...Im(EPSILON) for each band combination
 6...INTRABAND contributions
 7...INTRABAND contributions including band analysis

 So my question is where did I made mistake or skipped some essential
 step(s). Thank you very much in advance.

 With Regards,
 Prasenjit Roy
 Radboud University

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

-- next part --
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[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-14 Thread prasenjit roy
Dear WIEN2k Users and Prof Blaha,

   Thank you very much for your useful discussion. After
through the solutions given by you, I performed my calculations, and found
out the following things:

*1. For XANES: If my structure file contains atoms with** 
multicplicity  1 (in my case, 3), then after making the supercell** (1x1x2), 
if I remove one 1s electron from Fe1, it actually creating 3** core-holes 
instead of 1 (inside the supercell). So How should I create** the case.struct 
file at the first place?*

As Prof Blaha suggested, we need to make a unitcell with the atoms having

different indices.

*2. For obtaining XANES without core-hole, { and also with** 
core-hole } do I need to create k-points over the whole BZ ( in chapter** 
8.16 of UG (pp 156), it is written that for X-ray ABS spectra,** eigenvalue 
must be calculated over whole BZ )?*

In XANES we do not need Kmesh over whole BZ. For XMCD we need it.

PS: don't worry about runsp_lapw in 11.1 or 12.1 and complex. It
should be ok.

As Prof Blaha said, I did not find any problem with -c tag in 11.1. It
seems okay.

So, I calculated XAS spectra successfully. But the problem with XMCD still
remains. The Problems are arranged with numbering again. (N.B. the
magnetization direction is along z-axis. So it possibly has no problem with
WIEN 11.1)

 1). After 'init_lapw' and 'initso_lapw' and changing IPRINT=1 in *.inc, I
ran the
command, runsp_lapw -so -c -p -cc 0.0005 -ec 0.5. With 2 nodes.
the case.vectorsoup_xx files were written, why case.vectorsoup file is
empty? I
can only get the file without using -p tag and 1 node. Why?

2). Then I changed case.in2c and ran runsp_lapw -so -c -s lapw1 -e lcore
Edited case.inop like below: (N.B. the crystal has only 2 symmetries,
and reflection along z, with s.grp - P1)
343   1   number of k-points, first k-point
-5.0 4.0 120  Emin, Emax for matrix elements, NBvalMAX
6 number of choices (columns in *outmat): 2: hex or tetrag. case
1 Re xx
2 Re yy
3 Re zz
7 Im xy
8 Im xz
9 Im yz
ON1   ON/OFF   writes MME to unit 4

2). The 'case.mat_diagup' was empty before optic calculation. After running
x opticc -up -so -p, 'case.symmatup', 'case.symmat2up' were empty. Only
'case.symmat1up' was written. Why? This is the reason why X Joint in the
later step giving error.

the input of joint looks like:
1  234  234   : LOWER,UPPER and (optional) UPPER-VAL BANDINDEX
0.0.00100   1. : EMIN DE EMAX FOR ENERGYGRID IN ryd
eV   : output units  eV / ryd  / cm-1
 0.1  0.1  0.3: BROADENING (FOR DRUDE MODEL - switch 6,7 -


   5...Im(EPSILON) for each band combination
   6...INTRABAND contributions
   7...INTRABAND contributions including band analysis

So my question is where did I made mistake or skipped some essential
Thank you very much in advance.

With Regards,
Prasenjit Roy
Radboud University
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[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-12 Thread Peter Blaha
1. For XANES: If my structure file contains atoms with
 multicplicity  1 (in my case, 3), then after making the supercell
 (1x1x2), if I remove one 1s electron from Fe1, it actually creating 3
 core-holes instead of 1 (inside the supercell). So How should I create
 the case.struct file at the first place?

You have to break symmetry and split a position off, so that you have 
only one atom with a core hole.  PS: 18 atom supercells could be a bit 
small, but one can start with it...

2. For obtaining XANES without core-hole, { and also with
 core-hole } do I need to create k-points over the whole BZ ( in chapter
 8.16 of UG (pp 156), it is written that for X-ray ABS spectra,
 eigenvalue must be calculated over whole BZ )?

For XANES you don't need a full k-mesh. For XMCD I do not know, but 
would be surprised 

3. Is the Energy window in case.inxs depends on EMAX,
 NBANDS in case.in1c?
Of course. Without eigenvalues in this energy region, you cannot 
calculate XANES .

4. For XMCD, I need only K-edge . Even for that should I
 do SO calculation? If yes, as far as I understood, the lineup of steps
 will look like this after creating the unit-cell,:: a) Init_lapw ; b)
 Initso_lapw (or, symmetso -c ?); c) runsp_lapw -so ; d) x kgen -so ; e)
 put FERMI in case.in2c ; f) runsp_lapw -so -c -s lapw1 -e lcore ; g) x
 opticc -so -up ; h) x joint -up ; i) x kram -up .

