[Wiki-research-l] Re: The Wikimedia Foundation Research Award of the Year - Call for Nominations

2023-02-06 Thread Emily Lescak
Hi all,

This is a friendly reminder that today is the last day that we will accept
nominations for this year's WMF-RAY. Thanks to those of you who have

Warm regards,


On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 11:31 AM Emily Lescak  wrote:

> Hi all,
> We invite you to nominate one or more scholarly research publications
> to be considered for the Wikimedia Foundation Research Award of the
> Year. Learn more below.
> =Purpose of the award=
> Recognize recent research on or about the Wikimedia projects or recent
> research that is of importance to the Wikimedia projects. Recognize
> the researchers behind the research.
> You can learn more about previous winners at
> https://research.wikimedia.org/awards.html.
> =Eligibility criteria=
> Your nomination must meet the following criteria:
> * The research must be on, about, using data from, and/or of
> importance to Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons or
> other Wikimedia projects.
> * The publication must be available in English.
> * The research must have been published between January 1, 2022 and
> December 31, 2022.
> =Nomination process=
> Submit your nominations by February 6, 2023 through
> https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wmfray2022. We will ask you
> to provide the following information in your nomination:
> * Title of the manuscript
> * A copy of the manuscript you are nominating
> * A summary of the research and a clear justification for why the work
> merits the award (in 350 words or fewer in English).
> Note that self-nominations and nominations of others' work are both
> welcome.
> ==Winner(s)==
> The winner(s) will be announced in a ceremony as part of Wiki Workshop
> 2023.
> If you have any questions, please contact us at
> wmf-ray-2...@easychair.org.
> Warm regards,
> Emily Lescak, on behalf of Benjamin Mako Hill (University of Washington)
> and Leila Zia (Wikimedia Foundation)
> --
> Emily Lescak (she / her)
> Senior Research Community Officer
> The Wikimedia Foundation
Wiki-research-l mailing list -- wiki-research-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Wiki-research-l] [CFP] 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023) at the HU Berlin, Second Call

2023-02-06 Thread Kai Sauerwald

[Apologies for multiple postings.]

Second Call for Papers: 28th International Conference on Conceptual 
Structures (ICCS 2023)

September 11th-13rd, 2023, Berlin, Germany

Website: https://iccs-conference.org
Twitter: @iccs_confs
Contact us:  cont...@iccs-conference.org

About ICCS:
The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focus on 
the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge at the 
crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational 
linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive 
science. The ICCS conferences evolved from seven annual workshops on 
conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F. 
Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and 
reasoning (KRR) paradigms have been getting more and more attention. 
With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations 
provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to human users. 
ICCS 2023 will take place in Berlin, Germany, in September 2023. 
Scholars, students and industry participants from different disciplines 
will meet for several weeks of conferences, workshops, summer schools, 
and public events to engage with the broad topics, issues and challenges 
related to knowledge in the 21st century.

Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously 
unpublished research on the formal analysis and representation of 
conceptual knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). All papers will 
receive mindful and rigorous reviews that will provide authors with 
useful critical feedback. The aim of the ICCS 2023 conference is to 
build upon its long-standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on 
providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based 
systems. In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that 
address graph-based representation and reasoning paradigms (e.g. 
Bayesian Networks (BNs), Semantic Networks (SNs), RDF(S), Conceptual 
Graphs (CGs), Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), CP-Nets, GAI-Nets, Graph 
Databases, Diagrams, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, etc.) from a 
modelling, theoretical and application viewpoint.


Topics include but are not limited to:
Existential and Conceptual Graphs
Graph-based models for human reasoning
Social network analysis
Formal Concept Analysis
Conceptual knowledge acquisition
Data and Text mining
Human and machine reasoning under inconsistency
Human and machine knowledge representation and uncertainty
Automated decision-making
Constraint satisfaction
Contextual logic
Knowledge architecture and management
Semantic Web, Web of Data, Web 2.0, Linked (Open) Data
Conceptual structures in natural language processing and linguistics
Metaphoric, cultural or semiotic considerations
Resource allocation and agreement technologies
Philosophical, neural, and didactic investigations of conceptual, 
graphical representations

Important Dates:

- Abstract registration deadline: March 19th, 2023
- Submission deadline: March 26th, 2023
- Paper Reviews Sent to Authors: May 14th, 2023
- Rebuttals Due: May 21th, 2023
- Notification to authors: May 31th, 2023
- Camera-ready papers due: June 14th, 2023

Submission Details:

We invite scientific papers of up to fourteen pages, short contributions 
of up to eight pages, and extended poster abstracts of up to three 
pages. Papers and poster abstracts must be formatted according to 
Springer’s LNCS style guidelines and not exceed the page limit. Papers 
will be subject to double-blind peer review, in which the reviewers do 
not know the author's identity. We recommend using services like 
https://anonymous.4open.science/ to anonymously share code or data. 
Anonymized works that are available as preprints (e.g., on arXiv or 
SSRN) may be submitted without citing them. Submission should be made 
via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccs2023. All 
paper submissions will be refereed, and authors will have the 
opportunity to respond to reviewers’ comments during the rebuttal phase. 
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, 
published by Springer in the LNCS/LNAI series. Poster submissions will 
also be refereed,  and selected poster abstracts might be included in 
the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper 
or poster must register for the conference and present the paper or 
poster there. Proceedings will be indexed by DBLP.