For XMCD you always need SO.

PS: don't worry about runsp_lapw in 11.1 or 12.1 and complex. It 
should be ok.
Peter Blaha
Inst.Materials Chemistry
TU Vienna
Getreidemarkt 9
A-1060 Vienna

[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-11 Thread Gavin Abo
I suggest you upgrade to Wien2k 12.1, unless you want to spend a lot of 
time making the fixes to the 11.1 source code that have already been 
corrected in 12.1.

I see the following possible problems that can be avoided by using 12.1 
instead 11.1.

In your step 4, you are using runsp_lapw for a complex calculation.  
If you look at the script runsp_lapw in 11.1, you should find that it 
always runs as a normal calculation unless you manually change it so 
that it runs as a complex calculation.  An improvement was made in 
12.1, so that the script automatically runs as a complex calculation 
when it detects the case.in1c file.

I see that you are also using x opticc -so -up.  See what is says for 
SRC_optic of version 12.1 on the updates page:


On 2/11/2013 8:45 AM, prasenjit roy wrote:
 Dear WIEN2k users and Prof. Blaha,

  I am using WIEN11.1 version. While doing the XANES 
 and XMCD calculations I faced few problems, which I have arranged 
 below. I searched the mailing list, and also the Exercise11.pdf 
 but did not find the appropriate solution. My System is Fe2P, S.grp - 
 189. Metallic. Unitcell contains 6 Fe (Fe1: 3g, Fe2: 3f site) and 3 
 P(P1: 2c, P2:1b).

   1. For XANES: If my structure file contains atoms with 
 multicplicity  1 (in my case, 3), then after making the supercell 
 (1x1x2), if I remove one 1s electron from Fe1, it actually creating 3 
 core-holes instead of 1 (inside the supercell). So How should I create 
 the case.struct file at the first place?

   2. For obtaining XANES without core-hole, { and also 
 with core-hole } do I need to create k-points over the whole BZ ( in 
 chapter 8.16 of UG (pp 156), it is written that for X-ray ABS spectra, 
 eigenvalue must be calculated over whole BZ )?

   3. Is the Energy window in case.inxs depends on EMAX, 
 NBANDS in case.in1c?

   4. For XMCD, I need only K-edge . Even for that should I 
 do SO calculation? If yes, as far as I understood, the lineup of steps 
 will look like this after creating the unit-cell,:: a) Init_lapw ; b) 
 Initso_lapw (or, symmetso -c ?); c) runsp_lapw -so ; d) x kgen -so ; 
 e) put FERMI in case.in2c ; f) runsp_lapw -so -c -s lapw1 -e lcore ; 
 g) x opticc -so -up ; h) x joint -up ; i) x kram -up .
  For more accurate calculation, should I use 
 core-hole approach for XMCD, as suggested here 

 Thank you very much In Advance.

 With Regards,
 Prasenjit Roy
 Radboud University

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

-- next part --
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[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-11 Thread Gavin Abo
run_lapw and runsp_lapw are different script files.  Are both your runs 
with runsp_lapw with a case.in1c file?

When you grep the script file, do you also see the following 
differences?  Notice that there is no set complex in 11.1, so that it 
is always normal unless you manually change it in the script file.

Wien2k 11.1

username at computername:~/WIEN2k11.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
unset complex#set - complex calculation

Wien2k 12.1

username at computername:~/WIEN2k12.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
set complex
set complex2
#unset complex#set - complex calculation
 set complex2 = c
#--- complex
set complex = c
set complex2 = c
testinput$file.in1$complex error_input
 if (! -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) cp $file.in1${complex} 
 if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
 if ( -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) mv $file.in1${complex}_orig 
 if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input
testinput$file.indm$complex2 error_input
testinput$file.in1${complex}s lcore
testinput$file.in2${complex2}s error_input
testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input

On 2/11/2013 2:53 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:
 Hi Gavin,

 In your step 4, you are using runsp_lapw for a complex 
 calculation.  If you look at the script runsp_lapw in 11.1, you 
 should find that it always runs as a normal calculation unless you 
 manually change it so that it runs as a complex calculation.  An 
 improvement was made in 12.1, so that the script automatically runs 
 as a complex calculation when it detects the case.in1c file.

 I recall I did a quick test with both version 11.1 and version 12.1 
 when the latter was available. Here is the log

 Version 12. 1

 Wed Jul 11 14:37:36 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:37:45 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -up -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:38:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -dn -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:00 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -up -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -dn -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:08 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) mixer

 Version 11.1

 Wed Jul 11 14:41:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:41:31 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -up -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:10 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -dn -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:49 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -up -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -dn -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:05 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:07 MST 2012 (x) mixer

 From the log, it seems to me runsp_lapw in the version 11.1 was 
 doing the same as that in the version 12.1. [On the other hand, with 
 so option, if we run_lapw, lapw2 will run complex automatically.]
 I appreciate if you can clarify this issue.



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[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-11 Thread Zhu, Jianxin

I'm quite sure I ran both versions with runsp_lapw with a case.in1c file.
Your simple grep does not necessarily indicate version 11.1 does not 
automatically run complex.
Do you want me send you a case with *.in1c so that you can test on your machine?

It is surprising that runsp_lapw now becomes so messy in version 12.1



From: Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edumailto:gs...@crimson.ua.edu
Reply-To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at 
zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.atmailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
List-Post: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:23:08 -0700
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at 
zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.atmailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: Re: [Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

run_lapw and runsp_lapw are different script files.  Are both your runs with 
runsp_lapw with a case.in1c file?

When you grep the script file, do you also see the following differences?  
Notice that there is no set complex in 11.1, so that it is always normal 
unless you manually change it in the script file.

Wien2k 11.1

username at computername:~/WIEN2k11.1$mailto:username at 
computername:~/WIEN2k11.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
unset complex#set - complex calculation

Wien2k 12.1

username at computername:~/WIEN2k12.1$mailto:username at 
computername:~/WIEN2k12.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
set complex
set complex2
#unset complex#set - complex calculation
set complex2 = c
#--- complex
   set complex = c
   set complex2 = c
testinput$file.in1$complex error_input
if (! -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) cp $file.in1${complex} 
if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
if ( -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) mv $file.in1${complex}_orig 
if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input
testinput$file.indm$complex2 error_input
testinput$file.in1${complex}s lcore
testinput$file.in2${complex2}s error_input
testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input

On 2/11/2013 2:53 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:
Hi Gavin,

In your step 4, you are using runsp_lapw for a complex calculation.  If you 
look at the script runsp_lapw in 11.1, you should find that it always runs 
as a normal calculation unless you manually change it so that it runs as 
a complex calculation.  An improvement was made in 12.1, so that the script 
automatically runs as a complex calculation when it detects the case.in1c 

I recall I did a quick test with both version 11.1 and version 12.1 when the 
latter was available. Here is the log

Version 12. 1

Wed Jul 11 14:37:36 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
Wed Jul 11 14:37:45 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -up -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:38:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -dn -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:39:00 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -up -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -dn -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:39:08 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) mixer

Version 11.1

Wed Jul 11 14:41:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
Wed Jul 11 14:41:31 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -up -p
Wed Jul 11 14:42:10 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -dn -p
Wed Jul 11 14:42:49 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -up -p
Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -dn -p
Wed Jul 11 14:43:05 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
Wed Jul 11 14:43:07 MST 2012 (x) mixer

[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-11 Thread Gavin Abo
Ok, it looks like -so always runs as complex with runsp_lapw, but it 
could affect a complex runsp_lapw calculation without -so.

On 2/11/2013 3:39 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:

 I'm quite sure I ran both versions with runsp_lapw with a case.in1c 
 Your simple grep does not necessarily indicate version 11.1 does not 
 automatically run complex.
 Do you want me send you a case with *.in1c so that you can test on 
 your machine?

 It is surprising that runsp_lapw now becomes so messy in version 12.1



 From: Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edu mailto:gsabo at crimson.ua.edu
 Reply-To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users 
 wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at mailto:wien at 
 Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:23:08 -0700
 To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at 
 mailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 Subject: Re: [Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

 run_lapw and runsp_lapw are different script files.  Are both your
 runs with runsp_lapw with a case.in1c file?

 When you grep the script file, do you also see the following
 differences?  Notice that there is no set complex in 11.1, so
 that it is always normal unless you manually change it in the
 script file.

 Wien2k 11.1

 username at computername:~/WIEN2k11.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
 unset complex#set - complex calculation

 Wien2k 12.1

 username at computername:~/WIEN2k12.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
 set complex
 set complex2
 #unset complex#set - complex calculation
 set complex2 = c
 #--- complex
set complex = c
set complex2 = c
 testinput$file.in1$complex error_input
 if (! -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) cp $file.in1${complex}
 if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
 if ( -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) mv $file.in1${complex}_orig
 if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
 testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input
 testinput$file.indm$complex2 error_input
 testinput$file.in1${complex}s lcore
 testinput$file.in2${complex2}s error_input
 testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input

 On 2/11/2013 2:53 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:
 Hi Gavin,

 In your step 4, you are using runsp_lapw for a complex calculation.  
 If you look at the script
 runsp_lapw in 11.1, you should find that it always runs as a
 normal calculation unless you manually change it so that it
 runs as a complex calculation.  An improvement was made in
 12.1, so that the script automatically runs as a complex
 calculation when it detects the case.in1c file.