Submission Details:


General Chair:
Robert Jäschke, Information Processing and Analytics, Humboldt 
University of Berlin, Germany


[Wiki-research-l] [CFP] Workshops and Tutorials at the 28th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023) @ HU Berlin

2023-02-06 Thread Kai Sauerwald

[Apologies for multiple postings.]

Call for Workshops and Tutorials at the 28th International Conference on 
Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2023)

September 11 - 13, 2023, Berlin, Germany

Website: https://iccs-conference.org
Twitter: @iccs_confs
Contact us:  cont...@iccs-conference.org

About ICCS

The International Conferences on Conceptual Structures (ICCS) focus on 
the formal analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge at the 
crossroads of artificial intelligence, human cognition, computational 
linguistics, and related areas of computer science and cognitive 
science. The ICCS conferences evolved from seven annual workshops on 
conceptual graphs, starting with an informal gathering hosted by John F. 
Sowa in 1986. Recently, graph-based knowledge representation and 
reasoning (KRR) paradigms have been getting more and more attention. 
With the rise of quasi-autonomous AI, graph-based representations 
provide a vehicle for making machine cognition explicit to human users. 
ICCS 2023 will take place in Berlin, Germany, in September 2023. 
Scholars, students and industry participants from different disciplines 
will meet for several weeks of conferences, workshops, summer schools, 
and public events to engage with the broad topics, issues and challenges 
related to knowledge in the 21st century.

Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously 
unpublished research on the formal analysis and representation of 
conceptual knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). All papers will 
receive mindful and rigorous reviews that will provide authors with 
useful critical feedback. The aim of the ICCS 2023 conference is to 
build upon its long-standing expertise in graph-based KRR and focus on 
providing modelling, formal and application results of graph-based 
systems. In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that 
address graph-based representation and reasoning paradigms (e.g. 
Bayesian Networks (BNs), Semantic Networks (SNs), RDF(S), Conceptual 
Graphs (CGs), Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), CP-Nets, GAI-Nets, Graph 
Databases, Diagrams, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, etc.) from a 
modelling, theoretical and application viewpoint.

Call for Workshops/Tutorials

We invite proposals for workshops or tutorials to be held on the first 
day of ICCS 2023 (September 11, 2023) in Berlin, Germany. Proposals 
should address current and emerging topics related to the formal 
analysis and representation of conceptual knowledge (cf. also the list 
of topics in the CfP). Workshops and tutorials provide an opportunity to 
discuss novel topics in an interactive atmosphere. They can concentrate 
in-depth on research topics, but can also be devoted to application issues.

Duration and Format

We welcome both full- and half-day workshop/tutorial proposals and 
encourage a program that is both varied and interesting. We specifically 
encourage innovative formats for workshops that go beyond traditional 
paper presentations, for example, including a challenge for participants 
to solve, or jointly working on a specific problem or document at the 
venue. Combinations of half-day tutorial and workshop are also possible, 
thus providing the option to introduce a topic and then to discuss 
relevant research.

ICCS 2023 will be an on-site conference, thus all contributors are 
required to present their work locally in Berlin.

Important Dates

- Proposal deadline:  May5, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: May   12, 2023
- Tutorial/Workshop day:  September 11, 2023

Proposal/Submission Details

Proposals for workshops/tutorials should (at least) provide the 
following information:

- A brief description of
  * the specific issues that will be addressed,
  * the reasons why the workshop/tutorial is of relevance,
  * the main research areas involved,
  * and what the workshop/tutorial will add to the conference (e.g., do 
you expect papers of a theme that would not fit the main conference?).

- Specifically for workshops,
  * information on the workshop chairs and the expected program committee,
  * a draft of the Call for Papers, including information on accepted 
formats (e.g., regular papers, extended abstracts, oral-only 
presentations of relevant recently published or submitted contributions, 
  * and the expected format of the workshop (e.g., invited talks, 
presentations, poster sessions, panel discussions, challenge sessions, 
or other ideas for ensuring an interactive atmosphere).

- Specifically for tutorials, please add some details on the person(s) 
who gives the tutorial and the expected length.

- In the case of a combined