 I recall I did a quick test with both version 11.1 and version
 12.1 when the latter was available. Here is the log

 Version 12. 1

 Wed Jul 11 14:37:36 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:37:45 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -up -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:38:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -dn -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:00 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -up -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -dn -p -c
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:08 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
 Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) mixer

 Version 11.1

 Wed Jul 11 14:41:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:41:31 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -up -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:10 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -dn -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:49 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -up -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -dn -p
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:05 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
 Wed Jul 11 14:43:07 MST 2012 (x) mixer

 From the log, it seems to me runsp_lapw in the version 11.1 was
 doing the same as that in the version 12.1. [On the other hand,
 with so option, if we run_lapw, lapw2 will run complex
 I appreciate if you can clarify this issue.



 ___ Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
 mailto:Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

 Wien mailing list
 Wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at

-- next part --
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[Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

2013-02-11 Thread Zhu, Jianxin

 but it could affect a complex runsp_lapw calculation without -so.

Can you give me an example case that runsp_lapw for complex case without ?so 
is breaking down in version 11.1 and what's the indicator for this breakdown?

I believe it is very important to have this point straightened out.



From: Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edumailto:gs...@crimson.ua.edu
Reply-To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at 
zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.atmailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
List-Post: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 16:10:55 -0700
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at 
zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.atmailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: Re: [Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

Ok, it looks like -so always runs as complex with runsp_lapw, but it could 
affect a complex runsp_lapw calculation without -so.

On 2/11/2013 3:39 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:

I'm quite sure I ran both versions with runsp_lapw with a case.in1c file.
Your simple grep does not necessarily indicate version 11.1 does not 
automatically run complex.
Do you want me send you a case with *.in1c so that you can test on your machine?

It is surprising that runsp_lapw now becomes so messy in version 12.1



From: Gavin Abo gsabo at crimson.ua.edumailto:gs...@crimson.ua.edu
Reply-To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at 
zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.atmailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
List-Post: wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 15:23:08 -0700
To: A Mailing list for WIEN2k users wien at 
zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.atmailto:wien at zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
Subject: Re: [Wien] Questions regarding xspec and optic

run_lapw and runsp_lapw are different script files.  Are both your runs with 
runsp_lapw with a case.in1c file?

When you grep the script file, do you also see the following differences?  
Notice that there is no set complex in 11.1, so that it is always normal 
unless you manually change it in the script file.

Wien2k 11.1

username at computername:~/WIEN2k11.1$mailto:username at 
computername:%7E/WIEN2k11.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
unset complex#set - complex calculation

Wien2k 12.1

username at computername:~/WIEN2k12.1$mailto:username at 
computername:%7E/WIEN2k12.1$ grep complex runsp_lapw
set complex
set complex2
#unset complex#set - complex calculation
set complex2 = c
#--- complex
   set complex = c
   set complex2 = c
testinput$file.in1$complex error_input
if (! -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) cp $file.in1${complex} 
if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
if ( -e $file.in1${complex}_orig ) mv $file.in1${complex}_orig 
if($status == 0 ) cp $file.in1${complex}new $file.in1${complex}
testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input
testinput$file.indm$complex2 error_input
testinput$file.in1${complex}s lcore
testinput$file.in2${complex2}s error_input
testinput$file.in2$complex2 error_input

On 2/11/2013 2:53 PM, Zhu, Jianxin wrote:
Hi Gavin,

In your step 4, you are using runsp_lapw for a complex calculation.  If you 
look at the script runsp_lapw in 11.1, you should find that it always runs 
as a normal calculation unless you manually change it so that it runs as 
a complex calculation.  An improvement was made in 12.1, so that the script 
automatically runs as a complex calculation when it detects the case.in1c 

I recall I did a quick test with both version 11.1 and version 12.1 when the 
latter was available. Here is the log

Version 12. 1

Wed Jul 11 14:37:36 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
Wed Jul 11 14:37:45 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -up -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:38:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -dn -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:39:00 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -up -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
Wed Jul 11 14:39:04 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -dn -p -c
Wed Jul 11 14:39:08 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
Wed Jul 11 14:39:09 MST 2012 (x) mixer

Version 11.1

Wed Jul 11 14:41:22 MST 2012 (x) lapw0 -p
Wed Jul 11 14:41:31 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -up -p
Wed Jul 11 14:42:10 MST 2012 (x) lapw1 -c -dn -p
Wed Jul 11 14:42:49 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -up -p
Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -up -d
Wed Jul 11 14:42:57 MST 2012 (x) lapw2 -c -dn -p
Wed Jul 11 14:43:05 MST 2012 (x) sumpara -dn -d
Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -up
Wed Jul 11 14:43:06 MST 2012 (x) lcore -dn
Wed Jul 11 14:43:07 MST 2012 (x) mixer